HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/2018 Minutes PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, Washington
September 19, 2018
Chairman Barnard called the regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board to order at 6:06 p.m.
Members Present: Alan Barnard, Mark Bowes , Evan Brown, Nolan Duce, Kathleen Graf, Lourene
O'Brien, Kiara Schmitt, Shana Scott , Ed Zoble
Members Absent: Pamela Lindquist
Staff Present: Brian Smith, Police Chief; Ken Dubuc, Fire Chief; Catherine Dewey, Secretary
It was moved by O'Brien and seconded by Scott to approve the May 16, 2018 meeting minutes. Motion
passed unanimously.
2 Vacant Spots on the Board: These positions have been posted by the City Clerk
Election of Chair and Vice Chair: Alan announced that per the bylaws the Board needed to elect or
reelect for the positions of Chair and Vice Chair.
A motion was made to reelect Alan Barnard as Chair by Scott and seconded by O'Brien. Motion passed
A motion was made to elect Lourene O'Brien as Vice-Chair by Nolan and seconded by Graf. Motion passed
Port Angeles Police Department Mental Health Response Team: Chief Smith touched base on the PD's
Mental Health Response Team and announced that the program has been approved. This program is similar
to a community Paramedicine program and the idea is to connect people with resources and services before
the OD or commit a crime.
Port Angeles Police Department Report: Chief Smith asked for feedback on Officer Ryan's Report at the
last meeting on Use of Force. Chief asked members to read the mid-year report that is posted on the City's
website. Chief announced that the summer months were busy and that the department ran a record number
of calls. PD is now fully staffed with one officer in training. There are 2 vacant dispatch positions
currently. Chief touched briefly on the joint EOC that has been in talks. Conversation ensued.
Port Angeles Fire Department Report: Chief Dubuc noted that the Fire Department is busier than ever,
they are currently working on a creating a Community Paramedicine Program that would help triage calls to
a single medic unit. Chief announced that Lieutenant Kevin Denton would be leaving the Department after
19 years to take a position at OMC. Chief Dubuc touched base on the Opioid crisis in the County and
believes that staying current on these issues is very important. Chief also noted that in 2017 more
Firefighters died from suicide than in the line of duty. Awareness and training is vital and he will be
providing this for his department.
Chairman Barnard took this time to address those in attendance inviting any questions or comment. Mr.
Thomas Mitchell noted that Oxycontin is not used for acute pain and that there is a difference between
oxycontin and oxycodone.
Chairman Barnard began by thanking Chief Dubuc for his comments at the 9-11 memorial and also
announced that DART had their first full exercise, great turn out with 30 people and 10 planes.
Graff— noted that she had an experience after a scheduled surgery where a Seattle Dr. was prescribing and
requiring that she take the pain medications before she be released and cleared to go home.
Schmitt— asked for clarity on what the suicide barriers were intended for, Chief Dubuc noted that the
barriers are to help avoid those impulsive jumps. Schmitt also asked Chief Smith what the steps would be
to take if there was someone in a classroom that she was unsure of or that just gave her a bad feeling, she
was advised to speak to a school counselor.
Bowes—noted that his family had been in 2 vehicle accidents recently and that the response was great!
Duce— noted the start of a successful school year and no strikes
Evan—noted that there is a lot of speeding and aggressive driving down town, he has seen a few encounters
with drivers being rude to tourists or drivers being very impatient with others as the park or cross the streets.
Zoble- cautioned that there are unleashed dogs in the area of N and Shane Park so to be careful walking
with or without your pets.
Chairman Barnard adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
The next meeting is Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers.