HomeMy WebLinkAboutUAC Minutes 02/11/2020 w
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles,'W 8362
February 11, 2020
L Call To Orrdier,
Mayor Kate Dexter called the meeting to order at 3:02 prn.
It. Roll Call
ouncilmembers present: Mayor bete Dexter, CouncHmember Brendan Meyers Councilmernber
Lindsey chrornenwt awrin
UAC Members present Vice Chair William Atkinson, Mattias J irvegren, Paul Collins
UAC Members Absent: Laura Dodd, Raji Jethwrwa
Matt`IlPresent- Gregg King, Thomas Hunter, Jonathan Boehme, Shailesh Shere,
(Marian Bodart, Liana Bagwell, Yvette Nichols, Sarina Carruxosa
Others Present: 0 citizen
/it. Approval of Minutes
!Bill Atkinson moved to approve the December 10, 20,19 minutes, Unrd ey chromen- aecwrin
seconded the motion.
Motion carried -0.
IV. Late Items,: None
V. Public Comment:ment: None
Vt. Discussion Items*
aA, Nomination and Election of UAC Chair&"dice Chair
Councilmernber Lindsey chromen- aw 6in nominated Mayor Kate Dexter for U C Chair
position. Lotion carried 4- . Vice Chair William Atkinson nominated for LACVice-Chair
position., Motion carried -0.
+ ii. Informational Only Items: Intone
A. UAC New Format - (presentation
Director of Public Works,Thomas Hunter, gave a PowerPoint presentation about the new
�proposed UAC structure to utilize the time and talents of the committee, members to help
shape the strategic direction of the City's utilities.
Councflrnember Lindsey Schromen-Waiwrin made a motion to approve the, UAC new format
as presented by Deputy Director of Public Works, Thomas Hunter, with the clarification that
the committee would meet every other,month. Paul Collins seconded the motion. Motion
carried 6-0.
B. Mattias Jilinvegren Question for Staff
Mattias J6rvegren had a question for staff regarding the,Sewer Overflow Project and the
event that occurred in the past week.
C, New Committee Member Introduction
Colunciimember Brendan Meyer was introduced.
Vill. Next Meeting Date: March 10, 2020
1X Adjournment: 3-41 pm
Chair Kate Dexter Diana�agwel�, Admihistrative Specialist 11