HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSAB Agenda Packet 06/16/2021 Public Safety Advisory Board
June 16th 2021 — 6 p.m.
City of Port Angeles — Virtual Meeting
Attendees: Members
1. Gayle Brauner
2. Evan Brown
3. Jesse Charles
4. Jesse Driese
5. Kathleen Graf
6. Kelsey Lane
7. Michael McGuire
8. Andrew Schwab - Chair
9. Shana Scott—Vice Chair
10. Octavia Smith
11. Joseph Turrey
12. Viola Ware
Deputy Police Chief,Jason Viada
Fire Chief,Ken Dubuc
Catherine Dewey,Board Secretary
1. Roll Call........................................................................................................Andrew Schwab
2. Approval of Minutes .......................................................................................Andrew Schwab
3. Communications and Letters
a. Public Comment
b. Police Department Report.................................................................Deputy Chief Viada
c. Fire Department Report...............................................................................Chief Dubuc
4. Committee Reports
5. Old Business
6. New Business.................. ......Andrew Schwab
a. Bylaw Revisions
b. How to perform Our Board Duties
c. Formal "Thank You" to Police and Fire Departments
d. July Meeting
7. Good of the Order
8. Adjournment
City of Port Angeles
Public Safety Advisory Board
By-Laws and Rules of Procedure
The Port Angeles Public Safety(Police and Fire Departments) Advisory Board, as established in
Chapter 2.26 PAMC,hereby adopts the following By-Laws and Rules of Procedure to assist in the
implementation of its specific duties and other requirements.
The Board shall consist of twelve(12)members as specified by PAMC 2.26.020. They shall serve
their appointed terns as provided for under PAMC 2.26.030.
The Board's officers shall consist of a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman.
Section 1 The Chairman shall conduct the meetings under Roberts Rules of Orders Modified,
act as a moderator,and vote when needed to break a tie vote and has the authority to
convene committees as authorized by the Board. He/she shall sign documents as
authorized by the Board.
Section 2 The Vice-Chairman shall act in the absence of the Chairman and assume his/her
duties during such period of time.
Section 3 A Police Department or Fire Department employee shall serve as the Secretary.The
Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings. He/she shall furnish each Board
member with a copy of the minutes.
Section 1 All meetings shall be conducted under the provisions of the Open Public Meetings
Act, Chapter 42.30 RCW.
Section 2 The Board shall meet regularly on a date and time each month as detennined by the
Board during its first scheduled meeting of the year.
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Section 3 A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of filled positions.
Section 4 The order of business shall be as follows:
Roll Call
--_Approval of Minutes
Communications and Letters
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business
Good of the Order
The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board during its
regularly scheduled meeting in September. The terms shall be for one year.
The Chairman or Vice-Chairman may be removed from office for cause by a two-thirds vote of the
current membership.
Proposed amendments to the By-Laws and Rules of Procedure shall be submitted to the Board in
writing not less than 30 days prior to the date upon which the proposed changes shall be voted upon.
All amendments shall require a two-thirds vote of the current membership.
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Chanter 2.26
2.26.010 Board Established.
- -----2.26.020 -.Composition of Board.- - ------
2.26.030 Appointment-Terms.
2.26.040 Compensation.
2.26.050 Duties of Board.
2.26.060 Meetings and Procedure.
2,26,010 Board Established. There is hereby established for the City of Port Angeles a
citizens' advisory board to be known as the "Public Safety Advisory Board." (Ord. 3281,
6/15/2007; Ord. 2724 §1 (part) 12/25/1992)
2.26.020 Composition of Board. The Board shall consist of twelve (12) members, who
shall meet the following criteria, provided that a majority of the members shall be City residents:
City; A. All members shall either be City residents or work or attend school within the
B. At least two (2) members shall be owners or managers of businesses located
within the City;
C. One (1) member shall be a representative from the Port Angeles School District
D. At least one (1) member shall be a high school student that is recommended by
school administration.
E. One (1) member shall be affiliated with an associated EMS agency that operates
in the City of Port Angeles.
F. Other members shall be selected, to the extent feasible, to represent diverse
segments of the community.
G. Eligibility shall not extend to defendants in any pending criminal matter before
the courts nor to those individuals under active supervision by the Department of Corrections.
H. The Chief of Police and the Fire Chief shall serve as advisors to the Board. (Ord.
3281, 6/15/2007; Ord. 3157 §1 (part), 2/27/2004; Ord. 2724 §1(part) 12/25/1992)
2,26.030 Appointment-Terms.
A. All Board members shall be appointed by the City Council.
B. Current members of the Law Enforcement Advisory Board shall be members of
the Public Safety Advisory Board, utilizing their existing terms.
C. All appointments shall be deemed to have commenced on March I'of the year of
the appointment and to expire on the last day of February of the year in which the appointment
will expire.
D. All appointments, except for vacancies, shall be for four(4)years terms, provided
that members shall remain in office until their successors are appointed and confirmed; provided
further that the high school member(s) shall serve a one(1)year term.
E. Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of terms shall be filled
for the remainder of the term of the member being replaced. Vacancies shall be filled in the
same manner as original appointments.
F. Members may be removed at will at any time prior to the end of the term by the
City Council. In addition, members who fail to attend three(3) consecutive regular meetings
may be considered to have vacated their positions and may be replaced, as provided for herein.
Any member who ceases to meet the criteria for his or her selection as provided in PAMC
2.26.020 shall be deemed to have forfeited his or her position. (Ord. 3281, 6/15/2007; Ord. 3157
§I (part),
2/27/2004; Ord. 3051 §1, 5/26/2000; Ord. 2915, 5/31/1996; Ord. 2724 §1(part)
2- 15 3/2011
2.26,040 Compensation. No member of the Board shall receive compensation for
services performed. (Ord. 2724 §1(part) 12/25/1992)
2.26.050 Duties of the Board.
A. The duties of the board shall include, but not be limited to,the following:
-- L--To--advise-and make-recommendations to -the-City-Manager—Chief-of
Police, and Fire Chief concerning the provision of public safety services within the City;
2. To enhance Police Department and Fire Department-community relations;
3. To review and make recommendations concerning Police and Fire
Department policies, procedures, programs, accreditation standards, and budgetary implications;
4. To review the qualifications and performance of licensees under Chapter
5.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code;
5. To promote public awareness of the City's Police and Fire services and
6. To hold public meetings from time to time to solicit public input regarding
public safety services and programs;
7. To serve as a liaison between the Police and Fire Departments and the
8. To apprise the City Council, City Manager, Chief of Police and Fire Chief
of the community's need for public safety services;
9. To encourage individuals and community groups to assist in the police and
fire programs and services, including the provision of funds, manpower and capital;
10. To review and make recommendations concerning such other and further
matters as may be referred to the Board, from time to time, by the City Council, City Manager,
Police Chief or Fire Chief;
11. To review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes
affecting public safety services in Port Angeles.
B. Notwithstanding the broad duties of the Board under subsection A of this Section,
the Board shall have no power or authority to investigate, review, or otherwise participate in
matters involving specific public safety personnel or specific public safety related incidents
unless specifically requested by the Police Chief, Fire Chief, or City Manager. (Ord. 3281,
6/15/2007; Ord. 2724 §1(part) 12/25/1992)
2.26.060 Meetings and Procedure.
A. The by-laws of the Law Enforcement Advisory Board as they exist on the date
this ordinance is adopted shall be the initial by-laws of the Public Safety Advisory Board. The
Board may amend by-laws and rules of procedure consistent with this Chapter.
B. The Board shall have at least one (1) regular meeting per month on such day of
the month and at such time as may be established by the Board in its by-laws, except as modified
by a majority vote of the Board. Special meetings may be held as often as the Board deems
necessary. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public, except as otherwise provided in
the Open Public Meetings Act, Ch. 42.30 RCW. All requirements of the Open Public Meetings
Act shall be followed by the Board.
C. For purposes of conducting the Board's business, exercising its powers and for all
other purposes, a quorum of the Board shall consist of a simple majority of the filled positions.
Any action taken by a majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum at any
regular or special meeting of the Board, shall be deemed and taken as the action and decision of
the Board.
D. The Board shall elect such officers as it deems necessary in order to conduct its
E. The Board shall keep minutes of all meetings held and all business transacted.
All records of the Board shall be open for public inspection, except those that may be exempt
from public disclosure under state law. (Ord. 3281, 6/15/2007; Ord. #2724 §1 (part),
3/2011 2— 16
Public Safety Advisory Board
Members of the Public Safety Advisory Board advise and make recommendations to the City Manager,
Chief of Police,and Fire Chief concerning the provision of public safety services within the City to enhance
Police Department and Fire Department-community relations.The Board reviews and makes
recommendations concemmg ocean ire Department policies;procedures,programs;accreeditatibn
standards,and budgetary implications;reviews the qualifications and performance of licensees under
Chapter 5.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code;and promotes public awareness of the City's Police and
Fire services and programs.
It also holds public meetings from time to time to solicit public input regarding public safety services and
programs;serves as a liaison between the Police and Fire Departments and the community;apprises the
City Council,City Manager,Chief of Police and Fire Chief of the community's need for public safety services;
and encourages Individuals and community groups to assist in the police and fire programs and services,
Including the provision of funds,manpower and capital.
The Public Safety Advisory Board reviews and makes recommendations concerning such other and further
matters as may be referred to the Board,from time to time,by the City Council,City Manager,Police Chief
or Fire Chief,and reviews and makes recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting public safety
services in Port Angeles.All members shall either be City residents or work or attend school within the City.
The Board meets the 4th Tuesday of each month,at 6:00 p.m.,at the Port Angeles Fire Hall.
Section 1. Board Establishment
The official name of the organization shall be "Public Safety Advisory Board" and is established and organized
as specified by PAMC 2.26.
Section 1. Members
The Board shall consist of twelve (12) members as specified by PAMC 2.26.020. They shall serve their
appointed terms as provided for under PAMC 2.26.030
Section 1. Officers
The elective officers of the Public Safety Advisory Board shall consist of a Chair and Vice-Chair.
Section 2. Nomination and Election of Officers
Nomination of elective officers shall be made from the floor at the annual election meeting which shall be held
at the last regular meeting of March of each year. The election shall follow immediately thereafter. A nominee
receiving a majority vote of those present at the election meeting shall be declared elected. If meetings cannot
occur because of an unforeseen circumstance, nominations and elections shall take place at the next available
Section 3. Terms of Officers
The term of office for elective officers shall begin in April and shall continue for a term of one year, or until
nominations or elections have taken place at the next available meeting date. Elective officers shall serve no
more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 4. Vacancies in Offices
Vacancies in elective offices shall be filled immediately by regular election procedure for the unexpired portion
of the term.
Section 5. Duties of Officers
(a) Chair
The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Public Safety Advisory Board and shall call special
meetings when they deems it necessary or is required to do so. They shall appoint all committees,
shall be an ex-officio member of each, without the power to vote. They shall sign the minutes of
Public Safety Advisory Board meetings and all official papers and plans involving the authority of
the Public Safety Advisory Board which are then transmitted to the City Council. The Chair shall
have the privilege of discussing all matters before the Public Safety Advisory Board and voting
thereon. They shall have all the duties normally conferred by parliamentary usage on such officers
and shall perform such other duties as may be ordered by the Public Safety Advisory Board except
as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or in City Ordinances.
(b) Vice-Chair
The Vice-Chair shall assume the duties and powers of the Chair in his or her absence. If the Chair
and Vice-Chair are both absent, the Public Safety Advisory Board members may elect a temporary
chair by a majority vote of those present at a regular, recessed, or special meeting, who shall
assume the duties and powers of the Chair or Vice-Chair during their absence.
(c) Executive Secretary
The Executive Secretary is a staff appointed position. The Executive Secretary shall keep the
minutes of all regular, recessed, and special meetings of the Public Safety Advisory Board; such
minutes shall be approved by the Public Safety Advisory Board. They shall also keep the minutes of
Public Safety Advisory Board committee meetings when requested to do so. They shall give notice
of all regular and special meetings to Public Safety Advisory Board members, shall prepare with the
Chair the agenda of regular and special meetings, shall serve proper and legal notice of all public
hearings, and shall draft and sign the routine correspondence of the Public Safety Advisory Board.
The Executive Secretary shall maintain a file of all studies, plans, reports, recommendations, and
official records of the Public Safety Advisory Board and perform such other duties as are normally
carried out by a secretary and as the Public Safety Advisory Board may determine.
Section 1. Regular Meetings: Time and Place
Regular monthly meetings shall be held on the third Wednesdays of each month beginning at 6:00 P.M. in City
Hall except as otherwise designated by the Public Safety Advisory Board unless a meeting has been noticed
as taking place virtually. The Board shall have at least one regular meeting per month except as modified by a
majority vote of the Board. Special meetings may be held as often as the Board deems necessary. All meetings
of the Board shall be open to the public, except as otherwise provided in the Open Public Meetings Act, Ch.
42.30 RCW. If a stay at home order or other disruptive event has occurred that affects Port Angeles and
precludes the Public Safety Advisory Board from meeting in City Hall, meetings shall be noticed and the
alternative physical or virtual location shall be specified in the notice.
Any change in the hour, date, and place of regular meetings shall be given wide publicity for the convenience
of persons having business before the Board. When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, the
replacement date will be designated by the Public Safety Advisory Board with notice posted to the public per
the Open Public Meetings Act.
Section 2.Recessed Meetings
Any regular meeting may be recessed to a definite time, place, and date by a majority vote of the Public Safety
Advisory Board members present at the meeting.
Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the Chair or staff with approval of the Chair.
Section 4. Cancellation of Regular Meetings
In the event it is necessary to cancel a meeting due to lack of agenda issues, staff will contact the Chair and
each Board member prior to the meeting and will provide notice to the public per the Open Public Meetings
Section 5. Notice of Meetings
Notice of all regular and special meetings shall be given by the Executive Secretary to the members of the
Public Safety Advisory Board and members of the public in accordance with current RCWs. Notice to members
of the Public Safety Advisory Board and to members of the public of all special meetings shall be provided at
least 2 days (48 hours) prior to the special meeting.
The meeting agenda for the next regular meetings shall be closed on Friday at the close of business five (5)
days prior to the next regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board except that urgent matters may be
inserted on the agenda later at the discretion of the Chair.
Petitions and communications from the audience and matters brought to the meeting by the Planning Staff and
Board members, which are not on the agenda for the meeting, may be received and discussed at the meeting.
However, no official action may be taken on any matter at a Public Safety Advisory Board meeting which is not
included on the agenda for that meeting or which has been added to the agenda after it has been received by
the Public Safety Advisory Board members except that this requirement may be suspended at any meeting by
the unanimous vote of the members present at the meeting.
Section 6. Order of Business
(a) Call to order by Chair
(b) Roll call
(c)Approval of minutes of preceding meeting
(d) Public hearings/Other business
(e) Communications from the Public
(f) Staff Updates
(g) Reports of Board Members
Section 7. Quorum
Quorum shall constitute a majority of the existing membership of the Public Safety Advisory Board shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the taking of official action.
Section 8. Motions
Motions shall be restated by the Chair before a vote is taken. The names of the members making and
seconding a motion shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Section 9. Voting
Any action taken by a majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum, at any regular,
recessed, or special meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board shall be deemed and taken as the action of
the Board except.
Section 10. Staff Reports
On all matters considered by the Public Safety Advisory Board, the report and recommendations, if any, of the
staff shall be presented to the Board and shall become part of the formal record of the action and recorded in
the minutes of the meeting.
Section 11. Attendance
Attendance at regular meetings and executive sessions is expected of all Board members. Any members
anticipating absence from an official meeting or executive session shall notify the Chair or Executive Secretary
in advance.Any absence may be excused by the Board, even for an extended period, provided the absence is
approved in advance.
Section 12. Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary procedure in Public Safety Advisory Board meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of
Order Newly Revised unless it is specifically provided otherwise in these Bylaws, in other Public Safety
Advisory Board resolutions, or in City Ordinances.
Section 13. Public Nature of Meetings and Records
All regular, recessed, and special meetings, hearings, records, and accounts shall be open to the public
provided, however, executive sessions may be held by the Board as provided in RCW 42.30.110.
Section 1. Establishment of Committees
The Public Safety Advisory Board may establish such standing or special committees as it deems advisable
and assign each committee specific duties or functions. Each standing committee shall consist of 3 members.
No standing or special committee shall have the power to commit the Public Safety Advisory Board to the
endorsement of any plan or program without the plan or program submitted and approved by a quorum of the
Section 2. Appointment and Terms of Committee Members
The Chair of the Public Safety Advisory Board shall appoint the members of each standing or special
committee and shall name the chair of each committee. The members of each standing committee shall be
appointed at the first regular meeting in July for a term of one year. Special committees may be appointed at
such times and for such purposes and terms as the Public Safety Advisory Board approves.
Section 3. Committee Vacancies
Vacancies on committees shall be filled immediately by the Chair of the Public Safety Advisory Board for the
unexpired portion of the term.
Section 4. Meetinas of Committees
The committees shall meet at the call of the committee chairman; in addition the Chair of the Public Safety
Advisory Board shall also have the authority to call a special meeting of any committee at any time and upon
such notice as they may specify. The staff shall issue notice of committee meetings at the request of a
committee chair or the Public Safety Advisory Board Chair.
Section 5. Quorum and Voting
The majority of the members appointed shall constitute a quorum of all committees. The affirmative vote of a
majority of the committee membership shall be required for the adoption of a matter before the committee.
Section 1. Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by the affirmative vote of seven (6) members of the
Public Safety Advisory Board provided that the proposed amendments have been submitted in writing at a
previous meeting.
2.26.050 Duties of the Board.
A. The duties of the Board shall include, but not be limited to,the following:
1. To advise and make recommendations to the City Manager,Chief of Police,and Fire Chief concerning
the provision of public safety services within the City;
2. To enhance Police Department and Fire Department-community relations;
3. To review and make recommendations concerning Police and Fire Department policies, procedures,
programs,accreditation standards,and budgetary implications;
4. To review the qualifications and performance of licensees under Chapter 5.08 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code;
5. To promote public awareness of the City's Police and Fire services and programs;
6. To hold public meetings from time to time to solicit public input regarding public safety services and
7. To serve as a liaison between the Police and Fire Departments and the community.
8. To apprise the City Council,City Manager,Chief of Police and Fire Chief of the community's need for
public safety services;
9. To encourage individuals and community groups to assist in the police and fire programs and services,
including the provision of funds, manpower and capital;
10. To review and make recommendations concerning such other and further matters as may be referred
to the Board,from time to time, by the City Council,City Manager, Police Chief or Fire Chief;
11. To review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting public safety services in
Port Angeles.
B. Notwithstanding the broad duties of the Board under subsection A of this section,the Board shall have no
power or authority to investigate, review,or otherwise participate in matters involving specific public safety
personnel or specific public safety related incidents unless specifically requested by the Police Chief, Fire
Chief or City Manager.
(Ord. 3281,6/15/2007; Ord. 2724§ 1(part) 12/25/1992)
Created: 2021-05-29 22:21:16 [EST]
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