HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/18/2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
February 18, 2020
Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Pori Angeles City Council to order at 5:32 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter,Council Members Carr,French, Meyer, McCaughan, Schromen-Wawrin and Suggs,
Members Absent-, None
Staff Present: City Manager West, Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat,K. Dubuc,B. Smith,,
A. Brekke,T.Hunter and S. Carrizosa.
1. Roles and Responsibilities of Council—Washington's Public Records Act
City Attorney Bill Bloor and Assistant City Attorney Chris Cowgill shared a presentation on the Public Records Act.
Council received public records training which counts towards their yearly public records training requirements,
Mayor Dexter adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:00 p.m,
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Council Members Can-, French,Meyer, McCaughan, S,ch,romen-Wawrin and Suggs.
Members Absent None
Staff Present: City Manager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey,C. DeRat,K. Dubuc, B. Smith,
A. Brekke,T. Hunter and S. Carrizosa.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce Winter Ice Village
Mayor Dexter read a proclamation in recognition ofthe volunteers, Board members and Chamber staff for their efforts
for the Winter Ice Village, Marc Absbire, President of the Chamber of Commerce, along with many board members
and volunteers received the proclaniation. He spoke in appreciation of the volunteers, many that were not present that
evening,for the work that they did to make it a successful event.
Mayor Dexter recessed the meeting for a break at 6:11 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:23 pxn.
David Clark, city resident, spoke about traffic concerns on 8th and N Streets, Ed Chadd, city resident, spoke about
climate action planning.
John Ralston, city resident, shared he supported the staff recommendation for the street vacation petition item on the
Lisa Houff, city resident, spoke about the need for day shelters for the homeless. Mindy Gelder, business owner,
requested recycling bins for downtown Port Angeles.
Christy Cox, residing outside the city, co-owner Sisterland Farms, spoke about work the city should do relative to
climate action.
[an Nickle, city resident, shared some suggestions relative to climate action. Bob Vreeland, city resident, spoke about
climate action.
Susan Hilgren, residing outside of the city limits, spoke about the cost of utility bills for the Treasure Trove second
hand store.
Benji Astrachan, city resident,spoke about the climate action plan work done by volunteers.
It was moved by French and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
I, Expenditure Report: From January 25,2020 to February 7,2020 in the amount of S 1,940,316.41 /Approve
2. Berg Andonian Professional Services Agreement/Authorize the City Manager to sign the Berg Andonian
Pr(rfessional Services Agreement in an ainount not to exceed$49,500�
3. Utility Advisory Committee Appointments Licensed Care Facility Representative/Approve and appoint
Laura Dodd to sen,e as the licensed carefiaedities representative on the Utility Advisofy Committee
4. Utility Advisory Committee Industrial Transmission Representative/Approve and appoint Mr. RqjJethiva
to represent the Industrial Transmission constftuen y on the Utility Advisory Committee
5. Tree Trimming--2019 Contract Final Acceptance I Accepthe Tree Trimming-2019 prqject cis complete by
Asplundh Tree Expert Co. and authorize release of the retainage in the aniount qf$4,213,42 upon receipt
of required clearances
Motion carried 7-0,.
1. Street Vacation Petition for Portion of"K" Street Between 9th Street and the'8th/9th Streets Alley(No.
Community and Economic Development Director Allyson Brckke presented the agenda item and provided background
inforniation on the process including the necessary public notice requirements, that were met and public hearings
examiner recommendations. Manager West spoke about the record created by the hearing examiners decision.
Scliromen-Wawrin called for a Point of order and asked for the records that were referred to in the Hearing Examiners
Recommendation Report in the Council packet. Manager West outlined several options Council could use to approach
the matter. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating approximately 9,800 square feet of the K Street
unimproved right-of-way between 9th Street and the 8th/9th Street alley and Lot 20, Block 25 1 ILot 11 Block 252,
Townsite of Port Angeles.
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Schromen-WaRrin to:
Postpone the property vacation indefinitely.
Motion carried 6-1 with Meyer opposed.
It was moved by,Suggs and seconded by Meyer to:
Delay approval of the ordinance until the next meeting.
Motion carried 6-1 with Meyer opposed.
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It was moved by French and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to:
Waive the second reading and adopt an ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating approximately
9,800 square, feet of the K Street unimproved right-of-way between 9tb Street and the 8th/9Lb alley and Lot 20, Block
25 I/Lot I I Block 252, Townsite of Port Angeles. '['his motion included an amendment to Section 3, subpart 2 of the
After amendment.,the final motion carried 6-0 with Meyer abstaining from the vote.
1. Community Paramedic Acceptance and MOA Approvals
Chief Dubuc introduced the agenda item and spoke about the program and the positive effect it has bad on reducing the
number of 9-1-,1 calls for emergency services, He shared that several community partners have committed to help the
City fund the program. Representatives of those organizations were in attendance, including Dr, Michael Maxwell of
North Olympic Health Network and Wendy Sisk of Peninsula Behavioral Health, He shared the representatives
attended the meeting to show their support for the program and their commitment to serving the underserved. Dubuc
introduced the City's Community Paramedic, Daniel Montana,Council discussion followed.
It was moved by French and seconded by Meyer to:
Authorize the City Manager to sign and accept the attached MOA's related to funding for the Port Angeles, Fire,
Department Community Paramedicine program and make minor modifications if necessary.
Motion carried 7-01.
Mayor Dexter recessed the meeting for a break at 7:46 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m.
2. Climate Action Planning Update and Suggested Alternatives
Manager West introduced the agenda item and stressed the City's desire to dedicate adequate resources to the item,
with action-oriented steps, recognizing how important it is to Council, staff, and the community. He said the process,
has opened the door to additional partnerships and shared it would be beneficial to have a consultant on board. He
turned the item over to,Director Brekke who then introduced Planning Manager Emma Bolin who shared a PowerPoint
on Climate Change Planning Comparison followed by nearby cities including Bainbridge Island, Olympia, and
Jefferson County/Port Townsend, Director Brekke shared background on climate action planning work that had been
done to date and thanked the volunteers who have been offering their input along the way, Council discussion
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to:
Amend the motions previously adopted on November 6,2019,toarnend the Climate Action Planning Group, Summary
of Recommendations as stated on page 1-2 of the November 6,2019 Council Packet to remove the words "'create a sub-
committee" from item 1.
Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to:
Rescind the motion "Follow recommendation I in the Council Packet and send the Climate Action Plan to the
Planning Commission and suggest they create a subcommittee and follow the recommendations as listed."
Motion carried 7-01.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to:
Refer the Resiliency Plan Recommendations Addressing Climate Change presented November 6, 2019, amended to
remove "create a sub-committee" from item I of its executive summary,to the Planning Commission to investigate the
Resiliency Plan Recommendations and recommend specific actions to the Council.
Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawr,in and seconded by French to:
Direct staff to pursue a professional services agreement for a consultant to manage FEWsion projiect, International
Council for Local Environmental initiatives (ICLEI) inventory,consider action items that would emphasize city- wide
energy-use reduction, and draft of a climate resiliency plan for Planning Commission review. This authorization
conternplates a joint approach with Clallam County, in collaboration with Clallam County if the County is willing to
participate and with collaboration with community volunteers.
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The final motion carried as amended 7-0.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Hold a joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission before the meeting in July.
Motion carried 7-0
1. OAC Services Pre-Engineering Professional Services Agreement
Manager West provided background on the agenda item. Police Chief Brian Smith recogiiiized the community,partners
involved in the agreement. Members of the Clallarn County Sheriff s department were in attendance as well as Clallarn
County Commissioner Randy Johnson and John Nutter of the Port of Port Angeles.Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by McCaughan to:
Authorize the City Manager to sign a professional services agreement with OAC Services for pre-engineering for the
10.10 building, and to make minor modifications if necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
2. Strategic Plan
Council discussion followed. Manager West thanked the Council for their comments and said their input will be
valuable when addressing the minor modification approach at the upcoming Nvork session. Ile shared it is important to
consider as the Council considers the plan,they consider the priorities when making changes.
3. PenCom and Jeff Com 911 Merge/Tyler Tech.Contract Amendment
Chief Smith provided background on the agenda item.
It was moved by Dexter and seconded by French to:
Authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement to amend the current Tyler Technologies contract and to authorize
the spending of S 137,,552 for the project.
Motion carried 7-0.
Eric Phillips,city resident,spoke about homelessness issues near the Peninsula Area Public Access office building.
Keith Vance,city resident,spoke about homeless issues in Port Angeles.
Ed Chadd, city resident,spoke about the climate action motions that were made during the evening,
Council mernber French spoke about his attendance at the Chamber luncheon, and a Port Angeles Downtown
Association and Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission meeting,
Council member Schrorrien-Wawrin spoke about the Pa,ramedicine program and spoke about electric vehicle use
relative to a public multirnodal transportation system,
Deputy Mayor Carr spoke about her attendance at the Clallam County, Board of Health meeting.
Council member McCaughan spoke about his attendance at several meetings of the following organizations including
the Port Angeles Downtown Association, Port Angeles Business Association, Chamber of Commerce, and Charter
Council member Meyer spoke about his recent attendance at a Peninsula Area Public Access Board meeting, said he is
looking forward to his participation on the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization board, and spoke
about the Utility advisory committee meeting. He provided information about a recent community lunch event at Jesse
Webster Park.
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Mayor Dexter shared she participated at the MRSC webinar and spoke about a bill that is before legislature. No other
reports,were given,
Manager West spoke about the rescheduled Jurassic Parliament training and Council shared that May 12 would work
best for the group.
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 1 0:08 p.m.
Kate Dexter,Mayor Mari Martinez-Bailey,City Clerk
�ity 7
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