HomeMy WebLinkAbout05162018 MinutesPage 1 of 2 PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD City Council Chambers Port Angeles, Washington May 16, 2018 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Barnard called the regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board to order at 6:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Alan Barnard, Evan Brown, Kathleen Graf, Pamela Lindquist, Lourene O’Brien, Kiara Schmitt, Shana Scott, Ed Zoble Members Absent: Mark Bowes, Nolan Duce Staff Present: Brian Smith, Police Chief; Ken Dubuc, Fire Chief; Catherine Dewey, Secretary Guest: Officer Sean Ryan APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: It was moved by Lourene and seconded by Shana to approve the April 18, 2018 meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: Alan addressed the board regarding members Karen Blore and Kathy Steinkamp and their inability to meet the minimum attendance requirements of the bylaws. After speaking with the members as well as the City Clerk, Alan has sent letters to both members relieving them of their positions as members of the Public Safety Advisory Board. Alan asked the members for a final vote in removing members for the Board, all voted unanimously in favor of removing members and moving forward with the search for new candidates. NEW BUSINESS: Police Department Use of Force: Officer Sean Ryan gave a presentation on Use of Force by Police. In his presentation Officer Ryan addressed the following: Why do officers use force? 1. To keep officer safe 2. To keep public safe Self Defense and The Public Duty Doctrine The Fourth Amendment Case Law: 1. Graham v Connor 2. Tennessee v Garner 3. Scott v Harris At the conclusion of Officer Ryan’s presentation he opened the floor for questions and or comments from the Board, conversation ensued. Port Angeles Police Department Report: Chief Smith announced that they have one officer in the Academy and 1 opening for a lateral candidate. He also noted that Officer Swift would be deploying soon. Chief Smith followed up on his mention of the Code Responder Medicine Program that he announced at last month’s meeting, things are moving along and they are continuing to work on social outreach for addiction and mental health patients in the community. Page 2 of 2 Port Angeles Fire Department Report: Chief Dubuc noted that the Department is down two Paramedic positions and that testing and interviews are scheduled for June with an expected start date of August 1st. Chief Dubuc announced that a Westside station is in talks. This station would be a combination of an emergency management and fire station combined and is in very early stages of conversation at this point. The Community Paramedicine program continues to move forward and is looking like a very real possibility at this point. Chief believes this will give the Fire Department an opportunity to be very proactive in its service to the community. Chief Dubuc spoke of new Legislation that could considerably assist the City in collecting Medicaid funds for treat non transport patients. This would have a huge impact as our community has some 35,000 Medicaid patients. Lastly, Chief commented that there may also be a proposal coming that would band fireworks County wide. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chairman Barnard took this time to address those in attendance inviting any questions or comment. Mr. Thomas Mitchell took the opportunity to introduce himself to the Board as an ARES and CERT member, and noted that he had a hard time hearing the group during discussion. Catherine to look into a better setup for future meetings and/or the possibility of using the microphones. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Kiara- noted that the April 21st Active Shooter drill was not well received by students, and that they didn’t feel it to be real enough. Chief Smith commented that as a community we have to start somewhere in preparation and that there were things to learn from the drill for everyone involved. Evan – asked the group what they felt about the new proposal that would allow for living in RVs on properties in the City. Conversation ensued. Shana – noted that though girls were now allowed into Boy Scouts, there were just 60 in Western Washington but feels in the future these numbers could grow. Pam – commented that women are fearful on the trail and that the community is looking for more of a police presence down on the trail. Chief Smith added that more patrol time is being added and the county as well as Border Control are looking into ways to patrol the area. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Barnard adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. The next meeting is Wednesday, Sept 19, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers.