HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/07/2020CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
April 7, 2020
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French, Meyer, McCaughan, Schromen-
Wawrin and Suggs.
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: City Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez -Bailey, C. Delikat, K. Dubuc, B. Smith,
A. Brekke, T. Hunter, and S. Carrizosa.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to:
Add a short Council report to the agenda to allow the Council an opportunity to provide COVID-19 related reports.
Roll call vote, in favor:
Mayor Dexter
Deputy Mayor Carr
Council member French
Council member McCaughan
Council member Meyer
Council member Schromen-Wawrin
Council member Suggs
Motion carried 7-0.
No public comment was submitted to the Clerk to be read into the record.
or Councilmember -
Council member Schromen-Wawrin asked that Council consider adding financial assistant lobbying to the list of
legislative priorities. By consensus, the Mayor added the item to be included under I-2, Legislative Priorities.
It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. Expenditure Report: From March 7, 2020 to March 20, 2020 in the amount of $2, 791, 703.54 /Approve
2. SCADA Support Professional Services Award / Approve and authorize the Citv Manager to sign a
Professional Services Agreement with Technical Systems, Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $95,000.00,
and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary.
3. 2020 Budget Amendment #1 / Conduct 2nd Reading /Adopt Ordinance / The requested action for this
issue is as follows: Conduct the second reading of the 2020 Budget Amendment #1 ordinance; and Adopt
the ordinance .Ordinance #3657
Roll call vote in favor:
Mayor Dexter
Deputy Mayor Carr
Council member French
Council member McCaughan
Council member Meyer
Council member Schromen-Wawrin
Council member Suggs
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Changes to Housing Rehabilitation Fund
Manager West introduced the agenda item which would make changes to the City's Housing Rehabilitation Fund,
including the new name, the Affordable Housing and Rehabilitation Program Fund. He shared the fund could also
be used for the House Bill 1406 sales tax credit and Proposition 1. Manager West said that should the ordinance
pass, it could also be used for both Community Block Grant purposes, which is critical to providing COVID-19
financial relief to residents. Manager West asked that Council consider waiving the second reading and adopt the
Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Chapter 3.15 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to Funds.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to:
Waive the second reading of the ordinance and adopt the ordinance as read.
Roll call vote, in favor:
Mayor Dexter
Deputy Mayor Carr
Council member French
Council member McCaughan
Council member Meyer
Council member Schromen-Wawrin
Council member Suggs
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Resolution to Authorize Rate Payer Utility Relief and Rental Assistance
Manager West introduced the agenda item and shared the proposed resolution was drafted as a follow up to the March
17 meeting. He stated the resolution moves a program forward that would dedicate $250,000 to utility relief to local
rate payers and $50,000 towards rental assistance. In addition, he shared there would be follow up requests to the
federal and state levels to ensure the City receives additional assistance. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title, entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, ratifying and approving the COVID-
19 Financial Assistance Utility and Rental Relief Program.
It was moved by French and seconded by Suggs to:
Adopt the resolution ratifying and approving the COVID-19 Financial Assistance Utility and Rental Relief Program.
Roll call vote in favor:
Mayor Dexter
Deputy Mayor Carr
Council member French
Council member McCaughan
Council member Meyer
Council member Schromen-Wawrin
Council member Suggs
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Motion carried 7-0.
t. Moratorium on Residential Evictions
Manager West introduced the agenda item and shared that after the March 17 Council ineeting, Washington State
Governor Jay Inslee had made changes to the eviction moratorium. fie shared there may be other items,that Council
may want to consider, relative to the Govemers orders, that hadn*t been included and incorporated into the
inoratoriurn, Manager West introduced City Attorney Bill Bloor who provided his recoituriendations relative to the
agenda item, Council discussion followed,
It was,moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by McCaughan to:
After discussion and amendment, the folloik Ing motion was passed: authorize the Mayor and City Managei,on
behalf of the to communicate to the Governor that it is, vitally important to the health and welfare of tile City(if
Port Angeles that the eviction moratorium continue for the duration of the financial unpaCtS of the COVID-19
outbreak,and extend to a prohibition on fees, and to protect small business tenants,
Roll call vote,in favor.
Mayor Dexter
Deputy Mayor Carr
Council member French
Council nieniber McCaughan
Council member Meyer
Council member Schronien-Wawrin
Council member Suggs
Motion carried 7-tt.
Mayor Dexter recessed the meeting for a break at 6:59 p.rn. The meeting reconvened at 7-04 p,rn.
2.COVID-19 Legislative Priorities
Manager West spoke to the agenda item and shared it was important to continue to request additional funding to assist
residents during die COVID-19 crisis. fie stated that through the CARES Act, the C ity would be eligible for
Community Block Grant ffindingwhich would be put toward utility relief for local rate payers and rental assistance.
lie stated that often there are challenges and requirements to the City when applying for such funding, He stressed
importance that the funding move forward efficiently.and to do so. the City should push the Federal and State level
to eliminate some of the red cape that is currently in place that could prevent the City from receiving such funds. In
addition, lie stated it is important that Bonneville Power Association (B,PA)also offer relief to their rate payers, Ile
suggested BPA consider a match program like the one the City is putting forward. Council discussion followed,
It was moved by Schromen-Wavvirin and seconded by McCaughan to:
Communicate to Washington State's Congressional Delegation that it is vitally iniportant to the health and welfare
of Port Angeles that Congress Provide substantial financial relief for states and local governments as recommended
in the Congress Members* March 25 letter and National League of Cities' April 2 letter-,pursuit federal Community
Development Block Grant funds and advocate for lower administrative burdens with those funds;arid request that
Bonneville Power Administration provide utility relief to city utility custornen,
Final roll call vote,in favor:
Mayor Dexter
Deputy Mayor Carr
Council mendwr French
Council member Me('I aughan
Council member Meyer
Council inerriber Schronien-Wawrin
Council member Suggs
Motion carried 7-0.
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1, Race Street Complete Street Contract with Exeltech Consulting,Inc.for 1010%Design Plans,
Specifications and Estimate Documents
Community and Economic Development Director Allyson Brekke introduced the agenda item and shared background
on the prQject, She stated delay would make it impossible to meet the grant deadlines, on the prQject. Council
discussion followed,
It was moved by Suggs and seconded by McCaughan to:
Award the Race Street Professional Services Agreernen t with Exellech Consulting,Inc.(Attachment
A in the Council packs;[,in the not to exceed amount of$45�0,266.79 and authorize the City Manager to sign and
make minor raodifications as necessary;and to authorize the City Manager to sign a supplemental ILAP Grant
Agreement,in the additional amount of$50,327.98 with a match of'S6,794.28 from a-w,ailable REETfunds.
Roll cult vote,in favor:
Mayor Dexter
Deputy Mayor Carr
Council mcnitier French
Council member McCaughan
Council member Meyer
Council member Schromen.-Wawrin
Council member Suggs
Motion carried 7-0.
Council member Meyer shared efforts carried out by Ciallarn Transit Systern to keep the community and employees
safe and shared he is doing everything lie canto support the City during the pandernic in his role as a Council rnember.
Council member McCaughan shared Inc is happy to see that people are staying home to stay healthy,
Council member Suggs shared the William Shore Pool District Board met in a virtual meeting, shared what a local
church is doing to assist the community and thanked front line workers.
Council niernber Schromen-Wawrin thanked the public safety and childcare workers and shared the importance of
staying connected despite the importance of physical distancing.
Council member French shared tools for small businesses that would assist them financially during the C()'VID-1 9
crisis and shared what Olyrnpic Peninsula Community Clinic is doing to help the community.
Deputy Mayor Carr shared thoughts on how the City could encourage people to stay,home and stay safe.
Mayor Dexter shared her appreciation for the passion that people had in their responses to the,crisis,
No other reports were given,
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 7:51 p.m.
K M ate Dexter, ayor Mara Martinez-Bailey,City Clerk '
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