HomeMy WebLinkAboutUAC Packet 07/13/2021 UTILITY ADVISORY
July 139 2021 46 ��� +
1 . Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Approve Minutes
3. Public Comment
4. `Hot' Items
- Blockchain and cryptocurrency discussion
5. Contracts and Budgets
- Local Solid Waste Financial Asst. Grant
- Other updates (verbal)
6. Legislative Issues '\
7. Calendar of Actions & Meetings
8. Next Meeting - September 14, 2021
9. Adjourn
Utility Advisory Committee - pg. 1 46 ��
Approval of Minutes :
May 11 , 2021
Utility Advisory Committee - pg. 2 46 ���
Virtual Meeting
Port Angeles, WA 98362
May 11, 2021
L A. Call to Order 3:00p.m
Mayor and Chair Kate Dexter called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.
B. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Mayor and Chair Kate Dexter, Councilmember Brendan Meyer
(3.15), Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin
UAC Members Present: Vice Chair William Atkinson, Mattias Jarvegren, Raj Jethwa (Phone)
UAC Members Absent: Laura Dodd
Staff Present: Thomas Hunter, Gregg King, Jonathan Boehme, Nathan West,
William Bloor, Sarina Carrizosa, Mary Sue French, Kari Martinez-
Bailey, Diana Bagwell, Michelle Hale, Yvette Nichols,
Others Present: One Citizen
II. Approval of Minutes
Mattias Jarvegren moved to approve the March 9, 2021 minutes. Councilmember
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin seconded the motion.
Chair Kate Dexter asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,
the motion carried
Ill. Public Comment: None - The public is invited to provide written comments via e-mail
prior to the meeting, call-in and via Webex.
IV. `Hot' Items:
A. UAC Email
Gregg King, Power Resources Manager, reminded Utility Advisory Committee (UAC)
members they have been provided with City email addresses for all UAC business.
Starting with the next UAC meeting, personal email addresses will be discontinued and
UAC City email addresses will be used. Gregg is available for members who have
trouble setting up the City email address. Gregg will also reach out to members not in
attendance to relay this information.
B. Transfer Station Update
Thomas Hunter, Director of Public Works & Utilities provided UAC members an update
on the Solid Waste Regional Transfer Station. On March 16, following an executive
session, the City of Port Angeles City Council took action to terminate the Waste
Connections contract with a service date of October 2nd, 2021. Director Hunter discussed
various service components involved with the City taking over the Regional Transfer
Station. Appreciative of the County and the City of Sequim for their support and input.
V. Contracts and Budgets:
A. Industrial Water/Jacobs Contract
Thomas Hunter, Director of Public Works & Utilities reported the Department has been
working on State mandated water related items; risk and resiliency, and vulnerability
assessment, that have a deadline in the next two months, as well as drafts important to
industrial wastewater. Public Works is continuing to work on the Industrial Water/Jacobs
Contract and will bring to the UAC late summer or early fall.
V. Contracts and Budgets: Continued
B. Capital Facilities Plan (CFP)
Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director briefly reviewed the 2022-2027 Capital Facilities Plan
to include planning and process, utility cash flow, funding sources and expenses, and
capital projects. Mary Sue French, Cost and Capital Accountant provided a brief
overview of the closed, active, new, prioritized, and unfunded utility projects. Director
Carrizosa provided the dates for upcoming CFP events. Finance requests the UAC
forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council for approval of the Utilities
portion of the 2022-2027 Capital Facility Plan
Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin moved to forward a favorable
recommendation to City Council for approval of the Utilities portion of the 2022-
2027 Capital Facility Plan. Seconded by Vice Chair William Atkinson.
Chair Kate Dexter asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,
the motion carried
Vl. Legislative Issues: None
Vll. Calendar of Actions & Meetings — Updated each meeting
Vlll. Next Meeting Date: July 13, 2021
IX. Adjournment: 4:34 p.m.
Due to COVID-19 precautions all UAC meetings will be moved to online viewing
To learn how to submit a public comment or watch the meeting live, visit
htt s: www.cit of a.us Live-Virtual-M etin s.
Members of the public may addr s the Committe during the "Public Comment"
portion of the U m ing.
• Live co s are limite to 3 minutes and restricted e da items.
• Submit written comments to PublicWorks@citvofpa.us by 10:00am on the ay of
the meeting. Comments will not be read aloud but will be made part of the
Utility Advisory Committee — pg. 6 44 ��
To attend the meeting virtually, or make a live public comment:
1. Attend via call-in; use the conference line: 1-844-992-4726;
Access Code: 182 0511937. This access code is good for the 07/13/21 meeting only.
• If you wish to make a comment, on e connected, press *3 to notify the meeting
coordinator. You will be notifie he ur turn to speak.
2. Attend via Internet using Web ON
htt s: cit of a. b om c' of a onsta e h ?M =e3e1559b21a 7d9f19a455b
3. If yo wish to make a comment, use the "raise your hand" feature in We x. You
w' be notified when it is your turn to speak.
Utility Advisory Committee — pg. 7 46 �� `
• Blockchain and cryptocurrency
Utility Advisory Committee - pg. 8 46 ��
• local Solid Waste Financial
Assistance ( LSWFA) Grant
• Other Updates (verbal)
Utility Advisory Committee - pg. 9 46 ��
Local Solid Waste Financial Assistance
The Local Solid Waste Financial Assistance (LSWFA) program provides funding to local governments for solid and
hazardous waste planning and implementation, as well as enforcement of solid waste rules and regulations.
The Washington Legislature authorizes funding under the Model Toxics Control Act each biennium, administered by
Ecology. Each county can partner with local signatories to the Solid Waste Management Plan or other organizations
to use funds in support of eligible projects.
The City of Port Angeles is receiving funds for two tasks during the 2021-23 biennium:
Project Description State Share(75%)1 Local Match(25%)
Moderate Risk Waste Facility(MRWF)operations Operation of the MRWF, including contractual services,safe recycling or $70,000 $23,333
disposal of hazardous materials
Recycling operations&waste prevention program Operation of recycling drop boxes at the Regional and Blue Mountain $C2,952 $20,984
outreach Transfer Stations. Development and implementation of a regional outreach
program on recycling right and other waste prevention measures
Total Funding $132,952 $44,317
Other LSWFA funds are being used by Clallam County for homeless encampment cleanup, a west end hazardous
waste collection event , regional hazardous waste outreach, an organics study and east end solid waste needs study.
Utility Advisory Committee - pg. 11 46 ��
TBD - Corp Yard Update
Utility Advisory Committee - pg. 12 � ��
Next UAC Meeting :
September 14, 2021
3 : 00-5 : 00 PM
Committees ngs will be held virtually
until the Go=vnor lifts COVID-19
Utility Advisory Committee - pg. 13 46 �� `
MeY , , , 202, 46 ���