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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
the 2020 budget and funds.
WHEREAS, the Annual Budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 2020, was
adopted, approved and confirmed on December 3, 2019, in Ordinance 3652, in the manner
provided by law.
WHEREAS, the first 2020 budget amendment was adopted, approved and confirmed
by Ordinance No. 3657 by Council on April 7, 2020.
WHEREAS, now there exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been
foreseen when the 2020 budget was adopted.
WHEREAS,the facts constituting the emergency include, but are not limited to:
Unanticipated additional revenue; and
-Unanticipated reduced revenue;
Unanticipated additional and reduced expenditures primarily for
changes in planned capital expenditures as previously authorized by
WHEREAS, these facts require amendments to the adopted budget in order to meet
the expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Pursuant to RCW 35A.33.090, the City Council declares that an
emergency exists.
Section 2. The 2020 budget appropriation for each separate fund as set forth in
Ordinance 3652, is amended as shown in the attached Exhibit A.
Section 3. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to
correct scrivener's errors, references, ordinance numbering, section and subsection numbers
and any references thereto.
Section 4. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City
Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days
after publication according to law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than
the majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council on the
day of August, 2020.
A41A_1 I
Kate Dexter, Mayor
�� ....�
Kari Martinez-Baile Cit rk William E. Bloor City At e
By ummary
2020 Budget Amendment#2
Exhibit A
II l 2O O
endment#1l .Balance-Est.L 0 at Amen.dment H 2
Fund Div. Nan /Description Beginning R Expenditures Ending Beginning R Expenditures
Balance-Est BaIanP-Est Balance-Est.st.
GENERAMIND(Note.,Divisional tatalsfor reference only)
Fund Balance: 1,TS 1 6,39.1,�Sl.
.. ........................ ------ ------- ............... .......
001. 1160 City Council 44,200 71,300
DOI, 1210 City Manager 216,100 518,000 216,100 468,000
-.-..........--.. .................... ............... ..............
001. 1211 2,100 3,000 2,%W' 3,000
n Resources 130,000 211,600 130,000 211,600
001. 1230 City Clerk 100,700 206,300 100,700 206,300
001. %289 Records Managemen[� 0 0 0 ............0
001. 1390 . a Community Service 0 0 0
in%. 2001 Finance-Revenue %4.01T,600............... . ...................... 14,011,600 0
001. 2020 Finance Administration 418,000 916,700 418,0000 916,700
001. 2023 Accounting -------------- _268,900 974,500 768,900 974,500
001. 1,02Z900 1.113.800 1,022.900
3nd�H!�� 115, ............................ --- 141�. 1- -.......
�jl 'o'o Reproywhics 46.600 46,600
001 2091 Non-Departmental 0 0
.. ....................... . ........................................ .....
001, 2099 Ger-t Ua.,pelflad 0 0 0 0
001, 3010 City Attorney 356,500 539,600 356,500 539,600
W)j 1012 Mil Contributions 0 885,600 1 0 885,600
------- , -..........................................................--------- -------------- ------ -------------------
001 4060 Pi ning 275,400 523,700 325,400 570,500
467,000 267�400 467000 267,400
001. 4071 Economic Development 50,000 101,700 51,200 J 101,700
001. 5010 Police Administration 0 694,700 0 694,700
001. 012 PcnComlCaphol Transfers 308,36�............
3.500 1 3,500 1,06S,500 001, �021 lJoe vesti Wi
15022 Police Patrol 442,400 3,547,400 704,400 3,7.9.5,400
001, 5026 0 11,400 0 11,400
001 502.9 Police Retards 17,400 469,400 17,400 46.9,400
............ ------- ........................
001. 5050 Police Facilities Maintenance 16,300 20,100 16,300 20,100
POI, 6010 Fire Administration 57,700 228,500 57,700 228,500
.............. ....................... .......................................................................................
DOI 6012 PmC.m1Mcdic I Support ......................... 0 -884,100 0 884,100
001. 6020 Fire Suppression 0 1,28 0 1,234,100
..................................... .......... .............................
001, 6030 Fire Prevention 51500 108,100 51500 108,100
.. . .. ...... ......................... ................ ... .. .....................
001. 6045 Fire Training -------6100 .'' 102,900 6,100 153,600
ooi. 6050 rla'lodh NO g Nkdn renvewe 0 56,700
001. 7010 Public Works Administration 950, 2,062,600
pp� Public Works
CIP 0 25, .000 0 25,000
.................... .........
001. 47032 Public Works Telecommunications 32,800 32,800 32800 32,800
004.' 8010' Parks Administration 0 266,500 0 266500
............-- -............. ........................... .........................-------
00.L 90.12 Senior 46,800 158,ow 46,00 1.58,000
Obi. 8050 Ocean Vim Cernotery 115,000 179,900
001. 8080 Park Facilities 801000 2,218,300 80.000 2,271,300
-- ---- ' ---- -- .................001. 8112 Senior Center Facilities 0 �7.600 w 57,600
001 8131 Central Services Facilities 366,900 504,400 366�900 504,400
001� 8155 ��-R-ah 92,200 115'�ioo 92,200 115,000
001. 19221 j sports Proqrams 162,000 205,300
0 0 1 J902.9 G nr.1 Unspecified 0 w2'900 0 922,900
001 TOTAL Gonc!r3l Fund 6,353,751 20.618,000 21,930,500 5,041,251 6,353,751 2.0,931,700 22,228,300 5,056,651
800 116,404 335,504 707,800 101 Lodging clseTax"Flu,n'd ...335,504 707,-� 9 ,i667
102 Street Fund 316,372 1,719,600 1,719,600 1 316,372 316,372 1,719,600 1,719,600 316,372
05 Real,Estate.Exclse Tax-1(REET-11 Fund 936,082 263,100 387,900 811,282 936,082
107 PenCom Fund 1,231,601 3,183,300 3,439,100 975,801 1,231,601 3,183,300 3,480,800 934,101
Real Estate Excise Tax-2(REET-21 Fund 174 265,400 221,400 867,174 823,174 265,400 221,400 867,174
165 Business Improvement Area 57,888 36,800 0 0 57,888 36,800 40,000 0
. ............
-172 48,255 1,112,100 1,165,300 35,055 48,255 1,167,100 1,202,300 5 55 0�
Part Angeles Housing Rehab.Fund 13'0
175 Code Compliance Fund 000 a 5IJ000 50,000 1,000 0 -5'50'000 7,32i TOTAL Special Revenue Funds 3,798876 100 7,860,200 3,173,098 3,821,597 7,344,100 1777���132,!&01
2020 Budget Amendment#2
Exhibit A
Funds 2010 Budget Amendment#1 2020 Budget Amendment ll2
Fund IDIv. I Name/Description Be innin Revenue Ex enditures Endln Beginning Revenue Expenditures Ending
Balance-Est. Balance-Est.. Balance Est. Balance-Est.
DEBT SERVICE.FUNDS •••••••••••••,,••,,,,,,,,,, _
L 2006 LTGO Bond,(Pro�.Acquisition)Fund 747,289 365,700 87,000 1,025,,989 747,289 365,700 87,000 1p25,989
Q014 LTGO Bond(Landfill Bluff StabillzaUonJ Fund 168,334 604,700 598,80 174,234 168,334604.,700 598800 2015 L7G0 Bond-Refunding(W.U.G.A.) 12,571 m 234,50+ ...a..,., -..,
0 233,200 13,871 12,571 234,500 233 200 13 871
Funds 928,194 1,204,900 919,000 1,214,094 229,194 ,20.,9
TOTAL.DebtSurvl¢eFun � 1,204,900 911,00 1,214,094
U tlh Fund 401 9,081, 0392 If 30,274,900 32,423,000 6,933,292 9,081,392 30,274,900 32,423,0 6,933,292 Electric
'..402 '.. Water Utility Fund 13,458,563 P 9,345,900 9,345,900 Ll3,458,563 13,458,563 9,345,900 7,481,800 15,322,663
403 Wastewater Utility Fund 1 935,053 7,70,300 7,173,200 1,932,153 1.935,053 7,170,300 7,173,20 1,932,153
404 Solid Waste Utility Fund 4,710,586 12,003,800 12„479,800 4,234,586 4,710,586 12,003,800 12,479,800 4,234,586
_ Fund
.................................................,m....,.., ..,..,.....,.......,.....,.........................-.......................-
406 Stormwater Utility Fund
1,328,044 2,646,00 _2,294,800 1,679,244 1,328,044 2,646,00 2,294,800 1,679,244
409 Medic 1 Utility Fund 314,526 2 ,500 3,115,300 95,726 314,526 2,942,300 3,115,300 141,,526
413 iHarbor ,.._.--- ._....__ ___.. __.91. _ 0 (A Afb.eA 0 ._.r (837,?b10l 2692,300 2`624400........_(flCr ur].Fta Clean-up
,Conservation Fund Fund `894,333 2 479„400 2A614,300 759,433 894,333 479,400 614,30 759,433
TOTAL.Enterprise/Utility Funds' 3Q,884,587 67,509,10 70,070,700 28,322,987 30,884,587 67,554,900 68,206,60 30,232,887
502 Infmmaflan Technology, 1,163,809 _ 2,259,00 2,342,,i 1,080,609 1,0163,809 2,259,00 2,342,200 1,080,6091,
503 Self-Insurance 936,601 5,962,500 5,962,500 936,601 936,601 5,962,500 5,962,500 936,601
TOTAL Internal Service Funds 6„182„602 9,970,,300 10,997,900 5,165,0p2 6,182,6p2 9,97p,3p0 10,908,8pp 5,244,102 I
602 1 1 Flre.nlen s Pension Fund 148,043 p 15,000 87,800 75„243 148,043 15,000 87,800 75,243
TOTALFiduti'aryFund; 148,043 15,000 87,800 75,243 148,043 15,000 87,800 75,243
601 1 ICemetery Endowment Fund __405,604_I_-- ._-- �� _-4 a11�7o4 aos,6oa"� 6„10(1"[.� p°� " 41id7oa 1
TOTAL.Permanent Funds 405,604 6,100 0 411.704 405,604 6,100 0 411,704
310 Governmental Capital Improvement Fund 1,035,728 2,059,500 gg 2,101,500 993,.728 1,035,728 2,120,000 2,344,700 811„028
....... ..... .......,.�..... 1',_...�.,.m___. ,.,,.,8 ......2,4 1,316,400 2,244 600 1,540,
618 312 Transportation Capital 2,468,816 1 316 40 2 590 10 1195,118 2,468,818 0 ,m
316 Governmental Park Improvement Fund 277,918 11,606'I' 0 289,SSB 277,918 11,600 0 289,518
..,,,n.._n............ .. .....,...
451 Electric Capltal Fund 9,572,120 3,300,000 9,294,800 3,587,320 9,572,120 3,300,000 8,890,900 3,,981,220
452 Water Capital Fund 3,996,221 568,000 - 1,788,200 2,676,021 8,0 0 ...7 .......................
3,896,221 568,000 756,000 3,708,221
453 Wastewater Capital Fund 2,562,890 803,500 2,772,300 594 090 2,562,890 803,500 2,094 600 II 1,271 790
454 Solid Waste Capltal,Fund -2,696,591 1,713,300... p .. .._. .... _� �---- _... i .
�463 Combined Sewer Overflow Ca rtal Fund 2,182,956 2,331,90p 2,484,300 2,030,556 2,182,956 U2,331,900 „„• .2,463 300 2,646,591
_ 18 000 2,938,176
456 Stormwater Capital Fund 2,656,176 400,00 665 000 2,391,176 2 656 176. 400 00 1
1885600 2,524,291 2 696 591 1713 300 1763 300 2, ,5
TOTAL Capital Funds 27,349,418 12,504,20 23,571,800 16,281,818 27,349,418 12,564,70 1 20,696,400 19,217,718
SUB-TOTAL ALL FUNDS 715,051,075 1.19„1.56,70 135,427,900 59„685,187 76,073,7�96 1119,591,200 131,025„8p0� 6&'„584„Sp8
Reserves-Designated -- - � 2 0 .803 40 . ,._ 2,939 0� ..�
Reserves Used �� 17,101,500 �_ 14 374,200�j 60
TOTAL ClTYWI DE ALL FUNDS 76,051,075 136,258,213p.138,131.,100 59,585,187 1 1 76,073,796 1133,965,400 133,90,400 1 64,594,508.
Summary of Ordinances Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on ►u st 18, 2020
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending the 2020 budget and funds.
This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is
not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication
of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
The full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the Clerk's office, on the City's website
at ,,�\\,\\,.ci1vok).i,tis or will be mailed upon request.
Kari Martinez-Bailey
City Clerk
Published by summary: Friday August 21, 2020