HomeMy WebLinkAbout05162018-Agenda/ Public Safety Advisory Board May 16, 2018 – 6 p.m. City of Port Angeles Council Chambers           Attendees: Members Alan Barnard, Chairman Mark Bowes Evan Brown Nolan Duce Kathleen Graf Pamela Lindquist, Vice-Chair Lourene O’Brien Kiara Schmitt Shana Scott Ed Zoble Staff Police Chief, Brian Smith *Deputy Police Chief, Jason Viada Fire Chief, Ken Dubuc *Asst. Fire Chief, Mike Sanders Catherine Dewey, Board Secretary    Guest(s): Officer Sean Ryan  Agenda      Roll Call, Announcements and new agenda items Alan Barnard Welcome Shana Scott, newly elected PSAB member Alan Barnard Approval of Minutes, Correspondence, Committee Reports Alan Barnard Old Business New Business WA Use of Force Trends Officer Ryan PA Police Department Report Chief Smith PA Fire Department Report Chief Dubuc 5. Other Business 6. Public Comment 7. Good of the order Members 8. Adjournment BREAK FOR SUMMER Next Meeting – Wednesday, September 19th, 2018 at 6:00pm PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD City Council Chambers Port Angeles, Washington April 18, 2018 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Barnard called the regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Alan Barnard, Evan Brown, Nolan Duce, Kathleen Graf, Lourene O’Brien, Kiara Schmitt, Ed Zoble Members Absent: Karen Blore, Mark Bowes, Pamela Lindquist, Shana Scott, Kathy Steinkamp Staff Present: Brian Smith, Police Chief; Mike Sanders, Assistant Fire Chief; Catherine Dewey, Secretary APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: It was moved by O’Brien and seconded by Dr. Zoble to approve the March 18, 2018 meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: Police Department Use of Force: Chief Smith spoke to the Board about Use of Force and requested that a presentation on Use of Force be added to an upcoming meeting. He expressed that there is a misconception when it comes to the definition of “Use of Force”. His desire is to have the PD give a training to the Board at one of the upcoming meetings. Port Angeles Fire Department Report: Chief Sanders announced that the Fire Department will be testing to fill the two vacant Paramedic positions in June. He noted that since the Board last met, the FD has run 420 calls, three of those being structure fires which is rare in such a short period of time. Chief Sanders said that the FD is focusing on emergency preparedness, he attended the presentation given at Peninsula College where experts in the field spoke and found it to be a great presentation. He also announced that Becca Yucha would be joining the Fire Department team as an Emergency Management Liaison. Lastly, Chief Dubuc is presenting the Clallam County COOP to Department Heads in late May. Port Angeles Police Department Report: Chief Smith announced that the PD is working on a program in an attempt to be proactive with the needs of someone looking for help for addiction and or mental illness, it is similar in idea to that of the community paramedicine program that the FD is looking into. He stated that Poulsbo received a grant and has started the program within their police department. Next Chairman Alan Barnard addressed the Board in regards to members that have missed three or more consecutive meetings and that through the bylaws can be removed from the Board. Conversation ensued. Alan will be reaching out to the members personally and speaking to legal to see what the Board’s options are moving forward to ensure dependable involvement. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chairman Barnard took this time to address those in attendance inviting any questions or comment. Mr. Thomas Mitchell took the opportunity to introduce himself to the Board as an ARES and CERT member, and noted that he had a hard time hearing the group during discussion. Catherine to look into a better setup for future meetings and/or the possibility of using the microphones. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Evan Brown asked Chief Smith about the camp clean up on Valley Street and how the City plans to prevent that happening again in the future. Conversation ensued. Kiara Schmitt thanked Chief Smith for the PD escort, she said the team really appreciated it. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Barnard adjourned the meeting at 7:01p.m. The next meeting is Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers.