HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/21/2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
July 21. 2020
,%,favor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port.Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.ni,
R01j, C,XLL
Members Present: Mayor D xter. Deputy Mayor Carr. Council Nfernbers t-rench, Nlever—McCaughar, Schronien-
Wawrin and.Suggs.
Menibers Absent.- None
Staff Present: City Manager West. Attorney Bloor. Clerk Mart inez-Bal ley,C. Delikat. K. Dubuc. B. Smith.
F'. Bolin. -r. Hunter.and S. Carrizo,;a.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Dr. Ir Flierese Stoken,Neah Bay resident and Doctor at North Olympic Peninsula Community Based Outpatient Clinic.
spoke in favor of Council diversifying the Port Angeles, Public Safety Advisory Board.
Ingrid Cannean. city resident,spc)ke about the Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board.
I fillary Powers. city,resident,spoke in favor of'Council diversifying the Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board.
Susan Hilgren.city resident, spoke in favor(if Council diversifying the Port Angtiles:Public Sat'ety Advisory Board.
Jessica Elofsen, residing, outside city linirts, spoke in favor of Council diversifying the, Pori Angeles Public Safety
Advisory Board.
Kevin LoPiccolo, Clallam CoLjjjtvr Health and Human Services Assistant Director spoke about a grant available
through the Department of Commerce that could fiscally support potential expansion at Serenity House,
Ellen Fetchiet, city resident, spoke in favor of Council diversifying the Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board.
Eric Less, city resident,spoke in favor of Council diversifying the Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board,
Lisa Decker, residing outside city limits, spoke in favor of Council diversifying the Port Angeles Public Safety
Advisory Board.
1. OlyCap,Serenity House Shelter, and COVID 19 Related Updates PresentatiOn,
City Manager Nathan West shared that over the past 3 years, City Council has prioritized housing and homelessness.
He spoke about innovative programs the City is using including the Paramedic ine and ReDiscovery programs to assist
those experiencing housing and health challenges. He,shared Council wished to host the conversation with OlyCAP
and Serenity House and shared by having both organizations presetit, it would help Council hear firsthand what is
working and not working. Manager West turned the meeting over to Cherish Cromuiller, Executive Director of
OlyC Site introduced Kathy Morgan.01yCAP Director of Housing and Community Development %vho provided
demographics that have been collected from the Center on who has been sheltered at the Social Distancing Center,
Ms. Cronmiller shared a PowerPoint presentation which included poverty statistics, rental challenges, and self-
sufficiency \vages. She spoke about what 01yCAP is doing to help members, of the comm unity who are in need of
housing assistance and utility support. Council discussion followed,
Sharon Maggard,Executive Director of Serenity House.presented a PowerPoint presentation on the work that Serenity
House is doing For those experiencing homelessness and spoke,about potential expansion at the facility. She spoke
7 about several Cacilitles and their COVID-19 response. which included closing conintunity roon-is and increased
cleanings, Johnny Ankroni. Director of Shelter Services Serenity House. shared demographics on the shelter and
spoke about challenges relative to mental health and drug abuse experienced by some of their clients at the shelter.
He also discussed case managenient and transition to long-terns housing work done by Serenity House. Council
discussion folloXred,
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7:50 pant.The meeting recOnvened at 7:56 p.m.
Council member Meyer asked Council to consider holdinU a discussion 011 temporarily waiving bidding requirements,
By consensus, Mayor Dexter added a discussion on a waiver of bidding requirements as Item 1 2 to Other
It was moved by French and seconded by Suggs to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes of July 7.2020 , Approre
1 Expenditure Report: Front June 30, 202'0 i4p Ad'v 10, 2020h? the annount art$2,569,526.63 /Approjve
3. Renewal of Pen Corn Phone Maintenance Renewal w,ith Intrado/Authorize the CirY Manager to e:vpeold
S26,193.00'fiw the 2020-2021 Intrado phonentaintenance w reneal,
4, Resolution to Set a Public Hearing for the Electric Utility 2020 Resource Plan/Pass Resolution to set a public
hearing regarding the updated Re.source Plan and continue to the August 4, 2020 meefing,lPasst-d Resolution # 14-
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0.
1. Adding Chapter 1.30 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code Recognizing Indigenous People's Day and
Adding a new section 1.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code Recognizing Juneteenth
Mayor Dexter conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title.entitled.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles.Washington adding a new Chapter 1.30 to the Port Angeles
Municipal C s ode and recognizing Indigenous People' Day.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles. Washington,Gadding new section 1.40 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.recognizing Juneteenth.
Manager West spoke about the importance of the ordinances for those they were dedicated to and the importance of
community recognition of both days. Council discussion followed.
It"as moved by French and seconded by Carr to;.
Adopt the ordinances as read.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
L Resolution in Support of Progressive Revenue Policies for Washington State
Manager West provided background on the agenda kern and encouraged Council to discuss the matter to be sure staff
presented an item that was consistent with what Council had requested.
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title. entitled.
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A RESOLUTION of(lie City Council of the City of Port Angeles. Washington. in support of progressive revenue
policies for the State,of"Washington.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr, the final motion adopted was:
Pass the resolution as read and include the following updates:
THEREFORE.BE IT RESOLVED�: That the City of Port Angeles endorses the Tax Structure Work Gr0QLS of
toward a Eatgtgressiyre tax system, creation of a neov tax study commission,and ask Governor Inslee and the
le-islators to address the issue of fair taxation in speeches,in newsletters,and via legislation; and
BE IT FURTHER 111".'SOLVED: That the City urges the Tax'St'r"ucture Work Group, an tile new tax study
commission to investigate, develop. and recommend for adoption,a state level progressive revenue system to
replace the State's current tax code,
BE If FURJ HER RESQLVED�: That these poli-c-y,ehan�e urttertt and htLve real C�jn;s uenccs for our
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
2. Resolutions on Parking Lot Activity and Right of Way Permit Fee Wavier
Manager West provided background oil the agenda items and shared staff are continuing to search for ways to support
local businesses. He said many businesses found themselves struggling to meet the Governor's phased-in approach.
He shared the proposed resolutions were to assist businesses experiencing challenges while operating safely during
the phased-in approach. lie discussed sonic of the ways the City is assisting local business during the COVID-l 9
health crisis. He shared :it was stat"I"s goal to try to support all local businesses through efforts like tile proposed
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title.entitled.
A RESOIAJTION of the City Council of the City of'Port Angeles. Washington. affinning and ratifying the
Eniergency Declaration Order issued by the City Manager on July 16. 2020,
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title,entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of'Port Angeles.Washington,affirming and ratifying the
Emergency, Declaration Order issued by the City Manager oil July 16. 2020.
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by McCaughan to:
[lass resolutions as read.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,, the motion carried 7-0.
1. Discussion of Elimination of Bidding Requirements
Council member Meyer spoke to the proposed itern and provided more information on the intentions of his proposal.
Attorney William Bloor shared there could potentially be other ways the City could review bids and reminded Council
there are specific requirements frorn bidders, whether they are local or not.
It was moved by Nteyer and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to:
Ask staff to draft a letter asking the County health officer waive bidding requirements under the RCW39.04.0 10 to
give preference to,local city and County bids where possible in order to slow the spread ofCovid-19 and to protect
the health and life of the people of the City Port Angeles and the County of'Ciallam
By roll call vote,the motion passed unanimously 7-0.
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Deputy Mayor Carr shared infornlation froin the Board offlealth meeting.
Council nieniber French spoke about an 01-vinpic Peninsula'I OUrisin Commission meeting and marketing discussion",
that have been taking place. Be shared the Charriber of Commerce still plans to hold the Winter lee Village.
Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke of' the Low-income Housing Alliance and -Transit. PRTP(.'). Utility
Advisory Committee, and AWC committee meetings. He shared the topics lie is advocating for during the AWC
Council member Suggs shared site had a meeting Nvith Officer Jaxson and Anry Miller. arid what the ReDiscoNery
pro-rain is doing it)help our community.
Council mernber McC I aughan spoke about the Port Angeles Downtown Association meeting.
Mayor Dexter spoke about work done by the Food Batik. a zooni meeting with Cutter Active crew members. and
encouraged people to vote and participate in the 2020 Census.
No other reports were given,
Carolyn Wilcox, city resident, thanked staff`from the Port Angeles Police Department and spoke about the recent
action taken by Council to encourage equity and equality in our community.
Manager West spoke regarding the report included in the packet and provided a legislative update from a recent
meeting, He shared that staff are drafting a letter to legislators that lie will share at time next Council meeting.
Mayor Dexter ackjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
Kate Dexter, Mayor Karl Martinez-Bailey.City Cie
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