HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-28 PC Agenda PacketAGENDA
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April 28, 2021
6:00 p.m.
April 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes
1.Work Session: Climate Resiliency Plan Task 4 Preparation
Discussion on continued Commissioner work on SWOT analysis review.
2.Action: MAKERS Code Audit Project
Discuss City Council 4/27/2021 Work Session with MAKERS on HS2B 1923 code work and
nominate 3 Planning Commissioners for Code Audit Project
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
April 14, 2021 6:00 p.m.
Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Andrew Schwab (Chair), Benjamin Stanley (Vice-Chair),
Marolee Smith, Colin Young
City Staff Present: Emma Bolin (Manager)
Ben Braudrick (Associate Planner)
Chris Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney)
Public Present: Mark Hodgson
Chair Schwab closed public comments
Commissioner Young moved to accept the minutes from the March 24, 2020 meeting.
Commissioner Smith seconded, all were in approval
1.Action Item: SMP Periodic Update Action
Planning Manager Bolin presented the background and staff report for the draft amendment
process and outcome to the Shoreline Master Program. Staff recommends (1) the Planning
Commission approve the 2021 Shoreline Master Program update submission to the Department of
Ecology and request a determination of consistency., and (2) following Department of Ecology
review and statement of concurrence, approve of submission to City Council for adoption. If the
Department of Ecology issues a written statement requiring changes, the revisions will go back to
the Planning Commission for further review and recommendation.
Chair Schwab opened the opportunity for Commissioners to ask questions of Staff.
Commissioner Young asked about the “should/shouldn’t” clause in the WAC concerning
overwater housing. Manager Bolin responded that the media attention that was garnered from
the Port’s proposal was confusing.Department of Ecology clarified with staff that the Shoreline
Management Act clause “should” in this case means “shall”. Commissioner Young asked what
the consequence would be to continue with the proposal. Manager Bolin responded that the
Department of Commerce could restrict the ability for the City to received awarded grant funding
from the State.
April 28, 2021 PC Agenda Packet Pg. 1
Planning Commission Minutes
April 14, 2021
Page 2
Commissioner Smith asked if the problem with floating houses related to the utility attachments.
Manager Bolin responded that utilities are one factor to consider, but that the statute,
definitions, and administration were all reasons for the designation of non-conformity.
Commissioner Stanley asked if staff could better define the difference between a floating home
and a houseboat with a motor vehicle license. He understood the reasoning behind the clause due
to the sensitive nature of the shoreline ecosystem. Discussion followed.
Commissioner Smith made a motion to accept staff recommendation to send the Shoreline
Master Program update materials to the Department of Ecology. Commissioner Young
seconded the motion. Discussion followed. All were in approval.
2.Action Item: Planning Commission Bylaws Amendments
Staff presented the Commissioner’s submitted recommended edits to the Planning Commission
Bylaws. The Planning Commissioners discussed the proposed edits and the possibility of
including further edits that include holdover from when the Planning Commission still held quasi-
judicial hearings.
Commissioner Young made a motion to accept the bylaw revisions presented by Staff.
Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Chair Schwab asked for a
roll call vote. The motion passed 3-1, with Commissioner Smith voting “no”.
3.Work Session: Climate Resiliency Plan Task 4 Preparation
Commissioner Young presented his Parks and Recreation and Transportation Element
SWOT analyses for the Climate Resiliency Plan. Discussion followed and some edits
were suggested.
Manager Bolin updated the Commissioners on the Climate Resiliency draft workplan and the
opportunity for Commissioners to be interviewed as a part of the MAKERS Group code change
Planner Braudrick update the Commissioners on the WA-APA Peninsula Section Spring Forum
date change to May 20th. The focus will be on transportation equity. He also recommended the
Commissioners all attend an upcoming Short Course on Local Planning held by the Department of
Commissioner Stanley reported that he was eager to see the Cascadia workplan for the Climate
Resiliency Plan. He mentioned his interest in seeing Parklets made available downtown for
increased outdoor seating and activity. He proposed putting housing as a work session on the
agenda at a future meeting.
Commissioner Smith wanted see the temporary housing ordinance brought back for consideration
and for the Commissioner to begin addressing the City’s urban forest through ordinance and the
formation of a Tree Advisory Board.
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Planning Commission Minutes
April 14, 2021
Page 3
The meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary Andrew Schwab, Chair
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick, Secretary
April 28, 2021 PC Agenda Packet Pg. 3
Port Angeles Climate Resiliency Plan
Planning Commission SWOT Analysis | Capital Facilities
First Review: March 24, 2021 | 1
Capital Facilities - Chapter 8
Key Objectives: Evaluate the Conservation chapter on how well it integrates climate change and resiliency. Identify additional opportunities and
risks of integrating climate change in future iterations of the Capital Facilities chapter.
Strengths Weaknesses
• Multiple Policies directly and indirectly relate to climate
• The chapter references several other Plans, Programs,
Documents, Policies, and Acts that directly and indirectly relate to
climate resiliency. (County-Wide Planning Policy, State Growth
Management Act, Capital Facilities Plan, Parks and Recreation
Plan, Urban Forestry Program)
• The chapter directly states a goal of "consider[ing] projected
climate change impacts and adaptation strategies to determine
whether adequate services can be provided into the future, prior
to approving any development." P-8A.22
• The chapter directly references developing Green Infrastructure
and Low Impact Development P-8D.02
• Multiple policies could easily have a climate resiliency
component, but it's not mentioned.
• Goal G-8B is focused on streets and utilities. With the exception
of one policy referencing stormwater run-off, nothing is related
to climate resiliency.
Opportunities Threats
• Add a reference to climate resiliency where applicable to current
goals and policies when not already directly referenced.
Example: P-8D.02 The City should invest in Green Infrastructure,
Low Impact Development (LID), and similar technologies to
maintain and enhance environmental quality and climate
• Several goals and policies referencing working and cooperating
with other agencies (School district, the State, the County, and
others). However, the other agencies may have different or
nonexistent climate change and resiliency plans making it more
difficult to cooperate.
• No matter how inclusive or thorough climate resiliency objectives
are integrated into the Comp Plan, it's up to the City Council to
implement them. Different Council members have different
Goals and Policies Supporting Climate Resiliency:
• P-8A.11 Adopt a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Growth Management Act as an
Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
April 28, 2021 PC Agenda Packet Pg. 4
Port Angeles Climate Resiliency Plan
Planning Commission SWOT Analysis | Capital Facilities
First Review: March 24, 2021 | 2
• P-8A.12 Require should use permeable materials where feasible.
• P-8A.13 Develop and implement an Urban Forestry Program.
• P-8A.15 Consider climatic change impacts and adaptation strategies in planning and designing capital facilities.
• P-8A.17 Deny any development that will not be served at or greater than a citywide level of service standard of 10 acres of parks per 1,000
population within six years from the time of development.
• P-8B.09 Develop a Capital Facilities Plan list, with public input, for prioritizing pedestrian walkway needs.
• G-8D To reduce the amount of impervious surface created by new developments and thereby reduce stormwater management costs and
environmental impacts to the City and its natural resources, reduce development costs to private property owners, and provide safe and
more attractive streets through traffic calming, safe pedestrian amenities, and improved street edge landscaping.
• P-8D.02 The City should invest in Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Development (LID), and similar technologies to maintain and enhance
environmental quality.
April 28, 2021 PC Agenda Packet Pg. 5
Port Angeles Climate Resiliency Plan
Planning Commission SWOT Analysis | Economic Development
First Review: March 24, 2021 | 1
Economic Development- Chapter 8
Key Objectives: Evaluate the Conservation chapter on how well it integrates climate change and resiliency. Identify additional opportunities and
risks of integrating climate change in future iterations of the Capital Facilities chapter.
Strengths Weaknesses
• Wants to use the Climatic Change Preparedness Plan in attracting
• Encourages economic development with positive environmental
• References upgrading the City's green infrastructure
• P-9D.01 Consider best available science on sea level rise and
recommended mitigation and adaptation strategies in the
development of downtown.
• None of the three goals directly reference the need for climate
Opportunities Threats
• Add a reference to climate resiliency where applicable to current
goals and policies when not already directly referenced.
Example: P-9A.02 Promote long-term economic stability by
encouraging businesses and industries to invest in modernization
and environmentally sound technology that recognizes the need
for climate resiliency.
• No matter how inclusive or thorough climate resiliency objectives
are integrated into the Comp Plan, it's up to the City Council to
implement them. Different Council members have different
Goals and Policies Supporting Climate Resiliency:
• P-9A.12 Encourage businesses with low carbon footprints.
• P-9B.08 Utilize the Climatic Change Preparedness Plan in attracting businesses, to demonstrate a proactive approach to climatic change in
the area.
• P-9B.09 Encourage and pursue economic development with positive environmental consequences, including non-polluting industries eco-
friendly business, and low carbon footprints.
• P-9C.03 Take a leading role in enhancing visitors' first impression of the community by maintaining and upgrading the City’s public facilities,
green infrastructure, and strengthen the nuisance abatement program.
• P-9C.04 Support development of an electric vehicle (EV) charging station network and EV maintenance facilities around the Olympic
April 28, 2021 PC Agenda Packet Pg. 6
Port Angeles Climate Resiliency Plan
Planning Commission SWOT Analysis | Economic Development
First Review: March 24, 2021 | 2
•P-9D.01 Consider best available science on sea level rise and recommended mitigation and adaptation strategies in the development of
April 28, 2021 PC Agenda Packet Pg. 7