HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/17/2021 C'ITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington August 17', 2021 This ineeling was cm nducted vit-tualIv, CALL TO OP DER SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.in. Members Present- Mayor Dexter, Council Members French, Meyer, McCaughan, Schrornen-Wawrin and Suggs, Members Absent: Deputy Mayor Carr(CXCUSed during the July 20,22021 meeting). Staff Present: City Nlanager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-13ailey. EXECUI I IVE SESSION Based on input from City Attorney William Bloor,Mayor Dexter announced the need for an Executive Session held under authority of RCW 42.30.1 100)(i) to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. Council moved to a separate virtual meeting room for approximately 55 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 5:0O pmi. ADJOURNMENI' Mayor Dexter adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:00 p.m. CALL J'0 ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:02 p.im ROC LL CALL Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Council Members French,Meyer,McCaughan,Scliromen-Wawrin and Suggs. Members Absent: Deputy Mayor C arr(excused during the July 20,,2021 meeting). Staff Present: City Manager West, Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey,C. Delikat,K. Dubuc. B. Smith, A. Brekke,T. Hunter. and S. Carrizosa. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA-NCE Mayor Dexter led the fledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PUBLIC CONIMEN'll' Ron Wasnock, city resident, in a pre-recorded message, spoke about changes to I incoln Park that have taken place over the years. Steve Dryke,city resident,in a pre-recorded message.spoke about the need for ADA sidewalks at 911 Memorial Park on Francis Street and the importance of the Olympic Discovery Trail. LATE j,rEMS,TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FILFIFURE AGENDAS Manager West added E't?ipit)yt?ie rat,5tttlement,lgi-eement wiih Adele Roman to the agenda as Consent Agenda item E-4. CONS,ENT AGENDA It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by McCaughan to approve the,Consent Agenda to include: 1, City Council Minutes of July 20, 2021 /Approve 2. Expenditure Report: From July 10,2021 to August 6.2021 in the amount of$3,918,055,821 /Approve POR"FANGELF"S CITY COUNCIL MEETING e August 17, 2021 3, RC O Grant Acceptance liar Pump Track, Approve and authorize the('it'i-,Vanager to sign the youth Athietic Field grant t(greeinent, proleci number 20-1237D, in the ern aunt ol S.350,000 lire the Erickson Plqtfield Pump Track 4, Employment settlement Agreement with Adele Roman / Authorife the CitY Alanagyr ro sign and execure 41 settlement agreement with .4dele Roman The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0. ORDINANCES NOT REOUHUNG COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Budget Amendment#2 Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa said the amendment before Council was comprised of capital items and brings added budget in alignment with the recently adopted Capital Facilities Plan, She shared the proposed ordulance was before Council for the second reading. Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled. ORDINANCE NO.3677 It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Meyer to: Adopt the ordinance as read. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PLTBLIC HEARINGS 1. Resolution on Lodging Tax Policy and Fund Disbursement Scoring Criteria Community and Economic Development Director Allyson Brekke provided background on the policy document in the Council packet and shared it wNras the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's (LTAC) desired approach to lodging tax fund allocation, She said the Committee wanted to improve the application process and identify how events are prioritized. She spoke about timing of events,event funding.new events,and how the process would help older events, become more financially self-sufficient. Council member French shared additional background information as Chair of the UFAC. COUncil discussion followed. Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title,entitled, R_ES( I,U,TI0N NO.111-21 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington. amending Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Policies by adding Lodging rax Funding Program goals and priorities to the.Policies. g It was moved by French and seconded by Meyer to: Pass the resolution with the following changes to Exhibit A: Under-Annual Funding Disbursement'- replace"Funding categories and their percentage of annual expenditure are:- %vith"Funding categories and their percentage of annual expenditure should approximate:­ Under"Funding Priorities: Non-events", strike the first bullet point("Fund projects for up to five years"). Under"`Funding Priorities: E Aents".change the second bullet point's first Sentence to""Fund projects for up to Five years.after which funding is capped at$LOW.— The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. 2. Resolution on ARPA Funding Allocations and Discussion City Manager Nathan West presented tile agenda item to Council and said Council had directed staff to draft a resolution which was before them for consideration, He added staff included subset recommendations in the memo and stated the City could contribute funds, to important housing projeQt":s through Council ouncil action emphasizing tile cooperation to date from local housing entifies and Clallarn County. Manager West invited Peninsula Behavioral Health CE0 Wendy Sisk to speak on behalf of the organization and she provided information about the All View ail fotel housing project Manager West noted the housing subset items would return to Council as agreements,in addition,he shared Peninsula Housing Authority is moving forward with the new housing project Shane Place and said there Page 2 of 4 PORT ANGELE'S CITY COUNCIL MEETING - August 17, 2021 would be more information to come. Ile said by moving forward with a temporary housing position it would allow the City to implentent the new tools and measures recommended in the 2019 Housing Needs Assessment. Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title.entitled. RESOLLTION NO. 12 21 A RESIX111"FlON of the City Conned offfic 0ty of'Port Angeles. %Vashin-ton. approving funding from the American Rescue Plan Act(A- RPA) for Housincy needs and temporary positions for a City Hall Attendant. Pro' ject Marna-er and Communications,Records Support. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by McCaughan to: 1) Pass the resolution for the use of ARPA funds for temporary positions for a City Hall Front Attendant. Pro�ject Manager and Cotri,ti�iunication,,Record,-,support as well as funding toward housing related needs. 21 Authorize housing sub-contributions including up to$337,500 for Peninsula Behavioral Health Department of Commerce Grant Match.S250.000 for Peninsula Housing Authority Shane Place project. and$225,000 for a temporary housing position. After a roll call vote, the motion carried 6-0. The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7:36 p,ni, The meeting reconvened at 7:46 p.m. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Legislative Changes to Law Enforcement Police Chief Brian Smith provided a PowerPoint presentation on recent changes and challenges in law enforcement. Chief Smith's slides included information on 20,21 Legislative landscapes and take-aways and provided the Department's aspirationA goals. He spoke about police interactions and said this Legislature put great emphasis on the actions, powers and duties of the officer and less on the actions of the individual. Chief Smith stated many of the bills have intended and unintended consequence:,,,which will negatively impact public safety and spoke about impacts to citizens and officers from the legislative changes. CONTRACTS & PURCHASING 1. Renewal and Acceptance of 2021-2022 WASPC ,,%Iental Health Field Response Grant Chief Smith provided background on the agenda item. Council member French stated lie would be recusing himself from the discussion and vote due to his participation as a niernber of the Board of Directors for Olympic Peninsula Continunity Clinic. Chief Smith spoke about the value the additional resource has provided the Department. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to: Accept the 20211-2022 WAS,P,C Mental Health Field Response Grant and authorize the City Manager to sign the associated agreements and make minor modifications as necessary. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,the motion carried 5-0 with French recusing himself from the vote. 2. (Olympic Discovery Trail Maintenance Contract CON-2021-23 Public Works and Utilities Director Thomas Hunter spoke about the proposed on-call maintenance contract. lie said. the area was difficult to manage due to natural changes the area encounters as well as the challenge with existilig staff capacity. Ile noted the 2-year contract will need to have S 15,000 added to the line item from the 21022 budget, additionally lie spoke about a unique approach to bidding and provided the details on the process. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by McCaughan to: Award a contract to 2-Grade LLC of Port Angeles., WA in art amount not to,exceed S200,000,00 for the Olympic Discovery Trail Maintenance Contract CON-2021-23, and authorize the City Manager to sign all documents necessary to execute and administer the contract and to make nimor modifications to the documents as necessary. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council mernber McCaughan spoke about listening along to the Candidate forums, Page 3 of 4 PORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING .— August 17, 2021 Council member Suggs spoke about a recent Marine Resource Committee which included a green crab study and and spoke about the damage they do to local natural resources, She spoke about the recent treat'wave that killed a number of oysters. She spoke about several events offered by, Shore Aquatic Center and congratulated 202 1 graduates and spoke about the importance of staying in school. Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about sidewalk improvements in the works relative to cornments made during the first public comment period. He spoke about die additional Strait Shot routes added by Ciallarn I-ransit Systeln and shared he will be attending an upcoming transit conference and a housing conference. He spoke about a street tree tour and said he was glad to hear the Enter ency Operations Center reopened. C 9 Council inernher French spoke about his attendance at a Port Angeles Business Association Elevate PA and a Chamber of Commerce Board meeting. He spoke about the 01 yrn pie Peninsu la,rourism Conin iissio n and spoke about what this organization does to promote tourism. Mayor Dexter said she attended a Feiro Marine Lift Center and Lauridsen Trust meetings and spoke about a local event in conjunction with Feiro. She spoke about a recent job opportunity available through the Port Angeles School District, No other reports were,given, INFORMATION Manager West thanked Council for the August break and shared the September work session would be dedicated to municipal code work with Madrona Law Group. tie concluded his report with a reference to reports included in the packet, SECQND PUBLIC COMMENT No public coninient was received. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 9�16 p.m. Kate Dexter.Mayor Kari Mart tiez-Barley,City Clerk Page 4 of 4