HomeMy WebLinkAboutColumbia Basin Fund Proposal 000vSign Envelope ID:30148uro-5C48-48u8-9911-CxuE8BA2E8087
PORTANGELES 321 East Fifth Street
WASH / m C- r «» m ' U . S . | Port Angeles, WA 98367
April |5` 2O2|
The Honorable Representative Derek Kilmer
2059 Rayburn House Office Bldg.
Washington, I>C205l5
RE: Letter of Support of the Columbia Basin Fund Proposal
Dear Congressman Kilmer,
/\o residents ofthe 6dbCongrcooiona| district, we are writing to express our appreciation ofyour
leadership in Congress and to ask for your help to address u set of linked problems affecting communities
in our district and across the State. During our meeting on April 6, 2021, the Port Angeles City Council
voted unanimously(o support in the process that's unfolding around Congressman Mike 3impmon'a
"Columbia Basin Fund" proposal regarding Snake and Columbia River salmon,Northwest communities,
and regional infrastructure. We are motivated to write this letter as active advocates of salmon recovery
and supporters of the tribes in our region. We should all raise our hands to ensure this proposal receives
the early support itdeserves.
In June of 2020, the Port Angeles City Council unanimously supported a letter, which was signed by a
number of other cities in support of Snake River Z)um removal. We've seen firsthand the benefits of
restoring healthy rivers via the effects of the historic removal of the duuza on the II|vvbaIliver. Scientists
have marveled at the recovery of the Elwha ecosystem with salmon, steelhead, and trout returning to the
river over the past decade since dam removal started iu2Ol|.
Regarding Mr. Simpson's proposal, local tribal leader W. Ron Allen, chairman of the Jamestown
S'Klallam tribe and a leader in fisheries management in the UnitedStates and Canada, says the plan has
promise. "From my perspective, it's a new kind of balance... I'm not against dams. There are dams
designed tnhe friendlier tosalmon. These dams just uren't," hc said nf the four barriers on the Lower
8ouko DLivcc "They were developed fast in order to generate cheaper power, and the time has ouone to
develop other clean energy sources. "This ia the heavy lift Norm Z)ioko did with the B|vvhu--drnco 10."
Allen said, referring to dborotirod cuogzeaaonuo who pushed for removal of the two dams mn that river.
But it's not just the promise of salmon recovery that makes this proposal appealing. It is its potential
tw bring our region together instead o[leaving undivided. This proposal could move Northwest
people from a history of conflict to a future of collaboration. We urge you to working towards 'broad
consensus' regarding the Snake River dams. One grounded iu best available science, honoring
tribal treaty rights, and supporting the four governors' process.
DocuSign Envelope ID:3014827D-5C48-4929-991 1-CAE9BA2E9687
Letter of Support of the Columbia Basin Fund Proposal
April 15, 2021
Page 2
In closing, over this past decade we have watched the recovery of the Elwha River ecosystem
unfold. It has been breathtakingly exciting. Imagine if in our lifetimes we watch a similar recovery in
the Snake River- the Columbia River's largest tributary. We look forward to joining you in this
important collaborative work for the people and fish of our region.
DocuSigned by:
Cc: US Senator Patty Murray
US Senator Maria Cantwell
US Congressman Mike Simpson
Senator Kevin Van De Wege
State Representative Steve Tharinger
State Representative Mike Chapman