HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Packet 07/07/2020 iIN���������1164Wu INamm„4Sva1b��1�111111TNsiP�.
ULY 7, 2020
City 0f Port Angeles Council Meeting ens
Additional information on attendance of this meeting will he found at www,c i- jjft��, us,
Meeting will he held virtually
The Mayor may determine the order of'husiness for aparticular City Council meeting. The agenda should he arranged to best serve
the needs and/or convenience of'the Council and the public. The Mayor wiii determine time of'break.Hearing deices are available
for those needing assistance. The items of'husiness for regular Council meetings may include the following:
A. Call to Order — Special Meeting at 5:00 p.m. —Executive,Session to he held under authority of'RCW
42.30.110(1)(c), to consider the minimum price at which real estate it,iii he offered, and Rr'iV 42.:30110(1)(i)to discuss potential
litigation with legal counsel, and RCW 42.:30.110(1)(g) to evaluate the qualifications of'an applicantforpublic employment or to
review the pertormance of'a public employee
Call to Order —Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
B. Roll Call, Fledge of Allegiance
Ceremonial Matters, Proclamations & Employee Recognitions
C. Public Comment
Written public comment can he submitted to: corn ul rn c stt:o,l us comments in,ill not he read aloud but will he made apart of'the
record. To provide pre-recorded messages to the City Council by phone,please call:360-417-4.504. Messages received will he
provided to Council. These messages in,ill he made apart of'the record. Comments should he received by 2:00 pm. Tuesday, July 7,
To call in and provide oral public comment or oral testimony to the public hewing through a telephone line, visit the city's wehsite to
obtain call-in information and directions at bib°�b°.cad oil 'n.rns. Calls in,ill he taken in the order they come in.
Members of the public may address the City Council at the beginning and end of arty Regular Meeting under"Public Comment."
During the"Public Comment"portion of the meeting,individuals may spear to agenda items, except those scheduled for a Public
The City Council desires to allow the opportunity f'or Public Comment.however,the business of the City must proceed in an orderly,
timely manner. At any time,the presiding officer,in the presiding officer's sole discretion,may set such reasonable limits as are
necessary to prevent;disruption of other necessary business.
At its most restrictive,Public Comment shall he limited to a total off 5 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall he
concluded not later than 9:45 for the second Public Comment period.
Individuals may spear f'or three(3)minutes or less, depending on the number of'people wishing to spear.if more than 20 people are
signed up to spear each speaker may he allocated two(2)minutes.
Individuals who are residents of the City or own businesses within the City will he called to spear first,with preference given to those
who wish to spear to an item on the meeting's agenda.if time remains,the presiding officer will call other individuals wishing to
spear, generally in the order in which they have signed.if time is available,the presiding officer may call for additional unsigned
Persons speaking shall state their name,whether they reside within the City limits,whether they have any other pertinent connection
to the City, and whether they are appearing as the representative of am organization.
Excerpts taken from the Council Rules of'F'rocedure.Section 12
July 7,2020 Igor(:Angeles City Council Meeting Rage I
D. Late Items
To he placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting.
Ea Consent Agenda I Approve
1. City Council Minutes of'Jurne 16,2020 /Approve...........................................................................................................h-I
2. Expenditure deport:From June 6, 2020 and.June 29,2020 in the amount of$1,964,.592.12/Approve.........................h-5
3. WASPC rediscovery Contract Renewal/Approve Contract.........................................................................................E-37
4. Planning Commission recommendations/Approve Recommendations.........................................................................h-4�9
5. Five-Year renewal for Cisco Meraki Network Infrastructure Software Licensing/Approve Contract.........................h-82
F. Public Hearings I 6m30p.m. ar,Voon Thereafter
1. 2021-2026 Capital Facility Plan and Transportation Plan/Continue Public Hearing l Close Public Hearing l Pass Resolution
G. Ordinances Not Requiring Council Public Hearings
I. Adding Chapter 1.30 to the Dori.Angeles Municipal Code Recognizing Indigenous People's Day and Adding anew
section 1.40 of the Dori.Angeles Municipal Code Recognizing Juneteenth/Conduct Hirst Reading/
Continueto,Tarly 21 .........................................................................................................................................................G-1
H. Resolutions Not Requiring Council Public Hearings.......................................................................................None
Ira Other Considerations
I. State and Federal Advocacy/Council Discussion..........................................................................................................1-1
J. Contracts acts Purchasing
I. Contract.with the Dort Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce f'or a Downtown Vision and Strategic Plan..............J-1
2. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA)Industrial Switches Purchase......................................................J-14�
3. City hall Low Impact Development Parking Lot Retrofit,Project No. T 1215,Professional Services
K. Council Reports
L. Information
City Manager Reports:
1. 2019 Pori.Angeles Crime Summary................................................................................................................................L-1
2. Code Enforcement/Code Update
3. Public Works and Utilities Construction report..............................................................................................................L-6
M. Second Public Comment
Written public comment can he submitted to: corn ul ri c stt:o,l us comments it,ill not he read aloud but will he made apart of the
record. To provide pre-recorded messages to the City Council by phone,please call:360-417-4.504. Messages received will he
provided to Council. These m ssa�)es it,ill he made apart of the record. Comments should he received by 2:00 pm. Tuesday, July 7,
To call in and provide oral public comment or oral testimony to the public hearing through a telephone line, visit the city's website to
obtain call-in information and directions at a s. Cally it,ill he taken in the order they come in.
Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. City Council may set a public hearing in order to
receive public input prior to making decisions which impact citizens. Certain matters may he controversial and City Council may
choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process.
July 7,2020 Dori.Angeles City Council Meeting Rage 2
Port Angeles, Washington
,June 16, 2020
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Pori.Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French, Meyer, McCaughan, Schromen-
Wawrin and Suggs.
Members Absent: None
Staff'Present: City Manager West,Attorney Moor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C.Delikat,K. Dubuc,B. Smith,
A. Brekke, and S. Carrizosa.
Roll call vote:
Mayor Dexter
Deputy Mayor Carr
Council member French
Council member McCaughan
Council member Meyer
Council member Schromen-Wawrin
Council member Suggs
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,
1. Juneteenth Proclamation
Mayor Dexter read a proclamation recognizing June 19 as Juneteenth and affirmed the City stands in condemning
racism and violence, and pledges to support actions that seek to dismantle systemic inequity and bias, confront hate
and violence, and more fully practice the City's Statement of'Values towards all in our community.
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by McCaughan to:
Direct staff to draft ordinances for Council discussion at the July 7 meeting recognizing June 19 as Juneteenth and the
second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
The Mayor said the public comment phone number and code.
Hearing no comments,the Mayor closed the public comment period.
At the request of Council member Schromen-Wawrin, and by consensus of the Council, Mayor Dexter added a
discussion on the Desi�nation qfA TR'Business Meeting Voting Delegates to the agenda as item 1-3.
It was moved by Suggs and seconded by McCaughan to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes of'June 2,2020 lApprove
2. Expenditure Report: From Maly 23, 2020 to,Tune.5, 2020 in the amount qf$1,278,273.53 lApprove
3. Buying Agreement with City of'Seattle lAuthorize the City Manager to sign the attached qw eement with
the City qf'Seattle
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
July 7,
1. 2018 Federal Lands Access Program Grant Award for the Race Street Complete Design and
Construction (Phase 1) Transportation Capital Facilities Plan Project TR0209.
Community and Economic Development Director Allyson Brekke introduced Associate Planner and Project
Manager of the Grant,Ben Braudrick,who shared a presentation with the Council and provided an update on file
2018 Federal Lands Access Program (F[,AP)Grant Award for the Race Street Complete Design and Construction
(Phase 1) Transportation Capital Facilities Plan(CFI)Project TR0209. Council discussion followed
It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to:
Approve and authorize acceptance of the Federal Lands Access Program 2018 grant award in file amount of
$2,000,000.00 and authorize the City Manager to sign the grant agreement and make minor modifications to file
grant agreement as necessary.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
1. 2021-2026 Capital Facility Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan
The Mayor opened the public hearing at 6:33 p.m.
Marolee Smith, City resident, provided comments on a previously recorded line, suggested Council include
sidewalks south of'Dark Avenue at Race Street in the Capital Facility Plan.
Staff provided updates on various projects related to the Capital Facility Plan. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title, entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,adopting the City's Capital
Facilities Plan for 2021 --2026,which includes the City's Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2021-
The Mayor continued the public hearing to the July 7,2020 meeting.
Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7:20 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:26 p.m.
1. Broadened Acceptance Criteria for Maintenance and Operation of Extensions to City Water and
Wastewater Mains
Director of'Public Works and Utilities Thomas hunter reminded Council the item was before them for a second
reading and provided background on the code amendment. fie shared the change allows the City to accept
conveyance of utilities outside of an improved right-of-way. Council Discussion followed.
Mayor Dexter conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of'Port Angeles,Washington amending 13.48.050 and 13.62.210 of the Pori.Angeles
Municipal Code, both relating to the location of utility mains.
It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to:
Adopt the ordinance as read.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
Page 2 of 4
July 7,
1. Resolution to Waive 3 rd Quarter ARIA& Interest on Accounts Receivable Interest Waiver
Manager West provided background on the agenda item,said the matter was similar to extension of waivers Council
had approved at previous meetings, and shared his favorable recommendation of the proposed resolution. Council
discussion followed.
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title, entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of'Dorf:Angeles,Washington,waiving the 3rd Quarter assessment
of the Parking and Business Improvement Area as additional relief for the hardship created by the COVI7-1 9
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Pass the resolution as read.
Council member French disclosed he owns and operates a business within the PBIA district.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
2. COVID-1 9 Planning/Discussion
Manager West began by providing background on the memo and shared what the City continues to do to help meet
the needs of the community during the COV ID-19 health crisis.He provided statistics from the County working
groups that were formed to discuss utility,mortgage, and rent relief'options and spoke about an increase in past-due
utility accounts. Ile shared the City continues to look for additional financial assistance options. Director Brekke
spoke about her work in the County sub-groups,working with childcare and business support sub-groups.
Council agreed by consensus to continue virtual meetings.
3. Voting Delegates at the Association of Washington Cities Business Meeting
Council member Schromen-Wawrin provided background on the late item and shared the City would need to
determine which three Council members would be the delegated to vote during the Association of Washington Cities
business meeting held during the 2020 annual conference.
It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to:
Appoint Mayor Dexter and Council member Suggs,and Manager West as the three voting delegates for the AWC and
interested in participating as a voting delegate.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
1. Pump Station 3 Replacement,Construction Contract,WW-03-08
Director Hunter spoke about the project and provided background on the item and spoke about the age of the facility
relative to repairs. Ile shared the station was damaged in December 2018. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by French and seconded by Meyer to:
Approve and award the contract with Interwest Construction, Inc,of'Burlington,Washington for the Pump Station 3
Replacement for the bid amount of'$564,454.40 including applicable taxes and authorize the City Manager to
execute the construction contract and to make minor modifications if necessary.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
2. 2020 Chip Sea] Project,Award Construction Contract
Director Hunter spoke about the agenda item and said the contract is for pavement preservation. Ile stated the work
will lengthen the life of the pavement where paving work would be conducted. Ile stated the project puts a
temporary stop on road degradation. Council discussion followed.
Page 3 of 4
July 7,
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by McCaughan to:
Approve and award the contract with Intennountain Slurry Seal, Inc. of'Vancouver,WA, for the 2020 Chip Seal
Project CON 2020-14 for the bid amount of'$398,398.00 including applicable taxes, and authorize the City Manager
to execute the contract and to make minor modifications if necessary.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
Deputy Mayor Carr shared she had the opportunity to speak at a Future Wise event, provided updates from a recent
Board of'llealth meeting, and urged the community to continue to follow the Governor's guidelines. She said she
was happy to see people exercising their rights in support of important issues and spoke about current events.
Council member French spoke about his attendance at the Chamber weekly meeting, and the Chamber Finance
Committee meeting. fie spoke about current events and encouraged people to read books by African-American
Council member Schromen-Wawrin shared he attended the same Future Wise event, spoke about life expectancy of
farm workers in Washington,shared information from a Low-Income Housing Alliance call he participated in, spoke
about rank choice voting, spoke about current events, and shared it was Transit Week.
Council member Suggs shared she attended a Marine Resource Committee meeting and spoke about current events.
Council member McCaughan spoke about the need for sidewalks and the need for the people to continue to follow the
Governor's orders. fie spoke about his attendance at a Shore Aquatic Center meeting and spoke about current events.
Council member Meyer spoke about Peninsula Area Public Access and spoke about pandemic fatigue.
Mayor Dexter spoke about current events, a meeting she had with Lower Elwha Tribe Council Chairwoman Frances
Charles, and shared she reached out to a member of the crew of the Active who was awarded Enlisted Person of the
Year for the entire USCG.
No other reports were given.
Manager West shared there will be a July 28 work session on the financial impacts of'COVID-19 in addition to a long-
range planning discussion. fie turned the meeting over to Directors who provided updates on each of their
No public comment was shared.
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 9:59 p.m.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Kate Dexter,Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk
Page 4 of 4
July 7,
I I-
July 7, 020
We, the undersigned City Officials of the City of P,ort Angeles, day hereby
certify that the merchandise and/or services herein specified have been
received and that these claims are approved for,payment in,the amolunt of
saraaaa Catrrizusa
Firaanca:.Director i1,964, 9 .1 this 7t.h day of July 2020,
`rrinaa sic `$ q-
Senior Accountant � �° 'P � 6
Mary"Sane French
Senior Accountant Mayor City Manager
L iaaala Kheriamty+
➢°inanciaal'Systems Analyst
Meiody Schneider
Management Accountant
Micah Rose
Financial Analyst
.iaanc Pcrtains
Payroll Specialist
Julie lynaae 1
Jason Jones
Accounting Technician
Nicole Blank
Administrative Analyst
Kaxbycllein H-mey
custmaoaaar Services Manager
`Traacy Books
Utility Billing Specialist
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
)E F�Z MlE]N 011 F�ZEVlE]NUE Exclse �,jx F�Zetui-ns IIMaat 001 0000 2,37 00 00 32116
Exclse ,jx F�Zetui-ns IIMaat 001 0000 2,37 10 00 2000
Exclse ,jx F�Zetui-ns IIMaat 001 0000 2,37 10 00 11.88
Exclse �,jx F�Zetui-ns IIMaat 001 0000 2,37,111..00
Exclse ,jx F�Zetui-ns IIMaat 001 0000 2,37 70 00 2200
WSCI DEF 0&l EF�ZlWl F�ZEF:UlNDS :3AN N E F:Z l AX F:Z E l U N l)CWl l) 1 001 0000 2,37 10 00 21.60
l OOMB )EF:)O&l F:ZEF�:U�N l) 001 0000 2,39 1000 1111.00
l 00I%S )EF:)O&l F:ZEF�:U�N l) 001 0000 2,39 1000 1111.00
VlE:F:Z1N :30::Z O�N )EF:10&l F:ZEF:U�N 001 0000 2,39 1000 11111.00
VlE:F:Z1N :3 U F:Z O�N l)E F:IOS l F:Z E F:U N 001 0000 2,39 1000 11111.00
VlE:F:Z1N :3 U F:Z O�N l)E F:IOS l F:Z E F:U N 001 0000 2,39 1000 20000
VlE:F:Z1N :3 U F:Z O�N l)E F:IOS l F:Z E F:U N 001 0000 2,39 1000 20000
VlE:F:Z1N :3 U F:Z O�N l)E F:IOS l F:Z E F:U N 001 0000 2,39 1000 20000
VlE:F:Z1N :3 U F:Z O�N l)E F:IOS l F:Z E F:U N 001 0000 2,39 1000 20000
VlE:F:Z1N :3 U F:Z O�N l)E F:IOS l F:Z E F:U N 001 0000 2,39 1000 41,50 00
US 111A1N1K(110l::ZF:)Ol::ZA E F:)AYIWE:N 1 ccldenLfl clig Jacou IDI'l 001 0000 213 1000 14, 12
Kltadaptoi' 001 0000 2,37 00 00 (32 56)
(Illty(1111'edlt(11,111-d 001 0000 213 10 9,15 (30,362 48)
(Illty(1111'edlt(11,111-d 001 0000 213 10 9,15 18,15119 98
Division Total: ($10,008.10)
Department Total: ($10,008.10)
US II:3ANK(110l::ZF:)Ol::ZA lE F:)AYIWE:N l.. F:Zefuii Id W611*11,111,Coull lcfl 001 1160 15 11 43 10 (91 67)
Mayor&Council Division Total: ($91.67)
Legislative Department Total: ($91.67)
WSCOC NE PIME VlDV OlZS SUF:)F:)Il 001 12101513 41 50 6,00000
SWND F)UI:3Il IIDI flING INC, ONSIIWE:l)IIA SEl::::ZV 00 1 1210 15 13 41 115 4715 00
US II:3ANK(110l::ZF:)Ol::ZA l E F:)AYIWE:N I Chainlber Iluancaheon 15 einpkiy 001 1210 15 13 43 10 9000
F:Zefuii Id W611*11,111-(11l\40 001 12 10 15 13 43 10 (91 66)
City Manager Division Total: $6,473.34
Al::Z(,I,flVE SOCIlAl , IIIINC MANAGEME\fl SEF:WKI.ES 001 1220 1516 41 50 1'15,15 00
LOWE: )EF:)O F:)l::ZO SUF:)F:)Il YWOl::ZKS MASKS F°Ol::Z(11Il I Y I,lAl l 001 1220 15 16,31 01 1,220,30
Human Resources Division Total: $1,375.30
l EMAY \40G :Ifll E &ff:ZEDDflNG MANAGEME\fl SEF:WKI.ES 001 12,30 514,41 50 1414, 111
MANAGEWE]\fl SEF:WKI.ES 001 12,30 514,41 50 1414, 111
�Page 1 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 5
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
OIl YIW K,S I AI ONE RS INC, IIES 001 12,30 514,31 01 9 715
City Clerk Division Total: $298.05
City Manager Department Total: $8,146.69
O1 II KIIE EQUH IWE]N I HN(II 1110I\41 U I Eft 001 2020 514,31 01 10796
O IIl°KIIE IIES, GDNE RAl 001 2020 15 14,31 01 14, 13
US II:3ANK(110C::U:)O� ::ZA I E [)AYIWE:N L l odghng (11,111,111zos"I 001 2020 514,43 10 12789
SYS 1 D\4
l odghng Schinekler 001 2020 514,43 10 109,32
�:Refuii Id l odghng (11,111,11JZos"I 001 2020 514,43 10 (12789)
rah Ih Ig :Reg (11,111,11JZos"I 001 2020 514,43 10 1315 00
rah Ih Ig �:Reg 3l,111 1( 001 2020 514,43 10 1 159 00
WADI flHNG I O�N (11 1S), 3..1A. �E Ol�:' Oil I)AGE/SW:RVIVO�::ZS HNSW:RAN 001 2020 514,41 50 71.7
Finance Administration Division Total: $497.17
1::)A1,Hl°1K1,O� IIl°KIIE EQUH)IWEJN I O IIl°KIIE SUI)[::)Il IIES, GDNE�::ZAl 001 2023 15 14,31 01 2,15 24,
US II:3ANK(110C::U:)O� ::ZA I E [)AYIWE:N L l odghng Schineklell, 001 2023 514,43 10 4,37 28
l aptop Dag Schinekle, 001 2023 15 14,31 01 36 911
f:Refund �::Zeg f:Rose 001 2023 514,43 10 (11000)
�:Refund :Reg Schineklell, 001 2023 514,43 10 (11000)
�:Refund :Reg Schineklell, 001 2023 514,43 10 (11000)
WAS HflNGIOWN (AUD1I I GEC::Z), SW l NANCAl SEf::ZVKI.ES 001 2023 514,41 50 16,682 2,15
Accounting Division Total: $16,851.72
DA� A:3A�::1 HNCIO�::U:)OC::ZA L ED WSCI �::::ZO ESS l O�NAl SSG:::ZVKI.E 001 202,15 514,41 50 2,2,53 15 1
WSCI PZO ESS l O�NAl SSG::ZVKI.E 001 202,15 514,41 50 2,22,15 12
WSCI PZO ESS l O�NAl SSG::ZVKI.E 001 202,15 514,41 50 2,34,15 15,15
EQUHlAX lNANCAl SEf::ZVKI.ES 001 20215 514,41 50 83.28
I EX&NEXS INANCIAl SEf::ZVKI.ES 001 20215 514,41 50 163.011
NX::'A AU..I 0 [::W::Z 1 S AU I 0 I f::ZUCIK IIVIAflN l I BMS 001 20215 15 14,31 11 978
1::)A1,H-K1,O1 II KIIE EQUH::)IWEJN EfZ ACCESSOCZll ES&SU l 001 20215 514,31 01 36020
O IIl°KIIE SUI::::)[:)Il IIES, GDNE ZAl 001 20215 15 14,31 01 806
[::IAYIWE:N�US G::ZOU[::I H\X, V BA Sei-vu(-,E) l°ee 001 20215 514,41 50 24,800
11"111 Ism"Joil I l�ees 001 202,15 514,41 50 24,800
BA Sei-vkx) l�ee 001 20215 514,41 50 (24,800)
f::ZAD1O 1::1A1,Hl K1, II II\X, (KO1N 11101\41\WNKIIA I IIG111NSIIWE:I11IA SEfZV 001 202,15 514,42 10 80000
SWAHN'S GDNE�::ZAl S I GEC GEC 1 II11NC, l f::::ZS l Ail &SAKI E 1 Y EQt1111 001 20215 15 14,31 11 2029
Customer Service Division Total: $8,516.84
�Page 2 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7,
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
Finance Department Total: $25,865.73
Al l AM(,III�Y 98,5
��ES 001 3012 51 23 73, 94 7 ,98
0 l(11 E
Jail Contributions Division Total: $73,794.98
l EX&NEMS [:�'Ul:3ll CIA L O\VAU )1WSUAl 001 '15 1 419 01 37,15 36
US II:3ANK(110C::11:)O� ZA I E [)AYI\ME:N L.
�:Refuii Id W611*11,111, l egfl 001 '15 1 413 10 (91 67)
City Attorney Division Total: $283.69
City Attorney Department Total: $74,078.67
WSCI 301 )HNG [::::'E111t 11..1.. ZEIl°U�\OS 001 410,50 34115 83 00 12,15 94,
US II1NAINK(110C::U:)OCZA I E [::)AYI\ME:N SUDS("I,iptkln spht 001 410,50 41158 419 01 447
Building Division Total: $130.41
MRCI,flME SOCIlAl , HN(I \4ANAGB\4B\fl SSG:::ZVKI.ES 001 4,060 15,58 41 50 00
SWND ['UI:31l II&flHNG H\X, 4::'U�:3Il CIA� O\VAUD1WSUAl 001 4,060 15,58 41 115 129,56
I[I E WA�E�:ZS 1 E�)(110I\/l 1IANY BWH:ROIV\ME:N Al &E(1.0�l OGKI'Al 001 4,060 15,58 41 50 2,19,15 00
US II:3ANK(110C::U:)O� ::ZA 1 E I'') 1(II\M°�?INL.L. SuJVve IlMouikey 001 4,060 15,58 49 01 37 98
SUDS("I,�ptkln spht 001 4,060 15,58 49 01 41418
Planning Division Total: $2,678.02
US II:3ANK(110C::U:)O� ::ZA 1 E [)AYI\ME:N Meinh)&-§Np 001 4,071 15,58 49 01 29,15 00
Economic Development Division Total: $295.00
Community Development Department Total: $3,103.43
MRCI,flME SOCIlAl , IllNt., \4ANAGB\4B\fl SSG::ZVKI.ES 001 50 10 521 41 50 00
l EX&NEMS l Hlp:W::ZY SE::ZVKI.ES(EXCll 908 001 50 10 521 49 01
1::)Ef:RS G l 1::)E�:1S (110lN l ::Zfl:3U I IIO 001 5010 521 20 30 12,77151f7
QUHl l ON EfZ ACCESSOCZIl ES&SU 001 5010 521 31 01 4110 113
SWAHN'S GBNEG ::Ml S OG :r IlllNC, Bl ECI I ZKI'Al CIA:3Il ES&Wl�ZES 001 5010 521 42 10 1299
U3IIuANK(110C11:)O� ZA I E [)AYIWE:N �:Refund �:Reg Ordona 001 5010 521 43 10 (1,79000)
Ui Ion n ilteins Code of 001 5010 521 31 11 398 71
Police Administration Division Total: $12,172.80
�I\40 I GEC::ZOlL.A SO11l U L IOINS, IINC, �::ZADO& I Bl E(110�%\WNKIIA L IOIN 001 5021 521 31 14, 326 10
BMINSU�l A AWMRDS & IfrG l 1111ES WSCIBl l ANEOUS SEfZVKI.ES 001 5021 521 4430 4f1.68
[::)O�::O ANGBl ES [::)O�l IlCE I Ilhuinl') Di1ve 001 5021 521 31 01 41,15 414,
E[::W::Z 1 \4 4E:N I
OMSO[�I ZEU..1.. ZS WE:S S ECI U�::::Z l I Y, l I::::Z E,SAI�l:°:E I Y S E A::::ZV 001 5021 521 49 01 379 91
US II:3ANK(110C::11:)O� ZA I E [)AYIWE:N W flA(11(iii if �:Reg [::IoWess 001 5021 521 43 10 1,410000
�Page 3 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 7
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
hap Elletween Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
SYS I EII I Refuii id W flA C',(iii if I Zeg [ (IWI 001Q021 21 4310 (I Am 00)
128 Q USB (3) 0010024521 3h4l 9R69
Investigation Division Total: $90Z82
CA OUD 9 SPCNU S (;II 0 flflNG &XR)/AZBI 00Y602152W11 5HZ62
CUR FIS&SONS 1INC', I IN [:�'OIl ICE EQUPMEN I &,S IRTL..Y 0=021521 =l 21HE99
Q 0 11 MNG it APPARBI 00Y602152W11 =23
GJA I S (;II 01[III NG&XRW ZBI 001 602152W11 W52
POI CE EQUIPMEN I &SUR? Y 0014 02Z412t3111 13TO9
SHIPRNG AND HAND II INN 0014 02Z4121 111 141.87
POI CE EQUPW�]N &SUR��)�l Y 001 5022 ,52131 11 4RO9
POI CE EQUPW IIN &SURI Il Y 001 5022 521 31 11 30&77
SHIPRNG AND HJAVD II. NG 001 002152t=1 3181
S1I:II Y(;II EANEI::ZS MISCEU ANEOUS SER'OC'. 001 5022 52131 11 W52
SHIPRNG AND I JAVDUNG 0014 02Z4,12t4210 =32
SHIPRNG AND HAND ING 0014 02Z4,12t4210 I t 14,
SHIPRNG AND I JAVDUNG 0014 02Z4121 4210 W26
SHIPRNG AND I JAVDUNG 0014 02Z4,12t4210 5127
SHIPRNG AND HAND ING 0014 02Z4,12t4210 I t 14,
I I RAVE] \4OIZSE [W ROG l E REC',R0 001 5022 521 4310 29&47
MO 1 ORO� l A SOIL..0 FIONS, INC RADIO& I El ECOMMUNCA 01N 001 5022-52t3hhl 3AW07
RADIO& 1 BI EC',O�\A\WNK',AII01N 001 5022 ,52131 14, 54&50
SIR(',I,flE I AB I3AIZREI SJDRUMS, KEGS, Cn IN 001-5022121 3401 35&00
SHIPRNG AND HAND ING 0014 02Z4121 31T1 1IR37
SOUND UNTOW (',Il 0 fl1NG&XR)AIZBl 001602152W11 44&50
US l3ANK C',OI::U')CAZA 1 E Refull Id I IIII ig IZeg 01i'doll I 0014 02ZG2t4310 PWO)
Refull Id I IIII ig I::Zeg Sexto 0014 02Z4'2t4310 YWOO)
Naine tags \Rflei-/Sinnh/I,ki 001002152W11 19Z20
I And sanitizen 001002152t3h4l 29R67
All Id saII kIzei' spht 0014 02Z21 31T1 10a00
Patrol Division Total: $11100116
�Page 4 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - E8
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
GAl l S G II II(�',E EQUH lMIE]N &SU[ [: Il Y 001 5026 521 31 11 88'53
G II II(�',E EQUH lMIE]N &SU[ [: Il Y 001 5026 521 31 11 130'53
G II CIE EQUH lMIE]N & Y 001 5026 521 31 11 133,57
SWAHN'S GENEI:�Ml S l OI ZE INC, W(110INS l I�16.1(11 f IIG111N & I ZB A lE) 001 5026 521 43 10 141,30
W N E 001 5026 521 43 10 9 6,15
W N E 001 5026 521 43 10 (9 615)
US II:3ANK(110I1I::)OI1A l E [::)AYIMIE]N ii,E) arin 14(It 001 5026 521 31 01 43.42
Reserves&Volunteers Division Total: $310.35
:: 1 :3 5029 521 31 01 l YlVN I::1EAVE Y('O�W::IANY EX�EIZ�\Ml II Al: OI::Z 001 , 2879
O IIl°KIIE SU[::)I)Il IIES, GENEI::Ml 001 5029 521 31 01 29336
QUHl l (110I::ZI::)OI::W ON O�l�]l�KIIE SU[::)I::)�l ��ES, GENEI::Ml 001 5029 521 31 01 20 8,15
O II KIIE SU[::)I::)Il YjHNKSjl EADS 001 5029 521 31 01 88315
AS� CIS 001 5029 521 31 01 24,47
O II KIIE SU[::)I::)Il YjHNKSjl EADS 001 5029 521 31 01 130 81
US II:3ANK(110I1I::)OI1A E [::)AYIMIE:N Ah-fai-e l einon 001 5029 521 43 10 21680
rawfl Ilii is l eii n(iii 1 001 5029 521 43 10 23.63
l atex gkives 001 5029 52131 01 611.88
Me(fic"fl gkives(1,000) 001 5029 52131 01 8079
l,111 Id saII kIzei' spht 001 5029 52131 01 10000
l atex gkives 001 5029 521 31 01 1515 414,
I)VI) burnell, I::Zecords 001 5029 521 31 01 4,977
("I) §E)E)VE)M1)I11dE)1, 001 5029 521 31 01 6,15 20
Records Division Total: $1,144.14
Police Department Total: $26,330.27
AI::Z(,I,flVE SOCIIAl , HN(I MANAGEME\fl SEI::ZVK1.ES 001 6010 522 41 50 00
Gl 0�:3Al S; I::::Z USA 015 001,5376716 A/C 001 6010 522 42 10 815 813
l EMAY \40�:3fll E &ff:ZEI)I)flNG O II"IIJ; IIV1ACII,flHNES&ACCESS 001 6010 52231 01 11.90
O� IIl°KIIE EQUH::)IMIE]N l N(11 SHO[::)) 001 6010 52231 01 12904,
1 EIII, l I.,IGJIIMAS (11 0 EAl I::ZEl A D SEI::ZVK1.ES 001 6010 522 41 50 90000
US II:3ANK(110I1I::)OI1A l E [)AYIMIE:N l l odgIng ChIef 001 6010 522 43 10 16296
Suppfies Officei-,iintg 001 6010 52231 01 16,37
Fire Administration Division Total: $1,637.10
:3AX EI:Z AU. 0 I::)AI::Z S#1,5 JAMl OI::Z1A1 S U I::1I II IES 001 6020 52231 01 63315
(111JI::1MHN FS (11Il 0 flHNG&X::)I::)All El 001 6020 522 20 80 29863
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July 7,
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
GAl Il 1111 0 flHNG& 001 6020 52231 11 121 64,
1111 0 flHNG& 001 6020 52231 11 163.8
1111 0 flHNG& 001 6020 52231 11 2,5415 92
WSCI E\41 ll OYEE EXI IRIS E GEf R�MAN ACE 11 ASK f 1EH\4I:30::1S 001 6020 522 20 80 864,
f::::Z E l Ilt4II:3 U f::::ZS E Il\4 E�:IN l
NA 1 IOINAl I,lOSE l ES ING IOSESI Al l KHNE)S 001 6020 522 41 50 3,29088
SWAHN'S GENE�::ZAl S Ol �:ZE INC, SAl E SOU:I1l US/O�:3 OG l E E 001 6020 522 20 80 1277
SAl E SOU:IIl US/O�:3SO�l E E 001 6020 522 20 80 1277
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 001 6020 52231 01 12243
US IIlNAlNK(110C::U:)OCZA l E [::)AYIWE:N Sil lack's 001 6020 52231 01 1991
SYS�EM l3ottk)d Water 001 6020 52231 01 1296
Mtadaptoi' 001 6020 5223,15 01 4,02,56
WI�IIWE:®�:Z 1::103Il C.SA l Y G::ZOU[::) 111Il 0 flHNG &dal::)[W::ZEl 001 6020 52231 11 3,52 98
111Il 0 flHNG&X::)[::W::ZEl 001 6020 52231 11 121.9
Fire Suppression Division Total: $7,551.23
US IIlNAlNK(110C::U:)OCZA l E [::)AYIWE:N SlNpphng 001 60,30 522 42 10 111.56
(1,E)II-L 11,E)II lewfl Sall Idel's 001 60,30 522 49 01 9000
renewfl Sander 001 60,30 522 49 01 1315 00
Clharghng 001 60,30 52231 01 32 82
Work fight 001 60,30 52231 01 159 81
Fire Prevention Division Total: $328.19
A 1 HN(I E1.1UH::1 MAHN l & f:REI::)AH:R SE::ZV 001 60,50 522 41 50 34,15 615
SWAHN'S GENEG ::ZAl S OG :ZE INC, SUI::::)[::::)Il ES 001 60150 52231 01 41889
AU l 0& l f::ZUCIK \/lAflN I l l EMS 001 60150 52231 01 52 87
Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $447.41
Fire Department Total: $9,963.93
AMAZO�N CIXIIl l Al SE�::ZVKI.ES lO l OG:RX::)[fl111 EQUH::)IWE:N l 001 7010 53231 01 4113 151
A�::Z(,I,flVE SOCI1A1 HN(I MANAGEME\fl SE::ZVKI.ES 001 7010 532 41 50 1,56 00
WSCI E\41::IIl OYEE EXI::IENSE l\4 l l EAG E f::::Z E l II\4:3 Ut :ZS E\4 E�:N l 001 70 10 532 43 10 31.28
fZ E l Il\4:3 U f::ZS E Il\4 E N
NOG ::ZPWESl SA�l lYSE�::ZVKI.E, 001 70 10 532 43 10 14,976
OIl YI\/l[::'l(11 E:1 II1N1.1 4:3P:R1IIN lHNG,&Hl K S111 Z,l YI::)SE 1 001 7010 53231 01 301
US IIlNAlNK(110C::U:)OCZA l E [::)AYIWE:N I ("k),1111hig suppfies 001 70 10 53231 01 115 62
Adapter 001 70 10 53231 60 111.813
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July 7, 2020 E - 10
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
US 11:3ANK(',0F:ZF:)0F:ZA l E F:)AYMIE]N F.rainesand inats 001 7010 53231 80 29,15 47
I IIII Ig FReg I,I,111 lk)y 001 70 10 532 43 10 19900
kmdsets wheafley/I,lUii ILE)11'/ 001 7010 53231 60 2115 78
kmdsets l3odalift/I,l,fle 001 7010 53231 60 71 13
Public Works Admin. Division Total: $1,494.76
Public Works&Utilities Department Total: $1,494.76
AFRCI,flVE SOCIlAl , IllNt., MANAGEME\fl SEF:MCES 001 8010 574,49 01 1,56 00
US II:3ANK(110F:ZF:)0F:ZA I E F:)AYIMIE:N I I Klll%l ("'flDk)s 001 8010 574,31 01 1846
Chainlber Ilu ncheon Cari,Izos 001 8010 574,43 10 00
Chainlber Iluancaheon Dehkat/ 001 8010 574,43 10 9000
11),111111 le, 001 8010 574,49 60 133.46
F:1owel"Idaptoll, spht 001 8010 574,31 01 311.141
Parks Administration Division Total: $487.46
(11ll Al Il AM("lN l Y I)1 e"OlI ENV S I)I:)IL..IIES 001 8012 15454531 01 4,63 00
I,EAl I V l
US IIlNAlNK(110F:ZF:)GEC:ZA I E F:)AYIMIE:N I owel"Idaptoll, spht 001 8012 1515,531 01 315
Senior Center Division Total: $498.53
:3ACIKII l OW dal::)F:)AF:ZA 1 US&VAl VIE: SUF:)F:)Il 001 80,50 53631 20 524,42
)EF:)AF:ZR\4IE Ili fl OlI FREVIE]NUE Ex(,,IsE) l,jx FReturns, IIMaat 001 80,50 536 44 50 23.66
QUH:RflNGII"40I\W[ MEN I S IlllNC, SUF:)F:)Il IIES 001 80,50 53634, 01 81000
SOU1 V) 1 UI:3ll I&flHNG HN(I SUF:)F:)ll �lES 001 80,50 536 41 1,15 32,15 00
Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $1,683.08
ANGEl ES IIMfll l WOFRK&l U1%:3EFR SUF:)F:)Il 001 8080 57631 20 1641
SUF:)F:)�l ��ES 001 8080 57631 20 607
SUF:)F:)�l ��ES 001 8080 57631 20 4,731
SUF:)F:)�l ��ES 001 8080 57631 01 248,15
SUF:)F:)�l ��ES 001 8080 57631 20 22 59
SUF:)F:)�l ��ES 001 8080 57631 20 11 86
SUF:)F:)�l ��ES 001 8080 57631 20 1,014,66
SUF:)F:)�l ��ES 001 8080 57631 20 103 21
l3AX EFR AU l 0 F:)AFR l S#1,5 SUF:)F:)Il 001 8080 57631 20 30 41
CIEN l FRAl ME:II DflNG SUF:)F:)Il Y SUF:)F:)Il �IES 001 8080 57631 20 1,32 29
l Itl lN GEl I:301 DflNG ;:UF:'I IL..X H"XI SUF:)F:)Il l ES 001 8080 57631 20 549 72
fll l E(11l,l El ECI l FROG VCIS H\X, SUF:)F:)Il 001 8080 576 49 90
�Page 7 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7,
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
Ol G1C1.1..A1NGEl ES IIES 001 8080 576 415 30 15,1,52 00
SWAHN'S GENE�:�Ml S O ZE INC, IIES 001 8080 57631 01 168,50
��ES 001 8080 57631 01
ill IIES 001 8080 57631 01 1,56,56
10:�1Z�MAN Y IIES 001 8080 57631 20 60 32
��ES 001 8080 57631 20 2646
IIES 001 8080 57631 20 138 03
��ES 001 8080 57631 20 36 13
US II:3ANK(110C11:)O� ZA l E [)AYI\ME:N 20ft cxiii iLah ier reii itfl 001 8080 576 49 90 81 '53
VAl l EY A l E l l CS SUI::::)[::::)Il 001 8080 57631 20 1,1198 90
Parks Facilities Division Total: $10,060.76
Parks &Recreation Department Total: $12,729.83
III GEl ES IIVIfll l WO::ZK&l UIW:3Ef::Z SUI::::)[::::)Il S 001 8112 15,15,531 20 33 76
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 001 8112 15,15,531 20 96 10
CIEDXIIOINSO�l DA�ED El ECI )B SUI::::)[::::)Il 001 8112 15151131 20 522 24,
W::Z 1 NAGEl II1N111III. DflNG S U[::::'[::IIl Y H\X, SUI::::)[::::)Il l ES 001 8112 1515,531 20 1 73 37
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 001 8112 15,15,531 20 23247
l0::ZIMAN SUI::::)[::::)Il Y SUI::::)[::::)Il 001 8112 1515,531 20 6146
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 001 8112 15,15,531 20 41915
Senior Center Facilities Division Total: $1,124.35
ANGEl ES IIVIIIII l WO�::ZK&l 111W:3Ef::1 SUI::::)[::::)Il 001 81,31 15 18,31 20 11 15 131
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 001 81,31 15 18,31 20 1,15,15 24,
CIEDXIIOINSO�l DA�Ell El ECI )B SUI::::)[::::)Il 001 81,31 15 18,31 20 21760
SUI::::)[::::)Il �IES 001 81,31 15 18,31 20 311.411
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 001 81,31 15 18,31 20 2,3082
18 01 733 91 EWE 0 HN(I SUI::::)[::::)�l 5��ES 001 81,31
SUI::::)[::::)Il �IES 001 81,31 4118 01 11 7 11
SUI::::)[::::)Il �IES 001 81,31 4118 01 1,0315 18
l rl lN GEl I:301 DflNG ;:zU[::II IL..X H\X, SUI)[:)Il l ES 001 81,31 15 18,31 20 13418 93
OWE: )EI::)OC [::::)p::ZO SUI::::)[::::)Il YWO�::ZK'S SUI::::)[::::)Il l ES 001 81,31 45 18,31 01 101.7
NAPO\Ml SA�l°ElYHNC D I)I:IL..IIE 001 81,31 '15 18,31 01 1,66982
SWAHN'S GENEG ::Ml S OG :ZE INC, SUI::::)[::::)Il 001 81,31 4118,31 01 111.1
Central Svcs Facilities Division Total: $4,919.32
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July 7, 2020 E - 12
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
A&M &GlNS llES 001 811515 5715 41 50 8041,38
��ES 00 1 8 1,15,15 57,15 41 50 2,15,15 68
Al l AM(',�N Y 11V Ol: IW IIES 001 811515 57,531 20 913 00
1EAl l V,�
WSCI [)E[)O&l & I�G �IIV ILA ZBl'°UIN[)S :3AVNE�::Z II EES �::ZBl°W\II�)CIWI) 001 8 1,15,15 347 90 1,15 24,840
Facility Rentals Division Total: $1,401.46
Facilities Maintenance Department Total: $7,445.13
CIX::'lAflN FS SUI::::)[::::)ll �lES 001 8221 574,31 01 181.011
US II1NAINK(110C::U:)GEC::ZA l E [::)AYIWE:N Riurnainent fee 001 8221 574,31 01 12000
Sports Programs Division Total: $301.05
Recreation Activities Department Total: $301.05
WHl l AMS, 11KAS..11NEfZ&GH:3I:3S [ Il l 111 1110INSU1l l II11NG SSG::ZVKI.ES 001 9029 1118 41 50 2,580 00
General Unspecified Division Total: $2,580.00
Non-Departmental Department Total: $2,580.00
General Fund Fund Total: $161,939.72
lEfZOES, II11NC WSCIB l ANEOUS SSG::ZVKI.ES 101 14,30 15,57 41 50 15,000 00
l0::U:ZKI.ANE::ZHDGE WIN E�::::Z WSCI �::ZO ESS l O�NAl SSG:::ZVKI.E 101 14,30 15,57 41 50 27,90,15 00
S[::)0 C::::z S (I l U:3 1
l U�l II& )E&GN WSCI PZO ESS l O�NAl SSG::ZVKI.E 101 14,30 15,57 41 50 3,8,59 63
WSCI PZO ESS l OlNAl SSG::ZVKI.E 101 14,30 1557 41 50 4,0715 01
WSCI PZO ESS l OlNAl SSG::ZVKI.E 101 14,30 1557 41 50 4,27884,
OIL..YI\/l[::'l(11 1::IBMINSUl A VI&l l OC::::Z WSCI �::ZO ESS l O�NAl SSG::ZVKI.E 101 14,30 15,57 41 50 1'15,50 00
(110INSU�l l IIII IG;u SECZVKI.ES 101 14,30 15157 41 50 2,264,31
Lodging Excise Tax Division Total: $48,932.79
Lodging Excise Tax Department Total: $48,932.79
Lodging Excise Tax Fund Total: $48,932.79
A WO�::ZKSA� E SECZVKI.E, H\X, lEAl l I..l CZB A�ED SEC::ZVKI.ES 102 72,30 542 49 90 1515 00
A 1 H\X, :301 111IING,u \/lAflN fZE[::)AHZ SEfz 102 72,30 542 41 50 124,58
AMAZOG N CIX::IIl l Al SE::ZVKI.ES 1 ECZ lE 102 72,30 54,231 60
ANGB ES IMllll l WOC::ZK&l UIW:3EC::Z SUI::::)[::::)Il ES 102 72,30 54,231 20 215 46
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 102 72,30 54,231 20 21 10
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 102 72,30 54,231 20 4,929
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 102 72,30 54,231 20 12,15 60
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 102 72,30 54,231 20 14,63
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 102 72,30 54,231 20 868
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July 7, 2020 E - 13
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
ANGEl ES Mfll l WOFRK&l UI%:3EFR SUF:)F:)ll 102 72,30 54,231 20 1289
SUF:)F:)�l ��ES 102 72,30 54,231 20 141 16
l3AX l EFR AU l 0 F:)AFR l S#1,5 MN 00G l S ,F:)OW&NO N F:)OME FR 102 72,30 54,23,15 0 1 1,15 29
Al.IL..IIEE) l l EMS 102 72,30 54,231 01 20.03
F ASlE\ II. HNE)US PRlAl SUF:)F:)Il 102 7230 ,54,231 01 58 46
V,MNE) lOOG l Sj)OW&NO�N F:)OMEFR 102 7230 ,54,231 01 8733
EFRGUSOG N EN l EFRF:)FRBES IIIINC, SUF:)F:)Il �IES 102 7230 ,54,231 01 17,39
GEAe"G..:II" OIIMAFRhSIIIINGS, H\X, V,MND IOOG l Sj)OW&NO�N F:)OMEFR 102 72,30 54,23,15 01 1,008'58
I,OWE: )EF:)O F:)FRO SUF:)F:)Il YWOFRKS SUF:)[::)Il �IES 102 7230 ,54,231 01 41,30
NOFRPHMES� SAF E�YSEFRVKI.E, 102 72,30 542 43 10 224,64,
0 F�:F�:l(11 E E F:)O SUF:)F:)�l ��ES 102 7230 ,54,231 01 74,38
SUF:)F:)Il �IES 102 7230 ,54,231 01 87,56
O1l YI\/l F:1 l(11 S I IG11NEFR II II\X, SUF:)F:)Il �IES 102 7230 ,54,231 01 101 18
F:)OFR I ANGEl ES F:)OME:FR lL..AMN IIMIN l ENANCIE EQUH::) 102 72,30 ,54,23,15 01 114, 12
EQUH::I�\MEJ\fl SGPI:)F:)Il 102 7230 ,54,231 01 131 413
F�:l FRS� A�l�) &SAF�:E�Y EQ U l F:1 102 72,30 54,231 01 9981
SUF:)F:)�l ��ES 102 72,30 54,231 01 1,15,15 79
F:IUD#1 OF�: (11Il IL.Il AM CIOU�N I Y IS , F:1 FRO Fl:ESS l 0�\Ml SEF:ZVKI.E 102 72,30 542 47 10 18411
%SC, F:1 FRO F�:ESS l 0�\Ml SEF:ZVKI.E 102 72,30 542 47 10 12,30
SWAHN'S GENEFRAl S OFR IIIINC, F l FRS All &SAII E Y EQU l F:1 102 72,30 54,231 01 40748
F l FRS AIII &SAII Y EQ U l F:1 102 72,30 54,231 01 4113 419
MN 00G l S ,F:)OW III O N F:)OME:FR 102 72,30 54,231 01 864,
�EFR ACCESSOFR�l ES&SU F:)F:) 102 72,30 54,231 01 17,38
F l FRS AIII &SAII Y EQ U l F:1 102 72,30 54,231 01 50 92
F l FRS AIII &SAII Y EQ U l F:1 102 72,30 54,231 01 27,532
US Il:3ANK(110F:ZF:)OF:ZA E F:)AYIWE:N rah Ih Ig FReg F:Iozerii Ik"k 102 72,30 542 43 10 17,15 00
SO,)Scrip (1111 Sig I Shop 102 72,30 542 48 02 001
SO,)Scrip (1111 Sig I Shop 102 72,30 542 48 02 066
� t(1 C,
SO,)Scrip 11 1 Sig I Shop 102 72,30 542 48 02 945
San�t�zhng supphes 102 7230 ,54,231 01 31 63
�,kmdset 102 7230 ,54,231 01 2713
WADI flHNG�OWN (DO�), 3..l.A E OF: (110INS l FRUCI I ON SEF:ZVKI.ES,GEN 102 72,30 542 48 10 148 63
Street Division Total: $4,550.02
Public Works-Street Department Total: $4,550.02
�Page 10 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 14
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
Street Fund Total: $4,550.02
(',EN 0:�Ml INK 06 06 A/C-300,5394,44, 107 15 160 528 42 11 58 02
CI EN l 0:�Ml IIIINK QM' 3..1.. 06 02 A/C' 360ZO20,380,301:3 107 15 160 528 42 11 184,410
ESCI,M l f::ZA[)1O& l El E(110�\M\WNKIIA I ON 107 15 160 528 42 10 15418 80
l , l3M:Zll3M:ZA SECIO::ZIl l Yjl�]I::ZE,SA�l°E l Y SE�::::ZV 107 15 160 528 41 50 410000
EVINSU�l A AWM:ZDS & flES l3ADGES&0 I,l frII1D EW[::) 107 5160 52831 01 16,32
1 EK, l I,OMAS (11 0 EAl l�, f::ZB A�ED SEf::ZVKI.ES 107 15 160 528 41 50 11111.1111
QUAl l l Y l OGO [)P::ZODUCI S O IIl°KIIE S UI)I:')IL.IIES, G IINEG:: Il 107 15 160 52831 61 164,44
O IIl°KIIE SUI::::)[:)Il IIES, G IINEG:: Il 107 15 160 52831 61 1,29,399
1 5160 52831 01 WI l ON O�l�]l°KIIE ME( AIDS,&\/l MAC�, 107 , 22 13
WZDWM:ZE, Ill )Al l ED l lEMS 107 5160 528 31 01 411.5
�E�::ZSjX:)&WO�::ZD 107 5160 52831 01 19974,
El GEC; (110I\41::'OINEN S 107 15 160 528 31 01 19,36
&0::ZE [:)O1l YG::r l)I l SEf::ZVKI.ES SECIO::Z�l Yj I ::ZE,SA�l�E Y SE�::::ZV 107 15 160 528 41 50 11111.1111
SECIO::Z�l Yj IIf::ZE,SAll�E Y SE�::::ZV 107 15 160 528 41 50 11111.1111
US II:3ANK(110C::U:)O� ::ZA E [)AYIWE:N Aui-fai-e ClhiJsLopher 107 15 160 528 43 11 22340
Aui-fai-e ClhiJsLopher 107 15 160 528 43 11 24,840
Aui-fai-e kiii naii 1 107 15 160 528 43 11 16720
A�i-fai-e kiii naii 1 107 15 160 528 43 11 22840
A°ii-fai-e Wagnei- 107 15 160 528 43 11 22340
A°ii-fai-e Wagnei- 107 15 160 528 43 11 24,840
VE�: ::z� V WSCI [::::�::ZO ESS l 0vI IL..SSG:::ZVKI.E 107 15 160 528 48 10 7,537 0,15
SUI::::)[::::)�l ��ES 107 15 160 528 48 10 10,072,34,
WA S l A l E [::::'A l�::::ZO�l ::Z SOG� Il l WM:ZE WIN 107 15 160 528 41 50 1'1500 00
Pencom Division Total: $24,307.31
Pencom Department Total: $24,307.31
Pencom Fund Total: $24,307.31
WSC O.NE PIME VE V O�::::ZS �::ZE\flAl AS&SMNCE 172 4130 15,15 1 49 90 00
�::ZE\flAl AS&SMNCE 172 4130 15,15 1 49 90
�::ZE\flAl AS&SMNCE 172 4130 15,15 1 49 90 00
�::ZE\flAl AS&SMNCE 172 4130 15,15 1 49 90 00
ti.1 L)(11 ZWE:�::::Z ZEN l Al AS&S 172 4 1 30 1515 1 49 90
f::ZE\flAl AS&SMNCE 172 4 1 30 1515 1 49 90 00
f::ZE\flAl AS&SMNCE 172 4 1 30 1515 1 49 90 00
PA Housing Rehabilitation Division Total: $3,100.00
�Page 11 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 15
City of Port Aingeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
PA Housing Rehabilitation Department Total: $3,100.00
PA Housing Rehab Prof Fund Total: $3,100.00
OAC.SEf e"CES, I1NC %S(I. SEfZVKI.E 310 59,50 5946,15 10 31,466 63
%S(I. SEf ZVKI.E 310 59,50 5946,15 10 41915 00
Yl E1111,flNU OGES, 1\X, DA A SEf°ZV&SU WM�ZE 310 59,50 5946,15 10 10,21780
DA 1A SEf ZV&SU WM ZE 310 ,59,50 ,5946,15 10 347 84,
Homeland Security Division Total: $42,527.27
Public Safety Projects Department Total: $42,527.27
ANGDl ES IIVIIIII l WU ZK&l U%:3Ef::1 SU[::)[::)Il S 310 89815 5946,15 10 16,32
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 1 15 4115
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 138 08
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 4,2079
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 112 53
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 4446
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 52 13
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 103315
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 81 138
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 119 16
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 315 158
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 284,73
SU[::)[::)11l �1ES 310 89815 5946,15 10 1J.111
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 310 898,15 5946,15 10 14,762
N (11 MACII,fl1NE::ZY(110 f::Zeii It all 310 89815 5946,15 10 (9000)
Sfl%MUNS AND SUNS [::::'W CIUNS I�::ZUCI I IOIN & f::ZDl A ED 310 89815 5946,15 10 78,580 00
CIUN I f::ZACI 1 l N G
Misc Parks Projects Division Total: $79,979.09
Capital Prof-Parks& Rec Department Total: $79,979.09
Capital Improvement Fund Total: $122,506.36
1 11 Y JOU::Z�\Ml Ol: CU\MME�::ZCIE 11ASE�::::ZV 312 79,30 59,15 6,15 10 24,720
Sfl%MUNS AND SUNS [::::'W CIUNS I�::ZUCI I IIGJIIN & f::ZDl A 1 ED 312 79,30 5915 615 10 73,1615 00
CIF-Street Projects Division Total: $73,412.20
Capital Projects-Pub Wks Department Total: $73,412.20
Transportation Benefit Fund Total: $73,412.20
A/R %S(1.Dl l ANEOUS f::ZD UNDS l 1 01::IS ES I VS AC,I UAl 4,01 0000 213 10 90 1,14,606
�Page 12 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 16
City of Pont Angeles
� City Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6" 2020 and Jun 29" 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
A/RW|SC.ELLANEOUSREFUNDS D|FFOF EST VSAC, UAL 401-0000-213 10-90 3.09588
D|FFOF EST VSAC UAL 401-0000-213 10-90 5.28887
D|FFOF EST VSAC UAL 401-0000-213 10-90 9.731 57
AN|XTER. |NC ELEC7R|�4LECJU|P&SUPPLY 401-0000-141 41-00 1.02445
ELEC7R|�4LECJU|P&SUPPLY 401-0000-14141-00 99878
W|SCIUT|L|TYDEPOS|TREFUNDS 430VV2NDST 401-0000-122 10-99 27574
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 2234
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 43 DB
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 58 85
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 52 10
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 159 53
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 152 05
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 295 14
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 381 81
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 75 50
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 357 24
OVERF;\YMENT-125E12THST 401-0000-122 10-99 3B3B
OVERF;\YMENT-813E2ND B 401-0000-122 10-99 12452
REFUND-|NTEG |NV1555D 401-0000-245 10-01 BDDDD
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 3444
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 43 17
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 11572
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 11508
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 120 15
OVERF;\YMENT-3B13FA|R�MOUN 401-0000-122 10-99 21550
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 5 93
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 4445
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 5175
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 8209
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 12258
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 15282
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 183 04
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 18599
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 21739
�Page 13of32 Jul 1' 2828 11:15:59AM
July 7, 2020 E ~ 17
City of Pont Angeles
� City Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6" 2020 and Jun 29" 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
W|GC, UT|L|TYDEPOS|TREFUNDS F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 285 10
OVERF;\YMENT-15DBVV14TH 401-0000-122 10-99 193 27
OVERF;\�K�ENT-1727E3RDST 401-0000-122 10-99 45507
OVERF;\YMENT431E1DTHST 401-0000-122 10-99 020
OVERF;\�K�ENT-808VV5THST 401-0000-122 10-99 22254
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 58 05
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 435
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 11 50
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 2857
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 43 84
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 47 15
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 49 19
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 85 98
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 24808
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 371 58
F|NALB|LLREFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 495 24
REFUND-|NTEG |NV1555D 401-0000-245 10-01 (BDDDD)
REFUND-|NTEG |NV1555D 401-0000-245 10-01 BDDDD
Division Total: $29.571.05
Department Total: $29.571.05
PLATTELEC7R|�SUPPLY |NX, ELEC7R|{�A ECJU|P&SUPPLY 401-7111-533 43-10 (15501)
ELEC7R|{�A ECJU|P&SUPPLY 401-7111-533 43-10 15501
Engineering-Electric Division Total: $74.88
Power Systems Division Total: $74.88
A PERFORK�AN�E. |NX, BU|LD|NGM|NT&REPA|RSER 401-7180-533 41-50 301 10
AMAZONCI4P|TALSERV|�ES ELEC7R|�4LECJU|P&SUPPLY 401-7180-53331-01 135 10
S�HOOLECJU|P&SUPPL|ES 401-7180-533 43-10 13833
FASTENE FRS, FASTEN|NGDEVS 401-7180-53334-02 1 11
FASTENE FRS, FASTEN|NGDEVS 401-7180-53334-02 4501
AZLO{IATO FRS, LLC ELEC7R|�4LECJU|P&SUPPLY 401-7180-53335-01 325 25
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July 7, 2020 E ~ 18
City of Port Aingeles
it Council Expenditure Report
hap Elletween Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
• EC II MCA! EQWF�)&SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 ,533 34 0 4&78
• EC I MCAI EQWI &SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 44&90
MRS II. III &SAIF�:E I Y EQ U P---------0W18153a3h4l 83K8,15
• EC I MCAI EQUIP&SUPPI Y 401418153&3541 1 IR59
• EC I MCA! EQWF�)&SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 53331 01 31M62
• EC I MCAI EQWF�)&SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 7&76
0L..TIIIC I: E, I I C, I W n I RE! A I ED SERVICES 4=1815=910 17EOO
DE CAI OMEIII 1.0111 REVENUE Excise tax RaWns-May 401418153=00 5819RO4,
DESIGNER DECAI , 1NC, B EC I MCAI EQWF�)&SUPPIl Y 4,01 7180 5333402 47Z7,15
F°B�)EF:ZAI EXPRESS(',C)F:U) ShIpphng("harges 401418153a4210 1&913
GENE RAI 13ACIFKI 1NC, B EC I MCAI EQWF)&SUPPll Y 4,01 7180 5333402 6=83
I U I ZCQ W', B EC I MCAI EQWF)&SUPPll Y 4,01 7180 53331 01 22&67
MA I I'S I OCAl S USA, I I C', BI EC,I MCAI EQWF)&S PPlL..Y 40Yq1HT53a35T1 15&61
(A 0 1�,fl1\,JG A('.('.ESSOMES(SEE 40Yq1HT53&3Y41 WOO
• EC I MCAI EQWF�)&SUPPIl Y 4,01 7180 5333,15 01 WOO
• EC I MCA! EQW1 SUPPIl Y 4,01 7180 5333,15 01 26&91
BI EC,IIf:°rllCAI SUPP�l HIES 40Yq1HT53a3%1 Y6&91)
BI EC,I MCAI SUPPIl HIES 40Yq1HT53a3%1 26&91
\,JOF:ZIHVA:St SAF IYSEI::ZVK'.E, SECUMNTMRE,SAl EIYSEI::ZV 4,01 7180 53=60 22164,
1L..I1 C"
CAL..XMRC PAR I Y&CUS I CATAI Ed EC I MCAI EQWF)&SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 53331 01 W12
F:ZAGS,& OF3 I OVA I S,WF3fl\,JG 40Yq1HT53&3Y41 IOR70
CA YMRC SYN n JE nC PRO[�DJC I S BI EC,I MCAI EQUIP&SUMA Y 404718153&3511 1jH?72
fall...A I I G°Il EC I RIC SUPPI Y T4C BI EC,I MCAI EQWF)&SUPPll Y 4,01 7180 5333402 3R38
B EC I MCAI EQUIP&SUPPI Y 401418153&3442 13157
Page 15 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 19
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
hap Elletween Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
F�IIl A G°IL..EC, RK,SU PRL..Y T4C B ET I MCAI EWF)&SUPPIl Y 4,01 7180 5333402 21183
• EC I MCAI EWF�)&SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 22Z46
• EC I MCA! EWI SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 7A2
• EC I MCAI EQUIP&SUPPI Y 40141HU13&3442 19E2,15
• EC I MCAI EWI SUPPIl Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 X11
• EC I MCAI EWI SUPPIl Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 41R24,
• EC I MCAI EQUIP&SUPPI Y 401418153&3541 12R47
• EC I MCA! EWI SUPPIl Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 517
• EC I MCAI EWF�)&SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 6T79
• EC I MCA! EWI SUPPIl Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 912,15
• EC I MCAI EQUIP&SUPPI Y 401418153&3442 1 t 12
• EC I MCA! EWI SUPPIl Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 41R24,
4,01 7180 ,5333402 41R24,
• EC I MCAI EQUIP&SUPPI Y 401418153&3442 17&11
• EC I MCAI EWI SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 91&H3
• EC I MCAI EQUIP&SUPPI Y 401418153&3442 IM67
ROHUNGER EN R::U ap::GII IIIINC, IES IIII JG&C IL..IIIIlN:ZA 1 IGN SERV\ l 4,01 7180 533 48 10 28&41
ES NJG&CAl HlN:ZA FION ;GERM 404ABU13&48-10 55T42
B EC I MCAI EWI)&SUPPIl Y 4,01 7180 5333,15 01 0 1 gAy
I ES 1 NJG&CAl HlN:ZA FION ;GERM 404ABU13&48-10 35Z69
B EC I MCAI EWF�)&SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 5333,15 0 1 9T92
I ES FING&CAUIlN:ZA 1 I0N SERV1 l 4,01 7180 533 48 10 %8,15
I ES LNJG&CAl HlN:ZA FION SERM 401418153&4810 19&39
(',OI\4F�IU I ER IE 40YqIHT53&31T1 3T69
COMMUNCAFIQNS/I\4B�)IA SERV 4,01 7180 533 41 50 75MOO
SM HT ERNA FIONA! CORP CQ\4F�IU I ERS,�)F)&WORC) R::ZO(, 4,01 7180 533 48 02 7aOO
B EC I MCAI EWF�)&SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 5333,15 0 1 2199
1 ACOMA SCREW PRO[:)U(',1 S INC, F AS I E INN RS, F AS I INIIING a EVS 4,01 71HG63&3412 89&68
11 JURMAN ,S IR?L..Y B ET I MCAI EWF)&SUPP�l Y 4,01 7180 ,5333402 4&72
Page 16 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 EE - :20
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
MFRIMAN SUF�)F�)�l Y B EC,I FRK],Al EQUlF�)&SUF�)F�)Il Y 4,01 7180 53334, 02
Yl )Al E(',O1MF�IANY I°]FRE F)FROI EC GIN EWF)/SUF�) 4,01 7180 53331 01 6884,
I°]FRE F�)FRO ECI 0N EWF�)/SUF) 4,01 7180 53331 01 6897
I°]FR )FRO ECI 0N EWF�)/SUF) 4,01 7180 53331 01 (,509 07)
I�]FRE FRO I ECI I I0IN EWI /SUF 4,01 7180 53331 01 292,15,15
I°]FR )FRO ECI 0N EWF�)/SUF) 4,01 7180 53331 01 141 16
I°]FR )FRO ECI 0N EWF�)/SUF) 4,01 7180 53331 01 6260
I°]FR )FRO I ECI 0N EWF�)/SUF) 4,01 7180 53331 01 (141 16)
I°]FR )p:,ROI ECI I0IN EWF�)/SUF) 4,01 7180 53331 01 (6702)
I�]FRE FRO ECI 0N EWI /SUF 4,01 7180 53331 01 181418
l FR )FRO ECI 0N EQU l F /SU F) 4,01 7180 533 31 01 386 63
l FR )FRO ECI 0N EQU l F�)/SU F) 4,01 7180 533 31 01 69 03
l FR )FRO ECI 0N EQU l F�)/SU F) 4,01 7180 53331 01 19671
l FR )FRO ECI 0N EQU l F�)/SU F) 4,01 7180 533 31 01 69 03
I°]FR )FRO ECI 0N EWF�)/SUF) 4,01 7180 53331 01 1491
I°]FR )FRO ECI 0N EWF�)/SUF) 4,01 7180 53331 01 10,15 97
I°]FR )FRO ECI 0N EWF�)/SUF) 4,01 7180 53331 01 1,38 06
I°]FR )FRO I ECI 0N EWF�)/SUF) 4,01 7180 53331 01 (17260)
l FR )FRO ECI 0N EQU l F�)/SU F) 4,01 7180 53331 01 17669
US II:3ANK(110F:ZF:)0F:ZAf F:)AYIMIE:N f F:,aII lk" DULL(111 1 4,01 7180 53331 01 14,006
l odgh Ig �(111,11'e's 4,01 7180 533 43 10 04,
kmdset spht 4,01 7180 53331 01 32 63
FRefull Id ferry 4,01 7180 533 43 10 ('31 ,�O)
I IIII Ig FReg FRayin(iii id 4,01 7180 533 43 10 74,000
raInIng FReg Ainkit 4,01 7180 533 43 10 234,50
U l llll l f IIES 0NDEFRGFROUlV) l 0(11 %SCIB l ANEOUS SEF:MCES 4,01 7180 533 49 90 23 22
(I I
53,33,15 01 54 WAGNEFR Sl%l EQUH::'�MIE N '0 MFRIDWAFRE,AND Al l ED I BMS 4,01 7180 , , 12 70
M;°;S(110 )B FRfll3U I I0N INX, B ECI I FRKI'Al EQUlF:1&SUF:)F:)Il Y 4,01 7180 53,33,15 0 1 2,57 2,15
WIESG FR�N SYS�BMS & B ECI f FRKI'Al EQUlF:1&GNU F:)F:)Il Y 4,01 7180 53,33,15 Get 80982
WAIL IINUFG B l IS (110I\41::IANY (11Il EAVING (110MF30&l 0\VSSG lL..V 4,01 7180 53331 01 2768
(11Il EAN l N G(110M F30S l l 0I\VSO1l V 4,01 7180 53331 01 20240
Electric Operations Division Total: $94,231.45
Public Works-Electric Department Total: $94,381.21
�Page 17 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 21
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
Electric Utility Fund Total: $123,952.26
Ef�RGUSOG N MINI Ef U�)P:RBES INC, 3Il UI\R:IHNG EQUH::) llX l,SU 1::)1::) 4,02 0000 141 40 00 49942
l UI\R:IHNG EQUH::) II IX l,SU 1::)1::) 4,02 0000 141 40 00 6621515
H::)E l:] INGS 4,02 0000 141 40 00 1,0111.91
WSC OINE l H\ME: V E]V)OG ZS B W M WA l E�::Z 11::) &l S(11f::1EE 4,02 0000 2,37 00 00 ('30 10)
Division Total: $4,147.78
Department Total: $4,147.78
A&A�::ZOCIK, HN(I �::ZOAD/�,MY IIMA INOIINAS1::I LMl 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 811 69
AMAZOG N CIX::IIl l Al SSG::ZVKI.ES E�:Z lE 4,02 7,380 534,31 60 10878
E:1 lE 4,02 7,380 534,31 60 4113 111
ANGB ES IlMllll l WO�::ZK&l UIW:3Ef::1 SUI::)1::)Il ES 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 11091
SUI::)1::)Il ES 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 34,70
Weal E�::Z&SEW :fZ l fZ EA l N G(11 E I�\4 4,02 7,380 534,31 015 34,77
SUI::)1::)Il ES 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 10880
MND 00G l Sj)OW&NO�N 1::)OMEj::1 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 1090
MND 00G l Sj)OW&NO�N 1::)OMEj::1 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 63,52
)E1::W::ZRWE III fl OlI f::ZEVGEJNUE ExcJse l,jx f::Zetui-ns IIMaat 4,02 7,380 534,44 50 23,204,68
EDGE ANAl Y l ("Al WSCI 1::I PZO ESS l 01\Ml SE::ZVKI.E 4,02 7,380 534,41 50 1,092,34,
l:AS; D\Ml II IINDUSPR1Al SUI::)1::)Il ES 4,02 7,380 534,31 01 158 418
l EDE�::Ml EXI::::)PZESS(110C::11:) SlNpphng Charges 4,02 7,380 534,42 10 1,59 2,15
SlNpphng Charges 4,02 7,380 534,42 10 281.19
SlNpphng Charges 4,02 7,380 534,42 10 36,57
SlNpphng Charges 4,02 7,380 534,42 10 36,57
E ZGUSOG N BN l E U:)�::ZBES INC, [::IIl UI\R:IHNG EQUH::) llX 1,SU 1::)1::) 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 1,37104,
H::)E l:] INGS 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 190,38
H::)E l:] INGS 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 44837
H::)E l:] INGS 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 722,39
SUI::)1::)�l ��ES 4,02 7,380 534,31 01 1741
G::ZAN l S [::::)ASS WA l E::::Z lES HNG&C'Al HlNRA l IOlN SSG Ml 4,02 7,380 534,41 50 3150 00
l A:30C::ZA OC::::ZY, l N(I ES HNG&C'Al IIINf Al IOlN SEl Ml 4,02 7,380 534,41 50 3150 00
ES HNG&C'Al IIINf Al IOlN SEl Ml 4,02 7,380 534,41 50 3150 00
ES HNG&C'Al IIINf Al IOlN SEl Ml 4,02 7,380 534,41 50 3150 00
ES HNG&C'Al IIINf Al IOlN SEl Ml 4,02 7,380 534,41 50 3150 00
ES HNG&C'Al HlNRA l IOlN SEl Ml 4,02 7,380 534,41 50 41150 00
ES HNG&C'Al IIINf Al IOlN SEl Ml 4,02 7,380 534,41 50 3150 00
�Page 18 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 22
City of Port Aingeles
it Council Expenditure Report
hap Elletween Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
G RAN I S PASS WA I E I ES I NJG&C',,Nl 1[R ZA I UN SER'Ol 4,02 7,380 5314Y60 35MOO
1 ABORA I ORY, INC, I ES I NJG&C',,Nl 1[R ZA I IlUN SER'Ol 4,02 7,380 5314Y60 35MOO
1 ES nNG&CAUIN ZA I IlUN SER'Ol 4,02 7,380 53441 50 45MOO
1 ES nNG&CAUIP:ZA I IlUN SER'Ol 4,02 7380 ,53441 50 42MO
I ES nNG&CAUIP:ZA I IlUN SER'Ol 4,02 7380 ,53441 50 35MOO
HOME DEPO I PRO SUPP�l YWOI::ZKS SUPP�l �lES 40Zq3815313Y41 432
USC EMR OYEE EXPDNSE MEAl f rG llll NG f r G 11 l III 40Zq3815313YNON 3K00
MEAl 40Zq3815313Y41 3K00
�MEA! REHMBURSEMEI\fl 40Zq3815313Y41 3K00
�MEA! REHMBURSEMEI\fl 40Zq3815313Y41 3K00
\,JOIZPIWI���SI S,Ml�EIYSEIZ`0C'.E, SECURNTRRE,S,MI EIYSEI::ZV 4,02 7,380 531=10 7188
I 1 (11
(IFFICIE DEPOI SUPP�l ES 40Zq3815313Y41 2186
U YIM['K',SIAI 01NEI:6 1NC', SUPP�l �IES 40Zq3815313Y41 lot`18
(',U\41��'U I ER ACCESSCATES&SUPP 40Zq3815313Y41 45T67
EQUI III EN I I JAN D IOU S ,POW&NUN POWER 40243815313141 14R76
I JAN D IOU S ,POW INUN POWER 40243815313141 IOU86
1 JAN D IOU S ,POW INUN POWER 40243815313141 17KH2
PUD 41 OF Q N I AIM COUN I Y MISC PRUl°ES&0\,J,Nl SER100E 40Zq3815314TAO 6a12
%SC'. SER'OC'.E 4,02 7380 ,53447 10 4Z43
I ES nNG&CAUIP:ZA I UN SER'Ol 4,02 7380 ,53441 50 23EOO
I ES nNG&CAUIP:ZA I UN SER'Ol 4,02 7380 ,53441 50 23EOO
I ES nNG&CAUIP:ZA I IIUN SER'Ol 4,02 7380 ,53441 50 21ZOO
I ES nNG&CAUBRA nON SERM 40243815314100 1HR00
I ES nNG&CAUIP:ZA I UN SER'Ol 4,02 7380 ,53441 50 23EOO
I ES nNG&CAUIP:ZA I UN SER'Ol 4,02 7380 ,53441 50 23EOO
SUBWAY PWKS Q I I NIL..Y SAFE I Y C',U\M%l I 1 40243815314310 15R53
(',Il 01 I fl1\,JG IR)Af rDI 40Zq3815313Y41 26a7O
I I JURMAN SUR? Y SUPPI IES 40Z=15313541 4&04,
SUPP�l ��ES 40Zq3815313Y41 5T79
Page 19 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 EE - :23
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
IO:RIMAN SU[)[)Il Y [:31l U1\R:11NG EQUH::) llX l,SU 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 418 93
UI\R:11NG EQUH::) IIX I,SU 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 578 13
SU[::)[::)�l ��ES 4,02 7,380 534,31 20 61 21
US 111N1CIINK(110C::U:)O::ZA l E [::)AYI\ME]N San ti°izhng supphes 4,02 7,380 534,31 01 13.0
oo�l I,auaux 4,02 7,380 5344,15 21 373.16
("k),1111hig suppfies 4,02 7,380 534,31 01 1 7 11
rah ih ig refuii id l3oehine 4,02 7,380 534,43 10 (1,0,56 00)
US II:3Il UB:300K UI\R:11NG EQUH::) If llX l,SU l 02 7,380 534,31 20 4,1787
UI IIII l IIIES ONDEf::ZG�::ZOUlV) l OCII %SCIB l ANEOUS SSG::ZVKI.ES 4,02 7,380 534,49 90 23 22
(I I
Water Division Total: $39,876.10
11\/l )B[1OSAl (110 :301 DHNG MflN l&ZE[::)AHZ SEf:R 4,02 7,382 534,41 50 4,862
KAA&M, l l C DAl A 1::)P:ROC'.SEf::ZV&SOII 1 WMRE 4,02 7,382 534,31 60 6,64,768
%SC;OINE RH\ME VGDV OC::::ZS B W�,M WA�Ef::Z &I S(11f::ZEE 4,02 7,382 534,31 20 379 11
1IUD#1 Ol�: (11Il IL.Il AM (110UIN Y %SC, [::1�:ZO ESS l GCIICI IL..SSG:::ZVKI.E 4,02 7,382 534,47 10 42.43
Industrial Water Treatmnt Division Total: $7,117.84
Public Works-Water Department Total: $46,993.94
Water Utility Fund Total: $51,141.72
)E[::)M:ZR\MEj\fl Ol°°: �ZEVGEJNUE ExcJse l,jx �Zeturii is IIV1aay 4,03 0000 2,37 00 00 29804,
\40INMRCI�, HNS I�::MWE:N [::)O1Ctr' J:R GBNE::ZAI ON EQUH)I\ME]N 4,03 0000 2,37 00 00 (4,628)
Division Total: $251.76
Department Total: $251.76
AMAZOC N (111CI::'Il l Al SEG ZVKI.ES Ef::::Z IE 4,03 74,80 53,5 31 60
ANGB ES IIMfll l WO::ZK&l UI%:3Ef::Z SU[::)[::)Il S 4,03 74,80 5315 48 10 215 69
tCu E:l DHNG EQUH::'IM" E:N I/S U[1 Y 4,03 74,80 53,531 01 113 19
:3ACIK�l�:l OW X::)[::)M:ZA US&VAl V�E: U1\R:1111NG EQUH::) IIX l,SU 4,03 74,80 53,531 20 33837
l: �:,:C IICIOII" IIIIND l�::MWE N (10I\41::IANY WA l E�::::Z SEWAGE l SZEA l WE N l EQ 4,03 74,80 53,531 20 29338
UI\R:11NG EQUH::) IIX l,SU 4,03 74,80 53,531 20 1,15,54,87
CIEDXIIOINSO�l DA�ED B ECI )B B ECI I (110I\41::'OINBN S 4,03 74,80 53,531 20 (1,369 62)
CUES AU l 0& l f::ZUCK ACCESSOC ::ZIl ES 4,03 74,80 5315 48 10 1,877 18
)E[::)M:ZR\ME Ili fl OlI f::ZEVGEJNUE ExcJse l,jx f::Zeturii is IIMaay 4,03 74,80 5315 44 50 16,4311.14.
EDGE ANAl Y ("Al %SC, 1::1 p'ZO ESS l 0�\Ml SSG::ZVKI.E 4,03 74,80 53,15 41 50 80189
%SC, [::1 P'CCCII S l 0�\Ml SSG::ZVKI.E 4,03 74,80 53,15 41 50 1,42800
EVOQUA WA E�::Z l E(11I,flNOG l OG I WA�E::Z&SEW :f::::Z l f::::ZEA IHNG IB\4 4,03 74,80 ,531531 015 3,392 93
�Page 20 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 24
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
F AS�E\Ml HNE)USPRIAl SU Il ES 4,03 74,80 53,531 01 158 418
F l FRS� AIII) &SA11 E�Y EQ U l F�) 4,03 74,80 53,531 01 28 83
Al.IL..IIEE) l�EMS 4,03 74,80 53,53,15 01 10,15 97
F E[) FRAl EXF�)FRESS COFRF) SlNpphng Charges 4,03 74,80 53,15 42 10 128 2,15
SlNpphng Charges 4,03 74,80 53,15 42 10 151 72
EFRGUSOIN EN�EFRl"p ill IIIINC., SU I Il ES 4,03 74,80 53,531 01 1740
I,OW DE O U FRO SUI)I)Il YWOFRKS SUI)I Il �IES 4,03 74,80 53,531 01 4,32
INDUS�FR Al C,I �E\4 l A:3S &SVCIS WA E FR&S EW E::FR �FR EA l N G(11 E II\4 4,03 74,80 53,531 0,15 26761
KAMAN l N I)U S�FR l Al MA EFRIAl I,flNID:l IIIICIG&S OFR QI::::) 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 20 2,171 09
<UI:MA�EFR FRESOUFRCES, INC, WA E FR&S EW E�:FR �FR EA l N G(11 E II\4 4,03 74,80 53,531 045 4,116 03
�I\4 0 N A FR(11 l N S�FR U I E.:N F)OMEFR GENEF:W IOIN EQUH::II\ME]N 4,03 74,80 53,531 20 578 28
NX::1A AU 0 F:)AFR S AU�0& �FRUCK MflN� l�EMS 4,03 74,80 53,531 01 40,56
\XlIl IICOFR I,�CIEN FRAl C,I EWC'Al l A:3 EQUH)&SUI::::)[::::) 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 26099
l A:30FRA OFRll ES EWC'Al l A:3 EQUH::)&COCCI:::)[::::) 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 8,57 12
OIL..Y\4 F:I l(11 F:GAF R�Y&("US CCI CIIAl SUF:)F:)Il IIES 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 48 23
OIL..Y\4 F:I l(11 SW IONEFRS IIIINC, SUF:)F:)Il IIES 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 6,15 19
�FROCIIAFRD, IIINC., F UB OHl GFREASE, & l U�:3ES 4,03 74,80 53,15 32 11 4,26 17
F UB OHl GFREASE, & l UI:3ES 4,03 74,80 53,15 32 11 15,57 7,15
F UB OHl GFREASE, & l UI:3ES 4,03 74,80 53,15 32 11 78091
F UB OHl GFREASE, & l UI:3ES 4,03 74,80 53,15 32 11 9150 45 1
F UB OHl GFREASE, & l UI:3ES 4,03 74,80 53,15 32 11 945 1 60
F:IUD#1 OF�: (11Il IL.Il AM ("WN Y WSCI F:I FRO F�:ESS l 0vI IL..SEF:ZVKI.E 4,03 74,80 53,15 47 10 29141
WSCI F:I FRO F�:ESS l 0�\Ml SEF:ZVKI.E 4,03 74,80 53,15 47 10 27,15 42
WSCI F:I FRO ESS l 0�\Ml SEF:ZVKI.E 4,03 74,80 53,15 47 10 4,93456
SWAHN'S GENEFRAl S�OFRE IIIINC., SUF:)F:)Il ES 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 17782
COCCI:)F:)Il �IES 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 8243
(11Il EAN l N G(110M F:IOSlI l OIN/SOIl V 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 6662
F l FRS A�l C &SAII E Y EQ U l F:I 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 3,15 87
& IIIINDUS�FR 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 115.81
F l FRS A�l C &SAII E Y EQ U l F:I 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 01 34,69
EFRI\40 F II&,EFR SCIE�N� F°Kll, l l C, El ECI�FRKI'Al EQUH::1&SUF:)F:)Il Y 4,03 74,80 53,15 3,15 01 12767
MFRIMAN SUF:)F:)�l Y III)E F�:l l N G S 4,03 74,80 53,15 31 20 17,58
�Page 21 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 25
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
IO:RIMAN Y II ES 4,03 74,80 5315 48 10 81.89
l:]f l IIIINGS 4,03 74,80 53,531 20 414, 11
llES 4,03 74,80 53,5315 01 8 111
llES 4,03 74,80 53,5 31 01 3.70
US IICANK(110CU:)OCZA I E [)AYI\ME]N V kmdset spht 4,03 74,80 53,531 01 6,15 27
U II II l l II ES ONDEf::ZG:ROUlV) l OCII %SC;B l ANEOUS SEG ZVKI.ES 4,03 74,80 5315 49 90 23.2
(I I
Wastewater Division Total: $39,326.50
Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $39,326.50
Wastewater Utility Fund Total: $39,578.26
)E[::)M:ZR\MEj\fl Ol��: �ZEVE�JNUE ExcJse �,jx �::Zeturii is May 4,04, 0000 2,37 00 00 1,201 54,
ExcJse l,jx f::Zeturns IIMaat 4,04, 0000 2,37 10 00 64,821
Division Total: $1,849.75
Department Total: $1,849.75
)E[::)M:ZR\ME III fl Ol f::ZEVE:JNUE ExcJse l,jx f::Zeturii is IIMaat 4,047,538 537 44 50 23,940 23
l EDE�::Ml EXI::::)PZESS(110CU:) SlNpphng Charges 4,04, 7,538 537 42 10 2,58 02
OS l E f::::Z GM:ME:Y [::)(I %SC, I PZO ESS l 0�\Ml SE�::ZVKI.E 4,047,538 537 41 50 4,72,50
%SC, I P'::ZO ESS l 0I\Ml SEl ZVKI.E 4,047,538 537 41 50 67,50
%SC, E\41::IIl OYEE EXI::IENSE l\4 l l EAG E f::::Z E l II\4:3 UI :ZS E�I\4 E�:N l 4,047,538 53731 01 62 10
�I\4 l l EAG E fZ E l II\4:3 UI :ZS E�I\4 N l 4,047,538 53731 01 10074,
1::)ACHl:K1,OI II KITE EQUH::)IWEIll l HN(II S ICI::::)[::::)Il �lES 4,047,538 53731 01 99 23
E N l N S U l A SE l l(11 l AN KS (110I\X, ZE l E &IIME l Al CUl l VE�:Z 1 S 4,047,538 53731 20 26000
[::::)OC::::Z 1 ANGB ES (11Il l Y l�::ZEASO:RE�::Z Clklrox Mpes S ,kIW61 4,047,538 53731 01 1000
US IICANK(110CU:)OCZA I E [)AYIWE:N l l odghng 11'efull Id 4,047,538 537 43 10 (176 8,15)
WAS E (110 VNECI l ONS, H\X, :3�l I)G(110�NS; f::ZUC SEf::ZVKI.ES 4,047,538 537 41 151 366,04,830
ENV\ l�::ZOIVWE:N IAl &E(1.0�l OGKI'Al 4,047,538 537 41 15 1 1,438 78
ENV\ l�::ZOIVWE:N IAl &E(1.0�l OGKI'Al 4,047,538 537 4,15 30 15,367 28
ENV\ l�::ZOIVWE:N IAl &E(1.0�l OGKI'Al 4,04, 7,538 582 7,15 10 42,,546 09
E\ffl�::ZOIVWE:N IAl &E(1.0�l OGKI'Al 4,04, 7,538 592 83 10 20,232 63
SW-Transfer Station Division Total: $460,726.55
A 1 H\X, :301 111IIINC,u IIMllllNl fZE[::)AHZ SE�:R 4,04, 74t80 537 41 50 124,58
AMAZOC N CIX::IIl l Al SE::ZVKI.ES l Ef::::Z E 4,047,580 53731 60
)E[::)M:ZR\ME Ili fl OlI f::ZEVE�JNUE ExcJse l,jx f::Zeturns IIMaat 4,047,580 537 44 50 17,076 4,15
l�ASC I\Ml IIIINI 1USPRIAl SUI::::)[::::)Il S 4,047,580 53731 01 158 418
�Page 22 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 26
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
Ef RGUSOIN BIN�Ef U"pall IIIINC, IIES 4047,580 53731 01 1741
O\M 1)E�)O l YWO RKS IIES 4047,580 53731 01 41,313
NO RPHME S I E�YSEf�RVKI.E, 4047,580 537 43 10 74,88
0 l(11 E [)E[ O IIES 4047,580 537 31 01 15 42
GPI IIES 4047,580 537 31 01 6688
SWAHN'S GDNEp�RAl S 0G �r IIIINC., (11Il 0 flHNG &X [ Ap�RB 4047,580 53731 01 6290
WAS l E (110IVNECI� ONS, IIINC., DNVH�ROlV\ME�N l Al &E(1.0�l CSC'KI'Al 4047,580 537 41 15 1 64,97332
Solid Waste-Collections Division Total: $82,519.04
ANGB ES 11Mllll l WOC�RK&Ip UI%:3EpZ SUI::::)[::::)il 4,04, 71815 53731 20 2,3978
ASI::IECI 1 (110INSU�l l IIIING, l l (11 (110INSU�l l IIIING SEp::ZVKI.ES 4,04, 715815 537 41 50 2,9,57 29
(110INSU�l l IIIING SEp::ZVKI.ES 4,04, 715815 537 41 50 3,293 13
)MRDN'S 1::101IIN I S AU l 0& l p::ZUCIK IIVI flN I l l BMS 4,04, 715815 5373,15 0 1 6946
EDGE ANAl Y l ("Al 1 ES� HNG&C'Al HlNRA I ION SSG::Ml 4,047,58,15 537 41 50 1,03737
l°EDEp::Ml EXI::::)p::::ZESS(110 :U:) SlNpphng Charges 4,04, 745845 537 42 10 430 69
MA l FS l 00C l S USA, l Il C, V MN l) l 00C l S ,[)OW&NO�N [::)OME:p::::Z 4,04745845 53731 20 161 7,15
[::::)GEC::::Z 1 ANGB ES (11Il l Y l p::ZEASO:REp ::Z ce for l eachate Sainpk)s 4,04, 715815 53731 20 4,86
SWAHN'S GDNE�::Ml S l CepC IIIINC., l fZS l A�l ) &SAII E I Y EQU111 4,04, 715815 53731 20 21789
Solid Waste-Landfill Division Total: $8,412.22
Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $551,657.81
Solid Waste Utility Fund Total: $553,507.56
)E[::)M:ZR\MEj\fl Golf: f::ZEVE:JNUE ExcJse ax p::Zeturns IIMaat 4,06 74,12 538 49 50 16,81515 09
l:ASlD\Ml II IINDUSNRIAl SUI::::)[::::)Il S 4,06 74,12 53831 01 158 418
(11Il 0 l 1,flHNG&dal::)[::)M:ZDl 4,06 74,12 53831 01 3248
Ep::ZGUSOG N BN�E�::U:)p::ZBES IIIINC., SUI::::)[::::)Il S 4,06 74,12 53831 01 1741
O\ME: )EI::)O )�::ZO SUI::::)[::::)Il YWO�::ZK'S SU[::::)[::::)Il �IES 4,06 74,12 53831 01 432
l Bl I Z l�M:ZIMS, IIIINC & flV)US NR 4,06 74,12 538 31 20 2,3866
NOG ::OHMESl SA1 EIYSE�::ZVKI.E, 4,06 74,12 538 43 10 224,64,
0 l C,E E[::::10 SUI::::)[::::)Il S 4,06 74,12 53831 01 24,87
E N l N S U l A S E l(11 l AN KS (110I\X�::ZE l E & ME l Al CU�l VEp :Z S 4,06 74,12 53831 20 26000
SWAHN'S GDNEp::Ml S l G1C'r IIIINC., [::)H::)E AND l U1:IHNG 4,06 74,12 53831 01 18 83
UllI IIIIES ONDE::ZG:ROUlV) l OCII %SCIB l ANEOUS SE::ZVKI.ES 4,06 74,12 41384990 23 22
(I I
Stormwater Division Total: $17,817.64
�Page 23 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 27
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $17,817.64
Stormwater Utility Fund Total: $17,817.64
A/R %S(I.El l ANEOUS f:RB UllNl..1 1 II:3ECIKE::Z#1,15 2019 144,15��1 4,09 0000 213 10 90 4,8794,
US II:3ANK(110C::U:)O� ::ZA 1 E [)AYI\ME:N l.. �::Zound (flaphragins 4,09 0000 2,37 00 00 (282)
herinoineter covers 4,09 0000 2,37 00 00 (14, 08)
Division Total: $471.04
Department Total: $471.04
(IIX::IMHN FS 11111 0 flHNG&X [W::ZEl 4,09 60215 526 20 80 1615 49
(11�l Al l AM ClN Y EMS l\4 4 Ilt/II:3 E f1S1 llll:::)S 4,09 60215 526 41 50 90000
EMSCIOIVNECI �l\4 4 Ilt/II:3 E f 1SI lII1:::)S 4,09 60215 526 43 10 21000
l l E ASS l S SAl E SO::U:IIl US/O�:3SO�l E E 4,09 60215 52631 01 1,764,43
SAl E SOU:IIl US/O�:3SO�l E E 4,09 60215 52631 01 1,189410
SAl E SOU:IIl US/O�:3SO�l E E 4,09 60215 526 31 01 116.40
WSCI E\41Ill OYEE EXI::IENSE \40INMNA 4,09 60215 52631 13 1013 10
O11 YIW::IKI.OXYGEN SAl E SO::U:IIl US/O�:3 OG l E E 4,09 60215 52631 13 3046
S 1 ::ZYKE::Z SAl ES(110CU:)O�::ZA ON SAl E SO::U:IIl USO:3SO11 E E 4,09 602,15 52631 01 1015 1541
SWAHN'S GENEG ::Ml S OG :ZE INC, 11111 0 flHNG &X::)[::W::ZEl 4,09 60215 526 20 80 21.76
11111 0 l 1111NG&X [W::ZEl 4,09 60215 526 20 80 21.6
SAl E SOU:IIl USO:3SOIl ElE 4,09 60215 526 20 80 1728
SAl E SO::U:IIl USO:3SOIl ElE 4,09 60215 526 20 80 21.60
SAl E SO::U:IIl USO:3SOIl ElE 4,09 60215 526 20 80 23.66
SAl E SO::U:IIl USO:3SOIl ElE 4,09 60215 526 20 80 1277
SAl E SO::U:IIl USO:3SOIl ElE 4,09 60215 526 20 80 1277
11111 0 flHNG&X [WZEl 4,09 60215 526 20 80
US II:3ANK(110C::U:)O� ::ZA E [)AYIWE:N inasks, 4,09 60215 52631 13 2,39 10
San tatkln supphes 4,09 602,15 526 31 01 1667
Gowii 1 4,09 602,15 52631 01 2729
Dags 4,09 60215 526 31 01 915 90
Ntel's 4,09 60215 52631 13 10707
rah ih ig f::Zeg Gage 4,09 60215 526 43 10 19 915
l�,Jce shi°iekjs 4,09 60215 526 31 01 82877
l,flf inask resphrator,", 4,09 602,15 52631 01 11626
f::Zound (flaphragins 4,09 60215 52631 13
Gowii is 4,09 602,15 52631 13 2,42606
�Page 24 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 28
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
US IICANK E [)AYMiE]N I I I,flf inask respirator,", 4,09 602,15 52631 01 20979
[::::1100 Ntel", 4,09 602,15 52631 02 1,01649
I llheri not neter covers 4,09 60215 52631 01 174,06
l�orehead therinoineter 4,09 60215 52631 13 2,15 56
l"orehead therinoineter(2) 4,09 60215 52631 13 15 1 11
6:3ooks 4,09 602,15 526 43 10 42 36
Oil Ilill le l uiIiiiiIg i:Reg 4,09 60215 526 43 10 66 11
Z :3 O�l II ME i Al (10iZ[)Oi::::ZA ON SAl E SUi::U:I�l US/O� SOG l E IE 4,09 6025 52631 01 4,0681
Medic I Division Total: $10,614.93
Fire Department Total: $10,614.93
Medic I Utility Fund Total: $11,085.97
IN I EG:RAl C.OINSU1 l I ING, IIIINC, (110INSUIl I ING SEi::ZVKI.ES 4,13 74,81 5315 41 50 21,6,15 1 56
Wastewater Remediation Division Total: $21,651.56
Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $21,651.56
Harbor Clean Up Fund Total: $21,651.56
l:3 53 74 594 5 10: Ufll i)Ei::::ZS EXC.�,�ANGE Oli WA INC, (110�\RMU�V( ARGNSfl\4Ei ARV 4, -88 , 1 6, 10060
l EDEi:RAl EX[::)iZESS Shipping Charges 4113 74,88 5946,15 10 1687
S1I\4 l I I,I& l OViE:l ESS [::)UI\4[::)S &ACCESSOi:RES 4113 74,88 5946,15 10 57,511 68
Wastewater Projects Division Total: $57,629.15
Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $57,629.15
Wastewater Utility CIF Fund Total: $57,629.15
AMAZOG N CIX::IIl I Al SEi::ZVKI.ES AU I 0& I i:RUCK IIVIAflN 1 l I EMS 1aC11 0000 1411 410 00 14,772
ASSOCI.IIA ED [::::'E I i::::ZO�l EU\4 UB 0�1 Gi::::ZEASE, & l U:3ES 501 0000 141 2000 2,597 13
S, l�UB 0�1 GiZEASE, & l U�:3ES 501 0000 141 2000 4,12699
l�UB 0�1 Gi::::ZEASE, & l U:3ES 501 0000 141 2000 3,14,636
l�UB 0�1 GiZEASE, & l U�:3ES 501 0000 141 2000 4,26066
l3AX IEi::::Z AU I 0 [::::)Ai:Z I S tt1,5 AU I 0& I i:RUCK IIVIAflN 1 l EMS 11CI1 0000 14,1410 00 57 67
I IOSESI All.Il II<SIIICIDS 1 0000 14,1410 00 64,90
AU I 0& I i:RUCK IIVIAflN 1 l EMS 11CI1 0000 14,1410 00 2004,
)Ai::ZEVS 1::10flN I S AUIO& I i:RUCK IIVIAflN 1 l EMS 11CI1 0000 1411 410 00 521 46
l'ASIENAl INDUSPRIAL.. LO I i:RUCK I" IIIICLI l EMS 1 0000 1411 410 00 2,56
EAi:Z I l l N E AUIO& I i:RUCK IIVIAflN 1 l EMS 11CI1 0000 14,1410 00 29800
AUIO& I i:RUCK IIVIAflN 1 l EMS 11CI1 0000 14,1410 00 316,50
AUIO& I i:RUCK IIVIAflN 1 l EMS 11CI1 0000 14,1410 00 14,900
AUIO& I i:RUCK IIVIAflN 1 l EMS 11CI1 0000 14,1410 00 661.29
�Page 25 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 29
City of Pont Angeles
� City Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6" 2020 and Jun 29" 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
KAMAN FLU|D POVVER, LLC HOSES, Al 5D1-0000-14140-00 13457
HOSES. ALL <|NDS 5D1-0000-14140-00 250 45
HOSES. ALL <|NDS 5D1-0000-14140-00 3D34
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 855
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 1598
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 18844
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 23047
AUTOSHOPECJU|PKMENT&SUP 5D1-0000-14140-00 47 83
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 34BD
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 50 23
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 11931
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 18534
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 18 58
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 117 05
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 215 42
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 410
PETROCI4RD. |N(I FUEL.O|L.GREASE. & LUBES 501-0000-14120-00 12457
FUEL.O|L.GREASE. & LUBES 501-0000-14120-00 27475
FUEL.O|L.GREASE. & LUBES 501-0000-141 20-00 19595
PR|�EFORDL|NCOLN AUTO&TRUCKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-141 40-00 4757
S|XROBBLEES' |N(I AUTO&TRUCK ACCESSOR|ES 5D1-0000-14140-00 598 23
SOL|D WASTE SYSTEMS. |NX, AUTO&TRUCKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 25281
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 1.25880
USMOVVER AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 5D1-0000-14140-00 54575
Division Total: $22.168.03
Department Total: $22.168.03
A PERR]F��AN�E. |NX, BU|LD|NG M|NT&REF;\ RSER 501-7530-548 41-50 15017
AUTO&TRUCKKM|N |TEMS 501-7530-54831-01 1574
�Page26of32 Jul 1' 2828 11:15:59AM
July 7, 2020 E ~ 30
City of Port Aingeles
it Council Expenditure Report
hap Elletween Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
ACC IO& I RUCK MAHN F NEMS 50146315=3= 6Z82
ACC IO& I RUCK MAHN F NEMS 50146315=3= 9Z34
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 50146315=3= 41 A2
ACC IO& I RUCK MAHN F NEMS 50146315=3= HT24
ACC IO& I RUCK MAHN F NEMS 50146315=3= 7R56
ACC IO& I RUCK MAHN F NEMS 50146315=3= X91
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN F I I EMS 501463G54R3442 17ZH8
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R3442 40Z5,15
ACC IO& I RUCK MAHN F NEMS 501463GI916410 62T20
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN F I I EMS 501463G54R4842 I OR.78
ACC IO& I RUCK MAHN F NEMS 50146315=3= H&43
ANGEI ES COI U&0N I::ZEI AH::Z ACC IO& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R3412 22&66
EX I ERNA! I ABOF:Z SERVICES 501 7630 ,5483402 57ZH8
MIlAl Sj[3AF:ZS,l II AIES,F:ZO[)S 501463G54R3442 10R74
EX I ERINAI I ABOF:Z SERVICES 501 7630 ,5483402 73 44,
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 50146315=3= 3R53
GASES (.OIN I EWP:] AI30I] 501 76,30 548 4%QO 8Z12
S, F UEG l OHI GF�ZEASE, & I CC II 50146315%3ZA3 6aO2
F UEG l OHI Gf ZEASE, & I UI[3ES 501 463154R321 3 1162
BAX I ER AU 10 PAIR I S 415 ACC IO& IRUCK II" AHNF KEMS 501463154R3V11 9R57
EX I ERNA! I ABOR SERVICES 50V=01483442 1%63
(11UI\/I II"/IflNs IICICCC z I I 1WI°°3..1.. 1INC, AUIO& I RUC.K II" AHNF II EMS 501463154R3412 97&97
I)REIN'S PON I S EX I ERINAI I ABOF�Z SERVICES 501 7630 ,5483402 2M 13
Page 27 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 EE - :31
City of Port Aingeles
it Council Expenditure Report
hap Atween Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
I)AREIN'S PON� S EX I ERNAI I AIf:; O Z SERVICES 501 76,30 5483402 3RO9
EX I ERNAI I AII: OF:Z SERVICES 501 76,30 54834 02 X32
EX I ERNAI I AII: OF:Z SERVICES 501 76,30 54834 02 3&88
EX I ERNA! I ABOF:Z SERVICES 50 1 76,30 54834 02 2T20
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R3442 53U36
EX I ERNAI I ABOF:Z SERVICES 50 1 463154R3442 IR44
EX I ERNAI I ABOF:Z SERVICES 501 7630 ,5483402 7&77
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN I EMS 50 1 463154R3442 19R78
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN F I I EMS 501463G54R3442 15106
AUIO& I RUCK MAIN� I�EMS 50 1 463G54R3442 1 H&7,15
1 EAR n HNE AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R3442 6E23
AUIO& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R3442 28173
1 ES SCHWAB I I BE CE N C ER AUFO& I RUCK MAN I I I EMS 501463154R3412 5=3
EX I ERNAI I ABOF:Z SERVICES 501 7630 ,5483402 3Z64,
EX I ERNAI I ABOF:Z SERVICES 501 7630 ,5483402 38&24,
1 NCOUN NDUS I RAI CORP MEIN SJI3AF:ZS,F�)II A1ESJ:ZO[)S 501 76,30 548 34 02 8196
MI��lAI SJI3AF:ZS,F�)�I A�ESJ:ZO[�)S 501 7630 ,5483402 2T69
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 50146315=3= 2&24,
�AI SJI3AF:ZS,F�)�I A�ES,F:ZO[�)S 501 7630 ,5483402 28M,15
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R3442 8&99
AUIO& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R3442 2137
MA 1 FS .1..00G I S USA, I I C, AUIO& I RUCK MAIN I 1EMS 501 76,30 54,83,15 0 1 (3a 72)
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN I EMS 501 7630 ,54,83,15 01 3&72
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R354l T71
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN F I I EMS 501463G54R3541 IE88
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R354l 2132
%SC,ONE VI IIV�)OF:ZS VI HKA E I ICENSE - VE I"M6 50146315916010 6 t 7,15
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN F I I EMS 501463G54R3442 1&69
Page 28 of 32 Wt2020 111519AM
July 7, 2020 IE - 02
City of Port Aingeles
it Council Expenditure Report
hap Atween Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
IN C MACHWERY CO AU10& IRUCK II" AHNE II EMS 501463154R3412 24&07
KX U 0 PAR S AU10& IRUCK II" AHNE KEMS 501463154R3412 W19
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R3442 8R60
B E I S AI MD B E I I IN G 501463154R3442 10&51
B E I S AI MD B E I I IN G 50W63154R3442 (6149)
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R3442 3T73
AU10& I RUCK MAHN F NEMS 501463154R3442 3RO7
AU10& I RUCK MAHN F NEMS 501463154R3442 31t36
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R3442 04715)
AU10& I RUCK MAHN F NEMS 50146315=3= T39
AU�O& FW(',K IIM lHN F NEMS 50146315=3= T39
AU�O& FW(',K IIM lHN F NEMS 501463154R3442 3R10
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN F I I EMS 501463G54R3442 18&28
B E I �S AI MD B E I 1 I IN G 50W63154R3442 W24
NOT I JERN I 00G I /1[R U E 1ARF) AU 10& I RUCK MAHT V EMS 5=63G54R3161 11121
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F III EMS 50146315=3= 3TH1
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN F I I EMS 501463G54R3141 1 ga 13
OFFICE DEP01 SUPPI I IIES 501463154R3141 12R51
PX KBNWO Z NOF�Z 1 W�°S..1.. AU 10& I RUCK MAIN I 1EMS 501 463154R3442 IOE86
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN I 1EMS 501 463154R3442 INBE52
F�)O::Z 1 ANGBI ES AU 10 GI ASS AU10& IRUCK II" AHNE KEMS 501463154R3412 YZ6,15
QUAI I 1 Y 4X4 1 RUCK S UR?L..Y SIPPING AND HAND ING 501463154R3442 1102
SHIPPING AND HAIMDUNG 501463154R3Y41 2414,
EX I ERINAI I ABO::Z SERVICES 501 7630 ,5483402 W23
SEA, n E PUMP& EQUPMEN I AU 10& I RUCK MAHT V EMS 5=63G54R3402 13R42
AU10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 501463154R3442 7t90
SNX OWN 100C I S (E�UGGEF:Z AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 50146315=3541 21t62
AU10& I RUCK MAHN F NEMS 50146315=3= 3RO2
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 50146315=3541 4Z98
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN1 I 1 EMS 501 463154R3541 11 E33
AU 10& I RUCK MAIN F I I EMS 501463G54R3541 W2,15
AU 10& I RUCK MAHN F I I EMS 50146315=3541 42R78
Page 29 of 32 Al t202O 111519ANM
July 7, 2020 EE - :33
City of Port Aingeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
SOI\1;�RAY IIMA(',[flHNE RY, l l :3 E l 1 S MINI) II1 E l I l N G 501 76,30 54,834, 02 6,15 97
S I f::Ml 1 Al GVMBN I II,pZAKE AU 10& I f::ZUCIK MflN I l I BMS 501 76,30 54,834, 02 36976
EX I E::Zl\Ml l A:30 Z SEf::ZVKI.ES 501 76,30 54,834, 02 164,23
SWAHN'S GDNEG ::Ml S I O�:ZE H\X, AU I 0 I f::ZUCIK MflN I l BMS 501 76,30 54,831 01 111.811
I ACO S(11f::ZEW P::ZODUCI IS H\X, AU I 0 I f::ZUCIK MAHN I l BMS 501 76,30 54,831 01 6,310
ME IE�::11N EQUH::1I\ME]N I N,1B 11II:3 AU 0 I�::ZUCIK \MflN l BMS 501 7630 ,54,834, 02 2,57 2,15
MES Ef::11N S I EB \ME: Al S,IIG R ,I IIA I ESjRODS 501 76,30 54,834, 02 21022
WHl I) ::Z �OYO IHN(I AU 0& I�::ZUCIK MflN I l BMS 501 76,30 54,834, 02 84,807
Equipment Services Division Total: $16,573.01
Public Works Department Total: $16,573.01
Equipment Services Fund Total: $38,741.04
DUO SECO:R�l 1 Y, HN(I DA A 1::)p:ROC.SE�:ZV&SO��l:�:1 WMRE 502 2081 1518 42 10 1,566 72
%SC, D\41::'Il OYEE EX[::1DNSE I::)E, 2 502 2081 15 18,31 01 8267
O1 II KIIE EQUH::)1WEJN I HNCI O1 II KII IIMACIV,.IIIIINES&ACCESS 502 2081 15 18 415 31 1,2,54118
[::::)OC::::Z 1 ANGB ES 111Il I Y I f::::ZEASUt ::::ZEf::::Z [::::)OE 415 24w g E Strallt 502 2081 15 18,31 60 26 10
&fll IIIIN I E::11NA O\Ml (110�::U:) I Ef::::Z lE 502 2081 15 18,31 60 4,2620
US II1ANK(110C::U:)O� ::ZA E [)AYIWE:N L l odg ii Ig 11'efull Id 502 2081 151 43 10 (22,15 63)
l aptops(3) 502 2081 15 18,31 60 2,1715 96
�::Zefuii id Mrpoift lxji1dii ig l,j 502 2081 151 43 10 (7,15 80)
f::Zefund ll aptops(2) 502 2081 15 18,31 60 (1,08798)
l aptop 502 2081 15 18,31 60 6,3222
l aptops(3) 502 2081 15 18,31 60 1,89667
l3atteiJes, 12v(2) 502 2081 15 183,15 01 11862
l aptops(15) 502 2081 15 18,31 60 3,378,51
l aptops(15) 502 2081 15 18,31 60 3,378,51
l aptops(15) 502 2081 15 18,31 60 3,432 86
l aptops(3) 502 2081 15 18,31 60 3,536 64,
l aptops(4) 502 2081 15 18,31 60 2,434,80
V E:f::ZlZOIN M::ZB ES S 0,15 145 A/C 84,2160242 00001 502 2081 1518 42 10 3,294,73
015 115 A/C'84,2160242 00003 502 2081 1518 42 10 9011.16
015 115 A/C'84,2160242 00004, 502 2081 1518 42 10 3,83 7 76
015 22 A/C' 984545 16113,50,520 502 2081 1118 42 10 21749
Information Technologies Division Total: $31,206.79
�Page 30 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 34
City of Port Aingeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
[IUE)#1 Ol: C;II IL.Il AM (',OUIN Y f:RAE)0& I El E(',OI II" UIV(',AI IIGGIIN 502 2083 15 18 47 10 419 53
Wireless Mesh Division Total: $49.53
Finance Department Total: $31,256.32
Information Technology Fund Total: $31,256.32
Al•°] AC Al°°] C.SU[)L�) HNS0G RA�\X.E 503 16,31 15 17 46 30 1,04,13 18
I3 IICANK [::)AY�::::ZOIl l S0\4IMA�::ZY 503 16,31 36,15 90 20
[::)AY�::::ZOIl l S0\RMA�::ZY 503 16,31 36,15 90 20 1 1500 00
BA Sei-vk) l�ee 503 16,31 15 17 41 50 28000
[::)AY�::::ZOIl l S0\RMA�::ZY 503 16,31 36,15 90 20 (,3,000 00)
[::)AY�::::ZOIl l S0\RMA�::ZY 503 16,31 36,15 90 20 (1"'m 00)
[::)AY�::::ZOIl l S0\RMA�::ZY 503 16,31 36,15 90 20 1 1500 00
[::)AY�::::ZOIl l S0\RMA�::ZY 503 16,31 36,15 90 20
NWAD1%HN IEAII\4SIE�:ZSf::ZEI Ilf::::ZEESJIUI�\�E2 503 16,31 15 17 46 34, 15,763 60
HNS0::ZA\X.E, AUl I XI::)EGG 503 16,31 15 17 46 33 81,982 2,15
f::ZEDQUO LE, HN(IIf A f::::Z E l ll\4:3 U�::::ZS E I�\4 E N 503 16,31 15 17 46 30 37147
If CA f::::Z E l II\4:3 U f::::Z S E II\4 E::N S 503 16,31 15 17 46 30 42,15 2,15
ffRA INS 503 16,31 15 17 46 30 660 11
ffRA N S 503 16,31 15 17 46 30 9,57 6,15
ffRA N S 503 16,31 15 17 46 30 (9,57 6,15)
Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $95,025.86
WA&flHNG1 O�N I,�OS1::I11 1 Al SVCS JUINE 2020 EE 503 1661 15 17 41 40 7110 00
Worker's Compensation Division Total: $750.00
%SC,C;IL..AHM SE L�l EME�:N I S HN I,IOUSE l IIAl3fll l IY G:;IL..AflM 503 1671 15 17 49 98 6,881 60
U 111N1JIINK(110C::U:)O ZA I E [::)AYIM :II I AWC, f::Zegi°istrati°lon IIl ountai°in 503 1671 15 17 41 50 320 00
Comp Liability Division Total: $7,201.60
Self Insurance Department Total: $102,977.46
Self-insurance Fund Total: $102,977.46
Al]AC.; [::::)AY�:ZO�l l S0\RMA1 ZY 920 0000 2,31 53 11 192,31
[::::)AYf::::ZO�l l S0\RMA1 ::ZY 920 0000 2,31 53 12 4,72,31
AIl°S(,IME l OCIAl 1619 [::)AYf::::ZOIl l SUI%MAf::ZY 920 0000•2,31 54, 40 411515 00
1p:ROW�N IIlp:ROW�N ol:: [::)AYf::ZO�l l S0\RMA�::ZY 920 0000 2,31 53 40 1,89787
E\41::IIl OYEES ASSOC A� 0N f AY1 ::::ZO�l l SUI%MA1 ::ZY 920 0000 2,31 1515 30 1 1C1.00
EJI\4[::10W E�:�::Z [::::)/f::::Z W l f::::Z E [::)AYf::ZO�l l SUI%MA�::ZY 920 0000 2,31 52 20 23,11979
�Page 31 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 35
City of Port Angeles
it Council Expenditure Report
Between Jun 6, 2020 and Jun 29, 2020
Vendor Description Account Number Amount
l�E[)Ef�RAl,... Yf:RU l SAX e ii i-,i°i(iii i E)-'s [ /R tax 920 0000 2,31 50 10 20809
[:�)AY�:RU l SU\III`4MRY 920 0000 2,31 50 10 66,726 18
[)AY�:RU l 1AX [:�)AY�:RU l SU%\4MRY 920 0000 2,31 50 20 80,2,53 78
6,56 [:�)AY�:RU l SU%\4MRY 920 0000 2,31 54, 30 2,480,15,15
lSA :3ANK [::)AY�::ZU Il SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 52 40 4,69066
[::)AYf::ZU l SU\ II"4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 52 40 4,590 66
H:3EW l OC"Al 997 [::)AY�::ZU l SU%\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 54, 20 1,414,001
(,,lMA [::Ifl::Z WH:RES [::)AYf::ZU l SU%\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 52 10 19,29229
HNM:R�\Ml... ZEV:.:1:�UESE ZV(I.E [::)AY�::ZU l SU%\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 56 30 284,86
[::)AYf::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 56 30 372 91
J10,flN :,MNCIOCK l Hl E HNSU:RANCE [::)AY�::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 52 2,15 2,44696
l EUl:]l:: [::)AYf::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 411 21 29,62681
[::)AYf::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 411 21 29,98903
0 l(11 E 0 S U [::::)0�:Z [::)AYf::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 56 20 2,3076
E N 0 E l�\4 E N
[::)AY�::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 56 20 2,3076
E:RS [::)AYf::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 451 10 1,228 17
[::)AY�::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 15 1 11 145,263,33
[::)AY�::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 15 1 12 78,814,07
[::)AY�::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 15 1 10 1,38,15 91
[::)AY�::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 151 11 16,16228
[::)AYf::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 15 1 12 82,243 74,
1::lU IICE ASSO(IM�IOIN [::)AY�::ZU l SU%\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 15,15 10 374,00
EAMS E�:ZS l OCIAl 589 [::)AYf::ZU l SU%\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 54, 10 2,027,50
[::)AY�::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 54, 10 2,0,52,50
U N l E WAY ([::::)AY fZO l l [::)AYf::ZU l SU%\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 56 10 2,30 12
[::)AY�::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 56 10 2,30 12
W 54 5,111 41,15 S(,.(,.(,.E Al��S( ME Al��] CO [::)AY�::ZU l SU%\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 , 1 40
WSCI :Il�/E\41::)Il OYEE :3ENEl�]: [::)AYf::ZU l SU\R\4M:ZY 920 0000 2,31 53 20 1,80000
Division Total: $476,504.78
Department Total: $476,504.78
Payroll Clearing Fund Total: $476,504.78
Total for Checks Dated Between Jun 6,2020 and Jun 29,2020 $1,964,592.12
�Page 32 of 32 Jul 1, 2020 11:15:59 AM
July 7, 2020 E - 36
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
Date: July 7, 2020
To: City Council
From: Brian S. Smith,Police Chic J'
Subject: WASPC Grant Acceptance and Agreement and OPCC Professional Services Agreement
Summary: The Port Angeles Police Department (PAPD) applied to the Washington Association of
Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police (WA SPQ and has been accepted for a 2020-202 1 renewal of the $84,000.
WASPC Mental Health Field Response Team grant. The 20t8-20t9 and the 20t9-2020 WASPC grants
funded the Port Angeles Police Department and Olympic Peninsula Community Clinic (OPCC')
REdisCOVERY LO program. WASPC has offered PAPD the identical grant funding and agreement to
PAPD. PAPD also requests the continuation of the professional services agreement with OPCC for the
services of a master's in social work employee who has the skill, training and competency to perform the
scope of work as contained in the PAPD/WA SPC 2020-202 1 Mental Health Field Response Team grant
Funding: The grant provides $84,000 in revenue towards the City's REdisCOVERY program and
provides for tOO per cent of the salary costs for the OPCC contract full time staff(master's in social work).
Recommendation: Accept the WASPC 2020-202 1 grant for$84,000 and approve and authorize the City
Manager to t) Sign the agreement contract with WASPC and 2) Sign the professional services agreement
between PAPD and OPCC for the renewal of the REdisCOVERY LO program.
Background and Analysis: The Port Angeles Police Department applied for and received WASPC
Mental Health Field Response Team 20 18-20 19 and 20 19-2020 grants. The REdisCOVE-',RY LO program
embeds a master's in social work OPCC staff member with police officers. It has been in effect since June
of 20t8. Pursuant to a professional services agreement with OPCC the funding for this program was
transferred to the WASPC grant in October of 20t8 and the scope of the program was expanded. The
current WASPC grant funding expires June 30,2020. The period of performance for the renewed WASPC
grant and the OPCC professional services agreement is July t, 2020 and through June 30,202 t.
Staff has drafted a renewed professional services agreement between PAPD and OPCC for the 2020-202 1
WASPC grant that is the same as the 20t9-2020 PAPD/OPCC professional services agreements. This
agreement covers the same scope of work that was described in the PAPD 2020-202t WASPC grant
application and is described in the WASPC2020-202t WASPC Mental Health Field Response Team Grant
Program Grant Agreement with PAPD. REdisCOVERY LO operates alongside the new REdisCOVERY
2.0 program (which is also WASPC grant funded).
Funding: The grant provides $84,000 in revenue towards the City's REdisCOVERY program. PAPD is
reimbursed by WASPC at tOO per cent for the full-time salary of the master's in social work.
July 7, 2020 E - 37
Washington Association of Mental Health Field Response Team
Sheriffs & Police Chiefs Program Face Sheet
1® Contractor's Name &Address- City of Port Angeles
Port Angeles Police Department
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
2® Tax Identification No.: 91-6001266
® Contract No.: IVIHFFRT-2020-001-003
® Contractor's Point of Contact®
Name: Jason Viada
Title: Deputy Chief of Police
Telephone: 360-912-0106
Email,, jviada@cityofpa.us
5® Contract Period: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
6. Funding Authority: Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission
and Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs
'7® Service Area: City of Port Angeles
® Requests for Reimbursement under this CONTRACT are capped at- $84,000.00
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs (WASPC) and
the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office (CONTRACTOR) acknowledge and accept the -terms of this
CONTRACT and the attachments hereto, and in witness where of have executed this
CONTRACT as of the date and year last written below. The rights and obligations of both parties
to this CONTRACT are governed by the information on this CONTRACT Face Sheet and other
documents incorporated herein by reference: Contract Specific 'Terms and Conditions; and the
Project Narrative and Budget Worksheet which constitute the Statement of Work.
Steve Strachan, Executive Director Name:
Washington Association of Title:
Sheriffs & Police Chiefs Date:
July 7, 2020 E - 38
TNs AGREEMENT is enleired n 1 o by and belween 1he WAS IF-NI HNGRDN
ASSOCIATION Of` SFIEFRIF IFS:S & IIF IOL.ICE U-11EF, (heirehnafleir ireff-�inred lo as
WA S IIF 1 C)' and 1he C I TY 0 F F10FRT' ANGE LE S (heir&in afleir irefeinre d lo as 1he
NOW, TFIERE IFS:OFRE, li n coinsldeiratoin of 1he cove nan1s, perfoinmances, and
piroimlses conlahned heirehn, 1he partie Iheirrelo agree as foIlows
-wild �WAS PC �; by 11-ie Was[-i I ing tc j�n State
IJ"FRACT I's pin. ed h.-j
L.eg ibIIIa h.i ire, 11-ie Washhngloin Slale (311iiiIII 1,h, slice Training
coinlinl�ssIoin' lhiro�,�gh 1he 20,19-2021 Opeirating IIEhidget (ftinding Ipeir~liod c ,R)Illy
1 ,2 0 2 0 t["i rcj�u.i g[-i J u,i in e 3 0, 2021
The CONTRACT(NR shaIlI �,�se the slale hxnds awarded Iheirr&xndeir soI�6y for
sa�lairy and beinefflos, c,00slos and contracled swVces, goods and swVces, and
lirav6I and olheir esseint4I cos1s lo si�,wppoirl 1he hxdheir deflined by 1he
S C a IIIP:1 IIE 0 1-- a IIIP K
The CON TFRACT(NR sha III III seek lo liimpI6meinl the actMites and lo achk.-,,ve the
goa III and objectves of 1he Meinla FleaIth IFi6ld IRespoinse Teanis Frograim, as
sel foii liin 1he ST'AT'EIMEIINT' (")I[' W(")I[,�III<
The CONTRACT(NR shaIlI s�,.wbimH lo WA&FIC a willen req�,.wesl lo effecl any
s�ginlflcainl chainge lo the SUYFIE OF M"NZK as expressed ii in the STATEMENT
OF M"NZK &xh ireq�,.esls sha III III be accoinipainied by a irev sed STATEMENTOF
WOFZK oir olheir si�,wppoidhng doc�,nneinls and shaIlI be accepled by WA&FIC before
the act4tes si�,wppoidhng 1he irevlised SUYFIE OF M"NZK qi�,mIhfy as paid of 1he
The CONTRACT(NR shaIlI s�,.wbimH lo WA&FIC a wirHlein req�,.wesl lo effecl any
chainge(s) li in 1he projecl bi�Agel WNch ire IIIecl a cii,nm,flatve lirainsff-�r of girealeir thain
July 7, 2020 E - 39
lein (10) peirceiril liirilhe aggiregale arnoing b�,Agel IIIIine lerns as n6caled oin lhe
CONTRACT Face Sheel WA&FIC imay approve or deny lhe ireq�, e s l al Is so 1 e
The CON TRACT(NR sha III III perfoinni lhe seirVces as defhned ii in lhe STATEMENT
OF WOFZK incorpoiraled Iheirr6iink liin accordance Wlh lhe b�,Agel and esfirnaled
expein6hire pI&n, as slaled oin lhe CONTRACT Face Sheel and in accor da nce
lh l Whe Mein laIII [-A e aIII h Fe III [R e s poinse Tf.�,�airns Frogirarn, as w6 as olheir
po�h6es and piroce6,�ires ��ss�,,�ed by WA&FIC
The CONTRACT [.x-�,�iriod 6,uling WNch flinain64I ass slaince ire ay be pirovided iis
n6caled oin IILiine 5 of lhe CONTRACT IF=ace Sheel The efff.�,�cflve dale of lhis
CONTRACT sha III III be lhe dale lhe IIasl pairly siigins UNs CON F[RAC F
ALL Illll,�tLIIII!!!!,.� COS I S
MowaWe costs shaH it ncWde costs liincunred IN the CON F[RAC FD[R firoim the
fhrst date of the CON F[RAC F Ipeirliod, uinflA the CON F[RAC F li s teirimhnated oir
exphres as Ipirovl Iheirehn, IN liin ino event shaH aHowaWe costs exceed the
imakinwim stated air ouint of the CON F[RAC F as If it in III iine 8 of the
CON F[RAC F [ bce IN Costs aHowaNe under UNs CON F[RAC F aire IN ased oin
a �b u d g e t a�p�p iro ve d �b y WAS C
WAS[ C shaH If to the CON F[RAC FD[R aH aHowaNe costs liirncunred firoim the
fhrst at of the CON F[RAC F Ipeirliod untH UNs CON F[RAC F lis teirimhnated it
exphres evlideinced IN If it expeindftuire it i li N lia li i itepoirt, subimftted to
WAS[ C oin a thme�y IN liinsolbir as those aHowaNe costs do inot exceed the
air mouint appirqpirlated oir otheirw se ava0aNe for s IN If irposes as stated oin the
PIN e CON F[RAC FO[�R shaH inot use the state funds specff1ed IN UNs CON F[RAC F
to suppf aint k)caN, fedeira , it otheir state funds ...PIN e CON FI�RAC FD[R shaH inot
use these state funds to irepNace fuindiinq wNch woWd otheirw se Ibe made
ava0aNe to the CONF[RACF&[R had the state funds pirovl by UNs
CON F[RAC F inot Ibeein Ipirovlided
July 7, 2020 E - 40
Ph e WAS[!C Grant Adimhnlstiratoir sha be respoin§Ne for iru.uoinftoirhng the
peirfoirimaince of tNs CON F[RAC F, liarc�u6ing appirovai! and acceptance of repoirts
�fir ovlidedIbytlheCOtqFII: CFOII! Ph e WAS 1!!!�1 G ira in t Ad im li inlistirato it s h a Ii! If irovl�d e
and fa6htate as§stance and gWdaince to the CON F[RAC FO[!R as necessairy
Ph e CON F[RAC FO[!R shai1i! nofify WASI!!!�C of tll a If irogiraim adimlinlstiratoir
who shaiii! Ibe respoin§Ne for tll If irfoirimaince of tNs CONF II:!RACF Phe
CONF[!RACFO[!RshaiIiI If it I!!!1C wfth tll If irogiraim adimhnlstiratoir's naime,
addiress, teiiephoine nuin'beir(s), and any subsequentchanges
�)A I A
Ph e CON F[RAC FO[R shaiii! uflTze the data coHecfloin took Ipirovl Iby WAS[�C,
heirehnafteir itefenred to as the WASI!!!�C Data CoHecfloin Foo�, wNch is the
Qpeinlll atfice Apphcafloin Ph e CON F[RAC FO[!R iru.uust If it suff6ent iresouirces
to estabHsh the a iru.uliirulistira li If irimlssbins necessairy for the WASI!!!�C Data
CoHecfloin Foo� to Ibe tau opeiraflonai! at the flime tli itesponse beghns at the
agency Ph e CON F[!RACFO[!R, if not ai1iready on so, shaiii! execute the
Qpeinlll atfice App Use Agireeiment, wNch Wiii! Ibe sepairatei1y xec ut Ibetween
WASI!!!�C, the CON F[RAC FO[!R and Qpeinlll atflce
Ph e CON F[RAC FO[R shaiii! subimft it Sul repoirts Iby the date u§iiru irUiir .tiriru.us
accoir6 ing to procedures issued Iby WAS['C
1, Vk)in 'it ° it IR girt. Fhe 10bh of tIh irnoir&h foiiiiowlirg bhe
preVous rnoirftlh in Whlc�h fuinded acflMfles weirs If irfoirimed
2. Seii aninuai! Assessiment [Repoirt Ph e 10th of tll iru onth foHowiling
the six month peirbd liin wNch funded a flMi tli s we it Ifeirfoirimed
Phe CON F[RAC FO[�R shaiii! Ibe obhgated to subimft ireqWired repoirts afteir the ci1ose
of the CON F[RACF peirbd, duirkng the tirainsfeir of obhgafloins to anotheir
COtqFII: CF,oiruipointeirin,u liinatlioinoftlhe COtqFII: CFfoirainyireasoin
W ha�l� award state 1:�.vnd,, to the CO�N F[Rykc F0 A S C [R in the airnmxnt provkIe d
oin III ine 8 of the CGNP[RAC F Sheet L)poin itec&pt of a 1:u.flly exem.ded
Agireernent, WAS I: C wHlI aIlow of a III owabIII expeimibxres rnade
�key the CGNP[RAC phe CGNP[RAC FG[R lis iteq.wlred toy coii and
July 7, 2020 E - 41
� i to WASIII��'C an A :... A aIbing Wth dom.n'neintafloin for the e)qpen dh.u'e,C:>
Phe COIIPy..P[RAC.FG[ Ireq.dmd to coiie and to WAS�I:)C qu.mirteiriy
to acm.nit for the expeindbxre of the state 1:uxnd,,>
he C 0 N [ C III 0[ s h a cc)c)Ip e ira to lith a Ind fire e Illy Ip a ir t I c I pa to lIn a n y rn c)i'i i1c)ir I i'i g
oir eva� bahoin activities coinducted Iby WASPC bhat aire Ipeirbineint to bh��,
CONFR[�ZAU1 IPC, tI�'le ��')tateAu(Ilitc)ir, c)irair'iyc)ftI�'iellirireIpiresei�'itadivessI�'laIIIIII
have fdIIIII access to air d bhe Irlig[A to exarn line(Rjiriing noirirna�I Ibu siriess Ihou irsaindas
oftein as WA'S'PC, oir bhe 'tate Auditor i deern necessairy, aIfI of bhe
CGN [�ZAC G[�Z'15 records wibh respect to aIfI matteirs coveired In bhis
C&N [�ZAC 'S'udh repireseintatives s[,4HI be Ipeirimitted to audit, exarnirle, air d
make exceirpts oir tirainsciripts firorn sudh records air d to Irr ake audits of aIfI
C&N [�ZAC III S', lilrrvoices, rnateiri4I;, Ipayrdl, aind records r IrrratteIrs coveired Iby
bhis CGN III [�ZAC.111 'S'udh Irlig[As exteind it bhiree years firorn bhe (late fiir4I
recoinciH lip tioin �; Irrrade theireuindeir
Phe CGN P[RAC FG[R and its '�'DNLPl:3CGN P[Rykc I gV:�?4:) peb4�
ShaIlI coii wlth thes
condibims fsted Ikr6bw
'L App III cabHhty of I::)airt ZY) LkiIoirirn Phe I.InHbirrn Adirnhnustiraflve
Cost and Au.wdt n2 irt 2 a,,>
adopted and ,;u.wpp�birneinted Iby th IID Ipartirrent of ,h.vAce (IDO,)) liln 2 C V:)airt
28()() (the I:Iwt 2(l)(1) LhnHbirirn appIlly to thb award
2, Phe COINP[Rykcj'gV u.tndeinstaind,,; and agree,,; that W/V'33�V:ICI r,nay Wth[Idd
award Ilxnds, or Ir.nay lilrnIpose otheir, irdated Ireq.flireirneints, f th Irebp eint does not
safl,sfactoirdly and piroirrpfly address outstaindling Issues firorn audits reqAiredby
bhe IV: airt 200 Uinlifbinm [�Zeqjiireirneints (oir Iby bhe to irims of bh ; awaird), oir obheir
outstaindlingbsues bhat a irlbe Illn cc)ininectioinwibh a u d Its, Illn es,IigaboIrs, or reviews
of awairds
3. CGN ILIII:RAC IL0III:R understands and agirees that lis cannot rise any state Rvx1s,
eitheir direct1y or li indirecfly, li in ,,;u.wppoirt of the einactirnent, Ireped, Ir nodficafloin or
adopflon of any Ilbrr , Ire.gu.flafloin or IpdllirI.y, at any bvdI of g rev erinirnent, Wthm.wt
the expire,,>,s written appirova�I of WAS V)C
4, Phe COINP[RACFG[R agirms to coii Wth dfI appIIIIicalkrlll III ms, Iregu.flafloin,,>,
e g . c (�id spebfic cost hirrdts, prior appirovd� andpdhb ,s, and �flda
r Iporfiiln Irequ.flireirneint,,;, wheir e applhcaUb) goverinkng the u.vse of state 1:uxnd,,; for
expeimse,s irdated to coinfbireinces, rneeflings, tirahnlings, and other event,,:>,
July 7, 2020 E - 42
inclh.w(Iing tIh Ipirovlislir in of food and/or Ibeveirages at suxh eveints, and co,,:;t,,:; of
attendance atsuxh eveint,,>
5. lll he CGN III [�ZAC...III...G[�Z agirees b1fiat lif It cuirir~einHl Ihas ain opein awaird of state
fuindsoir lif It receives ain awaird of state Winds obheir bhain bh ; awaird, aind bhose
awaird Winds frive beein,acre beiing, oir acre to Ibe u.vsed, liin whoIb or liin Ipart, for oine
or irnoire of th lideinflcaI cost liteirns for whlch f.wilds air e b61ng IprovlkIed uxndeir thb
award, the irebpeint wHlI piroirrpfly inoflfy, in wrifling, the WAS�I:)c graint
adirnlinbtiratoir for thl,s award, and, lif so irequ.wested Iby WAS�l: , seek a Ibr.wdget
irno(ificafloin or chainge of project scope to 6hirnhnate any inappiropiriate
d u.r Ip III li cart li o in o f f u.r in d li in g
6, lly,neCOINlIRACIOIRuindeirstaindsaindagireestIV,natawairdfuindsimayinotIV.)e
used to 6scirl limn linate agaliinst oir deinligirate tIhe irehglips oir limn oirai IVYeHefs of
students Who Ida irk 6pat iin Ipirogiraims for Whlc h flinainbai asslistain is
piro lid ed fir rim Hmse funds, oir of bhe Nair Irma oir legal guair6aerrs of such
studein ts
T 1 he CON I �RAC I GR understands and agirees Hmt, (a) INo awaird funds imay
be used to limn aliintaliin oir esta IVY sIh a cilia pLfteir ine.two rk uin less such ine.two rk IVYlocks
tIhe Vewling, dowinioa6ing, and excIha ling ling of IgoirinogirapIhy,and (t)) IIdoH'fling liin
subs echoin (a) Himis tIhe use of funds inecessairy for any Federal, State, tirHbai,
oir local law einfo ire eimeint agency oir any obheir einbty cairiryliing out dill mlinai
inveshgaboins, Ifr irosecufloin, oir adjudlcafloin acflMfles
El�x l lhe C'ON l [RAC l O[�R it ust collect, in,4intalin, and If irov de to WASPC, data that
meal it th If irfoirimaince and effecflveiness of acfivlfles undeir tNs awaird, liin the
mainineir, and Wthhn the thmefiraimes, spe6f liin th If irogiraim soHcftafloin, oir as
otheirw se spe6fled Iby WASPC, Data coliectbin suppoirts coimpHaince Wth the
Goveiriniment Perfoirimaince and [Resuits Act (GR[RA) and the GR[RA Modeirin zafloin
Act, and otheir aIf pHcabie laws,
9. l Ihe CON l [RAC..1...O[�R adire to cooperate Wth any assessiments, state
evaluafloin efforts, oir liarfoirimatbin oir data coliectbin irequests, liinciu6ing, IV ut
inot Him ted to, th Ir irovl§oin of any liarfoirimatbin iteqWired for the assessiment oir
evaluatbin of any acflVfles WtNin tNs Ipiroject,
10. ...l Ihe CON � [RAC 1 0[R agirees to coin,ply wlth WASPC g iraint irr.ncrirrlicrirliirrr
gUdeHines, Ipirotocols, and Ipiroceduires, and to cooperate Wth WASPC oin all
giraint imoinitoirling irequests, inciu6ing irequests r6lated to desk reviews,
e err ha err ced pirog era imimatic desk reviews, and/oir site visits, Fhe irelilyliirrt adires
to pirov lid e to WASPC aIHl dOCUime err la Ali oerr necessairy to coimpllete imo err lit oiri err g
tasks, the irecilpient agirees to abide IV y reasonable deadHines set IV y
WASPC foir Ir irovl6ing the irequested documents, [:aHuire to cooperate Wth
WASPC's giraint imoinftoirling acflVfles may itesuit liin sa err ctbins affecthng the
ire Ali Ifs le err t's awairds, hclud lei ng, IVYut err ot H limn fted to err HIV,flhoidiings aerr d/oir obheir
July 7, 2020 E - 43
restirlcboins oin it he re lily bin it's access to girain t funds, Irefeirrai to it he Office of
bhe State Au6toir for as u6t IreVewl oirteirimhnaboin of a in awaird(s)
11,...l.�he CON l [RAC..1...D[R ackin owl edges that sub awards are notauthoirlzed,
'12, 1 he CON I IRAC I OR agirees to sut)im t to WASPC for IreVew and appirovai
any cuirirlicuia, tiraliin lilrr ImaaDeirbis, 1pr pos IputAcaboins, Irepoirts, oir any bheir
wirIittein Imateirbis Hmt WH IVYe put)H§hed, li includhng web Ibased Imateirbis and we
§te content, DI irough funds firoim tNs giraint at ieast thhrty (30) work6ing days If irbir
to the targeted d sseimlinafloin date,
'13, AppHcaints must ceirflify that II imlted EingHsh Profbeincy Ipeirsoins have
meainlingfui access to the seirvlices under tNs IY irogiraim(s), Nafloinai oirlghn
dlscirhm Ire a lice Ire lilrncbdes 6scirhm Ire afloin oin DI Ir a§s of Himlted IC ingHsh pirof1beincy
IEP), lb ensuire coimpHaince Wth l itle`VI and the Safe Streets Act, rebpleints are
reqUired to take reasonable steps to einsuire that III IEP Ipeirsoins I as Im aanlim,#W
access to th&ir IY irogiraims IMeainlingful access Imay einta0 Ipirov lid liing iainguage
as§staince seirvlices, Iiinciudliing oiral and wirfttein tirainslafloin whein necessairy l �he
US Depairtiment of Jusflce Maas issued gU daince for giraintees to heip theim coimpiy
Wth 1 V eqU He ` � rireiments, l �he gUdaince docuiment cain Ibe accessed oin the
intennet at www,iep, ,
'14, Grantee agrees to coimpiy Wth DI Irequlireimrims of 28 C Part 46
and ali Office of Jusbice Pirogiraims IY libes and procedures iregairdliing the
pirotectbin of Inuimain Iresearch subjects, incbd ing obtahniment of Illysfltufloinal
[Revlew I: oaird appirovai, if appirqpirlate, and subject lilnfoirimed consent,
'15, Grantee agrees to coimpiy Wth ali coin F�deinflalfty IreqUireiments of 42 U'S'C'
sectbin 37899 and 28 Part 22 that are appHcabie to coliectbin, use, and
reveiatbin of data oir lilnfoirimatbin, Grantee Fuirbheir as Ira; as as coinditioin of giraalr t
appirovaIII, to subirnit as IPirlivaacy Ceirbificate bhat liar llin accord wibh requirerneints of 28
C [�Z IPairt 22 aind, llin Il airticUair, sechoin 22 23
'16, AIli pirovaIII of bh awaird does InoD llinrJkaDa* appirovaIII of ainy coinsUtaint irate llin
excess of$650 Ipeir(lay
'IT /VlI piromxreirneint (contract) tiraimsacfloims uxndeir. th ,s award i be
coin6.�cted IIIna IrnaInIn ;Ir'that IIs coimsI,steint Wth 2 C [R ����)airt 2()() and ",:I)tate and
bcaIII Ilbw
I,h 's C 0 1,[RAC F contahms the enthre agireernent of the pairfles and Irnany Inot Ikea
rnodHied or arneinded except a,,:; provkIed Iheira hn Phe CGI'�JF[RACFG[R shaIlI
peribirrn liIn accordance Wth the spebfic and geineir4I teirirns and coimifloims of thl,,>
July 7, 2020 E - 44
CGN F[Rykc F No otheir u.cndeinstainding, oir,4I or, writte in, reg air ding the su.bject
irnatter, of thl,s COIN F[Rykc 1, shaIlI be deeirned to ekst or, to Ikrlilr d any of tIh Ipairtle,,>
heireto Phe COINP[RACFOI:R shaIlI coirrp y Wth dlI appIhcaUb Illrrms, oirdinaince,,>,
code,s, ireg�.flafloims and pdh6es of bGa��, state, and state goveirinirneint,,; Fhil�:;
COIN P[Rykc 1, coimsl,sts of the fdlowhng doc�xrneint,,:>
'I. NMI I F�]�R IC 2020 001 CGN IC I:RAC IC F ace Sheet
2, Contract .'�'D'pecii iic eirimz> and C,oindfloin,,>
lin bhe eve int of ainy lilnccrinsisteincy llin bhis CONFF[�ZAM , urfless o the irwise
pirovided Ih ire iin, bhe lilnccrinsist inc y s[,4HI be rescflved Iby gli li ln IFSIre cedeince lily'
t h e fo III Ill ow li in g c)ird e ir
'I, AppIhcaUb fedeird stab.wtes and reg.flafloin,,>
2, /\IpIpIIIIicalblllec:;tatec:;tatu,.rtec:; and iregu.flafloin,,>
3. IC IF...FIV::IVF 2('101) COIN P[RAC F [::ace Sheet
4 ,�OIN P[RAC F .4��33peciific le' rirnc; and Coindfloin,,>
July 7, 2020 E - 45
This Agreement is made by and between the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter code city
and municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter called "City," and Olympic
Peninsula Community Clinic (OPCC), a Washington state Non.-Profit Corporation, hereinafter
called "Contractor."
IN CONSIDERATION of the payments, covenants, and agreements hereinafter
mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties agree as follows:
I Services:
The Contractor shall supply to the City the services of one contracted employee equaling
I FTE, who have the skill, training, and competency to perform, to the satisfaction of the
City, the scope of work contained in the WASPC 2020-2021 Mental Health Field
Response Teams Program Grant Agreement, The contract is attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference
1 Term: This Agreement is effectively immediately and shall remain in force and effect
L rrn:
until June 30, 2021
3. Cornpensation:
The City shall pay Contractor the approximately $7,000 per month for each month during
which the Contractor is in full compliance with the scope of work identified in paragraph
I above. The amount shall be prorated for each month during which the Contractor is in
partial compliance. In any event, total payment to Contractor shall not exceed $84,000.
4. JlLn"de endent Contractor Status:
The relationship created by this Agreement is that of employer/independent contractor.
The Contractor is not an employee of the City and is not entitled to the benefits provided
by the City to its employees. The Contractor is an independent contractor and has the
authority to control and direct the performance within the scope of services.
The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the payment of all federal, state, and
local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to,
unemployment insurance, social security, industrial insurance, and income tax.
S. Indemnification/Hold Harmless:
The Contractor agrees to release, indemnify, defend, and save harmless the City, its
officers, employees and agents from and against any and all liability, loss, damage,
expense, actions and claims, including costs and reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by
the City, its officers, employees and agents in defense thereof, occurring or arising
directly or indirectly on account of or out of act or omissions of the Contractor, its
officers, employees and agents.
July 7, 2020 E - 46
It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided
herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title
51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually
negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement.
6. Authority:
'The Contractor does not have, and shall not hold itself out as having, authority to create
any contract or obligation that is binding on the City.
T Assi mabilit
The Contractor shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement or delegate any
performance under this Agreement.
& LEmployees of the Contractor:
All services to be performed by the Contractor herein shall only be performed by the
Contractor and not by employees or others unless by specific written consent of the City.
9 Wage in Hours Law Com fiance:
The Contractor shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Fair Labor Standards
Act and any other laws affecting its employees, if any, and the rules and regulations
issued there under insofar as applicable to its employees and shall at all times indemnify,
defend and save the City free, clear and harmless, from and against any and all actions,
claims, demands, expenses arising out of the Act or laws and rules and regulations that
are or may be promulgated in compunction herewith.
M L-,qua1_ExnVlo ment 0 ortunity:
The parties shall conduct their business in a manner which assures fair, equal and non.-
discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed, color, sex,
Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or
national origin, and, in particular:
a. The parties will maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome
applications for employment in all positions from qualified individuals who are
members of the above stated minorities.
b. The parties will comply strictly with all requirements of applicable federal, state
or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment
of non-discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and
assuring the service of all patrons and customers without discrimination with
respect to the above-stated minority status.
I I Ap2licable L.aw:
This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the
State of Washington.
12, Termination:
July 7, 2020 E - 47
Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, by giving
written notice to the other party of such termination and specifying the effective date. In
such event, Contractor shall be compensated, and City shall be liable only for payment of
services already rendered under this Agreement prior to effective date of termination.
13. Enttijrg-�reernent:
The parties agree that this Agreement is a complete expression of the terms hereto and
any oral representation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Contractor have executed this Agreement as
of the date of the last signature written below.
Olympic Peninsula Community Clinic 321 E 5 th Street
819 E. Georgiana Street Port Angeles, WA 93862
Port Angeles, WA 98362
----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Date:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
William E. Bloor, City Attorney Kari Martinez.-Bailey, City Clerk
July 7, 2020 E - 48
i rrrr% po
_- .: c Ir' Y c:�cal u�I� c i I..
Ipt : July 7, 2020
TO: City Council
IFrom Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk
Allyson Brekke, Director c?f C'ornmunity and Economic Development
Sulbj t: Planning Commission Appointments
Summary: Appointment of new Planning Commissioners
IR or r in tioin: Appoint Richie Abuja, Steve Luxtom, MaroleeSmith and Colin Young to the
Planning Commission and accept the staff recommended term assignments outlined in the memo.
Background / Analysis: The Planning Commission is comprised of seven positions. Due to recent
resignations and term expirations, there are fain vacancies on the Commission. On February 4, 2020,
Council members Meyer, Schromem-Wawrim and Suggs were assigned to an ad hoc committee to review
applications for the Planning Commission in order to make a recommendation to the Council on
On 7/t 9/20t 9 and i2/23/2O 9 staff advertised for the vacant positions on the Commission. The most
recent advertisement closed on January 2t, 2020 and two applications were received after the closing
elate. Over the last year, a total of 6 applications have been received. The individuals who have submitted
applications are:
Justin Ellis
.lame Vanderhoof
Colin Young
Steve t,uxtom-rcvd 5/20
Ritchie Ahuja-rcvd 3/20
The ad-hoc committee recommends Council appoint Richie Abuja, Steve Luxtom, MaroleeSmith and
Collin Young to the Planning Commission and suggests the applicants be assigned randomly to the terms
Per the ad hoc committee's request, staff has assigned the following random term assignments:
Name Term(s)
MaroleeSmith Filling unexpired term 3/0 t/20 t 7-2/28/202 t
Steve Luxtom 3/0t/2020-2/29/2024
Colin Young Filling unexpired term ending 2/28/2023
Richie Ahuja 3/0t/2020-02/29/2024
July 7,
Existing Members:
Name Term(s)
Andrew Schwab, Vice Chair Current term: 3/0 t/20 t 8-2/28/2022
Amy Powell, Commissioner Current term: 3/t/20 t 9-2/28/2023
Ben.lairfin Stanley, Chair Filling unexpired term 3/11/2Ot8-2/28/2022
Funding Overview: N/A.
Attached: Applications
July 7, 2020 E - 50
T he City
Advisory Board Application
Planning Commissuon
ppl mama Name andGeneral Information
Film Last
Address (.7fty State Zip
..... .......... _.._.. ...... ...... .
llrrrar;r.lnluu.am Work phoruuaa Cell pinaaan
��. ...�. ............ -------- ____,....��..� .....,
F, aaranrl�aaNalr•cs;,
Certification and Location Information
Ara you employed by tla Citay(rl°Port Angeles? —.— Y_ . _. .u. ... Yes
Are you a citizen of the United Staates?,.......... ........ Yes
Are you aRegistered Von .. � . M.�...�� . �,. .. .,.... ��. _...._.... YesL)
l'l"',O,hOW 1011 , ,. . ... .. .., ,., ,. . .. r1
Dun yaaaa own/ntanage as b usiva ss lrn th e City? ... ...0._._ . ... ..,,o.. yes N' ,
Do you hold,any laira°nf ssraaa°aaal ficenses,ra,lalkiration or certificates in any field'? n. . Ye's w �
If so,,pr aaan. list"
Are you aware of any conflict of i ntevem which might a4G usar by your slervice on the aadr i.wry board that you are applying for^a
If aaa,please explain,
.......w .,...
T M °� n . ekes
Work mar j,rofeisional Experience U t rnost recent experience rienc 1rrwst„ or atlacti TeSU �
��.. ..... .. �.... .... ...............................
ruutra er
, 'IV J- " �
Briefjuubdn'cripti n
. g ! �'
t".ruu lover
L ,
1'. iW�u '�.... "lad l
rief job&stripti un
Education,—List most recent experience first
c l
fiumslrl.a�aluruuu�T.,cuaauluruur �Degree ajar area ofStudygt���" rnuccr
°� � � ll i4 ��'VrgV� QY m ", ofS�tul � � a C �9
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"r"°es No
— ------......
truuuuumlitlIIJ.*w%9T6uu t.'lu aceu«,ama^ud/Maulou area of'Sludy G auduuueid?
Charitable,lc, atcial and Civic Activities and Memberships — List tl`mumjor activities you have participated 11'1
during the fast five years
tuuruulicrrr ........ ..........��_.�.��.. .
.......................t.auu�auts' ���rAutucrsu�tu.°hll�le�tuv �.�.. _ ........................ ............
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tr,auairiuruui�f e
,.. l w u a «p.....
Mid description of your ururti
l r ur ruu0ur urll'. a Grouup's PUrpcuse,/o' ec five
Brief suription ofyour parfi.upaution.�.,w..�..�� ��....���........ ..w
I r
'The City o�f P,or�t Angeles
Planning Commission Supplemental Questionnaire
l. Why are ou interesting in becorning au Planning Ccwanuu issio ner'
� ,
�. .... . ...... -..�. .. __.... � " �� �Sul � _.....
.:...,,,,_..w ..... � 1 " .. j �.
I, Plea describe the basic intent unl"Oic Wa a lniungto n State Growth Management Act,
3. What is the importance of the Port Angeles Conipirchensivc Plan and what rums does, it play uan City
decision unnaa ing
�.............. ............ .,w o..�m, ,� „ssssw., ... ......... ... .......m.�mm,�„h..v
. .t .. �.. � ......... .. .rorororororo ��.�. . ... .........
u Opposing viewpointsare anru,urui tiann s expressed alnnn iun,g pub he'uings. What factors, °rnuu:I'd you rely onu
to d t rnrnnn e your response or action?
a ra
, Are You fau nnfllaar with the Conflict nllict:of Interest Law and Appearance of Fairttess Doctrine of Washington
State? Based s rl on your uuuuaflerstaanl(kri „ do you ariticipate any Potential conflicts thaat niay la.eep you fro nn
participlating in un°naattunrs heard (lie Planning "aurunun:nis io n?
._..(U%^, ev%^P— wwww a,mV � , yr-1 M ... *., �... �CA4
it��q r��J�l'ydlll�ii�
uThe City of Port Angeles
Ad i ry Boar ication
6. Describe 'what you think makes fn'orrt Att duw a great place to live and work.
Wfartdc) o u focal ruim srrrrueof the key issiaes, facirugtY°uu;City gray n rut the next 35 years?
S. PlanningCommission meetings are on the second utrutf f iurtlr Wednesday of cacti utuurrutfu. Do you fbi-esee problems attending these inleelings on a regular basils u
�� ....... � ... ...,., .:�:. ...:.. �.. � t.:l.. r�, .�..� � .... .........
�� � .....
li��u nrt lguuatur°c
Suiilrrurit completed form to: Office olf the City Clerk Kari liar^time-ttafle
.,"nty of lnrrrt Angel 360 l..l 4634
321 East Sur'Street krnlrruitu; iOcit rofPau.uu:
Port Angeles, WA 98362
in cord N ance,with rhe Anieficans Nwireln Disabilifies Aci,if your rued special acconnn^icidxnfiarr k ecau">t:ofa phy6 al tirrrtr�rr��.nr'w,
please awcrntacs thL City trrr°wgc s(Kfive and.360-4 t -4 00, o can be awle,.
°t"lror,w ulana:u"Ie nt druul all avached inf6ruuwtrtion ms considered a public record and rrray lur(lisaributed to rr .uurbers of ilue Gl
t°urUrunnin I"O"urppo" nrnuru,rar crarsidcrrtirarr, di(iorrarlly it r"rr.ur;y trca,urme a lra:ru I a C iq C.uurnncil paickrt.
Richic Alhi 'rely' (512)744 8926
1 17'W 41'h Street, 1Port Angetes, WA 918362 efTlaii[ SOliClarilVilrIPAAOInaLlcom
Ain expert In low carbon develop gjtat,climate smart,agriiCWtUre(CSA,), and carbon imarkets, a reailuuPar
advisor to, among others, PMO-Indfa, World Bainik, Government of South Korea, global Iphulantlhropnc
community, Meridian Insfitute, Food and Agriculture Organization, Hmate and CIean our Coaliftion, Gold
Standard Foundation, Verified Carbon Standards, ands CG,IAR.
Co-author of several) peer-reviewed paper and book chapters. Extensive experience�with electronic,and print
media, and launchingi (wrth our partners The IP lunger Project)a climate change educational movie arolhmamy
that has now beein trainis,late!d into multiple local:: languages,
Over a decade of global work experience in fri Australia, UK, USA and the Caribbean spanning industries
ranging from telecom, Iogistics, petrochemicals, banking, and software,
Professional "ExpeCience
Current Envirortmentali IDefonise Fund,Now York, NY
Senior Director, Global Climate
Spearheaded the development and execution,of EOF's engagement strategy in Indiia and'Vetnam,
Read the local in-country and internabonal teasr of scientists and consiultants,and worked with over
18 local partners to deploy national prograrrs.
Worked i with founders to raise resources for EIDF and our in-oountry partners.
20,08-2017 Envirortmentall IDefense Fund,, Now York,NY
Regiona,l Dire,ctor, Asia
* With pa�rtners,recently[aunched India's MD technology bille a )based platform to di 360 diegree
, _ A.L
value chain servrres to,farmers. Over 2 years the platform has registered-42,000 farnineirs,
* Founder and!co-drIver of the F (Ft IN), a network at INGOs that has,delivered on
the promise of a peer to peerr learning platform and helped NI work together to test and
implement scalable data driven illow carbon rural deveilopment programs to,nearly 300,000 rural
households. The program has diepIoyed clean cooking systems to over 100,0010 (households,and
d irnate sn'llart agriculture to over 50,10,00 small holder fairmers across India
Facilitated india's,largest retail dOlTrestic offset prograim with lindirGo Airlines, lindia's largest carrier,
which allows passengers to,offset their chmate pollution from travel. We linked this effod wItii,n the
FCN to generate cairbon finance for cali expenditures required to deploy low-carbon technoilogies.
Over 36 months, under thiis prograrn IndlGo comirnitled over US D 7 Milhon for low carbon rurall
deveilopment,Additional agreements on simi�llar lines have been reached with India's fortune 20
Catal[yzed and supported the torrination of other institutions such as indmin Youith Chirniate "e (,),L
j!)LQ�N , India's largest youth network on climate change, and an independent
multi party body of elected leaders,focused on addressing climate change iin the country.
• Envisioned and established podia's largest field network of G-reenhouse Gias Mieas-uremen't-Ialo-s,to
inform ou W r Ork on dirraite smart agricmilture and develop better errission factors,for the country.
• Oversaw the GSA Program In Vietnam which culmiinated in a national pollkcy dilalog on low err ions
agriculture and a national cominnitmeni by Vietiniarn to,reduce its agriculture GHG footprint.
• other responsibiIiities Jndude leadiing the engagement on CSA and dimate finance In the UNFOCC
negotiations and in helping lay the groundwork to taunch the Gloi alliance on Alin ate Smart
Agriculture which now has its i in Rori Italy..
20,06—2,008 Environimontal Defense Fund,Austin,TX
Regk,mal Fhshories Coordinator, Guff of Mexico
- Authored a background paper on IndIvidual Fishing Quota(IFQ)allocation methodology for Texas
inshore shrimp fishery,
. Conducted an industry level financial analysis to understand the impact of the I Ft program
implemented in the Alaskan Haftiout Fishery.
. Conceived and implemented an innoyabyle shrimp trap that reduced the pressure on rn an
July 7, 2020 improved fisheirmen's,profits by-25%.Worked with marginal fishermen In the L _ Nidreoai
Richie Ahujia "Tel: (512) 744 8926
117 W 410 Street, l rt An gelles, WA 98362 ernafl: Lj�(QP6&qMia�O,qqrn
Mexico, UnWersily of Texas, SAG7A.RPA(Mexiico's Fisheries Managernent Agency),and the l,aical
maqufladoiras to develop,test and irnplement a new shdrnp trap madle of waste stream plastic as an
alternative to,wood procured ft-om local mangroves,
20,05 Texas Public Interest Reso air ch Group, Austin,TX
Cotrununity Otyanizer,apd Fundraiser
2003—2004 TrusteSolutions (TES), Houston, TX
Business Development Manager, Western USA
20101 -210013 Parallax Solutions,San Pedro,Belize
Erjtre reneufiaf Venture (CEO),
* Arvival sales of$2,5 miflion plus for voice and idaita services
1998l—2000 In Inc.,IHoustr n, TX
Mara,ger, International Business Development
1994— 1995 Paperback Ltd., Londloini, 'UK
Consuftant& Project Manager
1992- 1994 Atlas Consulting, London, UK
Associalte Consultant
19901— 1991 TNT Ltd., Sydney,,Australia
Assistant Manager, Ciorplorale Plantlif7g
1996— 1997 Thunderbird, Garvin School of llinternational Management, Glendale,,AZ
Master of tntemationalManagement
19,901 St. Xavier's College, Calcutta, India
Bachelor ot Gran n wce(Honors)
Associations and Ill eM§jLships
,,.[g.bal lliano 'nartA'CLLituire— riiiel[Tlberof Strategic Coln'imittee
...........Shared'Value lnitiativ Board of Advisors
jtidLian Youth 'lff rk— Board o�f Advisors,
_L jgtg-Ngjv2_
Foreign,Affaits., From Copenhagen to Paris
Frontiefs,in Nutrition,- Moolas cook stoves for a heaitty, atjd_ LLsLta
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosysterns: GroundnUt CUffivation on semi-arid peniiinsular India for ViOd scaled
nitrous oxid�e,emsssaoini red ugfio
Carbion Managernent San Olin guidelines and analykal w0mization for d4ect greenhg s gL E qjta�QrI5.
frorn tropical rlceand up4nd i_ggj
Submitted to Nature and Science:High nitrous oxide fluxes call for integrated'r�o-n,)ai,lagertien,t of rice
growing practices
Climate Chan,qe end Food Swsten,w Assessin fri olaicts and 0�Lessin �iacls�ancl Q�norhj�nflies
Blogs: Among others-Ege din g_9 i Lliq Li 1c it facj!lg uLto diniate 8ran e; and Eass@Ljgers on Ind ia's
la tyjOe qq.[LncL p iig!lt W invest in low qa.r-b.o.n,.,r.ur.a-1 de elo_.L
July 7, 2020 E - 56
Ric hie Al "tell. ( 1 )1 4144 8926
117 W4nh Street„ Port Angelles, WA 918362 email:
Public Lectures, and I Ir �remw��u ivapn
Visiting lectu Tres at University of Texas at, u.astnn, Unlversity of Michigan" University of teeidnnlEngland;ll
Berlin Social Scene Centef ( 1 , Berlin; Georgetown University, Washington DQ N tinnell Institute of
Advanced Studies, Indian, Institute of Science, en elbru , India,
"w,ahou.us public presentations, arnong Gathers„ at the, United Nations Framework Convention on CHniete
Change( I"COC), World Sustainable Development Surnmit, Glodsll Landscape Forum, Food and
rli uiture Organization, end Shared VallueSummit..
L ni!gu agens
Native: En dish, Hindil and Punjabi; Beginnec Spanish,
July 7, 57
July 7,
.,w... Y ,
�� The City of Port Angeles
�� Advisory Board Application
Planning Commission
Applicant Name and General Information
Justin E Ellis
First Ml Last
1203 Caroline St, Port Angeles, WA,98362
Address City State Zip
21.7 418 3875
Home phone Work phone Cell phone
E-mail address
Certification and Location Information
Are you employed by the City of Part Angeles?....__... Yes No
Are you a citizen of the United States?...................... _..............._........................ ..............__ ___..................... Yes No
Areyou a Registered Voter?,___....._....................._.........,..,,,,,..........,...._................,...............,.,._.....,............_................._...............,......,_.........,..,.....,......,.......,.. Yes No
Areyou a City resident?. ............. ....... ...............____............. .................. ................ Yes No
Ei years -~ W-�
If so,how long:........................................................._.,.,.,.,,..........,,.,..,,.,.,...........,.._,.................._,,,...............,....,.....,.......,,.....................,,.....,..,...........,...................,.,..,............
Doyou own/manage a business in the City`?....................................................._......................................____...............___.............,............................., Yes No
Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field?......................................................„ ,
If so,please list: Licensed Mariner,Commissioned Officer,Federal Contracting Officer's Representative
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for?
If so,please explain:
I operate a rental property in the city
July 7,
� c The City g of Port Angeles
Advisory .Beard. Application
Work or Professional Experience- List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
Please see attached resume
Brief job description
Brief job description
Brief job description
Education—List most recent experience first
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
Active member of Elk lodge and Feiro Marine Life Center
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation
July ,
The City of Port Angeles
Advisory Board Application
Planning Commission Supplemental Questionnaire
1. Why are you interesting in becoming a Planning Commissioner?
I'm looking for an appropriate way to get more involved in the cormmunity. I've lived here for some time now and my wife
and I own a couple properties,being apart of shaping the future of our city is appealing and motivating.
2. Please describe the basic intent of the Washington State Growth Management Act.
To promote intentional sustainable growth with regard to the environment,our quality of life,and our economy.
3. What is the importance of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and what role does it play in City
decision making?
The comprehensive plan codifies our compliance with WGMA mentioned above. It is the basis upon which local
Governmental decisions are to be made. It is a multi-year(2 decade)plan intended to reflect the goals and desires
of the community.
4. Opposing viewpoints are sometimes expressed during public hearings. What factors would you rely on
to detertnine your response or action?
Objective acceptance of differing ideas and viewpoints,it's important to see issues from other people's perspective and
Appreciate the strength that diversity lends to a community. Urban and rural planning should ideally'blend the will of the
Community with best practices,sound research and expert advice,while following the direction provided by the
Comprehensive plan.
5. Are you familiar with the Conflict of Interest Law and Appearance of Fairness Doctrine of Washington
State? Based on your understanding, do you anticipate any potential conflicts that may keep you from
participating in matters heard the Planning Commission?
Yes and no.
July 7,
The City of Port Angeles
Advisory Board Application
6. Describe what you think makes Port Angeles a great place to live and work.
The mountains,the sea,the history,the culture,and my favorite restaurants.I like to live where I want to spend my
Weekends and for me that's Port Angeles.The challenging part is keeping my work nearby.
7. What do you feel are some of the key issues facing the City today and in the next 3-5 years?
How to attract the right kind of industry,how to manage tourism effectively,how to strengthen relationships with tribes and
Federal entities in the region,how to strategically curb the drug epidemic,how to make Port Angeles the perfect place
To raise a family.
8. Planning Commission meetings are on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Do you foresee
any problems attending these meetings on a regular basis?
Yes,I can most likely only attend half of these meetings in person as I work 2/4 weeks a month in Newport,OR.
/S/Justin Ellis 05MAR19
Applicant Signature Date
Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey
City of Port Angeles 360-4174634
321 East 5'Street kmbailey@cityofpa.us
Port Angeles,WA 98362
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,
please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made.
This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City
Council for appointment consideration. Additionally,it may become a part of a City Council packet.
July 7, 2020 E - 62
Justin E. Ellis
NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette
1897 Ranger Loop Road,BLDG#184
Honolulu,HI 96818
To apply my technical and agricultural education at the University of Illinois and work experience,from
the US Navy and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,to a career with upward mobility
and opportunities for continuing education.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration August 2010--Present
• Junior Officer aboard NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette December 2010 Present
• NOAA Corps Basic Officer.•Training Class August 2010 December 2010
University of Illinois.1anuaty 2010-August 2010
• Laboratory Technician in air quality lab,Newmark Laboratory,with Dr.Tami Bond
o Work published in April,2011 by USAID
• Research Assistant in crop sciences department with Dr.Sarah Taylor Lovell
US Navy September 1999-July 2005
• USS Montpelier,SSN-765 July 2001-.July 2005
• Nuclear Machinist Mate 2nd Class
• Engine Room Supervisor,Senior Position(2002-2005)
• Preventative Maintenance Coordinator,Engineering Department(2002-2005)
■ Experienced Radioactive Controls Worker
■ Top Secret Government Security Clearance
■ Quality Assurance Craftsman/Inspector
• Navy Nuclear Power Program September 1999-July 2001
• Academic and hands on training in nuclear power and basic mechanical operations
• Awards
• Navy Achievement Medal
■ Navy Good Conduct Medal
• Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
• Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
■ Sea Service Deployment Ribbon
■ Enlisted Submarine Warfare Breast Insignia
• Honorable Discharge
■ Two letters of commendation from USN Admirals
■ Letter of commendation from Commanding Officer
• Command recommendation for early promotion to Petty Officer First Class
Global Maritime and Transportation School August 2010 Present
Coast Guard licensing program as 3d mate with 1600 ton near coastal restriction.
University of Illinois College of Agriculture,Urbana-Champaign August 2005-December 2009
B.Sc.in Technical Systems Management with concentration in Business Administration in
December 2009
US Navy,USS Montpelier,SSN-765 January 2004-December 2004
Quality Assurance Inspector and Hydraulic Theory Certification
Naval Nuclear Power Training Command September 1999-July 2001
Certified Mechanical Operator-Prototype Nuclear Reactor and associated engine room
propulsion plant
July 7, 2020 E 63
Professional Organizations and Credentials
Engineers Without Borders--UIUC Chapter,Member(August ZOOS Present)and Treasurer(2006)
Merchant Marino Credentials
DC7D Common Access Card
Transportation Worker Identification Credential
First Aid and CPR
Fast Rescue Boat Operator
GMDSS Radio Operator
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Representative
References available on request
The Clity of Porgy- Angeles
,.,� Boar Application
Planning Commission
Applicant Name and General Information
➢ hest Ml Last
Address (."ity State Zip
Iforne la'frw'arae Work lr➢Ogre, Cell p'➢gone
Certification and Location Information
Are your ru ployei-I by the City of Port ........ .......... Yes
Are your a citizen of the United ...... . ... ....._, ..,.,..,.:: . ,.......... .... .....,. �.:.,.� �..... .b:,. e� o
Are you aRegistered „,.,..... No
Axe Y
Fso,how long: ,. ,..... , ...........
➢'err you own/manap a business in the City" ...,..M. ....,... ..........,-, ............... No
o yoru held any professiaw iW lipwises,regisin-atiaarns or cerdficatLs in any field?............... _. .......... ....._... No
If so,please fi3c
_p _. , ..
°"T 0 r r'➢ t" t�, 4 lbZ)g'� �T m wry«.rl 16 m
re you aware,of any eon lr .t ofinterest which rvi )at arise by yoiw sair~vicv,on,,the,ativi ory board that,you are applying for"?
If So,Please explain:
a A Hj> C7fiW?j.L>1 " l 'rTv A- Ark F�Tt-r
° ,
The City of Port Angeles
Advisory Board Application
Work or Professional Experience - List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
U 5 AfZ r"`1 e-0R?5 ev— 1=f-4 C.W E575
Dr1 I-lzp)wHG
Brief job description
Ly7� So L-F i-L.G
t3y!Lfl 114 f sib /-1NG el-as
Brief job description
�5yc.p JHc- / 1HTry.3LNATior,lAL.. 5}aIFHoLP0Ca
)`+r P� 7.6>Z Ca$o ` 750 G{CGS
Brief job description
Education—List most recent experience first
CAI_I-V:0r44lA, t--NkNQI-rlr^1 I�6AC)}- � No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
t-1tY" S)L.1A GOLLS-&E l6ec; L)IV4N 14V � l-? !.- Apt
Y� No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation
July 7,
COPA Planning Commision Application - Luxton Questionnaire
1. The housing shortage is the major bottleneck in the equitable development of
Port Angeles and most other West Coast cities. Current regulation at all levels
has had the unintended consequence of creating a situation where only high and
medium end housing products are commercially viable. If this direction is allowed
to continue, housing affordability will continue to decline. People who have lived
in a community for generations will no longer be able to afford to live there, as
wealthier newcomers take their place. We are seeing this playing out across the
West right now as those unable to find housing call for rent control and public
housing schemes. Port Angeles is a few years behind where other Western cities
are today, that means we still have a chance to craft development regulation that
puts affordable housing back on a level playing field.
2. The Growth Management Act (GMA) of 1990 requires cities, counties and other
subdivisions of the state to actually create an overall plan (Comprehensive Plan)
for growth in their jurisdiction and follow through with it. Cities and counties have
had varying levels of success following through with the goal outlines in the act.
Some low population areas opted out of the regulation entirely.
3. The COPA comprehensive plan is a document that guides the city`s decision
making and future plans. It is a requirement of the GMA. Translating the
generalized goals of these types of plan into functional legislation is the hard
pa rt.
4. Dissent and disagreement is the forge of good ideas. As a citizen, If your
legislative and decision making bodies never have a disagreement you got bad
things coming your way.
5. No, I am not familiar with those laws and would like training on how to comply
with them. I am currently working to build houses and multifamily in Port Angeles.
also do some limited contracting work.
6. There is no other place in North America that has access to as many outdoor
activities within 30 mins as Port Angeles. Between access to Victoria, the Coast
and the whole of the Olympics the location is legendary, Port Angeles has been
spared from the unrelenting corporatized growth of the 1-5 corridor. The economic
troubles we have faced here have also preserved our city's uniqueness. There is
an eclectic, friendly and homey nature to this town that is not found elsewhere.
7, 67
7. The related problems of housing shortages and homelessness are the biggest
issues the town faces. Without new housing, our restaurant workers, grocers, the
single mothers, they will be the losers and they will be the ones packing their
bags to leave town. We will all suffer from their departure but those of us
insulated by our pocketbooks will face only a minor disruption. Some of those
workers will decide to move into their car or a motel while they search for some
place to go or stay. Some will leave town, for some the car that was a temporary
shelter from the rain will become permanent. As they are today, our parks, our
downtown and public spaces will become the sitting rooms and bedrooms of the
downtrodden and the sick. We have decided as a society to neither help them
nor remove them from our gaze. Much enjoyment has been lost from public
spaces as they become refuges for those with nowhere to go.
8. No.
July °7,
l 1
The City of Pot Angeles
. ,�..,. a.. .... I,,..,
Advisory Board Applic tion
Planning Commission
Applicant Natne and General Inforination
Marolee D. Smith
... �.� .� . �. ... .��.. . ............................................
Address City State Zip
�ro...�.......... .....
_m.... _. , ,.. ........................__...w____,.. ,._......._.__.
lfl¢raaGc faNrc'.le Wearly lrlaone Cell phone
E-mail address
Certification and Location Information
Are you employed by 01 C`Nltyr of Port Angeles?--, Yes NX
Are you a t;atazeaa of[lie United . ".... No
Are YOU ca RegiSte:r d Voter?....... .... .............................................. ..._................................................... . No
Are,you a(1ty uesarlruala .... .... . ...........",..,.. .. .......- . .. ...,, .......-... ... .. ..,._ _ ,...,..,. ,.. ..... ... ............. W,,S No
ll`tea,how Na'ag: ..� �......._
Do you,eawn"ttr,araua e a busr ess in the City? ...,._ _..,, Yes N
Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any Piele9?.......U„ ,,,, Yes �a
If'so,please list:
Are:yu,,waware of any conflict of purla.p-esl wlwh r*glrt.arise by yOUT SearViCC cart mlae,adViSory board thW,y uu are:applying fav?
If so, lease explrtl�w
� The City of Port Angeles
Advisory Board Application
Work or Professional Experience- List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
Self (John C. Dvorak Company & No Agenda Show, LLC)
research, writing (author), editing, bookkeeping, PR & Marketing, contracts and whatever else
Brief job description
Gates Distribution (Microcomputer distributor)
Everything: sales, marketing, shipping, set-up books, co-op marketing program. Start-up company.
Brief job description
Crocker National Bank
help desk, supervisor, manager, AVP of Online Services. Research, writing, speaking, meetings & reports
Brief job description
Education—List most recent experience first
Yes No(
Merritt College(Peralta) Oakland,CA Administration of Justice
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
Organ izationdl-ocationGroup's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation
The City of Port Angeles
. .w Advisory Board Application
Planning Commission Supplemental Questionnaire
1. Why are you interesting in becoming a Planning Commissioner?
I am well read, do good research, and have skills that would benefit the commission and the council.
2. Please describe the basic intent of the Washington State Growth Management Act.
The Growth Management Act (RCW 36, 70A) aims to limit sprawl, manage housing stock for all residents,
foster property rights (protect landowners from arbitrary and discrimatory action); provide open space for
recreation, conserve wildlife and fish habitat, and encourage citizen participation and transparency.
3. What is the importance of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and what role does it play in City
decision making?
The plan is to articulate goals, objectives, and polices -- to identify a vision for the future of the
City of Port Angeles -- for all to adhere to, and keep in mind (for the few exceptions to the rule). It should
be compatible with the Comprehensive Plans of the cities around us, and the county's vision.
4. Opposing viewpoints are sometimes expressed during public hearings. What factors would you rely on
to determine your response or action?
The richness of life is enhanced by diversity and compromise.
Opposition is often from misunderstanding, or the emotion of being threatened. All viewpoints
are valid, and worth consideration. If the Growth Management Act and the comprehensive plan are the
de facto standard, then all things should be viewed, and responded to, with that lens.
5. Are you familiar with the Conflict of Interest Law and Appearance of Fairness Doctrine of Washington
State? Based on your understanding, do you anticipate any potential conflicts that may keep you from
participating in matters heard the Planning Commission?
The Conflict of Interest Laws are somthing near-and-dear to my heart.
In the 1970's I was a citizen lobbyist working for bills which included sunshine laws, and consumer protection.
This included working hard to ensure that the Brown Act and Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act
became what is known as the "California Open Meetings Act" (CA code 54950-54963, and Statues 120-11132)
July 7, 2020 E - 71
` The City of Port Angeles
Advisory Board Application
6. Describe what you think makes Port Angeles a great place to live and work.
Port Angles is a remote, and unique community. I has the potential to be an amazing place.
7. What do you feel are some of the key issues facing the City today and in the next 3-5 years?
We are not prepared for another economic downturn. As it is we are not fully providing for the people of
area --as evidenced by the massive drug problems, homelessness, and low wages of our citizens. We
MUST not continue to mis-step when it comes to internet (fiber), STEM and vocational training, attracting
the next generation of residents, industry, and busines --to work towards becoming a strong community.
8. Planning Commission meetings are on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Do you foresee
any problems attending these meetings on a regular basis?
Not usually. Although I do travel, but will try and organize my schedule to not impact the meetings.
I do not forsee any problems attending these meetings on a regular basis.
Marnlee n Smith February 8, 2019
Applicant Signature Date
Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey
City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634
321 East 5"'Street jvenekla@cityofpa.us
Port Angeles,WA 98362
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,
please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made.
This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City
Council for appointment consideration. Additionally,it may become a part of a City Council packet.
FEB [jThe City of Port Angeles k, l;
t Adviso
u ( Board I /f isLL S
o :
Applicant Name and General Information
First Nff
Address city Stale zip
phone, Woad p�ho .PMole
E-mail address
Certification and Location Information
Are,you a ReA
gistemd Voter?................................ .o..__...w....__.. . ......,...a..._._..,.. Yes No
' No
Are : t,at resr "__. .__ .,.... .. . . _.. . . _... ..._._ ,....... .. ..W_ mm. . . . _._. . .m
If so,how long:
fCr you omi/maimgge Q>x business ire 6d ,�:;�p��...�n...�,.�.�...._..e�....�n.._��..�,��,..�....a.�n..._a�...�.�.�.�.....�n.�_..,�..�.�_.�...�....�.M..,m......�,..._�._..� ' ,s
Do Y professional diem s,rc ist:r t �� car certificates in a d:d�d ."�._m_....... .._..� ......_.... _w.__.,. � �z co � l' o
� pad �,
If so,please list. ,
Are you aware of arwy corn dicta of interest which i i pat arise by your service on theadvisory board that:t ou are applying for"
If so,please c pdaim
July 7,
dfThe City of Port Angelesv 0�
6-Y u Adviy� �
s E ^a„
Work or rcr a ss rr as aac is most recent xperienc first, or attach as resa,rrne
A-L. r
Lm loycr
Brief job
aLL. 6
Brief job b escrtptac.rort
rtct",bib cicscratahctrt
Education_..List most recent experience r'st
9:arst:tlartzcar t scat:cara Degrm earned/Major drat f Stuc radmited?
Yes No
trtstitcrt tart/Locaat c»rt Degrec canted : spar area of StudyGraduated'?
Y'cs No
Institution/Location Degree caamcdf ajar area of Study Graduated?
Charitable, ciayears
nd a Civic c ivit s and Memberships--List st major activities YOU have participated in
during the
,.� � L
_ t.!_.�.�_.��. --�-� 4
Or arrinittcata vacation Grcaaata s tart sclob ectrvc
Brief dc ri tim of �...
your aarttcitaattiota l
1 r anizat tiara/Locatl� rt yrot4)"t purpose bjectiw
rtct"dcscrt Lion cat'your p__
rtaaarttcataartieata '
July 7,
rhe "Ity of Port Angeles
Planning "lonimisslanaa Supplemental Questionnaire
l° Why are ya:nnn i nteresting in h corni ng a PIarnnnlrng Comm ission '?
. 'lease describe the basic intent of the Washington State Grow Management act.
° �w_: r L
. What is the importance ofthePort Angeles Comprehensive Plans and what role clones It inlay in City
decision making'?
tom.» .. ..,......._.w......�..__., ,.µ.w..
... '
Opposing viewpoints are sometimes expressed during public hearings. gnat factors would You rely on
to determine your response or action?6-1 W ..
��..r`� ,
, ,:r you fanrnll.lar with tied. ,onnf ict,of Interest Law ,-- �n c�arannce� ':l^alrrn ss t�a�cstrinncn cnf ashnn� tcnrn
State? Based on your understanding, do YOU anticipate any potential conflict's that may keep you from
nanticltnatlan ;in matters heard tl'n e Planning °omnnnisslr�n
The City of Port Angeles
Advisof Board fictr
6 Describe what you think makes f oil, Angeles a r-at place to 1pVe and work.
. What do YOU feel are srarne of"the key issues facing the City today and in the next 3-5 years?
__ ry
c 2
. Planning Commission mission meetings are on the and and fourth Wednesday of each month. Do you foresee
any r l�ler s attending these ineetings on a regular basis"
m ,
,,.. ._ _..-._.-. .,._._ .. _
7" 't'
ignatu e
Submit completed d(onns for Office of the City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey
City of Port Angeles 31�0- 1.7-4 34
32 1 East'Strcet jverrekI,*ic.ityofj)a..rxs
Port Angeles,WA 98362
In craraalalfar e with flue Americans with Disabilities Act,if you creed.special accraramWaations because of a,physical limitation,
please ccaratac;t the City Maiviger"s Office ce at 3604.17-4500 soappropriale airangetnents can be node,
This docament and all awac hed infionr tion is considered a public recur ark]nxty be distributed to nwai ers of the City
Council.for appointment co sfder6atlarra. Additiomilly, at.may becon ,a part rrl"a City Council packet,
r_ ,1 A 14 1
The City of Port Angeles CITY OF PORT ANGELES
Advisory Board Application CITY CL
Planning Commission
Applicant Name and General Information
Colin E Young
First MI Last
218 W 11 th St Port Angeles WA 98362
Address City State Zip
Ffome phone Work phone Cell phone
E-mail address
Certification and Location Information
Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles?..... ..................................... .................................... ............ Yes No
Areyou a citizen of the United States?.......................................................................................................................................................................................... Yes No
Areyou a Registered Voter?..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Yes No
Areyou a City resident?.......................... -...........................................- - - -................. ..................... r-Y—e I No
Ifso,how tong:.. ............-- --- ......................... ................................................... ........................ .............. 2 Years
Doyou own/manage a business in the City?............................................................................................................................................................................ Yes No
Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field?.............................................................................. M No
If so,please list: Licensed Professional Electrical Engineer Washington State No. 56146, Alaska No. 116842.
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for?
If so,please explain:
July 7, 2020 E - 7
July 7,
The City of Part Angeles
Advisory Board Application
Work or Professional Experience- List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
PUD No. 1 of Ciallam County
Electrical Engineer primarily designing and developing power distribution systems.
Brief job description
Kodiak Electric Association, Kodiak, AK
Electrical Engineer primarily designing and developing power system generation, transmission and distribution.
Brief job description
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
Teaching Assistant teaching power system classes to undergraduate engineers.
Brief job description
Education—List most recent experience first
es No
Montana State University,Bozeman,MT Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Montana State University,Bozeman,MT Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Flathead Valley Community College Kalispell MT Associates of Science in Engineering Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in
during~;the last five years
Kodiak Planning and Zoning Comission Developed comp plan,held hearings and made recommendations.
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective --�
Planning Commissioner-Worked on various zoning rules including cell towers, parking, and residential lot sizes.
Lirief description of your participation � _
Kodiak Architectural and Engineering Review Board Reviewed all architectural&engineering proposals for Kodiak Island Borough.
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective
Board Member- Evaluated proposals including middle school remodel and high school roof replacement.
Brief description of your participation
,u The City of Fort Angeles
" ru Advisory Board Application
Planning Commission supplemental Questionnaire
1. Why are you interesting in becoming a Planning Commissioner?
I would like to be a part of the process for helping the city grow sustainably. The zoning rules have direct
impact on how people live (apartments, houses....) and how people move around (parking rules,
density limits...).
2. Please describe the basic intent of the Washington State Growth Management Act.
It is a law that requires Port Angeles to protect natural resources, create comprehensive plans and
manage growth of the community.
3. What is the importance of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and what role does it play in City
decision making?
The comprehensive plan is there to give guidance for future development. It is created with
,public involvement so that the community has a voice in the planning process.
4. Opposing viewpoints are sometimes expressed during public hearings. What factors would you rely on
to determine your response or action'?
As a planning commissioner, opposing views should be welcomed. If a community member brings good
evidence that I have not considered or can show that the boards decision may cause harm to individuals,
I will need to reconsider my actions.
S. Are you familiar with the Conflict of Interest Law and Appearance of Fairness Doctrine of Washington.
State? Based on your understanding, do you anticipate any potential conflicts that may keep you from
participating in matters heard the Planning Commission?
I am familiar with it and 1 see no potential conflicts of interest.
July ° ,
The City of Port Angeles
Advisory Board Application
6. Describe what you think makes Port Angeles a great place to live and work.
The weather is mild, the mountains are close and the ocean is right downtown. The community is filled with
people that want to make a difference and the recreation available here makes Port Angeles a hidden gem.
7. What do you feel are some of the key issues facing the City today and in the next 3-5 years?
Some of the key issues include affordable housing and lack of commercial development on west side of
town north of the airport.
8. Planning Commission meetings are on the second and fourth. Wednesday of each month. Do you foresee
any problems attending these meetings on a regular basis'.'
I do not see a problem with meeting this requirement.
Apple lnt Signature Date
Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey
City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634
321 Fast 5" Street kmbailey(7cityofpa.us
Port Angeles, WA 98362
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special accommodations because of"a physical limitation,
please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made.
This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City
Council for appointment consideration. Additionally,it may become a part of a City Council packet.
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: July 7, 2020
TO: City Council
From Nathan A. West, City Manager
Todd Weeks,Iqfi)rmaflon 1echnology Manager
Sulbject: Five-Year Renewal for Cisco Meraki Network Infrastructure Software Licensing
Summary: The purpose of this memo is to receive City Council approval to renew Cisco Meraki
Infrastructure Software licensing for five-years.
Funding: Funds are available in the approved IT 2020 budget as identified below. By successfully
negotiating a five-year agreement the City was able to save over$9,000 per year. This item was budgeted
at $50,000 with the total five-year cost of$50,452 and is available in the Council approved 2020 budget for
this financial year. The funds were budgeted in the IT'Division software maintenance account line item
(Account Number 502-208t-5 t8.48-02).
Recomimendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to approve payment for security and
enterprise licensing with Development Group, Inc., for a five-year renewal of Cisco Meraki Network
software licensing outlined in proposal 9 23529-, and to make minor modifications as needed.
Background / Analysis: Cisco Meraki Infrastructure Software Licensing is required for the operation
of the City's core network hardware infrastructure that includes switches, firewalls and access points.
The software also provides security services including management of mobile devices and VPN accounts.
In 2016-- 2017 the Information Technology Division refreshed the City's network infrastructure with the
Cisco Meraki line of networking equipment. This refresh included three years of software licensing with
one, three and five-year renewal options.
This five-year license renewal will conclude and then coincide with a 2024-2025 network infrastructure
refresh (CFP9 IT03 t9) where the current networking equipment will be evaluated for replacement due to
end of useful life of the equipment and end of licensing and support.
The City also explored the one-year and three-year pricing options-, however, the five-year renewal option
provided the City with the best price per year, at nearly half of the yearly pricing saving the City over
$9,000 per year.
Funding Overview: Funds are available in the approved IT 2020 budget as identified below. By
successfully negotiating a five-year agreement the City was able to save over$45,000 as compared to
yearly renewals. This item was budgeted at$50,000 while the total annual cost is $10,352.90 and the
five-year amount of$50,452 is available in the Council approved 2020 budget for this financial year. The
funds were budgeted in the IT'Division software maintenance account line item (Account Number 502-
208 t-5 18.48-02).
July 7, 2020 E - 82
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: July 7, 2020
TO: City Council
From Nathan West, City Manager
Sarina Carrizosa,Tinance Director
Sulbject: The 202 1-2026 Capital Facility Plan and Transportation Plan
Summary: The Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan (CFP/TIP) allows the City
to proactively make long-tern plans for asset management,maximize our limited resources and leverage
outside funding sources. Changes to projects approved for the 2020 Budget year will become the
amended capital portion of the current budget and projects approved for 202 1 will be built into the 202 1
Capital budget. Additionally, the CFP/TIP is a required component of the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Since the first reading there has been one major change to project PK03 t8 -- Waterfront Rip Rap repair.
Funding: Each project sheet in the CFP document describes the proposed funding for each individual
project. Funding sources include governmental transfers, utility reserves (both capital and operating),
utility rates, grants, and contributions. If funding has not been identified the project is marked unfunded,
but still remains in the CFP. No additional debt is proposed for the 202 t-2026 CFP planning cycle.
Recomimendation: Staff requests that Council:
t) Open the continued public hearing on the 202 1-2026 Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation
Improvement Plan from the June 16"'meeting,
2) Close the public hearing and conduct the second reading of the 202 1 -2026 Capital Facilities Plan
and Transportation Improvement Plan resolution, and
3) Adopt the resolution as read.
Background / Analysis:
The Washington State Growth Management Act requires that the City review and update the Capital
Facilities Plan (CFP) and Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) annually. The CFP is a six year
planning document that is updated annually based on needs and policies identified in the City of Port
Angeles Comprehensive Plan, Council Strategic Plan and City Work Plan. It represents Port Angeles'
current list of needed projects and programs for the next six years. The document also identifies secured
or reasonably expected revenues and expenditures for each of the projects included in the CFP. Projects
without identified funding are also listed in the CFP/TIP to allow for additional funding options to be
explored. Pro' project types:
Projects are grouped into the following prq'
• Governmental
• General Government
• Public Safety
• Parks and Recreation
• Utilities:
• Electric
• Water
• Wastewater
July 7,
• Solid Waste
• Storniwater
• Combined Sewer Overflow(CSO)
• Medic I
• Information Technologies
• Equipment Services
• Transportation Improvement Plan
• Transportation
• Transportation Benefit District
The CFP/TIP is required to be filed with the State of Washington by July 3 tst this year in order to be
eligible for certain grant opportunities for transportation projects.
The 202 1-2026 Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan (CFP) allows citizens,
advisory boards and City Council to critically review and identify priority projects as well as items that
require long-tern planning. This comprehensive approach allows consideration and approval of capital
improvements/re placements for a longer range than an annual review and coordinates the decision
making process to include all available information and resources.
Projects in the CFP have been vetted by City staff and management, and the Utility Advisory Committee
has forwarded a favorable recommendation on the utility projects. In addition, on May 26"', Council held
a work session to discuss the CFP/TIP. A copy of this presentation can be viewed on the City's website at
this link: 2026 C'FP Workscssuon
Prcscma6on P )F. In all instances Council's directives have been considered and implemented, which
t) Replacement of critical infrastructure based on priorities and focus on preventable
maintenance to increase asset life.
2) Leveraging projects by planning multiple projects in one area at the same time to save on
construction costs.
3) Maximizing the use of funds available to limit the impact on customer rates from capital
4) No new debt is required to complete projects or is planned for future projects.
5) Building capital reserves to a cash to depreciation ratio of t:I.
• General Government and Transportation currently do not meet this requirement.
General Governmental and Transportation projects have more funding options
available, such as, grants, and as a result these options are explored prior to over
burdening the General Fund or competing for limited tax dollars. The result of which
means building these fund balances will be much more gradual.
• Water, Wastewater and Stormwater utilities all are below the t:I threshold when
looking at the 6-year plan. Cash to depreciation levels are expected to increase in
years after 2026 and therefore staff anticipates an approximately t% increase in these
utilities over time. This will also require an increase in the transfer from operating
funds to the capital funds in each utility. However,the transfer from the Electric
utility will be decreased starting in 202 t, which will positively impact rates.
A list of all active and prioritized projects is attached to this memo. Unfunded projects are described in
the CFP/TIP document, but they are not included in the exhibit. The complete document can be reviewed
in detail in the Preliminary CFP/TIP document posted on the City's website.
July 7,
Changes since the City Council work session on May 26"'City Council include:
• Correcting typographical errors on titles
• A correction to the exhibit for Equipment Services that had a vehicle scheduled for replacement
in 2026, that should occur in 2027.
Since the first reading of the CFP/T'IP resolution there has been one major change to project PK03 B --
Waterfront Rip Rap repair. This change will increase the amount of spending for this project to
accommodate a permit needed to complete the required environmental assessment to close this project.
The change from the proposed CFP will include an additional $20,000 for completion that will be funded
from General Fund reserves.
Finally, the CFP/T'IP is a living document and is subject to change due to shifting priorities, funding
sources emergencies and other factors. As amendments are presented to Council by staff an analysis will
be performed to ensure rates are not impacted negatively and funding is available.
Funding Overview:
Each project sheet in the CFP document describes the proposed funding for each individual project.
Funding sources include governmental transfers, utility reserves (both capital and operating), utility rates,
grants, and contributions. If funding has not been identified the project is marked unfunded, but still
remains in the CFP. No additional debt is proposed for the 202 1-2026 CFP planning cycle.
CFP/T'IP project listing
July 7,
1 r ll�.lo ,l
^ n,
GGO303 NICE Program R R rolrmg Excellent 837,108 262,1113 d 111,000 71,010 7Ei 71,010 71,010 71,010 71,010
GG1113 F'ariltty Securtry ProjoRs A Flctir'c Fair 256,100 153,268 91,000 75,000 71,732
GG0416 e.try Flall F'tro Dotoction Systorn 3 Planning Fair 75,000 - 7G,000
GGOS 16 Senior C.onterr F'tre DoterRton Systorn 4 Resign Fair 50,000 - 50,000
CAPPC Popcorn Capital R Revolr'ing Good 660'311 211,488 101,1100 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010 50,000 50,000
CAPMS Modic 1 Rovolving R Revolr'I g Good '66,400 - 183,200 1133,200
FD0415 R",Dopartrn ant Turn-Out Goar R Revolr'ing Good 160,316 160,316 -
FD0615 Fire Hosos R Revolr'ing Good 4L,328 7,398 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
FD011E3 Ddibrtllator Rovolving Account R Revolr'ing Good 256,0L2 68,022 3G,000 36,000 37,000 40,000 40,000
FD02", Solf C ootainod Breathing Apparatus R Revolving Good 250,0 o0 - - 250,000
PD0307 Polico Rogtonal Trand.g&Gun Rango Factitry R Revolving Poor 200,000 - 4�0,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000
P00116 Mobtlo Data Torrninal Roplacornonts A Flctir'c Good 1111'16 9:3,421 ZG,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000
PD0120 F'olico'Fasor Roplac-Imts A Active Fair 1L o,o 0
0 - 1L,000 25,000 12,000 25,000 12,000 34,000
PD0119 Corn putor AtctocF Dispat h/Law Enforcx-unapt Rocorcts Managornont Syst A Active Good '300,000 - 160,000 140,000
FD0.3 F'tre Station Garage Door Roplacornont 1 Plamnng Good 50,000 - Go,000
FD031E3 Ern orgoncy Manap-itPods 2 Plamring Good 150,000 - G)000 50,000 50,000
FD0219 EOC/911/Wosistdo Fire Station 6 P,c Plamring Poo, 4,750,000 - 48,000
PK0216 Fadfltylrnprovornont Rovolving Fund R Revolr'ing Good 105,000 - 1G,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
PK0205 Rostroorn Roplacornont Program R Revolr'ing Poor 1,200,000 - 300,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 IS'O 000 150,000 150,000
PI{04113 Civic Fkdd Upgrados R Revolr'ing Poor 110,000 - 110,000
PK031E3 Watorfront Trail Rtp-Rap Ropatr R Revolr'ing Poor 663,000 - ,BOB8, 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
PI{OE319 e.try Ptor Railing Roplacornont A Flctir'c Paar 565,000 1,954 163,046 200,000 200,000
PI{0120 l4 Flour Rostroorn Pilot Projoct Fl Flctir'c Good ZOo,000 - 200,000
PK0220 F'told Turf at VolunUeo,F m4d A Active Goorl 1,Z 0
00 - - 500,000 700,000
PK0219 Gonoration 11 Droarn Playground A Active^ Good 4�75,000 - 4�7"a,000
PK07I9 Parks Maintenance Building A Active^ Poor 756,Soo 174,394 .50,000 250,000 2132,106
PK09 9 Fine Arts Center Capital lrnprovernents A Active^ Good 40,212 - 40'11
PKO1:I') Erickson Playfmdd ffffff
Pump Track /// A Active^ Good 400,000 - 10,000 390,000
PI{OF19 Ctt Ptor Erosion Stahnt t dY Stdew�cU%reek Plamnn. Poor L90 to oo0 2130,000
CLCAP Mamum .Capital Contributmn R R. Idog Fair 1,150,000 - Loo,000 200,000 150,000 "0000 150,000 150,000 150,000
CL 0414 C.onstncct Now Light Ops Buticttng Fl Actir'c Fair Gr200,000 77,- 6,3ZZ,864
CI.0916 Roplaco Laurol Streot Substation Swttchgoar A Active Exmllent 500,000 - Goo,000
CL0716 F'Streot Substation Swtt hgoar 1 Plamring Paar 500,000 - Goo,000
CL 0119 Ov,B,o"'FRomnctuctortng-Lola 2 Plamring Poor '100000 - 200,000
CL 0319 Underground C.ahlo Roplacornont-Lola 3 Design Paar LGo,000 - LGo,000
CL 0217 1Stroet Substation Swttchgoar Roplacornont 4 Plamring Poor Soo,000 - Goo,000
CL0220 Laurol SYroet LTC.Roplacornont Plamring Poor 200,000 - Loo,000
CL 0320 FS,-LTC Roplacornont 6 Plamnng Fair 200,000 - 20
0,0o0 .
CL 0420 Cortege Street LTC Roplacornont 7 P,ei'lenning Fair 2oa,aao - 200,000 .
CL 0919 "A"Street Substation Swttchgoar Replacement E3 Plamring Fair 500,000 - 500,000 .
CL 0419 Undorground Cable Replacement-2021 9 P,ci'lanning fair 250,000 - 250,000 .
CL 0620 Eloctricvohtclo Charging Stators 10 Prci'lanning Fair 4�8,000 - 4E3,000 .
CI.0519 UndergroundF C.ahlo Replacement-loll 11 P,,Planning fair LGo,000 - 250,000 .
CL0216 Ctry/PUD Servtco Aroa Capital Noods 12 P,c Plamnng Good 400,000 - - 200,000 200,000
CL 0117 Washington SYroet Substation Swttchgoar 13 Plamring Fair Soo,000 - - 500,000
CL0E319 Qvorhoad Romnducto,mg-2o23 14 Pic Plamnng Fair Zoo,000 - - 200,000
CL 0619 Undorground Cablo Ropl acornont-2o23 15 Pic Plamnng fair ZGo,000 - - 250,000
CL 0719 [rnctergrouncF Cablo Ropl acornont-2o24 16 P,c Plamring Fair -1.000 - 250,000
CL 1019 Underground C.ablo Roplacornont-2o2G 17 P,c Plamring Fair LG0,000 - 250,000
CL0120 F'Street Transformer Fie lacernent 1E3 Pic^Plamnn, fair S,Loo,o00 1,200,000
1 r tl�.lo ,l
CAPW3 Goneralw t.Fqutprnont R R. Ping ^ Good 466,300 111,3110 G0,000 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010
WT01213 Rannoy W di Roof A Flctir'c Fair 90,333 333 90,000
W10220 Rannoy Woll G mwator fW ocato A Flctir'c Poor 175,000 - 17"a,000
WT0419 Docent F'actitry at Transfor Station-Wator Sotis Docent Bays Fl Flctivc Fair L0
0 - 2G,000 175,000
WT0120 Wator Systorn SCADA Upgrade 1 Plamring Poor 650,000 - 1Go,000 500,000
WT021£3 Rosor'votr Ropaiis 2 Plamring Poor L75,000 - 31,000 244,000
W10619 Poabody Ros orvoiry lnlot Pipo Roplacornont 3 Plamring Fair '140,000 - 1o"a,000 235,000
WT0519 Wator Troat-itPlant Ropaire 4 Plamring Fair 170,000 - 30,000 140,000
WT0319 Ground Wator Rostitoncy Program 5 Plamring Fair 1,400,000 - 110,0o0 100,000 710,000
WT0320 M-,,o Crook Transmission Main Eval/Dostgn 6 Plamring Paar 4O0,000 - - 400,000
WT0612 3rc1&Vtno Strout Main 7 Plamring Fair 160,000 - - 360,000
WT0420 Ennis Crook Wator Main RaloraR+ E3 P,c Plamring Good ZO0
0 - - 200,000
WT0111 Ltboity Strout Wator Main 9 Design Good 48G,739 15,7:09 - 470,000
WT0219 Peabody FRIghts Floating Cover fWpla--it 10 Plamring Fair 400,000 - - 200,000 200,000
W3'0512 Fast 4th Street Water Main 1i. Plamring Good 472
,000 - - 472,000
WT0212 East 6th Street Water Main 12 Plamring Gnarl 340,000 - - 340,000
W3'0411 West4th Street Water Main 13 Plamnn; Gnarl S,5oo,000 1,500,000
tt l ? nI I
CAPWW Goneralw 'R.watt.r Equtprnont R R.r oIdog Excellent 698,z 75 217,27s 116,000 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010 10,010
WW030E3 Purnp Station 43 RgAacorn ant A Flctir'c Fair 1,479,613 169,991 1,309:622
WW061£3 2019Nughborhood Sewor Rohab A Actir'e Pan, 300,000 - 300,000
WW0519 Docent F'actitryat I ans,I_Station-Wastowator S.D.,Docant Bays A Flctivc Fair 200,000 - 2G,000 175,000
WW0319 Wastowator C.ornproh onstvo Plan 1 Plamring Poor 300,000 - Loo,000 100,000
WWO219 WWTP Digostor Cloantng arrd Ropair 2 Plamnng Poor 100,000 - 100,000
WW0419 WWTP FIVAC Roplacornont 3 Plamring Paar 200,000 - 50,000 150,000
WW071f3 2 o20 Notghborhood Sow-Rohabtittadoo 4 Plamring Paar 300:000 - 300,000
WW050E3 Dipo,tor Mixing Unpro=Eut WWI 5 Plamnng Excellent 600,000 - 50,000 150,000 400,000
WWO818 2021 Notghborhooct Sewor Rohabtittadoo 6 Plamnng Paar 300,000 - 3050:000
WW0420 WWTP Potable Wator Atr-Gap 7 Plamring Fair 75,000 - 25,000 50,000
N/W0220 Wost4th SYroet C.apactrylrnprovorn ant E3 Plamnng Gnarl Soo,000 - 75,000 425,000
WW0520 Sanitary F'orco Main RaloraR+(Loos C.roel<) 9 P,e Plmnnng Fair 200,000 - 200,000
WW07IF Oak Street Sewor Separation 10 Plamnng E-11,ot 275,000 - 25,000 250,000
N/WOE3IF Laurol SYroet Sewor Separation 1t Plamnng Excellent L75,000 - 25,000 250,000
WW091£3 Loll NotghborhoocF Sewor Rohabtittatlon 12 Plamnng Paar 300,000 - 300,000
WWOS16 WW'FPBotlor Ropl acornont 13 Plamnng Exmll,ot 115,000 - 45,000 70,000
WW101E3 2o2:t Neighborhood Sewer Ftehabilitation 14 Plamring Poor 300,000 - 300,000
WW1:I1E3 2o24NeighborhoocF Sewer Ftehabilitation 15 Plamring Poor 300,000 - 300,000
WW0120 Purrs Station:t Force Main Fie lacernent 16 Plamnn, Gnarl L,Loo,o00 200,000 1,000,000
I , A „ra
WWO117 F mcts Street Ptggtng Bypass 1 11 ring coon 190,000 190,000 .
WW0116 CS06an I7R..n strucIt- 2 Plannng coon L08,449 43,449 15,000 150,000
r l r r l
SWO11L DecantF 'Ity rat3 rransfcr Stratton Fl ACUr,. Fair 6'72,351 25,(154 180,000 467,300
.SW.is 17 Landfill Operating Software A Activ. Pear L00,000 L00,000
SWo120 Landfill Pump Station 17 Ftepair i. Plannin; rair 190,000 190,000
F=f=f=M W
DR0213 FF Street Storrnwatar Outfall A D.ign Paar 560,000 4,46:3 d 5,537 550,000 .
DDO , Francts Steet Outfall Repair A Deign Fair 65,000 25,000 40,000 .
DR0120 Decant Fad,ity at Transfer Stator-Storrnwater Soils Decant Bays A Deign Fair 200,000 25,000 175,000
DR0119 N Street Outfall 11pr11ernent 1 Planning Paar 312,500 62,500 250,000 .
D Ito
Ro4 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond Study 2 Planning Fair 110,000 - 110,000 .
DR0404 Storrnwatar at Canyon edge&Ah Wars :3 Planning Fair 3,360,000 - 260,000 1,300,000 .
D RO 117 Peabody SYreetwater Quality ProjeR 4 Planning Fair 651,000 - 21,000 6:90,000 .
DI20IF Liberty Street Storrnwater lrnprovernent 5 Planning rair L,520,000 - 220,000 1,100,000
DR0304 Storrnwater at Laurel Street&US 101 6 Pla..i.g Fair 660,000 - 110,000 550,000
Daaz1.9 auream to Creeko-npra�ernent Pragraun � Pla..i.; rair 1a.6.000 41.,aoa 1a S,aao
rma."s 117,200 11,720 39,000 39,000
Corn rnuntty Development 77,800 7,780
Palicc 1,880,550 1138,055 151,200 191,000 157,500 160,550 163,800 167,100 170,400
F'tre&Medm1 3,786,800 378,680 44,600 45,100 495,100 195,100
Parks&Retread.. 1,501,000 150,150 100,100 213,500 99,600 3R3,900 96,700 97,200
Llrgi...rmg 11.700 11,870 77,E300 40,900
Light Operations 2,321,200 2:32,120 2'7"a,600 4E1,000 69,400 136,1300 51,100 107,100 25,600
W."', 1,188,100 118,810 230,200 38,800 127,1300 38,900 226,200
Wasi.wat.r 1,219,600 121,960 38,800 38,900 IL400
Solid Wachs 2,036,100 203,610 392,000 395,400 354,1300 21,400 444,500
SYur.rwat.r 820,100 82,010 ('E3,E30o
C,.... -
equipnentServices 96L,100 ')6,21(I 64,300 255,400 79,1300 434,1300
Informorlon Technology 35,900 3,59(I
.Sh'..Lc L,530,100 25:3,(I')(I 548,800 41 1
' ,,')00 15,500 15,600 150,E300 350,400 15'),600
110714 Data Back pSystcrns fW lra.crncnt R R.ralrmg Paar 210,000 210,000
110514 Data Storage Array Systems R R.r,ah,i.g Paar 150,000 150,000
110319 Network Refresh R a.r,ah,i.g Paar 280,000 2130,000
1109113 Internal Network Segmentation&VLAN Configurad- A Actir,. Paar 220,9'77 90,977 130,000
1102113 CIi,k2G.VI/Fulton A Flctir,. Poor 14,885 9,885 5,000
110E316 Facility and Class Management Scheduling A Activ. Paar 10,000 10,000
110214 Records Management S),F- A Activ. Paar 104,109 14,109 30,000 30,000 30,000
110416 Cerra eUwy Software A Ad- Paar 30,000 30,000
110119 Wireless Bridge A Add, Paar 60,000 60,000
110716 eRP Road Map 1 Pl a..i.g Poor 50,000 G0,000
110219 City FFall Wtreless Network 2 PIa.N.g Peer L1,000 L1,000
111018 UPS Repl acernent-D is aster Recovery D ata Center 3 PIanN.g Paar 60,000 60,000
I11118 FT Secsrrityt,,Iit 4 Plan.i.g Peer 20,000 20,000
110617 execuU-Scheduling Module 5 PIanN.g Paar 30,000 30,000
IT061E3 Virtual Server Fte lacernents 6 Pla..i., Peer 450,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
I, a.
I RIII13 Revolving Streetlrnprovernents R R.r nIdog Pan"' 224,482 14,482 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
I R0414 Peabody Creek(Linmin Sleet Culvert Repair A A,,jr,c Paa"' 3,44�6,99L 692 150,000 211,301 3,001,010
TR1299 P-JIAvenue Chip Slat(Peabody to Ra,l St eats) A Flctir,c Paar 130,000 - 130,000
TR1516 Peabody Street Chtp Seal Phasel(Laurids en Blvdto 8th St) Fl Flctir,c Fnnr 1L5,000000
TR0215 Peabody Street C.htp Seal Phase lll(Mlvers Rd to Parl<Ava) Fl Flctir,c Pnnr L00,000 - L00,000
TR0315 Peabody Street C.htp Seal Phase lF(Parl<Aveto Lauridsen Blvd) A Flctir,c Pnnr LL5,000 - LL"a,000
I R02113 Lincoln Street Safety A Flctivc Pair 1585,000 - 23"a,000 1,350,000
TR0615 Golf Course Road Chip Seal(1st St to Lindberg Rd) 1 Planning P, Ir 300,000 - - 300,000
TR1416 Flarnilton School Wall<tng Routes 3 Planning Paar 915,000 - 15,000 100,000 1300,000
I R0616 ADA-Fran ds Street 4 Planning Paar 315,000 - 1G,000 300,000
TR0320 2 02 1 Pavement Preservation o Planning Pair 400,000 - - 400,000 .
TI2061E3 Stevens Middleschool wanting Routes 6 Planning Pair 663,000 - - 15,000 50,000 600,000
TR0115 N Street Chip Seal(vth to loth Streets) 9 Flanning Flow 300,000 - - 300,000 .
TNOSID 1 Street Chip Slat(vth to l6th Streets) 10 Flanning Panr 300,000 - - 300,000 .
TR0316 8th Street Chip seal(A tol Streets) 11 Flanning r�air 300,000 - - 300,000 .
1R0219 with Street Chip Slat(A to M Streets) 12 Flanning r�A 350,000 - - 350,000 .
TR0417 Enn is Street Pavement Repair 13 Flanning Flow 100,000 - - 100,000 .
TR0117 Liberty Street Re con A-L, , 14 Flanning Fnm, 460,000 - - 10,000 450,000 .
9'R1799 11 Ilk Route at Hwy 101 lnterseRmn 17 P,1 P11nning Flow 6,650,000 - - 150,000 6,500,000
TR0420 2 023 Pavement Preservation 24 Flanning Pal, 400,000 - - 400,000 .
TR0716 ADA-Peabody Street 25 Planning Panr 310,000 - - 10,000 300,000
TR0915 Park Avemtn Fa'ving Owwlay(Rall to Liberty Streets) 26 Planning Pair 390,000 - - 15,000 375,000
1 R0520 2024 Pavement Preservation 27 Flanning Pair 4�00,000 - - 400,000 .
TR0119 8th Street Fa'ving(Lincom to A Streets) 29 Planning Fair 1115,000 - - 15,000 1,100,000
TR0620 2026 Pavement Preservation .10 Planning Pair 4�00,000 - - 400,000
9'R0a19 Lauridsen Blvd Re con stucIil.(L St to City Limits) s1 Frc Flanning Fnnr '700,000 - - � � � � � 700,000
R0720 lath Street Chip Seal 32 Flem,ing Fair 300,000 - - 300,000
TR0405 Alley Paving Revolving Funding R Rcr,nlr,ing Pnnl' 985,0 OR 90 200,000 250,000 10,000 125,000 400,000
TR0416 1St('lnd/Valley(Oak Green Alley R Rcr,nn,I g Pmr 4'72,21Fr 22,21fi - 410,00. .
TR0111 Marine Drive Channel Bridge e can,plete Rx IRot 620,474 610,474 10,000 .
TR0114 FIiII Street-Qlyrnptc Discovery Trail A AclI,,, Pair 3,941,613 208,613 19,000 3,714,010 .
I Ro209 Raa+Street Complete Design dY C.onstn,etton Phase l Fl Flctivc Fair 4,'712,382 289,382 450,000 3,973,000
TR0909 Wayfinding&ODT Signage A All c Pnn"' 312,000 10,783 - 2913,217
TR1216 5th&Liberty Streets Solar Speed Display A Flctivc Paar '16,117 21,1137 5,000
TR0519 Peabody Street Sidewalk Repair A Design Pnn"' 95,000 90 94,910
I R0919 Traffic Safety Camera program 2 I'll,jog Fair 35,000 - 35,000
own I R09113 Dtown T ew ree(Sidalk Replal-cot Phase 11 7 Fleming Pnnr 300,000 - - 300,000
TI20101 Laurel Street Stars Replaa+rn ant E3 Design Fnnr 4 85,000 - 35,000 450,000
TR1215 C.ttyfDdIFast Parking Lot LID 15 Plam,ing E.Iollent 60 L,000 - 10 L,000 500,000
I R0715 l6th Street LID(C to L Streets) 16 Plam,ing Fai, 1060:000 - 160,000 900,000
1R11 WO Lauridsen Blvd Flashing Beacons 1f3 Plam,ing Fair 40,000 - - 40,000
TI21020 NStreet Solar Speed Display 19 Flctivc Pan"' 30,000 - - 30,000
TR0220 Traffic Circle Program 20 Plm,ni ng Pair 1180,000 - - 130,000 11001000
TI20110 Signal Controller Upgrades lst(F'ront ll. Plam,ing Fair 1,585,000 - - 115,000 1,360,000
TR1:i:16 School Mee Speed Signs(Near Franklin) 22 Plam,ing Fair 50,000 - - 50,000
TR13')') Traffic Signal lnterconnec2(F'reernption 13 Unfnnrl c^d fair 6010000 - - 300,000ff -,00,000
TI2031E3 8th loth Street Bile Lanes lE3 Plam,in, fair 400,000 ���� 20,000 380,000
A Flctivc
R Revolving
# Priority Msigned Number
OF Unf oodod
July 7, ,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
adopting the City's Capital Facilities Plan for 2021 -- 2026, which
includes the City's Transportation Improvement Program for the years
2021 -2026.
WHEREAS,the City of Port Angeles is required to annually update its Capital Facilities
Plan (CFP) and its 'Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,being the legislative body of
said City, on the 16th day of,lune 2020 and the 7th day of,luly 2020, did hold public hearings on
the proposed CFP and TIP for 2021-2026; and
WHEREAS, the proposed CFP and TIP for 2021-2026 are consistent with the City's
Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and declares that the CFP, including the TIP, is
appropriate to address the capital and transportation planning needs of the City for 202 12026.
NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington,that the City's 2021 --2026 CFP,which includes the City's TIP for the years
2021 .-2026, as published May 11,2020 in a document filed with the City Clerk as the"Preliminary
Capital Facilities Plan and 'Transportation Improvement Plan for the City", is hereby adopted.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 7th day of,luly 2020.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
Kari Martinez.-Bailey, City Clerk
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
July 7, 2020 F - 7
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,
adopting the City's Capital Facilities Plan for 2021 -- 2026, which
includes the City's Transportation Improvement Program for the years
2021 -2026.
WHEREAS,the City of Port Angeles is required to annually update its Capital Facilities
Plan (CFP) and its Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,being the legislative body of
said City, on the 16th day of,lune 2020 and the 7th day of,luly 2020, did hold public hearings on
the proposed CFP andTIP for 2021-2026; and
WHEREAS, the proposed CFP and TIP for 2021-2026 are consistent with the City's
Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and declares that the CFP, including the TIP, is
appropriate to address the capital and transportation planning needs of the City for 2021-2026.
NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles,Washington,that the City's 2021 --2026 CFP,which includes the City's TIP for the years
2021 .-2026, as published May 11,2020 in a document filed with the City Clerk as the "Preliminary
Capital Facilities Plan and 'Transportation Improvement Plan for the City", is hereby adopted.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 7th day of,luly 2020.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
Kari Martinez.-Bailey, City Clerk
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
July 7,
As1.1 a IN G T 0 N , u . s MEMO
Ip t : July 7, 2020
TO: City Council
From: ]Nathan A. West, City Manager
Sulbj t: Indigenous]peoples guy and Jumeteemth Ordinances
Summary: On June M, 2020, Council unanimously voted to direct staff to draft ordinances for Council
discussion at the July 7 meeting, recognizing the second Monday in October as Indigenous ]peoples guy
and June q 9 as Juneteenth.
Funding: _N/A
Recommendation: q) Conduct the first reading of the ordinance adding Chapter q.30 to the]fort
Angeles Municipal Code Recognizing Indigenous]people's guy and conduct the first reading of the
ordinance adding a new section q.40 of the]fort Angeles Municipal Code Recognizing Juneteenth and
continue the matter to the July 21 meeting.
Background / Analysis:
On June W 2020, Council unanimously voted to direct scuff to draft ordinances for Council discussion at
the July 7 meeting, recognizing the second Monday in October as Indigenous]peoples guy and June q9 as
Over the yews, there has been much discussion on ways the City could properly recognize our local
indigenous tribes. lust Council members have had meetings with many local tribes, hoping to find a clay
the community could recognize and celebrate the culture and diversity local tribes offer.
On June W Council recognized Juneteenth with a proclarrration which affinrred the City stands in
condemning racism and violence, and pledges to support actions that seek to dismantle systemic inequity
and bias, confront hate and violence, and more fully practice the C'ity's Statement of Values towards all in
our community.
These ordinances are valuable additions to our ]fort Angeles Municipal Code, and we look forward to
paying our respects to the historical importance these clays represent,not only on the clay of, but every clay.
Funding Overview: N/A
July 7,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adding a new
Chapter 1.30 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and recognizing
Indigenous People's Day.
WHEREAS, the 0ty of' Port; Angeles recognizes that nt s is on Kfallann ancestral lands
and recognizing that Kfallani. people have lived on this land s nce thne ntntnetnorial; and
WHEREAS, the City strives to promote tolerance, understanding and friendship, and to
combat prejudice and eliminate discrimination; and
WHEREAS, the c ty values the niany contriEwtions lndlgenous ]People have n1ade to our
Colffllffl.Utlity Mth thenr knowledge, la[mr, technology, sc ence, philosophy, arts, and the deep
CUltUral nnfluences which have shaped the character of'our c ty; and
WHEREAS, the ndea of ffidlgenous ]People's Day was first proposed in 1977 [)y a
delegation of I"�4ative nations to the Linited I"�4ations-sponsored Inteniational Conference on
[) sctiilylination Against lndngenous Populations nn the Atnericas; and
WHEREAS, in 2011, the Affiliated Trfl)es of G"�4orth west lndians, representing fifty-nine
1°�4ations ft-oni. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, lt4ortheni Califoniia, Western Montana, and Alaska
passed resolution �/11-57 to "Support to Change Colun0ws Day (second Monday of'(.)cto[)eT-)
to Inn digenous ]People's Day; and
WHEREAS, the 0ty ofTort Angeles j6ns a groMng nun0)er ofcnties that recognize the
SeCollid Monday of' Octo )er as lndlgenous ]People's Day, creating an OPPOTTL1111ity to prollylote
apprec ation, tolerance, understan&iig, ftiendship and partnerships anion , all peoples.
NOW, 'THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do
ordain as follows:
Section I A new Chapter is added to the Port Angeles Municipal Code as follows:
July 7,
Section 2. A new section is added to Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 1.30 as
Section 1 30.0 10 Indigenous People's Day.
'Tbe City of Port Angeles shall recognize Indigenous People's Day on the second
Monday of October each year. On this occasion, the City encourages its officials and
employees, and local organizations and the community, to acknowledge that City of Port
Angeles sits on Klallam ancestral lands and to recognize the many contributions that Klallam
people, as well as other Indigenous People, have made to our community with their knowledge,
labor, technology, science, philosophy, arts, and the deep cultural influences which have
shaped the character of our city.
Section 3. If any provisions of this Ordinance or its applications to any person or
circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
Section 4. 'Tbe City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to
correct scrivener's errors, references, ordinance numbering, section and subsection numbers
and any references thereto.
Section S. 'Tbis Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City
Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days after
publication according to law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than
the majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council on the
-------------day of July, 2020.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kari Martinez.-Bailey, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney
By Summary
July 7,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adding
adding a new section 1.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code,
recognizing Juneteenth.
WHEREAS Juneteenth is a widely celebrated holiday, alternatively called Freedom Day,
Emancipation Day, or Jubilee Day, commemorating the day in 1865 when news of the
Emancipation Proclamation finally reached the last confederate state, 'Texas.
WHEREAS Washington State does not yet recognize Juneteenth as a legal holiday, but as
of 2007, Washington State does recognize I uneteenth, on,June 19th, as "a day of remembrance for
the day the slaves learned of their freedom." RCW I.16.050(7)(1). 'Tbe 2007 bill adopted by the
Washington legislature explained:
"T'he legislature recognizes that on,June 19, 1865, Union soldiers landed at Galveston, Texas with
news that the Civil War had ended and the slaves were now free; that this was two and a half years
after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on ,lanuary 1, 1863; that the end of
slavery brought on new challenges and realities in establishing a previously nonexistent status for
African-americans in the United States, that racism and continued inequality is the legacy of
slavery and acknowledging it is the first step in its eradication; and that since 1980 June l9th has
been celebrated as Juneteenth across the United States as a day for people to come together in the
spirit of reconciliation to commemorate the contributions of African-Americans to this country's
history and culture.
"T'he legislature declares that an annual day of recognition be observed in remembrance of the day
the slaves realized they were free as a reminder that individual rights and freedoms must never be
WHEREAS at the end of 1865, Congress and the states adopted the Thirteenth Amendment
to the United States Constitution, which stated:
"Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime
whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place
subject to their jurisdiction."
July 7, 2020 G - 4
"Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has adopted, and remains committed to, numerous
actions and policies that are created for the purpose of preventing, extinguishing, and erasing the
effects of bias, inequities, and violence based on ethnic, religious, or cultural groupings; and
WHEREAS, the employees, officials, and council of the City of Port Angeles take
seriously concerns about all of our interactions with the community and continuously work to
improve our policies, training, culture and transparency; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary for all of us to educate ourselves about any inequities and
violence that continues in our society and to take action to make it clear inequities and violence
against any ethnic, religious, or cultural group is antithetical to our core values and mission, and
must not be tolerated"
NOW, 'THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. A new Chapter is added to the Port Angeles Municipal Code as follows:
Chapter 1.40 -- ,Iuneteenth.
Section 2. A new section is added to Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 1.40 as
Section 1 A0 010 - ,Juneteenth
'Tbe City of Port Angeles shall celebrate on the I 91h day of June each year an annual day of
recognition in remembrance of the day the Emancipation Proclamation came to Texas. And the
slaves realized they were free as a reminder that individual rights and freedoms must never be
On this occasion, the City encourages its officials and employees, local organizations, and
all members of the community, to commemorate the day in 1865 when news of the Emancipation
Proclamation finally reached the last confederate state, Texas, and the slaves learned of their
freedom. As noted in a bill adopted by the Washington legislature in 2007, and here adopted and
endorsed by the Council of the City of Port Angeles:
". . . on June 19, 1865, Union soldiers landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the Civil War
had ended and the slaves were now free; that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln
signed the Emancipation Proclamation on,lanuary 1, 1863; that the end of slavery brought on new
challenges and realities in establishing a previously nonexistent status for African.-americans in
July 7, 2020 G - 5
the United States-, that racism and continued inequality is the legacy of slavery and acknowledging
it is the first step in its eradication; and that since 1980 June I 9th has been celebrated as luneteenth
across the United States as a day for people to come together in the spirit of reconciliation to
commemorate the contributions of Afri can.-Ameri cans to this country's history and culture."
Section 3. If any provisions of this Ordinance or its applications to any person or
circumstances is held to be invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance or application of the provisions
of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
Section 4. 'Tbe City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to correct
scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance number, section/subsection numbers and any
references thereto.
Section S. 'Tbis Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City Council
and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days after publication
according to law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than the
majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council held on the
day of July 2020.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
Kari Martinez.-Bailey, City Clerk
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
By Summary
July 7, 2020 G - 6
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: July 7, 2020
TO: City Council
From Nathan A. West, 0 y Manager
Sulbject: State and Federal Legislative Advocacy Discussion
Summary: Association of Washington Cities (AWC)held their annual conference virtually from June
23-26, 2020. Council members Schromen-Wawrin and Suggs attended much of the conference which
included AWC's Advocacy Academy. During this session of the conference, attendees heard from an
AWC Vobby'�st abOUt W..IYS to work wrth Vcr,,usk.itors bel'ore, during, and after legislative session.
Funding: N/A
Recommendation: Council discussion.
Background / Analysis:
Association of Washington Cities (AWC) held their annual conference virtually from June 23-26, 2020.
Council members Schromen-Wawrin and Suggs attended much of the conference which included AWC's
Advocacy Academy. During this session of the conference, attendees heard from an A WC aobby'�Est abOW
ways to work wrth Vq,,'�sk.itors bel'ore, during, and after the legislative session.
This agenda item stems from this session. Those who attended have shared their desire to follow the
recommendations made during the session,to reach out to our state representatives now, rather than
waiting until the fall in order to preserve revenue streanis. I have brought this to the July 7"'meeting to
provide Council the opportunity to discuss the item and potentially take action. Potential action
suggested may include a briefing paper on the community and financial conditions to be provided to State
and Federal representatives, identifying revenue needs for our City and community.
For the State and federal legislative advocacy discussion, it may be helpful to know that representatives
Chapman and Tharinger were in attendance, and neither of them pushed the need for the state to take an
anti-austerity policy approach to addressing this pandemic. They both expressed they know local
governments are going to face serious budget issues in the years ahead and did not suggest diverting that
disaster through changes to state revenue policy. This background may be helpful to those who were not
in attendance. All will be able to weigh in on what may need to be part of the information provided to
State legislators in order for those at that level to advocate for the needs of our community.
Staff concurs with the importance of establishing our legislative priorities early and ensuring they are
effectively communicated to the Legislature.
Funding Overview: N/A
July 7, 2020 1 - 1
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: July 7, 2020
TO: City Council
From Allyson Brekke,Director of Community& Economic Development
Sulbject: Contract with the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce for a Downtown Vision
and Strategic Plan
Summary: Consideration of a contract agreement between the City and the Port Angeles Regional
Chamber of Commerce in support of a visioning exercise and strategic planning effort for the downtown
business district.
Funding: Staff identified $38,800 from the Parking and Business Improvement Area(PBIA) fund as the
funding mechanism for the revenues allocated in the proposed contract. This reflects a$40,000
contribution with a 3%reduction for the City's administrative costs. The beginning 2020-2 1 budget
balance of the PBIA fund was $57,000. A budget amendment will need to occur to designate the
specified amount of PBIA funds for allowable purposes as described in RCW Section 35.87A.0 10.
Recom mendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract with the Port
Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce and make minor modifications as necessary.
Background / Analysis:
At their meeting on June 2,2020, the City Council reviewed a proposal from the Port Angeles Regional
Chamber of Commerce to create a vision and complete a strategic plan for the Port Angeles downtown
business district. Council asked Staff to bring back for consideration a contract agreement between the
City and the Chamber for consideration.
The contract and the Chamber's project proposal (shown as Exhibit A to the contract) is attached to and
follows this memorandum. The contract for consideration is an agreement that would continue until July
31, 2021. Allocated revenues are utilizing the City's Parking and Business Improvement Area(PBIA)
Per Chapter 3.72 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, the City Council established a Parking and
Business Improvement Area(PBIA) for the purpose of providing for the acquisition, construction,
operation and maintenance of adequate parking facilities and other purposes authorized by RCW Section
35.87A.0 tO, for the benefit of the Downtown business area.
Per RCW Section 35.87A.0 10, the authorized uses of a special PBIA assessment are the following:
(a) The acquisition, construction or maintenance of parking facilities for the benefit of the area,
(b) Decoration of any public place in the area,
(c) Sponsorship or promotion of public events which are to take place on or in public places in the area,
(d) Furnishing of music in any public place in the area,
July 7, 2020 J - I
(e) Providing professional management, planning, and promotion for the area, including the management
and promotion of retail trade activities in the area,
(f)Providing maintenance and security for common, public areas-, or
(g) Providing transportation services for the benefit of the area.
The City finds the Chamber's proposal to fall under the authorized use described as "(e) Providing
professional management, planning, and promotion for the area, including the management and
promotion of retail trade activities in the area."
The last time the City expended PBIA funds was in 20 18 to satisfy a contract commitment to the
Downtown Business Association (DBA). Said contract with the DBA expired on July 3 t,20 19.
Funding Overview:
Staff identified $38,800 from the Parking and Business Improvement Area(PBIA) fund as the funding
mechanism for the revenues allocated in the proposed contract. This reflects a$40,000 contribution with a
3%reduction for the City's administrative costs. The beginning 2020-2 1 budget balance of the PBIA fund
was $57,000. A budget amendment will need to occur to designate the specified amount of PBIA funds
for allowable purposes as described in RC W Section 35.87A.0 10.
Enclosed: City(�I'Pori Angeles and Pori Angeles Regional Chamber cif Convnerce Contract with
E'xhibit A (Downtown Vision and.Wategic Plan Proposal)
July 7,
'THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this 7t]' day of,luly 2020, by and between the City of
Port Angeles, Washington,a municipal corporation,hereinafter called"City",and the Port Angeles
Regional Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter called "Commerce."
WHEREAS, the City is authorized by state law to render governmental services and to
engage in economic development activities; and
WHEREAS, the downtown business district is the commercial core of Port Angeles and is
vital to the economic health of the City; and
WHEREAS, the City government derives sales tax revenues from downtown businesses
with the City's established Parking and Business Improvement Area to aid general economic
development and neighborhood revitalization, and to facilitate the cooperation of merchants,
businesses, and residential property owners to assists trade, economic viability, and livability; and
WHEREAS, unprecedented private investment and development is occurring in the
downtown business district; and
WHEREAS, through this downtown activity, the Chamber has identified a critical and
urgent need for an articulated and agreed-upon vision for the general downtown area, as well as a
strategic, actionable roadmap that can be used to help realize that vision; and
WHEREAS, the City and the Chamber previously have cooperated in business
development, tourism promotion, and other related activities; and
WHEREAS, the City and the Chamber find it desirable to enter into a new agreement on
terms and conditions intended to perform a downtown business district visioning exercise and
strategic planning effort.
NOW, 'THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the mutual
covenants and agreements herein, the parties agree as follows:
July 7,
I. Recitals. The Chamber has performed for the City a variety of services relating to and for
the benefit of the City's downtown businesses and the downtown business district. The parties
agree that it is in the best interest of the City that Chamber continue to support businesses within
City's downtown business district.
1 Terrn. This Agreement shall be effective on July 7, 2020 and terminate July 31, 2021,
unless sooner terminated as provided in this Agreement.
3. Sco 2e of Work. During the term of this Agreement, the Chamber shall perform the
following project scope:
• Capitalize on the current/planned private investments and other improvements in
the central business district
• Create a clear and realistic 5--year roadmap strategy (masterplan) for the downtown
business district
• Generate strategic priorities and momentum to support future public investment in
• Outline clearly defined roles and responsibilities for implementation
Project C�k��ectwes chi Cloaks. During the term of this Agreement,the Chamber shall devise
and implement such tasks, community outreach and planning efforts as will best achieve the
objectives and goals stated below:
• Focus on the future, with an honest view on the past
• Be inclusive: invite and engage stakeholders, downtown businesses, property
owners, development resources, and residents
• Define the optimum and supported downtown business district boundaries
• Establish a clear vision of the future for the downtown business district
• Create an action-oriented five.-year strategy with roles and responsibilities
• Capitalize on private investment and new assets/amenities
• Be creative and innovative with an entrepreneurial spirit
• Develop a sustainable financial model and implementation plan
• Identify and achieve short term accomplishments
Specifically, the Chamber shall perform the services and tasks described in the proposal
July 7,
attached as Exhibit A. It is the responsibility of the Chamber to perform each service and task in
a timely manner and to plan and manage each service and task.
4. LCor_nVensation. In consideration for the services and tasks to be performed by the Chamber,
the City shall compensate the Chamber as follows: within 30 days after this Agreement is fully
approved and executed by both parties, the City shall pay to the Chamber the amount of
$40,000.00, minus 3% for City administration costs, of the Parking and Business Improvement
Area (PBIA; Chapter 3.72 PANIC) assessments currently held by the City.
5. Rmir_b M,.
A. Record Keeping andRelrorting.
The Chamber shall maintain records and report to the City as follows:
I The Chamber shall maintain accounts and records that accurately reflect the
revenues and expenses for all services performed under this Agreement.
The Chamber shall follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for
non-profit agencies in maintenance of its records.
2) The Chamber shall provide the City with bimonthly reports fully describing
what work has been performed pursuant to this Agreement and its revenues
and expenses for the report period, and facts demonstrating how the
Chamber's efforts are accomplishing the goals of this Agreement.
3) Audits. As requested by the City, the Chamber will facilitate audits by the
City of the Chamber's finances. The Chamber will provide all financial
information requested by City and comply with requirements of the
Washington State Auditor for reporting, disbursements, and legal
4) The Chamber's Executive Director or President, when requested, shall
appear before the City Council to report on the Chamber's activities and
work plan pursuant to this agreement and to answer questions.
5) To the extent feasible, reports should demonstrate a cooperation with other
local associations such as the Port Angeles Downtown Association, Port
Angeles Business Association, Clallam County Economic Development
Council, Port of Port Angeles, Lower Elwha Klallam 'Tribe, etc.
6. Insurance Remu'rements,
A. Insurance. The Chamber shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement,
insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise
from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Chamber, its
July 7,
agents, representatives, or employees.
B. Minimum & .�eof�Insurqnce.
Chamber shall obtain insurance of the types described below:
I Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and
leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office
(ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability
coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual
liability coverage.
2) Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence
form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations,
independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. The
City shall be named as an insured under the Consultant's Commercial
General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for
the City.
3) Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance
laws of the State of Washington.
4) Professional Liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant's profession.
C. Minimum Amounts of Insurance.
Chamber shall maintain the following insurance limits:
I Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for
bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000 per accident.
2) Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less
than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate.
3) Professional Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than
$1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 policy aggregate limit.
D. Other Insurance Provision
The Chamber's Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance policies
are to contain or be endorsed to contain that they shall be primary insurance as respect the
City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City
shall be excess of the Chamber's insurance and shall not contribute with it.
T GeneralTerms.
July 7,
A. The Chamber shall keep records pertaining to this Agreement available for inspection
by the City's representative for three (3)years after final payment.
B. Indemnification and Hold Harmless.
I The Chamber shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its
officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, from and against any and all
claims, demands, damages, judgments, losses, liability and expense
(including, attorney's fees), including but not limited to those for personal
injury, death or property damage suffered or incurred by any person, by
reason of or in the course of performing this Agreement which is or alleged
to be caused by or may directly or indirectly arise out of any act or omission
of the Chamber, its officers, employees, agents and volunteers.
2) The City shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Chamber, its
officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, from and against any and all
claims, demands, damages, judgments, losses, liability and expenses
(including attorneys. fees), including but not limited to those for personal
injury, death or property damage suffered or incurred by any person, by
reason of or in the course of performing this Agreement which is or alleged
to be caused by or may directly or indirectly arise out of any act or omission
of the City, its officers, employees, agents and volunteers.
3) The parties, by mutual negotiation, waive, as respects the other party, any
immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under
industrial insurance provisions of Title 51 RCW
& Public Process. Public money is being used to fund the activities performed pursuant to
this Agreement. Recognizing that, the Chamber shall allow public attendance at all meetings or
portions of meetings at which the directors or other representatives of the Chamber act regarding
this Agreement or to any action pursuant to this Agreement. And, the Chamber shall allow for
public inspection of all records of the Chamber that relate to this Agreement or any action taken
pursuant to this Agreement.
9. No Partngr�,hi . . It is understood and agreed that nothing contained in this Agreement shall
be considered as in any way constituting a partnership, joint venture, or any other mutual
undertaking between the City and the Chamber. Relationship of the Chamber and the City will
remain that of independent contracting parties. The Chamber will be responsible for its officers,
members and employees, and the City will be responsible for its officer and employees. While
they are performing services pursuant to this agreement, neither one is the agent of the other. The
July 7, 2020 J - 7
Chamber, and not the City, shall have the right to control the manner and means by which the work
or services is accomplished. Consistent with this relationship, Chamber staff and volunteers shall
not be covered by any City benefit programs, such as health and welfare benefit plans, social
security, workers compensation or unemployment compensation, and shall not be treated as an
employee for federal or state tax purposes or any other purpose.
10 Non-discrimination. The Chamber and its employees, agents and contractors, if any, shall
at all times comply with any and all federal, state or local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations
with respect to non-discrimination and equal employment opportunity, which may at any time be
applicable to the City by law, contract or otherwise, including but not limited to all such
requirements which may apply in connection with employment or the provision of services to the
11. LCorn Hance with All_a licable laws. The Chamber shall always in connection with
performance of this Agreement, comply with any and all other applicable federal, state and local
laws, rules, ordinances and regulations.
11 Modification. No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless agreed to in writing
and signed by the Parties.
13. LCornplete Understaad . This Agreement, together with the attachments, reflects the
entire agreement of the parties relating to the subject matter thereof, supersedes all prior or
contemporaneous oral or written Agreements, or any statements, representations or promises, and
is intended frilly to integrate the Agreement between the parties with respect to the matters
described in this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Chamber have executed this Agreement.
By: Nathan West, City Manager By: Marc Abshire, Executive Director
Date Date
----------------------------------------------------------APPRC VED BY PORTANGE1,ES CITY COUNCIL MOTION ON: July 7, 2020.
July 7,
Kari Martin ez.-Bail ey, City Clerk William Bloor, City Attorney
July 7,
Exhibit A
C H A M iB E R 0 F C 0 M M ER CE
Proposal: Port Angeles Downtown Vision & Strategic Plan
A Future for Downtown Port Angeles
The following is a proposal for the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce to conduct research,
analysis, information-gathering meetings, workshops, and strategic planning over a period of 10
months in order to develop a long-term vision, an initial 5-year strategic roadrnap, defined roles and
responsibilities, and a supporting financial model to benefit the business and property owners in the
central business district of Port Angeles.
Roadmap definition: a detailed plan with a description of the future
and a guide with benchmarks and a course of action.
Unprecedented private investment and development is occurring in downtown Port Angeles,
and elsewhere throughout the city. The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce has been working
with investors/developers, stakeholders, downtown merchants (Port Angeles Downtown
Association), and City and County representatives to periodically convene all interested parties
over the past year to address issues, challenges, opportunities, and collaborations from which
we can all benefit. Through this activity, the Chamber has identified a critical and urgent need
for an articulated and agreed-upon vision for the general downtown area, as well as a strategic,
actionable roadrnap that can be used to help realize that vision. It is our perspective that the
Parking and Business lrnprovernent Area prograrn in downtown Port Angeles may be antiquated
and unable to address the current level of development, and that the lack of a masterplan and
strategy becornes an even more serious problern with every month that passes without one. As
such, we urge swift action on the part of the City of Port Angeles capitalize on the downtown
resurgence. Having completed our own 5-year strategic plan in 2017—which has guided the
Chamber over the past few years to positive achievernents, growth, and realization of our own
vision—we humbly suggest that we have the experience, knowledge, tools, and network to
accomplish the crucial task of developing a masterplan and strategy for downtown Port Angeles.
Project Scope:
• Capitalize on the current/planned private investments and other improvements in the
central business district
• Create a clear and realistic 5-year roadrnap strategy (rnasterplan) for the downtown business
• Generate strategic priorities and mornenturn to support future public investment in
• Outline clearly defined roles and responsibilities for implementation
July 7, 2020 J - is
Exhibit A
C H A M�B E R 0 F C 0 M M ER CE
Project Objectives:
• Focus on the future, with an honest view on the past
• Be inclusive: invite and engage stakeholders, downtown businesses, property owners,
development resources, and residents
• Define the optimum and supported downtown business district boundaries
• Establish a clear vision of the future for the downtown business district
• Create an action-oriented five-year strategy with roles and responsibilities
• Capitalize on private investment and new assets/amenities
• Be creative and innovative with an entrepreneurial spirit
• Develop a sustainable financial model and implementation plan
• ldentify and achieve short term accomplishments
Project General Timeline:
• Begin July 7, 2020
• Foundation Report and progress presentation by October 31, 2020
• Vision and Priorities progress presentation by December 31, 2020
• Draft Strategic Plan and deliverables and final progress presentation by April 30, 2021
• Final Strategic Plan and deliverables complete by July 31, 2021
Project Elements
1. Foundation (-120 days)
a. Build contact database of key downtown stakeholders, property and business
owners, and community influence leaders
b. Establish a Steering Committee to provide project guidance and leadership; the
Steering Commit-tee must include City employee participation
c. Conduct two Steering Committee meetings to refine the project plan and roles and
d. Prepare and conduct online survey of key downtown stakeholders, property owners,
and business owners
e. Conduct research and prepare a list of three, brief downtown case studies/strategies
to advise stakeholders and the community
f. Preparation of Foundation Report, including online survey summary
2. Vision and Priorities (-60 days)
a. Build and launch communication strategy to achieve project transparency, keep
participants informed, and educate residents
b. Complete individual interviews to gather specific viewpoints
c. Prepare a "sense of purpose" narrative
d. Hold two Steering Committee meetings to plan and assess the project progress
e. Establish a continuum of scenario paths and facilitate a preferred preference
f. Conduct a Vision Workshop for all stakeholders
g. Define a preferred future state and vision narrative
h. Prepare a list of priorities for each of the strategy categories
July 7, �Ojdaclrnap progress presentation to the Port Angeles City Council
Exhibit A
C H A M iB ER 0 F C 0 M M ER CE
3. Strategy and Confirmation (-120 days)
a. Conduct individual interviews to confirm priorities and strategic themes
b. Prepare a preliminary strategic plan for review by the Steering Committee
c. Hold two Steering Committee meeting to plan and assess project progress
d. Prepare the final draft strategic plan, to include:
i. Vision
ii. Guiding principles and values
iii. Strategic framework with goals, strategies, and actions
ivo lmplementation plan including public, private, and non-profit roles and
responsibilities and budget
e. Conduct Road map Strategy Workshop for all stakeholders
f. Roadmap final progress presentation to the Port Angeles City Council
g. Final delivery of planning document and related deliverables
Project Budget:
Source of Funds
• City of Port Angeles PBlA Funds $38,800
• Community Stakeholder $ 6,200
lnvestors Total $45,000
Use of Funds
• Project Developrnent/Managernent/Presentation $38,000
• Coordination/Adrnin/Cornrnunication $ 5,000
• Workshops, 2 @ $1,000 L21 000
Total $45,000
Project Strategic Modeling Fundamentals:
The following is an outline of initial, guiding models and methods the Chamber intends to use for
the project. There will be more as we receive input and develop the approach.
1. Assessment & Strategy Framework (general sub-topics—others "FBD)
• Economic
• Business development, startups, turnover, and gaps
• lncentives, disincentives, and access to capital
• Parking
• District boundary definition
• Design
• lmage and brand
• Streetscape and visual appeal
o Arts and culture
o Walkability & livability
• Promotion
July 7, 2020 J - 112
Exhibit A
C H A M�B E R 0 F C 0 M M ER CE
o Events
• Seasonal and permanent decor
• Retail, Entertainment, Activities
• Marketing, Corn rn u nications, &Advertising
• Leadership
• Capacity
• Partnerships
• Funding and budget
2. Change Management—Kotter's 8 Step Change Model
• Creating a climate for change - Opportunity
1. Sense of urgency
2. Build a guiding tearn
3. Get the right vision
• Engaging and enabling the whole community
4. Communicate for by-in
5. Empower action
6. Create short term wins
• lrnplernent and sustain change
7. Keep up the mornenturn
8. Make it stick
3. S.M.A.R.T. Strategic Plan Components
• Specific
• Measurable
• Attainable
• Relevant
• "Firne-Based
July 7, 2020 J - 113
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: July 7, 2020
TO: City Council
From Nathan A. West, City Manager
Todd Weeks,Iqfi)rmaflon 1echnology Manager
Sulbject: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Industrial Switches Purchase
Summary: The purpose of this memo is to receive City Council approval for the capital purchase of
Cisco industrial "Layer 3"switches to be placed in over 40 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) locations.
Funding: Funds are available in the approved 2020 IT capital budget for project 4 IT0918 "Internal Network
Segmentation and VLAN configuration". The contract proposal demonstrates over$9,000 in savings compared
to the budgeted amount as demonstrated below.
'rotal Funds Available: $130,000
'rotal Purchase Request: $120,091
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to accept the purchasing agreement with
Development Group, Inc., for the City's SCADA Cisco network switching equipment outlined in proposal
923450, and to make minor modifications to the proposal as needed.
Background / Analysis: In late 2018, The City's Information Technology Division modernized,
redesigned, and overhauled the City's core networks. In 2020,the City's Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) networks will be updated as well and purchasing over 40 Cisco industrial 'smart'
switches will provide the City with much needed management with built-in tools for increased network
visibility and security. 'Smart' SCADA network operations enables more efficient operation of City
utilities and infrastructure. It also allows for remote operations through private networks and reduces the
need for overtime costs for SCADA operational staff.
Authorized reseller and network vendor, Development Group, Inc. works with Cisco directly for best
Pricing based on Washington State pricing agreements for purchasing and price negotiations. In fact,the
negotiated price fell well below the State Contract pricing at 50%+and represents over 70%+discount off
retail pricing.
Flus request concludes the 'segmentation' CFP Project 9 IT0918 and will allow Public Works and
Utilities SCADA systems to be managed and secured by industrial switches that are hardened for extreme
Funding Overview:
Funds are available in the approved 2020 IT capital budget for project 4 IT0918"Internal Network
Segmentation and VLAN configuration". The contract proposal demonstrates over$9,000 in savings
compared to the budgeted amount as demonstrated below.
'rotal Funds Available: $130,000
'rotal Purchase Request: $120,091
July 7, 2020 J - 14
............... ...............................................................0.............. ...........AN G ELL.S
IDate: July 7, 2020
TO: City Council
From Thomas Hunter,Director qf'Public Worky & Utilities
Sulbject: City Hall Low Impact Development Parking Lot Retrofit, project No. T'Rt2t5,
Professional Services Agreement
Summary: The purpose of this memo is to receive City Council approval for a Professional Services
Agreement for the grant-funded redesign of the castside City Hall parking lot stonriwater system. This
design project is part of a larger effort to improve water quality in Peabody Creek. This is the design
phase of the project which will: t) improve stormwater runoff quality-, and 2) reduce overall quantity by
managing stonriwater runoff onsite by using low-impact development(LID) techniques.
Funding: Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) awarded a 20t6 Pre-Construction grant of
102,000.00 to the City for planning and design work. Those funds are reflected in the approved 2020
budget for the City Hall East Parking Lot LID Capital projects (3 t2-7930-595-65 W).
Additional funds in the amount of$8,677.00 are available from stonriwater utility capital reserves, for a
total not to exceed amount of$I tO,677.00.
Recomimendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract awarding a
Professional Services Agreement to Herrera Inc. for the City Hall LID Parking Lot Retrofit in the not to
exceed amount of$I tO,677.00 and to make minor modifications as necessary.
Background / Analysis: Peabody Creek is an urban salmon-bearing freshwater stream flowing North
into the Port Angeles Harbor near Hollywood Beach. It is currently on Ecology's impaired fresh
waterbody list for the following parameters: temperature, bacteria, bioassessment, and turbidity. Currently
stonriwater runoff from the City Hall castside parking lot is collected, conveyed, and discharged directly
into Peabody Creek.
In 20 t9 the City was awarded a 20 t6 Water Quality Pre-construction Grant from Ecology to design a LID
retrofit project for the castside City Hall parking lot that will improve the long-tenri health of Peabody
Creek. This grant funding is applicable to design work only. The City intends to apply for subsequent
construction grant funding once the design work is complete in 202 t.
A combination of bioretention and permeable pavement was identified in the grant application for
feasibility analysis. LID techniques used in the final design will be accompanied by signs describing the
features and water quality benefits to aid in public education.
A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was advertised by the City in late April 2020. Twelve engineering
(one local) consultant firms responded to the City's request for proposals by submitting Statements of
Qualifications. After evaluation and ranking, four firms were selected for virtual interviews with
Engineering and Operations Staff. Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. (Herrera) of Bellingham, WA
was determined to be the most qualified. Herrera will be using a local subcontractor, NTI, to assist in this
July 7, 2020 1 - 15
Engineering staff worked with Herrera to develop a detailed scope of work and negotiate a maximum not-
to-exceed contract amount of$t tO,677.00 based on the anticipated support services efforts.
Pro-Fessional Services Rationale: The City does not have the staff capacity to accomplish the design
of this project in-house. Furthermore, the project design requires personnel with specialized geotechnical
experience, as well as several other unique skill sets the City does not currently retain in-house. For this
reason, the City is seeking outside support.
Funding Overview: The grant award amount reflects the engineer's estimate at the time of grant
application, 20 t5-20 t 6, which allots $5,000 for grant management and $97,000 for engineering design
work-, for a total of$t02,000 eligible for reimbursement from Ecology. Additional funds were needed
from storniwater capital reserves to account for general inflation.
Funds are available in the approved 2020 budget for the City Hall East Parking Lot LlD Capital project
(3 t2-7930-595-4 t 50) in the amount of$t 02,000.00. An additional $8,677 is available from stonrlwater
reserves for a total not to exceed amount of$t t 0,677.00. These are estimates, and the City will be
invoiced only for work that is performed.
July 7, 2020 J - 16
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Ipt : July 7, 2020
TO: City Council
IFrom Brian S. Smith,Police Chic
Sulbj t: 20119]fort Angeles Crime Summary
Summary: The Washington Association of Sheriffs and]police Chiefs (WASPQ has published the
reported crime statistics for all cities and counties in Washington in a publication entitled"Crime in
Washington 2019". This data conies from the standardized reporting completed by all municipal and
county agencies in Washington. This data is sent to both WASPC and the FBI via a report called NIBRS
. The overall trend shows most property crime in]fort Angeles continues to drop while remaining at a
level higher than most of our 1 S comparable cities. Some violent crime,including homicide, sexual
assault and simple assault increased from 201 8 while aggravated assault dropped by nearly 12 percent.
Aggravated assault, simple assault, burglary,theft and property destruction remain higher or significantly
higher than the State average and higher than all our 15 of our comparable cities. A link to the entire
publication, the offense summaries, comparisons is attached(hggi ://cvw� ..w�� p .���g/c�( c sqi6s6cs.::.
E wo 0.
Funding: _N/A
IR or r in tion: N/A
Background / Analysis: The National Incident Based ReportingSystem(NIBRS) is an incident-based
reporting system used by law enforcement agencies throughout the United States for collecting and
reporting data on crimes. Local, state and federal agencies generate NIBRS data from their records
management systems. Data is collected on every incident and west in the Group A offense category.These
Group A offenses are 49 offenses grouped in 23 crime categories. Specific facts about these offenses are
gathered and reported in the NIBRS system. In addition to the Group A offenses, 10 Group B offenses are
reported with only the west information. The WASPC Crime in Washington Report(link) includes the
PAPD NIBRS report.
Violent Crime: The tap focus for PAPD investigation and enforcement is violent crime, with crimes
against children being our highest priority. Violent crime is 100 per cent of the caseload of our S working
detectives and comprises a significant workload for our Detective/Schaal Resource Officer. Most of the
crimes investigated by our working detectives are sex-based crimes. In 2019 PAPD Detectives successfully
investigated the arson-murder of an adult and 3 children and arrested the suspect within 1 8 hours of the
murders. They also provided C'lallam County significant assistance on a triple murder in early 2019. A
PAPD Detective Sergeant assigned to the Olympic ]peninsula Narcotics Enforcement Team (C)PNET)
supervises 7 local, county, state and federal investigators or staff. C)PNET aids on major crimes such as
homicide and fugitive apprehension. PAPD also has a joint response agreement with 6 agencies in C'lallam
and Jefferson Counties called the Major Incident Response Team (MIRT). PAPD and other agencies
mobilized MIRT"several times in 2019 for assistance in major crime investigations.
All PAPD Detectives receive significant specialized braining in areas such as homicide investigation and
crimes against children. In 2019 PAPD saw sexual assaults reported a significant increase from 18 to 30
July 7,
cases (a 66% increase). At least one sexual assault reported (and one that led to a successful prosecution)
was reported to the PAPD REdisCOVERY social worker and officer team. PAPD works closely with the
Clallam County Prosecuting Attorney's Victim Witness Coordinator and with Healthy Families of Clallarii
County. The Child Advocacy Center at Healthy Families provides a safe location for child interviews and
is considered a regional best practice.
Aggravated Assault decreased I t.8% in 20t9 but is still approximately 40% higher than the Washington
state average and is significantly higher than the t5 comparable cities (see attached chart). Stranger
violence, or a violent crime where the victim and suspect do not know each other is extremely rare in Port
Property Crime: $t,753,465.00 was reported in property loss in Port Angeles due to criminal activity.
$t,477,745.00 of that loss was in stolen property. Property crime has been trending down in Port Angeles
for the last 5 years but is higher than the State average in theft and burglary, and twice as high in the State
average for property destruction. Theft and burglary are higher than all the t5 comparable cities except for
Sequim (which has 37.7 theft crimes per tOOO residents reported versus 29.8 thefts per tOOO residents in
Port Angeles).
Robbery and arson increased in Port Angeles in 20 N (36.45 % and 400%respectively)but burglary,theft,
motor vehicle theft, property destruction, forgery, fraud and stolen property decreased. While our property
crime continues to be a significant quality of life issue for our residents and higher than many of our
comparable cities, we believe the continual downward trend in property crime reflects the holistic value of
community-oriented policing.
Since 20tO PAPD has actively participated with Clallarii County SO in the neighborhood watch program
which has engaged with more than 20,000 residents countywide in that time. Continued public education
on crime prevention has been coupled with outreach efforts(REdisCOVERY) directed and getting persons
into services. It is known to us that an individual with a substance abuse disorder can need between $100
and $200 per day to purchase narcotics and often that money is obtained through criminal activity. Our
sustained effort in getting persons into medically assisted drug treatirient, detox, counseling and housing
plus coordination between providers and services has we believe the most significant impact in property
crime decrease.
The work of OPNET' in dismantling drug trafficking organizations and operations in Clallarii County we
believe also has a positive impact on decreasing property crime and violent crime. Much of the complex
felony stolen property and burglary cases countywide are either assisted or led by OPNET. There is always
a nexus between the use of highly addictive substances and burglary,felony theft and stolen vehicles. With
the prevalence of violent crime in Port Angeles (and the subsequent workload) PAPD utilizes Patrol
Officers and assistance from OPNET'and Clallarii County SO for property crime investigation.
The expanded REdisCOVERY 2.0 program has added case management and wrap around services to our
officer/social worker field response team efforts. The other description for REdisCOVERY 2.0 is law
enforcement assisted diversion. In 20 N Group B Arrests (graph attached) it should be noted that PAPD
makes zero or minimal arrests for drunkenness, curfew/vagrancy and disorderly conduct as compared to
the number of calls for service in these areas (total of 50 events in 20 19) . Our new program will focus on
diverting the persons involved in these and some other crimes into services and more effective case
Funding Overview: N/A
July 7,
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PORT ANGELES PD aallarn County Population 19,620
Months Deported: 1
Offense Overview Group Arrest Overview+
Offense Total 1,958 .rre t'T'ratzal 700
It of Cleared Offense 73 dult Arro t Total 613
P rcont Cleared 37,5% Juvenile Arrest"rotal 90MENNEN== .
Mur~do 0 4 0. Mo
Mariskau titer 0 0 0.0 0 0
D 30 061% 1. 3 7'
od" y 0 6 0.3 0 0
xt,uul Assault rlC w" t 3 0.0"l 0. 1 2
Fondling 20 0 75 .0(Y, 0.5 3
ravat d AssatAlt 76 67 �11,8r% 3 33 15
SimpleAssault 31 '13. % 1 ,0 158 1 7
lrltiirrdidticin � ...
rr t 0 1 0'1 0 0
statutwr Rne 14 300,0% 0.2 1 11
Hurnan Tr fflukin Off(Inses 0 0 0.0 0 0
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L rcen �Tl1 ft Off n 673 034 -13,0`fr 0, 62 10
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Extortion/ laukrnafl 1 11 0�0% 01 0 0
ritr 0 0 0,0 0
t l n Property Offeii 31 0 35- 0/. 1.0 0 0
Animal Cruelty 1 0 0 0,0 10 0
L ru arcotic Vi latiori 0 3 3. J 4,2 h C
)rur1 ui rnent"vikoiation 3 1 -66 77 0.1 0 0
Prr� titrrtlon ff n 0 .�, 1 0
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eap rt Laws Violations 25 '16 -30.0% 0ti -
SPC t 1 r Crime in Wa grin t rr 2019'
July 7,
2019 Washington NIBRS Submission Agencies
Group20,19 rrts
Weapons Used in Crimes
I ( Chicks 1 0 1 ,
tarf6�/)7i rents 0
Disorderly Conduct 5 � 1
IT6—n—kenness 0 �
L �l5217 71 16
q'uor Lair Vio�'ations 1 �� ,
�.. � .,
t (� " p "
All ther Offenses , 32 / � �A°�
Drag Offenses by TypeO� , ,.,,,,����,,,,, �� �� �m � ✓�, �a
Relationship of Victim to Offender
state///aii ,I�
off(,//"rrr rr/ / ,�.66
/� StIrT'YL1fu�r'1t".a' � IVB'Ak�'ll�k�fu"C1 I�1gVf11Ni�1}( '�➢��q11
Within Family ��/'�/'// /��r c.
��mn ue ury w.nm,'mmmim'ss nmmmmimmm aI I I IoI Io I ImioI,I I I I I I I I Aum�uJPf@YW6✓rvv00 11111111111111111111m'ry IV I I 1ev I,m I I I.I I I I I I I I I I ImI I ImII I-I IIInrmuv I Io I I I I I I I I I I I0o mr I,m 6 6 A I➢V4*5 0 0 0�mmrnuuw90�ti
'1 Property M Type
C� r�r� �i �ii � ir�j�trt
Y�a:r rY„;�,Y r,Ysr 0 Seize �
Severe Lacerations 0 Bt3rnerf 28,)010
Other Major Injuryr �. e tmy(?C/Dar"iciged 5,222
Mirror injury 92 Stolen,1111 $1,477,745
I_o:sr;of Teeth 0
Broken Borun t
ASPC Crime in Washington 2019
y 2020 / June 2020
C ON-2019-1S (TIZ0519/PK0418)
Peabody Street Sidewalk Repair& �195,000 �172,390 $0.00 $0.00 5172 390
Civic Field ADA Access
Im�a ravenl�aenls
CON-2020-0 2020 Pavement $359,550 $359,550
IZe airs $().()() $25,94350 5385,493.50
CON-20204 4 2020 Chip Seal $680 000 $398,398
$0.00 $0.$0.00539S,39S
CON-2O 9-32 (C'L09t 6)
LaurelSubstation Electrical $500,000 $278,054.60 $0.00 $0.00 $278,054.60
Swi�ch rear TJ wades
CON-2O 9-48 ]arks Building $34,995.97 $34,995.97
Demolition $0.00 $0.00 $34 99597
C'ON-2020-t 2 (W T"-O t-t 8)
Ranney Well and Support Building $90,000 $63,280 $0.00 $0.00 $63,280
C'ON-2020-28 (WW0308)Pump $t,309,622 $564,454.40
Station .3IZep lacemienl $0.00 $0.00 $S64 454.40
---------------- ---- ----------
I------------------------FL------ ----------- -------------------_
*I,imit:ed Public Works process
July 7, 2020 L - 6
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JULY 7, 2020
City of Port Angeles Council Meeting Agenda Summary
Additional information on attendance of this meeting will be found at www.cityofpa.us
Meeting will be held virtually
The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve
the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The Mayor will determine time of break. Hearing devices are available
for those needing assistance. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following:
A. Call to Order— Special Meeting at 5:00 p.m. —Executive Session to be held under authority of RCW
42.30.110(1)(c), to consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered;and RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)to discuss potential
litigation with legal counsel, and RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) to evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to
review the performance of a public employee
Call to Order—Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
B. Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
Ceremonial Matters, Proclamations & Employee Recognitions
C. Public Comment
Written public comment can be submitted to:council(a�cityofpa.us, comments will not be read aloud but will be made apart of the
record. To provide pre-recorded messages to the City Council by phone,please call 360-417-4504. Messages received will be
provided to Council. These messages will be made apart of the record. Comments should be received by 2:00 pm. Tuesday, July 7,
To call in and provide oral public comment or oral testimony to the public hearing through a telephone line, visit the city's website to
obtain call-in information and directions at www.cityofpa.us. Calls will betaken in the order they come in.
Members of the public may address the City Council at the beginning and end of any Regular Meeting under"Public Comment."
During the "Public Comment"portion of the meeting,individuals may speak to agenda items,except those scheduled for a Public
The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment.However,the business of the City must proceed in an orderly,
timely manner. At any time,the presiding officer,in the presiding officer's sole discretion,may set such reasonable limits as are
necessary to prevent disruption of other necessary business.
At its most restrictive,Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be
concluded not later than 9:45 for the second Public Comment period.
Individuals may speak for three(3)minutes or less,depending on the number of people wishing to speak. If more than 20 people are
signed up to speak each speaker may be allocated two(2)minutes.
Individuals who are residents of the City or own businesses within the City will be called to speak first,with preference given to those
who wish to speak to an item on the meeting's agenda.If time remains,the presiding officer will call other individuals wishing to
speak,generally in the order in which they have signed.If time is available,the presiding officer may call for additional unsigned
Persons speaking shall state their name,whether they reside within the City limits,whether they have any other pertinent connection
to the City, and whether they are appearing as the representative of an organization.
Excerpts taken from the Council Rules of Procedure Section 12
July 7,2020 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1
D. Late Items
To be placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting.
E. Consent Agenda I Approved 7-0
1. City Council Minutes of June 16,2020/Approve.....................................................................................................E-1
2. Expenditure Report:From June 6, 2020 and June 29,2020 in the amount of$1,964,592.12/Approve........................E-5
3. WASPC Rediscovery Contract Renewal/Approve Contract I Voted Separately Passed 6-0,1 Recused....................E-37
4. Planning Commission Recommendations/Approve Recommendations.....................................................................E-49
5. Five-Year Renewal for Cisco Meraki Network Infrastructure Software Licensing/Approve Contract.......................E-82
F. Public Hearings 1 6:30 p.m. or Soon Thereafter I Approved 7-0 Passed Resolution#13-20
1. 2021-2026 Capital Facility Plan and Transportation Plan/Continue Public Hearing/Close Public Hearing/Pass Resolution
G. Ordinances Not Requiring Council Public Hearings I Approved I Continued to July 21
1. Adding Chapter 1.30 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code Recognizing Indigenous People's Day and Adding anew
section 1.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code Recognizing Juneteenth/Conduct First Reading/
Continueto July 21 ..................................................................................................................................................G-1
H. Resolutions Not Requiring Council Public Hearings...................................................................................None
I. Other Considerations
1. State and Federal Advocacy/Council Discussion.....................................................................................................I-1
J. Contracts & Purchasing
1. Contract with the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce for a Downtown Vision and Strategic Plan/Approved
2. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA)Industrial Switches Purchase/Approved.................................J-14
3. City Hall Low Impact Development Parking Lot Retrofit,Project No. TR1215,Professional Services
K. Council Reports
L. Information
City Manager Reports:
1. 2019 Port Angeles Crime Summary..........................................................................................................................L-1
2. Code Enforcement/Code Update
3. Public Works and Utilities Construction Report........................................................................................................L-6
M. Second Public Comment
Written public comment can be submitted to:council(a�cityofpa.us, comments will not be read aloud but will be made apart of the
record. To provide pre-recorded messages to the City Council by phone,please call 360-417-4504. Messages received will be
provided to Council. These messages will be made apart of the record. Comments should be received by 2:00 pm. Tuesday, July 7,
To call in and provide oral public comment or oral testimony to the public hearing through a telephone line, visit the city's website to
obtain call-in information and directions at www.cityofpa.us. Calls will betaken in the order they come in.
Adjournment 9:42 p.m.
Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. City Council may set a public hearing in order to
receive public input prior to making decisions which impact citizens.Certain matters may be controversial and City Council may
choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process.
July 7,2020 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 2
7, ND2()
The 6ty of Plcct Angeies has a reso,Linsibihlry to address tMe pub4c safety concerns of its citizens 650 of
whojim shO'Ned UP tn respor'sp ro show support and s6idarity onfl"i a natii,-)nwide rncvement irn support of
&ack, Irfe in the face cf an outrageOUS incorigruity in the treatirvient of Eiiack people by pohce regUany
resuiting ire vi6ence and death As p':W ail know cur cornirnunity us rict separate firrorn this p�"ienciniena
There was:an assauill or., a Black joeinMsuia coil�ege sL der*rI by wh�te supreMaCIISI t rron st Ifr OUr
cornn'runity only 3 coupie years ago The terrffyinzg harassinrierd arid cornering rsf the miuPtii racial� farnOy
visitling forks recently was as a direct resuir of a Part Angeies buswness oydrier (Freld's, GUnst reposling
fake news, frorn: a vvhite supreirracist terror-ist group (tdentiity Evropa) `Nhite peopie m Port Angeles have
a huge pra bt eijrj with ractsm. Pre confinuahon. of negative altqudes towards the ILrowwer Dwha K41,arn
peopiewhose land was stofen "'wears a heWy signed ulnider the threat of continued vioience is prevakentl
where,a mass grave was discovered gust years ago and the response from whute people faomg this
Nstory was fargeuy that of 6sirnissat and even hosfihty These attitudes and behavioits aire es',-f:a6ahng and
cf cs a senous threat to pubkc safety.
How do we address pubirc safety when the systems in place not cnmy are not addressing the issues
effecfiveiry bout actL41iy agitating the probuern? Dsp rope Oioniale targeting of peopie of coilor by p6ice is a
fact Fhe porce uphoid a systern fl'iat targiets &ack and indigenOUS peopq e disproportionately as do the
courts whuch we know conv ct and sentence peopNe of coio more harsWy and prisons which destroy lives
and create rnore violence The lairrgest cancentrabon of BVack peopre hving or,the 04yrnpkc, PenmsUia are
at Daillarn Etay where even there they have recently faced d sproportionate vioience cri the yacd and at
the hands(if guards wh0e woTking almost for free wdhiin fh s racist system The aboilition of the pchce as as
neces&ty which cane start vvith defundaig arid PUtting rnoriey towards pirograms where peop e are
chminahzed for tryfng to survive Ending herneiessness and creahrig non PLXIntive treatment resw,')umes for
SUbstance users m OW'cornnlUmty wouId be a great start as weN as an extensive eidUCalicinal ,)verhauf
irnrnediateVy addressing the epndernic of racisni in ciar lown,. Creating alternative emeIrgeilCy services
such as frauneid response for someone deahing with a Prental heafthi crrsis biy sorneone IlCrt in Iaw
enforcement WOUId be a good start.
Nationwide,, the move toward aUthoritarianism, by the current adn'linistration and Ilocaal governments are
creating extrerne repression agwrist the free speech of those dernonstrating for an end to ffre murders of
&ack peoplie by police with irnpumily fi'OrTI the tlaw *e five in a COMMUnity where white suprerniac st
vigiiantes are,considered permissible and far right pohfics incdudmig the bizarre and terHyring
n'isunfcrrriahon of Carrion and Cheer desired coming takeover rts glaming a lot of stean, 11 don t Iraeiievee the
poitce are going to help on this either IGornnaVuoed and outuaird hatefiLd and iracnst befiefs are creatii crjg
kind of community where many of my fnends, from other places VOOLdd not feed cornfortaUe cormrig to vrstt
k ininpilore you to recognize ffiat we are corning to a monient of reckoning where moving quickky and takdrrg
big steps to stand in support of B ack. Indigenous, and people of color- and against the nsmg tilde of
racism and hate 0i Oils cornirnurrity- is pararniount To ignore the pubfic safety,cnsks at hand is to be
coirriplicit rn the vuo4ence
Thank y101.1
Nico Maynes