HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication A AndersonThe City of Port Angeles Advisorv Board Application RECEIVED FEB 2 q 20m CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission Applicant Name and General Information First MI Last 707 E z/ * , ft Pnr+ I ozt,/t r ,, tn Ztshe Address City J State Zip ztY-3at -z8zE Homephone Work phone ,.a/ ,L/,-ld 6rr.t,D airyr zi 1 Cell phone CnrA E-mail address ._J Certification and Location Information Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles?........................ ArE you a Registered Voter?--- -rys No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Ifso, how long Do you otrr/manage a business in the City?.................... Do you hold any professional licenses, registrdtions or certificates in any field2 -it)*.E.A.E ,/-aAa Yes Yes -e No Ifso, please list: Are you aware ofany conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for? Ifso, please explain: 4D /'r a(art*n R- Z a z,*. zi;-1 The City of Port Angeles Advisory Board Annlication Work or Professional Experience - List most recent experience first, or attach a resume P o-,,n A a Jr,>r,rr' '->-4 t.,, -t l4t Employer Briefjob description Employer Briefjob ription t Empl Briefjob on Education - List most recent experience first 4J1 vir, Otaaa/ at \ttUJ I .r-z-2, <A ) ,, a O t -td Oo r -+ cltt za-,H )rt @No Institution/Location (urttitt, rn C om n.ut i t , Co// o a-.L Degree eamed./Major area of Study Graduated? n c<* &:or .oohr.r',/; ,,,,@N' lnstitution/Location /--a u . fuat-t v' Co, taz- Degree eamed/Major area of Study Graduated? nu / r-?d QflY^, --,..r--7@ *' 7 ;;il,vL;A,i*D.c,*A.d/G;;m,,dy Graduated? Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships - List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Aq;rrrol 724<.cr fitfur ./ lron.- c.",rp$r.p"t./6."1t".7 Organizati or/ Location Brief description of your participation Brief description of your participation Group's purpose/obj ecti veOrganizatior/Location The City of Port Angeles Advisorv Board Annlication Parks, Recreation and Beatification Commission Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire l. This Commission focuses on three areas: parks, recreation, and beautification. Ifyou had to choose, which ofthese $ree areas would be the primary one in which your interests and experience would be aimed? -Z-.2'tLhr^t' {hJ€ o o,a hdc.) J.-.2 2. What is your favorite City of Port Angeles € )-4,'ft ,ffiafft"f f*n.Gii,ffi ,uff 1,,,7,o3. Think of love about this park? y'z Ot-2.r- P..-/z€t. and why? 1'va c<-* have done. to rmprove yo of ? What do you A) / r' Applicant Signature Submit completed forms to:OIfice of the City Clerk City of Port Angeles 321 East 5d Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 z- -24 'zD Date Kari Martinez-Bailey 3604't74634 kmbailey@cityofpa.us In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, ifyou need special accommodations because ofa physical limitation, please contact the Ciry Manager's Office at 360-41 7-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. This document and all anached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members ofthe City Council for appointment consideration. Additionally, it may become a part ofa City Council packet.