HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/21/2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Part Angeles, Washington
January 21, 2020
Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p,m.
Members Present.Mayor Dexter,Deputy Mayor('art-,Council Mernbers French. Meyer,McCaughan,and Schromen-
Members Absent: Council Member Suggs
Staff Present: City Manager West, Attorney Bloor.,Clerk Martinez-bailey..
Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Dexter announced the need for a closed Executive Session to be held
under authority RCW 42.30.110(1 l(i) to discuss Potential litigation with legal counsel- Attomey Bloor provided the
new Council members with guidelines the City must follow for Executive Session meetings, Mayor Dexter noted
Council Member Suggs had recused herself from the executive session due to a potential conflict of interest with tile
Lower Elwha S'Klailayn Tribe. Council moved to the Jack Pittis Conf rence Roorn f6r Executive Session for
approximately 25 minutes.The Executive Session convened at 5:04 p,m.
'llie Council moved to open session at 5:34 p.m.
Members Present-. Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French, Meyer, McCaughan. Schronien-
Wawrin and Suggs.
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: City Manager West, Attorney Moor,Clerk Martinez-bailey".
City Attorney Moor shared a PowerPoint presentation on die Roles and Responsibilities of Council and discussed.
specifically,ethics and conflicts of interests.
Mayor Dexter adjourned the Special Meeting at 5;56 p,m.
Mayor Dexter called tile regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members' Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French, Meyer, McCaughan, Suggs, and
Schromen-Wawrin(arrived at 6:02 p,ni.).
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: City Manager West,Attorney floor,Clerk Martinez-bailey",C. Delikat,K Dubuc,B. Smith,
A. Brekke,T.Hunter,and S.Carrizosa,
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Pt DRT Zh Gf::l. ES CITY COUNCIL,C IL, N4 FIETI tC —January 2l, 2020
Jeff Brretbach, city resident, asked about the Transpcartation Benefit District and hoped that Council would coffer all.
update oil where and how funds wvere spent.
.lack Carlson, residing~outside city limits,spoke about fluoridated drinking water.
Ingrid("artnean,city resident„spoke about her experiences at The Answer for Youth.
Lisa Flo ugh, homeless,spoke about her experiences being hornele.ss and the need for horntw,less shelters.
Ben Stanley, city resident, chair of Planning Commission and Climate Action Sub-Corrunittee. Ile provided Council.
an update can the items the sub-conirnittee has been working can.
Arturr 'w3 gjnowwrski, city resident, invited a mend er of the Council to attend Peninsula Area Public success Board
Ed Chadd,city resident.,spoke about the City s strategic plan.
I. Integral.Consulting d Presentation on the Harbor
City Manager Nathan West introduced Linda Faker from integral Consulting who shared a PowwerPoint presentation
can the Efernedial Investigation Feasibility Study of the Port Angeles Ularbor. Council Member Suggs shared her
employer the Lower E°lwwrha S' laflarna Tribe has a role in the investigation that results in a conflict aafinterest. Due to
the presentation being opert to the public she: would stay for the public presentation but would refrain from
participating in any conversations on thenwatter..
LATE ITEMS S O BE PLACED ONTHIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined bl, City 7raaxrr e
or Courrw:fl"rr ember-I'w';lone.
Manager"ti?trest pulled item,C-I and shared the iternt would be brought hack(before the Council in February.
Manager West added the Multi-Agency Reciprocal Maintenance,Agreement to the agenda as iternx I- i.
Council member Suggs asked that Council consider a discussion regarding snow removal for pedestrians as an agenda
It was moved by Suggs and seconded by French to:
Consider snow removal for pedestrians.
Motion carried 7-0.
Mayor Dexter stated the item would be moved to a future work session„
The Mayor added.item I-4 to the Consent Agenda,
It was moved by French and seconded by Suggs to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
I. CItry Council a lwnurtes of January"i 2020 i'Apprrove
2, Expenditure Report- From Jartutiary I.2020 to January lfi,,2020 in the amount of ,32,2tfff.3p t Approve
3. House Bill 1923 Grant for Increasing Residential Building Approve and d aatatho)—Le the Czty kio naager-ter
sign the FY 201 -2021 E2SHR 1923 irste: crf,�r rrc�%crp�r°�aPrracrrt err the arrauc unt(�f$50,00 1crr increasing
residential building cwaa aaeftv urith the fl'eashingtorr.^tame t-Taxr•t e)rt of Coy rarenrce, and to rruike arty
.sUbsequ ent amendments or minor modifications to the a reernent, id necessawr.y'
4. Department oaf Ecology Air Monitoring Agreement F ,fr.athorize the C'irq%Manager to sign the attaache°d.sile
rental ragr et.,,rraerrat r°enevvaal warlth Department o Eeardewg
Page 2 cif'
5, Utility Wooden Pole'lesting .. Final Acceptance,1.4ccept the Pole 7i,,ming-2019 prqjeci b1V TK Contractors,
LLC as complete and authorize stqffio proceed ivith project closeout upon receipt ofall required
6. Utility,Wooden Power Poles .. Material Rurchase 1 Award a cwntrart ivith Stella-Ames, Cotpoi-ation ql"
Tacoma, R(Afi)r 30, 40-fi)oi, Class,3 ivoodc),i polev at to pp ice of.525,241).14 inchedingsales 1a.17 and
authorize 1he 01Y 11onager to sign to make minor modifications tea the contract as nectssar,v
7" Undergrounding Cable Replacement - Final Acceptance,, 4ccept du' 2019 Underground Cable
Rt,plotcetnem projec,t as coniplete and atothorize slaft'to,proceed with prqject closeout and release the
retainagt,in the attestant of S 7,931.23 upon receipt of all required clearances
Public Safety Advisory Board Appointment/,4pprove ther-'appointfnent qf'Alan Oman to)the Pithlic Sa ty
Advisory Board
9. Item Moved from Section 1-4 ClallarnTransit Systern/Board Composition Dist-tession I Appoint
Schl-onlen-ff'awrtn io the Board
Motion carried 7 4
1. Authorization of'Fax Credit Supporting Affordable Housing(House Bill 14f16)
Manager West presented the agenda itern and said the City has been working closely with other jurisdictions in order
to take advantage of the house bill credit.
Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled„
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington, imposing the Local Sales atnd Use Tax authorized under
Laws of 2019,Ch.338(House Bill 1406)to tree used for the affordable housing and providing for other matters Properly
relating thereto.
Council discussion followed,
The Mayor continued the matter to the February 4 meeting,
L Resolution Ratifpi ing a Declaration of Emergency—Lincoln Street Sanitary Main Repair
Director of Public Works and Utilities Thomas Hunter introduced the agenda item and provided background on the
Maycw Dexter read the reSOILItion by title,entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,affirtning and r,ati(ving the
Declaration of Ernergency issued by the City Manager on December 11,2019
It was moved by Schromen-Wam,rin and seconded by French to:
Pass the,resolution as read.
Motion carried 7-0.
2. Hazard Mitigation I Presentation by Fire Chief Ken Dubuc
Fire Chief Ken Dubuc provided background on his agenda item, saying the plan is a fi~deral requirement inade by
FEMA. lie said the State encourages organizations to do the right thing by participating in the plan, adding that
participation affects future,grant opportunities.Council discussion followed.
3. Strategic Plan Dimission/Select Alternative
Manager West provided background on the development of the City's 2019-2020 Strategic Plan,saying that balance
was very important during the development process. Flesaid he would like to know if there is a desire by the new
Council to make significant changes and shared three options and timelines for different approaches to the current
Strategic Plan. Ile shared a copy of the updated plan that was presented at the December 17,2019 meeting. Manager
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West stressed the importance to balance workloads on cacti department and shared a fall retreat Nvould be scheduled
to plan the 2021-2022 Strategic Plan, C'ouncil discussion followed
It wyas moved by Suggs and,seconded by McCaughan to:
Choose option 2 as identified in the COUnCil packet that would include minor modifications to the Strategic Plan,
and staff will accomplish this through a planned February Work Session with Council,
Motion carried 7-0.
4. Boards,Commission and Committee Council Appointments/ Approve Appointments
Mayor Dexter provided background on the process of the development of the appointments, The Mayor asked for
interest from the Council to participate on the PeninAfla Area Public Access Board, Council rnernber Meyer
volunteered to participate as the primary appointment and Council inernber McCaughan as the alternate.
It vvas moved by Schromcn-Wawiin and seconded by French to-,
Approve c(initnittee assignments for 2020-2021, as presented in the Council packet, with the addition, to appoint a
Council member to Peninsula Area public Access Board with Council member Meyer as the representative and
McCaughan as alternate.
Motion carried 7-0,
6. Multi-Agency Reciprocal Maintenance Agreement
Parks and Recreation Director Corey Delikat provided information on the late iteni. He noted the agenda item is to
approve emergency repair and during the Capital Facilities Plan process, it will bean opportunity to consider long
tenn care ofthe trail. He said the trail is an ongoing maintenance concern and would encourage future discussions on
the matter. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by,French and seconded by Meyer to:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a Work Task Request with Ciallain County as part of the Multi-
Agency Reciprocal Maintenance Agreement and Make minor modifications to the agreement ifnecessary. .
Motion carried 7-01.
11 Eight Operations Temapanrary Building I,easc Extension
Director Hunter provided background on the itern and shared a briefup,date on die project. Council discussion
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to:
Approve a?4-month lease extension liar the Atlas Trucking compound,for a total amount of S 184,000,and
authorize the,City Manager to sign and execute a lease extension and make rifinor niodifications to the lease if
Motion carried 7-0.
2,. Laurel Substation Electrical Switch gear Upgrade Contract Award
Director Hunter provided background on the agenda itern, saying it is one of 5 substations that needs to be upgraded.
Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa shared the fiscal savings inforrriation WOUld be evaluated during the Capital
Facilities Plan process. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by French and seconded by Suggs,to.
Award a contract with Dutton Electric Company. Inc of[,ynwood, 'WA to upgrade the Laurel Substation Electrical
Switchgear in the aniount not to exceed$278,054.60,including taxes,and authorize the City Manager to make
minor modifications as necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
Council ineinber Meyer recognized the Public Works department for their work, during the storm relative to snow
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Council mernber McCaughan shared his experience at a recent Charier Review Commission nrcefing and that fie
attended the recent EDC Gala.
Deputy Mayor Carr thanked the City tearns that worked during the storin to keep the streets clear.
Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about a stream walk he participated in along Ennis Creek and the City
response to the recent snowfall. He provided background to the Council on the Public transit benefit area. Fie spoke
about recent rnectings lie attended, a memorial for Port N�ngeles resident Leay Hart, and the values and beliefs of*
Martin Luther King Jr.
Council member French shared he attended an Olympic Peninsula 'Yourism Commission meeting, an EDC meeting,
and the recent Chamber Community Awards gala.
Council member Suggs shared she attended a Habitat for Humanity ribbon cutting event and said she would be ineeting
with Chief Smith to get a tour ol'the Port Angeles Police Department,
Council member Dexter spoke about the recent snow fall-
No other reports were given.
Manager West spoke regarding the building report in the packet anal the 2020 Legislative Priorities document, Ile
congratulated the Finance delyartment on receiving the Certificate of Achievement for Excelleirce in 1-inancial
Reporting award by the Government Finance Officers Association,
Ed Chadd,city resident,spoke about clitnate change.
Eric Philips,city resident,spoke about the work done by the City during the recent snow fall,
John Ralston,city resident,
Mayor Dexter adjourzted the inecting at 9::04 p.m.
ut ...........
Kate Dexter,Mayor —kajri'-'Martinez-Bailey,City
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