HomeMy WebLinkAbout3656 ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating
approximately 9,800 square feet of the K Street unimproved right-of-way
between 9th Street and the 8th/9th Street alley and Lot 20, Block 251/Lot
t 11 Block 252, Townsite of Port Angeles.
WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the City of Port Angeles to vacate approximately
9,800 square feet of the K Street unimproved right-of-way between 9th Street and the 8th/9th Street
alley and Lot 20, Block 251/Lot 11 Block 252, Townsite of Port Angeles.as shown on attached
Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS,street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the State
Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)rules as set forth in WAC 197-11-800(2)(h); and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the City Hearing Examiner on November 21,
2019; following public notice pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and
WHEREAS,the Hearing Examiner issued Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation
supporting approval of the vacation, and a copy thereof is are attached hereto.
DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. The City Council approves and adopts the Hearing Examiner's Findings,
Conclusions and Recommendation; and they are incorporated by this reference.
Section 2 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the
unimproved right-of-way described above and as shown on the attached map Exhibit A is
Section 3 —Conditions of Vacation.
1. The City does by this provision retain a permanent easement for maintenance,repair,
expansion, installation, and operation of any and all utility lines, fixtures, facilities,
equipment and appurtenances now existing or installed in the future under,over,and
across the vacated area.
2. The vacated portion of the street shall be consolidated with abutting properties in
order to prevent the creation of a new parcel of land.
Section 4 .'op c sa� This Ordinance is subject to payment of$1.04 per square foot
compensation for a total amount of$10,192.00.
Section 5 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective upon payment of Section 4
and five 5 days after pub
lication ub cation of this Ordinance.
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This Ordinance is an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative
body,and therefore is not subject to referendum.The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified
copy with the Clallam County Auditor and the Clallam County Assessor.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 18t'day of February 2020.
Kate Dexter,Mayor
Kari Martinez-Bailey, Ki C16P
William E. Bloor, City Atto cy
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Exhibit A: Map, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation
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In the Matter of the Petition of ) No. PZ 19-78
John Ralston )
For a.Street Vacation ) AND RECOMMENDATION
The petition for vacation of approximately 9,800 square feet of the K Street unimproved right-of-
way between 9th Street and the 8th/9th Street alley is recommended for APPROVAL by the
City Council. Conditions are necessary to mitigate specific impacts of the proposed vacation.
Ilearing late:
The Hearing Examiner held an open record hearing on the request on November 21, 2019.
Test d aA t()iiy:
The following individuals presented testimony under oath at the open record hearing:
Ben Braudrick, City Associate Planner
John Ralston,Petitioner
The following exhibits were admitted into the record:
1. Staff Report
1 Street Vacation Petition,dated November 1,2019, with vicinity map,undated, and
Clallam County Assessor&Treasurer—Property Details (Property ID: 58269), as of
October 1, 2019
3. Site Map, undated
4, Public notice
a. Determination of Completeness, dated October 25, 2019
b. Notice-Right-of-Way Vacation Petition&Public Hearing,undated
C. Affidavit of Noticing, dated November 14,2019
d. Legal Invoice,Peninsula Daily News,#PDN879075, dated October 30,2019
e. Affidavit of Publication,Peninsula Daily News, dated October 30,2019,with
classified proof,published October 30,2019
The Hearing Examiner enters the following findings and conclusions based upon the testimony
and exhibits admitted at the open record hearing:
Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation
City of Port Angeles Hearing Examiner
Ralston Street Vacation Petition, No. PZ 19-75
Page I of 5
l. John Ralston filed a complete petition on October 21, 2019, for the vacation of
approximately 9,800 square feet of the K Street unimproved right-of-way between 9th
Street and the 8th/9th Street alley and Lot 20, Block 251/Lot 11 Block 252, Townsite of
Port Angeles.1 The petition for vacation of the City right-of-way was submitted as
required by Chapter 35.79 RCW Streets -Vacation. Exhibit 1, Staff Report,pages 6
through 9. Exhibit 2; Exhibit 3.
2. The City determined that the petition was complete on October 21, 2019. On October 28,
2019, the City provided notice of the petition and public hearing by posting the area
proposed for vacation as well as at City Hall, the Port Angeles Library, Clallam County
notice boards and on the City's website. On October 30, 2019, the City published notice
of the application in the Peninsula Daily News. The City did not receive any written
comments from the public. The staff report incorporates comments received from City
departments. Exhibit 1, Staff Report,pages 3 and 4; Exhibit 4.
State Environmental.Polio y At
3. The City determined that the petition is categorically exempt from review under the State
Environmental Policy Act(SEPA), Chapter 43.21C Revised Code of Washington
(RCW), as provided in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 197-11-800(2)(i).
Exhibit 1, Staff Report,page 10.
Co�eluensive flan and Zoning
4. The property is located within the Low Density Residential designation of the City's
Comprehensive Plan. City staff identified the following summarized Comprehensive
Plan goals and policies as relevant to the proposed street vacation:
• Growth Management Element Goal G-2A—To manage growth in a responsible
manner that is beneficial to the community as a whole. Policy P-2A.01 —To
implement the following goals of the State Growth Management Act: L. Citizen
participation and coordination, and M. Public facilities and services.
• Land Use Element Goal G-3B—To ensure residential land use and development
is compatible with the environment,with existing uses and residents, and with
desired urban design. Policy P-3B-02—Ensure that single family lots are of
reasonable shape and have access provided by a collector arterial, local access
street or alley.
• Utilities and Public Services Element Goal G-5A—To provide or allow the
opportunity for services and facilities which enhance the quality of life for Port
Angeles citizens. Policy P-5A.03—Implement comprehensive service and facility
The right-of-way area proposed for street vacation does not have a parcel number. Exhibit 1,Staff Report,
page 3.
Findings, Conclusions,and Recommendation
City of Port Angeles Hearing Examiner
Ralston Street Vacation Petition, No. PZ 19-78
Page 2 of 5
plans consistent with the Comprehensive Plan through applicable land use
approvals and construction permits.
• Utilities and Public Services Element Goal G-513—To provide utility services in
an efficient and cost-effective manner. Policy P-51).05—Promote coordination,
consistency, and concurrency at all stages of utility development in the Port
Angeles Urban Growth Area.
• Capital Facilities Element Goal G-8A—To provide and maintain feasible urban
services and capital facilities at or above stated levels of surface to all City
residents and the general public. Policy P-8A.08—The City should require
currency an standards be met at the time of new development for the following
utilities and services: paved streets, curbs, and sidewalks; water service; sanitary
sewer service; electrical service; solid waste collection; stormwater management;
telecommunication services; and emergency services.
City staff determined that,with conditions, the proposed street vacation would meet the
City's Comprehensive Plan's goals and policies listed above. Exhibit 1, Staff Report,
pages 4 through 6.
5. The specific rights of way do not have zoning designations because City rights of way are
not classified into zones. The 9,800 square feet proposed for vacation consists of an
unimproved K Street right-of-way between 9th Street and the 8th/9th Street Alley and
Lot 20 on a steep slope. The petitioner owns birth of the two properties abutting the right
way. There are no utilities currently within the right-of-way, 9'h Street north of the
proposed vacation is also unimproved. Vacated streets,places and cul-de-sacs assume
the zone classifications of the adjoining property. Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC)
17.94.050. Here,both adjoining properties are zoned R7. Exhibit 1, Staff Report,pages
3, 5, and 10; Exhibit 3.
Other Considerations
The Washington State Legislature delegated street vacation powers to the City. A street
vacation may be granted if there is compliance with specified criteria. Chapter 35.79
RCW. The City reviewed the street vacation petition for compliance with the RCW
criteria, and submitted the following facts at the open record hearing:
• The petition was filed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the abutting
property and a public hearing was scheduled and noticed for November 21, 2019.
RCW 35.79.010.
• The City provided notice of the petition hearing and no objections were filed prior
to the hearing. RCW 35.79.020.
• City staff requests an easement for maintenance and operation of existing City
electrical facilities over and across the vacated area, and retention of an easement
for maintenance and operation of any existing City water facilities over and across
the vacated area. RCW 35.79.030
Findings, Conclusions,and Recommendation
City of Port Angeles Hearing Examiner
Ralston Street Vacation Petition, No. PZ 19-78
Page 3 of 5
• Limitations on vacations of streets abutting bodies of water are not applicable as
the proposed right-of-way vacation does not abut a body of fresh or saltwater.
RCW 35.79.035.
• The vacated property would be split in half between the abutting two properties.
RCW 35.79.040.
• No vested rights would be affected. RCW 35.79.050.
Exhibit 1, Staff Report,pages 6 through 9.
`l"esti�nony and ial$Recommendation
6, City Associate Planner Ben Braudrick testified generally about the petition. He testified
that City staff reviewed the proposal for consistency with the RCW, Comprehensive Plan
and zoning ordinances and determined that the petition, with conditions, would be
consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan,the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and all
other applicable City and state regulations. The three conditions recommended by City
staff address easements for City electrical and water facilities over and across the vacated
areas, and require the vacated portion of the alley to be consolidated with abutting
properties to prevent creation of a new parcel. Petitioner John Ralston testified at the
open record hearing in support of the petition. He agreed with the findings of City staff
and the proposed conditions. Exhibit 1, Staff Report,page 12; Testimony of Mr.
Braudrick and Mr. Ralston.
The Hearing Examiner is authorized and directed to conduct a hearing and make findings,
conclusions, and recommendations to the City Council on street vacation petitions. The notice
provisions and criteria for review of a street vacation petition are specified in Chapter 35.79
RCW. PAMC 2.18.060.C.2; RCW 35.79.
Criteria for Review
The hearing examiner shall, following the hearing,report its recommendation on the petition to
the legislative authority, which may adopt or reject the recommendation. RCW 35.79.030. A
vacated street or alley shall belong to the abutting owners, one-half each(RCW 35.79.040) and
no vested rights shall be affected. RCW 35.79.050.
The criteria for review adopted by the City Council implements the requirement of Chapter
36.70B RCW to enact the Growth Management Act. In particular,RCW 36.70B.040 mandates
that local jurisdictions review proposed developments to ensure consistency with City
development regulations, considering the type of land use, the level of development,
infrastructure, and the characteristics of development. RCW 36.70B.040.
Conclusion Based on Findings
With conditions,the proposed street vacation would meet the requirements of Chapter
35.79 RCW,the City's Comprehensive Plan,and the City zoning code. The petition for a
Findings, Conclusions,and Recommendation
City of Port Angeles Hearing Examiner
Ralston Street Vacation Petition, No. PZ 19-78
Page 4 of 5
street vacation complies with the criteria specified in Chapter RCW 35.79 and in RCW
36.70B.040. As required, the petition was filed by more than two-thirds of the property owners
abutting the right-of-way.2 The City provided reasonable notice of the street vacation petition
and hearing and provided adequate opportunity for members of the public to comment on the
petition. No comments from the public were received and no objections to the petition were
filed. The proposed vacation is on a steep slope and does not abut a body of fresh or salt water.
The vacated property would be split in half between the abutting two properties, which are both
zoned R7. The petition would meet the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies by ensuring that
the proposed vacation would not negatively impact public facilities or services in the area nor
would it negatively impact the ability to provide paved streets, curbs, or sidewalks to the
surrounding area. The vacated property would assume the R7 zoning classification,which is that
of the adjoining property. Conditions are necessary to ensure that the City maintains utility
easements and that the vacated portion of the alley be consolidated with abutting properties.
Findings 1— 7.
Based upon the preceding findings and conclusions, the Hearing Examiner recommends that the
City Council APPROVE the vacation petition of approximately 9,800 square feet of the K Street
unimproved right-of-way between 9th Street and the 8th/9th Street alley and Lot 20, Block
251/Lot 11 Block 252, Townsite of Port Angeles, with the following conditions:
1. The ordinance should provide an easement for maintenance and operation of existing
City electrical facilities over and across the vacated area.
2. The ordinance should provide an easement for maintenance and operation of any existing
City water facilities over and across the vacated area.
3. The ordinance should require that the vacated portion of the alley to be consolidated with
abutting properties in order to prevent the creation of a new parcel of land.
RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL this 2nd day of December 2019.
Hearing Examiner
Sound Law Center
2 One person owns all the abutting properties,so that the petitioner meets this requirement by filing the petition.
Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation
City of Port Angeles Hearing Examiner
Ralston Street Vacation Petition, No. PZ 19-78
Page 5 of 5
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on February 18, 2020
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating approximately 9,800 square
feet of the K Street unimproved right-of-way between 9th Street and the 8th/9th Street alley and Lot
20, Block 251/Lot 11 Block 252, Townsite of Port Angeles.
This Ordinance shall be effective upon payment of Section 4 of the ordinance and five (5) days
after publication of this ordinance.
The full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the Clerk's office, on the City's website
at www.._�i. o� or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Kari Martinez-Bailey
City Clerk
Published by summary: Thursday, February 27, 2020