HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2021-03-24MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION
Meeting Held Virtually
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
March 24, 2021 6:00 p.m.
Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Andrew Schwab (Chair), Benjamin Stanley (Vice-Chair), Richie
Ahuja, Steve Luxton, Marolee Smith, Colin Young
City Staff Present: Emma Bolin (Manager)
Ben Braudrick (Associate Planner)
Chris Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney)
Public Present: Bob Vreeland, Mark Hodgson
Chair Schwab closed public comments
Commissioner Young moved to accept the minutes from the February 24 and March 10, 2020
meeting. The motion was not seconded because Commission Smith was not in attendance for the
February 24th meeting. Commissioner Smith moved to accept the minutes of February 24, 2020.
Commissioner Young seconded the motion, all were in approval. Commissioner Young moved
to accept the minutes of March 10, 2020. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion, all were in
1. Action Item: Planning Commission Elections.
Election of the 2021-22 Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair positions
Chair Schwab opened up the nomination for the Chair and Vice Chair positions. Commissioner
Smith nominated Chair Schwab to continue in the chair position. Vice Chair Stanley stated that
he would accept a nomination for chair if Chair Schwab was not interested in continuing in that
role. Chair Schwab asked if he had any interest in remaining Vice Chair. Vice Chair Stanley
responded that he still had interest. Chair Schwab then nominated Vice Chair Stanley to continue
in the Vice Chair position. Commissioner Young made a motion reinstate Chair Schwab as the
Chair. Commissioner Smith seconded, all were in approval. Chair Schwab made a motion to
reinstate Vice Chair Stanley as the Vice Chair. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion, all
were in approval
DocuSign Envelope ID: 02AD491C-3DD5-4320-BEDD-A616BCE6BF06
Planning Commission Minutes
March 24, 2021
Page 2
2. Discussion Item: Planning Commission Bylaws Amendments
Review and discuss staff suggested bylaws amendments to place as an action item on a future
meeting agenda.
Planning Manager Bolin presented a change to the Bylaws recommended by staff to eliminate
language in Article IV, Section 1 that requires the Commission to have meetings in 9 months of
the year. This change was due to this requirement not being codified in Code Cities, such as Port
Angeles. Rather, it was for counties and second-class cities in Washington State. Chair Schwab
asked if the Commission wanted to act on this suggestion first or continue to provide more
suggested changes. It was agreed that they would continue forward with suggestions.
Commissioner Smith presented changes to the bylaws in Article III, Section 4 and Article III,
Section 3 to allow Commissioners continue serving in their position after their term had expired
for a set amount of time if the City Council had not yet appointed, or reappointed a Commissioner
to that position and to make officer terms 2 years instead of 1 year with the option to reappoint.
Discussion followed.
Commissioner Stanley made a motion to retain the language that staff had removed in Article
IV, Section 1 and add an additional sentence, “The Planning Commission retains the right to
change the number of meetings required in a given year in any Planning Commission meeting by
a majority vote”. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion; discussion followed. Chair
Schwab called for a vote and the motion failed 1-5.
Bylaws discussion continued. Chair Schwab introduced a change to Article IV, Section 4 to
include “Regular monthly meetings shall be held on the second and/or fourth Wednesdays of each
month beginning at 6:00 P.M. in City Hall except as otherwise designated by the Planning
Commission”. Commissioner Smith made a motion to accept that change. Chair Schwab
seconded the motion, which failed in a 3-3 split. Discussion continued.
Staff requested that the Planning Commission be provided time prior to a formal motion of
adoption of the bylaws changes in order to review the suggestions for consistency. A request that
Commissioners provide any subsequent changes by April 7th was also made. Chair Schwab
tabled the discussion and asked the Commissioners to provide any subsequent suggested changes
to the bylaws to Staff by April 7, 2020.
3. Work Session: Climate Resiliency Plan Task 4 Preparation
Discussion on continued Commissioner work on SWOT analysis review
Commissioner Smith presented her SWOT analysis for the Housing Element. Commission
discussion followed.
Manager Bolin updated the Commission on the Climate Resiliency Plan. The City’s consultant
Cascadia Consulting group met with the Climate Action Volunteer Group to set up a workplan for
the continued process. FEMA floodplain mapping will be publicly under review by the County on
May 10th at the County Commissioners meeting. There will be a six-month comment period.
Planner Braudrick notified the Commission that the Peninsula Section of the American Planning
Association would be holding an educational forum focused on transportation equity on April 15th.
Vice Chair Stanley gave further update on the kickoff meeting between Cascadia Consulting and
the Climate Action Volunteer Group.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 02AD491C-3DD5-4320-BEDD-A616BCE6BF06
Planning Commission Minutes
March 24, 2021
Page 3
Commissioner Luxton asked about his interest in municipal code changes related to housing that
he had provided Staff. Manager Bolin responded that code changes dealt with housing were
underway by the consultant Makers, and staff would work with the Chair and Director to find when
the suggested changes would be appropriate to review by the Planning Commission.
The meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary Andrew Schwab, Chair
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick, Secretary
DocuSign Envelope ID: 02AD491C-3DD5-4320-BEDD-A616BCE6BF06