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City of Port Angeles Climate
Action Group
Presented by members of Olympic Climate Action
Olympic Climate Action !
Who are we?
Let's bring it back to the basics
Global Warming: Global warming Climate Change: Climate change refers
refers to the long-term warming of the to a broad range of global phenomena
planet since the early 20th century, and created predominantly by burning fossil
most notably since the late 1970s, due to fuels
the increase in fossil fuel emissions since the
Industrial Revolution.
Types of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
• Carbon Dioxide (CO2) • Fluorinated Gases (HFC)
O Combustion O Refrigeration
O Processing O Freezing and Freeze-production
O Terrain Alteration processes
O Natural Processes O Air Conditioning
• Methane (CH4) O Improper disposal of tools used
O Fracking for the above
O Standing water, bogs, rice
O Ruminant livestock gases
O Burning wild and agrarian lands
We know it's happening.
We know humans are exacerbating the effects
of climate change
What can we do about it?
Some of the Big Ideas in Climate Change Policy
- Adaptation vs Mitigation policy
- Climate action within city government vs. community climate action
- Marginal cost & "low-hanging fruit"
- "Triple Bottom Line" goal of environmental, social, economic benefits
- Climate Justice
- Targets & assessments/inventories to measure progress
Climate Change Policy: Mitigation vs Adaptation
According to NASA;
"Responding to climate change involves two possible approaches: reducing and stabilizing the levels of
heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere ('mitigation') and/or adapting to the climate change
already in the pipeline ('adaptation')"'.
Mitigation policy is an attempt to prevent further accumulation of negative feedback from climate change,
Adaptation policy acknowledges a certain level of inevitable change due to previous and current GHG
emissions and sets to respond to the impacts of climate change that we are already experiencing.
' https://climate.nasa.gov/solutions/adaptation-mitigation/
Examples of Adaptation Policies
Adaptation policies are designed to respond to the impacts of climate change, e.g., wildfire
preparedness or changes to shoreline infrastructure.
- Installing water-permeable pavements - not only will this reduce runoff and improve water
storage and use in the short-term, this adaptive policy will allow coastal communities to
better deal with increasing floods and stormwater as weather events intensify.
Examples of Mitigation Policies
Mitigation policies are designed to minimize the amount of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere, e.g., growing trees or improving building efficiency.
- Carbon sequestration through tree plantings - while important in preventing further
emissions (and increasingly strong negative feedback cycles), this action is not adaptive
in that it doesn't create strategies to live with climate change effects that will already
occu r.
What makes municipal and community planning
strategies effective?
• There must be strong cohesion between operations on the municipal level and actions
taken by local communities in order to both discuss and implement climate change
policies in an impactful way.
• Effective planning is tailored to the relevant region and is informed by accurate,
regionally specific scientific data. In Clallam county, developing forest and coastal
management practices which account for GHG reduction, wildlife habitat conservation,
and rising sea level are among the most scientifically researched and promising areas of
focus for city planners and community organizers.
What kinds of policies would be most effective
in our region?
A comprehensive climate action plan will implement both mitigation and adaptation policies, to
minimize the rate at which climate change will occur and affect us, and to create innovative solutions to
effects we will be unable to avoid.
In Clallam County, we may face rising sea levels, salt-water intrusion into aquifers, increasing flooding,
changes in habitat and species distribution, ocean acidification and increasingly severe coastal storms.
We must proactively identify vulnerable areas, monitor for changing conditions, and create and apply
adaptation plans that connect policies to management goals. For example, plan to build storm-
resistant infrastructure or fortify waterfront areas and wetlands against flooding.
How to Integrate Climate Policy into Port Angeles Community Planning
Some notable benefits:
Start by using climate change language
and policies in development plans: - Provide greater access with less vehicle emissions
• - Reduce walking distance for commuters
- Expand public transportation
- Develop a more compact city - Cut down on road construction and maintenance costs,
- Plan for alternative transportation - Minimize overall transportation expenditures
- Initiate community solar projects - Provide clean energy to homes and businesses with greater
equality of access
- Promote jobs and economic growth in the solar industry
Marginal costs Et " Low-hanging fruit"
• What is the biggest return we can get for our investment?
• Low-hanging fruit
O Policies that that can be implemented with relatively low costs, on an individual level.
■ Caulking windows
■ Insulating attics
"Triple bottom line "
• Evaluates gains not only in economic profit, but also in People and Planet, each weighted equally
• A successful investment will yield
O Economic returns
O Egalitarian social progress
O Environmental Stewardship
• Examples include:
O Voluntary LEED building certifications
O Green Jobs initiatives
O A strong Climate Action Plan
Climate Justice
"Climate Justice" is a concept recognizing that people who have been most marginalized in
society and are the most vulnerable often will be impacted the most by climate change at the
same time that they have contributed the least to the problem. Climate solutions need to not
only solve the climate crisis but also to mitigate the inequities.
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
• Free through ICLEI's ClearPath
• JeffCo participated in this study
Did we miss anything?