HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/21/2018 Minutes PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, Washington
March 21, 2018
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Barnard called the regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board to
order at 6:07 p.m.
Members Present: Alan Barnard, Mark Bowes, Evan Brown, Kathleen Graf, Pamela Lindquist, Lourene,
O'Brien, Kiara Schmitt, Ed Zoble
Members Absent: Karen Blore, Nolan Duce, Kathy Steinkamp
Staff Present: Brian Smith, Police Chief; Ken Dubuc, Fire Chief; Catherine Dewey, Secretary
Guests: Shana Scott
Chairman Barnard opened the meeting by announcing that there are two candidates that have applied for the
open position on the Board. Shana Scott and Victor Smith. Chairman Barnard noted that members would
vote on the new candidate at the end of the meeting, he then asked Shana Scott to introduce herself to the
Board Members and to express her interest in joining the Board. Victor Smith was not present for the
It was moved by O'Brien and seconded by Lindquist to approve the January 17, 2018 meeting minutes.
Motion passed unanimously.
Port Angeles Fire Department Report: Chief Dubuc congratulated Chairman Barnard on his work
creating (DART) Disaster Airlift Response Team and its contribution to Clallam County in providing
private aircraft and pilots in emergencies that are trained to move people, medications and other resources in
and out of the area in a disaster. Chairman Barnard took some time to tell members about his efforts and the
purpose behind his efforts with DART. Chief Dubuc then noted Jim Buck's presentation on "camping in
your home for 30 days". Chief says that the community is very engaged and looking to help in preparation
for a disaster. Chief also noted that the City is responsible for the government agency's ability to continue
to function and work during a disaster and that a lot of time has been spent in preparing and organizing
those measures. In particular the City's COOP (Continuity of Operations)plan. Chief stressed that it
doesn't take an earthquake, even under small disasters the City needs to be able to continue to work and do
their job. Next Chief Dubuc spoke briefly about his meeting with the Senator regarding the Opioid Crisis
here in Washington State and the idea of holding big Pharma responsible, he also noted that Clallam County
has the highest rate of Opioid deaths in the State. The Fire Department is also working on the potential of a
Community Paramedicine program with Peninsula Behavioral Health and Olympic Medical Center. Lastly,
Chief noted that the Department still has two Paramedic positions to fill and that it has been hard to find
qualified candidates to fill these positions.
Port Angeles Police Department Report: Chief Smith began by announcing the sentencing of James
Sweet for 37 years for shooting at law enforcement. Chief said that the support showed by the City at the
sentencing was touching and that he felt Rob with Peninsula Daily News did a great job on his article. Next
Chief spoke on gun violence and school safety. In 2013 the PD began to outreach program and visited each
school, he would like to revisit each school with fresh information. He noted that the teachers are all
required to carry their keys and cell phone at all times. The High School now has a full-time Safety
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Resource Officer. The Police Department is now fully staffed. Chief also noted that PENCOM and
JEFFCOM are having a hard time filling open positions.
Vote for new Public Safety Advisory Board Member: Chairman Barnard asked that ballots be passed
around and that each member vote. Catherine counted the ballots, and Chairman Barnard announced that
votes were in favor of electing Shana. Bowes made a motion to recommend Shana Scott to Council as the
new PSAB Member, Lindquist seconded that motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Barnard took this time to address those in attendance inviting any questions or comment. One
attendee asked Chief Dubuc to elaborate on what the minimum requirements for the open Paramedic
positions were. Conversation ensued.
Schmitt addressed a question to Chief Smith stating that the High School has expressed interest in having an
active shooter drill. Chief Smith encouraged her to speak to her Principal or their onsite School Resource
Officer in order to arrange something in the future.
O'Brien asked Chief Smith if he was aware of any issues with the breezeway downtown. She had been
advised not to use it and wondered what/if any issues the PD had seen.
Brown asked Chief Dubuc to elaborate on the FD's hiring process and what indicators he sees that prove a
candidate to be/not be a good fit for the Department. Conversation ensued.
Chairman Barnard adjourned the meeting at 7:38 p.m.
The next meeting is Wednesday,April 18,2018 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers.
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