HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 ApplicationDepartment of Community & Economic Development 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 360.417.4 | www.cityofpa.us | SHUPLWV@cityofpa.us BPGEN GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROJECT INFORMATION Ƒ Single-Family Residential ƑMulti-Family Residential Ƒ Commercial Ƒ Industrial Ƒ Public Project Address: Tax Parcel No.: Zoning: Primary Contact: (Property Owner: Ƒ Yes Ƒ No) Phone: Email: OWNER INFORMATION Name: Phone: Mailing Address: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name: License #: Mailing Address: Expiration Date: Email: Phone: CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICATION Ƒ New Construction Ƒ Manufactured Building Ƒ Addition Ƒ Remodel Ƒ Repair Ƒ Foundation Ƒ Fence (If >6’ high) Ƒ Retaining Wall (If >4’ high or >2’ high with surcharge) PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Value (Materials + Labor): $ Please summarize proposed work: APPLICATION MATERIALS CHECKLIST A General Building permit Application (BPGEN): Complete front and back of the application A Building Permit Stormwater (BPSW): Submit if the project adds or replaces any hard surfaces A Scaled Site Plan : Please submit a detailed site plan. No larger than 11”x17” paper. (Scale 1”=20’) A Building/Construction Plans (x2): Detailed drawings/engineering of construction plans and elevations A Other Applications when Applicable : Fire related, Wastewater Questionnaire, Waste Disposal A A Digital Copy of Site and Building 3lans: (PDLOHGWo: permits@cityofpa.us I have read and completed the application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain permits prior to work. I understand that plan review fees are not refundable after review has occurred. I understand that I will forfeit review fees if I withdraw the application before the permit is issued. I XQGHUVWDQGWKDWDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQPD\EHUHTXLUHGZKHQGHWHUPLQHGQHFHVVDU\E\WKHEXLOGLQJRI¿FLDODQGLIWKHSHUPLWLVQRWSLFNHG up/issued within 180 days of submittal, the application will be considered abandoned and the fees will be forfeited. Date Print Name Signature (Ƒ Owner Ƒ Contractor Ƒ Representative) CITY USE ONLY App. #: Received: ,QVSHFWLRQ2QO\Ƒ ✔ 063000-10-3130 R9 JACOB GOODFELLOW ✔ 970-531-2226 jacobtgoodfellow@gmail.com DAGNY LORD AND SCOTT SCHAEFER 360-460-6938 818 S. L ST., PORT ANGELES, WA 98363 dagnylord@hotmail.com JACOB GOODFELLOW/TIMELESS CONTRACTING TIMELCL821RQ 227 W 9TH ST., PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 12/18/2020 jacobtgoodfellow@gmail.com 970-531-2226 ✔ $300,000 Construction for new, wood-framed, one-story single-family residence approximately 1107 sf with crawlspace foundation and vaulted ceilings. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 8/31/20 JACOB GOODFELLOW ✔ 602 Milwaukee Dr 20-1042 9-10-2020 PROJECT DETAILS PROJECT ADDRESS: NEW STRUCTURES & ADDITIONS Ƒ Single-Family Residential ƑMulti-Family Residential Ƒ Commercial Ƒ Industrial Ƒ Public Location Description Existing (sq.ft) Proposed (sq.ft) Total (sq.ft) Proposed Value Comments Main Floor $ Upper Floor(s)$ Basement $ Covered Deck / Porch / Entry $ Deck $ Garage (Attached / Detached)$ Carport (Attached / Detached)$ Other (Describe):$ TOTAL $ LOT & SITE COVERAGE CALCULATIONS (For new construction and additions only) Lot Details Dimensions _______ ft. x _______ ft. or Ƒ Irregular total sq.ft. Lot Coverage*Total footprint area of all structures on the property total sq.ft. % Site Coverage*Total area of all impervious surfaces total sq.ft. % *Lot Coverage: The percent of ground area of a lot on which buildings are located. (PAMC 17.08.065) *Site Coverage: The amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces. (PAMC 17.08.095) MECHANICAL DETAILS (If Applicable) 3OHDVHLQGLFDWHKRZPDQ\RIHDFKW\SHRI¿[WXUHLVWREHLQVWDOOHGRUUHORFDWHGDVSDUWRIWKHSURMHFW Air Handler Size: #: Heater (Suspended/Floor/Recessed Wall) #: Furnace/Heat Pump/ Forced air Unit Size: #: Heating/Cooling Appliance (Repair/Alter) #: Appliance Exhaust Fan #: Pellet/Wood/Gas Stove, Fireplace, Misc. #: Evaporated Cooler (Attached) #: Vent Fan (Single Duct) #: Fuel Gas Piping # of outlets: Vent System #: Hazard / Non-Hazard Piping # of outlets: Other:____________________________ #: PLUMBING DETAILS (If Applicable) 3OHDVHLQGLFDWHKRZPDQ\RIHDFKW\SHRI¿[WXUHLVWREHLQVWDOOHGRUUHORFDWHGDVSDUWRIWKHSURMHFW Plumbing Traps #:Water Heater #: Plumbing Vent Piping # of outlets:Medical Gas Piping # of outlets: Water Line # of outlets:Fuel Gas Piping # of outlets: Sewer Line # of outlets:Industrial Waster Pretreatment Interceptor (Grease Trap)#: Vent System #:%DFNÀRZ3URWHFWLRQ'HYLFH VL]H LQ #: Other: ADDITIONAL DETAILS (If Applicable) Irrigation System YES NO Proposed Proposed Bedrooms/Baths #: / Fire Sprinkler System YES NO Proposed Proposed Dwelling Units #: Is the project in Flood Zone? YES (Zone ID: ) NO Structure Value $ += PARCEL# 063000-10-3130 ✔ 1107 1107 75 75 648 648 walkway, parking, driveway 2061 2061 36024 1107 3 4091 11.4 2 1 2 1 4 9 1 3 1 1 3 ✔22 ✔ 1 ✔$300K