HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Policies by adding Lodging Tax Funding Program goals and priorities to the Policies. WHEREAS, policy direction by Council is indispensable for the establishment of good government- and WHEREAS, on August 21, 2018, Council adopted Resolution No. 11-18 setting forth guided policies for the allocation and administration of lodging tax funds; and WHEREAS, City staff and the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee are proposing changes to the existing policies to improve the processes, for execution of tourism-rclated contracts and to achieve a better balance in the City's approach to promoting our local tourism economy; and WHEREAS, the Council finds, that the revised policies as attached in Exhibit A enable the City to achieve a balanced and sustainable approach to promoting our local tourism economy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles that: 1. The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Guided Policies are amended as follows:� a. Guiding policies are added as identified in the attached Exhibit A; and b. Policies 3 and 4 as stated in Resolution 11-18 are affirmed and ratified, and they shall remain in full force and effect, and c. Policies I and as stated in Resolution 11-18 are amended and modified to read as shown in Exhibit A. A- 2. The policies ratified and retained pursuant to,subparagraph b. above, together with the polices modified pursuant to subparagraph a. and c. above, effective as of this date shall constitute the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Guided Policies. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the / , day of 2021, Kate Dexter, Mayor AT�ST-. sari M artinez-Bailey, Clerk-` APRROV�Vl) ASTO ............ William E. Bloor, City Attorney II -2- ICIDGINC TAX W A S H W N G T 0 iN U s A DVI S 0 R Y C C)P0(,,I 171 E E Vision, Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs Vision: To blest utilize lodging tax funds to create a welcoming and inviting community with facilities and activities that increase tourism-related revenue through a sustainable visitor experience. Goals: 1. Foster and maintain a healthy and diverse tourism sector that continues to thrive, 2, Fully utilize and promote creative uses of existing facilities.. 3 improve the quality of experience and relationships for tourist and residents while diminishing any negative impacts frorn tourism-related activities and traffic, 4� Promote partnerships and increase tourism by concentrating on priorities identified by both residents and the tourism industry, S. Focus on our unique Port Angeles assets that make us a premier destination for environmentally and fiscally sustainable recreation and tourism, 6. Encourage collaboration recognizing that Olympic Peninsula-based tourism supports and benefits all communities. Annual Funding Disbursement: The expected outcome elf the funded activities is to increase economic activity in Port Angeles through the overnight iodging of tourists, through tourism-related expenditures, and construction of tourism-related facilities in accordance with, RCW 67.28-1816 Funding categories and their percentage of annual expenditure should approximate: 0 Touiresm-related capital facilities — 20% plus 5% reserved. Reserves are to be taken from the initial annual projected available revenues prior to LTAC conslideration of expenditure aHocation and budget for the annum. Capital Facility expenditures are,to be used for. o New construction n- Improvement and renovation 0 Tourism-related marketing—25% 0 Tourism-related non-profit business operations — 33% 0 IEvents and festivals designed to attract tourists,— 12% LTAC Priorities —5% Funding Priorities—Noc n-events: * Lend support to a diverse range of tourism sustainable activities to encolulrage visitors to enjoy i:onger stays and return often, * Assist the maintenance establishment tou6sm related capital facilities including: c, Wayfin6ng aind interpretative Signage, * Public Restrooms * Transportation facHities, and * Passive recreational park facilities (benches, wallkways, and lighting). a Support efforts to improve information on attractions and facilities, 0 Fund proposals that encourage and enhance tourism during the off-peak time as stated beliow, Promote tou6snri that highlights Port Angeles assets— its natural beauty, geology, outdoor activities, anthiropo�ogy, community events, lifelong gearning opportunities, Kstory, culture, and the arts. Develop key community assets, that function as destinations or venues for rnuitipurpose events on a year-round basis. • Create partnerships and synergies with existing organizations to develop and promote attractions and events for visitors. Develop innovative opportunities that improve the tcurnst/resident relationship lrnprove effectiveness of coord�nated transportation and trail linkages. • Support of organizations aind projects that promote coordination and cooperation iin tourism activities. Funding Priorities—Events: • Event Funding is capped at $10,000 per year per event. • Fund projects for up to five years, after which funding is capped at $1,0010. • Starting in 2022, aH established events, older than 5 years will have a cap of$,5,000 with an annual reduction to $1,000 in 202'6. • Review events also based upon intangible benefits for the community, unclucllng arts and culture, local economy c development, and regioinal/statewide/tiationag/iinternationall exposure. • Lend support to a diiverse range of tourism sustainable activities to encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often. • Encourage events to become, self'-sufficient. • Encourage the creation of new events and off-peak that drive an increase in Lodging Fax. • Encourage the potential growth of existing events. Support of organizations, and projects that promote coordination and cooperation in tourism activities. • Develop innovative opportunities that improve the tourist/resident relationship. • Support events that demonstrate countywide benefit. • Support events that demonstrate regional miarketing and marketing partnerships with other liocal/regionaG marketing organizations. • Support Projects that demonstrate a clear marketing strategy and business goals, Scaring Criteria for Event G'�rant proposals: 1. Demonstrates a Ihigh potential, or a proven track record, to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City, (25 pts.) 2. Occurs within non-demand periods of the year, (25 pts.) I Overall tourism impact to the City/Region. (15 pts.) 4. Demonstrates high value to community and/or significant local revenue and tax generation. (15 pts.,) 5. Achieves the LT AC priorities, (10 pts.), 6. Age of event-1 year= 5 pts, 1-2 years = 4 pts, etc. (10 pts.) Scoring Criteria for Non-Event proposals: Scoring Criteria for Non-Event proposals: 1. Overall tourism impact to the City/Region. (30 pts.) 2. Demonstrates a high potential, or a proven track record, to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts) 3. Achieves the LTAC priorities. (10 pts.) 4. Demonstrates high value to community and/or significant local revenue and tax generation. (20 pts.) 5. Demonstrates strong relationship to supporting activity within non-demand periods of the year. (15 pts.)