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2606 S Race St - Building
North Peninsula Electric 928-9409 p.2 RECEIVE. DU _r d CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION APR 2 WWOAI -... Building DivisfonlElectrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street-P.O-Box 11501 Fort Angeles Washington,95362 ELECTRICAL � Ph: (360)417-4735 Fos: (360)417-4711 MSPECTiONS Date: c �ultl-Famlly or Commercial* Plan Review May B Required, Ptease Comple a Electrical P€an� iew Information Sheet Job Address: r���C�Ir� S Ulding Square Footage: Descrptlorr of above ' Ownerinformatinn l ` Cantractorinfo atla 1 Name: Y' S� S�`. `��VS?�1 Name: Y Mailing ApTe�ss: - '' �7� lulailln Address: chy'_-�—s- Stater Zip: 3 `Z City: 3 Phore: Fax: License4,Exp. License 1Exp,' -� - Item Unit Chard tQ Total Multiplied by knit Charge) SeMcerFeede,200 Amp. $132.00 $ ServioFeede 201400 Amp. $160,00 $ SeMcelFeeder 401-600 Amp $225.00 $ ServicelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $288.00 $ ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp, $410.00 Branch Clrcult Wl Sevice Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit N110 Service Feeder $ 74.00 $� Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 ____, $ —�- Branch Circuits 14 $ 85.00 $ Temp.Servicer Feeder 200 Amp, $102.00 $ Temp.ServlcOFeeder 201-400 Amp. $121.40 $ Temp.Serv,celFeeder 401-600 Amp. $16400 S Temp.Serv!celFeeder601-1000 Amp, $185,00 $ Portal to Portal Ho.irly $ 95,00 $ SignrOutline Ugh ling $ 88.0c $ SignalClrcult lt.imitedEnergy-lvA-Family $ 64.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy!First 1500 sf-Commercial $ 96.00 $ Note, $5.00 foreach additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy-5KVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermoslat $ 56.DJ $ Note:$5.00 for each additional T-Stat $ -1 J, Total Owner as defined by RCW,18.28,261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for tswc years after this electrical permit Is finalized.�2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease.Permit expires after six months of last inspection. Ater reading the above statement; I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor.I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliarce with the electrical laws,N.E.C.,RCW,Chapter 19,28,WAG.Chapter 298-456,The City of Port Angeles Nunlcipal Code,and 1-16lity Specifications and PAK 14,05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner,electrical contractor or electrical administrator: © cash ❑ Crmck (} JO-Cred A Gard# 014112Di2 I i i - i ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number , , . . , 14-00000498 Date 4/29/14 Application pin number , . . 815646 Property Address . , . , . 2606 S. RACE ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMSFR: 06-30-10-5-1-0810-0000- Application type description ELECTRXCAL ONLY on your excise fax form Subdivision Name , . , . . . Property Use I . to the City of Port Angeles Property Zoning . . . (Location Code 0502) Application valuation . . , , 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 2 circuits . Owner Contractor CHRISTIAN CHURCHES INC NORTH PENINSULA ELECTRIC 2606 MOUNT ANGELES RD 761 FRESHWATER PARK RD PORT ANGELES WA 983626755 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 -^`f (360} 477-1764 Permit . . , . , . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL f Additional desc V' Permit Fee 79.00 Plan Check Fee QO Issue ]late 4/29/14 Valuation , . . . 0 Expiration Date 10/26/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 74,0000 ECH EL-COMM BRANCH CIR WO/ S/F 74.00 1.00 5,0000 ECH RL-ECH ADANT BRANCH CIRCUIT 5.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- Permit Fee Total 79,00 79.00 00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 X00 Grand Total. 79.00 79.00 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN ' s 1. FINAL G° COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM.LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCIIANGEI 3UILDING Application Miscellaneous Information Maintenance CITY OF PORT ANGELES SUNGARD' SECO,+ His {.lvvil, v/ OK X Exit Cancel Add i v Application Miscellaneous Information Maintenance Application number 08 00001098 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-10-5-1- 0810 -0000- Address: 2606 S RACE MOTE DOTE 7/02/09' July 2 2009 8 39 04 AM 1pengrle 7/02/09 PER A PHONE CALL TODAY RITE PHIL EDEN, 4 7/02/09■ ITHE REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE CHURCH, THEY 7702/04 IAREN T GOING TO 7/02/091 PROJECT AFTER ALL HE AGREED I SHOULD 7/02/091 EXPIRE THIS PERMIT Highlighted 'Code field indicates the line is not available for List selection. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 08 00001098 Date 9/23/08 Application pin number 520720 Property Address 2606 S RACE ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 10 5 1 0810 0000 Tenant nbr name FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Application type description DEMOLITION Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation 10000 Application desc DEMOLISH MOST OF THE OLD CHURCH Owner Contractor FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH CRAFTSMAN FINE HOMES LLC DISCIPLES OF CHRIST PO BOX 1779 2606 S RACE ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 461 0606 (360) 452 2272 Structure Information 000 000 DEMO MOST OF THE OLD CHURCH Permit DEMOLITION Additional desc DEMO MOST OF THE CHURCH Permit pin number 133603 Permit Fee 50 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 9/23/08 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 3/22/09 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50 00 Special Notes and Comments September 22 2008 2 19 50 PM tdahlqui All overhead conductors must be removed by the City at customer s expense before demolition Maintain code required clearances The Fire Department has reviewed the project application and has no comments September 16 2008 12 54 26 PM sroberds Demo only No land use issues September 22 2008 2 16 50 PM tdahlqui All overhead supply must be removed by City at customer s expense prior to demolition Maintain all code clearances An approved Public Works Waste Disposal Application is required prior to taking material to transfer station WDA 08 32 Other Fees Fee summary Permit Fee Total Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction /o' JhU1rf/27- J®o`.vrEvy Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T.Forms /Building Division/Building Permit Charged STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Paid Credited Due 50 00 50 00 00 00 Ex? krui 2, -0 BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4807 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace Ducts Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting I ESA. Landscaping I SHORELINE. IFINAL Date: Accepted by FINAL Date: Accepted by FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE RESIDENTIAL DATE Accepted By Commercial Date Accepted By Electrical 417 -4735 I I I Electrical 1 I Construction R.W Construction R:W PW Engineering 417 -4807 PW Engineering Fire 417 -4653 I I 'Fire Planning 417 -4750 I I I Planning I I Building 417 -4815 1 I 'Building I I T Forms /Building Division /Building Permit CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Page 2 Application Number 08 00001098 Date 9/23/08 Application pin number 520720 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Other Fee Total 4 50 4 50 00 00 Grand Total 54 50 54 50 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T Forms /Building Division/Building Permit IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By I Comments FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace Ducts Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts I FINAL Date: MANUFACTURED HOMES. Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting I ESA. Landscaping I SHORELINE. RESIDENTIAL T.Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4807 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 FINAL Date: Accepted by FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Electrical 417 -4735 I I I Electrical 1 I Construction R.W Construction R.W PW Engineering 417 -4807 9 PW Engineering Fire 417 -4653 I/ I I Fire j I Planning 417 -4750 I/ I 1 'Planning I I Building 417 -4815 V 7 -7_—©(I IBuilding I I Accepted by DATE Accepted By Commercial Date Accepted By OCR m v, v, PERMIT APP,. .4 TION Print in m? CITY OF PORT ANGELES Q Attn Bu Permit Technician 321 E Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 ��5�� i- (360):417 -4815 fax (36° 417 -471 e Sd i t"I606 e h l i p R Ed; n %e ci wvy,6) to rn M n fa h Applicant or Agent MRIMA t lf V 2272 Phont 3 G.0 A/ S (512-7 Property Owner F/Arr &h ernyk Phone 340 1 -15 L- 2.2.7t.. Property Owner's Address 21,c4 f; A?4e.. (ft PQ&r .,/JE f (,U'+ 91,762. Contractor /Engineer C� LAF7Tti4AN FiNg ,I�iwtiser z A te Phone 360- A67 -B QZ-7 Contractor /Engineer's Address f', 0 8&x ?7 7 fir' {WG iJ,i al 9 License CAAFTFff 167 TL Expires `f f/4/ /20/0 PROJECT ADDRESS 2 Co.0 A4CE hv,1r /N6ei-€.f (,U,4. ,Pe Zoning 1 Parcel Number 0630/0 ,e Project Type Brief Description Check all that apply yi Demolition Other Floor Areas Basement 1 Floor 2nd Floor 3 Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other ,e1. O wneAc Total footprint of structures Max. height of proposed structures Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? WI; a fire sprinkler system be installed? DEkOUSf,F P& a rio,v Residential )(Commercial Multi family Industrial df, cvl Yccer o i) a n0c7 5C of E sr, n_ $Ld 'if pfl %coKn rc.T A- /I r.t.1; 4 t-tec p r,n✓' 7227 de°ir,nL, 17dr✓ wood burning stove gas firepl ce pellet stove other T Forms /Building Division/Billy Permit .pi 2006 Code doc Existing (sa. ft.) Proposed (sa. ft.) ft. c Presc T 9 /c COI I sq ft. Lot size Lot VA 6'40 Cif i(7A CAL Occupancy group Occupant load Construction type r per sq ft. w Wh,re^ °Ur a fi nfe5 TOTAL VALUATION /D, e oc sq ft. Lot coverage' For t,ity Use Only e Received(* q -63__ os rmit p$._. jpcig Approved W/oea O of bedrooms of full baths of half baths Date /LI/0 Print Name,Og4047 17;74 ow Signature agif 1 have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects s co h H eo -cad zenovi c, Lit Z -o5oi 5 sI -cl ey. wit( dexy,o 2 /3 of 4) chu (The cvesce+± moon scu,, *red'(1 (eve •-'rhe, treci -on1(e Ike- sa, d Ph k 1 kern cd ti-7--t _-j i3(0 I s 'lie G o co J 1 0 (I0 (0`7 T__ Calf F tde,+n Nell ge deknoz errs k.i2efre de'v)oiv,5 r c 5Keck --ov- Z -3 wKs 1 l-h,rne rc t l e o--boc�t ea.� S e,� i�e.� as I D 09 ©�7 Was��e. -Dc sp 1 I t•� Fin 11i Q stock isle 40_6-o 5 Is be` rl }e s a k,e 1 1 vse s -u 6 4-- h +o Troni a X h I W A S H I N G T O N U S A October 9 2007 First Christian Church 22 Creekside Drive Sequim, WA 98382 RE. Port Angeles Landfill Transfer Waste Disposal Application, WDA 07 -47, Building remodel at 2606 South Race Street, Port Angeles WA We have received your application for disposal of building demolition debris from the referenced site and reviewed the testmg results for lead content. Based on the testing results the debris appears to be acceptable for disposal at the transfer station. A copy of your approved application is attached. This approved application must be shown to the transfer station scale attendant at the time of disposal. Please be advised that this disposal application is only for the materials and quantities listed in the application. Materials not listed or in excess of the quantities noted may require separate applications and approval. Please call if you have questions. Very truly yours Public Works Utilities Department Stephen Sperr P.E. City Engineer Encl. WDA 07 -47 Copy Claudia Stromski Bldg N:\PW KS\ENGINEER \W DAPPLIC\07 -47 File: Landfill Solid Waste Disposal Applications S Phone 360 -41 -4805 Fax 360- 417 -45 Website www uityoff_a s Email publicworks @cityofpa ;s .:21 East Fifth Street P C Box 11 Port Angeles WA 98302 -0217 ot3rrQ,) /ec; 10/4/2006 0 PM of 9ORTA irW11 PORT ANGELES LANDFILL o h 'tAKS A0 To City of Port Angeles City Engineer 321 E Fifth Street PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 1 Generator Information. Company Name. Mailing Address. Phone Project Name Project Location Consulting Firm: Contact: Phone Contractor Name Contact: Phone Laboratory Contact: Phone. WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATION NOTE. All questions must be answered for waste to be approved vt5t C_ T! Any Phone (360) 417 -4803 FAX. (360) 417 -4709 �2 C.In�alc5i )S u�k t 1;�rt' roc: l 72-9 L- 2 1,0G Sc.),_374,i i J_4 (k tc? et.- P. 4 2 Other Contacts (if applicable) EZ'.EGVc.JI L 4> 7s.c. ATt S 6o- 4 417 -0Lco 206 5, 7 Dic >o wb> City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 1 Wed,10/4/2006 0'4 PM 3 Source of Waste Check the appropriate box below and briefly describe the project, process and /or cleanup that will or has produced the waste requiring disposal Include the gasoline service station number (if applicable) CERCLA/MTCA Remediation Independent Remedial Action Unused Chemical Product Spill 4 Waste Material Composition (check all that apply and include percent of total) Soil Foundry Slag Concrete /Asphalt Dredge Sediments Preserved Wood X Debris eo Coal Ash Other (list) Wood Ash NOTE. Total must equal 100% 5 Waste Material Contaminants (check all that apply) Agency Contact: UST Removal Other Source OJ J 1 Gasoline Metals Solvents Heating Oil Unused Motor Oil Used Motor Oil/Waste Oil X Other Other Petroleum Product Unknown NOTE. Supply any MSDS information with application if available Diesel PCBs City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 2 Ned,10 /4/2006 0•4 PM 6 Estimated Quantity of Waste for Disposal "lam Other NOTE. Estimated quantity for disposal must be within 20% of the quantity actually disposed (10% for projects over 7 500 tons or 5 000 cubic yards 7 Frequency of Disposal One time Monthly 8 Waste Sampling Proper characterization of the waste for disposal requires the collection of representative samples The methods and equipment necessary for obtaining representative samples of a waste, and the frequency of sampling will vary with the type and form of the waste. Check the appropriate box and briefly describe how and where the waste was sampled Include site maps with sampling locations if possible Number of COMPOSITE samples number of discrete samples per composite Number of DISCRETE samples Ae--..O, ;ti 0 /2Z- -el) t l PA //UT f 7)/ 0 iUv 1i1 `1 1 !U i, k T n-t l.-\- I 60T1 fZ..L Qv., /1- ,(.t/`- e: J A f) W ki l T A `1) I i'O i il_r_.o —1- 1 chi', )T 0 6 9--k vd PH a /OJT 0 -FiLA il 1 l 0A/ C� NOTE 1 Unless prior approval has been granted by Port Angeles the following sampling frequency will be used NOTE 2. 0 -25 25 100 101 500 501 1000 1001 2000 >2000 Cubic yards Drums cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards One composite sample discrete samples. Tons (estimate both) Tons (estimate both) Annual Other 1 composite sample 3 composite samples 5 composite samples 7 composite samples 10 composite samples 10 plus one sample for each additional 500 cubic yards shall contain a minimum of three /maximum of five City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 3 Wed,10/4/2006 0:4 PM 9 Waste Analysis The 'Dangerous Waste Regulations (WAC 173 -303) shall be utilized to determine the appropriate analytical requirements for waste characterization Ecology Publication #91 -30 (Revised April 1994) 'Guidance for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils shall also be used to characterize petroleum contaminated soils from UST releases Submit all laboratory analytical results QA/QC data and Chain of Custody sheets along with this application. (NOTE. The laboratory must be accredited by the Washington State Department of Ecology a) List all analytical test methods used _p4 cJ /7C b) Provide a narrative as to why the above analytical methods were selected �L� k rc) The S A G F o err, x 3TL,{1 T t-k..&(4.h S A Or e')c_ NOTE. Additional sheets attached YES 10 Soil Classification (**FOR PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOILS ONLY**) Based on the analytical data and Ecology Publication #91 -30 the soil classification is (check one) Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Calculated Hazard Index 11 Dangerous Waste Affidavit: NO Based on a review of the analytical test results site history and the applicable regulations, this waste is classified as (check one) Neither Dangerous Waste (DW) nor Extremely Hazardous Waste (EHW) Dangerous Waste (DVV) and Waste Code Extremely Hazardous Waste (EHW) and Waste Code City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 4 Ne d,10/4/2006 0:4 PM 12 Certification. We THE UNDERSIGNED certify that this application is true to the best of our knowledge All information provided is correct and the enclosed analytical results represent the proposed waste materjal to the best of our abilities W te Signature ✓ZA Printed Name Company City of Port Angeles Approval City Engineer /D 9 -0 7 Date -9 7 Approval Expiration Date Aocl cgT7 .J) P?6. City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 5 NVL Laboratories. Inc. 4708 Aurora Ave N Seattle, WA 98103_ Tel. 206.547 0100 Emerg. Pager 206.344 1878 1.888.NVL.LABS (685.5227) Client Zenovic Associates, Inc Street O\ G (o" C e e� METALS El Total Metals jXTCLP Dot Limit Matrix pit ppm (AAS) El Air Filter p ppb (GFAA) Drinking water U Dust/wipe Soil Other Types Fiberglass Nuisance Dust of Analysis Silica Respirable Dust Seq. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lab ID Print Below Sampled by f44Cruck Relinquished by l rr .€63190_461z J Received by IC roivuj Analyzed by .I I ek u Results Called by Results Faxed by I CHAIN of CUSTODY SAMPLE LOG Paint Chips Paint Chips (Area) D Waste Water Client Sample Number I Comments 1/2-- A I Pt /ass" Sion Below I C ---7 _1c 'eda 14 BATCH ID 2712544 00 3 r 1 -Hr 24 -Hrs 4 Days 2 -Hrs 2 Days 5 Days 4 -Hrs 3 Days 6 to 10 D ays Please call for TAT less than 24 His Email address 47f (43 1- Uet) (L PrsT NVL Batch Number Client Job Number Total Samples Turn Around Time Port Angeles Project Manager 4-7 ,(BUD 62fs Project Location Fie& CilettS?LAIJ al (1 vLC,Ir4 P,4,2-k ,4 ✓t qc€ sti POW ANt c.4s Phone: (360) 417 -0501 Fax: (360) 417 -0514 1 Asbestos Air I PCM NIOSH 7400) ❑TEM (NIOSH 7402) U TEM (AHERA) TEM (EPA Level Ii) Other I Asbestos Bulk I PLM (EPA/600/R- 931116) PLM (EPA Point Count) D PLM (EPA Gravimetry) TEM Bulk RCRA Metals All 8 Arsenic (As) 0 Lead (Pb) Barium (Ba) Mercury (Hg) Cadmium (Cd) Selenium (Se) Chromium (Cr) Silver (Ag) Rotometer Calibration U Other (Specify) Mold/Fungus Condition of Package: Good D Damaged (no spillage) D Severe damage (spillage) J(Vc gSO -Its ('-1 t7 Company Date I /mil A- e.'_ Ig /sele 7 Special Instructions Unless requested in writing. all samples will be disposed of two (2) weeks after analysis Other Metals Li All 3 Copper (Cu) Nickel (Ni) Zinc (Zn) IAIR NVL Laboratories, Inc 4708 Aurora Ave N Seattle WA 98103 Tel. 206.547 0100 Fax: 206 634 1936 www.nvllabs corn Client: Zenovic Associates, Inc Address 301 E. 6th St. Suite 1 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Attention' Mr Tracy Gudgel Project Location First Christian Church Park and Race St, Port Angeles Sampled by Client Analyzed by Tanveer Khan Reviewed by Nick Ly Analysis Report Date Analyzed 08/30/2007 Date Issued 08/30/2007 AIHA IH 101861 WA DOE C1765 Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Lead (Pb) mg/ L Milligrams per liter ppm parts per million Note Method QC results are acceptable unless stated otherwise Unless otherwise indicated, the condition of all samples was acceptable at time of receipt. Bench Run No 27- 0830 -7 AIHA ACCREDITED LABORATORY Batch 2712544.00 Matrix: Bulk Method EPA 1311/7000B Client Project 06043 Date Received 08/23/2007 Samples Received 1 Samples Analyzed 1 RL Results Results in Lab ID Client Sample mg/ L in mg /L ppm 27083507 8/22 -A 0 4 0 5 0 5 RL Reporting Limit Below the reporting Limit Pace 1 of 1 i fORT ii NGELES W A S H I N G T O N U S A Public Works Utilities Department September 8 2007 First Christian Church Phil Edm 1624 Lower Elwha Road Port Angeles, WA 98382 RE. Port Angeles Landfill Transfer Waste Disposal Application, WDA 08 -32 (previously submitted as 07 -47) Building demotion at 2606 South Race Street, Port Angeles,WA We have received your application for disposal of building demolition debris from the referenced site and reviewed the testing results for lead and asbestos content. Based on the testing results the debris appears to be acceptable for disposal at the transfer station. A copy of your approved application is attached. This approved application must be shown to the transfer station scale attendant at the time of disposal Please be advised that this disposal application is only for the materials and quantities listed in the application. Materials not listed or in excess of the quantities noted may require separate applications and approval. Please call if you have questions. Sincerely Stephen Sperr P.E. City Engineer Encl. WDA 08- 32 Copy Claudia Stromski Bldg N:WW KS \ENGINEER \W DAPPLIC\08 -32 File: Landfill Solid Waste Disposal Applications Phone 360 -417 -4805 Fax 360- 417 -4542 Website www cityofpa.us Email publicworks @cityofpa.us 321 East Fifth Street P 0 Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 -0217 1' Wed,10 /4/2006 0:4 PM o pORT rms A,40 "Q(S To City of Port Angeles City Engineer 321 E Fifth Street PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 PORT ANGELES LANDFILL WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATION NOTE. All questions must be answered for waste to be approved. Phone (360) 417 -4803 FAX. (360) 417 -4709 1 Generator Information. Company Name t s T i �N t N u Mailing Address /1-9- C 04.,fkLI t;) Ss Pvl k U is t Phone. l Project Name. Q, 1 1 cX Project Location 2&0 (7 A c .R P. Other Contacts (if applicable) Consulting Firm. 2.gG'V cJ._.) AT f S Contact: ,Ccc rt k2 A L t G. IL Phone X7 i 7 Contractor Name. L +t," c L Contact: Phone Laboratory 0\ /L f?,evc- ierravt. A s )av(_. Contact: Tz.Ci,z_) Lrf C r k H( l) Phone 7 ®t c, c W bill- o -7-4 City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 1 it Wed,10/4/2006 0:4 PM 6 Estimated Quantity of Waste for Disposal Other 7 Frequency of Disposal One time Monthly NOTE 2. 0 -25 25 100 101 500 501 1000 1001 2000 >2000 City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Cubic yards Tons (estimate both) Drums cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards One composite sample discrete samples. shall Tons (estimate both) NOTE Estimated quantity for disposal must be within 20% of the quantity actually disposed (10% for projects over 7 500 tons or 5 000 cubic yards.) Annual Other 8 Waste Sampling Proper characterization of the waste for disposal requires the collection of representative samples. The methods and equipment necessary for obtaining representative samples of a waste, and the frequency of sampling will vary with the type and form of the waste. Check the appropriate box and briefly describe how and where the waste was sampled Include site maps with sampling locations if possible Number of COMPOSITE samples number of discrete samples per composite Number of DISCRETE samples (0,2 L P i AvTx i) ZI I l iYLu k Tat t 1/J" 1) I UJTF'aZ-1 c� jn�l v �a 1 raT I) l�C. 1,) T f, e:) 24e v,1.5 Pro, ""r NOTE 1 Unless prior approval has been granted by Port Angeles the following sampling frequency will be used 1 composite sample 3 composite samples 5 composite samples 7 composite samples 10 composite samples 10 plus one sample for each additional 500 cubic yards contain a minimum of three /maximum of five Page 3 Wed,10 /4 /200 0:4 PM 12 Certification. We THE UNDERSIGNED certify that this application is true to the best of our knowledge All information provided is correct and the enclosed analytical results represent the proposed waste mater] to the best of our abilities /6/9k Date 7 Wte Generator Signature C�)C. Printed Name ATz Company City of Port Angeles Approval ‘_ezyjj. -an City Engineer /o g -o 7 9/54 5 Date -9-D7 -8 t Approval Expiration Date City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 5 4708 Aurora Ave N Seattle WA 98103 Tel 206 547 0100 Fax: 206 634 1936 www nvilabs corn NVL Laboratories, Inc Analysis Report Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Client: Zenovic Associates, Inc Address 301 E. 6th St. Suite 1 Port Angeles WA 98362 Attention Mr Tracy Gudgel Project Location First Christian Church Park and Race St, Port Angeles Lab ID Client Sample 27083507 8/22 -A Sampled by Client Analyzed by Tanveer Khan Reviewed by Nick Ly mg/ L Milligrams per liter ppm parts per million Note Method QC results are acceptable unless stated otherwise Bench Run No 27- 0830 -7 Date Analyzed' 08/30/2007 Date Issued 08/30/2007 RL mg/ L 04 AIHN AIHA IH #101861 4 1 4 WA DOE #C1765 ACCREDITED LABORATORY Lead (Pb) Batch 2712544 00 Matrix: Bulk Method EPA 1311/70006 Client Project 06043 Date Received 08/23/2007 Samples Received 1 Samples Analyzed 1 Results in mg /L 05 Unless otherwise indicated, he condition of all samples was acceptable at time of receipt. 05 Results in ppm RL Reporting Limit Below the reporting Limit Page 1 of 1 Date: 8/29/07 Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360- 385 -0584 northwestasbestosconsultants@cablespeed.com JQh Site: First Christian Church 2606 S. Race St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 contacts: Phil Edin 1624 Lower Elwha Rd. Port Angeles, WA 98363 Subject: Demolition Duper= Bob Witheridge AHERA Building inspector Management Planner WAMOA 0042- 10270601 Expires 10/27/07 Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed Street Port Townsend, WA 98363 Project t.ocalGan. 200S S. Race Street Port Angeles. WA Client Sample Number 9 Sample Description: 12 Floor Tile and Mastic Sample Location: Sample Comments: @619�id�ff�Adi cdviaYwa6sk. ewe. Kitchen, top layer Layer 1 Gray and brown stone pattern vinyl ASbestos Fibrous Components; Non- Asbestos Fibrous Components: No Asbestos Detected Layer 2 Clear adhesive with brown residue Asbestos Fibrous Components: Non- Asbestos Fibrous Components: No Asbestos Detected 3% C tbrims Client Sample Number 2 Sample Description: Floor vinyl with =sac Sample Location: lGtcben, bottom layer Saasoe Comments: White and tan pebble pattern vinyl with white fibrous backing and 8f -white residue Asbestos Fibrous Components: Non Asbestos Fibrous Components: Non Fibrous Components: No Asbestos Detected Client Sample Number 3 Sample Description: Floor vinyl with mastic Sample Location: Hallway, top layer Sample Comments: Sampled by: Bob tWtitheridge Ruin Whet Daiwa Reviewed by- Jude Cummings Bulk Asbestos Ana ysis Report 15% Cellulose 5% Synthetic Gold, black and white vinyl with white fibrous backing and tan residue As Fibrous Comp nts: Non- Asbestos Fetus Components: Non fibrous Components: 5% Cellulose 45% Filler and Binder 35% VInyl Filer and Binder (Sample results continued on next pogo) 01211007 012312007 a/24MM NIH Batch Number 0T -00005 Client Job Number Turn Around Time: S Day C Samples Anatyzett 0 215 SW 1 '3rd Street Sullen, WA 9S 186 OFFICE: (206) 588 -1745 FAX. (206) 988 -1 5 7 5 EMAIL nihinc@eschelon.com NVLAP* 200511 -0 Lab Sampia Number 87- 80808,0001 Chedced It Sample Not Analyzed 0 Non- Fibrous Component%: 20% Fine grains 80% Vinyl Finer and Binder Non Fibrous Components: 87% Finer and Binder 10% Miscellaneous Materials Lab Sample Number 07 Checked If Sample Not Analyzed p ,9% Filler and Binder 30% Vinyl Fehr and Binder Lab Sample Number 07-001105.0003 Checked if Sample Not Analyzed e Jude Cummings, Laboratory Manager D Page t e rsSrVS:aa. er a:rua. tt Northwest Asbestos Consultants 4108 Reed Street Port Townsend, WA 98383- Pra"eatLean tort: 2606 S. Row Stmst, Pot tA WA Bulk Asbestos Analysis Report 215 SW 153rd Street Suriert. WA 98166 OFFICE: (206) 988 -1746 FAX: (206) 9884976 EMAIL nihinc@eschelert.com NVLAP# 200519-0 NM Batch Number: 97 -00800 Client Job Number. Turn Amend Time: 5 Day C Samples Analyzed: 3 Client Sample Number 4 Lab Sample Number: 01 00806.0604 Sample Description: Roar cork materiel with mastic Sample Location: Naliway, bottom layer Sample Comm!' Layer 1 Medimn brown corn Asbestos Fibrous Components: Non- Asbestos Fibrous Components: Nan- Fibrous Components: No Asbestos Detected Layer 2 Dark brown mastic Asbestos fibrous Components: Non-Asbestos Fibrous Components: Non- Fthmus Components: No Asbestos Detected 5% Cellulose Client Sample Number 6 Sample Descfiptfon: Floor vinyl wilts mastic Sample Location: Classroom and bathroom senile Comments: Green and brown vinyl with white fibrous backing and brown residue Asbestos Fibrous Com ntz Non Fibrous Components: Non Famous Components: 10% Cellulose 48% Flier and Binder 30% Vinyl Filer and Binder Sampled by: Bob 1Alitberidge 6121/2007 Received by Rachel Meigoza 62312507 Reviewed by dude Cummings W2412007 ($4triple mutts continued on r rt paga) Checked If Sample Not Analyzed 0 100% Cork 95% Riker and Binder Lab Sample Number 0700305.0005 Checked If Sample NotAnalyzed 0 Client Sample Number IS Sample Description Floor vinyl with mastic Sample Location: Set8srnom off beltway same Comments' Layer t Brown end white vinyl Asbestos Fibrous Components: Non Asbestos Fibrous Components: Non Fibrous Components No Asbestos Detected 30% ate 70% Uunyl Filter and Binder Lab Sample Number 07 Checked if Sample Not Analyzed Layer 2 Light brown mastic Asbestos Fibrous Components: Non- Asbestos Fitt Components: Non-Fibrous Components: No Asbestos 3% Cellulose 97% Filler and Binder +f Jude Cummings, laboratory Manager Page 2 Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed Street Pod Towneend, WA WM- Pfojeci Localism 2508 S. Race Street, Pat Angakm WA Client Sample Number 7 Sample Desctiplian: Envy floor vinyl Sample Location: Back east room off office Sante Comments: Sampled by: Bob Witherldge Received by: Rachel Midge= Reviewed by Jude Cummings ItUUSSVOSISIAL NrCeffflikle. Bulk Asbestos Analysis Report White and tan vinyl with fibrous basking and brown residue Asbestos Fibrous Components: Non-Asbestos Fibrous Components: Client Sample Number g Sample Description: Ceiling the Sample Location: Back east room off ORM Sample Comments: While paint on =fibrous compressed material Asbestos Fibrous Components: Non-Asbestos Fibrous COmponents: No Asbestos netsoWS en Cellulose 012112007 0/23/2007 0124/1067 215 SW 153rd Street Stirlen, WA 96106 OFFICE: (206) 986-1746 FAX. (206) 988-10781 EMAIL. nihinc@eschelon.cem NAILAP# 200511-0 NIH Baton Number: 07-00605 Mani Job Number: Turn Around Time: 5 Day C Gametes Analyze& Lab Semple Number 07-00805.0007 Lab Sample Number 0746806.0008 e Checked If Sample Not Analyzed Non-Fibrous Components: 45% Filler and Binder 40% Vinyl Filler end Binder Cheated If Sample Not Analyzed 0 Non-Fibrous Components: 50% Alter and Binder 5% Paint Jude CurreinIngs, Laboratory Manager El Pegs 3 ,t, w .-S:' -04 s. 0 .%zi ea ,'S 4:: :1 sak. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o.o.o 0-0 o o o o 0 0 to o o o 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0.0 o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0:* o o 2o o o o o o o..:o o o.o o o o o o o o.o o o o o o O 7, O o o o o O o o o o o o o 0 o o o o THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT Bob Witheridge Participated in the EPA AHERA INSPECT MANAGEMENT PLANNER Refresher Course-offered by the 0 P WASHINGTON- ASSOCIATION of MAINTENANCE 0 and OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATORS The full day training program jri. o covered all topics specified in the 0 Model Accreditation Plan under Section 206 Title 11 of TSCA WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION of MAINTENANCE and OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATORS 0 The course was taken on October 27, 2006 in Silverdale, Washington o Certificate Expiration October27, 2007 0 Colin MacRae Course Administrator 1 2714 228th St. SE, Bothell, WA 98021 (425) 456-4568 '-, BUILDING PERMIT APPLfC.A TION Print in ink 0 ~r rlu CC\-.It . ----- ~ ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES ~ '1'\ F C"t IJ 0 I , '1 . . . .::>e..\ :)oY\I'\s.o. or lyse n y F"..t~;~:.'i' Attn: BULcJmg Permit TechniCian tf" I-o~ ate Received 9 - "3.-()/j$ __ '-- ~ 321 E. Fifth St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 Permit # Cf6- 16'(9 - 0 " ~R 'C..l360)417-481~ fax (360) 417-4711 '3bO-4~2.-2..2.7Z! Date Approved . J'.-S' Ph\ \\,p .EcAu'\ trorn +he.. churLh)-tuI},e.J I n-\11ese P'ctVlS' I SJ Applicant or Agent (}/tAfrfMIW FI/'I1i. !1fJNlIJJ ^.It. e. Phone:) (ia() - 'Ir7- ~~L .- Property Owner FI ~r eHIl.J.JT/~ t:HUlLcJ-/ Phone 3~ - LfJL- '2...'2.. 7t.. Property Owner's Address ~tP.s; Ri+eE tJJ7 P{i)A.:r A-N(i)E.LJEf Wit 9"J~L Contractor/Engineer LfJ..AFIJ MM FINe. ~MEf I.. /..,~ Phone 3fbO - ~S7 -t!) "'-7 Contractor/Engineer's Address p, () 8Q'X, 177 r ~lJ...r I;.E.LJfJ CUR. t;'r.7fJ <<- License # eAI'rFTPf/-'6,7 TL Expiresl:1!/l.( (1...fJ/() PROJECT ADDRESS 2.. W; ~ S; A.4c.E 17- %/LT IJ.N6eI-EJ aJlJ.. f?.?J ~ 2- Lot Zoning ~E.f /l.S 7 Parcel Number e;Jf:,3010 ..r1{)~/&1 Pro;ect Tvpe & Brief Description: 0 Residential Check all that apply New Construction ~ Addition C/f(J A. -e Remodel . Repair ~e-roof o Multi-family o Industrial ~Heat System o Other )(H~at pump 0 wood-burning stove 0 gas fireplace 0 pellet stove 0 other ~ S. 6'"'" I Floor Areas Existinq (sq. ft.) Basement '~\1\) c.cr-(\ex-ofe)Cist1~,- 1st Floor ~.,'YiA~ *=-336 B~ 2nd Floor . , 3fd Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other Proposed (sq, ft.) \f\ \ @$ rJ"~ per sq. ft. = $ J",'o ~J SO 5: '+ 4f 'i 'J /~:; \2 ()(') NiJ~~ *(0 \)S *- f'i:,lJl"€> ~-ec.e\VeJ. V Total footprint of structures '* 5) 5 Cj "4- h. 'Y€.. q 4 '8 TOTAL VALUATION $ ~OL.{ 70r sq. ft. -:- Lot size j!) (, 'f g S:;;l sq. ft. = Lot coverage .. o/~ CODY" C;:J:S shol\.')s <6q)a63 ') ~ G-;.. 28 ~ ft. Occupancy group ~ 3 # of bedrooms -e-- Occupant load es # of full baths ~ ~ Construction type Wf.jf}O F~"~1t. # of half baths _ J:f-=' Max. height of proposed structures ~ Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility 10 determine what pem/its are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects tJ () A Date ?/~r~f"_ Print ~jamefrLIJe,(T A. \;;d/1/JCJA/ Signature ~j-of ~'"'- TF,,~,;,;o~;:gl;~"APPL_2~~ 6Y~ 11'\ ~P1~ ~ -z... (0 ~ .c ~ -; $- ~ Yahoo! Mail - phile503@yahoo.com Page 1 of 1 Print - Close Window From: "Tracy Gudgel" <tracy@zenovic.net> To: '''phil edin'" <phile503@yahoo.com> Subject: RE: First Christian Church Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 08: 36: 15 -0800 Phil, Sorry to here that. It would have given your church a great building. I would just notify Linda, the permit tech, down in the planning/building department. She should be able to notify the other departments. I cant think of any other details to attend to. Tracy -----Original Message----- From: phil edin [mailto:phile503@yahoo.com] Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 5:44 PM To: Paul Eyestone; Tracy Gudgel Cc: Don Madison Subject: First Christian Church Paul/Tracy: After much work with the banks, we have determined that now is not the time to proceed with a building project. So, for now, I would advise you to close your files. Tracy: who should I notify at the City that we have determined not to proceed at this time? Any other details I should attend to? Phil Edin ~~ /- P (I j IrC}JlfCI (JdJ1Cf If J 5- cJ q http://us.f319.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?box=lnbox&Msgld=8575 _305887... 12/29/2008 r. I' ~ ,! }?ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Community & Economic Development Department October 10, 2008 First Christian Church Phil Edin c/o 1624 Lower Elwha Road Port Angeles, W A 98362 RE: Conditional Use Permit - CUP 08-04 2606 South Race Street Dear Mr. Edin: As you know, following a public hearing conducted on October 8, 2008, the City's Plmming Commission approved a conditional use pennit to facilitate the demolition of a portion of the existing structure, and construction of a new church structure in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. The conditional use pem1it was approved with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with requirements of the Public Works and Utilities Department for stormwater management, parking lot design, surfacing and construction materials, and street and sidewalk improvements. 2. The parking area shall include 9 shade trees planted interior to the boundaries of the parking area. Trees shall be a minimum of 2-inches in diameter at the time of planting and shall be of a variety that attains a minimum height of 35 feet. A minimum of 100 square feet of planting area shall be provided for each tree. 3. The pOliions of the site located within the environmentally sensitive area buffer shall be revegetated with a minimum of 5 native trees. As you are aware, development must be consistent with Intemational Building Code requirements. If you have any questions regarding this infom1ation, or about the building pennit process, please don't hesitate to contact this Department. Good luck with your project! Sincerely, f\ /' /}' .~ -L-L_ "-I; )-t'-L/uJx:J.-J Sue Roberds) Planning Manager vet: Building Division Phone: 360-417-4750/ Fax: 360-417-4711 Website: www.cityofpa.us / Email: smartgrowth@cityofpa.us 321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 1150/ Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 June 20, 2007 Based upon a preliminary review of the plans submitted, neither a fire sprinkler system nor a fire alarm system would be required for this new structure. This is based upon the following assumptions: o The square footage of the building will be as shown - 4622. If the square footage exceeds 6250 at any point, both fire sprinklers and fire alarms will be required. o The structure will not abut any other structures. That said, I strongly recommend the installation of both a fire sprinkler system and a fire alarm system. These systems have a proven record of effectiveness for both the early detection and control of fire events. At the very least, it is always my recommendation that the building owner be advised of the potential insurance benefits that can be derived from the installation of these systems. Additionally, although it is stated on the plans that the kitchen is not a commercial kitchen, if the intent is to cook foods that will emit grease laden vapors, then a type 1 range hood with fire suppression system will be required. Separate plans and permits are required for such an installation. Again, this is a courtesy preliminary pla..'1 review only. The formal review will be conducted when plans are submitted as a part of the permit process. If I can provide additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 417- 4653. \&~ Ken Dubuc, Fire Marshal Port Angeles Fire Department r 08 - 1099 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW Project Name: First Christian Church Address: 2606 South Race Plan # 08-30 I Com ~ Residential D I Date: 9.11.2008 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances. 1) Fire extinguishers must be provided. Provide 2A-10BC fire extinguishers adjacent to the xits in the following locations: Kitchen Sanctuary (2) Backstage Fellowship Hall 2) Provide address numbers for the building. Address numbers must be plainly visible, at least 6" tall and of contrasting color from their background. NOTE: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, compliance with the above conditions must be met. [] D D jQ(;)..~a Buil mg Department Copy Date: C\ . H . o~ Reviewed by: Contractor/ Owner Copy Fire Department Copy Electrical Service Information Form Public Works Engineering Department (360) 417-4700 Please complete and return to Public Works Engineering Department Name and address of party Street: responsible for permanent service billing? Site contact: Contractor: Electrician: Excavator: -r,-9,J) Daytime Phone: Name: Company: Project Type Daytime Phone: o Single-family residence ~ Commercial o Overhead service ~ Underground service o Multi-family residence; # of units o Subdivision; # of lots o General service o Other: ~~~-~ Project Information Street address I lot number: Nearest cross street: :>TI Voltage: 'S' Sq sq, f1. Main disconnect size: ~ 20/240 1 ph 0120/208 3ph 0120/240 3ph 0480 3W 3ph 0 Other III Standard residential loads (Lighting, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer) [ll AlC L FLA) [l! Range/Oven 0 Hot Tub o Clothes Dryer 'ij{I Heating ~ Pumps ( /11.- Hp) ~ Water Heater 0 Elevator (_Hp) 0 Other Check all that apply: Supporting Documentation Please provide a copy of the following: *Detailed plot plan (.dwg or .dxf format mandatory for subdivisions). *Electrical one-line drawing showing the service entrance panel and location. U T.L,T'1 ~UO)t\ *Connectedloaddata. u\'\ku'-'"Ii If-r t#..,. TI":~ *Size and locked rotor amps of all motors over 50hp. F',.,...r C ...,.-~4" e "Co Applicant's Signature: ' Date: "(!)'fif MAIL OR DELIVER COMPLETED FORM TO: 321 E 5TH STREET; PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 FAX TO: 360-417-4709 EMAIL: rlarson@cityofpa.us EMAIL: banders@cityofpa.us ViS Information form N:V:",f,,;'t:S\Ll(;HT\ENGR\ttOriginalf--i\ ;, .;--;Tiation !:~:n...-: f~{~ ./lSC<:i.~ -: r-08 ;..-- ~ - I~ -9 I~ -H~ l"\ d:.\ 0 ~ _ N\ I rt\ ~ ~ (j d ~i 17 ~ )] ~<-z.~ ~ ~ " ,I I UI &. 7.. -,L -- --- ~ll -- - -- -- 7. , ~ '~'."',,' .... ....... 0' ., , , <...!r ., 7.. ~ ~ A- :; ,"f ..... /l ;' ,', I"!' ":':f~(~ . '~~i:',~(~k"' ~~ ' ~~~ ~ "%? \u' I "^ ~ -e:.~ -& ~ I !,~) ~~t> ^ I'l\ i1)lt \J "Z /.... I a--1:1 G,'-=-~ -- --Jlt<\ L .1 4 .A l- ~. 't5 1 ~ tJ ";'J,~~:i J~ .. \f) A- ... aLL- L\ ~_ Q Vl f ~, I~ . I.- ~~j I ' , , ;, . 'i bJ ~ y. i ~ .1 (}:.... . i>- I I, ~:~:. -,' ..,~' ""rrifl' '~~_'lilh' 'f :jY~ ~ '.;,'" 'Ul~,~~;1t~~l'( I cl::; ~ . 4,.!;:" fu " ;:; , v\' , ~ ;~} I ..li It '~h~ ! II ~ I, '.: ~ -- --. -- --. -- I ~ , , i j . , .1 I , ! .','. .. ,; :~J-'; "~; r P-ark#Ave. /' / /' ,/ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ro "$ (/I :\- ~ ~\S ~ 'NO\e-'. \<\OS~ 0 ~eft\O \'iSW ) \?.J\\~\''\l.\ LP\\.\ \oe- E- x ue-r/ -th e- ~ "" r.od\ ~ \ ~(N.l\~7' \ QXl>tP~ , \~\~ 8', . .'1'..: ./ . '11 .>mi J r BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA TION Print in ink ~......., CITY OF PORT ANGELES -for Plu c~\l r:f li3~~ Att B 'I j' P 'T h" '~\ -ro~Y\SOi'\ IJ\ For City Use Only: '. r:ft:-~,,51 n: Ui.Clng ermit ec nlclan '1"I'O~ ate Received 9-3--0tt$ ~--~ 321 E. Fifth St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 Permit # Cf6-.. 16qq o . "-R "C..l360)417-481~ fax (360)417-4711 '3bO-4~2-2..2.12! Date Approved J . hd\tp .EJln trorn-tl~ churc.h)--tuSl)eJ It)+\rlese pl,u1,S' 1___ Applicant or Agent OMFrf'MIW Fldll. ffr;Nl1i.f ^.It I e Phone:) GaD - "Ir7- fJtt7....7_ Property Owner F/lUr MIJ./.JT/J1# ell"lJ....cJ-l Phone 34() - '1JL- '2..'2.. 7t.. Property Owner's Address ~tP.I'; RJ4.eE ~ P~1lT P,.N(bE.LJEf Wit 9"1~'2. Contractor/Engineer (.A.'AFIJ AA.M rlN~ ~Mef I.. i., ~ Phone S~O - 1TS7 -~ Y'L7 Contractor/Engineer's Address f', () 8Q'X.. 177 ~ iJ- &/!!. t:V19. '/'r.76 L.. License # eA/tFrFH -'d> 7 JL Expires~ll 1-')/0 PROJECT ADDRESS 2.. Cs,$" S; A..J.t.c.e 17- ~IJ..T IJ.N6/U..E.J t/)IJ., f??], 2 Lot Zoning ~E.r /J.S7 Parcel Number 0;:'3010 rl{)~/(? Proiect Tvpe & Brief Description: 0 Residential Check all that apply New Construction ~ Addition Cllv4. ~ Remodel *Repair lk'Re-roof )( Commercial o Multi-family o Industrial ~Heat System o Other )(H~at pump 0 wood-burning stove 0 gas fireplace 0 pellet stove 0 other Floor Areas Existinq (Sq, ft.) Proposed (sq, ft.) Basement . "lO) ~r(\l!k' of e)ti ~ \i ?J. 151 Floor te~\ ~3 .~ B~ ~'f'J 2nd Floor - 3rd Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other N\J~~ * <0 \<6 -Jf- Fi~vres ~(e\ve.).. " Total footprint of structures *' 5) 5 q ''t @$ I , f"'" g:g.. per sq. ft. = $ J,O~J 505: /8'J \2 b (!) 8 TOTAL VALUATION $ ~ 04 10 r sq. ft. -;. Lot size 1!} (, 'I f ~ sq. ft. = Lot coverage % (ou\" G:r.s sho10s <6"1) 0 63 ') ~ <C.. 28 % ft. Occupancy group ~ 3 # of bedrooms wl!!r- Occupant load 8S # of full baths ~ ~ Construction type lA:)aClD F1\bNlE. # of half baths ~ Max. height of proposed structures if Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects. II () /f Date ,1.'Uf~f" Print Name,O~e,t.T /,. V"6/!/vt:fPA/ Signature Wffpf ~ T:Forms/Building Division/Bldg Permit Appl.-2006 Code,doc ~ \ .~'t1 ~. , o Electrical Contractor o'!""'''"' _"""c""~ =,v.. !'~ ~.~_.; o Owner 't'..........~ ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION o Request Inspection \ \ Q Annual Permit Q Alarm 0 Carnival Q-t:ommercial 0 R~sidential a Residential MaiDt. CJ Signs Q Thermostat 0 Telecom. . ,r Installation dcscl'iptiol1 Job ",ired by o Electrical Contractor DOwner r....s.,.A\ \ c:; U\.)~ \ "''f Electrical contractor name License number f4;C. '-Lc:...\~ s.L.c.......,~\,."t-.,... . -c:-.c. _ t'l1nc.T5> ?SS"es, c;;. \_::f;. "t--e..~ Purchilser's mailing address "?23 ~.,..;'" +:::('>.0"""- City State Z]P98 3~2. -\SO..... Al\JGe\.,;><,. wi'\. Telephone lH.l1nber FAX l1umber l!SS"?O 34.0 -4'.>2 - 21-2+ 3;t.O - "'S''2- Prcmise$ owner'$ R3me F,....~\ C. \.\.R\ ",,\I'''..) c ~uR-c.1-\. tJ,;~O'" Address of inspection Z(.O&, SO. ~""~~ ;3'10 - 3"0.- cj(y~ ~...J6!'-\..oc::".. 0"'-' o Cash o Check # El.J i=,' z... I hereby cCl1ify tha.l r am the owner of the above named property or a licensed SCredi! Card Visa Mastercard Discover electrical contfa.ctor (or the finn'~ autllllri~cd agent) and am making the electrical iDstallation Qr alteration in compliance wilh the electrical law, Chapter 19.28 RCW. Card # - - - ---------------- ;"~~r. e~rl'~n,l'~".':' "':";"] .dm;ni"..,., Expiration Date G",p::t,~.r2-0 of card \ I WALLS VCElLlNG TIlERMOSTAT ,r SER"lCE ln~\lIation Only Insulalion Only Dille ^ppn)~~'(J By D,,\~ ^\tJir()Vc~ By D~lc MlIl'llvcd By Dille AppfCVl:d By DITCH FEEDER Cover Cover '. O;a.lt Aflprovcd Dy ll~lll Appr(lvcd Hy OM. Approved By f)~le ApJ!IlIved By EI~C!!i~~ad Addllions and or subtractions o NO LOAD CHANGES o Baseboard t<JN o Fumace ~.__ KW U Heat Fump Ton LAA o Fan"Wall 'tCW ~ Sende@ Informstion [J Overhead Service [J Temp Service CJ Underground Sel'ViC~ Voltage PhasoD1D3 Service Size: _ Feeder Si.1:e: / In~l1cction Area, Duildillg or Equipment Inspected Action Tak:ell F.lccmcal Datc Inspectl)\" /- Cf- oS' h ,.1&1 /11-' ,a,-.n . - '-. , -.-. '<' - .""'--.".-.."'."<"-' , , '" . - u_.._n.'_. .<1. /- / ~ '. --- _n_ / / -- .d W~E0:80 S00C 8. '+~O 09S8 CSt> 09E .ON X~j " SJINO~lJ3l3 HJ31-IH WO~j ~ ..... CITY OF PORT ANGELES °~' PUBLIC WORKS - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED: 8/30/2001 PERMIT NO: 12917 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION 2606 RACE S CHRISTIAN CHURCH INC. 918 E. LAURIDSEN Lot: 9 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 8 [] Long Legal 360/457-7062 Subdivision: DANNS PARK T: S: Parcel No: 063010510810000 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT OWNER N/A VARIOUS Port Angeles, WA 99360 , 98360-0000 206/000-0000 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $500,00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: STAIRS/EXT SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: 0 Occupancy Type: COMMERCIAL Garage: 0 Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: RS-7 ~ Fi ~ ~[--- PROJECT NOTES REPLACE EXTERIOR STAIRWAY TO CLASSROOM FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $23.50 Misc Fee 1: $0.00 Plan Check: $0.00 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $4.50 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $28.00 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $28.00 Mechanical: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 Separate are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, pdvate and public improvements. This permit becomes Permits null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a pedod of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances goveming this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presuml con,~fru.~tit:n?Ve authority to vi/..~ elate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of lSi~ture of Contractor or ~uthofized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) ~ I BUILDING PERMIT- APPLICATION ~t~ ~ Building Permit- P~-application ~t be~ out co~lete~. ~ ~: ~ PI~ ~e or print in in~ If you have any questions, ple~ ~ 41%4815 Applic t Agent: ffo Phone: f ~cM~c~ngMe~:. ~ ~ Phone: Ad.ss: Ci~:. Zip: ~G~ DEflC~ON: L~ ~ Block: ~ Su~v~ion: ~ N ~ CO~ P~CEL ~ER: C~it Ca~ Holder Name: Bili~g Addms: ~ C~:. Cr~it Ca~ ~:. Exp. Da~: ~SA MC T~E OF WO~: S~UA~ON: ~ Residen~ ~ N~ Co~. ~ Re-roof ~ Woo~ve SF. ~ $~SF. = $ ~ ~ Mu~-~y ~ A~fion ~ Move ~ G~e SF. ~ $ /SF. = $ ~ ~i~ ~ ~el ~ ~oHfi~ ~ Deck SF. ~ $ /SF. = $. ~ R~ ~ S~ ~ . . TOT~ V~ON $ COURteSiES: ~up~cy ~p: Occult ~ud: ~ ~: No. of S~: ~ ~t S~: ~ % Lot Cov~ge: % Ex~g ~t Cov~e: /sq. R. + ~pos~ Lot Cov~ge: /sq. R. = TOT~ LOT CO--GE: P~G USE ONLY: ~ROV~S: No~:. ~ B~. DPW ESPied(s): ~ Yes ~ No SEPA ~oc~ ~qu~ ~ Y~ ~ No ~ B~G ~P~CA~ON S~: Your ~p~n ~ds~ep~ ~ ~l~ out ~e~ ~ ~ ~t~for ~. Bufl~g Di~ion c~ ~vide you wi~ mo~ d~il~ ~fo~a~on on ~e a~licafion ~d pl~ su~ requ~en~. B~B~G P~ ~P~CATION S~: Yo~ c~pl~d a~li~on, si~ pl~ (f~ ~difio~) ~d buil~g con~on pl~ ~ m ~ submi~ m ~e Buil~g Di~sion. V~UA~ON OF ~NS~U~ION: ~ ~1 c~, a v~on ~o~t m~ be m~ ~ ~o ~L ~ fi~ will be re~ ~d may be ~is~ by &e Bulldog Div. ~ comply wi~ c~t f~ ~h~l~. ~n~t &e Pe~it C~ator at 417~815 for ~si~. PL~ ~ ~E: Yom p~ ch~k f~ ~ ~ at &e ~e ~e ~g ~t a~fi~fi~ ~d ~n~on pl~s ~ ~iR~. All o~ ~it fees ~o ~e at ~e t~e ofp~it is~cz. E~TION OF PL~ ~W: If no pz~it is issu~ wi&~ 1~ days of~e ~te of app~cafi~, ~is ~ppHcatio~ ~11 expi~ by l~itafions. ~e Buil~g ~ci~ c~ e~end &e ~e for action by ~e applic~t up to 180 day~ on ~R~ request by ~e appHc~t (~e Se~on 107.4 of&e U~fo~ Build~g Code, c~t e~on). No a~lica~ c~ be extruded mo~ ~ once. 1 ~by c~t~ t~ I h~e read ~ ~i~d th~ ~plication and ~ t~ s~e to be ~e ~ co~t, ~ I am ~thor~ed to app~for this permit. 1 ~st~ it ~ not the Ci~'s legal r~po~ibili~ to ~termine what ~its ~ r~uired; it ~mai~ the ~plica~'s r~po~ibili~ to ~t~mi~ w~t pe~iU ~e required ~ to obtain s~h.) ~~/ / PW-11~13l~SYOl] Applic~~ ~~ Date: '&; 'M CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION ~21 EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 05-00001049 Date 10/30/05 836966 2606 S RACE ST 06-30-10-5-1-0810-0000- ELECTRICAL ONLY o Owner Contractor CHRISTIAN CHURCHES INC 2606 MOUNT ANGELES RD PORT ANGELES WA 983626755 HI TECH SECURITY INC 72 3 E FRONT ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-2727 Permit . . . . . Additional desc . Permit pin number Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date ELECTRICAL ALTER HI-TECH/ SECUITY 63370 HI TECH SECURITY 42.20 10/30/05 4/28/06 COMMERCIAL SYSTEM INC Plan Check Fee Valuation .00 o ~ ~ Qty 1. 00 Unit Charge Per 42.2000 EL-LOW VOLT SYS <=2500 SQFT Extension 42.20 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due -----------~----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 42.20 42.20 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 42.20 42.20 .00 .00 ~ 'I ~ lA ~{ COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 4174735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER. INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS I YES NO III II 'H - IH11ICyH_IN I CU'vr..K SERVICE ...INAI I j J..... '9 - 0.".;-' I /17.""~..J I GENERAL COMMENTS: pw.II02.J'I4'961 ,', 2ltObS ~'5r If 2007-1207103 Page 1 of 3 Quit Claim Deed Port Angeles City Of Clallam County Washington 08/13/200701"53.30 PM 1111 ~'I"'j, ~r.llll\ ,li'\~l-ll~ ,Iltll ,r1ll',liIir.I,,:I,I...~~~il",~,~ 11111 , AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: William Bloor, City Attorney City of Port Angeles P,O. Box 1150,321 E 5'h St Port Angeles, W A 98362 DOCUMENT: QUIT CLAIM DEED ,D. 8'153~ CLALLAM COUNTY TRANSACTION EXCISETAX 9'l DATE PAID AUG 1 3 2007 AMOUNT sV ~urJBtt~U.i~(O 0 ce.JrOf GRANTOR: City of Port Angeles GRANTEE: First Christian Church Disciples of Christ LEGAL DESCRlPTION: That portion of Bye Avenue abutting Lot 2, Lot 8, Lot 9, and Block A, together with said alley abutting Lots 2 through 9 inclusive, Block 8 of Dano's Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washingtou ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO: none assigned QUIT CLAIM DEED The GRANTOR, CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation, for and in consideration of the following described City un-opened right-of-way having been vacated in Ordinance 3279, does convey and quit claim to the GRANTEE, First Christian Church Disciples of Chris~ the following described real estate situated in the County of Clallam, State of Washington: That portion of Bye Avenue abutting Lot 2, Lot 8, Lot 9, and Block A, together with said alley abutting Lots 2 through 9 inclusive, Block 8 ofDann's Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, as per plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 90, records of Clallaru County, Washington. And as shown on attached Exhibit A. Dated this ~ay of ~,2007. ~ By: ^-- '. STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss, County of Clallam ) b\.. ~ .G.,) On this Js1 day of ~ ' 2007, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pnblic in and for the State of Washington, duly co 'ssioned and sworn, personally appeared Karen A. Rogers and BECKY J. UPTON, to me known to be the Mayor and City Clerk of the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, the municipal corporation that executed the fore going instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument. ~tQ.."-'-' 'N\D-S y--c..\"'-~ Notary ublic in and for the State of Washington residing at Port Angeles My commission expires: 5 - d 5 - I \ Notary Public State of Washington JEANIE M. DEFRANG MY COMMISSION EXPIRES May 25. 2011 -2- Legend D Proposed Street Vacation Buildings ..~'.1.:::;~tt,,-. .:L"fiilE1l-_1'~~lIO.f';iJ.,,;;:... .- . ORDINANCE NO. 3279 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion of Bye A venue and the alley lying within Block 8, Dann's Park Addition, in Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of Bye Avenue and the alley lying within Block 8, Dann's Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington; and WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the State Environnlental Policy Act (SEP A) rules as set fOl1h in WAC I 97-11-800(2)(h); and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the City Council following public notice pu~suant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and \VHEREAS, vacation of the right-of-way appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the right-of-way never has been opened or used by the public, and considering all circumstances, that no compensation should be charged to the adjoining owners; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the following right-of-way, as depicted on Exhibit "A," is hereby vacated: That portion of Bye A venue abutting Lot 2, Lot 8, Lot 9, and Block A, together with said alley abutting Lots 2 through 9 inclusive, Block 8 of Dann's Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, as per plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 90, records of Clallam County. -1- . Section 2 -- Compensation. No compensation shall be required Ii-om the adjoining owners for the vacation of this street. Section 3 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specillcally dclegatedto the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall lake effect Ilve (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting ol"the title. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance and to [lIe a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and the Clallam County Assessor. I' ASSED by the City Council of the City 01" Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 17th day of April, 2007. /" /~ ~ ( \'q/' / ~~ ~, 'f-e:?;;p'i/l./' MAYOR J ATTEST: ~(l~ jJo+-nA Becky 1. U n, ty derlJ APPROVED AS TO FORM: .' 'I / ,. ,/ /v. . .' /,i:;.'-' , .. /i . \. .,,:>~.....,. William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary (j:\J..cgnU!"ckup\ORDINANCES&RE.'iOLUTIONSIORDlNANCES.2IMI7\21Xl7-7.FirSI Chris!;"" STV.032XOI.wpd -2- . CITY OF PORT A.NGELES STREET VACATION PETITION fPa IE (G [E ~ W IE fD) NOV 0 7 2006 .' TO. The !(isvCouncil of the CilY of Port Angeles, Washington- CITY OF PORT ANGElES Dept. of. Commullil Development I resp-,I.,. .:;,' A 1/ "'"'1 ~oJL '8 J 1. The un:dersigned petitioners request that the foJlowing desctibed portion of fun h'<' 7 d. rk Street/Alley in the City of Port lmgeles be vacated pursuaot to Chapter 35.79 RC\V (legally describe the property req!l~s!edfor vacation belm,). <:t II ~ d G ~\ '1 f 0 +S 2.. e::;,~L{'f{. CP I txbJ<-. <;? } ~dnn 5 p~ "'Comenowiheundersignedpetitionersandpursuaot to'ChapterJ5:79 R 2. Each of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above , ~ described area.' ", bV<::X~oy-., 3. ~ p~ own pr'i}perty abutting on said area. I 4. Themn1es aod addresses of property owners abntting on said areas are as follows: Name Address '-4;~Cklshd..Ma~ {)CrJefo ~d~ S+-. .' . .. '. ~ ?ovt AvcreJES LOA Q'63&;l 5. The und,ersigned petitioners constitUte more than two thirds ofllie owners of said abutting ~~. I /. . VI~FO~ ~f ;~oners ask that proceedings be comencedhereon lor the vacation ofsaid area of said ~i 1.-P r/ '8 Street/iilleyin themaonerprescribed in Chapter 3579 RCW . I f1,. d. <...... . '. . , . Respectfully submitted, . I . ,Name. ~V'd-QI; '('t~ 1:'~~ C:~ 01-\0~ Addrer.s C"'-L 6).., LeO La. ~ . -Kd..Q-e ~ ry,.,v+- Al--qpl~'S u~t4q'?3~ Phone 4-5:;), ~.;:L 1 '83 FileNo. rrrv nF pnrrTj A Nr,.'RJ ,Re;: 1/1 1=1~cll=11H\' C::h-,,/>i P t1 Pony 11.<;n P....-rt 11......,..,.,,1.... 1/iT ^ Q['":lt:'J r:lt:n\ III '7 ,1"7r.n OCT-!'3-2006 02: 10 Pf1 ZE~-.jO'...' I C G A':::~:OC I ATES 360 417 6514 F'.02 f." 1 ,C:1., "".-. " ,..jt ,Hi':~::ili;llt; --'i.i jii,""ili,~~.<lL~I:.a.J:,kl~~i"." ,'.. :~" "lJi~.,I;,t,n~ -1 ~ ',Ir\ 4~ ".) , (i,'". . ;11: "f 1 ..vQ'~f'~ _ "~""r _ .$ t' WC4'Y . . . , . , ,j , " , ' i I .. .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I { ~ <.- " ~ ! tb ,. I I... () '. , s I ;; - --,.. . b .. " .. " "1.4;1(" n 9) ... ~ ~. " I I .f .~ , , " ~' \ ~ A ~Ir/ \1rl-'''i~. ~ I . 4)'(' ., . '. Q '1, "'., ' " ,,'"'!t:tfj e, t.:.<~; ,.. ,.- ~..y-..- "..."" _ .CL.~" .~' , ~ .. . IO/J< 4-l!-"'. " '1ol> {. ..~~~ . f , , l/, t ~ 'i: ;t r ... <'... """ ~ b.~.r'''''-,:, :.",:,~ , ..~ ~:'; , <::....J'... i '~ ~\ r . ~:: " , ~'" -.k..... t.l, ~ i;; '.: [ .; ~ ~-.(O I)) ~ lI"l ,f:\ \-__WA';'N!~~.-t.'_ \ ~' , .- ~. . ~ .t .........t':.l. ;; " ..... ""... """~ ,,..'. '/' ., I CO t rl.\.~ " I> ~ ~, III ,,(4 t: , . Co, " ~'i 87: ~.,=', ~ " ~, t,t, 0, ',,;. if ~ ,c. QI...- J.. ""-:" ~~_ :: ~-1'(" <' ~ ~ ~ 1\, c '~ili "~J ~ N'J~\~ ~\'l ',( \ '1'\"'- ~ ~ ~ ~ " ... to ,I> \, "4 ~ ~ " , ~ L~. A_ . , ~' 8-.h S_.r,;-::' Ta,r,.,. - --: . A....;>'!it...\J,~ . w' 'I ..._ . :,'t, . M ... . ..... f;'\:~"",~~,'<:f_ ";' . ......~~ . ." , . tJ>-:", .'.1,: ,'[ I " , AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: Name Address First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Port Angeles 2606 South Race Street, Port Angelest \\'A 98362 Telephonej (360) 457-7062 Filed for ~ecord at Request of: Northwest Regional Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Kent, 'VA I I i QUIT CLAIM DEED THE GRANTOR(S) FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ), Port Angeles, Washington, ~ Washington Non-profit Corporation I d. I .d . For an m COllSt eratlOn of$1.00 I conveys arid quit claims 10 NORTHWEST REGIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ), a Washington NOh-profit Corporation I the foHowmg described real estate, situated in the County of CJalJam, state ofWashingwn, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: ! PARCEU A: I PARCEUB: PARCELC: Lots 1 to 9 inclusive in Block 8 ofDannls Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington as per plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 90, records of Clallam County, Washington, EXCEPT that portiou conveyed to ClalIam County, Washington, by deed dated July 24, 1934, recorded in Volume 126 of Deeds, page 31, records of said county. All of Block A ofDann's Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, as per plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 90, records of Clallam County, Washington. That certain parcel of land designated on the plat as "Dann's Park" EXCEPT that portion therenf conveyed to Otto Albert Schanz, Jr., b}' deed dated April 24, 1926, filed for record October -1927, and recorded in Volume 115 of Deeds, page 350, records of Clallam County, Washington; ALSO EXCEPT the portion thereof conveyed to Clallam County by deed dated Jnly 24, 1934, filed for record August 8,1934 and recorded in Volume 126 of Deeds, page 31, records of said county. All being io Dann's Park Addition to the Townsite Port Angeles. Washington as per plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plat page 90, records of Clallam County, Washington. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number: 063010510810 Dated: NO CLALLAM COUNTY TRANSACTION EXCISE TAX DATE PAID By AMOUNT COUNTY TREASURER BY Jndy Mullally, Board Chair First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Port Angeles 2606 South Race Street Port Angeles , Washington i STATE Of; WASHINGTON COUNTY ()F CLALLAM I certifY th,u I know or have satisfactory evidence that Judy Mullally (is/are) the person(s) who appeared hefore me, and said p~rson(s) acknowledged that (he/she/they) signed this instrument. on oath staled Ihat (he/she/they) (is/are) authorized :to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as Chair of the Board of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Port Angles, Washington be the free and voluntary act of such party(ies) for the uses and purposes I -NA.I'J)/I!j V':rI;cafOalllm \'A/)/lJ<J/ Hurizontal/xlIIln' ~j ~ N 200 Foot I h:f4 t)4.1!./IO , .. 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Use Code: 9750 EXEMPT land Size (acreage): 1.82 Note: Acreage is not listed for all properties in the Assessor's records. More information about land size. Tax Status: Tax Code Area:: 0010 Zoning Code: Note: Zoning and zoning codes change constantly. Verify all zoning with the appropriate planning or building department. Building Characteristics; (Click on Bldg. # for more details.) _#_ BI(lg._TYRe_I:Udg._SJyJe__ TQtaJ_S.F. BD _BA_ Tax History Sales History ~ [Back I 111.041,77711 http://apps.clallam.net/website/sitis-p.pgm?parcel=06301 051 081 00000 (j) Page I of I )/ 11/11/2006 , , ',,- '" "1.' ,,__~..5'.<: 1/,,' , ~ /," Ifbt::-(j/ ,<,-, , " ------------ , ",-':' -==s ( "~. / ,/ ,- , ~. -----.:..:.. - I ,'I 11,'1 , ' ~~: J,-r-- ____A,,&. 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I . j .'1::,'. i ,. ~'I.'" 1 'j;" ~ . .~ ,i..... .,., 1 l " ., 1 1\',1 , , If i' i.lr,': !"',I r I !pj In I'! ' "'1 1, , t, ,'I Ii' I, Ii " DANN'S PARK ADDITioN. TO THE TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGElES. WASHINGTON. Comprising the fo/lowi!!j,.decribed hinds. Lot I. Sec.lO, nONR.6WWM DEDICATION. . St...l.orw..~I"n'Jto"'1 Counly of CI...1I4m 55 ~ i Know ..11m." b~ the~pre~~nb th...t w. AI(r.d un..."" ~"J s."", 5 D..." ". hu~bo."d 1n"J wlf., .w,,"~ j"f.~ ~Imi'fe .f I~~ .b..eJ..."b.J {,.d .f l"nJ.Jo ~m~y d~d"" H,;~ pl..l Qf Da",,~ P..,kAJJi/iop. .~JJ.Ji'a.I.I.!ht~,. .1 t1npv~/;. (.""-( ..1/ IJ.. "/ml~, ..."v.. "".1 ,,1/41" ,,~."" ~"'D" d.hi,k".p uJ by_y~., , I" 1'I!.;:::..;h.".r N' h... k-J" $./;..v,~.~J~ .nJ .((,..J DIH .../. Ihi~llJ.y of~AQW~_ 11.",<< W}"I. Alfrerlll no,"" VI Rrv",fidJ. 0." S... " no.... -.I 8,Alf,eJU Da"n H"At/~ln{ad , .* ''''1' ~~ , -" 1 , ,~ 0, ';j...' 1 1 '':! SOYD . " " , n , !.. H J, , '. '" . WE hi M '" U 2-' ;u,as." ,'<:~' 'co" , ~. T . J , J < '',:.i. .~ ,.. 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"'''''''yeJtJr. "<O"'P"Y/~f pI.f. {~i /h, II'f.dc,~ "i/A .if" (') "!"'~'nllh~ I"J..1i""nJI""/~r..i anJ (ro.h.". lh.",J .~Jlhol ,,/_ ",....",..i~ ",.d.d wdh ~ '''''''(OJ.".ot.t t~. r.v~.m _Jh~J2-''!M~___ fillH.",y uIO...n.. [nf'."" ~/ i" ~~ ~ APP~DVfD thiilld.y.(..b1pADl$L ~~!L._ C...I,F"f"'" /lce.,,"d bylhe BOd,d.r C.~.ly C."'m''';u,,~ .(CI.P.",C."/y. W.''''''f'- 1~"B'U.,.r.L4-NJ 1S13-_ JCH..nJ~n Ch4i,,,,,,n ____ 6~"2S FII.J ...Jru.rJ.J.I/h'''fuuJ .IA-UD..." 1}';~~I~DJ11Ll.. ./.Ji",,~ pu/.J:..trd..t..E11... 0"/,4f.911,.fZ'.{R",.J'J(JrPJ"I~, RnMfI8'r"'. .._.. R."(.,.,CI.ll.,,, C..~/)\ W~~h'",I." 8t lJ'p"~r , " , - OJ' , " . // . , so..7 ''''. J ','. " ..,( I i I d . '"'C.,1. 'Pi ,. <I VeL Z hGl. 90'~ ... ~. - " I . .$t~~ :1 It' n:;NTY lID IH~M.j. ISE TAx..;:.." -I PAID :".~'( 1 1962 I 00 ~lJUtn .;J;;. tc" - : ,JII}Y T~liRER .x1t . ,(jJ~~J, ~1 " THE GRANTOR S Statutory Warranty Deed 333Hll STEWART and RUTH H. STEWART, his wife, E~ A. lor and m comideration 01 Yen Dollars and Other Valuable Considerations IDbaDdpaid,conveysand..rrantlto THE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, INCORPORATED, a Washington Corporation, r the foDowiDc described real estate, lituated In the County of Cia 111m , State of WaolliDatoo. PARCEl A: Lots 1 to 9 Inclusive In Block B of Dannls Park Addition to the TownsIte 0' Port Angeles, WashIngton, as per plat thereof recorded In Volume 2 of Plats, page 90, records of Clallem County, Washington, EXCEPT that portion conveyed to CI.l1am County, Washington, by deed dated July 24, 1934, recorded In Volume 126 of Deeds, page 31, records of saId county. PARCEL B: Att of Btock A of Oann's Park Addition to the TownsIte of Port Angeles. Washington, .s per ptat thereof reeord~ In Volume 2 of Plats. page 90, records of C1.ltam County, Washington. PARCEL C: That certain parcel of hnd desIgnated on the plat as IIDannls Park". EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to Otto Atbert Schanz, Jr., by deed dated AprIl 24. J926, ffled for record October ~ 1927, and recorded In Volume tl5 of Deeds, page 350, records of Cla11am County, WashIngton; ALSO EXCEPT that portIon thereof conveyed to Claltam County by deed dated July 24, 1934, filed for record August 8, 1934, Bnd recorded In Votume 126 of Deeds, page 3t, records o~ saId county. All beIng In Dannls Park Addition to the TownsIte of Port Angeles, WashIngton, as per plat thereof recorded In Volume 2 of Plats, page 90, records of Clal1am County, WashIngton. \1. ..m...!'1 ,.-.~-- ....... I"."'''.'' ".'..""~ .,,", "I" 'f '. \'~~:;""~1,.1E IL~J' li:~] ,. ~ , (ifff;,ffl. : ,; .. ;.~\~ I . ~;r",,,.= . , ',. .*~j",I..'j~ . - I "<~. ~~: II. .,;~~4 " I -jf .;,_",.~~~Jj -: I' ~~" - t~~~ ' I . - I 30th day of APri~.J ,1961. - / ..a.:~....: / _ . ..~.:ZU.>-(.(......) L-- 9L--<..., STATE OF WASflINlHUN, (II. County of Cl.llom I ODthildayperlODlllyappearedbeforeme E. A. Stewart and Ruth H. 5tew.rt, hIs ",,"e, the wtthlo and lO"lloiDe I...........t, and free and voluntary a.:t and deed. for the to me bcnnl to be the iDdMduaI s described in and who executed .......~.tloal they 11_ the sa... u the'r .. ..1ufl'.... ". _....tIooed. .;.~~.~,.~- JiF.~~~~, i::;/_' ilivitN"~ ", band and oftlcIaI.... thl, :0:'''' ! '"'" ~! I'-o:;$.: ;."" \~' ~.; . ~.: ~ \"&...."'ii- ~ ...... ...~... ~: "~. /_,....'!'~l :,~..,~~:: '. - f .......1" '...:.,....~. $ 30th _..G:...~tl-. .~:r11:., 1L.:d.~,LJL~ N.-, hblit: ~~;; SI", 01 WCS,\iN"OfI, ruidbI,., , rt Ange I 8S. .),~:; _.~..~-! 1 :; i I I , , Ii 1 ~---- ~....,~",,_.. ..~-- ~ --. :'. .(, 'C\~\ , ..' '..... " . ~ r ~,~,~~~~~.~~.>~. "..<,-,~:.,~~~..". '. fl."." .-,,' ;--' ~~" L' \ 7' '., .... ~r~.,,:.:J."..> ....:.t:;. .'.;'.,' . ....,.. o'.....;~';...:...... "-~'-'.' -,.,~--.:..- ......'\ .' ,. ...=~~'" . 'C". .'. .,'. .tR.:'f'.',.-..... .,. .: .. .' 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