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110-1/2 E 1st St - Building
po -A WASHINGTON, U.S.A. PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT January 25, 2001 Mrs. Diane Markley P.O. Box 2835 Pod Angeles, WA 9836 RE: Structures at '110 / '112 E. '1st Streets. Dear Mrs,Markley, The City of Port Angeles Building Division has received a letter from the attorney that represents Dr. Bettger. They have made statements regarding the sfruct~ral stability of your building. The Building Division considers these statements to be a civil matter between Dr. Bettger and yourself. I would encourage you to contact either Dr. Bettger or his attorney to address their concerns. I also encourage you to consult a professional to formulate a response to the specific allegations as addressed in the attorney's letter and provide the Building Division with a copy of that response and we would expect to hear from you regarding how you intend to address these issues within 30 days from receipt of this letter. I am enclosing a copy of the attorney's letter and engineer's comments. The 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings provide guidelines as to when and how buildings are declared dangerous buildings. The Building Division has concerns about the structural stability of the front parapet wall. Per the 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, Section 301 Item 8, ".. whenever the building or structure, or any portion thereof, becauoe of (i) dilapidation, deterioration or decay; (ii) faulty construction; (iii) the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the gound necessary for the purpose of supporting such building; (i¢) the deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its foundation; or (v) any other case, is likely to partially or completely collapse.. 'q'he Building Division is requesting you to comply with Section 403 item 1.1. of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings which states"., that the building shall be repaired in accordance the current code applicable to the type of substandard conditions requiring repair.."l would expect to hear from you within 30 days regarding the above- mentioned requirements. If we can be of further assistance, please contact me at City Hall or call 417-4816. %ou Haehnlen, Building Official cc: attachments C:\MyFiles\markley2 321 EAST FIFTH STREET · R O BOX 1 ~50 ® PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-O217 PHONE: 360 4~7-4805 ® FAX: 360 417 4542 ® TTY 360 417 4645 E-MAiL: PUBWORKS((~CI PORT ANGELES WA US pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT March 12, 2001 Mrs. Diane Markley P.O. Box 2835 Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Structures at 110 1 112 E. 1't Streets. Dear Mrs. Markley, This letter is a follow up to the lettersent to you January 25, 2001, at that time I encouraged you to.consult a professional regarding the stability of the front of your building, I also requested a response within 30 days, that time has lapsed and I have not received a response. I will extend the response time until March 23, 2001, if you do not respond in the time allowed, I will start abatement as explained below. The 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings provide guidelines as to when and how buildings are-declared dangerous buildings. The Building Division has concerns about the structural stability of the front parapet wall. Per the 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, Section 301 Item 8, ".. whenevertbe building or structure, or any portion thereof, because of (i) dilapidation, deterioration or decay; (ii) faulty construction; (iii) the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the gound necessary for the purpose of sUPPorting such building; (i~) the deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its foundation; or (v) any other case, is likely to partially or completely collapse.."T'he Building Division is requesting you to comply with Section 403 item 1.1, of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings which states"., that the building shall be repaired in aCCordance the current code applicable to the type of substandard conditions requiring repair.." I would expect to hear from you within 30 days regarding the above- mentioned requirements. If we can be of further assistance, please contact me at City Hall or call 417-4816. uilding Official C:\Myfiles\Markley3 321 EAST FIFTH STREET ® PO BOX 1150 ® PORT ANGELES, WA 9a362-32o6 PHONE: 360-417-4750 · FAX: 360-417-4711 · TTY: 360-417-4645 E-MAIL: PLANNING~CI.PORT-ANGELES.WA.US OR PERMITS@CI.PORT-ANGELES.WA.US O V I C ] ClWL ENGINEERING [AND SURVEYING 519 South Peabod)' 8treet, Suite 4 ~ & A S S O C I AT E S Port Angeles,~Vashington 98362 (360) 417-0501 Fax (360) 417 0514 E-mail: zenovic~olympus.net March 15, 2001 "'------~-~ Mr. Leu Haehnlan, Building Official City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 \'-'~ Re: Commercial Buildings at 110 and 112 East Street, Port Angeles Dear Leu: Ms. Diane Markley, owner of the referenced buildings, contacted me last month regarding the condition of the parapet wall at the front of the building. I have been remiss in not informing you of my work and recommendations. I have inspected the --..,Q project site, along with Mr. Shawn Williams of Krazan & Associates, Inc., a Geotechnical/Inspection firm from Poulsbo. Based on our inspection of the parapet and the structural support system for the front of the building, it is our recommendation that the parapet be removed, terminating the front facade at the roofline. I will inspect the structural system once the parapet is removed to ascertain that the remaining framing is adequate to support any imposed vertical and ~ 'l lateral loads. Ms. Markley has informed me that the parapet removal and any necessary repairs will be completed within 30 days of the date of this letter. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Zenovic & Associates, Inc. , P.E. ngineer Fc: JN 99133 Cc: Ms. Diane Markiey W A $ H I N G T 0 ~, U.S.A. DATE: January 19, 2001 M E M O TO: Director, Community Development FROM: Director, Public Works and Utilities PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES RE: DR. DONALD BETTGER AND DIANE STRUCTURES AT 1 14 EAST FIRST DEPARTMENT STREET 1 1 10-1 12 EAST FIRST STREET, PORT ANGELES Glenn A. Cutler Director [4O0t] 1. I have reviewed Mr. Mitchell's ( attorney for Dr. Bettger) letter concerning the subject Phyllis aasler structures. I would like to provide the following comments for your consideration in view Administrative Assistant [40o01 of the fact that the Building Official is now a direct report to you: a. Recommend a letter to Markley forwarding the report and requesting that she Cate[4700] Rinehart Administrative Assistant provide a written response to the Mitchell letter within a reasonable time frame which addresses the specific concerns. Ken Ridout b. Recommend that Markley not be requested to provide a structural report but she Deputy Director [48021 be encouraged consult with a professional to formulate a response that will Gary Kenworthy Deputy Director address the specific allegations. and City Engineer [4803] C. Recommend a letter be sent to Mitchell advising him that we have received the letter and we have forwarded it to Markley for comment. Also advise that Scott McLain Deputy Director [47031 reading the report indicates the problmn is being caused by the adjoining structure ~ he has indicated. Jim Harper E~ectdoa~ E,gi,eering[47021 Mgr. /.resolveEnC°uragethe Mitchellsituation.and Bettger to communicate directly with Markley to Larry Dunbar Power Resources Mgr. [4713] [1 A. Cutler Water, Wastewater CollectiOr~supedntendent [4855] [4731] [48451 [48251 LAW OFFICES OF SANCHEZ, PAULSON, MITCHELL & SCHOCK A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION 4110 KITSAP WAY, SUITE 200 BREMERTON, WASHINGTON 98312-2401 J. LARRY PAULSON JAMES B. SANCHEZ (1921-1987) JOHN F. MITCHELL EILEEN M. SCHOCK TELEPHONE (360) 479-3000 GLEN E. TEMPLETON FAX (360) 479-3983 January 9, 2001 Glen A. Cuttler, Director Department of Public Works City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Dr. Donald Bettger and Diane Markley Structures at 114 East First Street 110-112 East First Street, Port Angeles Dear Mr. Cuttler: My law firm and I represent the interests of Dr. and Mrs. Donald Bettger regarding their commercial building at 114 East First Street, Port Angeles, WA. In the course of that representation we have received engineering reports from Pacific Engineering Technologies, Inc. and ATR Engineering, Inc. who will testify in the Superior Court as professional engineers and expert witnesses that any structural problems with the McGillivray Building owned by the Bettgers are being caused by the failure of the foundation under Diane Markley's adjacent building and the Markley building's physical connection to the Bettgers' building. Copies of those engineering reports are enclosed. In the opinion of these engineers, Markley's building is sinking on the street side (owing to liquification of the soil under the foundation) and is literally tearing Bettgers' building apart because of the mechanical connection between the two buildings at their conunon walls. In response to City demands, Dr. and Mrs. Bettger have had "pin piles" installed under the foundation of their building. These piles are intended to allow Bettgers' building to resist the forces being exerted by Markley's building. Now that the Bettgers have done all they can do to resist the strains being put on their building, they would appreciate having a responsible Port Angeles building official examine the Markley building and attempt to determine what action needs to be taken regarding its structural failure. That building has large separations in its parapets that are visible from the second floor of the Bettgers' building. The Markley building also has sinking floors and cracking walls that are consistent with the engineers' analysis. (~len A. Cuttler, Director January 9, 2001 Page 2 Dr. and Mrs. Bettger have completely complied with Port Angeles's demands for correction of their structure. They now ask the City to review its position and to examine the integrity of Diane Markley's building and make appropriate corrective demands on her just as they have made on the Bettgers in recent months. The continuing strain Markley's building puts on Bettgers' building will ultimately destroy it. If I can provide you any further information on this topic, or if there is anything else I can do to assist you in your examination of this subject, please contact me at any time. .ifm(~sanchezpaulson.com JFM:mgr Encl. cc: Dr. and Mrs. Don Bettger Ii": ;CNAL3 O BETTGEI~ 11 9 0 5:05PM; 360G~89576 > 360 479 398:]; #4 A TR Encneednq loc, il '2/200'9 Mr Donald Reltger Joyce, WA 98343 McGillimv Buildin~te~ on fidd lnves~do8 [;)car Don, This ~s *~o coollrm tha! ATR Engineering [nc ~o~ professional ~e~ccs, t~eld mvt~gadon on 10/I 9/2000 be~n 08~hrs and 1200 hfs, ~d ~mn on t 0/31/2000 ~twe~ 0~0 and I ! 00 hrs. T~s m~ ~ b~ on ~ose s~m msits pl~ a ~¢ of~e historical ~umenmdon and pre~io~ engin~fing BrJgf Hi~to~ of Sit~: - All tim braidings mentioned ~ ctrca 1920's ~d u~ Brick: mamnry: exterior w~ls and lama Non-reinl%rctM concrete' b&~ent ~ some ex.der walls and slab on [m~ber fl~r ~d rootfmming systems. . Thc v;estcm ~nion of~c McO]lhv~ry building: [.t~ ~ b~mement ~ a deep tbm~tion l:ound~ at l~st 8 fl ~low [he we:it wall of t~ building sho~ ~nsid~able crocking (first obsc~ed m t 990), e~e:ndin[: from the ba~ment m the upuer fl~r and r~f. ~e ci~ck x~dcns as pro~esses up~d. No crocking wins ob~ in the no~ w~l - thc Wcs~ (fomerl~ Hankms) budd rig. H~ a b~kxement ~d a ~ [oun~tion tbun~ at I~t 8 ~ ~low ~de. No crocking in extorter w~ls w~ obse~ed However a close inspection of tbs braiding w~ net ~fformed and no resection of the inside of~e b~ldin$ was ~:~ Formed, * Fbe 5eve~mn bml~ (located ~lwe~ the McC~lliva~ and Hankins buildings) Is a sl~, on ~ ~ ofcomtmc~on wi~ a ¢hallqw [ouatlalio~. Its ~umd ,~mcfly a~i~ ~c west ~ of ~e Mc~illiv~ bulling, ~uo- Thc c~t[r,: no3~ clcvauon of&:s bulling ~:~ remind downw~d from thc Rom of thc building lo a~,proximatc]y 14 ~ into Ibc integer I he west will h~ a heritable ,:~k pro~ssing hem ~e sl~b on g, Iadc up to lhe crock ~d,:ns ~ it ~s~s * Surface v,'aler Ciralnage. from roads and sidewalks, ~s from east to w~sl. ,, ,oki :~o,me ltme III ~ recent ~t: A wll~r i~t~ at ~ east come~ of~e ~everspn but]drag broke and ~ssibly Hood~d }i~ms buil,~ ba~ment. A roOF &am ~o~ns~m flora ~e Coff~ Ho~e Ga[tc~- building just ~st of the east comer of~ McGilhv~ bmldin~ plugg~ ~d flood~ water ~o~ ihe sidewalk, west S~de'~lk ~xeme~ m front of thc Sew~n building was crake, from 1982 to 1998, poss~b~'v allo,~ng ~t~ to penevate im:o the ~il ~a~ng s~ta below, ~ Ihe r~ve ~ll ap~aa to ~ m~lly clay, ~ially m th~ riper level Clay soils We a Iow ~anng *alue: ~mewhc~ in the range of 1500 pst to 2500 ps~ Clay ~oils do not ~ovldc good ~anng t/-~cy are w~ or ~t~a~d - SMIIo~ Ibun~tions, those l~a~d in ~= u~r 2 I~ct or,he soil' ?~ mort: sus~cptibl= (o loss of soil ~a~ng cap~i~ due to sfzce x~t~ ]}~lised_ !Ln~ tb¢~ observations ia is my I~ll0J' that: Wwtef m¢,vemmat has compromised the uod N.-anng capaciL_~, et'the {i~un~.'talion system along thf.- front (north elo, afaon) of Lhe Se verson bu ilding -~,f {h~ Se~,erson buildinl~ re)rib elevation, rotated downward, due to soil beanng Etilure or settleanent associated w~th water saturation of the bearing sod. tt translbrred ~ou,e o£ its u,~ight from ~ts ea$'~ wMl lind a portion of its FOCi' framing l0 the i:~djoining west walt o£the McGillivary building 9g~,~.n that weight transfer occttrred the soil supporting tho NWV corner and a l::,ortlon of the we:;t wall line of tho McGilllvary building became ov :rslressed resulting in the rotational movement and subsequer,.t cracking of ils west wall. [:h-elimiinary r~urnber~ Itqdi¢ltte ttlat soil ~re,~ses along thc, ~r~,st wall, dlJ¢ to cl~al~ luold 0o1¥. would approach .1000 psft~0 4000 psf, (de~ading on the width of tho footingl. Ti, us is far in excess of lhe lypical bearing values (2500p$0 for olay type soil. In suramary, the additional weight te,~ing tmloaded from the Se,,¢rson building onto 0~e :McOi~llvaly building has cau~se<: the distress and cracking in the west w~ll oft. he McGJlliv~r3, building fO!~L_ P.03 ;Fh' i:": ,uN~: · ,] B[TTOEh'~ 11 9- 0 5:06PM[ 3~09289576 =:: 360 479 398:3; #6 A TR Engir~eering Inc. (~6} 463-5735 Remedial Action for the McGillivarv (weatlB_u~lding' I he NW corner and a portion oft. he wes~ wall requ.es underpinning to prevent fia'ther ro::ational movement We suggest using pin-piles installed through the base:meal access t;,~r t}us tmd~rpmm ng Ali xhe crocked I:Ila-SOD. F'-yr arid concrete walls ri<cd to b~: epoxy pressure grouted at thc Fhe cracked masonry, fa¢ia, especia;!ly at the north ~lcvation {above the' sidcwalkL m~um walls, floor and roof diapbxagms. Il'you have any quest/{ms regarding th~s ~nformatnon, please Feel flee It, c, ull Site Observations and P, eview of 06~?~o~'/~t Reported Building Distress -~ McGillivray Building Port Angeles, Washington Prepared for: CGU - North Pacific hlStlrllllCe COllll}lllly Prepared by: Pacific Engineering Technologies, Inc. 5. Looking east at the northwest comer of the McGillivray Building. A separation of the mortar joints of the brick can be seen that approximates the location of the crack in the interior plaster finish seen in photograph No. 2 (lower arrow). '['his crack has been regrouted in the past but has reopened. The upper arrow indicates where the comer pilaster is being pushed away from the older brick wall. The brick above and to the left of the window also has spreading cracks in the mortar joints of the brick. 6. Looking down and eastward from the back (south) side of the west adjacent mercantile building. Soils have recently been removed from this area to a level near the floor of the building. The wall in the background is the west exterior wall of the McGillivray Building near the southwest comer. The arrow indicates the level of the soil prior its removal as can be seen by the change in color of the concrete. 1. [Last First Street and the McGillivray Building which consists of the two-story brick portion and the one-story brick portion (see arrows). Adjoining one-story mercantile buildings are on the right side (west) and left side (east) of the McGillivray Building. 2. The plaster wall finish of the west exterior wall is damaged at the second floor office space in the northwest comer of the building. 3. The crack in the wall finish beneath the left edge of the window is the result of the wall beneath the window being pushed northward. Note the misalignment of the slider glass window with respect to the window t?ame (upper arrow). The lower arrow indicates a sticker recording the rate of spreading during the last 4 years. A copy of this sticker is included in Appendix B of this report. 4. The west exterior wall of the McGillivray Building. The low parapet beneath the window is the top of the wall of the adjacent building. The white arrow points to a crack that extends through the wall and is the other side of the crack seen in photograph No. 3. The black arrow points to a wrinkle in the roof membrane, indicating compression of the roof sheathing beneath the membrane. Pacific Engineering October 21, 1998 ~ Ms Brenda Davis CGU - NORTH PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY I 18 North Liberty Street, Suite B Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Subject Site Observations and Review of Reported Building Distress , McGillivray Building :f,': 112'/2 to 116 East First Street · ~.,,,,,, Port Angeles, Washington C/aim No W638863 Dear Ms Davis: As you requested, we have made a site visit to the above referenced commercial building to determine the cause and extent of damage to various portions of the building which the owner believes may be the result of settlement occurring along the north edge (front) of the building situated along the city sidewalk. The site visit was made on October 12. 1998 by mysell'when I was met at the site by Dr Donald Bettger, the building owner, who provided access and supplemental intbrmation. Photographs were taken during the site visit and repruductions of several of the photographs that relate to the discussion are bound as Appendix A The McGillivray building is composed of two adjoining structures, The structure situated on the west half is a p, vo-story brick building with a partial basement and has approximate overall dimensions of 70'x25' with the longer axis oriented in the north/south direction, or perpendicular to East First Street. The adjoining building to the east is a one-story brick structure with approximate overall dimensions of 40'x25' with the longer axis also oriented m the north/south direction. It is estimated that the buildings were constructed in tile 1920's Dr Bettger has owned the buildings since the mid-1960's The two-story portion is constructed with brick walls and wood f'rame roof and floors Tbe structural details of the one~story portion are unknown. The interior of the two-story portion is fimsbed witb plaster on brick, and wood lath and plaster ceilings The walls of Ibc basement are exposed coacrctc The o~e-story portion has tk~rred out gypsum interio~ ~,4dl fimshes The two-story portion is addressed as 1127, to 114 East First Street. The one-story portion is addressed as 116 East First Street. The McGillivray Building is situated along the south side of East First Street All of the buildings along the block are situated with their front faces aligned along the south edge of the city sidewalk. A steep embankment estimated to be 60' to 70' in height is located along the backside of the buildings The toe of the embankment bears against the backsides of many of the buildings. The earth along the backside of the west portion of the McGillivray Building extends approximately to the second floor level A one-story mercantile building whose address is 110 to 112 East First Street is 57' in length and adjoins the ,.vest side of the McGillivray Building. The roof of that building is approximately at the same level as the second floor of the McGillivray Building. A brick parapet extends 2' to 3' above the roof of that building. The walls oi"tbe two buildings abut each other although the connection between the walls is hidden by metal flashing which extends over the top of the adjoining building's parapet and is attached to the side of the McOiltivray Building Another one-story mercantile building whose address is 118 East First Street adjoins the east sideoftbeMcGillivrayBuilding The roofoftbat structure is at approximately the same level as the roofofthe one-story east halfofthe subject building A brick parapet belonging to the McGil[ivray Building separates these two structures The details oftbe interface between the walls, footings and roof structures of both tbe east and west adjacent buildings are not visible The conditions that were observed and/oi called to our attention by the owner during our site visit are as follows: l There is a crack in the west wall of the McGillivray Building that extends from the basement lloor, through the first and second levels, to the roof of the building. The crack begins approximately 16' south of the northwest corner of the building at the basement floor, and progresses northward, as it extends upward reaching the northwest corner of the building at a location near tile roof. Tile crack becomes greater m width as it progresses upward It is hairline in width at the basement floor, app~oxim ~tely /,,' wide at the first floor level and s/,~,, wide at tile second floor level ]'be crack extends through the entire thickness oi"the west exterior wall, causing distoFtion in a window' opening at the second floor level, and tile brick o£tbe front wall at tile northwest corner or'the building (see photographs No 3 and 5) The cracking [lad been patched several times in the past, but has recently cracked more. A chronology of the expansion of the crack during the recent past has been recorded by a tenant in tile building aad is bound as Appendix B (see pbotograph No 3) 2 Levels were taken of the building to determine il'settlement bas occurred at tile no~bwest corner of the building No significant settlement was detected 3 The roof of the adjacent building to the west was investigated and the parapet of that building was observed to be cracked. The width and location of the crack matches that of the crack in the west wall of the McGillivray Building (see photographs No 3 and 4) The roof membrane at the base of the parapet is wrinkled, indicating a compression of the roof at that location (see photograph No. 4). 4 A portion of the steep embankment along the backside of the west adjacent building was observed to have been recently removed Soil marks on the sides of the buildings indicated that a depth of 4' to 6' of'soils were removed Tenants in the McGillivray Building reported that the most recent soils removal had taken place some time in the spring of 1998 (see photograph No 6) 5 A vertical crack was observed in tile furred out gypsum sheathing, extending fi-om the floor to the roof at a location midway along the length of the east wall of the McGillivray Building. The crack is approximately ~/8" in width for its entire height. This crack reportedly first appeared in 1990, was patched in 1994 and has since reopened Our opinions regarding tile cause of the observed damage and distress are presented in the same nunlerical order as the observations and are as Follows: 1,2&3 The cracking itl tile west wall is tile result ora northward movement ot'a portion of the adjacent mercantile building adjoining the west side of the McGillivray Building. Tile moving portion is attached to tile McGillivray Building at the point of the observed cracking Tile cracking is not the resultofsett]ement 4 The weight of the soils previously bearing against the backside of the adjacent mercantile building caused a portion of that building to move notqhward, slightly. 5 The xertical crack in tile east wall appears to be caused by lateral earth pressures on tile south wall of the adjacent building to tile east, which caused lateral northward nlovemcnt, resulting itl damage to the McGillivray Building Thank you tbr this opportunity to be ofservice Please call ifyou have any questions or require additional intbrmation Very trul5 yours, PA('IFIC ENGINEE}~,ING TECHNOLOGIES, INC Prepared b~ Donald C Nelson. P E Project Engineer Reviewed by: ~ /l~lSh"ff3~ Bozick, PE.~ S.E.~ Disclaimer The in£ormation contained in this report is for the exclusive use of North Pacific Insurance Company F'acific Engineering Technologies, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any use of this report by other parties The conclusions are based on limited visual observations at the site No destructive testing or monitoring was performed The design of the specific construction details necessmT to repair tlae structure exceeds the scope of this report and the services authorized Notice All intbrmation on this document is the exclusive property of Pacific Engineering Technologies, lnc © Copyright 1998. Pacific Engineering Technologies July 21, 1999 4~ Ms. Usna Wolman, Senior Claim Representative CGU/NORTH P^CIFtC I~SURANC£ COMPnNY 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Suite 200 ........... Bothell, Washington 98021-8972 Subject: Supplemental Site Observations and Review of Ongoing Building Distress ............ McGillivray Building -,:o.~ ....... ~? si 112 to 1 16 East 1it Street _ ¥,=,~ ~ ........... ~ Port Angeles, Washington Claim Nol W638863 (McGillivray Building) W657033 (Severson Building) Dear Ms. Wolman: As you requested, we have made a supplemental site visit to the McGillivray Building to resolve conflicts between information provided by N.G. Jacobson and Associates, engineers who investigated the McGillivray Building and the Severson Building, and a previous report prepared by our office, dated October 21, 1998, regarding an investigation or,he McGillivray Building. The Severson Building was identified in our report as the adjacent building to the west. Our investigation of the Severson Building, at that time, included only the north and south walls and the roof from outside of the building, and did not include the inside of the building. The conflicting information is as follows: 1. The report prepared by Pacific Engineering Technologies, Inc. stated: a. The two buildings are connected at their party wall. b. The movement of the hillside behind (south of) the two buildings was causing the lighter Severson Building to displace northward, causing damage to the McGillivray Building. c. No settlement was taking place in the McGillivray Building. Tek 12061~81-7500 ¢ F~x:I20§J281-4611 [8001621-7300 2. Information provided by N.G. Jacobson is as follows: a. The two buildings are not connected at the party wall. b. Movement of the hillside behind the buildings is not causing the Severson Building to move northward. c. Both the Severson and McGillivray Buildings are independently and simultaneously settling along their front (north) edges as a result of: i. poor supporting soils ii. work performed by the City of Port Angeles in the repairs to the City sidewalk during the I980's and the associated removal of an old fuel tank beneath the sidewalk iii. the result ora faulty downspout drain located uphill to the east of the McGillivray Building Our site visit was made on July 14, 1999 when we were met at the site by you and Ms Brenda Davis, of CGU/North Pacific, Mr. Donald Bettger, owner of the McGillivray Building, Mr. Steven Hall, P.E., ofN.G Jacobson and Associates, Mr. Lou Haehnlen, Building Official with the City of Port Angeles, and a work crew from Nordic Services, the contractor retained to perform removal and replacement of building components as required to help in our investigation. During our site visit, both the McGillivray and Severson Buildings were accessed for observations. Photographs were taken during our site visit and will remain in our files unless you direct otherwise. The description of the McGillivray Building was included in our October 1998 report and will not be repeated in this report. A description of the Severson building, as well as the details of damage to that building will be included in a report by N.G. lacobson and Associates. During our site visit, we observed the following: 1.. Metal flashing was removed by Nordic Services personnel from the top of the parapet of the party wall separating the McGillivray Building from the Severson Building at the location of the crack in the building walls. The two walls were found to be solidly c~nnected by mortar and brick. 2. The back (south) wall of the Severson Building was more closely examined for movement caused by sliding earth. No evidence of such movement was found. 3 The fron. q~_t (north) phc-third of the Severson Building was observed t9 be severe_ly distorted. The roof beams had pulled apart at their connections, and the side wails were severely cracked at a location app[oximately 15 to 20 feet south of the front (north) side of the two buildinss, and the front (north) wall of_~the Severson Buildi.ng ~was ti i~tward at. i!S tap. The details and the cause of this distortion obse.rved in the Severson Building were not investigated by this office during this site visit. 4. Levels were retaken in the upper floor of the McGillivray Building using a surveyor's instrument, as was done during our October, 1998 investigation. No measurable settlement of the building was found. It is our opinion that the observed damage to the McGillivray Building is the result of movement of the front 15 to 20 feet of the Severson Building, and that the movement appears to be progressing. It does not appear that the hillside has caused movement of the Severson Building as we stated in our October, 1998 report. Mr. Hall and I were in agreement with these opinions at the conclusion of this site investigation. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. Very truly yours, PACIFIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES, 1NC. Prepared by: Donald C. Nelson, P.E. Project Manager Reviewed by: Joseph M. Bozick, P.E., S.E. President cc: Ms. Brenda Davis CGU/North Pacific Insurance Company 118 North Liberty, Suite B Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Disclaimer The information contained in this report is for the exclusive use of CGU/North Pacific Insurance Company. Pacific Engineering Technologies, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any use of this report by other parties. The conclusions are based on limited visual observations at the site. No destructive testing or monitoring was performed. The d~sign of the specific construction details necessary to repair the structure exceeds the scope of this report and the services authorized. Notice A/1 information on this document is the exclusive property of Pacific Engineering Technologies, Inc. © Copyright I999. WASHINGTON, U.S.A. PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Janua~ 12,2001 Diane Markley The owner of 110 / 112 E. First Streets Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Structural stability of structures at the above-mentioned address. as per previous conversations regarding the structural stability of your building, the City Building Division is requesting that you provide us with a structural analysis of the above-mentioned building by a Washington State Licensed Structural Engineer. We would appreciate your attention to this matter within 30 days from receipt of this letter, if we can be of assistance, please contact me at City Hall or call 417-4816. Building Official cc: glenn a. Cutler, Director Public Works & Utilities C:\MyFiles\110-112E.1st 32~ EAST FIFTH STREET · P. O. BOX 1150 · PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-O217 PHONE: 360-417-4805 · FAX: 360-417-4542 · TTY: 360-417-4645 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT January 25,2001 Mrs. Diane Markley P.O. Box 2835 Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Structures at 110 1 tt2 E. ,pt Streets. The City of Port Angeles Building Division has received a letter from the attorney that represents Dr. Bettger. They have made statements regarding the structural stability of your building. The Building Division considers these statements to be a civil matter between Dr. Bettger and yourself. ~ would encourage you to contact eitherDr. Bettger or his attorney to address their concerns. W~ also encourage you to consult a professional to formulatea response to the specific allegations as addressed in the attorney's letter and provide the Building Division with a copy of that response and we would expect to hear from you ~/A,~lregarding how intend to address issues within 30 days from receipt of this letter. you ,these am enclosing a copy of the attorney s letter and engineer'-s comments. The 1997 Uniform Code forthe Abatement of Dangerous B_B~ildings provide guidelines as to when and how buildings are declared dangerous buildings~ ~he Building Division has concerns about the structural stability of the front parapet wali,~u~-a~'-~er the 1997 Un~[~or.m. Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, Section 301 Item 8, ~,h-states-tha~henever the building or structure, or any portion thereof, because of (i) dilapidation, deterioration or decay, (ii) faulty construction; (iii) the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the ground necessary for the purpose of supporting such building; (iv) the deterioration, decay or~ inadequacy of its foundation; or (v) any other case, is lik:elyto partially or completely collapse;. the Building Division is requesting you to comply with Section 403 item 1.1. of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings which states"f~lt the building shall be repaired in acco~,rdance the current code applicable to the type of substandard conditions requiring repair. ~ would expect to hear from you within 30 days regarding the above- mentioned requirements. If we can be of further assistance, please contact me at City Hall or call 417-4816. Sincerely, Lou Haehnlen, Building Official cc: attachments C:\MyFiles\markley2 321 EAST FIFTH STREET · P. O. BOX 1150 ® PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-O217 PHONE: 360-417-4805 ® PAX: 360-417-4542 ® TTY: 360-4 ~ 7-4645 E-MAIL: PU E~WOr KS~Ci. PORT-ANG EL ES.WA. US January 25,2001 Mrs. Diane Markley P.O. Box 2835 Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Structures at 110 / 112 E. 1st Streets. ? ~ The City of Port Angeles Building Division has receiVed a letter from the attorney that represents Dr. Bettger. They have made statements regarding the struct[ral stability of your building. The Building Division considers these statements to be a civil matter between Dr. Bettger and yourself. I would encourage you to contact either Dr. Bettger or his attorney to address their concerns, I also encourage you t~ consult a professional to formulate a response to the specific allegations as addressec~ in the attorney's letter and provide the Building Division with a copy of that response%/:.m.~and I would expect to hear from you regarding how you intend to address these issues within 30 days from receipt of this letter. I am enclosing a copy of the attorney's letter and engineer's comments.i ~ The 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings provide guidelines as to when and how buildings are declared dangerous buildings, the Building Division has concerre about the structural stability of the front parapet walland as per the 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, Section 301 Item 8, which states that whenever the building or structure, or any portion thereof, because of (i) dilapidation, deterioration or decay (ii) faulty construction; (iii) the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the ground necessary for the purpose of supporting such building; (iv) the deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its foundation; or (v) any other case, is likelyto partially or completely collapse, the Building Division is requesting you to comply with Section 403 item 1.1. of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Building~which states that the building shall be repaired in accordance the current code applicable to the type of substandard conditions requiring repair. I would expect to hear from you within 30 days regarding the above- mentioned requirements. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at City Hall or call 417-4816. Sincerely, Lou Haehnlen, Building Official cc: attachments C:\MyFiles\markley2 Janua~ 24,2001 Mrs. Diane Markley P.O. Box 2835 Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Structures at 110 / 112 E. 1st Streets. ~ ~ The City of Port Angeles Building Division has received a letter from the attorney that represents Dr. Bettger. They have made statements regarding the structural stability of your building. The Building D~.sion considers these statements to be a civil matter between Dr. Bettger and yourself,,.w~ ~,ould encourage you to contact eithe~ Dr. Bettger or h s attorney'~ to address their concern~wo,ul.d expect to hear from y~)u regar ~ng tl~s"~ ~sue'~"~s ~wit"6~.'~t~v, frnmreceiot -- of this letter.' '~?.~'""~nclosing a copy o~n~ne-e~c~"~m~n~~orney'~ lette .r~ - ,) c~ ~ also encourage you to consult a profess~ o ormulate a response to the specific allegations as addressed in the letter and provide the Building Division with a copy of that response / repair '~r, '~- · . The Building Division has concerns about the structural stability of the front parapet w..~ll and per the 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, Section 301 It, tel~8, which states that whenever the building or structure, or any portion thereof, because o~' (I)~lilapidation, deterioration or decay; (ii) faulty construction; (iii) the removal, movement or inst'abllity of any portion of the ground necessary for the purpose of supporting such building; (iv) the deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its foundation; or (v) any other case, is likely to partially or completely collapsed_The Building Division is requesting you to comply with Section 403 item ~/-1.1. which states th'a~the building shall be repaired in accordance the current code applicable to the type of substandar~ conditions requiring repair· I,,,,~ can be of further a~sistance, please contact me at City Hall or call 417-4816. Sincerely, -- ~'~..~ ~ ))~.~ .. ~ /-~ ~... ~-.~ C~'~L~ Lou Haehnlen, Building Official .,~ ~'~ cc: attachments ~. C:\MyFiles\markley2 April 13,200 I Mr. Loa Haehnlen, Building Official City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Wa 98362 Re: Commercial Building at 110-112 East First St. Dear Lou; I am requesting an extension of 20 days to complete the removal of the parapet wall of my building. Gary Jung has agreed to do the work. To minimize any hazards, I feel this should be done during offbusiness hours or on Suudays. This has been difficult to schedule, but with extented time should complete your request w/thin 20 days. Thank you for your consideration regarding this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely,