HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/16/2021 CITYCOUNCIL, MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
March 16, 20,21
7hisnzectirig ii-tis conducted virmallly
Mayor Dexter called the special virtual meeting,of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter. Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French, Meyer., McCaughan, Schromen-
Wawrinand Suggs.
Members Absent.- None
Staf!'Present: City Manager West,Aftomey Bloor, Clerk Martinez-bailey.
Based on input from City Aitorney William Bloor, Mayor Dexter announced the need for a closed Executive
Session held under authority of RCW 4230.1 10(l)(i) to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. Council
moved to separate virtual meeting room for Executive Session for approximately 55 minutes. The Executive
Session convened at 5:00 p.im
Mayor Dexter adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:55 p,m.
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p,m,
Members Present: Mayor Dexter. Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French., Meyer, McCaughan, Schromen-
Wawrin and Suggs.
Members Absent: None
Staffl`resenV City Manager West.Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey.C. Delikat,K, Dubuc.13. Smith
A. Brekke.'r. Hunter, and S. Carrizosa,
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
I. Proclamation in Appreciation for AmeriCorps Volunteers
Mayor Dexter read a Proclamation recognizing AmeriCorps for their devotion of time to our community through
programs that serve youth of'various ages and backgrounds. and the environment through community education.
No public comment was received.
City Manager Nathan West added 2005 Solid Ociste Processing Facilit'v Development anti Nlanagenwon Services
Contractst with Wae Con nections qfff'4,ashingum Incorporated to the,agenda on Contracts and Purchasing as item
Council member McCaughan asked to move iterns J-2.J-3,and J-4 to the Consent Agenda. Hearing consensus from
the Council. Mayor Dexter added the items to the Consent Agenda as E-5. E-6 and E-7.
It was moved by French and seconded by Meyer to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
I, City Council Minutes of February 16.202 1 lApprove
2. Expenditure Report: Frotn Febrwva V 20, 2021 anal March 5, 2021 in, the amount of'S3,354,325.15/Approve
1 Equipment Purchase - Replacement of Fire Department Vehicle #4200 I/Approve and authoriz-e the Ciiv
Manager tos(gn a contract tor the,purchase and outfitting ol'a new Fire Deparunent SUt*in an flololint not to
exceed,S47,200.00, and to make rnittor mothfications to the purchase contract if necessaij., and authorize the
Cit. A4itnager to suiplus vehicle 4420O ono e the new vehicle is placed into service
4, Equipment Purchase—Replacement of Light Operations Division Vehicle#6901 /Approve and authorLe Me
City Manager to sign as ctwiract/br the purchase and outfluing Q1'a new Light Operations Division van in an
amount not to e.vceed$48,000.00, and to make minor inodifications to the purchase contract o fnecessai-V and
Authorize the Cit-v Manager to surp his vehicle#6901 once the new vehicle is placed into Service
5. ITEM MOVED FROM J-2 2021 Pavement Repair Project/Award a contract fiver the base,bid to Agate Asphalt
qj'Pouhbo, TTA,fin-the 2021 Pavement Repair CON 2'021-12 in the ennount ol'Sl 11,72.5.00 including applicable
taxes and authori e the City Manager to sign a construction contract fin- this prQje(,,,t and to make minor
niodifications ifrzecessto-V.
6, ITEM MOVED FROM J-3 Equipment Purchase—Replacement of Water Division Vehicle #1782/Approve and
authorize the Ct`n,Manager to sign as contract fin,the purchase andoullittingqJ"a new Koter Division dunip truck
in an amount not to exceed,5230,000.00, and to niake minor-inodifications to the purchase contract i/'necessar.v
&Aidthorfie the 01.V Manager to surplus vehicle#1782 once the new vehicle is placed into service,
7. ITEM MOVED FROM J-4 Yearly Overhead Reconductoring Contract/Award a contract to RiverLine Polver of
Bartte Ground, PVA in the ainotent of S 149,999.99, int.,luding tax,.16r the Overhead Reconehictoring Project, and
authori:e the Citv Manager to CXec
41 we and to make minor tnodafications to the contract tf neeessarv.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0.
1. 2021 Budget Amendment#1
Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa introduced the proposed ordinance before Council for a first reading. She stated
the amendment comprised of three categories,first being unfinished capital items that carried over from 2020 to 2021,
The second, a cliange in funding and spending related to grants and the third category, adjustment in spending. She
shared all items included in the amendment had previously been approved by Council.
Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title.,entitled,
AN ORDI NANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,amending the City's 2021 budget.
The Mayor continued the item to the April 6 meeting.
I. 2021-2022 Strategic Plan
Manager West presented the proposed 2021-2022 Strategic Plan item and stated the document reflected final Council
discussion that took place during the February 16 meeting, He said improverrients to the document since the March 2
meeting included the change of the use of-Metrics"to"Focus Areas".He stated the proposed resolution would adopt
the plan. He spoke about the draft 2021 City Work Plan also included in the packet and said the plan highlights special
projects that are fulfilling the Strategic Plan. fie pointed out the deliverable dates identified in the Work Plan. After
the motion was made and seconded,Council discussion followed.
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Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title. entitled.
RESC: L UT ION N 0.06-2 1
A RESOLU"TION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles. Washington, amending the Strategic Plan liar tile
years 202 1-2021
It wits moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to:
Pass tile resolution as read,adopting the 202 1-2022 Strategic Plan.
"The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0.
1. Waterfront Center Letter of Support
Manager West presented the agenda item and provided background oil the letter of support. Fle said the funding
opportunity was for a iron-profit organization that perform quasi-govemniental functions and said the funding could
help the Field Arts& Events Hall project be brought to fruition.
It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Meyer to-.
Direct staff to draft a letter for the Mayor*s signature in support of the Port Angeles Waterfront Center's 1 Y22
Comniunity Funding Project Request to be sent to Congressional Delegates Kilmer,Murray and Cantwell.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition, tile motion carried 7-0.
$- 20,05 Solid Waste Processing Facility Development and Management Services Contract with Waste
Connections of Washington Incorporated
Director of Public Works and Utilities Thomas Hunter introduced the late item and provided background on tile matter,
Ile shared staffhad reviewed the contract to determine if tile City was operating in the most efficient manner. fie said
after this evaluation the City evaluated an opportunity to, terminate tile, C011traCL. Fie noted termination provides
opportunities to retain local control relative to costs and allocations and to reduce solid waste rates over time. After
the motion was made and seconded,Council discussion followed.
It was moved by French and seconded by Meyer to move that:
"`lie City of Port Angeles exercise its option to terminate, effective October 2. 2021, all Service Components of the
2005 Solid Waste Processing Facility Development and Management Services Agreement between the City of Port
Angeles and Waste Connection of Washington,Inc-and that the City Manager,or his designee,be authorized to give
all notices and take all other necessary actions to effect the termination of the Services Agreement; and that City
Manager, or his designee, be authorized to make purchases, hire additional stall', enter into contracts and take every
and all other necessary actions to enable tile City to fully assume all operations of the solid waste utility effective
Octobet-2.2021,or on such other date as may be appropriate: and that all such actions are and shall remain necessary
lbr the immediate preservation of the health and safety of the City and subject to the City's ongoing emergency
After a roll call, the motion carried 7-0.
1. Race Street Complete Street Project Management Services Contract As
Director Hunter provided information on the agenda item and provided updates on the project. which included details
on the phased approach. After the motion was made and seconded, Council discussion followed.
It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to:
Award a Professional Services Contract to Vanir Construction Management, Inc., for the Race Street Complete
Construction Management Phase I Project in an amount not to exceed$321.016.00 and authorize the City Manager
to execute and to make minor modifications to the contract if necessary,
'The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing,no opposition,the motion carried 7'-0.
Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6:51 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:56 p'lli,
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Council member Meyer provided updates regarding Clallarn Transit System.Port Angeles Public Access.and spoke
about WA Senate Bill 518K
Council mentber McCaughan spoke about an upcoming Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting and the Shore
Aquatic Board.
Council member Suggs spoke about the Marine Resources Committee and the many and various environmental
services they offer including educational outreach.
Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about legislative activity relative to bills regarding evictions. He spoke
about a Clallam Transit System presentation, Strait Ecosystem Recovery Network beta testing relative to local
community health,and a recent planner forurn. He spoke about the new Boys&Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula
and encouraged Council to visit,
Council member French spoke about the Shoreline Master Plan comment period,and recent Homelessness Task Force
Committee and Chamber of Commerce meeting,
Deputy Mayor Carr spoke about Board of Health's discussion of 11B 1152,funding of the Public Health Department,
and vaccines.
Mayor Dexter spoke about an upcoming Law and Justice meeting and Fe no Marine Center online fundraiser. Site also
spoke about her participation in a monthly virtual programming through the North Olympic History Center.
No other reports were given,
Manager West spoke about art upcoming work session and spoke about legislative updates relative to COVID funding
and project appropriations. Ile spoke about the Boys&Girls Clubs of the Olympic.Peninsula and encouraged Council
to sign up for a tour of the facility and shared infortnation on an upcoming Downtown clean up.
No public comment was provided.
Mayor Dexter adjounied the meeting at 7:51 p.m.
Kate Dexter, Mayor Kart Martmez-Bailey,City Clerk,
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