HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/26/2019 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Vora Angeles, Washington
November 26, 201
Mayor Bnwh called the:special meeting of the Dort Angeles City Council to corder at 5:00 p.rn.
Members present: Mayor Bruch„,Deputy Mayor Dexter, C'ounciltnernbers French. and Mcrideth. Schrornen-Wa rin
participated by conference call.
Members Absent: Council Member Kidd and one vacant seat.
Stahl'Preserw City Manager West,,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Msart nez-Bailey,C, l•elilsat.R. Dubuc, B. Smith®
A. Brekkc;,,.l. fl-ld.unter„and S.Canizosa,
Council Candidates: I .Carr, B.Meyer, C. McCaughan,and'C . Napiontek..
It was,moved by Dexter and seconded by Merideth to,:
Excuse Council Member Kidd front the meeting,
Motion carried 5-0.
It was moved by Dexter and seconded by French to:
Direct staff to initiate the public notice portion of Section 15 of the Council Rules oar`Procedure announcing the
vacancy on the PortAngeles City Council and to rile interested and qualified citizens submit a City Council it application
form and letter of intent by 5:OiO p.nt., Wednesday. Decernber l 1,2019.
Council Mernber Meridet:h expressed his interest in applying fbr the vacant seat. He stated the motion was following
the pro.edurc as outlined its Section 15 of the Council Rules of Procedure and he would not be recusin,p himself from
the vote,
Motion carried -0I.
City Manager Nathan West opened tire work- session and prov"ided background on the discussion. He spore about
goals and guiding the principles that should direct and inform the municipal code update process. He shared the
discussion would cover Council priorities as they relate to the municipal code arntendnaents,staff proposed alternatives,
next steps and timeline relative to what could be done, City Attorney bill Bloor spoke about alternatives Council
should consider regarding a code rewrite, l-le, presented st«»alf's proposed hybrid approach as a recommended
,alternative:. Council discussed next steps and tinsel ne. council discussion followed.
"Cher°:Mayor invited council candidates, Navarra Carr, ldrenden Meyer, Charlie MCCaughan, and Nina iyiapionteis to
join the table with Council and staff for the remainder of the work session.
It was moved by Dexter and seconded by French to:
Move forward with the hybrid approach on;slide 12 of the presentation,with t}are modifications as discLiss,ed,to include
such uterus as open.structure allowing responders to be creative in their approach.
Motion carried 5-0.
It was moved by, chromen-'hyw^"awr in and seconded by Meridet to:
Submit the R. " to C"ouric;il for review and approval prior to It being published.
Motion carried 5--0.
� ch adjourned the meeting at 6:5�5 p.rn,
Mayor ldrra ,--„�--- M
Iw aril Martinez-Bailey,Crary C ,