HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/20/2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Meeting Held Virtually
Port Angeles,, Washington
October 20, 2020
Mayor Dexter called the special meeting,of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.ni.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter,Deputy Mayor Carr,Council Members,French, Meyer,McCaugban,and Schromen-
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: City Manager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey.
Based on input from City Attorney William Bloor,Mayor Dexter announced the need for a closed Executive
Session, under authority of RC '42,30.1 10(l)(i)to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. Council then
moved to a separate virtual meeting for Executive Session for approximately 55 minutes.The Executive Session
convened at 5:00 p.m.
At 5:38 p.m.,Mayor Dexter announced the Executive Session was in recess and would adjourn at 5:5 5 p.m.No action
Mayor Dexter adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:55 p.m.
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p,m,
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French (joined at 6:02), Meyer (joined at
6:0�8), McCaughan, Schrornen-Wawrin and Suggs.
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: City Manager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat, K. Dubuc, B. Smith,
A. Brekke,T, Hunter, S.Carrizosa, and T. Weeks.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to,the Flag.
1. Resiliency Awareness Month Proclamation
Mayor Dexter read a proclamation recognizing October as Resiliency Awareness Month in recognition of the effects
of adverse childhood experiences and the impact on development and long-term health outcomes on individuals. The
Mayor invited Minnie Whalin of the United Way Resilience Project who thanked Council for the recognition and
spoke about the importance of the support.
2. Arbor Day Proclamation
Mayor Dexter read the Arbor Day Proclamation,recognizing October 20,2020,as Arbor Day in Port Angeles, The
Mayor invited Parks, Recreation,and Beautification Commissioner and partner in the Clallam County Tree Alliance,
Christeal Milburn,to speak about the proclamation and shared background on the matter and the elTorts.
Barb Gardner,city resident,on a previously recorded line,spoke about the Emergency Operation Center presentation
provided at a September City Council meeting and associated costs of the project.
I Port Angeles School District Levy/Proposition 1
City Manager Nathan West said Council had the opportunity to take a position on the agenda item but shared they
should first offer members of the public approximately equal opportunity to express opposing views,for and against,
regarding the Replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy,
Caller did not provide their name, on a previously recorded line, spoke against the Council supporting the Levy
resolution on the Council agenda.
Marty Brewer, Port Angeles School Superintendent, spoke about the levy.
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title,entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,expressing its support for passage of
the Port.Angeles School District No. 12 I's November 3,2020 ballot proposition,titled Proposition No, I —
Replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy.
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Suggs to:
Discuss the proposed resolution,
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by French and seconded by Suggs to:
Pass the resolution as read, expressing its support for passage of the Port Angeles School District No�. 12 I's
November 3,2020 ballot proposition, titled Proposition No. I —Replacement Educational Programs and Operation
After a roll call vote,the motion passed 6-1 with Meyer opposed.
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6:58,p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:03 p.m,
1. 2021 Budget Revenue Sources
Manager West spoke to the agenda item and reminded Council they would be participating in an upcoming work
session where Council would have the ability to,discuss the budget in more detail, Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa
shared a presentation with detailed information on the proposed 2021 City Manager Recommended Budget and
shared slides that compared past years to the 2021 projections. She said the presentation would kick off a series of
meetings relative to the budget. She spoke about impacts to the budget due to,COVID-19 and indicated that the
outlook for revenues for the City in the General Fund is guarded due to unknown financial impacts as a result of the
pandemic, Council discussion followed.
At 8:26 p.m. the Mayor opened the public hearing for public testimony, Hearing none,the Mayor closed the public
1. Broadband Feasibility Study and Community Outreach Meeting-October 28th,2020
Information,Technology ManagerFodd Weeks provided background on the upcoming meeting and their efforts to
gather input and feedback from community stakeholders to address the unders,erved and unserved urban and rural
areas of Clallam County. He introduced North Olympic Development Council Director Karen Affeld,CBG
Communications, Inc. CEO Tom Robinson, and CBG Communications, Inc, Engineer Dick Neilson. Mr, Robinson
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shared the group is working oil a vision statement and road map to help guide their plans forward to meet the:State's
goals relative to broadband, Mr. Robinson spoke about upcoming community meetings where his team plans to vet
the vision statement and roadmap with communities and to ask questions,to learn more about community broadband
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 8:50 p.m.,The meeting reconvened at 8:55 p.m.
Council member French asked that the Mayor consider adding J-1 to the Consent Agenda, Hearing no opposition
from the Council,the Mayor added J-I to the Consent agenda.
It was moved by French and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
Council discussion followed.
1. City Council Minutes of September 15,2020/Approve
2. Expenditure Report: From September 26,2020 and October 9,2020 in the amount of$1,391,372.10
3. US Coast Guard Memorandum of Agreement/Authorize the City Manager or designee to sign an
agreementfior the Ediz Hook USCG installation between the US Coast Guard, the Clallain Coup 4ySherifl'
s Office and the.Part Angeles Police Department that will be effective Janua?y 1, 2027 and continue
through December 31, 2030�
4. PenCom Record Management Contract/Authorize the City Manager to sign the attached contract with
ESO and to make minor inodifications as necessary.
5. Acceptance of the Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County to Receive CARES
Funding for the COVID-19 Utility,Rental and Mortgage Relief Prograrn/Approve and authorize the City
Manager to sign A mendmeni # I to the Clallam County CARES subrecipient agreement.
6, ITEM MOVED FROM J-I -Stormwater Permit Implementation Support,Professional Services
Agreement/Approve and envard a Professional Services Agreement to Osborn Consulting� Inc. of Bellevue,
K'ashingtonfor Storinwater Permit Implementation Support in the not to exceed amount of$295,806,00;
and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Osborn Consulting and to make minor,
modi/ications as necessary
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,time motion carried 7-0I.
I. Ordinance Authorizing the Refunding of the 2009 and 2010 Water and Wastewater
Bonds and Department of Ecology Loans for the CSO Project
Director Carrizosa shared the matter had been brought to Council's attention during a July meeting. She spoke about
the proposed ordinance and shared the City is ready to move forward on the refunding process.Ms.Carrizosa provided
clarification on private placement of bonds and shared staff would be requesting the authorization of the City Manager
and Finance Director to sign on behalf of the City Council,
Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the issuance of water and wastewater utility
revenue refunding bonds of the City in the principal amount of not to exceed 29,000,000,to defuse and refund
certain outstanding water and wastewater utility revenue obligations, to make a deposit to the reserve account(if
required),and to pay costs of issuing the bonds;providing the form,terms and covenants of the bonds„ and
delegating authority to approve the method of sale and final terms of the bonds.
Council discussion followed,
The Mayor continued the matter to the November 4 meeting.
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Council member Schromen-Wawrin discussed the 2021 City Legislative Priorities document in the Council packet,
the Clallam Transit Systems strategic planning, and the election process.
Council member McCaughan shared information about the Port Angeles Downtown Association meeting, the Shore
Aquatic Center opening,the Field Hall Arts Center,and the USDA food program.
Deputy Mayor Carr spoke about the Board of flealth meeting and updates.
Council member French spoke about a recent Homeless Task Force meeting and spoke about Chamber of Commerce
discussions relative to events during a pandemic.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to:
Extend the meeting to 10:15 p.m.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,the motion,carried 7-01.
Council member Suggs spoke about a recent Marine Resource Committee meeting.
Mayor Dexter reminded the community to vote.
No other reports were given.
Manager West spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and reminded Council of the Budget Work session
on October 27, with no packet prior to the meeting, legislative priority setting and the anticipated discussioji on the
matter on November 4. He also spoke about an upcoming army training at the Coast Guard Station,
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m.
taite_15�it_er, Nfa_yor ______ Miii Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk
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