HomeMy WebLinkAboutUAC Minutes 07/14/2020L
Virtual Meeting
Port Angeles, WA 98362
July 14, 2020
A. Call to Order
Mayor and Chair Kate Dexter called the meeting to order at 3:01 pm.
B. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Mayor and Chair Kate Dexter, Councilmember Brendan Meyer,
Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin
UAC Members Present: Vice Chair William Atkinson, Mattias Jarvegren,
UAC Members Absent: Raj Jethwa, Paul Collins, and Laura Dodd
Staff Present: Thomas Hunter, Gregg King, Jonathan Boehme, Marian Bodart,
Mary Sue French, Rob Feller, Diana Bagwell, Michelle Hale, Yvette
Others Present: 0 Citizens
Approval of Minutes
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin moved to approve the June 09, 2020 minutes. Mattias
Jarvegren seconded the motion.
Chair Kate Dexter asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,
the motion carried 5-0.
Public Comment: None - The public is invited to provide written comments via e-mail
prior to the meeting.
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin requested City staff investigate further options for Public
`Hot' Items: None
Contracts and Budgets:
A. Contracts over $25,000
Thomas Hunter, Director of Public Works & Utilities, reviewed the 2020 Active Projects,
Capital and Operational, for contracts over $25,000. The project list was to provide UAC
members the progress of current UAC and Council approved contracts. Discussion was
Vl. Informational Only Items: None
VII. Legislative Issues:
A. Electric Utility 2020 Power Resource Plan
Gregg King, Power Resources Manager, provided an overview of the 2020 Power
Resource Plan requirements describing current loads and resources, including
conservation. The Plan is renewed every two years, with a 5 year and 10 year estimate.
The plan must be approved by City Council after published public notice and public
hearings, with submittal to Washington State Department of Commerce by September 2,
2020. Discussion was held. Members asked about conservation programs and
community solar.
B. Salish Sea Model
Jonathan Boehme, City Engineer/Deputy Director of Engineering, discussed the Salish
Sea Model — nutrient limits for municipal wastewater dischargers and Department of
Ecology's regulations. The main concern is the health of the Puget Sound in general.
Jonathan reviewed the background of the Salish Sea model, discussed how Ecology is
proposing new regulations for wastewater treatment plants which includes the Port
Angeles wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), and concluded with concerns on whether
the proposed regulation is the right type and size and the next steps moving forward.
Washington Department of Ecology has proposed the use of a general permit to establish
limits for municipal wastewater plants discharging into the Salish Sea or surroundings
waters. Ecology wants to add TIN limits to NPDES permit as they expire. The City of
Port Angeles Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) NPDES permit expires January 2021
and will need to have a nutrient removal evaluation/audit before the end of the year. The
plant was constructed before these limits were considered and adding the process
needed for limiting TIN could be very expensive to the rate payers.
Thomas Hunter, Director of Public Works & Utilities, expressed the concerns the City has
regarding this general permit. Thomas wanted to provide the UAC with advance notice of
the upcoming requirements as there is potential for substantial financial impacts. Thomas
suggested in the next 6 to 18 months, the UAC discuss sending a legislative letter. A
formal request will be brought to an upcoming UAC meeting. Discussion was held.
Vlll. Calendar of Actions & Meetings
A revised calendar of Actions & Meetings will be provided to UAC Members. Members
expressed appreciation in receiving a separate UAC Agenda.
IX. Next Meeting Date: September 08, 2020
X. Adjournment: 4:16 pm
Chair Kate Dexter
Michelle Hale, Administrative Specialist 11