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The City of Part Angeles
City Council Application A[1J Jr.��-
City Council Application
Applicant Name and General Information
First MI Last
Address City State Zip
Home phone Work phone Cell phone
_ w 4C
E-mail address J
Certification and Location Information
Yes or No
Are you employed by the.City of Port Angeles? ......... ...................................... __. _......... __. ._Yes No
Areyou a citizen of the United States?,........,-................_......,......................................_................................_............._..................,..................,................................ ...Yes No
Areyou a Registered Voter?_................................................................................................._..,.........,......,.........,.........................................,,.............,........._,....,.............. .,.Yes No
Areyou a City resident?.............................._...........................................,................................._....,.........,...._.............,,,.......,...,.......................,,...,.,.........,,.......,........................(,Yes No
Ifso,how long:..........................................._.............................._.._...,...................,,........,..,................,....._..._,.....,.........._.......................,_.....,._............................,..........,.... � Y
Do you own/manage a business in the City?----------- ........................ .............- -- ...,-....-Yes No
Coo you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field?_..........................................................................................Yes No
If so,please list:
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the City Council? If so,please explain:
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The City of Fort Angeles
City Council Application
Work or Professional Experience - List most recent experience first, or attach a resume,
Qo�\ C,
N --
Brief'ob description
Y `i
Brief lob description
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Brief job description.
Education—List most recent experience first
,. oV\ C CA Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earnedfMajor rea of Study Graduated''?
�` o'y`mil Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated'?
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
Organization/Location Group's purpose/ob.lectivc
Brief description of your participation
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation
...... w ,vv The City of Port Angeles
City Council Application
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I. Why are You interested in serving on the Port Angeles City Council?
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2. What is your background or experience do you think would help youtin serving on the City Council'?
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3. What is your understanding of the responsibilities ofthe City Council'?
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4. Please feefree to add any additional comments you wish to make regarding your application.
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Applicant Signatnke Date
Submit completed forms to; Office of the City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey
City of Port Angeles 360-41.7-4634
321 Fast 5"''Street ktnbailey((�,cityofpa.us
Port Angeles,WA 98362
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special accommodations because of a physical Limitation,
please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made.
This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of'the City
Council for appointment consideration. Additionally, it may become a part ofa City Council packet.
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Michael Merideth
3929 Solar Ln
Port Angeles WA 98362 CI°� Y uI T ,.., L".5
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December 3, 2019
City Clerk Office
City of Port Angeles
321 E. Fifth Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Attn: Karl Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk
Dear Ms . Martinez-Bailey,
RE; Letter of Interest
I would like to be considered for the open position (#1) ,
vacated by my colleague, the late Mr. Moran.
As you know, I have been on the city council for the last four
years . This makes me uniquely qualified. It would simply extend
my position on the council for the two years remaining on Mr.
Moran' s term.
As a current city councilmember, I understand the issues,
procedures, and have the experience that any other incoming
candidate would surely lack. I am the best candidate for the
position, and want to continue my service to our community.
In the last four years I have established a good relationship
with staff. And, most important, I have an excellent rapport
with the community. I believe my continuing on for two more
years would benefit our community with a sense of secure
leadership with four seasoned councilmembers at the helm.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Michael Merideth