HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/15/2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Meeting held virtually
Port Angeles, Washington
September 15, 2020
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French, Meyer, Schromen-Wawrin and
Members Absent: Council member McCaughan
Staff Present: City Manager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey,C.Delikat,K.Dubuc,B. Smith,
A.Brekke,and S.Carrizosa, and T.Hunter.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Excuse Council member McCaughan from the meeting.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Constitution Week Proclamation
Mayor Dexter read a proclamation recognizing the week of September 17-23,2020 as Constitution Week.
Carolyn Wilcox, city resident, invited Council to attend a presentation to be held during the Public Safety Advisory
Board meeting and spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety Advisory Board code.
Susan Rodman, residing outside the city limits, spoke about a petition she created in opposition of Council making
changes to the Public Safety Advisory Board code.
Therese Stokan, residing outside the city limits, spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety
Advisory Board code.
Marilyn Esh, city resident, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety
Advisory Board code.
Jessica Elofsen,residing outside the city limits, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making changes to
the Public Safety Advisory Board code.
Cheyenne, City resident, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety
Advisory Board code.
Sissi Bruch, city resident, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety
Advisory Board code.
Helen,city resident,on a pre-recorded line,spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety Advisory
Board code.
Jenna,on a pre-recorded line,spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety Advisory Board code.
Christi Cox, residing outside city limits, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making changes to the
Public Safety Advisory Board code.
Tanya Altstatt-Menchaca, residing outside city limits, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making
changes to the Public Safety Advisory Board code.
Imelda Jones,residing outside city limits, on a pre-recorded line,spoke in opposition of the Council making changes
to the Public Safety Advisory Board code.
Melissa Bells, city resident, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety
Advisory Board code.
Clea Rome, city resident, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety
Advisory Board code.
Paul Kelly, city resident, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety
Advisory Board code.
Summer Skivanna,city resident,on a pre-recorded line,spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety
Advisory Board code.
Shawne Johnson, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety Advisory
Board code.
Rachel,city resident,on a pre-recorded line,spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety Advisory
Board code.
Nina Sarmiento, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making changes to the Public Safety Advisory
Board code.
Susan Debey, residing outside city limits, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in favor of Council making changes to the
Public Safety Advisory Board code.
Kevin Rodman,on a pre-recorded line,spoke in opposition of Council making changes to the Public Safety Advisory
Board code.
Alan Barnard,residing outside city limits, on a pre-recorded line, spoke in opposition of Council making changes to
the Public Safety Advisory Board code.
1. EOC 911 Center Westside Fire Project Update
Police Chief Brian Smith spoke briefly about the presentation and introduced Clallam County Sheriffs Office EOC
Project Manager. Dale Jackson presented a PowerPoint presentation which included a proposed location, drawings,
and estimated cost projections. City Manager Nathan West spoke about the history of Council interest in prioritizing
the project and referenced the 2019-2020 strategic plan.Manager West shared that staff would bring back the item to
an October meeting for Council action. Council discussion followed.
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7:31 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 7:36 p.m.
City Manager added"Ratification to the CARES Act Agreement"to Contract and Purchasing as item J-3.
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By consensus,Council added J-1 to the consent agenda
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by French to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
Accept the Consent Agenda as read.
1. City Council Minutes of September 1,2020/Approve
2.Expenditure Report:From August 22, 2020 and September 4, 2020 in the amount of$1,873,607.91/Approve
ITEM MOVED FROM J-1 F Street Substation Electrical Switchgear Upgrade Contract Award/Approve and award
a contract with KVA Electric, Inc of Arlington, Washington to upgrade the F Street Substation electrical switchgear
in the amount not to exceed, $283,353.28, including taxes, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract
with KVA Electric and to make minor modifications as necessary.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
1. Adjust Plat Alterations and Vacations
Director of Community and Economic Development, Allyson Brekke provided background on the agenda item and
spoke to the change made to the original proposed ordinance since the first reading. The change split one ordinance
into two separate ordinances.Ms.Brekke shared the ordinance would create a process for amending subdivision plats.
Mayor Dexter conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington amending Hearing Examiner Chapter 2.18 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Mayor Dexter conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adding a new Chapter 16.14 to Title 16 Subdivisions of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to:
Adopt the ordinances as read.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
2. Public Safety Advisory Board Ordinance
Council member Schromen-Wawrin left the virtual meeting. Manager West provided background on the agenda item
and discussed the development of the proposed ordinance,which included a Council approved change from the first
reading relative to the process of appointment for the Tribal positions.
Mayor Dexter conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington amending the Public Safety Advisory Board Chapter
2.26 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Carr to:
Adopt the ordinance as read.
After a roll call vote,the motion carried 4-1,with Meyer opposed.
Council member Schromen-Wawrin rejoined the virtual meeting.
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1. Sodium Hypochlorite Generation System,CON 2020-45
Public Works and Utilities Director Thomas Hunter provided background on the agenda item and said the system
referred to in the memo is hard to come by because of supply lead times caused by the current pandemic. Council
discussion followed.
It was moved by French and seconded by Suggs to:
Approve and award a contract with TMG Services,Inc.of Tacoma,WA,for the Sodium Hypochlorite Generation
System purchase and.installation, CON 2020-45, for the total bid amount of$151,103.86 including applicable taxes,
and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with'rMG Services and to make minor modifications if
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
3. Washington.State Department of Commerce Contract Amendment
Manager West spoke about the late agenda item and shared the amendment including payment from the state in the
amount of$294,300. Recognizing urgency, Manager West asked the Council to consider ratifying the agreement,
which provided additional funding and extended the spending deadline to November 301. Council discussion
It was moved by.Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Meyer to:
Ratify the resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a resolution, amending the original Council resolution and bring
the final resolution back to a October meeting as an information item.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
Deputy Mayor Carr spoke about the recent smoky air conditions and passed on recommendations from Dr.Unthank
relative to self-care during the smoky conditions. She spoke about the need for people to get the flu vaccine relative
to complications from the COVID-19 pandemic,and shared information from the Board of Health meeting.
Council member French spoke about the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission meeting and what it may mean to
upcoming tourism.He spoke about a recent Chamber meeting and the effect it may have on fixture events because of
the pandemic.
Council member Schromen-Wawrin shared he would like to see Finance evaluate the life cycle of an EOC building.
He spoke about housing needs relative to the health pandemic and discussed ways State and Federal efforts could help
people feel more secure when faced with housing challenges. He spoke about challenges people are dealing with
locally and spoke about an upcoming AWC meeting.
Council member Suggs shared her interest in improving broadband coverage for the city and shared she was continuing
to work towards her receiving credits towards her Certificate of Municipal Leadership. She discussed a suggestion
she shared with AWC regarding e-learning.
Council member Meyer spoke about the audit conference and spoke about PAPA'S second channel and an upcoming
Clallam Transit System meeting.
Mayor Dexter spoke about the challenges of online schooling and shared her appreciation for the work done by
teachers relative to the process.
No other reports were given.
Manager West reminded Council of the upcoming broadband study,public outreach, and discussed an update from
staff on the matter. He reminded Council of an upcoming work session on multi-modal transportation and a Jurassic
Parliament training. He shared an update on the rental,mortgage and utility assistance program and noted there were
no findings from the auditors.
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Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 9:14 p.m.
The Ma a r announced the next meeting,to be held on September 22,2020. ,
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