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PSAB Agenda Packet 03/17/2021
lee% Public Safety Advisory Board V� March 17, 2021 — 6 p.m. City of Port Angeles — Virtual Meeting Attendees: Members 1. Evan Brown 2. Kathleen Graf 3. Kelsey Lane 4. Shana Scott 5. Viola Ware 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Staff Police Chief, Brian Smith *Deputy Police Chief,Jason Viada Fire Chief, Ken Dubuc *Asst. Fire Chief,Mike Sanders Catherine Dewey, Board Secretary Guest(s): Agenda 1. Roll Call, Announcements and new agenda item................................................Catherine Dewey a. Resignation of Board Chairman Lourene O'Brien b. Resignation of Board Vice Chairman Alan Oman c. Term end 2/28/2021 for Student Kiara Schmitt d. Nomination for Chairman Position 2. Review and Approval of Minutes ...................................................................................... 3. Old Business a. Board Member Terms as provided by City Council ........................................................ b. Vote and Recommendation to City Council for Student Representative Position: • Jesse Driese • Sophia Miller • Octavia Smith c. Vote and Recommendation to City Council for Business Owners or managers of businesses located within the City of Port Angeles: • Susan Hillgren- Executive Director of The Answer For Youth • Karen Rogers-Karen Rogers Consulting & Doc Neely's Gun Store • Beth Sandoval- Clinic Director at Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy • Andrew Schwab- Anime Cat • Lori Ward- Cherry Hill Florist 4. New Business a. Police Department Report.......................................................................Chief Smith b. Fire Department Report.........................................................................Chief Dubuc 5. Other Business 6. Public Comment 7. Good of the order 7. Adj ournment Next Meeting—April 21', 2021 P-QUANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT WASH I N G T O N , u , s , MEMO Date: March 16, 2021 To: Public Safety Advisory Board Members From: Catherine Dewey, Board Secretary Subject: Review of Applications There are six positions open on the Public Safety Advisory Board (PSAB). In accordance with Chapter 2.25 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, the PSAB should meet and review the applications and supplemental questionnaires received from parties interested in filling the vacancies on the Board. After doing so, the members of the committee shall make a recommendation about the best qualified candidates and the recommendation will then be forwarded to the City Council. The City has been advertising for vacancies on the Board. Currently, the Board has the following vacant positions. • At least two members to the extent feasible, shall be filled by owners or managers of businesses located within the City; (one vacancy with a term expiring February 28, 2026) • At least one member to the extent feasible, shall be a high school student recommended by school administration. (one vacancy February 28, 2022) • One member to the extent feasible, shall be affiliated with an associated EMS agency that operates in the City of Port Angeles. (one vacancy February 29, 2024) • Two positions, to the extent feasible, shall be for enrolled Tribal members. (two vacancies-with terms expiring February 28,2022 and February 29, 2024) • Other members shall be selected, to the extent feasible, shall represent diverse segments of the community. (one vacancy filling an unexpired term February 29, 2024 vacated by Lourene O'brien) On March 17, 2021 the Public Safety Advisory Board will consider applications for the student position and business/manager position. Staff will bring applications for the position held by "Other members shall be selected, to the extent feasible, to represent diverse segments of the community" for consideration at the regularly scheduled meeting in April. Staff have reached out to the Lower Elwha Tribe and asked they provide a recommendation for the applicants who are eligible to hold the position as an enrolled Tribal member. In addition, staff have contacted local EMS agencies, notifying them of the open position. The following individuals are being considered this evening: Student positions: Jesse Driese Sophia Miller Octavia Smith Owners or managers of businesses located within the City of Port Angeles: Susan Hillgren- Executive Director of The Answer For Youth Karen Rogers-Karen Rogers Consulting & Doc Neely's Gun Store Beth Sandoval- Clinic Director at Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy Andrew Schwab- Anime Cat Lori Ward- Cherry Hill Florist On September 16, 2020, our Council acted on those discussions by adopting an ordinance that made changes to the composition of the Board. The ordinance continues to require that all members shall either be City residents or work or attend school within the City. PORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL WV A S H I N G T O N , U . S . MEMO Date: March 2, 2020 To: City Council From: Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk Subject: Public Safety Advisory Board Term Clarification Summary: On September 15, 2020, City Council adopted an ordinance that amended the Public Safety Advisory Board(PSAB) Chapter 2.26 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. In addition to making changes to the composition to the Board,this ordinance also directed the Clerk to draw lots to create staggered terms.The intent of this memo is to clarify the terms of each PSAB position. Funding: Members serve without compensation. Recommendation: Approve the table listing Public Safety Advisory Board terms outlined in the Council memo. Background / Analysis: On September 15, 2020, City Council adopted an ordinance that amended the Public Safety Advisory Board(PSAB) Chapter 2.26 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. In addition to making changes to the composition to the Board,this ordinance also directed the Clerk to draw lots to create staggered terms. To establish the staggered terms,the City Clerk,by drawing lots, divided the Board positions into 3 groups. Per the ordinance, Board positions designated as Group One were given an initial term of one year. Board positions designated as Group Two were given an initial term of three years. Board positions designated as Group Three were given an initial term of five years. After the initial term, all Board positions shall be for four-year terms as provided in 2.26.030 subsection C of Ordinance 3665 as attached. The positions below were numbered by the City Clerk in a memo provided to Council on October 20, 2020. These position numbers were used later by the Clerk to associate the lots drawn to the specific PSAB position, identified in the table below. The positions were listed 1 through 12 according to the order in Section 2.26.020. Position 1 is marked vacant to reflect Alan Barnard's January 2021 resignation from the PSAB. On February 2, 2021,the City Council appointed Viola Ware upon the November recommendation of the PSAB. Position 4,high school student,will be vacant February 28, 2021. Staff have advertised the position on the City's website and provided the same information to the School District. The terms and positions identified in the table below are consistent with the lots drawn by the City Clerk according to Ordinance 3665. The following table reflects the PSAB membership: Public Safety Advisory Board members As of March 2, 2021 Position Position criteria Position Term expiration number (PAMC 2.26.020) currently held dates b 1 (B) Owner or manager of a business located within the City Vacant February 28, 2026 (B) Owner or manager of a business located within the City Evan Brown _February 28, 2026 3 (C) Representative from the Port Angeles School District Kelsey Lane February 28, 2022 (D)High school student recommended by school administration Vacant February 28, 2022 5 (E)Affiliated with an associated EMS agency that operates in Vacant February 29, 2024 he City 6 (F) enrolled Tribal member Vacant February 28, 2022 7 (F) Enrolled Tribal member Vacant February 29, 2024 8 (G) Resident who has experienced homelessness or a substance Viola Ware February 28, 2022 use disorder, or someone who has worked with people that have experienced homelessness or a substance use disorder 9 (H) Represent diverse segments of the community Kathleen Graf _February 29, 2024 10 Represent diverse segments of the community Lourene O'Brien February 29, 2024 11 Represent diverse segments of the community Alan Oman —February 28, 2026 12 (H) Represent diverse segments of the community Shana Scott [February 28, 2026 Funding Overview: Members serve without compensation. Attached: Ordinance f The City of Port Angeles C s+ud°Pxt Re Public Safety-Advisory Board. A licati RECEIVED MAR 1 0 2021 Public Safety Advisory Board ciTY° �oR�arv �Lr=s CITY CLERK; Applicant Name and General Information Jesse R Driese First MI Last 124 E 7th St Port Angeles WA 98362 Address City State Zip Home phone Work phone Cell phone E-mail address Certification and Location Information Are you employed by the City of Port Angels. r _.. . _ _.._-_.._...._.. _.. e� , Are you a citizen of the United 5tat+es9.. ._......—_.__ . __._ __.. __.._.M._ �..__ ____.__. .. q) Are you a Registered Vote?-.--- as 60) Do you live within the City of Port Angelesuw Ifso,how long:.....W.........._.........................___..............._____....__............_...................._....__.._._................__...._._....................._............_................_. 1 1 rs Do you own/manage a business in the C 4j.? — - Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in an If so,please list: n/a Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for? If so,please explain: No 1 The City of Port Angeles Public Safetv AdNisory Board Application Work or Professional Experience -List most recent experience first or attach a resume n/a - Full-time student. Employer Brief job description Employer Brief job description Employer Brief job description Education—List most recent experience first Port Angeles High School In-progress 11 th Grade Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Graduated? Study Peninsula College In-progress freshman es Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Graduated? Study e` 6, Institution/Location Degree earmed/Major area of Graduated? Study Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Port Angeles Food Bank Food service for public Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Several hours a week of distributing food at drive-thru and organizational help. Brief description of your participation Clallam County Teen Court Diversion court services Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Volunteer juror, baliff, and attended trainings realted to youth and the court system. Brief description of your participation The City of Port Angeles Public Safety Advisoa Board Almlication 2.26.020-Composition of Board The Board shall consist of 12 members,who shall meet the following criteria, provided that a majority of the members shall be City residents: Please check all that apply: 71 Owners or managers of businesses located within the City: ❑ Representative from the Port Angeles School District#121: E High school student that is recommended by school administration ❑ Member affiliated with an associated EMS agency that operates in the City of Port Angeles ❑ Tribal members ❑ represent diverse segments of the community ❑ Experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder, or have worked with people that have experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder If you would like to speak to your qualifications,please feel free to share information below or provide a resume as an attachment to this application. Port Angeles High School Student going on 3 years. Peninsula College Student going on 2 years. SeveFel Fneths in the PoFt Angeles 1 L'fllNe EnpllJi el 1 7e-g.-ZifiI(QOITG'nt). Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire 1. Have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession? No If"yes",please describe your experience? nla 2. What is it that interests you about public safety? Discovering the hest ways the community as a whole can be served and kept safe. The City of Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board Application 3. Is there an area of public safety that specifically interests you? nLaw enforcement ❑ Fire 911 /Dispatch Emergency Management ElEmergency medical services 4. Are you interested in participating in an annual and scheduled"ride along"with both Police and Fire/EMS personnel? Yes 5, What issue(s)do you believe are the most pressing issue(s)that impacts public safety in Port Angeles? Drug-related crimes and addiction. Mental health issues and response. Youth issues and 2i_Ae_� Al plicant Signature Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk lari Martinez-Bailey City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634 321 East 51h Street kmbailey@cityofpa.us Port.Angeles, WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,please contact the City Manager's Office at 360417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council for appointment consideration. Additionally, it may become a part of a City Council packet. PORT ANGELES HIGH Catch the Roughrider Spirit! March 16, 2021 Jesse Driese is a perfect candidate for the Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board! I have known him since his Freshman year in varied areas—I was his Advisor for his first two years of high school, he was a member of Honor Society, and an active participant in Science Club. Jesse has always been a serious student and helpful member of our community. He took an advanced curriculum of Honors classes at the high school and then went on to Running Start classes at Peninsula College, maintaining a near-perfect GPA. He volunteered regularly for Honor Society and other service projects in and out of school and will receive a Varsity Letter in Community Service. Mature beyond his years, Jesse always lives up to expectations and strives to be the best he can be. He will serve our community well as a Student Representative to your board! Sincerely, John Gallagher Jeffrey M. Clark Mace Gratz Dwayne Johnson Lillian Cone Principal Assistant Principal Dean of Students Assistant Principal 304 East Park Ave.,Port Angeles,WA 98362 Ph.360.452.7602 Fax 360.452.0256 t W�I�m The City of Port Angeles Public Safely Advisory so Board Application Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Name and General Information Sophia R Miller First MI Last 202 Motor Avenue Port Angeles WA 98362 Address City State Zip (360) 457-1243 (360) 417-7196 (mother) m e hone diw Work phone Cell phone E-mail address Certification and Location Information Areyou employed by the City of Port Ange c,&?.............................................................--.-_............................................................_ es } Areyou a citizen of the United State&?..............................................................................................................................»�.....,.»....,.... ..... �s i o Areyou a Registered Voter?................................._.........-.........._.......... .......... ............ ..._.............__.._......._................... Do you live within the City of Port Angeles limits-?......._.._...._..,....................._.._.........._..........................._...................Y. Ifso,how long,,.......w.........._............_..�................_ .........................................__.................................__.............................. ............................... 15 years Do you own/manage a business in the City.7........._._._..........._.............. ,.. ,,.,,, ,.,.....-............_.............. ..................... Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any,.field?..._.._............................ ,.......,. �J If so,please list: I am certified in CPR and First Aid. Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for? If so,please explain: No Application updated 1/12/2021 ��� The City of Port Angeles sr� , m—v Public Safety Advisory Board Application .��, Work or Professional Experience-List most recent experience first, or attach a resume N/A Employer Brief job description Employer Brief jab description Employer Brief job description Education—List most recent experience first Port Angeles High School Currently Enrolled e` Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Graduated?StudY es l<Io Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Graduated?Study es Na Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Graduated? Stud Y Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in during the last five years See attached Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Brief description of your participation Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Brief description of your participation Application updated 1/12/2021 The City of Port Angeles Public Safe Advisory Board A lication $,!I�I Sophia R.Miller application continuation attachment sheet 03/10/2021 Charitable,Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Phoenix Dragon Martial Arts,Port Angeles,WA Martial Arts School Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Student currently holding junior black belt, currently in training for I"Dan.Teaching and mentoring for 7 years. Brief description of your participation Jun Sa Hapkido,Warrior Hapkido International,Aurora, Martial Arts Federation Illinois Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective All black belts and higher maintain membership in this federation and uphold the federation principles and standards. Brief description of your participation Port Angeles High School Wind Ensemble,Port Angeles,WA Provide music for your enjoyment Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Flautist Brief description of your participation Key Club,Port Angeles High School,Port Angeles,WA Community service Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Participated in many volunteer projects. Varsity letter in Community Service. Brief description of your participation EOC COVID Food Drive Distribute food to the community Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Set-up and take-down,boxing and distributing food, 170 volunteer hours Brief description of your participation Application updated 1/12/2021 0The City of Fort Angeles Public Safe Advisory Board A ty ppl�cat><on 2.26.020- Composition of Board The Beard shall consist of 12 members,who shall meet the following criteria,provided that a majority of the members shall be City residents: Please check all that apply: ❑ Owners or managers of businesses located within the City: ❑ Representative from the Port Angeles School District#121: Cl High school student that is recommended by school administration ❑ Member affiliated with an associated EMS agency that operates in the City of Port Angeles ❑ Tribal members ❑ Represent diverse segments of the community ❑ Experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder,or have worked with people that have experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder If you would like to speak to your qualifications,please feel free to share information below or provide a resume as an attachment to this application. As a student of Port Angeles High School I think I can bring the perspective of a teenager who has been raised and is still being raised in our city. I can also be a fair representative of my age_group Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire 1. Have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession? No If"yes",please describe your experience? 2. What is it that interests you about public safety? I'm interested in learning about the behind-the-scene processes that keep our community safe. Application updated 1/12/2021 The City of Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board Application 3. 1s there an area of public safety that specifically interests you? aLaw enforcement ® Fire 911 1 Dispatch Emergency Management Emergency medical services 4. Are you interested in participating in an annual and scheduled"ride along"with both Police and Fire/EMS personnel? Yes! 5, What issue(s)do you believe are the most pressing issue(s)that impacts public safety in Port Angeles? Drug paraphernalia especially in parks, flower beds, streets, etc. endangering both humans and animals alike. Growing number of homeless population, and drug addiction. S (VA-U- 3 I �0 Applicant Signature Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634 321 East 5" Street kmbailey@cityofpa.us Port Angeles,WA 95362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities.Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-4174500 so appropriate arrangements can be made, This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council for appointment consideration. Additionally,it may become a part of a City Council packet. Application updated 1/12/2021 PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL Catch the Roughrider Spiriff 0 March 12,2021 Re; Sophia R. Miller Applicant for the Public Safety Advisory Board Dear City of Port Angeles, I am writing to recommend Sophia R. Miller as a great candidate to become a member of the Public Safety Advisory Board. She is currently a sophomore student At Port Angeles High School and currently has a 3.97 grade point average. She is involved in her school and community and serves on many volunteer committees. She is civic minded and mature beyond her years. Sophia is a member of Key Club at Port Angeles High School and participates in many community volunteer activities associated with the high school. She made a commitment to volunteer at the local food bank and has been there all school year. Sophia is confident and diligent and can be trusted to follow through on whatever task she is asked to complete. Most recently, she was a volunteer at the immunization clinic held at Port Angeles High school. Her career goal is to have a career in law enforcement and the Public Safety Advisory Board will provide more meaningful life experiences that will help her in her future. I can recommend without hesitation that the City of Port Angeles seriously consider Sophia as a member of the Public Safety Advisory Board. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Cecilia Jacobs Guidance Counselor (360) 565-1557 Jeff Clark Mace Gratz Lillian Cone Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal 304 East Park Ave. Port Angeles,WA 98362 Ph.360.452.7602 Fax 360.452.0256 `a h Ili • m a o "d .r.. �... � tea, a �• Q � h T ❑ � ❑ a b o a ❑ 3 a s a O .y � m G Lz m to w m b y a U L a aci b d O R ❑ � �? N N a of a Y � � a a y c a = Y m 3 U W � U �0 �* t° m N LIE] d a w i rt r o y 3 � " M i3 b q b❑na b 3 .. N v ❑ � 4'n R 0. .l _ G aj aT C x ° a .. �.�.. The City of Port Angeles Advisory Board Application Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Name and General Information i First M[ Last f Address city ^._ State Zip Home phone Work phone CCU phone Certification and Location Information Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles? Yes (No Are you a citizen of the United States? es No Are you a Registered Voter?--.— w.._ �_ Yes No Are you a City resident?._.___ _ - - -- Ye No If so,how long:_.___ :1 Do you own/manage a business in the City? _._ . �_. .._ Yes No Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field?.� _. �_....�._ -— Yes r If so,please list: Are you aware of any conflict of interest which night arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for? If so,please explain: 17 T 1 [� a►rt �r[7 1 r!' x Ai The City of Port Angeles ' J AdvisoEy Board APPReation Work or Professional Experience-List most recent experience first, or attach a resume Employer Brief job description � — Employer Brief job description Employer grief job description Education—List most recent experience first _ __-` T i r���'fir�^ __. S: ''a ✓ TI.�fif,�,�_"{�.�} f)t'} Yes Inst rution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Yes No Institution/I.ocation Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Yes No Institution/Location Degree eamed/Major area of Study Graduated? Charitable,Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Organization/Location Gro lip'S purpose/0brective �'Y��ca � d7t' � �1/a "� ll14 r. )� �'��` " ".r, O � j..r� Brief description of your participation - ^ Orgarnization/Location Group's purpose/Objective Brief description of your participation 4 The City of Port Angeles �- Advison Board Application Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire 1_ Have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession? If"yes",please describe your experience? 2. What is it ff that interests you about public safety? r to 3. Ls there a particular area of public safety that specihcaily interests you? Law Lniorcemcm Fire 911 1 dispatch Fmcrgcncy Management Emergency medical services 4. Are you interested in participating in an annual and scheduled`ride along"with both Police and Fire/EMS personnel? 5. What issue(s)are the most pressing issue that impacts public safety in Port Angeles? I Applicant Signature Date ^� Submit completed forms to. Office of the City Clerk Karl Martinez-Bailey City of Port Angeles 360--417-4634 321 East 511,Street lcmbailey@cityofpa- s Port Angeles,WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. This document and all attached infnrmattun is considered it public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council for appointment consideration. Additionally.it may become a part of City Council packet. Km i2 .......... E2 En KM K'l ja w rn rL c, =3 0 fb 43 4 ra cL- ej I-j EL cu aj --3 CpF E 22 E -45 n 'Q- 5 w 7 -r, (@j 32 4—. I CL 2i Kt K13 3; 0 J2 cu It 0 3: r C, March 15, 2021 To Whom It May Concern: It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Ms. Octavia Smith. I have had the opportunity to coach Octavia on track for the past two years at Stevens Middle School. Additionally, Octavia was an integral member of my Yearbook class last year. Quite frankly, Ms. Smith is a genuine leader, an avid athlete, and an incredibly energetic, thoughtful, and spirited individual. On the track(and wrestling mat,too!) Octavia proved to be an outstanding teammate and leader. What I enjoyed most about coaching Octavia was her spunky, positive demeanor. She is one who appreciates "coaching" and delights in the opportunity to hone her skills. Whether it be warm ups, stretching, or the final moment before a race, she is the consummate leader by example; demonstrating a positive attitude, excellent work ethic, and supportive comments for her teammates and competitors. In the hallway, and in the classroom, Octavia is respectful, honest and sincere. Yes, she is full of exuberance and verve, but that is what makes her unique and memorable. Octavia is quite studious and reflective. As with track, Octavia is a leader in the classroom. She positively interacts with staff and peers,treating others as she would like to be treated. In many ways, she is an open book. She is confident, proud, and not afraid to celebrate her strengths in character. She is truly one-of-a-kind special! Please consider Octavia Smith for the Public Safety Advisory Board. She will undoubtedly take this opportunity seriously. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 565-1772. Sincerely, Darren Mills Stevens Middle School English Department The City of Port Angeles 1 �`�`'�� Advisory a.��! d sore Board Application RECEIVED Public Safety Advisory Board AUG 19 2020 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK Applicant Name and General Information First NR Last Address City State zip Home phone Work phone Cell pnone Certification and Location Information Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles?..- _-..._..._ _ ...� ._...._._._. ._......-------------.., __ Yes CNo Are you a citizen of the United States?..................._... .. .. __ ..__..___. -------- _.. ...__... _.._..._.... ...., ._. Yes � No Are you a Registered Voter? y g __.__...�,....�..._.._.._._.._._............... _._..._..__..w......_._._�. ...... Yes No Are you a City resident? __.. . .. _ ....�.__ _.---�- .._._._ ___._... ...._ . _. ._ .. ..._._..�-�- ......____ Yes No If so,how long:_...w..- _,__.._..._.__..._...._. Do you own/manage a business in the City?_--._.. _...__._.... _. ..._ . ....___.___... _ ._._ _..._ ..- - Yes No Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any feld? _... _.w..._.... Yes No If so,please list: sq 1 I• "p^ t�� ,'`�,�[ I'^Wj I-- cl1 fi t- iC c lt e t r v f ej Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for? If so,please explain: lye The City of Port Angeles mc:-- z Advisory Board Application Work or Professional Experience-List most recent experience first, or attach a resume Employer 'T ' 0Yr'r5 Nc /�-1/ Brief job description r�7 r/,. /?z Llam Employer /Cw, 4 .- rf,s,,� Z rl117 r 17 �� c'w/`� � �vv�'r2 r` /�� 5 P/ rf i�ri. Brief job description ' 7 e--I �f yam/ G�f r /.'G'Gi C / ✓a � ��G . Employer Brief job description Education--List most recent experience first 47 L.-G' // ` Yes 'No institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Yes No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Yes No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Charitable,Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in during the last five years / �y /fir f7 Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Brief description of your participation x'/Itl� .� •1 1`f�/r n� SIJ�`l�r'` ,�r o c :v�ri-� [3rganization/Location Group's purpose/objective Brief description of your participation VMS VMS The City n�of Port Angeles Advisory Board A lication =NNEW Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire 1. Have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession? 'Lp If"yes",please describe your experience? 2. What is it that interests you about public safety? 3. Is there a particular area of public safety that specifically interests you? Law enforcement © Fire n 911 /Dispatch Emergency Management Emergency medical services 4. Are� you interested in participating in an annual and scheduled"ride along"with both Police and Fire/EMS personnel? o t SUR t - 5. What issue(s)are the most pressing issue that impacts public safety in Port Angeles? Applicant Signature Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Karr Martinez-Bailey City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634 321 East 50`Street kmbailey@cityofpa.us Port Angeles, WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Manager's Office at 3604 17-4504 so appropriate arrangements can be made. This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council for appo i i,t:,i c.s i t onsideration. Additional I y, it may become a part of a City Council packet. Please cope and paste the following and type"yes"after all the positions you are eligible for and send that information to me. • Ow ncl.(57 Mmhl�,L r.of ht,sinesses located within the City YES + Rk:pr s:(Iujt1 Iron: Poll Angeles S,hool District 1.11 • High school :1,:i ih;,i i onr.:,n lod by school��dwi11,1moon • Mcmh"I ;If 1ai;.i,ci „i );111 associ,a,,,3 : 1IS:i,.,ency that o1'L iaac� in the City of Port Angeles • TnKLI • liepresew diverse segments of the community YES Please copy and paste the folloMng question and indicate your answer with one of the following answers,yes,no,prefer not to answer and include the information in the same email. Have you Experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder,or have worked with people that have experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder?YES YES Susan Hillgren TAFY 360-670-4363 1. Have you read the current City Ordnance(attached) establishing the Public Safety Advisory Board and do you have any questions about the structure,purpose and or function of this Board? Yes I have read, no questions. 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Public Safety Advisory Board for the City of Port Angeles? I want the public to be aware of all levels and aspects of concern over public safety. Keeping our police and fire personnel informed and up to date on how to deal with "hard to help"people is a great concern for many. Whether dealing with vets, homeless, LGBTQ, mental health, age, or other deciding factors. We need to keep those safe that cannot speak or act for their own best interest. Diversity and strength will forge a new avenue to not only educate the public on ongoing issues, but find answers that work for all concerned. A chain is only as strong as its weakest liinki 1. How do you feel that your experience will provide relevant and useful advice to the Police and Fire Chief s of the City of Port Angeles? I have worked for 20 years with the population that live on the streets and I know many of their ongoing issues. I have a child that identifies and non-binary queer, I am 32 years sober, and I have family that are Native Americans. I believe to have an open and embracing community we need to work diligently for the population with the smallest and weakest voice. As a co- creator, and director for I 1 years of TAFY I personally know who,where, why, and how to meet the needs of this population. I have the energy, strength, tenacity, integrity and ability to bring the issues to a forefront and find solutions that make sense for all concerned. The City of Port Angeles S.— wr=;M Public Safeta, Advisory Board Application Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Name and General Information Karen A Rogers First Last Address City State Zip 1320 W 1 1th St Port Angeles WA 98363 Home olione E-mail address Certification and Location Information Are you employed by the City of Pori Angeles''.,. ........... . .. ......... .............. Are you a citizen of the United States? Are you a Registered Voter:7.,__ Do you live within the City of Port Angeles limits?.............. ............. Ifso, how long;-................. ............. "_ ___---_-__.............. .......... .......... ................. ...... .............................. 128 Do you own/manage a business in the C 4- ,-? -.......... ................................ .......................__....................... .......----------------- Do you hold any professiona I licenses, 1'e,-,istrat ions or certificates in any fielc!2........................... -_ .................. If so, please list: Licensed and Bonded Notary, Business License, FFL, State and Federal Are VOLI aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are appl\Ing for? If so, please explain: No Application updated 1/12/2101 1 The City of Port Angeles Ptiblic Safetv Advisory Board Application Work or Professional Experience- List most recent experiettcc first, or attach a resume Karen Rogers Consulting, KRC & Associates LLC I mployer Strategic Business Consulting and Marketing Brief_job description Doc Neeley's Gun Store Employer Co-Owner - Management and Financial Brief'Job description Employer Brief job description Education—List most recent experience first Fullerton College Business Institutions l_ocat1011 Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated'. Ge Deorce earned/'�Ra,—area ��f InStitL1601iil.,ocation Stud Graduated`? UP— 0 I nstitution!Location f)c�,ree cap rie(i'Major area of Graduated. Study Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships —List tnaajor activities you have participated in during the last rive years Olympic Medical Center Foundation Healthcare Uraani�atii�n:'l_ucati�,n (irc,up's pu1'p7oselolSjc.ct1've Executive Board ofr Directors BrIcI'description Ofyour participation Chair of 2 major fundraising events Organization ocati011 GrOLIJ)'s 110r-pr7scf0h_ject1 c PA Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 2016-2019 Brief description ot'Nntir Iyarticip;llioll '1pplication updated 1/12/20 1 I The City of Part Angeles _ Public Safety Advisory Board Application 2.26.020- Composition of Board The Board shall consist of 12 members, eNho shall mcct the li. 1km in, criteria, provided that a majority of the members, shall be City residents: Please check all that apply- Ili Owners or managers of businesses located within the City: Representative from the Part An-eles School [district#121: i High school student that is recommended b` school administration Member affiliated \k ith air assoc lated EMS age nc\ that opc rate s in the City of Port Angeles Tribal members Represent diVcrse seLImenls czf'thc 4Ontmurrity Experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder.or have worked with people that have experienced homelessness or a chem ical use disorder If you would like to speak to your qualifications. please feel free to share information below or provide a resume as an attachment to this application. Former City Council Member and Mayor 2002-2009. Knowledgeable of RCW's and Federal a��Fielped many businesses regar ang pro ec ion o props y. nvo ve in many commune y Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Supplemental. Questionnaire 1. Have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession'? no If`yes", please describe your experience? 2, What is it that interests yotr about public tialet�" Port Angeles is a very special community I want to help insure community safety and wellness and support of the environment. Application updated 1/12/2021 W- The City of Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Ronrd A lication 3_ Is there an area of public safety that specifically interests you? La�� clifix,cement Fire 911 / Dispatch Emergency Management Emergency medical sem ices 4. Are you interested in participating in an annual and scheduled `ride along"with bath Police and 1 irc.'EIS Personnel'? YES 5. Wliat issue(s)do you believe are the Most pressing issue(s) that impact,, pt!h, safety in Port ,�n�eies? Protection of our public sIV- ces regarding impacts from the drug addict population. There is a concern o persona sa e an many usrness owners consi - persona sa e y rs a major e on�mic_� Y Karen A Rogers Digitally signed by Karen A Rogers !pate 2021.02.19 15 31 22-08'00- 2119121 Applicant Signature Date Submit completed forms to: office of the City Clerk Karl Martinez-Bailey City of Port Angeles 3?l East ti'� Street 3G[1-�1 a�-�>.fa3�t km h Port Angeles. WA 9836? ati Icy;c citti c�Fa.us In compliance with the .Americans \tiith Disabilities Act. it you need special acecnnnlodations Lrecatrse ofa physical limitation. please contact the City 'vlana aer"s Office at 360-417- 500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of'the City Council forappointment consideration. Additionally, it may become a part of City Council packet. Application updated 1/12/202 1 The City of Port Angeles AdvisoKy Board Application Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Name and General Information voevh A 501nd,_'Oal First NIl Last Address City State zip Homc phone Work phone Cell phone E-mail address Certification and Location Information Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles? Yes No Are you a citizen of the United States?..._. Yes No Are you a Registered Voter? (Yes No Are you a City resident? Yes No if so,how long: c:in Do you own/manage a business in the City?. L. 5���� SAO - es Na Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field? Yes No If so,please list: l�l UP&� J 1 t.k1 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for? if so,please explain: i j D '. r1iii� The City of Fort Angeles r -ter Advisory Board AvOcation Nww Work or Professional Experience-List most recent experience first,or attach a resume Employer Ip Brief job cription Employer Brief job description Employer Brief job description Education—List most recent experience first No Institution/Location 1 , 1 Degree eamedlMajor area of Study Graduated? �iQi7C�.-Bio1o�- � No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Yes No InstitutiowLocation Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Charitable,Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in during the last five years gyp ;+ ask ok0." ujrkt,, 1 AI ak Cw .,s %Fa6lk ` co?mJ cam� R'9)C6e-i5 fro Prm & P �►n5�la P��-3 " vP- paid k_eLUu4,,-n. Organizatian/Location Group's purpose/objective $Oag �I�aSutt' ` Brief description of your participation orgauizationlLocation Group's purpose/objective Brief description of your participation The City of Port Angeles �- :-- Advisory Board Application Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire 1. Have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession? 1�+Q If`fires",please describe your experience? 2. What is it that interests you about public safety? 3. Is there a particular area of public safety that specifically interests you? Law enforcement Fire 911 /Dispatch ® Emergency Management 1:1 Emergency medical services 4. Are you interested in participating in an annual and scheduled"ride along„with both Police and Fire/EMS personnel? 5, What issue(s)are the most pressing issue that impacts public safety in Port Angeles? 5 V]'�UI- aw—<e. C tk 6&W,A6 AA1\i 5 Ct>,.i L 97 Gin-ck rYi i C OQd1GQ Applicant Signature Date (') � Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Karl Martinez�Bailey City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634 321 East 5"Street kmbailey@cityofpa.us Port Angeles,WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Manager's Office at 360417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council for appointment consideration. Additionally,it may become a part of a City Council packet. The City of Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board Auulication tt Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant fume and General Information Andrew D Schwab First MI Last 1404 S Pine street Port Angeles WA 98362 Address City State Zi n/a 360-797-1313 Home hone Work phone Cell phone mm_ - E-mail address Certification and Location Information Are you employed by the City of Port Angers?----- -.—----- --- ------�� Are you a citizen of the United States?- -Are you a Registered Voter? - --- *` Do you live within the City of Port Angeles If so, bow ion 117 years Do you own/manage a business in the City?:....., No Do you hold and registrations or certificates in any_fidd2-- -_— If so,please list: Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for? If so,please explain: I currently serve on the Port Angeles Planning Commission. My term ends Q1 2022. Application updated 1/1212021 /► •r-Y The City of Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board Application Work or Professional Experience-List most recent experience first, or attach a resume Anime Kat Employer owner.Complete P&L control,employee training,marketing,inventory control.accounting,and all other areas of Brief job description Necessities and Temptations Employer MATkeb_,r.'Fedvx&x -4 m - —*f- _,qp 0�oewn,bLedAr0mmr Aet�Af-IJI ar4 back eN,akinaw and pWw,�t SEO,web offxve M- 3*", zod ff4w, Brief job description Wendy's in Port Angeles Employer Assistant Manger: Oversaw crew of 5-15 to ensure food and safety rneet with Wendy's corporate standards. Brief job description Education—List most recent experience first Peninsula College BA in Applied Management Degree earned/Major area of Graduated' I nst itut-ion/Location Study Peninsula College AAS Marketing Emphasis Degree earned/Major area of Graduated? Institution/Location Study Degree earned/Major area of Graduated? Institution/Locafion Study Charitable,Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in during the List five years Port Angeles Planning Commission, PA Forwzw&rscaffmvwxtabom to the Cdy CaunO an Lwd 01,ganizationfLocation Group's purpose/objective LI Served as Chair once, served as Vice Chair once, currently serving as Chair again Brief description of your participation OrganizationfLocation Group's purpose/objective Brief description of your participation Application updated I 2J2021 The City of Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board AUolicarion ``gWWF' 2.26.020-Composition of Board The Board shall consist of l2 members,who shall meet the following criteria,provided that a majority of the members shall be City residents: Please check all flirt :apply: Owners or r: t=? :tigers of businesses lm,ated within the City: 1 Represent,zeive from the Port Angeles 5chool District#121: P, High school student that is recomw,�ndi A by school administration D Member affiliated with an associated I`\i s j��ncv i h.i i :-per ttes in the City of port Angeles n Tribal members F1 Represent diverse segments of the community Cl Experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder,or have worked with people that have experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder if you would like to speak to your qualifications,please feel free to share information below or provide a resume as an attachment to this application. My background and qualifications are in business, marketing, and planning. I have a total of 7 degrees and certificates in business. 1 have a total of over 15 years experience in management. I have operated my own business successfully for 11 years. I have served on the Port Angeles Downtown Association's board. I have served as a Planning Commissioner for Port Angeles since 2016. Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire 1. Have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession? No if--yes",please describe your experience? 2. What is it that interests you about public safety? Public safety involves Protecting our citizens from crimes, disasters, and other threats. A robust businesses and decreases the likelihood of new businesses moving to or opening in our city. Application updated 1/12/2021 The City of Port Angeles i Public Safety Advisory Board Application 3. Is there an area of public safety that specifically interests you? MLaw enforcement Fire ❑ 911 / Dispatch Emergency Management Emergency medical services 4. Are you interested in participating in an annual and scheduled"ride along"with both Police and lire/EMS personnel? Yes 5. What issue(s) do you believe are the most pressing issue(s)that impacts public safety in Port Angeles? There are three issues I find the most pressing. First, there is illegal drug use and the resulting crime. Second, there is chronic homelessness and balancing the needs and safety of the ©me ess population win a nee s an sa e y o e nvn- ome ess_ as y, aving an adequate emergency m inagement natural disasters. Applicant Signature date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Mari Martinez-Bailey City of Port Angeles 360-117-4634 321 East 5`h Street kmbaileyGcityofpa.us Port Angeles, WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with.Disabilities Act, if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be trade. This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council for appointment consideration. Additionally, it may became a part of a City Council packet. Application updated 1/12/2021 . -1 The City of Port Angeles _ Public Safe Advisor Board Appliegign RECEIVED MAR 10 2021 Public Safe Advisor Board CITE'of PORTANGELES Y CITY CLERK Applicant Name and General Information Lbs" �01"f 3- booRd First MI Last r1d City State Zip Home phone Work phone Cell phone E-maJIMess WEFP� Certification and Location Information Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles?...................................................,................................................_.............-............................... +!� Are you a citizen of the United States?.........._....._.............-...................... Are you a Registered Voter.'?........................................_............................................................................................................................................................. .............. Do you live within the City of Port Angeles Iimits?.............................................................................................................................................._.. �JJ If so,how lorl Do you own/manage a business in the City?............................................................................................................................._..................................... N�n Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any,field?.. . .................�.... �fo If so,please list: 2:�}f7 t '� to. •y' Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for? If so,please explain: Na Application updated 1/12/2021 The City of Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board Application Work or Professional Experience - List most recent experience first, or attach a resume Employer Brief job description ........_. Employer Brief job description Employer Brief job description Education--List most recent experience first vl No Degree e�ned/Major area of Institution/Location Study Graduated. Lit t� t Tl GL� �!��Dhn� •2J No lnstitutionfLocation DugXye eaine Major area of Graduated? Stdl 1.�„�17f1t A y Degree earned/Major area of lnstilUtion/Location Study Graduated? Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective —_._.._...� Brief description of your participation Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Brief description of your participation Application updated 1/12/2021 The City of Port Angeles _ Public Safety Advisory Board Application 2.26.020-Composition of Board The Board shall consist of 12 members,who shall meet the following criteria,provided that a majority of the members shall be City residents-. Please check all that apply: Owners or managers of businesses located within the City: El Representative from the.Port Angeles School District#121. 0 High school student that is recommended by school administration ❑ Member affiliated with an associated EMS agency that operates in the City of Port Angeles ❑ Tribal members 0 Represent diverse segments of the community F 1 Experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder,or have worked with people that have experienced homelessness or a chemical use disorder If you would like to speak to your qualifications,please feel free to share information below or provide a resume as an attachment to this application. Public Safety Advisory Board Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire 1. Have you ever been employed in a public safety position or worked in the public safety profession? If"yes",please describe your experience? 2. What is it that interests you, about public safety? fI 1 Ij Application updated 1/12/2021 The City of Port Angeles ^_ Public Safely Advisory Board Application 3. Is there an area of public safety that specifically interests you? Law enforcement Fire 911 /Dispatch Emergency Management Emergency medical services 4. Are you interested in participating in an annual and scheduled"ride along"with both Police and Fire/EMS personnel? �y 5. What issue(s) do you believe are the most pressing issue(s)that impacts public safety in Port Angeles? l r r � Applicant Signature i r' Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634 321 East 56 Street kmbailey@cityofpa.us Port Angeles, WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council for appointment consideration. Additionally, it may become a part of a City Council packet. Application updated. 1/12/2021