HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/11/2019 A/
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W A ii N G r 0 114 U S
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
June 11, 2019
Call To Order
Vice Chair William Atkinson called the meetings to order at 102 pm.
A Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmeirnbers Present'. Deputy Mayor Kate Dexter, Councftember Lindsey S,chromen-
UAC Members Present: Vice Chair William Atkinson, Mattias J5rvegren
UAC Members Absent: Councilmember and Chair Cherie Kidd, Laura Dodd, Rob Feller,
Paul Collins
Staff Present: Gregg King, Shailesh Shere, Jonathan Boehme,Jason Hart, David
Freed, William Bloor, Marian Bodart, Diana Bagwell, and Michelle
Others Present: Three Citizens
III. Approval Of Minutes
Lindsey Schromen-Wawdin moved to approve the May 14, 20,19 minutes, amended to
change verbiage from'reqï¿œuest a motion" to"moved"'. Deputy Mayor Kate Dexter seconded
the motion.
Motion carried 4-0.
IV. Late Items: None
V. Puiblic Comment:
Chris Hartman, representing Port of Port Angeles, reqluested the local limit for the
Wastewater Utility Port Angeles Municipal Code(VLB.)be changed to lower the limits for
copper ands zinc, The Port of Port Angeles launched a new facility that will not be able to meet
these newly proposed limits.
Jesse Waknitz, representing Port of Port Angeles, requested the City to reconsider lowering
the limits in the proposed Wastewater Utility Port Angeles Municipal Code(VI.B).The current
suggested limits would open lup the Port of Port Angeles to multiple violations and penalties,
1/1. Discussion Items:
A. 2019 Landfill Beach Nourishment, Contract CON 2019-28
Jonathan Boehme, City Engineer and Deputy Director of Engineering, provided history into
the annual Landfill Beach Nourishment project and the Shoreline Permit requirements,
Jonathan Boehme is requesting UAC endorse the design strategy for the 2019 Landfilll, Beach
Nourishment and for UAC to provide a favorable recommendation to City Council for the
award of a 2019 construction contract in an amount not to exceed $55,000.
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin moved to provide a favorable recommendation to City
Council for the award of a 2019 construction contract in an amount not to exceed
$56,0001. Seconded by Kate Dexter. Motion carried 4-0.
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin moved to endorse the design strategy for 2019 La:ndfilll
Beach Nourishment, Project CON-20119-28,with,the addition to reevaluate the design
strategy in collaboration with the state for future years. Seconded by Kate Dexter.
Motion carried 4-0.
B. Changes to Wastewater Utility Port Angeles Municipal Code
Deputy Director of Water&Wastewater Jason Hart is proposing to make small changes to
the Wastewater Utility Port Angeles Muinicipall Code,Jason Hart introduced David Freed,
Wastewater Pretreatment Specialist, who detailed the sections of the code that required
updating. These sections included Upper pH discharge(limit; Grease Interceptors&Garbage
Disposals; National Pretreatment Standards; Dilution &Mass-Based and/or Concentration-
Based Limits; Local Limits;and Typographical error. Discussion was held regarding the
concerns of businesses around the proposed local limits changes. The local) limits of the
PANIC will be added as an agenda item to the next UAC meeting.
Kate Dexter moved to forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to adopt
the upper pH discharge limit,grease interceptors,and garbage disposals, national
pretreatment standards, dilution and mass-based and'lor concentration-based limits,
typographical error and not local,limits for the recommended municipal code updates
and to make minor modifications as needed. Lindsey Schroirnen-Wawrin seconded the
motion, recognizing that there should be a larger discussion around local limits.
Motion carried 4-0.
VII. Informational Only Items:
A. Stage I Water Shortage Declaration
Power Resource Manager Gregg King stated that Governor Inslee has declared a drought
emergency for Clallam County. City of Port Angeles staff are implementing Stage I Water
Shortage Declaration. City Manager will be presenting the declaration to City Council.
VIX Next Meeting Date:
Jluly 9, 2019
IX Adjournment: 4:28pm
Chair Cherie Kidd Diana Bagwell,AdAi4mitrative Specialist 11