HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Packet 06/16/2020 iIN���������1164Wu INamm„4Sva1b��1�111111TNsiP�.
LINE 1 , 2020
City 0f Port Angeles Council Meeting ens
Additional information on attendance of this meeting will he found at www,c i- jjft��, us,
Meeting will he held virtually
The Mayor may determine the order of'husiness for aparticular City Council meeting. The a�)eada should he arranged to best serve
the needs and/or convenience of'the Council and the public. The Mayor wiii determine time of'break.Hearing deices are available
for those needing assistance. The items of'husiness for regular Council meetings may include the folimi,ing:
A. Call to Order —Regular Meeting at 6:00 parr,.
B. Roll Call, Fledge of Allegiance
Ceremonial Matters, Proclamations & Employee Recognitions
I. Jurneteenth Proclamation
C. Public Comment
Written public comment can he submitted to: crounci1Lii i ro ')aao,, comments it,ill not he read aloud but will he made apart of'the
record. To provide pre-recorded messages to the City Council by phone,please call:360-417-4.504. Messages received will he
provided to Council. These me ssa�)es it,ill he made apart of'the record. Comments should he received by 2:00 pm. Tuesday, June 16,
To call in and provide oral public comment or oral testimony to the public hearing through a telephone line, visit the city's wehsite to
obtain call-in information and directions at b°�b°�b°.cad oil ,n.us. Calls it,ill he taken in the order they come in.
Members of the public may address the City Council at the beginning and end of arty Regular Meeting under"Public Comment."
During the"Public Comment"portion of the meeting, individuals may spear to agenda items, except those scheduled f'or a Public
The City Council desires to allow the opportunity f'or Public Comment.however,the business of the City must proceed in an orderly,
timely manner. At any time,the presiding officer,in the presiding officer's sole discretion,may set such reasonable limits as are
necessary to prevent;disruption of other necessary business.
At its most restrictive,Public Comment shall he limited to a total off 5 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall he
concluded not later than 9:45 for the second Public Comment period.
Individuals may spear f'or three(3)minutes or less, depending on the number of'people wishing to spear.if more than 20 people are
signed up to spear each speaker may he allocated two(2)minutes.
Individuals who are residents of the City or own businesses within the City will he called to spear first,with preference given to those
who wish to spear to an item on the meeting's agenda.if time remains,the presiding officer will call other individuals wishing to
spear, generally in the order in which they have signed.if time is available,the presiding officer may call for additional unsigned
Persons speaking shall state their name,whether they reside within the City limits,whether they have any other pertinent connection
to the City, and whether they are appearing as the representative of am organization.
Excerpts taken from the Council Rules of'Procedure Section 12
June 16,2020 Igor(:Angeles City Council Meeting Rage I
D. Late Items
To he placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting.
Ea Consent Agenda I Approve
I. City Council Minutes of'lurne 2,2020/Approve..............................................................................................................h-I
2. Expenditure deport: From May 23, 2020 to,Tune.5, 2020 in the amount o f$1,278,273..53/Approve...........................h-5
3. Buying Agreement with City of Seattle/Approve..........................................................................................................h-19
F. Public Hearings I 6m30p.m. ar,Voon Thereafter
1. 2021-2026 Capital Facility Plan and Transportation Plan/Open public Hearing l Continue to,Ault'7.........................F-1
G. Ordinances Not Requiring (.:'council Public Hearings
1. Broadened Acceptance Criteria f'or Maintenance and Operation of'hxtensions to City Water and Wastewater Maims/
Conduct second Reading l Adopt Ordinance..................................................................................................................Ci-1
H. Resolutions Not Requiring Council Public Hearings
I. resolution to Waive 311 Quarter PBIA& Interest on Accounts receivable Interest Waiver/Kass Resolution ............11-1
Ira Other Considerations
1. Accept Federal Grant for Race Street Project/presentation .........................................................................................1-1
2. Covid-19 PIaurnirng/Discussion
J. Contracts acts Purchasing
I. Reconstruction of lump Station 3....................................................................................................................................1-1
2. Chip Seal Contract:...........................................................................................................................................................J-3
K. Council Reports
L. Information
City Manager Reports:
1. Departmental Updates
M. Second Public Comment
YVritten public comment can he submitted to: comments it,ill not he read aloud but will he made apart of the
record. To provide pre-recorded messages to the City Council by phone,please call 360-417-4.504. Messages received will he
provided to Council. These me ssa�)es it,ill he made apart of the record. Comments should he received by 2:00 pm. Tuesday, June 16,
To call in and provide oral public comment or oral testimony to the public hearing through a telephone line, visit the city's wehsite to
obtain call-in information and directions ato�l 'n.us. Calls it,ill he taken in the order they come in.
Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. City Council may set a public hearing in order to
receive public input prior to making decisions which impact citizens. Certain matters may be controversial and City Council may
choose to seep public opinion through the public hearing process.
June 16,2020 Igor(:Angeles City Council Meeting Rage 2
a �pi�l q
l iil,,, ihr sti"'ail
In Recognition of
un teenth
WIIdF REAS, Jundwteentln is as widely celebrated holiday..alteniatiwely called Freedcxn Day, Em ancipinion Day,or Jubilce
Day, conimemoratting the days in 1865 when news crl`"the E mnancipation Proclamation finally reached the last
confederate state.Texas.after two and a half years;and
WHEREAS, Washington State does not yet recognize lunctecnah as a legal holiday,but as of`20i 0 7, %Xaashinattorn State does
rcceagnm re 6ummeteentl,1.oil June l qth,as a day of remeamahr<a,mnce for the day the enslaved learned of their
fi-ce,do ni.
nm'4'IIF..I2t+;AS, at time erect of 1865. Congress and the.states adopted the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States
tW ons,tittatnon.. and
WHEREAS,S, t➢ne City Of Port Angeles has adopted..and remains committed tan.nurnc:rous actions arid policies that are
created for the purpose of°preventian,g,eMirnguislning,and erasing bias, inequities.and violence based on
ethnic, religious,racial or cultural groupings;and.
WHEREAS, tine:employees,officials. arid council of the.City of Port Angeles take seriously concerns,about all and out-
interactions with time conimnunityr and continuously%vork to improve our pcdicies, training.culture;and
trataasparency and
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles acknowledges that implicit and mstitutional bias and discrimination exist in aspects
ofsw)ciety: criznminal justice,education.housing. health care.finance.and more. revs aC'ity,we will work, in.
concert with policy nma ers and others to mnraake wvstenmac improvements with the goal to eliminate the implicit
and institutional brasses and barriers that inhibit every person's success.
WHEREAS, it is necessary 6or all of us to educate ourselves about any inequities and violence that continues in our
society and to take action to snake it clear inequities arid violence ag;a.inst any etlrrmic.religious.,racial.,or
cultural group is antithetical to our core values tared mission,and must not be tolerated,and
WHEREAS, the City of'Por't Angeles is corrranitted to a mission ofsening a diverse municipal population acid is
committed to equity.and
''M HERE,AS, inequity and violence against people of carter Continues to plague our nation,as does the legacy of inequity
and violence throtaglnout our hirstom�; and
WHEREAS, the killing of Georgc Floyd and many others has focused the nation's attention on the persistent runure of
WHEREAS, our C,`ty`s Statement of Values nmakc it clear that racism and violence against any ethnic,religmawu:t, racial or
cultural group is antithetical to our core values and nnission and must not be tolerated.
NOW..TIII REIa'ORE, 1,bate Dexter. lw^'Iavor, ON FSFIIA.LF OF' III aryr"COUNCIL OF PORT ANClfl._FS,recognizes,tune
pledges to support actions that seek to
IV'as.Ucn�ictcenth and a:ffim-nms than it stmtd in condemning racisann and violence,and
distri aarntle.syysternic inequity and bias. confront hate and violence, and more fully practice the C~ity's Statenient of Vral.ues
towards all in our community.
f .. '.::.. .tune 16, 2020
Kate dexter, °fayora
Port Angeles, Washington
,June 2, 2020
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Pori.Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French, Meyer, McCaughan, Schromen-
Wawrin and Suggs.
Members Absent: None
Staff'Present: City Manager West,Attorney door, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat,K.Dubuc,B. Smith,
A. Brekke, 1'.Flunter, and S. Carrizosa.
Mayor Dexter led the pledge of allegiance.
1. Port Angeles High School 2020 Graduate Recognition
Mayor Dexter read a proclamation celebrating Pori.Angeles I-ligh School and Lincoln I-ligh School Class of'2020.
Flearing no opposition from Council, the Mayor moved agenda item Consideration of Fort Angeles Chamber of
Commerce',-v T'roposedS'trategyic Planning I-/,A)rIfi)r Dovvn/ovvn Area to immediately follow the Public flearing.
Ron Richards, residing outside the city, spoke in favor of the letter of'support:regarding the removal of the Snake
River Dams.
Mark Sullivan, residing outside the city, spoke in favor of the letter of'support:regarding the removal of the Snake
River Dams.
Kurt Miller, residing outside the city, representing his position as Executive Director of Northwest River Partners,
spoke in opposition of the letter of's upport regarding the removal of the Snake River Dams.
Nina Sanniento, city resident, spoke in favor of the letter of'support:regarding the removal of the Snake River Dams.
Ed Chadd,city resident, spoke in favor of the letter of'support:regarding the removal of the Snake River Dams.
Ed Sullins, residing outside the city, spoke in opposition of the letter of'support:regarding the removal of the Snake
River Dams.
Jim Waddell,residing outside the city, spoke about Snake River Dam Removal.
1. Public Hearing on the Proposed Use of Federal CARES Act CDBG-CV Funding for Clailam County
Community and Economic Development Director Allyson Brekke presented the agenda item and provided
background which included the intent of the application. She referred to the Council packet memo which identified
how funds would be spent. She shared it was necessary Council conduct a public hearing to provide those receiving
the funds, an opportunity to provide testimony, and then close the public hearing. She shared the frinding recipients
would include Clallam County which would include the City offorks, Pori.Angeles and Sequim, adding that Pori.
Angeles would be acting as the grant administrator.Director Brekke said once approved,interlocal agreements would
then be created among the various municipalities.
June 16,
The Mayor asked if there were callers waiting on the public comment phone line to provide testimony. Hearing there
were no callers on the line to give testimony, the meeting continued to the presentation. At 6:30 p.m., the Mayor
opened the public hearing and again checked to see if there were callers on the line. Hearing there were no callers,
the Mayor closed the public hearing. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by French to:
Approve the City of'Dort Angeles to serve as the grant administrator for a consortium application to the Department
of'Commerce for CDBG-CV I funding.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
2. Consideration of Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce's Proposed Strategic Planning Effort for
Downtown Area
Director Brekke presented the agenda item and discussed the intent of the recommendation. Marc Abshire,
Executive Director of the Pori.Angeles Chamber of'Commerce,joined the call to provide additional information. fie
spoke about the Chamber's culture and shared they are guided by a five-year strategic plan. Council discussion
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to:
Direct City Staff to negotiate a contract with the Chamber utilizing the City's PB IA funds.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7:06 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:12 p.m.
The Mayor reopened the Public Hearing on the Proposed Use of ederal CARES Act CDBG-CV Funding for Clallam
County at 7:13 p.m. to receive additional testimony from an online caller.
Colleen McAleer,residing outside the city,Pori.Commissioner, and the Executive Director of the Clallam County
Economic Development Council, said it was critical for municipalities to be receive tax money through support of
local businesses and stressed the importance of engaging in the local economy. She also stressed the importance of
social services. She provided an update on grant availabilities and shared there was a financial need in the County
that available funding couldn't cover. She added the additional funding would help businesses stay open after the
health pandemic was over.
The Mayor closed the public hearing at 7:18 p.m.
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by McCaughan to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes of'May 19,2020 lApprove
2. Expenditure Report: From April 2.5, 2020 to Maly 22, 2020 in the amount qf'$5,255,653.9 7 lAppro ve
3. Electrical Plan Review-- Professional Services Agreement lApprove and award the Electrical Plan
Revien,, Professional Services Agreement to West Coast Consildlanty,Inc qflynnn,00d, TVA; and authorize
the Cily Manager to sign and make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
4. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Appointment Recommendations I Recommendation to appoint five
LJACmemhers as recommended by the City qfl'orlAngeles Council ad hoc committee responsible for
revien,il,t�,received LJACapplications.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
1. Easement Outside of Improved Right-of-Way
Director of'Public Works and Utilities Thomas 11 unter presented the proposed ordinance,provided background on
the item and discussed easements as they related to the ordinance. fie shared the item would give the City the
ability to provide critical services to areas outside of the right-of-way.
Page 2 of 4
June 16,
Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of'Dort Angeles, Washington amending 13.48.050 and 13.62.210 of the Pori.Angeles
Municipal Code, both relating to the location of utility mains.
The Mayor continued the matter to the June 16 meeting.
Manager West suggested agenda items H-I and I-I be combined to aid Council discussion.
1. Coronavirus Relief Fund Interagency Agreement with Washington State Department of Commerce
Manager West presented the agenda items and spoke about the connection between the Survey. Council discussion
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title, entitled,
A RESOIUTION of the City Council of the City of'Port Angeles,Washington,ratifying the Washington State
Department of'Commerce Interagency Agreement with the City of'Dort Angeles for Coronavirus Relief unds
signed by the City Manager on May 27,2020.
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to:
Pass the resolution as read.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
1. Community Survey for COVID-19 Local Assistance and Advocacy
The Council simultaneously considered the community survey results due to the connection of the agenda items 11-1
and 1-1. Council discussion followed.
3. Requested Letter of Support for Snake River Dams Removal
Manager West provided background on how the item came to be on the agenda. fie shared he and staff encourage
Council to research the matter prior to taking action. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Authorize the Mayor to sign the letter on page 1-24 of the Council packet to Representative Kilmer on behalf ofthe
City of'Port:Angeles.
Roll call vote:
Mayor Dexter No
Deputy Mayor Carr-Yes
Council member French-Yes
Council member McCaughan-Abstained
Council member Meyer-Yes
Council member Schromen-Wawrin-Yes
Council member Suggs-Yes
Motion carried 5 to 1,with Dexter opposed and McCaughan abstaining from the vote.
Mayor Dexter read a statement and reflected on current issues.
Council member Meyer spoke about the Pori.Angeles Police Department and shared his appreciation for the open
communication he has with City of'Dort Angeles Police Department.
Page 3 of 4
June 16,
Council member Suggs spoke about progress at Shore Memorial Pool and spoke about current events.
Council member Schromen-Wawrin shared the City of'Port Angeles will continue to maintain two representatives on
the Clallam Transit Board. lie shared he attended a Low-Income Housing Alliance meeting and spoke about the
highlights from the meeting. Ile shared he attended a Clallam County Broadband, Economic Opportunity Institute,
and Strong Washington meetings as well as the City's Audit Entrance conference. lie shared he was re-appointed to
Association of Washington Cities Legislative Priorities Committee. Ile shared words from Martin Luther King Jr.
relative to rioting.
Council member French spoke about current issues,and shared positive things the City's Police Department is doing,
including integrated social work and de-escalation tactics. Ile suggested that many policies should be addressed at a
legislative level,adding that laws would hopefully solve systemic issues. Ile shared he attended a Homelessness Task
Force Meeting and shared some messaging that the City could share.
Deputy Mayor Carr spoke about an NC DC meeting she attended, spoke about Board of Health updates, shared some
updates relative to Phase 2 status and spoke about COVID-19 testing, and shared she would like the PAPD update
moved up on the Council Calendar.
No other reports were given.
Manager West spoke regarding the reports included in the packet,and spoke about current events and how those have
affected the City. Ile then introduced City Attorney Bill Bloor who shared an update on the code compliance
ordinances. Chief'Brian Smith spoke about the new code enforcement officers and the program.
Jane Vanderhoof,city resident,spoke in favor of the letter of'support:regarding the removal of the Snake River Dams.
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 9:31 p.m.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Kate Dexter,Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk
Page 4 of 4
June 16,
DocuSign Envelope ID: DBD4C4B4-FD9C-4EC8-8515-D51 D253389DA
Port Angeles, Washington
,June 16, 2020
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Pori.Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French, Meyer, McCaughan, Schromen-
Wawrin and Suggs.
Members Absent: None
Staff'Present: City Manager West,Attorney door, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat, K. Dubuc,B. Smith,
A.Brekke, and S. Carrizosa.
Roll call vote:
Mayor Dexter
Deputy Mayor Carr
Council member French
Council member McCaughan
Council member Meyer
Council member Schromen-Wawrin
Council member Suggs
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of'Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Juneteenth Proclamation
Mayor Dexter read a proclamation recognizing June 19 as Juneteenth and affirmed the City stands in condemning
racism and violence, and pledges to support actions that seek to dismantle systemic inequity and bias, confront hate
and violence,and more fully practice the City's Statement of'Values towards all in our community.
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by McCaughan to:
Direct staff to draft ordinances for Council discussion at the July 7 meeting recognizing June 19 as Juneteenth and the
second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
The Mayor said the public comment phone number and code.
Hearing no comments,the Mayor closed the public comment period.
At the request of Council member Schromen-Wawrin, and by consensus of the Council, Mayor Dexter added a
discussion on the Designation qfA TR'Business Meeting Voting Delegates to the agenda as item 1-3.
It was moved by Suggs and seconded by McCaughan to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes of'June 2,2020 IAI)I)rove
2. Expenditure Report: From May 23, 2020 lo June.5, 2020 in the amount qf$1,278,273.53 IAI)I)rove
3. Buying Agreement with City of'Seattle lAuthorize the City Manager to sign the attached agreement with
the City qf'Seallle
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
DocuSign Envelope ID: DBD4C4B4-FD9C-4EC8-8515-D51 D253389DA
1. 2018 Federal Lands Access Program Grant Award for the Race Street Complete Design and
Construction (Phase 1) Transportation Capital Facilities Plan Project TR0209.
Community and Economic Development Director Allyson Brekke introduced Associate Planner and Project
Manager of the Grant,Ben Braudrick,who shared a presentation with the Council and provided an update on the
2018 Federal Lands Access Program(FIAP) Grant Award for the Race Street Complete Design and Construction
(Phase 1)Transportation Capital Facilities Plan(CFI)Project TR0209. Council discussion followed
It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to:
Approve and authorize acceptance of the Federal Lands Access Program 2018 grant award in the amount of
$2,000,000.00 and authorize the City Manager to sign the grant agreement and make minor modifications to the
grant agreement as necessary.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
1. 2021-2026 Capital Facility Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan
The Mayor opened the public hearing at 6:33 p.m.
Marolee Smith, City resident, provided comments on a previously recorded line, suggested Council include
sidewalks south of'Dark Avenue at Race Street in the Capital Facility Plan.
Staff provided updates on various projects related to the Capital Facility Plan. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title, entitled,
A RESOIUTION of the City Council of the City of'Port Angeles,Washington,adopting the City's Capital
Facilities Plan for 2021 --2026,which includes the City's Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2021-
The Mayor continued the public hearing to the July 7. 2020 meeting.
Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7:20 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:26 p.m.
1. Broadened Acceptance Criteria for Maintenance and Operation of Extensions to City Water and
Wastewater Mains
Director of'Public Works and Utilities Thomas hunter reminded Council the item was before them for a second
reading and provided background on the code amendment. fie shared the change allows the City to accept
conveyance of utilities outside of an improved right-of-way. Council Discussion followed.
Mayor Dexter conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of'Port Angeles,Washington amending 13.48.050 and 13.62.210 of the Pori.Angeles
Municipal Code, both relating to the location of utility mains.
It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to:
Adopt the ordinance as read.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
Page 2 of 4
DocuSign Envelope ID: DBD4C4B4-FD9C-4EC8-8515-D51 D253389DA
1. Resolution to Waive 3"'Quarter ARIA& Interest on Accounts Receivable Interest Waiver
Manager West provided background on the agenda item, said the matter was similar to extension of waivers Council
had approved at previous meetings, and shared his favorable recommendation of the proposed resolution. Council
discussion followed.
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title, entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of'Port Angeles,Washington, waiving the 3rd Quarter assessment
of the Parking and Business Improvement Area as additional relief'fbr the hardship created by the COVID-1 9
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Pass the resolution as read.
Council member French disclosed he owns and operates a business within the PBIA district.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
2. Covid-I 9 Planning/Discussion
Manager West began by providing background on the memo and shared what the City continues to do to help meet
the needs of the community during the COVID-19 health crisis. lie provided statistics from the County working
groups that were formed to discuss utility,mortgage, and rent relief'options and spoke about an increase in past-due
utility accounts. Ile shared the City continues to look for additional financial assistance options. Director Brekke
spoke about her work in the County sub-groups,working with childcare and business support sub-groups.
Council agreed by consensus to continue virtual meetings.
3. Voting Delegates at the Association of Washington Cities Business Meeting
Council member Schromen-Wawrin provided background on the late item and shared the City would need to
determine which three Council members would be the delegated to vote during the Association of Washington Cities
business meeting held during the 2020 annual conference.
It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to:
Appoint Mayor Dexter and Council member Suggs,and Manager West as the three voting delegates for the AWC and
interested in participating as a voting delegate.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
1. Pump Station 3 Replacement,Construction Contract,WW-03-08
Director Hunter spoke about the project and provided background on the item and spoke about the age of the facility
relative to repairs. Ile shared the station was damaged in December of'2018. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by French and seconded by Meyer to:
Approve and award the contract with Interwest Construction, Inc,of'Burlington,Washington for the Pump Station 3
Replacement for the bid amount of'$564,454.40 including applicable taxes and authorize the City Manager to
execute the construction contract and to make minor modifications if necessary.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
2. 2020 Chip Sea] Project,Award Construction Contract
Director Hunter spoke about the agenda item and said the contract is for pavement preservation. Ile stated the work
will lengthen the life of the pavement where paving work would be conducted. Ile stated the project puts a
temporary stop on road degradation. Council discussion followed.
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DocuSign Envelope ID: DBD4C4B4-FD9C-4EC8-8515-D51 D253389DA
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by McCaughan to:
Approve and award the contract with Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc. offancouver,WA, for the 2020 Chip Seal
Project CON 2020-14 for the bid amount of'$398,398.00 including applicable taxes, and authorize the City Manager
to execute the contract and to make minor modifications if necessary.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
Deputy Mayor Carr shared she had the opportunity to speak at a Future Wise event, provided updates from a recent
Board of'health meeting, and urged the community to continue to follow the Governors guidelines. She said she
was happy to see people exercising their rights in support of important issues and spoke about current events.
Council member French spoke about his attendance at the Chamber weekly meeting, and the Chamber Finance
Committee meeting. fie spoke about current events and encouraged people to read books by African-American
Council member Schromen-Wawrin shared he attended the same Future Wise event, spoke about life expectancy of
farm workers in Washington, shared information from a Low-Income Housing Alliance call he participated in, spoke
about rank choice voting, spoke about current events, and shared it was Transit Week.
Council member Suggs shared she attended a Marine Resource Committee meeting and spoke about current events.
Council member McCaughan spoke about the need for sidewalk.s and the need for the people to continue to follow the
Governor's orders. fie spoke about his attendance at a Shore Aquatic Center meeting and spoke about current events.
Council member Meyer spoke about Peninsula Area Public Access and spoke about pandemic fatigue.
Mayor Dexter spoke about current events, a meeting she had with Lower Elwha Tribe Council Chairwoman Francis
Charles, and shared she reached out to a member of the crew of the Active who was awarded Enlisted Person of the
Year for the entire USCG.
No other reports were given.
Manager West shared there will be a July 28 work session on the financial impacts of'COVID-I 9 in addition to a long-
range planning discussion. fie turned the meeting over to Directors who provided updates on each of their
No public comment was shared.
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 9:59 p.m.
DocuSigned by DocuSigned by-
�166ff4,51-t55E-4e9--------------------------------------------------- ----=jaaEflF3&4M_ 4-Ir-—--------------------------------------
Kate Dexter,Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk
Page 4 of 4
Depar°tmenr t
e, the unndersii rued 'City Officials of the City of Port Angeles, do hereby
certify that the merchandise and/or services herein specified have been
received and that these claims are approved for payment in the amount of
Finance Director $1,278,273.53 this 1 nth day of June 2020.
Trina McK
Senior Aecoun(mit ,
lar s=Fm-nch
Senior Accountant Mayor City Manager
Linda K heriaty
Finaaacial Systerrrs n:alyst
Melody Schneider
Management Accountant
NPar;ah Row
Financial Analyst
Jane Perkins
Payroll speciahsl,
Julie P"ray»well
accounting Tcchni6an
Jason Jones
Accounting Technician
Nicole Blank
Administrative Analyst
K:atlayelnen Haney
Customer Services Manager
Tracy Rivks
Utility Bulling specialist
City Port Aingeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
G111...,XII l:11 .;SI I IIG111NEG :r IIIN(.; IIES 001 1210 51331 '01 7270
City Manager Division Total; $72.70
City Manager Department Total; $72.70
WA&flIIIGIG u I GGIIN (1GI.1I 11I I GGC G), G1 I. ..I IG I GIIGIIGIG.,IIIGII SEI::Z°v"IIG, GG 001 2023 514,41 50 12,029 0,11
GG If::
WADI III IIGIG I GGIIGI ) IIN II I')), S I A I E UGI: V UMAN SSG:::G\e"IIG,4ES 001 2023 5 14 49""'90 19606
Accounting Division Total; $12,225.11
SOUND [1 3UI NII II;G6 IIIIIGIG,u IIIIGIG., (.11GIII\41\WIVIC; I IIG111NSII 14 I)II E::rV 001 202,15 514,42 10 47,15 00
Customer Service Division Total; $475.00
Finance Department Total. $12,700.11
G,11...1GII II...`, M G,IIGI IY G.,GGIIVIIIVIII,��;IIGGIINEI :r°S I II I II...IIIES 001 301� 598,51 "23 73,794,98
0"'"'I G.,W....
Jail Contributions Division Total; $73,794.98
City Attorney Department Total. $73,794.98
SGGI111ND I3UI11I III;[IIIIIGIG a IIIIGIG., CIA I IIGGIIGI/1GI1I.11IGG1fIISIIIGII... 001 4060 ,5,5 41 145 69,52
Planning Division Total; $69.52
Community Development Department Total; $69.52
GA IL..S GGII II°°IIG;E II ES, G;u IINEG::Z ll... 001 5010 52 1 31 01 1,36.JJ
Police Administration Division Total; $136.66
L..IIIIGIG,UL..IIGI DIG ..I DI A LIOIN DI IIII3I3IIIIGIGa AN 111N IGIG'u 001 5021 521 42 '10 14,23
Investigation Division Total; $14.23
IIN G,II GG I II IIGI G;u &X)[W::ZB 001 5022 521 31""''1'1 126 1,15
G,II GG I I Ill llN u&X��)[��W::ZB... 001 5022 521 31 11 20276
L..IIIIGIG,GGIL..IIGI ;G I ZEE I ;G I A I IIGGIIN ;GI IIII3I3IIIIGIG a AN I IIG11:111. IIIIGIG 001 5022 521 42""'10 11.14,
DI IIII3I'3IIIIGIG a AN I IIGI1:111. IIIIGIG,'u 001 5022 521 42""''10 11.14,
UL..XII I'IIG.,IIWE:I,11IG�., II G;DIGI I E:::::G " II;GG; SSG:::G1fIKI.E 001 5022 521 49""'90 1600
UL..XII I'IIG., I I IIVIIIIN II A G.,GGII%I\GI IIvfl X " II;GG, I' GGGII°G GGIIG IL..SSG:::ZVe IC.E 001 5022 521 41 50 7,77778
3W II1N 3 G:'uDINEG ::GAIT ;;LGG GE IIIIGIG., I W::Z 1W ZE, III 1 A1 ED II I GGJI 3 001 5022 521 31 '1'1 20669
Patrol Division Total. $8,537.16
I IG1GI.IG GGIIGIII IIIIGIIG DAI A I: pGGGG;SE::GV&SU WA�:::�ZE 001 1 029 521 41 50 2,148.00
G1U1 G.,G�G rI�GGCG LIIGGIIN GGII II°°IIG;E IIGES, G;u IINEG::�G ll... 001 5029 521 31 01 115.'10
Vf E: GII I GGIINE, IIIIGIG�., I::ZDNI AI II EASE EG1lGIH4��'IWE]IN 001 5029 521 31 01 80000
I::ZDNI AI II EASE EGGIGIII::'II" DIGL.L. 001 5029 521 3'1""' 0 1,60000
Records Division Total; $4,563.10
F age 1 of 14 Jun 9, 2020 4:34:57 IRM
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
Police Department Total. $13, 51.37
1 of 1Al111N1 El::1 AU 0&I01 EQJIII 11\ME IIN l.. GPI: 001 6010 52 31..,01 2 11.64,
JIHHl:] X J;II E IINEG ::ZS A6lllN[)f 11(/I Df::ZY II E1JIIV1111NG SEA::::\ZV 001 6010 522 20..,80 1904,
GJII...XIIVII IIJ.;;J I A IIIGJIINEG ::ZINC,S llES 001 6010 52231 01 /16.99
3WA1111N°3 1uDlNE:ZAJ SJ OG :1E INC, llES 001 6010 52 31..01 864,
Flue Administration Division Total; $310.31
1�A; IL..S 0 l[IIIIING &X)[W::ZB 001 6020 52231 11 (100.1��•�
J;II 0 l I lllllN u &X��)[��W::ZB... 001 1020 52231 11 100.154.
1;11 0l[IIIIING&X)[W::ZB 001 6020 52231 11 100.1541
J;II 0l 111111N u&X��)[��W::ZB... 001 1020 522 20 aalb 164, 151
J;II 0l 1111llN u&X��)[��W::ZB... 001 1020 52231 11 111.1
� JIN 1N IIIINC IIGES, 1-u IINEG::Z 11... 001 6020 52231 31 01 73.37
3WA1111N°3 1uDlNE:ZAJ S Ol :1E INC, llES 001 1020 52 31..01 18 74,
f rS l 1JII11 &31JII E 1 Y EQU 11 l 001 1020 52231 11 43.24,
l l l ll...11ES 001 1020 52 31..01 21.44
l l l ll...11ES 001 1020 52 31..01 867
l l l ll...11ES 001 1020 52 31..01 3033
l l l ll...11ES 001 1020 52 31..01 098
&IOES AND IIINGJGJ.I 001 1020 522 20..80 163.06
Flue Suppression Division Total; $660.00
1ufZA llN1uEf:1 U. 0&l01 EQJ111 11 4: IIN l.. UI: 001 60,30 52231 01 2 11.64,
Flue Prevention Division Total; $ 45.64
P 1CJ\e"II 1D\ l Al uDINCY, INC, IV14®IIV\4:El:rS llll 001 604,15 522 41 50 1,1 715 00
WADI IIIIIJIG l ON (UIIJIDI" I'')), S l A l E GJII°° �,lWMAIJI SSG:::11s"110ES 001 604,15 522 10 03 1068
Flue Training Division Total; $1,185.68
IIN i 11 ES IIWI JL..WOJ:::ZK&II II IIIE�::1 Al a:::1111�.I.UII lW:1 11 PJI 001 60,5 b 522 48..'10 4190
V SCI l II III CJYEE E IIDINSE GAG f:1BIII II IN 001 60,5 b 522 48..10 26 37
OIL..XII` 1II I111.1 X P ("US l OD1 1 11... �::ZDIJI IL/IIEASE E11l Hll'llMDIN 001 60,5 b 52231 31 01 19 3.4•1
11I II Ili
f::ZDNlAl EASE E1.1UIII: IIV1DN..l.. 001 60,5 b 52 31..01 2,57 8
DIVIIIINSUll...A II U:Nf:111J;AlN..l.. 11B...,O II ,1 of 1P SP, & II U:GE:3ES 001 60,5 b 522,1,8..10 91511.98
SEMR3 J.;GJIIV111WE4 ::ZJIlAl l...OlNE lllE 001 60,5 b 52231 01 19.117
3WA1111N°3 1uDlNE:ZAJ SJ OG :1E INC, llES 001 60,5 b 52231 . 0 1846
l L l0::Z1MAN X IIES 001 60,5 b 522 48..'10 2.71
F age 2 of 14 Jun 9, 2020 4:34:57 IRM
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
Facilities Maintenance Division Total; $1,490.42
Fire Department Total. $3,892.05
1GIIV1IGZGGIIGI C; I II I II SSG::Z°v"IIG,EG \e"II;Gl.11Gl1... G 111.1CA; IIGGIIGI EQUH IMIN 001 7010 53231 01 56 70
1GI: G1/1G IGII NII..,IICIAI IIGGIIGI/ 1G1,11IGG1s"II;GIG II, 001 7010 53231 '01 ;18 23
GI0G II Iwo::S IIIGII IIG; I'')GG/Ctr::° �::G EDUCAP0NAL..SSG:::ZVIKI.E G 001 7010 532 43 '10 �1�Gb.GbGb
SC.,IIGIIGIZB , S EV IIGI I 01MAS DA A I: pZOC G EfGV 1GG GGII 1WA/:GE 001 7010 532 41 50 4100.00
G G1/1GII11N°3 GuDINEG :ZAG S OI :GE INC, frSG AI GG SAGI .I..X EG.11G111 001 7010 53231 01 2601
Public Works Admin. Division Total; $1,510.94
Public Works&Utilities Department Total. $1,510.94
1G I)I G11I: II..IGII NGGC:,G& IIIIGI1:;11. S; f::ZES IIGE 001 8012 G11t1t 31""'01 1134, 10
Senior Center Division Total; $134.10
GGGGII GIIIIGIG II" GGIIGI[GII" DINLS INC, IIES 001 80,50 536 34""'01 194,,00
IGI II...l11ES 001 80,50 536,14„""01 3,132 00
G1GGl11IGII1 [33UI:NII II&IIIIIGIG;u IIIIGIG.; IGI II...l11ES 001 80,50 ,536'11 1,15 32,15 00
Ocean View Cemetery Division Total; $4,354.00
1GIIGIG uB ES II%III II // O/ :ZK GG II IGII%:NEf:G IIES 001 8080 57631 " 0 4,24,
I3AflII EY&GNS GG G of Z IIG.; 1 �IES 001 8080 576 49 90 3,53.60
I3AXIUfG AUIGGI1GfGIS#1G1 IGI I II...IIGAG; 001 8080 5 631 " 0 111.89
I11IIL..II °D I IL..[GII" IIGIIIIGIG,'u U IG A� IIING,'u IIIIGIG., IIGES 001 8080 5764 ""'10 23,15 00
I EA1 :G N E IIGES 001 8080 57631 " 0 61.96
G1GGl11IGII1 [33UI:NII II&IIIIIGIG;u IIIIGI(.; IGI II...IIGES 001 8080 576 41 1,15 1,37 18
G G1/1GII11N°3 GuDINEG :ZAG SG OG :GU INC, IGI I II...IIGES 001 8080 57631 01 12,15 98
WADI IIIIIGIG,u.L.OIIGI )UIINUII I'')), D I I E OIL:.: V IUII IIN SSG::::ZVIKI.ES 001 8080 576 20 60 6,134,,4
Parks Facilities Division Total; $7,175.24
Parks &Recreation Department Total. $11,663.34
G,UI1/G,GGIIGSO;G 1111.11E1 G 1 UII...EG, I.1B1 l lI II...IIGES 001 8112 41,1,1 31 "20 ,59.08
11AG:GI IINAG;;uB II301 DflNG SU[3I3II...,Y IIII\X, 111 II...,IIGAG; 001 8112 111111 31 " 0 30,56
Senior Center Facilities Division Total; $789.64
1GIIGIGuB EG111%III II // O/ :ZK&S I IGII%:3Efr IGI I II...IIGES 001 81,31 51831 " 0 (;1/1.88)
F age 3 of 14 Jun 9, 2020 4:34:57 IRM
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
A1N1uB ES %III JI...WO::ZlK& UII%:3Efr IIES 001 81,31 51831 20 121 69
111 II...,IIES 001 81,11 15 18,31 20 32 03
A1N1 uB ESIII 0\4I I:IN IIllNG IIII\X, IIES 001 81,11 1118,11 . 0 '911.1111
1l IIl G11I: II,. 10G ::Z& IIINI:;)US_: ::ZES IIVE 001 81,31 4518 01 1134, 10
111 II...,IIES 001 81,11 4118,11..,01 1134, 10
E::Z USOG ICI EINIE::l":ZBES INC, IIES 001 81,11 4118,11 01 437.34
OMV I1V V)G 1(WOG :R1I53 111 II...,II ES 001 81,11 4118 01 26940
111 II...,IIES 001 81,11 4118,11..,01 16222
3WAII11N°31uEINE:ZA S OG :1E INC, IIES 001 81,11 1518,31 . 0 12.16
l l...l0::ZlMAN [ I II...X IIES 001 81,11 15 18,31 20 31.93
111 II...,IIES 001 81,11 15 18,31 20 8.'10
Central Svcs Facilities Division Total; $1,865.53
Facilities Maintenance Department Total; $ ,655.17
W1III.II..II AM , KAS 1 IINEV r&1 H:NII NS II 11.; 1.110INDl.11I l II11NG SEV :1\e"IKI.E3 001 9029 1118 41 45 1811.1111
General Unspecified Division Total; $185.50
Non-Departmental Department Total; $185.50
General Fund Fund Total; $119,795.68
1N1 uB ES
II%III II WOE:ZK&IV UlI%:3EV1 V lAlN11..l..00...S ,I')OW INON [`')OTC Er :V:1 102 /2,30 54,23,15 01 6,15 76
E 11,uUSOG ICI EN I E rl)p::ZBEINC,S IIES 102 72,30 54,231..01 2011.63
l lI II...,IIES 102 72,30 54,231..,01 18278
111 II...,IIES 102 72,10 54, 31..,01 (197 86)
[''IUI1111 OI:° 1;11 IL.IL. IM CIOUIIvflY " S(I. SEV:::1\s"IKI.E 102 72,30 542 47 10 1 3.4•1
V1 S(I. P`1G111 l G III II... SE1::Z\s"IKI.E 102 72,30 542 47 10 12,30
V1 S(I. SEV::Z\e"IKI.E 102 72,30 542 47 10 19 111
3WAII11N°3 GENE:ZAl S l GEC rE INC, f 1S.1..AEI 3AII E l X EQU 111 102 72,30 54,231 01 4 2 64,
f rS l AEI 3AII V 1 Y E1.1U111 102 72,30 54,231 01 2 3. 6
l f 11 11 11 1.;SAI E I X Sl ll I:II...X(110 `Al 11KEl 1S, AQUES,&G�NS 102 72,30 54,231.. 11 221.9
1 V:1A1NS[330 Gu::ZOU[I3 (.1101NSU1. I IIIIIN1;SE; :r\s"IKI.E3 102 72,111 4142 41 50 1,636 211
WADI 1II1NG l ON )UIINEI I'')), D l l E OII°° V lOMAII SEV:::1\s"IKI.ES 102 72,30 542 20.. 0 2,58.68
Street Division Total. $3,134.15
Public Works-Street Department Total. $3,134.15
Street Fund Total. $3,134.15
CIX lAIIIIN ..F 1;11 Gil 11II11NG&X [ A�::ZB... 107 15160 528 20 80 1415 78
1;EIN l 0 1XIV...IIllNlK 1145..06 AX11,111111394, 4, 107 15160 528,12..11 58 0
:G1Crl IIIINO, ;;C11IVNRA 11 A::ZE V1 S(I. SEG::Z\s"IKI.E 107 15160 52841 50 1,24,7 4,
F age 4 of 14 Jun 9, 2020 4:34:57 IRM
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
1.,11°°III II 1 11I1M1 SECU::11I lY II II�:1E,;_, II°°E Y SEG:::1ZV 107 15160 528 41 50 410000
f;E1;6.1f':,11I11YjI I ::ZE,;_A1 E Y SE;:':::\ZV 107 15160 528 41 50 4100.00
.. 5160 531 01I 11 1 1 l. I °° 1; ° . 1 1 1879
SV"'~0::ZE ['3UI YG:::r l)I l SE::ZflKI.E f;E1;6.1f:Z111Y,II I :ZE,;_AI E 1Y SE;:::1V 10 15160 528 41 50 11111.1111
WAS,flllNG.�..UN ( IIN II I')), S l l E UPI: V UMAN SSG ::1\e"IKI.ES 107 15 160 528 20.. 0 86780
Pencom Division Total; $3,438.13
Pencom Department Total. $3,438.13
Pencom Fund Total. $3,438.13
%SCUNE l II E.,VE IV U"'\,::': �::Z N M a"�,.::,.:'rl,::':l ANC II 2 4130 41,1 II 49..90 00
°ZDN l.A" a"�,.::,.:'rl,::':l AN CI II 2 4130 41,1 II 49..,90 00
°ZDN l.A" a"�,.::,.:'rl,::':l AN CI II 2 4130 41,1 II 49..,90 00
°ZDN l.A" a"�,.::,.:'rl,::':l AN CI II 2 4130 41,1 II 49..,90
°ZDN l.A" a"�,.::,.:'rl,::':l AN CI II 2 4130 41,1 II 49..,90 00
°ZDN l.A" a"�,.::,.:'rl,::':l AN CI II 2 4130 41,1 II 49..,90 00
:3DL.11 11N �::1 11N l AIL.. ;_,SlS..l. 172 4130 15151 49 90 1x1b1b.00
f rDlN 1. ll. ASSlMA1NCE 172 4130 1515 1 49..90 11111.00
f rDlN 1. ll. ASSlMA1NCE 172 4130 1515 1 49..90 11111.00
FAA Housing Rehabilitation Division Total; $4,300.00
FAA Housing Rehabilitation Department Total. $4,300.00
FAA Housing Rehab Prof Fund Total. $4,300.00
AIISESIDE II11NDUS l f rll l S INC, 1,UNS..l..�ZUCI ION SSG::r\e"IKI.E z,l uDN 312 79,30 59,15 6g5..10 19,37,15 83
1,UNS l f rUC,.I..IOIN SSG::r\s"IKI.ES,GDIN 312 79,30 59,15 6,5..10 27,364,59
1,UNS frUC,.I..IOIN SSG::r\s"IKI.ES,GDIN 312 79,30 59,15 6,15 10 78,67720
1,UNS frUC,.I..IOINSEG::r\s"IKI.ES,GDIN 312 79,3059,156,5..10 114, 27,54,.
1 M:ZAIW-..1." 111"< II11NC 1.;UNS11II 1 II11N1'„u SSG:::r\s"IKI.ES 312 79,30 5915 615..,10 215,274, 6
1.;UNSU 1 II11N1;SEA :r\s"IKI.E 312 79,30 5915 611..10 6,11119. 0
CIF-Street Projects Division Total. $ 71,9 8.8
Capital Projects-Pub Wks Department Total. $ 71,9 8.8
Transportation Benefit Fund Total. $271,928.82
/R IIVIIIS1.D1 II ANEOUS f::ZD UNlDS SV(II [ U E ES VS AC,1 to ll... 4,01 0000 213 10 90 89820
CIED/1.,UNSU 11DA l ED DI...ECI I.1IIS 1 D ECI l f rill, ll..1IA:NII ES D M1 :r S 4101 1111110 1411 411..00 1,1315 113
D E1;l f:rlll; ll..1.IA:3II f...S&W1/lf1 S 4,01 1111110 141 42 00 1,9,56 60
"HISS(, U llll Y )E1 1G & �::ZDl°°UN S UIII II I IX 11G[I''))O;;II I 1EIf'U 1N1) 4,01 0000..'122 10 99 1215 00
O\ E" J:: l::) XIIMDvfl 1 106 E l L..l 3..1. 4,01 0000..'122 10 99 414,41013
I II Il ullll II 1D1:° 11N1D 4,01 0000 '122 '10 99 17,56
F age 5 of 14 Jun 9, 2020 4:34:57 IRM
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
" SC, U IIL..II IY 1 EF° 10;;II F1 II°° IIN[)3 °°IIII\ II I111111 II F1 EIf:° 11N 4,01 0000 122 10 99 41,15 91!5
°°IIII\ II I111111 II 1 EIf:° 11N 4,01 0000 122 1099 71 88
°°IIII\ II I111111 II 1 EIf:° 11N 4,01 0000 122 1099 18947
°°IIII\ II I111111 II 1 EIf:° 11N 4,01 0000 122 1099 21080
°°IIII\ II I111111 II 1 EIf:° 11N 4,01 0000 122 1099 2115 24
°°IIII\ II I111111 II 1 EIf:° 11N 4,01 0000 122 1099 303 2
O\e E F: 1)AYIV11,Il\l 111111 E ZIV:1 3..1.. 4,01 0000..122 1099 94,78
OVGE: U��)AY` II JIN I '1 08 W 14,1[I 4,01 0000..'122 1099 '15.90
:°IIII\ II I:11II F1EIf:° IIV1 4,010000 '122 '1099 1 973
°°IIII\ II I:11 II F 1EIf:°U IV1 4,01 0000 122 1099 247 1
Division Total; $6,190.73
Department Total. $6,190.73
N0FRC 1M�::S Ih111 11(, [-)Ow �::1 I UCA I0IvMI SEF::y1s"IKI.ES 4,01 /1 1 1 533 43 '10 100.00
)EJIN )P11I11N..1.. 111NC F)PR1IIIN I II11N1 u,':IIIL..IK,�.CIF:1,1 Y SSE 4,01 71 1 1 53331 01 32 64,
Engineering-Electric Division Total; $132.64
E S 1..;G11INSUll,l llllNG II1N1., V1IIS(, SEF:r\s"IKI.E 4,01 7120 533 49 01 36246
MAFR&l IIMUIN IOFRF1 : I)P1 1 1 1.;0INSU�[ I I IING SEF::11s"II1�.I.ES 4,01 7120 533 49 01 38768
D l.1IL..IL..II\s"A1N
Power Systems Division Total; $750.14
A1N1 uB ES IIV11I JI...,//1/OFRK&II. III%:EFR AS I E lNE FRS, If: S I E INII11N1 u I 1 VS 4,01 7180 5333402 8 419
CIEDX.IIO1 SONG I III:A ED B...,ECI 1,11I 1 B ECI I fRKII 11 EWII SU I II.Y 4,01 7180 5333402 1041 41
1 IL..IIN IK"AF E, II 1 C I IEAI I�,. FRB II.A I ED SE 1\e"IKI. S 4,01 7180 533 49 90 17,15 00
1 uf:lAlHN uEFR B ECI I fRKIIA EW11"&11U II...,Y 4,01 7180 53331 01 28.8
S E NINE1:;)Y, 11 I E I;IEIIN I. F:ZE 11 I: FRO F:Z1 (,f 1 E 1N I/II EASE 4,01 7180 533 4,15..30 7,000.00
MA I I S .1..00..S USA, II 1 C, 00D& DI X��)I� E 1uF:RO1;EFRY 4,01 7180 53331 01 1,56 6
V1IID1; BIM II G YEE EX 1,11NSE 1;I 111 4,01 7 180 533 49 90 216,30
I I JIVIIIIN IL.. M&I1NG AUI IG ::flI L.X FREF°U�NDACMA1 VSESPIMAM 4,01 7180 533 49 90 577 89
IL.. I I G°IL.. 1,I FR1KII SUF� ) ')IL..1( II1N(., B ECI F�RKII II E1111 F1 I& UFJ )I')IL..Y 4,01 7180 5333402 1694,
B ECI I fRKII 11 1,WI1 11U II.Y 4,01 7180 5333402 112.118
B E1;I f:rlKIIAl 1,WI1 11U II.Y 4,01 7180 5333402 16601
SWAHN'S 1;;uB1NEFRA S" G FRE INC, B ECI I fRKIIA 1,W11"&,"":UI"I"II.Y 4,01 7180 53331 01 8,57
I I,MF:1II`v11 III ;zUFJ )l')IL..X loll G°1,I FRKII 11 E111111F'I&SUFJ )l')IL..X 4,01 7180 5333402 13.31 1
Electric Operations Division Total; $8,555.13
Public Works-Electric Department Total. $9,437.91
F age 6 of 14 Jun 9, 2020 4:34:57 IRM
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
Electric Utility Fund Total. $15,6 8.64
AMAZOG N I II I II SE::MC.ES 11 S 4,0 7,380 534,31..01 1013,31
1JIIN1 uJ 11 ES II%111 II WOE::ZIK&11 J111 11 N f:1 11ES 4,027,380 53 31 01 24,00
EJ::Z -uUSON G°III I Ul)p::111;ES IIIIJX, 11 1N I..00GJ..S ,I�')OW IIJIOJN [') J,Ctr"G°°� 4,02 7,380 5343,15 315 01 86790
J11 1 11...,11ES 4,027,380 534,31..,01 41 J.13
AKE&DE 111NDUSJ f111 II II\ , J;G11NS::ZUl;IIIG11NSEG::Z\s"1K1.E ,1u1,IIN 4,02 7,380534, 1810 101,8407,11
\40::f:1BON E"1CIAVA.1..1111NG 1111\X, 1110INS..l.. rU1;l ION SSG:::y1s"1K1.ES,1 uDlN 4,02 7,380 534,48 10 2,130,52
G111...,XII l:111.,,".":XIIN l V...IE l 11 , '::ZO11JJ.,l S II:111 l 11 NGS 4,02 7,380 53 31 01 527 711
G�JC1l ANGB ES [:�)OCtr"GE: MN [,I)OW IIJIOJN [') J,Ctr"GE: 4,02 7,380 534,31..01 58,57
Q J 111'11 4:IN.I..
MN 00...S ,I')OW IIJIOJN [') JME: 4,02 7,380 534,31..01 915. 9
[''IU11,1'1 OI:° 1,11A1 11 AM (110 IINL Y " IS(, I' rG 11°G G III IL..SSG:::1\s"1KI.E 4,02 7,380 534,47 10 42.43
QU U:ZY, .l IE 11N1 B ES, III 1.11 ROAD/[""'MY MA l IIJIOIIJI ;JI)1 loll 4,02 7,380 53 31„20 312,50
f1V...I2 11N1;u111NEEG::Z1111NG D1N1u1111N f11111NG SE::ZVKI.ES 4,027,380 53 41 50 4,1~s64,78
lLI0::111`v11 1N Y 11\M:11111N1a E1'1U111 If'°'ll"<l, Gill'' 402 7,380 53 31 20 3 8.83
US 113II UD:300K AIIf1J.,GJII\41 P1 3;_,CJC13&ACCESS 40 7,380 534,31.. 0 2116.,56
lfrS 1JI111 &31JI1 E Y EQ U 4,02 7,380 534,31..01 911.111
WAS 1111N1,u.1..ON (U IN EM1''), Sl A l E OIL:.: V 1OMAN SSG ::1\e"(,.ES 4,02 7380 ,53 20.. 0 1,15 0.00
Water Division Total; $113,138.26
J1JCOC :G;J 1,1N1u111NEEG::Z1111NG 1uf1C1111:3 J.110IINSU111 11111N1;SEJ :1\e"IIJ., 3 4,02 7382 ,534,41 50 11,827,36
[''IUD,1'1 OI:° 1,11A1 11 AM (110 IINL Y " IS(, I' rGJll G GJIIJ IL..SSG:::1\s"1KI.E 4,02 7,38 534,47 10 42.43
Industrial Water Treatmnt Division Total; $11,869.79
Public Works-Water Department Total. $1 5,008.05
Water Utility Fund Total; $1 5,008.05
:II...UH) D UIIW 3 &AJ.,J.,E;_,SOC :: 11 3 4,03 0000 2,37 00..00 (98 11)
N..1. f 111N ..1.11CJINIJII...
Division Total; ($96.45)
Department Total; ($96.45)
11 ti:)E rG:::ZO s"E (.,OIINS l�:,:1U1;11O1N IIIIvX, I��1GJ 1�:�1 11 1G ,1 u�:,�111J 11 ,�1 1;, 1)M:,:111< 4,03 74,80 53,15 48 10 4,06,3
AN uJ 11 ES V1111 1 WO:ZK 1 U1%:N f:1 �1ES 4,03 74,80 5315,1,8..10 915 0
4�11 11 11;11111NG EQU 111) II'°'ll"<1, G l�l'' 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 7281
ME: D1111NG EQU111'1M" E:11J Y 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 1 1
ME:II D1111N a EQU111'1M" E:11J Y 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 1281
ME: u:11111N1 a EQ 111'11WE::11 X 4,03 74 0 ,53,,311..01 2206
F age 7 of 14 Jun 9, 2020 4:34:57 IRM
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
1CIINC uB ES II%III II WOE::ZK&II UII%:EI::Z l l I II...II lES 403 74,80 5315 4 C..10 1028
l lI II...,IIlES 403 74,80 5315 48..,10 4,292
EC CC,uUSOC IN EN� f rl)p::ZBINC,ES l lI I II...IIlES 403 74,80 53,531 01 41 7.13
l lI II...,IIlES 403 74,80 53,5 31..,01 (197 83)
lKC,C,CC, Il..:l 1::1. MACIp IIIIINEG ::ZY& I IG AVY I ff:Z[)W pCE 403 74,80 53,531 31 0 1,347 21
I U [) C.,CCIIVII CCIN EN S p U W 3 &AC.,C.,E;_,SOC ::ZIES 403 74,80 53,531 . 0 1,21720
N l pip CIIN ..I.IICCIN1CIp...
1CIISEC1IlDE II11N1:USC1 CIIlCC1 IIINC., C1101NS ::ZUC;�IIG11N SE::MCES,GEN 403 74,80 53,15'1a8,..10 15,608 70
E�p ZOCIMCI 1, IIINC., ICB...,CCIIII ,G ZEAS E, CC II U:GEE 403 74,80 53,532 11 4184, 18
ICB...,CCIIII ,C up CE1CSE, CC II U:GEE 403 74,80 5315,12..11 133.1511
[''IUD#1 CCIf° C,IIAL.I� AM CIOU� INL Y " IS(, I' rG 11°G G III IL..SSG:::C\s"IKI.E 403 74,80 53,15 47 10 329 12
S�f rill l S I II EC;l f:rIIC.; EX l II A::0C C 403 74,80 5315 48..10 59 811
C1W1CII11N°3 GENE:C1CII S�GEC rC INC,I f_,I IOES 1CIINI 1 II 00 403 74,80 5315 31 01 211.43
&IOES 1CIIND IIINCCCC.I.. 403 74,80 5315 31 01 17799
V MN I..CCCCIL..S ,I')OW IICICCIICI ['')OME: 403 7 0 4!3,5 3,15 01 4,882
l lI II...,IIlES 403 7480 C1,115 31 01 99 16
L..�0::CIIM IIC Y p CS AII & II°° .l.,X CCU III''. 403 74,80 53,15 31 01 271.4
p CS.l..AI CC SACI E X EQ1J111 403 74,80 5315 31 01 (271.46)
l lI II...,IIlES 403 7480 C1,115 31 20 1311.83
Wastewater Division Total; $11,701.66
PublicWorks- / torm tr Department Total. $11,701.66
Wastewater Utility Fund Total. $11,603.21
AH:: I)GlCrl GMRDEIN C;CIINI EG::r IIES 4,0 74t38 ,537 3,15 CSC C0�,53
1CIIV1ICZCCIIN C; III I AI SEp::Z°v"IKI.E l lI II...IIlES 40 7,538, ,537 11 01 32 00
1CIINC uB ES %III JI...WOC:CIIS CC 1p ICII%:EC r l lI I II...IIlES 40 71518 1117 11 20 9 1
l lI II...,IIlES 4047,538 53731 20 920
G1S" E C;;;u1CpME::X I:C.; V1IISC, SEp :C\e"IIC;IC 404 7,538 537 41 50 1,8011.00
MA l l S .I..CCCCIL..S USA, II IL..C., V MN ..I..CCCCIL..S ,I')OW IICICCIICI ['')OME: 4,04, 7,538 5373,15 01 2,151.0
V MN CCCCIL..S ,I')OW IICICCIICI [=C)O t E: '0 7,53 ,537,14x..01 29684,
COCCI 1CIINCuB ES p OM E: GCI I II...IIlES '10 74t,18 ,537 31 20 4730
SCCIIII l 3..1.. II°°M:ZII C.,CCIICSU�[ I I AN I S l ES IIIINGMII IL..IIII Nr l IICCIIN SSG:::C\e 4047,538 53741 50 240 7,15
f;I E(11I p:CA II 1CII NCCC:ZAC 0C::ZES GP I IIIINGMII1CIC...IIII NpZA IIG111N SSG :C\e 4047,538 537 41 50 1CbCb.CbCb
C1W1CII11N°3 GENEN :C1CII SI OG :rE INC,I IpCS.l..1CIII) CC SACI .l..X EC.1J111 40 7,538 ,537 31 01 419,38
US C110II\M'3 S l IIIING C.,CCMNC,IIIC... I E°:II IIC EpCS [��'�)S 4,04, 7,538 537 49 01 6,50.00
F age 8 of 14 Jun 9, 2020 4:34:57 IRM
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
WADI IIIIICIG 1 CCIICI ) IIN II 1')), S l l E COIL. V lOMAN SSG::::ZV1K'.ES 4047,538 537 20 60 3,770.00
SW m Transfer Station Division Total; $7,638.24
IINC B ES II IIII JL..WOC:::ZK&II, II%:3E�:,:C C,II CCl[lllllNG )I ZB 40 7,580 53731 01 24,,04,
f CC,uICSCCIN EN l f rl)p::ZBINC,ES IIES 4047,580 53731 01 2,52 42
GPI II...,IIES 4047,580 537 31..,01 1,54.86
GPI II...,IIES 4047,580 4 37 31..,01 (197 81)
l Ll0::ZlMAN X IIES 4047,580 0 537 31..01 1 1 419
US C110II\MI30S IIING C,CCMNC,lll... IC/p IIC/II NEpCSI llll: 40 ,580 537 49..01 41 111.00
Solid Waste-Collections Division Total; $715.09
EDGE AINAI Y( C., II... 1 3 IIINGMIIAlp...lH::N:Z I ON SSG:::y1s 404, 7,5 ,15 537 41 50 3,12843
MA l l S .I..CCCCII...S USA, II IL..C., V MN ..I..CCCCII...S ,I')O r" IICICCIICI [') CME: 4,04, 745 45 5373,15 01 66.6,15
1CC,1111 IC.,CC II II C,p EC.1C11II IIWEJlNl IIINC., llES 4,0 /15815 53731 20 1512 0
Solid Waste-Landfill Division Total. $3,707.78
Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total. $12,061.11
Solid Waste Utility Fund Total. $12,061.11
1CIIV1ICZCCIIN C;1CI"Il lAll SEp :C°v"IIC, S Nl 1pCSE::Z(S" OC.,IIS l ll II lES 4,06 /4 12 53831 01 44.60
lCl l ll...11ES 4,06 /4 12 4138 31..01 (1,111.98)
lCl Il...11ES 4,06 /4 12 4138 31..01 10233
II IL.. II C,IICI lY p:1 la.l..CCII°° I l l� IIC EC1lCIIII,II1I0,C,I IGCJI" ,EICI\e"IH::Z 4,06 7 12 538 41 50 15410 00
E::Z uICSCCIN EN Ef:: ":rll INC,I IIES 4,06 /412 413831 01 37749
lCl l ll...11ES 4,06 /4 12 4138 31..01 (197 81)
B l/ II_ f ZIM , INCI /C IIIINDU l p:,C 4,06 /4 12 538 31.. 0 1915 26
3W1CII11N°3CuElNE:ZAC S I 0 E IIINC., &IOES AND II:I00C 4,06 /412 43831 01 163.06
lC l l ll...11ES 4,06 74,12 4138 31..01 1873,15
p C l llll...11/E p ZS&SCCIIIL..C;CCIICII 1..l..11N 4,06 /412 53831 31 . 0 15,532
tormwater Division Total; $1,331.62
Public Works / torm tr Department Total. $1,331.62
tormwater Utility Fund Total. $1,331.62
:.E ASS;SIS..l.. SA1 E SOrl'Il...US/OC:3SOCC E l E 4,09 602,15 52631 13 2229
SA1 E SOrl'Il...US/OC:3SOCC E l E 4,09 602,15 526 31..01 79874,
SA1 E SOrl'Il...US/OC:3SOCC E l E 4,09 602,15 526 31..01 64.38
SA1 E SOrl'Il...US/OC:3SOCC E l E 4,09 602,15 526 31..01 /88.28
C�CC C l IICIGG°II ES [�:)O/Ct E: CC l[IIIIING&X)[)M:ZB 4,09 60215 526 20..30 7 2,15
f age 9 of 14 Jun 9, 2020 4:34:57 If M
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
;J 11::ZY EV:::1;_: II ES(,O 11'')O�::1 .L.IOIN :°II�1S.1..All I 1&SAII° J.L.X QO I'). 409611215 526,11..,111 189. 3
WA1111VS 1;DNEl :ZAJ S I O�:::�ZE INC, J,II 0I I IllllNG &X [ A ZB..., 4,09 60215 526 20..,80 1074,
J,II 0I V...11111N1 u&X [ A ZB... 4,09 60215 526 20..80 111'1.83
SYS I 11M 11J�;111;N lC�
�, S..I, II II..J., J.,G INSJ111 11IN1;u;JEf:1\s"IIJ., S 4119 611215 4126 41 4111 2,/1111.1111
/11/GJC111 1:1�1/III1 I, 1EAI III 1JII.II ANC ES, E[)UJ,1J1 IICJIIJIIJII...SSG::Z\e"IIJ, 3 4,09 60215 526 43..10 9,4100.00
GPI 1J1CA IICJIIJIIJII...SSG::1\e"IIJ, 3 4,09 60215 526 43..10 9,600.00
GPI 1J1CA IICJIIJIIJII...SSG::1\e"IIJ, 3 4,09 60215 526 43..10 9,600.00
: 4 �, � �� 5736ZOI II �E 1 (10r ) EC:Z L ON ; I °SO 1 '11.US/O:: O ° 40 , '
SA1 3J1f11'II...G.1f_,/OJ:3 OJI IE 4,09 60215 526 31..01 26088
Medic I Division Total. $34, 63.43
Fire Department Total. $34, 63.43
Medic I Utility Fund Total. $34, 63.43
J.,1JSJ,A1.1 A II AW G::ZOl11..3 V1 S(I. P`rGJll GJIIJIJII... SE::ZVKI.E 413 J4 81 53,15 41 50 41.00
V1 S(I. P`rGJll GJIIJIJII... SE::ZVKI.E 413 J4 81 53,15 41 50 2,602 745
N 1 1ofr1Jll...C.OG IJSU�J 1 IIIIIN P, INC, J.,GJIIJSU�J 1 I IIIIN a SSG::r\e"IKI.ES 413 J4 81 53,15 41 50 31,5a8,,5 32
I3K P II.. W, I.S " S(I. P`rG111 GJIIJIJII... SEG ZVKI.E 413 J4 81 53,15 41 50 7,19,15 43
V1 S(I. P`rGJll GJIIJIJII... SE::ZVKI.E 413 J4 81 53,15 41 50 50,792,50
" S(I. P`rG111 GJIIJIJII... SEG r\e"IIJ., 413 J4 81 53,15 41 50 (27,142 50)
V1 S(I. P`rGJll GJIIJIJII... SEG r\e"IIJ., 413 J4 81 53,15 41 50 27,142,50
V1 S(I. P`rGJll GJIIJIJII... SE::ZVKI.E 413 J4 81 53,15 41 50 2,92286
" S(I. P`rG111 GJIIJIJII... SEG ZVKI.E 413 J4 81 53,15 41 50 27,142,50
Wastewater Remediation Division Total; $122,282.36
PublicWorks- / torm tr Department Total. $122,282.36
Harbor Clean Up Fund Total. $122,282.36
111JVe E'S 1 1EAI 1IN u D(110 JII 1IN a SV , J,II IY f°rill N IE 421 7121 533 49..86 1111.00
J;II I Y f'rEII N IE 421 7121 533 49..86 11111.00
J;II I Y f'rEII N IE 421 7121 533 49..86 ',151111.00
Conservation Division Total; $5,500.00
Public Works-Electric Department Total. $5,500.00
Conservation Fund Total; $5,500.00
1,�::1OW JINlulINEE::rlllNG, INC,I 111..1 ECI; . G� E1 :1 ti:1E;Jll1'uIIJI '1,51 7188 5946,15 '10 815,1539 00
Electric Projects Division Total; $85,539.00
Public Works-Electric Department Total. $85,539.00
Electric Utility CIP Fund Total. $85,539.00
SDIVNE1DY/JIDNIKS 1.,0INSU�l l I AN I S 1.,0INSU�l l 11111NG SSG::r\s"1KI.ES 4,53 74,88 5946,15 10 4,29970
F age 10 of 14 Jun 9, 2020 4:34:57 IRM
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
Wastewater Projects Division Total; $4, 9930
PublicWorks- / torm tr Department Total, $4 9910
Wastewater lJt HQ CIP Fund Total, $4 9910
I! I EC, II11N1DUS I RI ES, IIIICIC., AU 10& I RUCK MAHT V EMS 50 CbCbCbCb.A4 '1•0.Q0 2 4 1.4O
L.S, IIII�C�.,
UEI I...,OHII ,GufZE1CSE, & 11 U. [3 S 501 C1C1CbCb.=2CI.40 2A017,15
UEI I...,OHII ,GufZE1CSE, & 11 U. [3 S 501 C1C1CbCb.=2CI.40 21 a2O
UEI I...,OHII ,GufZE1CSE, & 11 U. [3 S 501 C1C1CbCb.=2CI.40 3261.411
K I U..L0 PAR L AUIO& IRUCKMANF II I JI 3 501 CbCbCbG 14=10 30T
C1 10/C I RUCK IIC/1CIHN F II I C1IIC13 501 C1C1CbCb.=4CI40 2RO8
C1 10/C I RUCK MAIN F II I C1IIC13 501 C1C1CbU 141 ACITO 14aR59
Division Total; $9,060.31
Department Total; $9,060.31
C1 10/C I RUCK IIVI IHN F II I C1IIC13 501 /63 4I4 344 CCR56
CII(.,II"SIII°O C1D Ih°OCC1D NC AUIO& IRUCKMANF II I JI 3 501463 54 34�12 98&74,
I DRAIN;; I"G11111 EX ERINAI II1CI:OIC� Za_bf...,€SERVICES 50hq63154R3412 1R.44
EX Ef:INAII II 1CII:OIC SERVICES ES 501 463154R3442 1IC.44
EX Ef:INAII II 1CII:OIC SERVICES ES 501 7630 ,5483402 I101.I141
IAA I I S L OOC I USA, II II C., AUIO& IRUCKMANF II I JI 3 501463 54 ,1541 3&72
KX 1CC1..I0 PAR..I..3 U I O/C I RUCK IIVI IIIIT V EMS 11Cb1 /63 4i'1R 3101 1CIR 59
C1 10/C I RUCK IIVI IHN F II I C1IIC13 501 /63 4I4 ,144 p1 a36)
U I O/C I RUCK IIVI IHN F II I C1IIC13 501463154R3442 2I1Z23
OW CI EQUIPI" EN AUIO& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463 54 ,14•C2 3=00
RIC.;L.III" OIND TWAT R D1IO AUIO& I RUC.,II"S MAHN F II I EMS 501463 54 ,1412 42&10
EX Ef:INAII II ICII:OIC� Z SERVICES 501 7630 ,5483402 52t76
:,IC I111G 11.II... U L0 II II I AUIO& IRUCKMANF II I JI 3 501463 54 ,1412 7Z52
June 16,
City Port Aingeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
EXIEf:C1INA! II 1CII:;0C 41CfC\e"IIC;ICS 501 463 1 C14 ,1442 4311t30
IAC.;CCIMA SCREW Pp O[� )U(' S IIINC.; AUIO& IRUCKMAHNE II 11CIIC13 501463 C14 ,14.02 9R211
ACC 10 CC I RUCK MAHN F II 141MS 501463 1 C1=,11..Cy1 2153
11 IUf:rlMAN SUR?...,Y AUIO& IRUCKMAHNF II 11CII`S 11=63 1 C1=3401 4R89
IL..IIINE IIIICIC., AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F II I EMS 501 463 4!1=3'= 9R52
Equipment Services Division Total; $6,023.36
Public Works Department Total, $6,0 3.36
Equipment Services Fund Total; $1%06319
1CIINC D1 ES(.OI%MUNICA nONS IIIINC DA I A P OC.,SERV OFII fRE 502 2081 4118 41 50 6t6O
CEO URYUNK-QWES 01a05 A/C 206ZC11aC031114CCI3 50200H C11114210 65Z1.
\s"G::fCII/CCN WIIfCDI.1CC:3 0 15 A/C;842160242.,00003 50200H C111144..10 131 T96
04, 22 A/C;5711;14144..00001 502 0H C111142 10 111&611
0545 5 A/C,542276244.,00001 50200H C111142 10 91A
ll1/la4V �11C1A I EROC;SERV CCSCCII-1//1/ARE 50210H CI11142 10 1 7,4HTH1
11C1A I EROC'.SE RV&SOF 1//1/ARE 50200111 C1111 44..10 0 7,411T.111)
11C1A P ROC;SERV&SOF 1WARE 50200H C111142 10 1 7,4HTH1
Information Technologies Division Total; $ %05115
PUD 41 OF C;II N I AM C.,CC IICflY RA[I10& 141I EC.,CCII"%MU" ICIIIC; 1 IICCIICI 502 2083 1,518 47 10 44 53
Wireless Mesh Division Total; $4913
Finance Department Total, $ %100.56
Information Technology Fund Total; $ %100.56
R. C�.; Ih] AC 4 PP IIIIN40:R IIC(`E 503 163 5I/4600 134&1
I MA BAN I MA SmMc;ar Il%e 50 1 C 3 51 T 41 0 2611 OO
REDAC;I I E IDNANRY II oaaumal Imaa1 50 1 C 3 51 T 464,15 5R511
1Naal,afillfitl II oaaumal lmaal 50 1 C 3 51 T 4605 156 113
frEIIIIVIII:IU SE IIV E 1IIC A E IMAY 503 163 5I T 44 5 10R00
frEIIIIVIII:IU SE IIV E 1IIC A E IMAY 503 163 5I T 44 5 10R00
frEIIIIVIII:IU SE MEDICARE-MAY 503 163 5I T 44 5 10R00
f:rEIIIIVIII:IN1 USE MEDICARE-MAY 503 163 C11 T 4605 14t6O
f:REIIIVIII:301 R41C IIM 111IC; f:rE.MAY 503 163 5I T 4605 1411 50
f rEIIIIVIII:30 C41C IIM )!CARE-MAY 503 163 5I T 4C~05 1411 60
Page 12 of 14 Jun 9, 020 4:3?57 FM
June 16,
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
RE DMn BI) f:rElIIII:NUfrS ll" EDC f:rE-MAY 503 63 4IT46.05 13160
f:CEIIII II:3 If6E IIM I IC ARE-MAY 503 63 5I T 4605 14160
f CEIIII II:INURSE IIMEDlICARE..11`AY M163 01 7=3,15 39&60
REIMBURSE II:I U CSC IIV E 11IC ARE-IMAM M1631 411 7=.341 61 Z60
f CEI 1C,CUO I., , INC. If ZA f r E llll l NUf:,rSE:G I IN..I.. 50 31 51 T 4600 46T42
I I CA 50 1 3 51/'1• .00 57Cb 23
Other Insurance Programs Division Total; $518911
W SI IIING I ON I uspII'I I! SVC✓S 1Ct OI::ZIKEI::Z3(.,C� AMI l C,IL.. IIII" 1[�:11I%IIII 503 1661 151/4 U40 75MOO
1Ct OI::ZIKEI::Z C.,C� AMI l C,IL.. IIII" 1[�:11I%IIII 503 1661 151 4 U40 75MOO
Worker's Compensation Division Total; $152100
1/1/C.;II (WA(',II I HIES INS ACC 110:CII I Y) MAI CC;V.I II ARGE 1B:)U(;I IIII NII E 503 1671 51 M1 O28JO&39
MAI r(;I I II ARGI )B:)U(;I IIII NII E R 51b3 67 1 411.E 49.58 2,1CM6
)pCIIII.II... RCa 1:)B)U(.,I IIIICII 50,3 1671 51T 1 00 5030ROO
MAY II... RCa 1)B1)U(',. lMI II E Igyp::ZOO 503 1671 151749..9 4 TOO
Comp I-latallky Division Total; $81Q3115
Self Insurance Department Total, $66A46.66
Self-insurance Fund Total, $66A46.66
f:rEIIII\R:3UI::ZSE IIM 1)1ICARE.MAY 60 12 1 5I T 4605 12T.60
Flu"eman's Pension Division Total; $ 5160
Flu"eman's Pension Department Total; $ 5160
Firemen's Pension Fund Total; $ 5160
II::II. C., AYI:ZU 11... SUIIVIIIV1 f:rX 9211 400123 t M1 19Z31
AYI:ZU 11... 1 IC IIVI\4AI ZY 92G400123MA2 4 Z 31
I IIV11 II O1(EES ASSOC'.M I IIUN AYI:ZU 11... 1 ICIIVI\4AIZY 920 10011 23MM 11741 OO
III POWG-,R-P/fr It1t"IlfCIS AYI:rGlll, 11...,SUIIVI\4AIZY 92 1001b 23 52 0 24,1~s1~s11.44,
F age 13 of 14 Jun 9, 020 4:3?57 FM
June 16, 2020 IE - 017
City Port Angeles
City Council Expenditure Report
Between t y 23, 2020 andJ uau n 5, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
°° [) CAL.. )AY::ZU II 1 AX [:)AY�::ZU, IL......SUI` II II` AI ::ZY 920 0000 2,31 50..'10 66,088 1
p�) l(�::CU II �AX 4:) X�::ZU IL..SUI%MA" :::ZX 920 0000 2,31 50 20 7 ,61,15.64,
L13 Il a 11 K 4:) X�::ZU IL..SUI" II" �::ZX 920 0000 2,31 52 40 4,690.66
C.;IIV1 /f:CWIIfC CJ Yf:ZU II... CJ6C11` II II` AI ::ZY 920 0000 2,31 52 10 18,56 1 83
Hvfl.E::ZN ll 4:) X�::ZU IL..SUI%MA" :::ZX 920 0000..E 31 56 30 3410 90
J10,IIIJI I I IIJICIOC.IIK II IH°°E IIIIJISU:::C IIJICCE 4:) X�::ZU IL..SUI" II" �::ZY 920 0000 2,31 52 ,15 2,9C5'1.00
I ECJII.:II:: Yf:ZU II CJ6C11` IIII` AI ::ZY 920 0000 2,31 151 21 29,67,15.,57
CJIf::ll IIC;E 0 SU I CJCC..I.. Yf:ZU II CJ6C11` IIII` AI ::ZY 920 0000 2,31 56 20 2,3076
f:C J Yf:rGJll, II...... CJ6C11` IIII` AI ::ZY 920 0000 2,31 151 10 1,2745.98
p:) X�::ZU IL..SUI" II" �::ZX 920 0000 2,31 151 '1'1 1,15,969 21
p:) X�::ZU IL SUI" II" �::ZX 920 0000 2,31 151 '12 77, 0,15 '19
�E II CJ I f CS II.00.; II 589 Yf:ZU II CJ6C11` II II` AI ::ZY 920 0000 2,31 54, 10 2,027,50
p:) X�::ZU IL SUI" II" �::ZX 920 0000 2,31 54..'10 2,027.,50
JlllN EI:C AY QI 1(fCC111.11...) Yf:ZU II CJ6C11` II II` AI ::ZY 920 0000 2,31 56 10 2,30 1
°v"CJII JIIIN EE::: IZ H::ZE ASSOCI.IIA IGJIIN Yf:rGJII II CJ6C11` II II` AI ::ZY 920 0000 2,31 4141. 0 900
JC,II II C II III.G YEE II NEIJIE]I Yf:ZU II... CJUI" II" frX 920 0000 2,31 53 20 1,8745.00
�..�:Cu ..l..
Division Total. $32 ,274.10
Department Total. $32 ,274.10
Payroll Clearing Fund Total. $328,274.10
Total for Checks Dated Between May 23,2020 and Jun 5,2020 $1,278,273.53
F age 14 of 14 Jun 9, 2020 4:34:57 IRM
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: June 16, 2020
TO: City Council
From Brian S. Smith, Chic,1'afPolice
Sulbject: Cooperative Purchasing Agreement-- Seattle Finance and Administrative Services
Summary: The City of Port Angeles and the City of Seattle have a cooperative buying
agreement. It was signed and executed by the City Manager in t999. Per RCW 39.34 local,
county and state agencies can utilize the contracts and purchasing agreements of other agencies
if they have a current buying agreement. The Police Department and other City Departments use
the Port Angeles-Seattle buying agreement to make purchases that would otherwise require a
request for bid. The attached agreement meets current requirements and has been reviewed by
the Legal Department. Once executed it will supersed the t999 agreement.
Funding: There are no direct funding impacts.
Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the attached agreement with the
City of Seattle.
Background/Analysis: All the City Departments utilize buying agreements,state and federal contracts
where standards for competitive bidding have already been met and there is an existing contract. This
process is more efficient, saves staff time and eliminates what would be otherwise duplicative efforts by
cooperative agencies when it comes to utilizing existing competitively awarded contracts for the purchasing
of supplies, equipment and expertise. The Police Department has utilized the City of Seattle buying
agreement since 20t2 as it relates the waterfront camera system. We believe that the current agreement,
while still valid should be updated into the current format.
Recommendations: Authorize the City Manager to sign the attached agreement with the City of
Funding: N/A.
June 16, 2020 E - 19
Finance &
Administrative Services
In accordance with RCW Chapter 39.34 and all other applicable laws, The City of Seattle and the
---, hereby agree to cooperative governmental purchasing
agreement for various supplies, materials, equipment and routine, expert and/or consultant services, using
competitively awarded contracts. The following terms and conditions shall apply:
1. Each agency, in contracting for the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and services, agrees at its
discretion,to extend contracts for shared use to the extent permitted by law and agreed upon by those
parties and vendors.
2. Each agency is responsible for compliance with any additional or varying laws and regulations regarding
3. Any purchases shall be affected by a purchase order from the purchasing agency and directed to the
4. The originating contracting agency does not accept responsibility or liability for the performance of any
vendor used by the purchasing agency as a result of this agreement.
5. Each agency shall be responsible for the payment of any item(s) purchased through a contract or
purchase order that resulted from this Agreement.
6. This Agreement shall remain in force until cancelled in writing by either party.
Accepted for Accepted for the City of Seattle:
By: By:...
Name: Name: Liz Alzeer
Title: Title: Purchasing & Contracting Services Director
Date: Date:
11",Iurdhas4ig and Contractfing Liz Allzeeir, f.)Msbin :)irectoir
Juine16j2QZQ4.'1st Floor 1 1:1,0, Box 94687 1 Se,'Atle,WA 98.124 4687 1 206 684 0444 1 se,'At1e,gov/f,..,sE - 20
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: June 16, 2020
TO: City Council
From Nathan West, City Manager
Sarina Carrizosa,Tinance Director
Sulbject: The 202 1-2026 Capital Facility Plan and Transportation Plan
Summary: The Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan (CFP/TIP) allows the City
to proactively make long-tern plans for asset management,maximize our limited resources and leverage
outside funding sources. Changes to projects approved for the 2020 Budget year will become the
amended capital portion of the current budget and projects approved for 202 1 will be built into the 202 1
Capital budget. Additionally, the CFP/TIP is a required component of the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Funding: Each project sheet in the CFP document describes the proposed funding for each individual
project. Funding sources include governmental transfers, utility reserves (both capital and operating),
utility rates, grants, and contributions. If funding has not been identified the project is marked unfunded,
but still remains in the CFP. No additional debt is proposed for the 202 t-2026 CFP planning cycle.
Recomimendation: Staff requests that Council:
t) Open the first public hearing on the 202 1-2026 Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation
Improvement Plan.
2) Continue Public Hearing to July 7"'meeting.
3) Conduct the first reading of the 202 1 -2026 Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation
Improvement Plan resolution.
Background / Analysis:
The Washington State Growth Management Act requires that the City review and update the Capital
Facilities Plan (CFP) and Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) annually. The CFP is a six year
planning document that is updated annually based on needs and policies identified in the City of Port
Angeles Comprehensive Plan, Council Strategic Plan and City Work Plan. It represents Port Angeles'
current list of needed projects and programs for the next six years. The document also identifies secured
or reasonably expected revenues and expenditures for each of the projects included in the CFP. Projects
without identified funding are also listed in the CFP/TIP to allow for additional funding options to be
explored. Pro' project types:
Projects are grouped into the following prq'
• Governmental
• General Government
• Public Safety
• Parks and Recreation
• Utilities:
• Electric
• Water
• Wastewater
• Solid Waste
June 16,
• Storniwater
• Combined Sewer Overflow(CSO)
• Medic I
• Information Technologies
• Equipment Services
• Transportation Improvement Plan
• Transportation
• Transportation Benefit District
The CFP/TIP is required to be filed with the State of Washington by July 3 tst this year in order to be
eligible for certain grant opportunities for transportation projects.
The 202 1-2026 Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan (CFP) allows citizens,
advisory boards and City Council to critically review and identify priority projects as well as items that
require long-tern planning. This comprehensive approach allows consideration and approval of capital
improvements/re placements for a longer range than an annual review and coordinates the decision
making process to include all available information and resources.
Projects in the CFP have been vetted by City staff and management, and the Utility Advisory Committee
has forwarded a favorable recommendation on the utility projects. In addition, on May 26"', Council held
a work, session to discuss the CFP/TIP. In all instances Council's directives have been considered and
implemented, which include:
t) Replacement of critical infrastructure based on priorities and focus on preventable
maintenance to increase asset life.
2) Leveraging projects by planning multiple projects in one area at the same time to save on
construction costs.
3) Maximizing the use of funds available to limit the impact on customer rates from capital
4) No new debt is required to complete projects or is planned for future projects.
5) Building capital reserves to a cash to depreciation ratio of t:I.
• General Government and Transportation currently do not meet this requirement.
General Governmental and Transportation projects have more funding options
available, such as, grants, and as a result these options are explored prior to over
burdening the General Fund or competing for limited tax dollars. The result of which
means building these fund balances will be much more gradual.
• Water, Wastewater and Stormwater utilities all are below the t:I threshold when
looking at the 6-year plan. Cash to depreciation levels are expected to increase in
years after 2026 and therefore staff anticipates an approximately t% increase in these
utilities over time. This will also require an increase in the transfer from operating
funds to the capital funds in each utility. However,the transfer from the Electric
utility will be decreased starting in 202 t, which will positively impact rates.
A list of all active and prioritized projects is attached to this memo. Unfunded projects are described in
the CFP/TIP document, but they are not included in the exhibit. The complete document can be reviewed
in detail in the Preliminary CFP/TIP document posted on the City's website.
Changes since the City Council work,session on May 26"'City Council include:
0 Correcting typographical errors on titles
June 16,
A correction to the exhibit for Equipment Services that had a vehicle scheduled for replacement
in 2026, that should occur in 2027.
Finally, the CFP/T'IP is a living document and is subject to change due to shifting priorities, funding
sources emergencies and other factors. As amendments are presented to Council by staff an analysis will
be performed to ensure rates are not impacted negatively and funding is available.
Funding Overview:
Each project sheet in the CFP document describes the proposed funding for each individual project.
Funding sources include governmental transfers, utility reserves (both capital and operating), utility rates,
grants, and contributions. If funding has not been identified the project is marked unfunded, but still
remains in the CFP. No additional debt is proposed for the 202 1-2026 CFP planning cycle.
CFP/T'IP project listing
June 16,
1 r ll�.lo ,l
^ n,
GGO303 NICE Program R R rolrmg Excellent 837,108 262,1113 d 111,000 71,010 7Ei 71,010 71,010 71,010 71,010
GG1113 F'ariltty Securtry ProjoRs A Flctir'c Fair 256,100 153,268 91,000 75,000 71,732
GG0416 e.try Flall F'tro Dotoction Systorn 3 Planning Fair 75,000 - 7G,000
GGOS 16 Senior C.onterr F'tre DoterRton Systorn 4 Resign Fair 50,000 - 50,000
CAPPC Poucorn Capital R Revolr'ing Good 660'311 211,488 101,1100 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010 50,000 50,000
CAPMS Modic 1 Rovolviug R Revolr'I g Good '66,400 - 183,200 1133,200
FD0415 R",Dopartrn ant Turn-Out Goar R Revolr'ing Good 160,316 160,316 -
FD0615 Fire Hosos R Revolr'ing Good 4L,328 7,398 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
FD011E3 Ddibrtllator Rovolving Account R Revolr'ing Good 256,0L2 68,022 3G,000 36,000 37,000 40,000 40,000
FD02", Solf C ootainod Breathing Apparatus R Revolving Good 250,0 o0 - - 250,000
PD0307 Polico Rogtonal Trand.g&Gun Rango Factitry R Revolving Poor 200,000 - 4�0,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000
P00116 Mobtlo Data Torrninal Roplacornonts A Flctir'c Good 1111'16 9:3,421 ZG,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000
PD0120 F'olico'Fasor Roplac-Imts A Active Fair 1L o,o 0
0 - 1L,000 25,000 12,000 25,000 12,000 34,000
PD0119 Corn putor AtctocF Dispat h/Law Enforcx-r,i-tRocorcts Managornout Syst A Active Good '300,000 - 160,000 140,000
FD0.3 F'tre Station Garage Door Roplac-Imt 1 Planning Good 50,000 - Go,000
FD031E3 Ern orgoucy Manap-itPods 2 Planning Good 150,000 - G)000 50,000 50,000
FD0219 EOC/911/Wosistdo Fire Station 6 P,c Plamring Poo, 4,750,000 - 48,000
PK0216 Fadfltylrnprovornont Rovolving Fund R Revolr'ing Good 105,000 - 1G,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
PK0205 Rostroorn Roplacornont Program R Revolr'ing Poor 1,200,000 - 300,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 ISO 000 150,000 150,000
PI{04113 Civic Fkdd Upgrados R Revolr'ing Poor 110,000 - 1Yo,000
PK031E3 Watorfront Trail Rtp-Rap Ropatr R Revolr'ing Poor 663,000 - 63,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
PI{OE319 e.try Ptor Railmg Roplacornont A Flctir'c Paar 565,000 1,954 163,046 200,000 200,000
PI{0120 l4 Flour Rostroorn Pilot Projoct Fl A r'c Goorl '00,000 - 200,000
PK0220 F'told Turf at VolunUeo,F m4d A Active Goorl 1,Z oo,o00 - - 500,000 700,000
PK0219 Gouoration 11 Droarn Playground A Active^ Good 475,000 - 4�7"a,000
PK07I9 Parks Maintenance Building A Active^ Poor 756,Soo 174,394 .50,000 250,000 2132,106
PK09 9 Fine Arts Center Capital lrnprovernents A Active^ Good 40,212 - 40'11
PKO1:I') Erickson Playfmdd Pump Track /// A Active^ Good 400,000 - 10,000 390,000
PI{OF19 Ctt Ptor Erosion Stahrlt t dY Stdew�cU%reek Plannrn. Poor L90 10,000 2E30m0
CLCAP Mamum .Capital Contributmn R R. Idog Fair 1,150,000 - Loo,000 200,000 150,000 "0000 150,000 150,000 150,000
CL 0414 C.onstncct Now Ltght Ops Buticttng Fl Actir'c Fair Gr200,000 77,- 6,3ZZ,864
CI.0916 Roplaco Laurol Strout Substation Swttchgoar A Active Exmllent 500,000 - Goo,000
CL0716 F'Streot Substatton Swtt hgoar 1 Planning Paar 500,000 - Goo,000
Cl 0119 Ov,B,o"'FRomnctuctortng-Lola 2 Planning Poor '100000 - 200,000
CL 0319 Underground C.ahlo Roplacornont-Lola 3 Design Paar LGo,000 - LGo,000
Cl 0217 1Stroet Substation Swttchgoar Roplacornont 4 Planning Poor Soo,000 - Goo,000
Cl0220 Laurol SYroet LTC.Roplacornont Planning Poor 200,000 - Loo,000
CL 0320 F Street LTC RgAacc+m out 6 Planning Fair 200,000 - 20
0,0o0 .
CL 0420 Cortege Street LTC R gAacc+m out 7 P,o planning Fair 2oa,aao - 200,000 .
Cl.0919 "A"SYroet Substation Swttchgoar Replacement E3 Planning Fair 500,000 - 500,000 .
CL 0419 Uudorgrouud Cable Replacement-2021 9 P,,planning fair 250,000 - 250,000 .
Cl 0620 Eloctricvohtclo Charging Statoo 10 Prci'lanning Fair 4�8,000 - 4E3,000 .
CI.0519 UndergroundF C.ahlo Replacement-loll 11 P,,Planning fair LGo,000 - 250,000 .
CL0216 Ctry/F'IrOS,r-t,,-rA,oa Capital Noects 12 P,c Plamring Good 400,000 - - 200,000 200,000
CL 0117 Washtngton SYroet Substation Swttchgoar 13 Plamring Fair Soo,000 - - 500,000
Cl0E319 Qvorhoad Romnducto,mg-2o23 14 Pic Plamring Fair Zoo,000 - - 200,000
CL 0619 Undorground Cablo Ropl acornont-2o23 15 Pic Plamring fair ZGo,000 - - 250,000
CL 0719 [rnctergrouncF Cablo Ropl acornont-2o24 16 P,c Plamring Fair -1.000 - 250,000
CL 1019 Underground C.ablo Roplacornont-2o2G 17 P,c Plamring Fair LG0,000 - 250,000
CL0120 F'Street Transformer Fie lacernent 1E3 Pic^Plamrin, fair S,Loo,o00 1,200,000
1 r tl�.lo ,l
CAPW3 GuOwalW t.Fquiprnout R R. Ping ^ Good 466,300 111,3110 G0,000 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010
WT01213 Rannoy W di Roof A Flctir'c Fair 90,333 333 90,000
W10220 Rannoy Woll G mwator fW ocato A Flctir'c Poor 175,000 - 17"a,000
W10419 Docent F'actitry at Transfor Statton-Wator Sotis Docent Bays Fl Flctivc Fair L0
0 - 2G,000 175,000
WT0120 Wator Systorn SCADA Upgrade 1 Plamring Poor 650,000 - 1Go,000 500,000
WT021£3 Rosor'votr Ropaiis 2 Plamring Poor L75,000 - 31,000 244,000
W10619 Poabody Ros orvoiry lnlot Pipo RgAaa+rn out 3 Plamring Fair 340,000 - 1o"a,000 235,000
WT0519 Wator Troatmont Plant Ropai�s 4 Plamring Fair 170,000 - 30,000 140,000
WT0319 Ground Wator Rostitoucy Program 5 Plamring Fair 1,400,000 - 110,0o0 100,000 710,000
WT0320 M-,,o Crook Transmission Main Eval/Dostgn 6 Plamring Paar 4O0,000 - - 400,000
WT0612 3rcl&Vtno Strout Main 7 Plamring Fair 160,000 - - 360,000
WT0420 Ennis Crook Wator Main RaloraR+ E3 P,c Plamring Good ZO0
0 - - 200,000
WT0111 Liboity Strout Wator Main 9 Design Good 48G,739 15,7:09 - 470,000
W10219 F'eabocty Fleights Floating Cover Fteplacerneut 10 Plamring Fair 400,000 - - 200,000 200,000
W3'0512 Fast 4th Street Water Main 1i. Plamring Good 472
,000 - - 472,000
WT0212 East 6th Street Water Main 12 Plamring Gnarl 340,000 - - 340,000
W3'0411 West4th Street Water Main 13 Plamrin, Gnarl S,5oo,000 1,500,000
tt l ? nI I
CAPWW GuOwalW 'R.watt.r Equtprnout R R.r oIdog Excellent 698,z75 217,27s 116,000 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010
WW030E3 Purnp Station 43 RgAaa+rn ant A Flctir'c Fair 1,479,613 169,991 1,309:622
WW061£3 2019Nughborhood Sewor Rohab A Actir'e Pan, 300,000 - 300,000
WW0519 Docent F'actitryat I aos,I_Station-Wastowator S.D.,Docaot Bays A Flctivc Fair 200,000 - 2G,000 175,000
WW0319 Wastowator C.ornproh onstvo Plan 1 Plamring Poor 300,000 - L0
0 100,000
WWO219 WWTP Digostor CI-Omg arrd Ropair 2 Plamring Poor 100,000 - 100,000
WW0419 WWTP FIVAC Roplacornont 3 Plamring Paar 200,000 - 50,000 150,000
WW071f3 2o20 Notghborhood Sow-Rohabtittadoo 4 Plamring Paar 300:000 - 300,000
WW050E3 Dipo,tor Mixing Unprovornout WWI 5 Plamring Excellent 600,000 - 50,000 150,000 400,000
WWO818 2021 Notghborhood Sewor Rohabtittadoo 6 Plamring Paar 300,000 - 3050:000
WW0420 WWTP Potable Wator Atr-Gap 7 Plamring Fair 75,000 - 25,000 50,000
N/W0220 Wost4th SYroet C.apactrylrnprovorn ant E3 Plamring Gnarl Soo,000 - 75,000 425,000
WW0520 Santtary F'orcx+Main RaloraR+(Loos C.roel<) 9 P,e Plmmring Fair 200,000 - 200,000
WW07IF Oak Street Sewor Separation 10 Plamring FA,
275,000 - 25,000 250,000
N/WOE3IF Laurol SYroet Sewor Separation 1t Plamring Excellent L75,000 - 25,000 250,000
WW091£3 Loll Notghborhood Sewor Rohabtittatlon 12 Plamring Paar 300,000 - 300,000
WWOS16 WW'FPBotlor Ropl acornont 13 Plamring Exmll,ot 115,000 - 45,000 70,000
WW101E3 2o2:t Neighborhood Sewer Ftehabilitation 14 Plamring Poor 300,000 - 300,000
WW1:I1E3 2o24NeighborhoocF Sewer Ftehabilitation 15 Plamring Poor 300,000 - 300,000
WW0120 Purn Station:t Force Main Fie lacernent 16 Plamrin, Gnarl L,Loo,o00 200,000 1,000,000
n , A „ra
WWO117 F mcts Street Ptggtng Bypass 1 11 ring coon 190,000 190,000 .
WW0116 CS06an I7R..n strucIt- 2 Plannng coon L08,449 43,449 15,000 150,000
r l r r l
SWO11L DecantF 'Ity rat3 rransfcr Stratton Fl ACUr,. Fair 6'72,351 25,(154 180,000 467,300
.SW.is 17 Landfill Operating Software A Activ. Pear L00,000 L00,000
SWo120 Landfill Pump Station 17 Ftepair i. Plannin; rair 190,000 190,000
F=f=f=M W
DR0213 FF Street Storrnwatar Outfall A D.ign Paar 560,000 4,46:3 d 5,537 550,000 .
DDO , Francts Steet Outfall Repair A Deign Fair 65,000 25,000 40,000 .
DR0120 Decant Fad,ity at Transfer Stator-Storrnwater Soils Decant Bays A Deign Fair 200,000 25,000 175,000
DR0119 N Street Outfall 11pr11ernent 1 Planning Paar 312,500 62,500 250,000 .
D Ito
Ro4 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond Study 2 Planning Fair 110,000 - 110,000 .
DR0404 Storrnwatar at Canyon edge&Ah Wars :3 Planning Fair 3,360,000 - 260,000 1,300,000 .
D RO 117 Peabody SYreetwater Quality ProjeR 4 Planning Fair 651,000 - 21,000 6:90,000 .
DI20IF Liberty Street Storrnwater lrnprovernent 5 Planning rair L,520,000 - 220,000 1,100,000
DR0304 Storrnwater at Laurel Street&US 101 6 Pla..i.g Fair 660,000 - 110,000 550,000
Daaz1.9 auream to Creeko-npra�ernent Pragraun � Pla..i.; rair 1a.6.000 41.,aoa 1a S,aao
rma."s 117,200 11,720 39,000 39,000
Corn rnuntty Development 77,800 7,780
Palicc 1,880,550 1138,055 151,200 191,000 157,500 1(,0,550 163,800 167,100 170,400
F'tre&Medm1 3,786,800 378,680 44,600 45,100 495,100 195,100
Parks&Retread.. 1,501,000 150,150 100,100 213,500 99,600 3R3,900 96,700 97,200
Llrgi...rmg 11.700 11,870 77,E300 40,900
Light Operations 2,321,200 2:32,120 2'7"a,600 4E1,000 69,400 136,1300 51,100 107,100 25,600
W."', 1,188,100 118,810 230,200 38,800 127,1300 38,900 226,200
Wasi.wat.r 1,219,600 121,960 38,800 38,900 11,400
Solid Wachs 2,036,100 203,610 392,000 395,400 354,1300 21,400 444,500
SYur.rwat.r 820,100 82,010 ('E3,E30o
C,.... -
equipnentServices 96L,100 ')6,21(I 64,300 255,400 79,1300 434,1300
Informorlon Technology 35,900 3,59(I
.Sh'..Lc L,530,100 25:3,(I')(I 548,800 41 lfl' ,,')00 15,500 15,600 150,E300 350,400 15'),600
110714 Data Back p Systcrns Rellra.crncnt R R.ralrmg Paar 210,000 210,000
110514 Data Storage Array Systems R R.r,ah,i.g Paar 150,000 150,000
110319 Network Refresh R a.r,ah,i.g Paar 280,000 2130,000
1109113 Internal Network Segmentation&VLAN Configurad- A Actir,. Paar 220,9'77 90,977 130,000
1102113 CIi,k2G.VI/Fulton A Flctir,. Poor 14,885 9,885 5,000
110E316 Facility and Class Management Scheduling A Activ. Paar 10,000 10,000
110214 Remrels Management S),F- A Activ. Paar 104,109 14,109 30,000 30,000 30,000
110416 Cerra eUwy Software A Ad- Paar 30,000 30,000
110119 Wireless Bridge A Add, Paar 60,000 60,000
110716 eRP Road Map 1 Pl a..i.g Poor 50,000 G0,000
110219 City FFall Wtreless Network 2 PIa.N.g Peer L1,000 L1,000
111018 UPS Repl acernent-D is aster Recovery D ata Center 3 Pla..i.g Paar 60,000 60,000
I11118 FT Secsrrityt,,Iit 4 Plan.i.g Peer 20,000 20,000
110617 execuU-Scheduling Module 5 Pla..i.g Paar 30,000 30,000
IT061E3 Virtual Server Fte lacernents 6 Pla..i., Peer 450,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Ire 16,, a.
I RIII13 Revolving Streetlrnprovernents R R.r nIdog Pan"' 224,482 14,482 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
I R0414 Peabody Creek(Linmin Sleet Culvert Repair A A,,jr,c Paa"' 3,44�6,99L 692 150,000 211,301 3,001,010
TR1299 P-JIAvenue Chip Slat(Peabody to Ra,l St eats) A Flctir,c Paar 130,000 - 130,000
TR151fi Peabody Street Chtp Seal Phasel(Laurids en Blvdto 8th St) Fl Flctir,c Fnnr 1L5,000000
TR0215 Peabody Street C.htp Seal Phase lll(Mlvers Rd to Parl<Ava) Fl Flctir,c Pnnr L00,000 - L00,000
TR0315 Peabody Street C.htp Seal Phase lF(Parl<Aveto Lauridsen Blvd) A Flctir,c Pnnr LL5,000 - LL"a,000
I R02113 Lincoln Street Safety A Flctivc Pair 1585,000 - 23"a,000 1,350,000
TR0615 Golf Course Road Chip Seal(1st St to Lindberg Rd) 1 Planning P, Ir 300,000 - - 300,000
TR1416 Flarnilton School Wall<tng Routes 3 Planning Paar 915,000 - 15,000 100,000 1300,000
I R0616 ADA-Fran ds Street 4 Planning Paar 315,000 - 1G,000 300,000
TR0320 2 02 1 Pavement Preservation o Planning Pair 400,000 - - 400,000 .
TI2061E3 Stevens Middleschool wanting Routes 6 Planning Pair 663,000 - - 15,000 50,000 Fi00,000
TR0115 N Street Chip Seal(vth to loth Streets) 9 Flanning Flow 300,000 - - 300,000 .
TNOSJO 1 Street Chip Slat(vth to l6th Streets) 10 Flanning Panr 300,000 - - 300,000 .
TR031Fi 8th Street Chip seal(A tol Streets) 11 Flanning r�air 300,000 - - 300,000 .
1R0219 with Street Chip Slat(A to M Streets) 12 Flanning r�A 350,000 - - 350,000 .
TR0417 Bnn is Street Pavement Repair 13 Flanning Flow 100,000 - - 100,000 .
TR0117 Liberty Street Re con A-L, , 14 Flanning Fnm, 460,000 - - 10,000 450,000 .
9'R1799 11 Ilk Route at Hwy 101 lnterseRmn 17 P,1 P11nning Flow 6,650,000 - - 150,000 Fi,500,000
TR0420 2 023 Pavement Preservation 24 Flanning Pal, 400,000 - - 400,000 .
TR071Fi ADA-Peabody Street 25 Planning Panr 310,000 - - 10,000 300,000
TR0915 Park Avemtn Fa'ving Owwlay(Rall to Liberty Streets) 2Fi Planning Pair 390,000 - - 15,000 375,000
1 R0520 2024 Pavement Preservation 27 Flanning Pair 4�00,000 - - 400,000 .
TR0119 8th StreetF,ving(Lincom to A Streets) 29 Planning Fair 1115,000 - - 15,000 1,100,000
TR0620 2026 Pavement Preservation .10 Planning Pair 4�00,000 - - 400,000
9'R0a19 Lauridsen Blvd Re con stucIil.(L St to City Limits) s1 Frc Flanning Fnnr '700,000 - - � � � � � 700,000
R0720 lath Street Chip Seal 32 Flem,ing Fair 300,000 - - 300,000
TR0405 Alley Paving Revolving Funding R Rcr,nlr,ing Pnnl' 985,0 OR 90 200,000 250,000 10,000 125,000 400,000
TR0416 1St('lnd/Valley(Oak Green Alley R Rcr,nn,I g Pmr 4'72,21Fr 22,21fi - 410,00. .
TR0111 Marine Drive Channel Bridge e can,plete Rx IRot 620,474 610,474 10,000 .
TR0114 FIiII Street-Qlyrnptc Discovery Trail A AclI,,, Pair 3,941,613 208,613 19,000 3,714,000 .
I Ro209 Raa+Street Complete Design dY C.onstn,etton Phase l Fl Flctivc Fair 3,404,382 289,382 115,000 3,000,000
TR0909 Wayfinding&ODT Signage A All c Pnn"' 312,000 10,783 - 2913,217
TR1216 5th&Liberty Streets Solar Speed Display A Flctivc Paar '16,117 21,1137 5,000
TR0519 Peabody Street Sidewalk Repair A Design Pnn"' 95,000 90 94,910
I R0919 Traffic Safety Camera program 2 I'll,jog Fair 35,000 - 35,000
own I R09113 Dtown T ew ree(Sidalk Replal-cot Phase 11 7 Fleming Pnnr 300,000 - - 300,000
TI20101 Laurel Street Stars Replaa+rn ant E3 Design Fnnr 4 85,000 - 35,000 450,000
TR1215 C.ttyfDdIFast Parking Lot LID 15 Plam,ing E.Iollent 60 L,000 - 10 L,000 500,000
I R0715 l6th Street LID(C to L Streets) 1Fi Plam,ing Fai, 1060:000 - 160,000 900,000
1R11 WO Lauridsen Blvd Flashing Beacons 1f3 Plam,ing Fair 40,000 - - 40,000
TI21020 NStreet Solar Speed Display 19 Flctivc Pan"' 30,000 - - 30,000
TR0220 Traffic Circle Program 20 Plm,ni ng Pair 1180,000 - - 130,000 11001000
TI20110 Signal Controller Upgrades lst(F'ront ll. Plam,ing Fair 1,585,000 - - 115,000 1,360,000
TR1:i:16 School Mee Speed Signs(Near Franklin) 22 Plam,ing Fair 50,000 - - 50,000
TI213')') Traffic Signal lnterconnec2(F'reernption 13 Unfnnrl c^d fair 600,000 - - 300,000 300,000
TRo. 8th loth Street Bike Lanes lE3 Plam,in, fair 400,000 20,000 380,000
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A Flctivc
R Revolving
H Priority Msigned Number
OF Unf oodod
June 16, ,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
adopting the City's Capital Facilities Plan for 2021 -- 2026, which
includes the City's Transportation Improvement Program for the years
2021 -2026.
WHEREAS,the City of Port Angeles is required to annually update its Capital Facilities
Plan (CFP) and its 'Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,being the legislative body of
said City, on the 16th day of,lune 2020 and the 7th day of,July 2020, did hold public hearings on
the proposed CFP and TIP for 2021-2026; and
WHEREAS, the proposed CFP and TIP for 2021-2026 are consistent with the City's
Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and declares that the CFP, including the TIP, is
appropriate to address the capital and transportation planning needs of the City for 202 12026.
NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington,that the City's 2021 --2026 CFP,which includes the City's TIP for the years
2021 .-2026, as published May 11,2020 in a document filed with the City Clerk as the"Preliminary
Capital Facilities Plan and 'Transportation Improvement Plan for the City", is hereby adopted.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 7th day of,July 2020.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
Kari Martinez.-Bailey, City Clerk
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
June 16, 2020 F - 7
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: June t 6,2020
TO: City Council
From Thomas Hunter,Director, Public Worky & Utilifles
Sulbject: Ordinance Amendment Second Reading-- Broadened Acceptance Criteria for
Maintenance and Operation of Extensions to City Water and Wastewater Mains
Summary: At its June 2 nd, 2020 meeting, Council conducted the first reading of the attached ordinance
broadening acceptance criteria for the City maintenance and operation of water and wastewater mains.
Funding: N/A
Recomimendation: t) Conduct the second reading-, and 2) adopt the attached ordinance.
Background / Analysis: This revision to Port Angeles Municipal Code (]RAMC') Chapters t3.48
(Water Mains and Main Extensions) and t3.62 (Connections-- Extensions) updates and broadens the City
acceptance criteria for water and wastewater mains not maintained by the City. The criteria are outlined
specifically in Sections t3.48.050(D) and t3.62.2t0 of the ]RAMC'.
The existing criteria require that, as a condition of acceptance by the City, all main extensions must be
situated "on the City's frontage of an applicant's property and other public right of way." These criteria
assure protection for the City's utilities,but also impose a limitation that is not always in the best interest
of the utilities. The City has encountered circumstances in which there is an advantage to the utility to
locate main lines in other places. Currently, there is such a situation pending. The efficiency and
functionality of the City's utility infrastructure will be enhanced by locating a main in an easement rather
than a public right of way. Similar situations are foreseeable in the future.
For these reasons, the proposed amendment would broaden the current ordinance to allow mains to be
located either in: a public right-of-way dedicated to the City-, or a franchise, (a right granted to the City to
locate utilities in a right of way controlled by another public agency)-, or an easement granted to the City
on such terms and conveying such rights as are adequate to protect the City's utility infrastructure.
Allowing these additional alternatives for locating mains will give greater flexibility to the City's
engineers to design systems that might offer benefits in operational efficiency and maintenance of
essential services for public health, safety, and general welfare.
June 16,
ORDINANCE NCB. ..........................
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
amending 13.48.050 and 13.62.210 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code, both relating to the location of utility mains.
Section 1. Ordinance 2181 as amended, and Chapter 13.48 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to construction of main water extensions, are hereby amended by amending section
13.48.050 of Chapter 13.48 as follows:
13A&050 .- Construction of main extensions.
A. Main extensions may be made by private contract, through local improvement district
procedure, or by Department forces.
13. Any main extension done other than by the Department's forces shall be done by a licensed and
bonded contractor of the State of Washington.
C Extension by the Department's forces shall be at the expense of the person requesting
construction of the main.
D All main extensions must be situated
within I —Uqb�licri &I
2. a franchise or an eas hts as
Section 2. Ordinance 2394 as amended, and Chapter 13.62 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code relating to wastewater connections and extensions,are hereby amended by amending section
13.62.2 10 of Chapter 13.62 as follows:
13.6121 0 .- Construction of main extensions.
A. Main extensions may be made by private contract, through local improvement district
procedure, or by Department forces.
June 16,
13. Any main extension dome other than by the Department's forces shall be dome by a licensed and
bonded contractor of the State of Washington.
C; Extension by the Department's forces shall be at the expense of the person requesting
construction of the main.
D: All main extensions must be situated e4'e-(4tyls-
b4c t--of way. within
1. public riht-of-way dedicated to the City; or
2. a franchise or an easemr�ei�t�rai�ted to the City oi� such terns aid coi�veyi�such rights as
are adequate to trotect the C;ity's utility infrastructure, as deter�rinedv the Director.
Section 3. - Corrections. The City Clerl< and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to,
the correction of the scriveners/clerical errors,references to other local, state,or federal laws,codes,
rules or regulations,or ordinance numbering,section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 4. W SEverability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person
or circumstances,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application of the provisions of
the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances,is not affected.
Section 5.W ;ffeclmve Date. This Ordinance,being an exercise ofapower specifically delegated to
the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (S)
days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council ofthe City ofhort Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council
held on the.......... day of .Tune,2020.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
Williarm E. Bloor, City Attorney Darr Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk
i ,
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Ip t : June t6, 2020
TO: City Council
From: ]Nathan A. West, 0 y Manager
Subject: Resolution t® Waive 3r`i Quarter PBIA chi Interest on Accounts Receivable
Summary: In recognition ®f the emergency situation regarding the C OVID.-l9 health pandemic
and the economic conditions associated with business closures it isnecessary t® provide
additional relief t® local businesses and residents. Staff is recommending an extension ®f
Council resolutions waiving the interest on all accounts receivable through the end of July and
wavier ®f third quarter Parking Business Improvement Area Fees.
Funding: Wavier®f the Parking Business Improvement Area(PBIA) fees for the third quarter®f
2020, an estimated amount®f$8,500. Interest on all accounts receivable for the month ®f July is
also recommended in efforts t®reduce the financial burden felt by City business and residents.
IR or r in tioin: Pass the attached resolution.
Background / Analysis:
On April 2 Pt City Council passed a resolution waiving interest on all accounts receivable
through the end ®f June and waiving 2 `i Quarter Parking Business Improvement Area(PBIA)
fees. The resolution recognized the C OVID.-l9 health pandemic and the economic conditions
associated with necessary business closures.
Based on continued economic challenges from the current health pandemic it isnecessary t®
extend the April 2 Pt resolution. The first element®f the resolution waives section 3.72.030 ®f
the Port Angeles Municipal Code for the third quarter®f 2020. Specifically, this waives the
PBIA assessment fees for Downtown businesses. A second element®f the resolution directs
that interest for the month ®f July on all City accounts receivable he waived.
Staff recommends that City Council bass the attached resolution waiving 3r`i Quarter PBIA fees
and July 2020 interest on accounts receivable.
Funding Overview:
Javier ®f the Parking Business Improvement Area(PBIA) fees for the third quarter®f 2020, an
estimated ®f amount$8,500. Interest on all accounts receivable for the month ®f July is also
recommended in efforts t®reduce the financial burden feat by City business and residents.
June 16,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, waiving the 3 d Quarter assessment of
the Parking and Business Improvement Area as additional
relief for the hardship created by the COVID.-19 pandemic.
WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020 City Manager NATHAN A. WEST' issued a
Declaration of Emergency recognizing the dire health and economic hardships being created
by COVID.-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS, on April 10, 2020, the City Manager signed an Emergency Declaration
Order declaring all actions taken under the March 17, 2020 Declaration of Emergency to
continue in full force and effect; and
WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that the COVID.-19 outbreak is continuing to
cause substantial health, financial, and economic hardships for many of our citizens and
businesses; and
WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that the COVID.-19 outbreak will continue for
the next several months to cause substantial financial hardships to the businesses located in the
City's central business district; and
WHEREAS, in order to provide relief for the financial hardships to the businesses
located in the City's central business district; created by the COVID.-19 pandemic, tile City
Council desires to waive the Parking and Business Improvement Area (PBIA) third quarter
2020 assessment; and
WHEREAS,many citizens of our community still are in need of the assistance provided
by the interest waiver set out in the Emergency Declaration issued on April 10, 2020; and that
waiver should be continued through the month of July.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows:
a. 'Tbat the COVID-19 continues to create an emergency in the City of Port
Angeles; and
b. 'Tbat the third quarter, 2020 PBIA assessment be, and it is hereby, waived.
c. 'Tbat the waiver of interest on all accounts payable to the City, as initially
June 16, 2020 1
implemented April 10, 2020, through an Emergency Declaration issued by the
City Manager, shall be extended and continue in effect through July 31, 2020�
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 16th day of,lune, 2020.
Ka e Dexter, Mayor
Kari Martinez.-Bailey, City Clerk
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
June 16,
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: June t 6, 2020
TO: City Council
From A Ilyson Brekke,Director, Community and Economic Development
Thomas Hunter,Director, Public Worky and Utilities
Sulbject: Accept 20 N Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Grant Award for the Race Street
Complete Design and Construction (]phase t) Transportation Capital Facilities Plan (CFP)
]project TR0209.
Summary: The City has received a 20 t 8 grant award from the FLAP in the amount of$2,000,000.00,
for Phase t construction of the Race Street Complete Design and Construction transportation CFP
project. The funding is to support construction in the year of 202t. Council action is required to proceed
with acceptance of the grant.
Funding: The grant funding requires a t3.5% City match of the total grant award, or$270,000.00. The
City has proposed 50% of the total required match to be covered by Washington State Department of
Transportation (WSDOT') toll credits:
Grant Amount ----Reguired—City Match WSDQT Toll Credits
20 t 8 FLAP $2,000,000 $t 3 5,000 $t 3 5,000
Recommendation: (t) Approve and authorize acceptance of the Federal Lands Access Program 20 t 8
grant award in the amount of,$2,000,000,00 and (2) Authorize the City Manager to sign the grant
agreement and make minor modifications to the grant agreement as necessary.
Background / Analysis: The City has received a 20 t 8 grant award from the 20 t 8 FLAP for the Race
Street Complete Design and Construction transportation Capital Facilities Program (CFI )project
(TR0209). Because this is authorization to receive money for a Council approved project, this item has
been placed on the consent agenda. A compiled list of approved and submitted grants for the Race Street
Complete Design and Construction project, and their respective matches, is included as an attachment to
this memo.
As with all Federal Government grants, a contract is required to be signed by the City. The grant also
requires a t3.5% City match. A unique feature of FLAP is the option to utilize WSDOT'tall credits as
partial or full coverage of the required match. The City has proposed for 50%of the t3.5%required City
match, or 6.75%, to be covered by these credits. Therefore, a City match in the amount of$t35,000.00 is
required. Due to the current COVID-t 9 emergency, the Western Federal Lands (WFL)Division of the
Federal Highway Administration (FfIWA) is considering an increase of the toll credits coverage of the
match amount.
Funding Overview: The grand funding requires a t3.5% City match of the grant award, or
$270,000.00. The City has proposed 50%of the total required match to be covered by WSDOT'tall
Grant AmoUDI ...Rc_quired City Match WSDQT—Foll Credits
20t8FLAP (CN) $2,000,000 $t35,000 $t 3 5,000
Ailachments: Race Street Complete Street Design and Phase t Construction Cost and Grant Estimates
June 16, 2020 1 - 1
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............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: June 16, 2020
TO: City Council
From Nathan West, City Manager
Sulbject: COVID I-19 Planning Discussion
Summary: Due to the COVID-19 health crisis,many City operations have continued but the way
business has been conducted has changed. This includes the way City Council meetings have been
Funding: N/A
Recommendation: Council Discussion
Background / Analysis:
Due to the COVID-19 health crisis,many City operations have continued although the way business has
been conducted has changed. This includes how City meetings have been conducted. By the order of the
Governor, City meetings have been conducted virtually. This has presented challenges to staff, Council,
and the community as we each work,through new technologies and processes. It has been an additional
challenge to stay connected to each other in a time we need to stay apart, to help slow the spread of the
virus. However, through these challenges we continue to find innovative ways to meet the needs of the
community,this includes virtual access and participation during live Council meetings. Moving forward,
it is my hope that Council considers how we can continue to provide this sairic remote connection to the
public. I would encourage Council to consider the possibility of maintaining virtual access and
participation during open public meetings as we move towards Phase 3, 4, and beyond. This
recommendation is being proposed considering potential limitations on attendees in the phased-in
approach provided by the Governor and the necessity for continued focus on physical distancing long into
the future.
As part of the discussion, I will add verbal information on operational updates relative to the City's
COVID49 response. This will include details on some services as we move to Phase 3.
Funding Overview:
June 16, 2020 1 - 3
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: June 16,2020
TO: City Council
From Thomas Hunter,Director qf'Public Worky & Utilities
Sulbject: Pump Station 3 Replacement, Construction Contract, WW-03-08
Summary: Pump Station No. 3 is located at the base of Hill Street, and it experienced catastrophic
failure during a December 20118 windstorm. Since that time,the City Operations crews have been
keeping the station operable by implementing a series of workaround fixes. The purpose of this memo
is to receive City Council approval for award of the Pump Station 3 Replacement construction contract.
The work authorized by this contract will disassemble the existing pump station, install a wet well
mounted Smith &Loveless pump station (purchase contract MEC-20 19-5 t), a pump station control
panel (purchase contract MEC-2020-04), and emergency generator.
Bids were received on May 29, 2020 for the Pump Station 3 Replacement Construction contract. Three
Contractors submitted bids for this work. Interwest Construction,Inc, of Burlington, Washington was
the low responsible bidder.
Funding: The following is the revised budget included in the proposed 202 1-2026 Capital Facilities
Plan which will be reflected in Budget Amendment 92: Budget 9 453-7488-594-65 tO for Pump Station
3 Replacement$t,309,622.
Recomimendation: Approve and award the contract with Interwest Construction, Inc, of Burlington,
Washington for the Pump Station 3 Replacement for the bid amount of$564,454.40 including
applicable taxes and authorize the City Manager to execute the construction contract and to make minor
modifications if necessary.
Background Analysis: Pump Station No. 3 and its t2-inch pressure sewer were constructed in t969
as part of a project that created the cross-town collector system and the City's first wastewater treatment
plant. An increase in development and expansion of the service area have exceeded the pump station's
discharge capacity. During a December 20t8 windstorm the pump station 3 dry well flooded,
submerging all equipment,rendering the Pump Station inoperable. A temporary fix was put in place,
however, it requires increased attention by City operations crews. Replacement of the pump station is the
implementation of the permanent fix, and part of a multi-phase plan to eliminate wastewater overflows
along Marine Drive.
This contract includes the following construction components:
• Disassembly of the existing pump station,
• Installation of a pumping bypass system for use during construction
• Installation of a wet well mounted Smith & Loveless pump station (purchase contract MEC-
20 19-5 t),
• Installation of a pump station control panel (purchase contract MEC-2020-04),
• Installation of a security fence around the facility,
• Installation of an emergency generator.
June 16,
The City is taking a phased approach in contracting the re-build of the Pump Station. In doing this, we are
optimizing the construction schedule for this highly complex pump station replacement. The wet well
mounted pump station component requires a lead time of five months and the control panel a lead time of
four months. Rather than have a construction contractor incur the cost of the pump station and control
panel purchase, the City pre-purchased these components to be built and delivered to the City for
installation. This enables the City engineering staff and design consultant to communicate directly with
equipment suppliers and work,through the submittal and approval process ensuring the pump station
meets the City's requirements for efficient future facility operation. The timeline of previous City Council
actions follows:
• April t6, 201[9, Council approved the Pump Station Design and Construction support
Professional Services Agreement
• March 3, 2020 Council approved the wet well mounted equipment purchase
• April 2t, 2020 Council approved the control panel purchase
Bids were received on May 29, 2020 for the Pump Station 3 Replacement construction contract. Three
Contractors submitted bids for this work. Interwest Construction,Inc, of Burlington, Washington was the
low responsible bidder.
The following table is a breakdown of bids received.
Contractor Total Cost
Interwest Construction, Inc. -- Burlington, WA $564,454.40
Tapani, Inc-- Battle Ground, WA $6 16,8 19.84
Rogrilin's Inc. -- Aberdeen, WA $683,264.00
Engineers Estimate $52L8,400.00
Funding Overview: The following is the revised budget included in the proposed 202 1-2026 Capital
Facilities Plan which will be reflected in Budget Amendment 92: Budget 9 453-7488-594-65 tO for Pump
Station 3 Replacement $t,309,622.
June 16,
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: June 16,2020
1,0: City Council
From Thomas Hunter,Director, Public Worky and Utilities
Sulbject: 2020 Chip Seal Project, Award Construction Contract
Summary: The purpose of this memo is to receive City Council approval for the 2020 Chip Seal Project.
The Project's pavement preservation work will be performed at the following locations:
• Peabody Street from 8"' Street to Ahlvers Road and
• Park Avenue from Peabody Street to Race Street.
This project will include removing existing pavement markings, preparing road surface, chip scaling and
placing new pavement markings. Bids were received on June 2, 2020 for this contract. The lowest, and
only, responsive and responsible bidder was Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc. of Vancouver, WA, in the
aniount of$398,398.00.
Funding: The following is the revised budget included in the proposed 202 1-2026 Capital Facilities
Plan which will be reflected in Budget Amendment 92. Budget 9 3 t2-7930-595-65 tO for chip scaling on
Peabody Street and Park Avenue.
TR-t299 Park Avenue Chip Seal $ t30,000.00
TR-t5 t6 Peabody Street Chip Seal Phase I 125,000.00
TR-03 t5 Peabody Street Chip Seal Phase 2 225,000.00
TR-02 15 Peabody Street Chip Seal Phase 3 200,000.00
Total Proposed CFP Funding $ 680,000.00
Recomimendation: Approve and award the contract with Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc. of
Vancouver, WA, for the 2020 Chip Seal Project CON 2020-t4 for the bid airlount of$398,398.00
including applicable taxes, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract and to make minor
modifications if necessary.
Background / Analysis:
Chip scaling is a cost-effective pavement maintenance procedure-, cheaper than asphalt resurfacing and
extends the life of existing pavement. Earlier this year the 2020 Pavement Repair Project completed
repairs to the roadway to address structural failures that could not be remedied by chip scaling. To gain
the most value and service life and prevent further structural issues sections of Park Avenue and Peabody
Street will undergo chip scaling.
To achieve economy of scale in cost and effort, four preservation projects were combined into one
construction project.
• TR-t299 Park Avenue Chip Seal
• TR45 t6 Peabody Street Chip Seal Phase I
• TR-03 t5 Peabody Street Chip Seal Phase 2
• TR-02 15 Peabody Street Chip Seal Phase 3
June 16, 2020 J - 3
Notice of the bid opportunity was advertised through the Municipal Research and Service Center Rosters,
Builders Exchange, Seattle Journal of Commerce and Peninsula Daily News on May t2, 2020 and posted
to the City website.
On June 2,2020, one bid was received and opened. Intermountain Slurry Sea], Inc., of Vancouver, WA is
the apparent lowest, responsive, responsible bidder with a total bid amount of$398,398.00. The total bid
amounts, including taxes, are tabulated in the following table:
Bid Amounts
Contractor Base Bid
--- L
Intermountain Slurry Sea], Inc. $398,398.00
Engineer's Estimate $40 t,625.40
Funding Overview: The following is the revised budget included in the proposed 202t-2026 Capital
Facilities Plan which will be reflected in Budget Amendment 92. Budget 9 3 t2-7930-595-65 tO for chip
scaling on Peabody Street and Park,Avenue.
TR-t299 Park,Avenue Chip Sea] $ t30,000.00
TR-t5 t6 Peabody Street Chip Sea] Phase I t25,000.00
TR-03 t5 Peabody Street Chip Sea] Phase 2 225,000.00
TR-02 15 Peabody Street Chip Sea] Phase 3 200,000.00
Total CFP Funding $ 680,000.00
June 16,
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