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724 E 1st St - Building
CITY OF PORT ANGELES r DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 12- 00000515 Date 4/30/12 Application pin number 340100 Property Address 724 E 1ST ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1- 2510 -0000 Application type description DEMOLITION on your state excise tax form Subdivision Name Property Use to the City of Port Angeles Property Zoning COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (Location Code 0502) Application valuation 1000 Application desc DEMOLITION STORAGE SHELVES Owner Contractor STEPHENS, DOREEN H GROFFS CONSTRUCTION LLC 804 E 2ND ST PO BOX 1659 f PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 VV l t) o (360) 477 -1405 Structure Information 000 000 Construction Type UNKNOWN Permit DEMOLITION Additional desc DEMOLITION SHELVING Permit Fee 50.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 4/30/12 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/27/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50.00 Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 50.00 50.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 54 .5 Q 54.50. .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of a state or local law regulating construction or the performance of cons uctii t )qie l Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. V Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor Slab Rough -in Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water FINAL Date Accepted by AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts FINAL Date Accepted by MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit Its SERA: Parking Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W. PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 e40-1D- JL(--- T•Fnrrnc /Riiilriinn flivisinn /Riiilriinn Permit H N 1 1 H 1 I I H 1 I 1 CO I I w F 0 1 1 H 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 M a 1 w H H W w F 41100 0 wU) 1 W xwloxx F U z m o 0 Ha Fh1 Q z W 0 (k HO cn FF F ti) w w Z as cn u) 1 z z 0 z z 1 1 0 0 1 a 0 H H I 1 H U 1 (4 0 I E u W cn H 1 H F 1 a 0 U I 0 0 1 a o 0 1 V) V) 1 0 Q a 0 0 1 w w 1 a 00 1 Z 1 w z o 0 x H H 1 1 H H 0 O I z H 0 w 1 F r a a N 0 l Z c 0 1 F F0H I Oz a) 1+� l0 1 cn cn 0 1 0 H H w 0 0 1f1 H I .G i hj F O In I H �0 1 00000 I 4 0 cn 1 zoo 1 0 C=.1 m w 0 X 0 0 w w x 0 0 0 0 1 ••-.1• 0 N O w P, I"1 0 I 0 F F 1 H HO d'ow I tnw N a FI W N 1 0 0 a 0 1 0 0 1 1` (7 0 H 1 00 a 1 H 1 OX 1 ma 1 a a 0 0 1 0 1 0w (n U 0.1 H 1x 0 1 0< a z I F 0, 0 w r a w u I H a [.]F 10zZ0 1 .g 0 P,U a 0 0 0 0 a l 0 H 1 0 oc ?ORr9 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn: Building Permit Technician For City Use Only: Date Received y.30• a- 321 E. Fifth St., Port Angeles, WA 98352 Permit I rj (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417-4711 Date Approved 1 1 30• 4-1 Applicant C,-C-( Phone Property Owner .7otr r-62 S1eoeil 5 Phone Property Owner's Address gv.5/ Contractor t 1 L C Phone 77_ Contractor's Address License Expires E -mail PROJECT ADDRESS 1 E 1 Sr Si Parcel Number Lot Zoning Project Type Brief Description: Residential Multi family Commercial a Industrial Check all that apply o New Construction o Addition Remodel o Repair ,kDemolltion o Re -roof o Houss garage kother tear off re -roof o lay over one layer o Heat System Heat pump o wood- burning stove o gas fireplace o pellet stove o other Other Floor Areas Existing (sq. ft.) Proposed (sq. ft.) Basement per sq, ft. 1 Floor 2nd Floor r 3`d Floor Garage Carport •1:20 Covered Porch Deck CITY OF PORT ANGELES Shed IS• Other muvraAiS -to oL15P0) TOTAL VALUATION 000 Total footprint of structures sq. ft. T Lot size sq. ft. Lot coverage 'Site Coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other Impervious surfaces, (see PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions) Site coverage Max. height of proposed structures ft. Occupancy group of bedrooms Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant Toad of full baths Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type of half baths I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. f am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it Is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects. Date At�3ey"1 z —Print Name tz Signet, re T:Forms /Building Division /Building permit application I CITY OF PORT ANGELES r'esi DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 12- 00000651 Date 5/24/12 Application pin number 103906 a Property Address 724 E 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06- 30- 00 -5 -1- 2510 -0000 REPORT SALES TAX Application type description RE -ROOF on your state excise tax form Subdivision Name to the City of.Port Angeles Property Use Co de Zoning COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (Location Code 0502 Application valuation 11000 Application desc TEAR OFF REROOF OF SHEDS Owner Contractor STEPHENS, DOREEN H GROFFS CONSTRUCTION LLC 804 E 2ND ST PO BOX 1659 r PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 C% n a t (?j (360) 477 -1405 V Permit BUILDING PERMIT NO PR FEE Additional desc TEAR OFF REROOF OF SHEDS Permit Fee 221.75 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 5/24/12 Valuation 11000 Expiration Date 11/20/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 95.75 9.00 14.0000 THOU BL- 2001 -25K (14 PER K) 126.00 Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 221.75 221.75 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 226.25 226.25 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. I 0 g7.9 9// 2-- Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. V' POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water FINAL Date Accepted by AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts FINAL Date Accepted by MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit #s SEPA: Parking Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W. PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 q Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 10_ 1 d 3L L- T•Fnrmc /Ri iilriinn niuicinn /R Iilriinn Permit (N N H I H I a) W F F4 Q 0 w H r r t� O I VD ri b I a Q Z Z cn X W MOO xO0 m H V a HH ra Q z F N a 2 H H W o 0 (N ro P: H O O O H\ z H o u 2 a. w H LL H H w s m C u O u u U a w O 2 cn cn Q rn U1 a o w w a 4 o 0 w au z o w O x l 0 H o O H H U W ini F co ;7 W N W w o z a a W cn n z Q �C Z H ,c4 y E, O O w m M U Z MUM.. ,r) I H z o o H W n W o N Q Q a I W W x o o 0 W W N N W H H H u a o w n w o r t7U)o0 oaa 0 H w m x x C CO O o x O a w z l 0 w a Q H W P4 U H aOlm a z H a o a �I X H W U a H m H Qzzw'ca, W 0 H 0 u oaq a F w T!-!1✓ OF O T GELES GlTY For City Use Permit 1a -'(a51 RECEIVED W A S H I N G T O N U.S. Date Received: a MAY 2 4 2012 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Date A roved:'' OF BUILDING DIVISION P: 360 417 -4817 F: 360-417-4711 hcatuzo @cityofpa.us Building Permit Application Site Address: e t sr Main Contact: W nv Phone Property Name s Phone caner Mailing Address Email e o r e in io t G 2_"`a 5 1" S- City pQ -v- Ae\ip,IQS W "6' 62, State Contractor/ Name C Applicant Mailing Address Email Gr Ce 1C 130X. 1 City a( Q 1 agr State Contractor License g D 8 /V Expir q; Project Value: Zoning: Tax Parcel Lot i/ D Type of Residential Commercial Industrial Public Permit Demolition Fire Repair Reroof For the following, fill out both pages of permit application: New Construction Remodel Addition Tenant Improvement Mechanical Plumbing Other Existing Fire Sprinkler System? Maximum height of structure Proposed Bedrooms Proposed Bathrooms Yes No Project "TP_aiZ i4e WO 514ezis Description I have read and completed the application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects. I understand the plan review fee is not refundable after review has occurred. I understand that I will forfeit 20% of the review fee if I cancel or withdraw the application before plan review has occurred. I understand that if the permit is not issued within 180 days of receipt, the application will be considered abandoned, and the fees forfeit. Date Print N me Signature ,S 40 2-- 6 yfie, ftr-d__ -r te o kb a x� e a V 'e II w w r,.., t;;;,44 l er s+ a 43 i -Cp ,R L 1 N..0 n s 6 qNe P. v Ap P: c r- i w A•. 0 0 Y o NN 4.1 Q3 '6 eX to o Ar mac\ t l O e -a s ���...777 /�Y �7'FCG §k., /'Vs r y w �I 4y- �p�4, O� b c C O w A, q Al,. fej 0 )7 4tr 1 a P> °0 666 p a� i"- r y a f a: fir N `.ry v`e.ti.,,. c w f s cn in''''''''''' i ti v �4 r+ ,.),,.,,,,,,„0,,,,,,,,i)c:.....„),, .a o o N '0 V r f t Or J 0o U O" r fir, 0 w /r' -9;'?' c ..,,0' 441- A, -,1--:,-, gy p A 4 4 .�''S a o N ri o as wcy -a /'�c cm P co o or t 's. R ',1 `;r„ 1 J �.i 4\ i *(t` 2 -3 'J o ff '�V d .i BO O Z Its r: z+ v 1 .7,0 -a IN —o._ h' :W� �p .' . CERTIFICA~E'OF OCCUPANCY /"_,'_ ,__, _.'n_ "'" "."_ ., '~~ity of .Port Angel~s ..y / j Building DivisiOll ' /, ~.~_;-l" " \, // \ This Ce'!tification issued pursuant to the requirements of Section J09 of the f- . ", Uniforn; Building Code c'frtifYing that at the time of issuance this structure was in comPliance witli the'variou~,?rdil1ances of the City regulating /{uilding ,~,',constr-flt.;,tif;f(/r._!J.se, For thefol!,q.-"';..ing':fh"c'r~:P.1 : Use Classification: Retail"Bujlg{pg-Pcrmit Nof! l: .~tisin~sJ'''am~!:~\Vlste Not'wailt Not Geoup M ~glcon"ru,tion \~~i)f~:~:~'.':'jj;':~,;';~a~:n: CA Own" nf Business/ResidenCe, 'Brandon Cardinal Add,css> 2200 Haines Street. Port Townsend. W A 98368 \ \, - . ~ ' '. Building Address: 724 ~st 'Eo .- LS ee _~. _~ -, .. . ~~ \~f~!jF~T:~' Jaf{~:rv21.2002 B~it~.flg;Ci)fil~1~ftiifl1~ " _' :,17" Dale Post on tlie~.!.e6:l~~IJl~~jS.on. J~ictlOus place. Shall not be removed,e)(c:ept by Building Official. . ." vN M Vo.~J... UJa.s'\~ >'lc:.t r '''"'. ROUTING SLIP WQ.t.\ <,o~""~ no+ ".-.,;., , Certificate of Occupancy , rJ 'r....~\~ ,/ ~ $47.00 Certificate/Inspection Fee ' '- ""'";0.<' DATE ~ I t./I If I New Business . ...... . , . . . . . . . . ........... (')( ) Address of Proposed Business Transfer of Business Location. . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . ( ) i2-L( ~ st fvll- ~ Change of Ownership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) Applicant rR,nMvt Ci;l.rz;\jfl-(\.o I New Building ............................. ( ) Address 'Z-2.00 ~\~ sf. Remodel. . . . .. ............ . .......... .... ( ) .P~ 17w'\'\.-~ " \>J iT. ~~t05( Temporary Business .....",. .. ..........,. ( ) . Phone: business &Or?7~~Jd'home ~rJOI-qili' Change of Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) Brief description of proposed business: II (oA '\3u..:\ 1 at'",,_ J1'\t.\.,+u~~A f \..t.t.VYl-hllA ,. '.' J . PMQ '-.;! 01. 3. CTlJD 5T2.5 I (..T\JlTO v I Legal Description: Lot '3,-7 Block 'Z...S" Subdivision Iff!... $1'1/1/-+ Current Use of Property: V~ Zoning Classification of Property: CA Will THERE BE ANY OF THE FOllOWING? YES NO THE FOLLOWING WILL BE REQUIRED: Construction changes. ...... ... -)(... PERMITS BUSINESS LICENSE Electrical changes. ......... -~ 1) Building 1) Taxi Mechanical (heating, cooling, stoves) . . .. . ~vhtt p ~ 2) Plumbing 2) Peddlers Plumbing changes .... ........ .... _-.2L 3) Electrical 3) 2nd Hand Dealer New or relocated signs. ....... $-- 4) Mechanical 4) Pawn Broker New septic tanks. ................... =~ 5) Sewer 5) Dance New sewer service .... 6) Sidewalk installation 6) Hotel - Motel Admission charged to patrons. . . ....... ')( 7) Driveway installation 7) Fireworks Is this a home occupation? .. .... ....... ..... =f= 8) Curb installation 8) Ambulance Excavation of filling of lots ... ........ 9) Sidewalk obstruction 9) Tattoo shop Work done in City right-of-way. ....... .. XL 10) Water meter installation 10) Other Is there sufficient off-street parking? .... 11) Fire New driveway openings .......... ....... ..... -$- 12) Occupancy A grading plan for site drainage. . ........ -~ 13) Sign (parking lots, downspouts, etc.) .. .... ~4- 14) Shoreline Are the existing streets paved? .... . . . . . . . 15) Home occupation Are there existing sidewalks? . ... 16) Conditional use Is there curb and gutter? ... ... ........... 17) Other Other. .... ............. ...... I hereby apply for a Certificate of Occupancy and acknowl- Date: e' , edge that I have read this application and state that the information I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge. Signed: ~r",-< (J / ~D D REJECTED Comments / Conditions Building Section Public Works Department Planning Department _KOO Fire Department II-Ilf-n/ &J City Clerk P.B.I.A. ..j N .t: I"1J - VI - f .. . '...... Wo.s;\~ I'lQt no't W :t ~.OR;.>\I <3.&I\cl''''O~O..<,. ~l~ ~~ ~ - ~"cw""f.~ ROUTING SLIP Certificate of Occupancy $47.00 Certificate/Inspection Fee DATE 1 tf I Y 10 I Address of Proposed Business r'/- Y E:. I s+ 5+ 17/7',1 Ant. Llv.v Applicant 1$f"fu'\tlCYI CiA rc\i'fl ~t I Address 7200 H",l\M.>- 'S'i. Ptt. t T IW f\ Sc..l^c\ / VJ ft . t! 8~0X" Phone: business E!{o;'~14.tqkhome ~O,jOl' ClSb( (\ " New Business ........................ Transfer of Business Location. . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , Change of Ownership. . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . , New Buiiding ............................, Remodel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , Temporary Business ...................., . . Change of Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \.l5.cc( '\3u'Il c\ ,'".., t1A6~.:lf.,;6\.. \ f L..\.lmhtA. \/ A. rd. ,J ( Brief description of proposed business: " ,(( n. -// 01. 3. 07JD S'I 2 S I <-"'OlT1) Legal Description: Lot ~-7 Current Use of Property: \J 0. Co. ",-t Zoning Classification of Property: <! A Block WILL THERE BE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? YES NO )(.. -- , , , , ~ ,... ~th('o-L- ",,_I~ ~- _ --.1L -~ -~ " -y -T """)( - . -./ ...~. ~ _ -..2L )( )("' ~ 'j(- )r= Construction changes. . . . . . . . . . . Electrical changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechanical (heating, cooling, stoves) . Plumbing changes ...............,......... New or relocated signs. New septic tanks. New sewer service . Admission charged to patrons. . . . . . . , Is this a home occupation? ............. Excavation of filling of lots . Work done in City right-of-way.. ... . . . Is there sufficient off~street parking? . New driveway openings. . . .. ............. A grading plan for site drainage. . . . . . . . . . (parking lots, downspouts, etc.) Are the existing streets paved? .... Are there existing sidewalks? . . . . . . Is there curb and gutter? Other. ... I hereby apply for a Certificate of Occupancy and acknowl- edge that I have read this application and state that the information I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge. APPROVED REJECTED 71t;;J;:;:/LJ ~\ Building Section Public Works Department Planning Department Fire Department City Clerk PB.I.A. 2-<:;" Subdivision f{ i?. 51'1 rn-+ THE FOLLOWING WILL BE REQUIRED: PERMITS 1) Building 2) Plumbing 3) Electrical 4) Mechanical 5) Sewer 6) Sidewalk installation 7) Driveway installation 8) Curb installation 9) Sidewalk obstruction 10) Water meter installation 11) Fire 12) Occupancy 13) Sign 14) Shoreline 15) Home occupation 16) Conditional use 17) Other BUSINESS LICENSE 1) Taxi 2) Peddlers 3) 2nd Hand Dealer 4) Pawn Broker 5) Dance 6) Hotel - Motel 7) Fireworks 8) Ambulance 9) Tattoo shop 10) Other ~. : Date: /II f <--/ I ~ I (<' (. , , Signed:/d~(d"" -'LAdt'A~ Comments / Conditions \ ;J; f) - \()/i 1"'" 1 'Hgj ~ 7. ' 'I 1" 1 rh ./)7) - \/), /, ..-L.1 "'V1() -f..A.J ('fl rJ1~~') . 'ii'e,.:a.. (')( ( ( ( ( ( ( , " 1 "...-,,~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DiVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED: 10/22/2002 PERMIT NO: 13794 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION 724 1ST ST E BRANDON CARDINAL 724ElSTST Lot: 34567 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 25 [~ Long Legal 360/374-6838 Subdivision: NR SMITH T: S: Parcel No: 063000512510000 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT OWNER N/A VARIOUS Port Angeles, WA 99360 , 98360-0000 206/000-0000 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $150.00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: WOOD STOVE SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: 0 Occupancy Type: COMMERCIAL Garage: 0 Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: CA PROJECT NOTES INSTALL FREE STAND WOOD STOVE RECEIPT#9834 FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $0.00 Misc Fee 1: $0.00 Plan Check: $0.00 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $0.00 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $50.00 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $50.00 Mechanical: $50.00 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that ~ have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. Ail provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder)~.~) Date T:\PLANNFNG\FORMS\ I 102.15 [4/2002 [ BUILDING, PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD / CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSUI~TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE ~ i 3 7 (~ INSPECTION TYPE BATE ACCEPTEB COMMENTS YES I NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAiNAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB ROUGH-iN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILiNG BUILDING 417-4815 /1~.~ ~_ ~ ~ BUILDING o~ eoar4~° FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION permit#: Date Approved: The Building Permit ~pplication must be fiBed out completely. Please type or print in in~ If you have any questions, please call 41%4815 Applic~t or Agent: ~~ ~t ~c'~{. Phone: '~¢'0~ ~chitecffEngineer: ~ / ~ Phone: Contractor ~ ] ~ License ~: ~ Exp:. ~ Phone: Address: ~ City: ~ Zip: -- LEG~ DESC~PTION: Lot: Block: Sub&vmon: CL~L~ COUNTY P~CEL N~BER: Credit Card Holder Name:~ Billing Address: City: , Credit Card g: qgg$ ffl~ 10~0 Y~gb Exp. Date: ~[6~ roSA ,~. MC T~E OF WO~: SIZE~UATION: o Residential o New Cons~. ~ Re-roof ~ Wood-stove SF. ~ $ /SF. ~ Multi-f~ly o Addition ~ Move r ~ Garage SF. ~ $ /SF. = $. ~ Co~ercial D Remodel ~ Demolition ~ Deck SF. ~ $ /SF. ~ Repair ~ Sign D TOTAL VALUATION $ COMMERCI~SIDENTI~: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: Cons~ction T~e:. No. of Stories: Lot Size: % Lot Coverage: % Existing Lot Coverage: /sq. fl. + Proposed Lot Coverage: /sq. fl. = TOTAL LOT COVE~GE: /sq. PLANING USE ONLY: APPROVES: PL~ Notes: BLDG. DPW FI~ ES~etland(s): O Yes o No SEPA Checklist requaed? O Yes D No Other: OTHER B~LDING PE~IT APPLICATION SUBMITT~: Your application and site plan must be filled out completely to be accepted for review. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed i~omtion on the application and pl~ sub~l requirements. Your completed application, site pl~ (for additions) and building co~ction plans are to be subm~ed to ~e Bulldog Division. V~UATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. T~s fig~e will be reviewed and ~y be revised by ~e Building Division to co~ly ~ c~ent fee schedules. Contact the Pe~t Coordimtor at 4174 815 for assistance. PL~ CHECK FEE: Yo~ pl~ check fee is due at ~e ~e ~c building pemt application ~d cons~cfion plans are subdued. All other pe~t fees are due at the time ofpe~t issuance. EXPIATION OF PL~ ~EW: If no pe~t is issued witch 180 days of the date of application, t~s application will expire. The Bulldog Official can extend ~e time for action by ~e applicant up to 180 days upon ~i~en request by the applicant (see Section 107.4 of the Unifo~ Building Code, c~cnt edition). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby cert~ that [ have read and examined th~ application and know the same to be true and correct, and I am authorized to apply for this pe~it. I understand it is not the Ci~5 legal responsibili~ to determine what permits are require& it remains the applicant's responsibili~ to determine w~t permits are required a~ to obtain,~ch. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... INSPECTION REPORT ........... REQUEST; ,~ Date / ~/ [~ ~ ~ Time Received by " (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected .~7~ (t/ ~> Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): _. Permit No. ,/~ ~'~', ('', Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing~l~ Sewer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date //- -~'- '~) ~ Time By Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: [] Unimproved []Gravel []Asphalt [~]PCC []Other [] Repaired by City Work Order # ~-] Repaired by Permittee [] COMPLETE El No Damage Found [] INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . REQUEST Date S--II-O~! Time II 3 <::) AJ1/l Received by (phone, person) location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one) Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney ~m~ Final 7~YE VA:- i~ r i 7 r{ 1sT ~'/15h" ~ 1 /3 Phone No Permit No Sewer Excav Other 'I/7-Y'S'Y7 INSPECTION NOTES Inspected Dgte S- -11- <J '-I Time J / . J 0 /J;n. By ) /1 Remarks epPllr~<!.. /~iLJ:. a..T J41ef-er. G-U/1 C.l'~r-c l'1e<,Js rey'CJII(c.-~c! a~ov"Hj meleE' bDx , RESTORATION REQUIRED YES X NO , f F,rsT $;' '- V) V A t...... ." r 33i - \r') '>::: - It? ";::) + <6 ,,' Ac. ~ lO' 'of) I(} ~~ \J ~ ~ ~ \L \l &- SURFACE RESTORATION SURFACE TYPE D Unimproved DGravel OAsphalt OPCC WOther COVIt''/eIC D Repaired by City Work Order # I 'I ~ 7?! -OPl(;' [] Repaired by Permittee 0 COMPLETE [] No Damage Found 0 INCOMPLETE /r; Wtf'cf sl/rzhi4TF (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) "'" . ' CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . REQUEST: Date s-- /1-0 (.1 Time / / : 30 API Received by (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney ~mb9 Final 7:fiY E /sT tJ~ ft'r ~''''';!!d~ ~ i 7 r{ f /3 Phone No. '-;/7 - YffY? Permit No. Sewer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: D~te s: -II-() <; Time / / : J a ;J;T\ By ) /1 Remarks: eptll,',.~<!.- /.etsILK a..T J/J1el-er. C-G'/1c,/erc necJs ft?;'V11fc-e/. a/"o,;/...,J m efe.---. box RESTORATION REQUiRED...... YES X NO . ~ F,f5T ST. 1..... I/) V ~ "- ,\..) t 332' "- ~ 0;;:: __, b, ") ~ + tfl" AL. J. V.Y I~ (~ \) ~ ~ ~ \L. \) ~ SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved DGravel o Asphalt OPCC WOther COt1c/e/C o Repaired by City Work Order # I f./;< 7 ~ -oPl <;; o Repaired by Permittee 0 COMPLETE o No Damage Found 0 INCOMPLETE /r/; j1zfYe;t ~ll 'i.~)4T~ (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) r . Installed By: CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT NO. .;;< $/.3 7 /I /';13 /J?? DATE Site Address: o READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Owner/Business: Phone: Owner/Business Address: Sq. Ft. o Residential Heat KW o Baseboard 0 Furnace/Boiler o Heatpump 0 Other o Commercial/Industrial load Total Connected load (attach breakdown) Total Motor load (attach breakdown) o New Construction o Remodel ,r Service update/alterirepai r o Add/alter circuits o Auxiliary power (list below) o Special equipment (list beiow) o Overhead o Underground Voltage 010 03.0' Service size o Temporary Amps Details/Description: M~~~ I ~/~ . W.S. No. Service Size Capacity: 0 O.K. 0 Not O.K. Comments o Ditch inspection O.K. o Rough.in/cover O.K. o O.K. to connect service ~ Final O.K. Date Hoid for: 0 Easement 0 Letter o Signed up for service/meter o Meter Department notified for installation o Fire Department notified of inspection o Plan Review approved/pending Site Address: Installer: Permit/Receipt No. ex. '/;l New Meters o . Notify the Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the Inspector in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT. 158 or EXT. 224. -r~ NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT ~ f!!7 Inspector Amount paid WHITE - file by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN - Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall OLVMPIC PRINTEP:S, INC. 17396 // -..21' J70 Port Angeles, Washlngton..m..Lm...m....._..mm....m.mmm...m...... 1900000000 In accordance with the City Ordinance to regulate the Installation. extension. or repair of elec- trical equipment In, on. or about any building or other structure In the City of Port Angeles, per- mission is hereby granted to d6 electrical work as listed below. Address y:.~t;m..If!_.~.....},..'...m.m.nnnmmm.nn OCCUpanCyn&:~~.m___.m..nn____.n.n Owner Vli~..."f:"".~~<1?.J?....m~~~".,tt-<J.'enantmmnm.nmhn_.....n.n_.m...__..nm.nhhnm_..mn" Wiring ~~~::~~~.::.6?n.".f0c.tX4~7.nm--m...m. By.nmn.m.nmnmmnn.mmmmnm._..mh.mnn..n (/ /,;10/.jP't.fJ.. Light Outlet8............__...............___.._..... Service, volts .....__.__n...__.__..nn..........: S /j' No. wires ................!.:-:'!...........!.'.'2.. 1117 6'~/ Size wires.........nnn..__........__.__..._.. ....,:' 9..:l1 D A- Main fuse ........._............................. -~ . Enclosure ......._____._____._......._._.___..... CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT Receptacle Outlets........................____... Dryer, KW un.....___._._......_____.___________... Range, KW ___.__..hu..._....__..__ Water Heater: KW...n.nnhm__mm__ Type of wiring: Entrance Cable ..___.m_..nmm.__...___ Heat: KW.....................__._.............._..........: Motors: size, volts and phase: Rigid Conduit m.....m..m.........m... Metal11c Tubing m_......_..........._.._. Current transformers:' No. & Size..........:.............._.............. Ser. No............._....................._............ Ser. No.....................................__....... Ser. No. ..................._d.........___...______.. Nt! Type of Wiring: Armored Cable ..mmm_..__...._......._ Non.Metallic ...............................__ Knob & Tube......______..._.....______d..._ Rigid Conduit .........................______ Metallic Tubing .mm...m...m'h..___ Raceway __........_.._..__.............___._ Circuits, Llght...mm.m...................____.. Utility .........m....~.m.........m...---.... 11eat ________._..__.____...::::~........._.._ Range ........._..................~2:;.~:;~. Water Heater ....................................,,~_ ."".... Motor ..._..........._______.___.........____..... . ~. "_ Dryer ..........................__..................__ Furnace ........._.____....._...._......_.__........ Total Load............____________.._.. Ser. NO....._.._____.______._____n__............... Total __......_n_.._..__............_.__..__ Remarks: .___.hhnn___.~~.'::'::....~!y~::t.mn___.n.mnmm.h__.__n.......nm___.mm.n.m.mmmnm....................n r...J -..-..-....---.--......------------......----...-.-.-------.----.-....-..---.-......----.-----.--.-..---....-......-.-..----..----.----..-.........-----------.---.----------- ;::~~.:::::::::::.:..::::::...:---mn::~.~.~:::~.~.~.~~.~.~~.:......nnmmmm--:::.~Z~;~~:2::~:~~ NOTICE-Current must not be turned on until Certificate of Inspection has been issued. It work is to be con. cealed due notice mUst,be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before concealment. NOTIFY THE INSPECTOR BY PERMIT NUMBER WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION ., ELECTRICAL PERMIT . N? 17396 Address.______.__........._........._........_...........d.__._......___..._...................__._........._._................_..__..._.....Date..__......____.._.._.........._......_......_..___..._ Owner.___:L.............____..._.......__....._.._....._____..._.._._............_..........d....................._____._._.Tenant....._.._........................._.___________..................... \ p. . \ ..,WiringContractor............_._.__.......................................____.............._....._.............._._.___..__..............By._............................................................ ). NOTICE-Current must not be turned on untl1 CertIfIcate of Inspection has been issued. It work Is to be con. cealed due noUce must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before concealment. .. v 1M Olympic Printers, Inc. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERINIIT APPLICATION Building ]Division /Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street — P.O. Box 1150 / Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 Date: t — Multi - Family or Commercial* 3 Y �i lh Y � .'fP �F3 �• `�. ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS " flan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan review Information Sheet Job Address: '-i Z'4 °l_ 0�1- - Building Square Footage: Description of above e tc t c i. t i \A d- e Owner Information Contract, r Information Name: Name: G -k-2 i-0 'r 5 0^ 'ale Cr-+ cc� Mailing Address: Mailing Address: ' `Q C -c ` 07_ City: Slate; Zip: J City: C.c,s 5 ' �r State: � Zlp: w, � 2- 1 Phone: Fax: Phone: Far: License 9 / Exp. Llcense # 1 Exp. t S C _ IV 3 Z� OC-� Item Unit Charge Qty Total (QtV Multiplied by Unit Charge) Service /Feeder 200 Amp. $ 132.00 $ ServicelFeeder 201.400 Amp. $ 160.00 $ ServicelFeeder 401 -600 Amp $ 225.00 $ ServicelFeeder 601 -1000 Amp $ 288.00 $ ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. $ 410.00 $ Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1.4 $ 86.00 $ Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp. ServicelFeeder 201 -400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp. ServicelFeeder 401 -600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp. ServicelFeeder 601 -1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Porta! Hourly $ 96.00 $ Sign /Outline Lighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circuifl Limited Energy- Multi - Family $ 54,00 $ Signal Circuit) Limited Energy I First 1500 sf -- Commercial $ 96,00 $ Note: $50 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy - 5KVA System or Less $ 113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional T -Stat $ Total Owner as dofred by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E..C,, RCW, Chapter 19,28, WAC, Chapter 296 -4613, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Appfications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: © Cash El check - `��, LEI credit Card 0 GV\ t e— i q Dated: (/' 0110112012 k-kov ?oRy'q"vQ ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT -4735 17 RKS & 4 DATF -RMIT 9 PF PECTOR jj L DINNF9 parZEIK-,A S - T CONTRACTOR vi:L-IE-C�t Mi LAC ADDRESS APPROVED NAT APF'HV0/ .................... DITCH ......... D................ ROUGH IN/COVER ............... 0 El.. - . � ............... SERVICE ................... El [I ........... ......... FINAL .................... 0 CORRECTIONS NEEDED: H&R;?wl9-vFD -PJ6-r 14*1:- "o'-3NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 Application Number , , 14- 00000207 Date 2/25/14 Application pin number . , 833319 Property Address , . . . . 724 E IST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1- 2510 -0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . , . , Property Use , . . . . , , . Property Zoning . . , , , , , COMMERCTAL ARTERIAL Application valuation . . , , 0 Application desc Lighting replace Owner Contractor STEPHENS, DOREEN H BOTERO & SON ELECTRICAL 804 E 2ND ST 940 TAMARACK WAY PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 ------ - - - - - -- {360} 452 -4766 - -- Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc 1.-4 CIRCUITS Permit Fee 86.00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 2/25/14 Valuation . , , . 0 Expiration Date 8/24/14 Qty unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE - -- 86.00 F'ee summary Charged paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 86,00 86.00 .00 00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 00 .00 Grand Total 86.00 86,00 00 00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: GAEXCHANGE; BUILDING } N From:POVVERCOM 5094354708 02/12/2014 12:03 0041 P,001/001 RECEIVED (ti 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION FEB 201�1 Building Division/Electrical Inspectiolns ELECTRICAL 1 " 321 East Fifth Street — P.O, Box 1150 / Port Angeles Washington, 98362 XPECTIONS Ph: (360) 417 -4735 fitax: (360) 417 -4711 Date: 2/12/14 x Multi- Family or Commercial* * Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet ,tab Address; 724 E. 1st St., Port Angeles, VVA 98362 Building Square Footage; 3 0 Description of above Fas ena Company -low voltage ca6ling ford eta, phone& fax phone at retail s pre, Single Floor -Approximately ocations, PowerCom Jab #654200 Owner Information Contractor Information Name, Fastenal Company Name: Powexcom, Inc, Mailing Address: 724 E. 1st St. Mailing Address; 11824 North Creek Pkwy, #lc3 City, Port Angeles _ _ State: WA Zip: 98362 City: Bothell State: WA Zip: 99011 Phone: Fax: Phone: 425-429-8549 Fax: x-44 7 -IUT """""`-° "°""-- License #1 Exp, License # /Exp Powaxr *937Ms Item Unit Charge ON Total 14ty Multiplied by Unit Charge) ServicelFeeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ Service /Feeder 201.400 Amp. $160.00 $ Service /Feeder 401 -600 Amp $ 225,00 $ Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. $ 288.00 $ Service /Feeder over 1000 Amp, $ 410.00 $ Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder $ 5,00 $ Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5,00 $ Branch Circuits 1.4 $ 86.00 $ Temp, Servicel Feeder 200 Amp. $ 102,00 $ Temp. ServicelFeeder 201 -400 Amp, $121.00 $ Temp, ServicelFeeder 401 -600 Amp. $16400 $ Temp, ServicelFeeder 60 1 -1000 Amp $ 185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ Sign /Outline Lighting $ 88,00 $ Signal Circuit) Limited Energy - Mulli- Family $ 64,OC $ Signal Circuit) Limited Energy 1 First 1500 sf - Commercial $ 96.00 3 , aoos> $ 106 , oo Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy - 5KVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56,00 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional T -Scat $ 106.00 Total Owner as defined by RCW.19,28,261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection, After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N,E.C,, RCW. Chapter 19,28, WAC. Chapter 296 -46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and tltllily Specifications and PAMC 14,05,050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of Aner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ cash El Check A / "� ®Creel t Card # .�� —Dated: 2/12/14 010112011 Please call Karin in Spokane branch office if you have any questions or need additional payment information. (509) 435-4707. Thanks! ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 Application Number. . . . . . 14- OOOOQ162 Pate 2/13/14 Applicaticn pin number . . . 337214 DITCH Property Address . . . 724 E 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1- 2510 -0000- Applica.tion type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . -1 � � � Property Use . . . . . . . . FINAL Property Zoning . . . . . . . COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation . . . . 0 Application desc Low voltage Owner Contractor STEPHENS, DOREEN H POWERCOM INC 804 E 2ND ST 11624 NORTH CREEK PARKWAY N PORT ANGELES WA 98362 BOTHELL WA 98011 (425) 489 -8549 Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 106.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 2/13/14 valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 8/12/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 96,0000 ECH EL- LIMITED 1ST 1500 SQ FT 96.00 2.00 5.0000 ECH. EL -ADDNT LIMITED 1500 SQ FT 10.00 Pee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 106.00 106.00 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 .00 00 00 Grand Total 106100 106.00 .00 ,00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0002) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN -1 � � � AW FINAL �. COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANG0BUILDING .t T, N �s= ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 Application Number . , . , . 1S- 00000709 Date 6/22/15 Application pin number , , , 050041 DITCH Property Address , , , , 724 E 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER; 06-30-00-5-1- 2510 - 0000 - Application type deacripticn ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name , , . . . . Property Use . , . . . . . . FINAL Property Zoning , , . . . . . COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation 0-- -- Application desc --- -. -- -- - -- - -- ----- - - - - -- New service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner' Contractor STEPHENS, DOREEN H OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC SG4 E 2ND ST 4230 TUMWATER PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 96363 --- -- - - --- ------ --- - - - - -- ($60) 45') -5303 ---- - -- - -- pp��jj �-r-Z -.��CTJ_ ------ Permit , . , , , . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional deae . . Permit Fee 160.00 Plan Check Fee .. .00 Issue Date 6/22/15 Valuation . , . , 0 Expiration Date 12/19/1.5 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1,00 160.0000 ECH 'EL -COM 201 -400 SRV FEEDER 160,00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 160,00 160.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 ,00 .00 Grand Total 160.00 160.00 .00 .00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -1N FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (G) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: QTXC[IANGBBUILDING t Jun 22 2015 07 :38AM Olympic Electric Co,, Inc 3604523498 page 1 CITY OF FORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION RECEIVED Building Division/ElectricaI Inspectiorns 1 �JJN 2 2, 2915 321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 115411 Port Angeles Washington., 99A Ph: (360) 417.4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 ELECTRICAL Date: f Q Multi-Family or Commercial.1181ECTIONS ' Plan Review May Be Required, Please C plete E=lectrical Plan Review Information Sheet JobAddrese: e-:- — 7 ? f Building Square Footage: Description of above 7;—,,-,- Owner Infornla on Name: Mailing Address: 0 `," City, Z,,ay . srui State: Zip: Tr ,.�. Phone: Fax: Mailing Address: 4=0 NMY t9K License #1 Exp. City: KR TANGELHB $tote: WA Z }P: 95743 item UnitCharae Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $132.00 ServicelFeeder 201.400 Amp. $ 160.00 ServicelFeeder 401.6D0 Amp $ 225,00 Service, "Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. $ 288.00 Service,'Feeder over 1000 Amp, $ 410,00 Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder $ 5.00 Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 74.00 Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 Branch Circuits 14 $ 86100 Temp, Service! Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 Temp. ServicafFeeder 2014CO Amp. $121.00 Temp. SerAWFeeder 401-600 Amp, $164.00 Temp. Servicafeeder 601 -1000 Amp. $185.00 Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 Sign /Outline L'ghting $ 88.00 SignalOrcult/UmitedEnergy- Multi- Famlly $ 64.00 Signal Circulll Limited Energy/ First 1500 sf- Commercial $ 96.00 biota: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy - 6KVA System or Less $113.00 Thermostat $ 5600 Note' $5.00 for each additional TSlat 3 Contractor Information Name' OLYMPIC ELECTRIC Mailing Address: 4=0 NMY t9K City: KR TANGELHB $tote: WA Z }P: 95743 Phone: 3&-467 -S= Fax: 3- 452 -9404 License #I Exp. CLYNPE -aeol t Tplal M llg by unit Cha $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S 3 $ Total Owner as defined by RCW, 99.28,261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said prop" is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the ewner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, NE.C., RCW, Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and utility Spedfications and PAMC 14,05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrlcal administrator: ❑ Cash 0 areas n Cmdlt Card # —� Dated: �� /1;r�.�`J 0110112012 CX AA ELECTRICAL INSPECTION mc=7 WIRING REPORT RKS 417-4735 DATE: PERMIT 4 _LINSPECTq2, R M -NE-A:; UKTRACTOR pp -0 ADDRESS APPROVED -(�® ........ ......... DITCH . ........ - I ....... 0 13................ ROUGH IN/COVER .. , . ......... 13 .......... ......... SERVICE .............. ....... ......... FINAL .................... ❑ CORRECTIONS NEEDED: mmm Pi rz-(- 1) 015:3 NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS e ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Application Number 15- 00000353 pate 4/08/15 Application pin number , . , 663221 DITCH Property Address , . . , 724 E 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER; SERVICE Application type type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use FINAL Property Zoning . , . . , , . COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Hardwire sign. Owner Contractor STEPHENS, DOREEN H ANGELES ELECTRIC 804 E 2ND ST S24 E. 1ST ST, PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 -9264 Permit . . , . . , ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc 1 -4 CIRCUITS Permit Fee 86,00 Plan Check Fee ,00 Issue Date 4/08/15 Valuation . , . . D Expiration Date 10/05/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension. 'BASE FEE 86.00 '- ------------------------------------------------ Fee summary Charged --- ---------------- Paid Credited -- - - -- -- DU6 Permit Fee Total 86,00 86,00 .00 ,00 Plan Check Total 00 .00 ,00 .00 Grand Total 86,00 86,00 ,00 ,00 t� w Cat �N REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR.: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signatuxe of owner or EIectrical Contractor X Date: GAEXCHANGEIBUILDWG 04/07/2015 12:13 FAX 360 452 9265 Angeles Electric 100001 /0001 RECEIVED �' 1 APR 7 ?015 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APP CATION ELEC TlUAL Building DiviisionMectrlcai Inspections 321 East Fifth Street — P.O. Box 1150 / Port An I les Washingtorn, 98362 Ph: (3160) 417 -4735 Fax: (360) 4174711 Date: % i5 Iti•Famlly. or Commarclal' i ` Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete El Ical Plan Review information Sheet ?Z .lob Address: 06f I Building Square-Footage Description of above Ownerinfom Don Contract r Inforrnatlon Name: Name: r Malli ng A 1� Cly S eta: ZIP: %a& 9 Mailing d s: Clay. State. Phone: Fax Phone, - ax. Licenso N ! Exp. lJoense 61 Eat. I To tkjduIVpj1ed'by lfnit_Charael ServlcelFeeder•200Amp, $ 132. S 5ervicelFeeder 201400 Amp. $160. $ ServiceFeeder 401800 Amp S 2'15. # Service/Feeder 601.1000 Amp. $ 288. S ServlcelFee.der over 1000 Amp. $ 410. $ Branch Circuit Wl Service Feeder $ 5. S B ranch Clrcuit W10 Service Feeder S 74. $ Each Additional Branch Circuit S 5. $ Branch Circu'ds 14 S 86. Temp. Servical Feeder 200 Amp. $ 102. $ Temp. Service/FeMer 201400 Amp. $121.0 $ Temp. Senr *Feeder 401 •$00 Amp. $ Wo S Temp, $ervice1Feeder 601.1000 Amp. $185. S Portal to Portei•Hourly $ 96. S 8ignlOutllne Ughting $ 88. S Signal Clreuitl Limited Energy— Multi- Family $ 84. Signal Clrcu €t! limited Energy 1 First 1500 sf — Commercial $ 96. $ Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Ren"able Electrical Energy -SWA System or Less $113. S Thermostat � $ 56. S Note: $5.00 for each additional T-Stat s�'fAtal Owner as defined by RCWJ 9.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy t to hire an electrical contractor ff above said property is for sali After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am tF the elec0calinstallation or alteration In compliance with the.e Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAM signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical adrA e I I r structure for two years -after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) fawner Is required rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making :trical taws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296468, The Chy of Port 4.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications, dstrator: ❑ CNA ❑ ch** M-6 a c ra s °7 l/S 411419012 . . 4 e ell 1 LE ;AL PPRMTT Q CITY OF PORT ANGELES i 36{)-417-4735 Application Number . . . . . 20-00001094 atRE191 *EoSTATE SALES TAX Application pin number . . . 223442 on,your excise tax form Property Address . . . . , . 724 E 1ST ST ASSESSQR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1-2510-0000- to the City Of Port Angeles Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY (LQcatfon Code 0502) Subdivision Name . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation 0 ---------------- - - - -------------------------------------------------- Application desc Exterior lighting repair ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor KRISTINA M_PLOURDE JOHNSON ELECTRIC COMPANY 32 SUNDIAL LP 163 MCCARVER RD- SEQUIM WA 98382 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 728-4327 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . Permit Fee . . 74.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . 9/25/20 Valuation . 01 Expiration Date 3/24/21 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 74.0000 BCH EL-COMM BRANCH CIR WO/ S/F 74.00 -Fee summary Charged -T Paid Credited Due ' -Permit Fee Total 74.00, 74.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 74.00 74.00 .00 .00 3 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL Z Comivws- PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: toot oil 'k }�ow � t � '� � rr k t U� ,fig •^;�,:wr;�, s i MULTI-FAMILY / COMMERCIAL CD ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION - 3 Public Works and Utilities Department 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, RVA 98362 360.417.4735 1 wv.w.cityofpa.us eIectricalpemiits@,cItyofpa.us Project Address: 742 E 1 st st. Port Angeles Project Description: fix lighting conduit, replace non weathertight fittings ❑ Multi-Family Residential 0 Commercial/Industrial/Public Building Square footage: OWN ! ' ! Name: Fastenal Email: Mailing Address: 724 E 1 st st. Port Angeles Phone: (360)452-8761 CONTRACTOR • - • Name: Johnson Electric Co. License: JohnEc817k4 Mailing Address: 516 Lopez Ave. Port Angeles Expiration Date: 5/31/2021 Email: waynejelectric@gmaii.com Phone: (360)728-4327 PROJECT Rom Unit Charge Quantify TgW(Quantity x Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp.. $160.00 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $225.00 $ Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $288.00 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $410.00 $ Branch Circuit W/Service Feeder $5.00 $ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $74.00 ' $ 74.00 Each Additional Branch Circuit $5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $86.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. - $1K00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly Sign/Outline Lighting $88.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy-Multi-Family $8800 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy/First 1500 sf-Commercial $96.00 $ (Note:$5.00 for each additional 1500 sf) Renewable Elec.Energy:5KVA System or less $113.00 $ Thermostat(Note:$5 for each additional) $56.00 $ $ 74.00 TOTAL Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C.,RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAC.Chapter 296- 46B,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. 9/24/2020 Wayne Johnson Wayne Johnson Date Print Name Signature(❑ Owner V Electrical Contractor/Administrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or electricalpermits@cityofpa.us or faxed to 360.417.4711] ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-4 7-4735 Application Number 19-00000394 Date 3/20/19 Application pin number . . . 624888 - REPORT STATE SALES TAX Property Address . 238 W 8TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-2-6658-0000- on your excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY to the C%f}/{1f P'Oti`Angeles j Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning . . . . . . COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD Application valuation . . . . 0 Application desa Meter pack and panel connections ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor - ---- --------- - ----------- ------- MC LENNAN TTE ELIZABETH E SIMPSON ELECTRIC 811 S CHERRY ST 243036 W HWY 101 PORT ANGELES WA 983627601 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 457-9270 ------------ '-.-:-y-------------------------------------------------------- Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit Fee 185.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . 3/20/19 valuation . . 0 Expiration Date 9/16/19 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 5.00 5.0000 ECH EL-BRANCH CIRCUIT W/FEEDER 25.00 1.00 160.0000 BCH EL-COM 201-400 SRV FEEDER 160.00 j -- ----------------------------------'-------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- -- --- ------ --- - -- --------- Permit Fee Total 185.00 185.00 .00 .00 Plan_Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 185.00 185.00 .00 .00 Y INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR DITCH SERVICE j ROUGH-IN FINAL CON04ENTS: PIVRNIT WILL E(PIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECMN Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: � - i i i i ,� . - *�, .�. _. _ MULTI-FAMILY / COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION }/Vb/'C \k'nrks and Utilities l)enuurneDt 3_2 .| �� �ih �1r�cL Pod /\n��|cs. WA 98362 300.417�4735 / vvv/A,-.cicynfno.u/ | decnicolpcnn ityohpuux Project Address: 238 W 8th St / Project Description: 400ann 3 meter pac& Hook up to panels [] Multi-Family Residential 0 Commercial/Industrial/Public Building Square footage: OWNER INFORMATION Name: Tom Johnson Email: tjgj@aol.com Mailing Address: Phone: 248-520-4725 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name: Simpson Electric LLO License: Mailing Address: PO 2V11/2019 Email: disimpson5l@gmail.com Phone: 360-460-1046 CT D Unit Charae Quantity JQW(Quantity x Unit Charge) Branch Circuit W/Service Feeder $5.00 5 $ 25.00 Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $500 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $86.00 $ Temp. Gemice/Feodwr401-6UOAmp. ^,� °�,� ^, ~� ��� '�� 00���� /' ___4__-` ,��� = w $ Temp. Service/Feeder 6O1'1OOOAmp. $185.00 �$ Portal(o Portal Hourly � � �� � ��� '� � - ��$96.00 � _____� � � ��$ Sign/Outline Lighting *88.00 - __-_ ^ $____-____ Gigna)CimuWLim E �� ' �� $ _- ._", � � �� �� S�nu|Qxo�Lhn � ���$96.00 �� *� � * (N�a: *5.00�r�ochadd m� U' Renewable Elec. Energy: 5K\A System or|eu� `�' ��� � � ^^� ��� , o ' � � _�___� �� Thermostat(Note: $5 for each additional) $56.00 _ � _� $_____ q185.00 TOTAL Owner as defined by RCW 19.28.261: (1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit io finalized,(2)Owner iu required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW Chapter 19.28,WAC. Chapter 296- 46B,TheCdyofPortAngaleoN1unicipdCode.endUd|Uy8pooifinadonoondPAMC14.05.O50 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. 3/18 019 Andrew P Simpson Date Print Name Signature([:] Owner V Electrical Co9tractor/Administrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or electricalpermits@cityofpa.us or faxed to 360,417.4711] W'Ww vim .fit EJLBIM � rr - CITE t31� �,'�'A�IGELES 7-4735 Application Number . . 20-00000848 WEPOffSTATE SALES TAX Application pin number 907792 Property Address 724E 1ST ST on your excise tax form ASSESSOR PARCEL NWMER. 06-30-00-5-1-2510-0000- to the city of Port Angeles. Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . (Location Cade 0502) Property Use . Property•Zoning . . . COMKBRCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation 0 - -------------------------------------------------- Application desc Front counter and rack Owner Contractor -- ------------------------ KRISTINA M PLOURDE ANGELES' ELECTRIC 32 SUNDIAL LP 524 E. 7ST ST: S"Qtyim WA 98382, PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-9264 -- y---------------------------- -- ---- Fezmit . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMCIAL Additional desc 1-4 CIRCUITS Permit ,Fee 86.Q, Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . 7/30/" Valuation 0 Expiration Date 1/26/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE,FEE 86.00 - ----------------- Fee snmriary Charged Paid Credited Due -----s•---- --------- ----- Permit Fee Total 86.00 66.00 0 .00 Plan Check Total ;00 . .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 86.OM 86.00 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INNSPECToK DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN / FINALi 02�W, COMMENTS: PERmr-r wiL.t.woug$IX(6)N[omms PLUM LAST Oi$POMON Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: MULTI-FAMILY / COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Public Works and Utilities Department 321 E. 5th Street,Port Angeles,WA 98362 360.417.4735 1-v"vw.cityofpa.us I electricalperTnits@cityofpa.u,,; Project Address: 7. litG Project Description: 0 Multi-Family Residential DCommercial Industrial/Public Building Square footage: OWNER INFORMATION Name: Email: Mailing Address: 71- 1-' 6.,k�u— _5-r� Phone:.....3L 19 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name: Angeles Electric,Inc. License: ANGELE146ORS Mailing Address: 524 E.First Street, Port Angeles,WA 96362 Expiration Date: 2/1/2020 Email. ksimpson@olympus.net Phone: 360-452-9264 PROJECT DET AILS 12M Ouant JgW(Quantity x Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $160.00 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $225.00 $ Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $288.00 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $410.00 $ Branch Circuit W1 Service Feeder $5.00 $ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $86.00 _77' $ Temp.ServicelFeeder 200 AMP. $102-00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $96.00 $ Sign/Outline Lighting $88.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy-Multi-Family $88.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy/First 1500 sf-Commercial $96.00 $ (Note:$5.00 for each additional 15W sf) Renewable Elec.Energy:5KVA System or less $113.00 $ Thermostat(Note:$5 for each additional) $56.00 $ $_ TOTAL Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2)Owner is rsgyj"to hirean electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease.Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement,I hereby car*that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor.I am*miking the electrical Installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C.,RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAC.Chapter 296- 468,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications- i II Ken Simpson Date Print Name Signature([] Owner V tlectrical Contractor/Administrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or electdcalpermits@cityofpa.us or faxed to 360.417.4711] EL ' ?E � CffY 1 '`. 361,.',4411 A* Application Number . . . _ 20 00000844. 13sa Application gin number 644076_ 11'I.IAL TAX Property Address 724 E 1ST ST aW form ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-04=5-1-2510-0000- tf3 th8 Appl3.4aitibn type'description ELECTRICAL ONLY � A1">gQ/eS Subdivision Name . . . (LoceftQrl b&i6 2) Prop arty Use . Property Zoning .- . . COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation _. 0 - ------------------ ------------------------- Application desc Voice Bata cables Owner Contractor - - -- --------------- -------- KRISTINA M PLOURDE 'SSACOM CART XNG:INC 32 SUNDIAL LP 3014 SOYT AVE sxQUIR WA 98382. EVERETT V 98201 (425) 317-82S9 -------------------------- --- -- ---- ----------- -------------- Permit; ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc 'Permit :)tee . . . 106.00 Flan Check Fes .00 Issue Data 1/30/16 -Valuation . . 0. Expiration Date 1/26C21 Qty Unit Charge Par Extension 1,.00 96.000.0 ECK EL-LIMITW, 15T 2500 SQ FT 96.00 2.00 5.0000 ECH SLR-ADb*r LIMITED 1500, SO PT 10.00 - - -------- ---- - _ -- --- Fee sunmtary Charged: Paid Credited Due -- - -y ----- - ---- - -- ----- _ Perait.Fee Total 106.00 �' 100.00 - .00 -.00 Plan,Check Total Ott .00 .00 .00' Grand Total 106.0b 10fi.OQ 00 .00 ZOO- tip INSPECTION TYPE DATE; RESULTS: INFECTOR: DITCH SERVICE Rt7UE3H-IIJ - FIIAL COMMENTS: PERMIC WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MMn*FROM L ASr- tL�W"16N Signature of owner or Electrical`Contract&r, Date: ' ^ � ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 7�''^ / nmcr�cs|pr��h/��c|W,�zu� \ Project Address: 724E1 st Street. Port Angeles, WA. 98362 Project Description: Install (19) total Voice and Data cables per requested print. Install wall mount IDF. [] Multi-Family Residential EI Commercial/Industrial/Public Building Square footage: OWNER INFORMATION Mme: Norman Smith Email: Mailing Address: 724E 1st Street.Port Angeles,WA. phone: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mailing Address: 3014 tW Ave. Everett,WA.98201 Expiration Date: 4/27/21 Email- curtisbye@caflseacom.wm Phone: 425-200-7621 PROJECT bETAILS Son^oe/Fvmde,aWAwp.. $13Z80 $�________ Service/Feeder 201-w00 Amp $100.00 $________ Sarvioe/reauar4u1'600 Amp. *22-5.00 m Service/Feeder wo1'nmw'Amp. :288,00 $________ Service/Feeder over YQ80 Amp. $41D.00 $_________ Branch Circuit VW Seryice Feeder $5,00 $________ Branch Circuit vVxO Service Feeder $7*.00 $_________ Each Additional Branch C1nouu $5.o0 $_—_______ Branch Circuits 1-4 $86.00 $—________ Temp.Service/Feeder 200Amo. $102.00 __---_ $________ Temp.Service/Feeder oVT+400Amp. $121.00 $________ Temp.Service/Feeder W-6eM Amp. $164�00 $_____�___ Temp.Service/Feeder aV1_1DnoAmp. $1��.00 $___�____ Portal m Portal Hourly ` $mLoO *________ Sign/Outline Lighting $86.00 __-_-- m_________ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy-m6,NJ-Fmm* $8800 $ S/gno|Cincuit/umitedEnergy/First Comm,vrc�� $96m s106�--_-_' (mnte:$5.VO for each nddw*ma|1S0)mq Ronevablesiuc. Energy:5nvA System wrfew *11&00 $_________ Thermostat(Nom:$s for each additional) $5&00 _ _ $_____—___ $I06_-__--ToTAL Owner aa defined b*RCW.1928201:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit io finalized.(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease.Permit expires after six months of last inspection, After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C.,RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAC.Chapter 296- 46B,ThoCityufPprtAnge/asMunicipm|Code.anuUuUty3pecihxmhonnendR4MC 14.O5.V5O regarding Electrical Permit Applications. 7/29/20 Curtis_Bye Date Print Name Signature(F-1 Owner V Flectri-��'-Cont or/Administrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or electrical perm its@cityofpa,us or faxed to 360.417.47111 Application Number . . . . . 24-00000197 Date 3/04/24 Application pin number . . . 645994 Property Address . . . . . . 724 E 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1-2510-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Panel replacements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ KRISTINA M PLOURDE ANGELES ELECTRIC 32 SUNDIAL LP 524 E. 1ST ST. SEQUIM WA 98382 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-9264 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 475.50 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . . 3/04/24 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 8/31/24 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 2.00 237.7500 ECH EL-COM 0-200 SRV FEEDER 475.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 475.50 475.50 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 475.50 475.50 .00 .00 LTI.FAMILY ECTRI C Public Wor"ks and Lltilities llepartment 321 E.5th Stlect, Polt Angr:les, WA 98362 36A.411 .4735 | wwwcityofua.Lrs I electricalp Project Address Project Description n Uulti-family Residential Commercial / lndustrial/ Public Building Square footage Name Email ]Joa 3 =s lpa.us Mailing Address Phone: 34g ufL- t76t Name:Anoeles Electric. lnc.License: ANGELE1460RS Expirati on Date: 313112024Mailing Address 524 E. First Street Port An eles wA 98362 Email:ksimosonrOolvmpus. net Phone:360-452-9264 Item Service/Feeder 200 Amp. ServiceiFeeder 201 -400 Amp. Service/Feeder 401 -600 Amp. Service/Feeder 601-1 000 Amp. Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. Branch Circuit W Service Feeder Branch Circuit WiO Service Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit Branch Circuits 1-4 Temp. ServiceiFeeder 200 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 601 -1 000 Amp. Portalto Portal Hourly Sign / Outline Lighting Signal Circuit/Limited Energy - Multi-Family Signal Circuit/Limited Energy/First 1500 sf - Commercial (Note: $5.60 for each additional 1500 sf) Renewable Elec. Energy: SKVA System or less Thermostat (Note: $5.60 for each additional) Unit Charqe $2s7.75 $237.75 $332.85 $qzt.ss $s23.ob $5.60 $95.1 0 $47.55 $e5.1 0 $190.20 $237.75 $285.30 $332.85 $95.1 o $142.65 $190,20 $190.20 Quantity Total uanti Charge)L $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $190.20 $95.1 0 tfl<s2rorAL Owner as defined by RCW19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296- 468, The City of PortAngeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14,05.050 regarding Electrical PermitApplications. Ken Sim son ', Print Name Signature (v Contractor / Ad ministrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or epermits@cityofpa.us or faxed to 360.417.47111 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN/COVER SERVICE FINAL CORRECTIONS NEEDED: NOTIFY INSPECTOR at (360) 808-2613 WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DATE PERMIT # INSPECTOR 3/6/24 24-197 TAP OWNER CONTRACTOR Angeles Electric ADDRESS 724 E 1st St ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN/COVER SERVICE FINAL CORRECTIONS NEEDED: NOTIFY INSPECTOR at (360) 808-2613 WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DATE PERMIT # INSPECTOR 3/12/24 24-197 TAP OWNER CONTRACTOR Angeles Electric ADDRESS 724 E 1st St