HomeMy WebLinkAboutLTAC Agenda Packet 2020 11122020 MEETING AGENDA LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE VIRTUAL MEETING Click here to visit the City’s Virtual Meetings Page for access: https://www.cityofpa.us/984/Live-Virtual-Meetings 321 East Fifth Street November 12, 2020 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APROVAL OF MINUTES IV. PUBLIC COMMENT The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee desires to allow the opportunity for public comment. However, the business of the Committee must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes. V. ACTION/DISCUSSION ITEMS/OTHER BUSINESS 1. Discussion/Action Item: Make Recommendation for FY21 LTAX Budget Revisit the LTAC Goals and Priorities, responses to the “Intent to Apply” and LTAX numbers. Consider motion to recommend FY21 LTAX budget for Council’s approval. 2. Discussion/Action Item: Review and Approve Proposed 2021 LTAC Calendar Review proposed 2021 LTAC calendar, including meeting dates and RFP cycles for 2021/22 Lodging Tax Fund. Consider motion to approve. VI. STAFF UPDATES VII. COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDATES VIII. ADJOURNMENT LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 24, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Meeting Held Virtually MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair French called the meeting to order at 4:18 p.m. ROLL CALL Voting Members Present: Mike French, Donya Alward, Christine Loewe Non-Voting Members: Peter Stolinsky, Lisa Hilt, and David Mattern Members Absent: None Staff Present: Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey, Allyson Brekke, Sarina Carrizosa, Melody Schneider, and Ben Braudrick. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Alward made the motion and French seconded to: Approve the minutes from the February 2020 meeting. The Chair asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 3 -0. PUBLIC COMMENT Steve Methner provided an update on the Dream Playground project. Marsha Massey of the Olympic Peninsula Tourism bureau shared an update on tou rism efforts relative to ad campaigns. Catherine Copass spoke about efforts to build asphalt bicycle pump track at Ericson Playfield. Sean Coleman spoke about the lighting project at the BMX track. ACTION/ DISCUSSION ITEMS/ OTHER BUSINESS Marketing Update Director of Community and Economic Development Allyson Brekke provided an update on 2020 City of Port Angeles visitor marketing contracts and the associated efforts. Lodging Tax Funds Status Report Associate Planner Ben Braudrick spoke about 2020 events that had been cancelled due to the pandemic and reimbursement requests that have been paid or are pending. Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa shared a 2021 LTAC budget forecast and shared the Committee will likely have a challenge with prioritization due to funding limits which are 35% less than expected. 2021 Budget Setting and Lodging Tax Funding Recommendations The Committee expressed interest in allowing flexibility in awarded LTAX funds due to the unusual challenges associated with the pandemic. In addition, the Committee shared interest in having staff send out a request to gather information from organizations interested in applying for funding. The Committee expressed interest in asking Council to grant the Committee flexibility when appropriating Lodging Tax funding, waiving the percentages set by resolution. Committee discussion followed. Stolinsky made the motion and Loewe seconded to: Ask that Council allow the Committee flexibility in LTAX fund distribution previously set forth by Council resolution, for 2021 only. Motion passed 3-0. The committee tentatively set their next meeting for October 15, 2020. ADJOURNMENT Chair French adjourned the meeting at time 5:46 p.m. ___________________________ ___________________________ Mike French, Chair Kari Martinez-Bailey, Clerk LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Date: November 12, 2020 To: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee From: Ben Braudrick, Associate Planner Subject: Recommended FY21 LTAX Fund Budget Background / Analysis: At the September 24th meeting, the Director of Finance provided the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee with an estimated revenue and proposed budget for the FY2021 LTAX Fund in the amount of $452,300. After discussion, the LTAC voted in favor of directing staff to produce a release a notice of “Intent to Apply” form for prospective FY2021 LTAX grant recipients in order to better understand the need and desire of grant allocation type. They also recommended a recommendation to Council to request flexibility in the LTAX budget percentage allocations for one year only to better provide funding where it was needed due to the current COVID emergency. After review of previous LTAC actions, Staff clarified that the allocation percentages as proposed in the FY2021 LTAX Fund budget were derived from a 2019 LTAC budgeting decision, not Council action. Resolution 11-17 required allocation of 25% of the budget to capital facilities and 5% to capital reserves. No Council consideration of allocation is required. LTAC has the ability to flex all allocations outside those previously mentioned capital expense. The notice of Intent to Apply form was provided to all 2020 LTAX funding recipients and noticed on the City’s website. The application was posted on September 28th and responses were requested by end of business, October 2nd. Thirteen response were submitted, and one verbal response was given. Based on the responses received, staff recommends two RFP periods in order to provide more predictability for applicants as the year progresses. A summary of the responses and each individual response provided as “Attachment B” of this memo. Current Percentage Allocations in FY21: Below are tables organizing the proposed FY2021 LTAX Fund budget by the 2019 allocation amounts and compared to the information provided within the Notice of Intent to Apply responses. Figure 1 has these in percentage amounts and Figure 2 has the dollar amounts. The amount indicated in the Intent to Apply responses equals 76 percent of the total proposed FY21 LTAX budget. More detailed budget information can be found as “Attachment A” of this memo. Figure 1: Allocation by Percentage Allocation Type Budget Request Discrepancy Capital 25% 24% 1% Capital Reserve 5% 0% 5% Community Priority 5% 0% 5% Marketing 20% 8% 12% Operations 33% 32% 1% Events 12% 13% -1% Existing Reserve n/a n/a n/a Total 100% 76% 24% LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Figure 2: Allocation by Amount Allocation Type Budget Request Discrepancy Capital $ 113,075 $ 109,600 $ 3,475.00 Capital Reserve $ 22,615 $ - $ 22,615.00 Community Priority $ 22,615 $ - $ 22,615.00 Marketing $ 90,460 $ 36,000 $ 54,460.00 Operations $ 149,259 $ 144,000 $ 5,259.00 Events $ 54,276 $ 57,000 $ (2,724.00) Existing Reserve n/a n/a Total $ 452,300 $ 346,600 $105,700.00 Attachments: Attachment A: 2021 Lodging Tax Preliminary Budget Packet Attachment B: 2021 Notice of Intent to Apply Summary Chart and Individual Response LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Total 2021 projected revenues 455,500 Revenues available less 5% Capital Reserves 432,600 Expenditures Per Allocation: Capital 30%129,800 Master Plan priorities 5%21,600 Marketing 20%86,500 Operations *35%151,400 Events 10%43,300 Total 100%432,600 Total amount of reserves (estimated)188,270 Less 25% reserve balance, plus 5% for capital reserves 129,780 Total excess reserves available 58,490 * There are currently $136,700 in fixed operating costs for the Lodging Tax fund. These include administrative services, debt payments and transfers to Parks & Recreation. Budget Estimated Actual Revenue 702,300 347,400 Expenditures 952,700 707,535 Net Difference (250,400) (360,135) 2021 Lodging Tax Available Funds 2020 Lodging Tax Budget Expectations Attachment A LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 PREPARED 10/06/20 14:40:36 FINANCE EXPENDITURE BUDGET WORKSHEET PROGRAM GM601L PAGE 1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 BFINEXP 17 YEAR END 18 YEAR END LAST YEARS 2020 20 AMEND #2 2021 FINANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERIOD 12 PERIOD 12 ACTUALS YEAR TO DATE PROPOSED Lodging Excise Tax 101-1430-557.41-50 Professional/Contract Svc 442,417 581,485 551,344 237,309 790,200 295,900 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT AM02 OLYMPIC PENINSULA TOURISM COMMISSION 27,500 MARKETING 141,600 VISITORS CENTER 97,200 EVENT GRANTS 85,000 WAYFINDING - HERITAGE TOURISM SIGNAGE DESIGN 45,000 WAYFINDING - PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION 65,000 PER LTAC RESOLUTION 25% OF REVENUES RESERVED FOR CAPITAL FUNDS ESTIMATE FROM 2019 PROJECTS AND ANTICIPATED 2020 PROJECTS - LTAC/COUNCIL FINAL ACTION REQUIRED 7/29/19 AB REQUIRED REMAINING CAPITAL FUNDS (WAYFINDING & 10,700 BALL FIELDS PLACEHOLDER ALREADY IN BUDGET) $197,700 TOTAL ESTIMATED CAPITAL REQUIREMENT ADDITIONAL 5% OF REVENUE REMAINS IN RESERVES FOR FUTURE CAPITAL ($25,800) PER COUNCIL RESOL. ESTIMATED REMAINING FUNDING FOR DISTRIBUTION 73,300 8/15/2019 SC **BUDGET AMENDMENT #1** 3/18/20 MS LODGING TAX EXPENDITURE UPDATE 244,900 790,200 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 21FI CAPITAL - 30% OF REVENUE (EXCLUDES TRANSFER PARKS) 52,800 MARKETING - 20% OF REVENUE 86,500 EVENTS - 10% OF REVENUE 43,300 OPERATIONS - 35% (EXCLUDES COSTS IN OTHER LINES) 91,700 MASTER PLAN PRIORITIES - 5% OF REVENUE 21,600 USING COUNCIL DIRECTED PERCENTAGES - LTAC/COUNCIL FINAL ACTION REQUIRED 8/10/20 AB WAYFINDING NEEDS TO BE FORWARDED 5% OF REVENUE REMAINS IN RESERVES FOR FUTURE CAPITAL - PER COUNCIL RESOLUTION 8/17/2020 SC 295,900 101-1430-557.47-10 Utilities Expense 796 973 1,272 750 1,500 1,500 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT AM02 EV CHARGER FOR VISITORS 1,500 (THINK ABOUT PRIVATE MAINTENANCE IN 2020) 7/29/19 AB Attachment A LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 PREPARED 10/06/20 14:40:36 FINANCE EXPENDITURE BUDGET WORKSHEET PROGRAM GM601L PAGE 2 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 BFINEXP 17 YEAR END 18 YEAR END LAST YEARS 2020 20 AMEND #2 2021 FINANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERIOD 12 PERIOD 12 ACTUALS YEAR TO DATE PROPOSED 1,500 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 21FI EV CHARGER FOR VISITORS 1,500 (THINK ABOUT JOINT MAINTENANCE PLAN WITH PWORKS) 8/10/20 AB 1,500 101-1430-557.49-01 Dues/Subscript/Membshps 500 167 0 500 500 500 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT AM02 TOURISM ALLIANCE MEMBERSHIP 500 7/29/19 AB 500 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 21FI TOURISM ALLIANCE MEMBERSHIP 500 8/10/20 AB 500 101-1430-557.49-90 Miscellaneous Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 101-1430-557.50-83 Marketing Program Svcs 0 0 0 0 0 0 101-1430-557.52-10 Tourism Expenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 101-1430-557.99-10 Interdepartmental Billing 224 1,075 176 0 0 0 101-1430-594.65-10 Capital Projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 101-1430-597.59-91 Transfers/Capital 286,000 220,000 40,212 0 0 0 101-1430-597.59-92 Transfers/Debt Service 20,000 19,900 19,900 14,774 19,700 19,700 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT AM02 AS APPROVED BY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 21, 2006: TRANSFERS TO FUND THE LAUREL STREET SIDEWALK WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT. THE TRANSFERS ARE FOR 20 YEARS FOR DEBT SERVICE ON THE DOWNTOWN WATERMAIN/SIDEWALK PHASE III PW LOAN PW-04-691-055 THE TRANSFERS BEGIN IN 2007 AND END IN 2026: TO: 402-7380-397-1092 (WATER FUND) 19,699 7/17/19 JDJ PER DEBT SCHEDULE ROUNDED 1 7/29/19 AB 19,700 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 21FI AS APPROVED BY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 21, 2006: TRANSFERS TO FUND THE LAUREL STREET SIDEWALK WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT. THE TRANSFERS ARE Attachment A LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 PREPARED 10/06/20 14:40:36 FINANCE EXPENDITURE BUDGET WORKSHEET PROGRAM GM601L PAGE 3 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 BFINEXP 17 YEAR END 18 YEAR END LAST YEARS 2020 20 AMEND #2 2021 FINANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERIOD 12 PERIOD 12 ACTUALS YEAR TO DATE PROPOSED FOR 20 YEARS FOR DEBT SERVICE ON THE DOWNTOWN WATERMAIN/SIDEWALK PHASE III PW LOAN PW-04-691-055 THE TRANSFERS BEGIN IN 2007 AND END IN 2026: TO: 402-7380-397-1092 (WATER FUND) 19,604 6/24/20 TLM PER DEBT SCHEDULE ROUNDED 96 8/10/20 AB 19,700 101-1430-597.59-94 Transfers/Recurring 36,000 38,000 38,000 28,499 38,000 38,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT AM02 TO 4010-397-1094 ADMINISTRATION OF LODGING TAX 38,000 PER JUNE 2017 COUNCIL WORKSESSION INCREASE 7/29/19 AB 38,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 21FI TO 4010-397-1094 ADMINISTRATION OF LODGING TAX 38,000 PER JUNE 2017 COUNCIL WORKSESSION INCREASE NO CHANGE 8/10/20 AB 38,000 101-1430-597.59-96 Transfers/Parks & Rec 62,000 72,000 77,000 57,749 77,000 77,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT AM02 TO 001.8221.397.1096 FOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES 47,000 TO 001.8080.397.1096 FOR BALLFIELDS 30,000 NO CHANGE 7/29/19 AB 77,000 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 21FI TO 001.8221.397.1096 FOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES 47,000 TO 001.8080.397.1096 FOR BALLFIELDS 30,000 FINANCE TO ENTER IN FINAL NUMBERS 8/10/20 AB 77,000 101-1430-597.59-99 Transfers/Miscellaneous 8,000 600 0 0 0 0 * Lodging Excise Tax 855,937 934,200 727,904 339,581 926,900 432,600 ** Lodging Excise Tax 855,937 934,200 727,904 339,581 926,900 432,600 Attachment A LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 PREPARED 10/06/20 14:40:36 FINANCE EXPENDITURE BUDGET WORKSHEET PROGRAM GM601L PAGE 4 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 BFINEXP 17 YEAR END 18 YEAR END LAST YEARS 2020 20 AMEND #2 2021 FINANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERIOD 12 PERIOD 12 ACTUALS YEAR TO DATE PROPOSED 101-9998-508.95-99 Increase in Fund Balance 0 0 0 0 25,800 22,900 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT AM02 DESIGNATED FOR RESERVES PER COUNCIL REQUIREMENT 25,800 OF 5% FOR CAPITAL 10/1/2019 SC 25,800 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 21FI DESIGNATED FOR RESERVES PER COUNCIL REQUIREMENT 22,800 OF 5% FOR CAPITAL 8/17/2020 SC 8/10/20 AB INCREASE FUND BALANCE TO BALANCE BUDGET 100 9/16/2020 MS 22,900 * Non-departmental 0 0 0 0 25,800 22,900 ** Non-departmental 0 0 0 0 25,800 22,900 ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------ ------------ *** Lodging Excise Tax 855,937 934,200 727,904 339,581 952,700 455,500 Attachment A LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 PREPARED 10/06/20 14:40:36 FINANCE EXPENDITURE BUDGET WORKSHEET PROGRAM GM601L PAGE 5 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 BFINEXP 17 YEAR END 18 YEAR END LAST YEARS 2020 20 AMEND #2 2021 FINANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERIOD 12 PERIOD 12 ACTUALS YEAR TO DATE PROPOSED 855,937 934,200 727,904 339,581 952,700 455,500 Attachment A LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 PREPARED 10/06/20, 14:40:42 FINANCE REVENUE BUDGET WORKSHEET PROGRAM GM601L PAGE 1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 BFINREV 17 YEAR END 18 YEAR END LAST YEARS 2020 20 AMEND #2 2021 FINANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERIOD 12 PERIOD 12 ACTUALS YEAR TO DATE PROPOSED Lodging Excise Tax 101-1430-313.31-00 Hotel/Motel Sales Tax 731,842 829,223 803,417 224,106 702,300 452,300 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT AM02 2020 REVENUE FORECAST 702,300 8/7/2019 SC LTAC ACTION TO DETERMINE FINAL AMOUNT 7/29/19 AB 702,300 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 21FI LODGING TAX REVENUE 452,300 8/17/2020 SC 452,300 101-1430-361.11-00 Investment Interest 4,033 4,249 12,588 5,584 5,500 3,200 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT AM02 PER REVENUE FORECAST 7/19/19 JDJ 5,500 7/29/19 AB 5,500 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT 21FI PER REVENUE FORECAST 3,200 8/5/20 TLM 8/10/20 AB 3,200 101-1430-366.90-00 Interdepartmental Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 101-1430-366.95-11 Labor Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 0 101-1430-369.90-00 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 2,500 0 0 0 101-1430-397.10-99 Misc Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Lodging Excise Tax 735,875 833,472 818,505 229,690 707,800 455,500 ** Lodging Excise Tax 735,875 833,472 818,505 229,690 707,800 455,500 Attachment A LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 PREPARED 10/06/20, 14:40:42 FINANCE REVENUE BUDGET WORKSHEET PROGRAM GM601L PAGE 2 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 BFINREV 17 YEAR END 18 YEAR END LAST YEARS 2020 20 AMEND #2 2021 FINANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERIOD 12 PERIOD 12 ACTUALS YEAR TO DATE PROPOSED 101-9998-308.10-00 Reduction of Fund Balance 0 0 0 0 244,900 0 LEVEL TEXT TEXT AMT AM02 **BUDGET AMENDMENT #1** MS 3/30/20 USE OF RESERVES TO BALANCE THE BUDGET 244,900 244,900 * Non-departmental 0 0 0 0 244,900 0 ** Non-departmental 0 0 0 0 244,900 0 ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------ ------------ *** Lodging Excise Tax 735,875 833,472 818,505 229,690 952,700 455,500 Attachment A LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 PREPARED 10/06/20, 14:40:42 FINANCE REVENUE BUDGET WORKSHEET PROGRAM GM601L PAGE 3 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 BFINREV 17 YEAR END 18 YEAR END LAST YEARS 2020 20 AMEND #2 2021 FINANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERIOD 12 PERIOD 12 ACTUALS YEAR TO DATE PROPOSED 735,875 833,472 818,505 229,690 952,700 455,500 Attachment A LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Clal. Co January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD MTD % Change 2020 $32,556.07 $37,693.92 $40,679.21 $39,731.36 $6,289.26 $2,198.56 $43,110.81 $102,444.89 $160,075.87 $464,779.95 $464,779.95 -27.83% 2019 $21,055.74 $43,046.43 $37,244.32 $28,807.02 $63,079.64 $65,055.68 $93,931.88 $135,017.28 $156,745.60 $152,906.83 $131,121.09 $63,596.63 $991,608.14 $643,983.59 21.45% 2018 $20,039.32 $58,345.54 $25,978.70 $29,671.08 $49,322.91 $45,182.11 $73,573.25 $113,039.12 $115,085.98 $169,643.01 $173,853.16 $44,337.19 $918,071.37 $530,238.01 0.93% 2017 $19,737.28 $57,889.40 $26,236.56 $21,010.60 $39,746.00 $78,751.14 $78,136.72 $98,096.40 $105,764.40 $102,560.50 $114,945.08 $45,556.24 $788,430.32 $525,368.50 31.10% 2016 $13,263.38 $65,009.50 $17,598.01 $23,695.61 $25,665.70 $32,083.65 $45,697.55 $84,901.82 $92,816.54 $89,289.74 $105,454.70 $32,063.98 $627,540.18 $400,731.76 22.41% 2015 $18,498.56 $53,383.94 $11,472.80 $11,450.60 $22,313.46 $20,414.18 $37,880.30 $74,184.70 $77,758.62 $77,149.30 $93,570.32 $27,540.36 $525,617.14 $327,357.16 19.81% 2014 $11,771.08 $35,207.04 $11,804.76 $7,593.68 $15,679.20 $18,135.80 $32,462.00 $62,142.66 $78,442.28 $84,382.62 $95,224.36 $26,640.72 $479,486.20 $273,238.50 13.40% 2013 $8,197.68 $28,430.60 $11,414.88 $8,837.54 $15,355.98 $16,842.92 $28,559.78 $55,547.34 $67,754.74 $75,207.50 $83,948.76 $18,020.22 $418,117.94 $240,941.46 P.A.January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD MTD % Change 2020 $34,334.66 $30,426.63 $28,744.11 $31,752.03 $14,023.82 $5,387.68 $21,148.05 $37,748.92 $85,301.46 $288,867.36 $288,867.36 -43.11% 2019 $29,107.95 $31,261.66 $26,222.34 $22,065.27 $39,640.08 $48,157.01 $72,624.87 $96,293.39 $142,359.68 $144,375.36 $94,453.64 $52,463.96 $799,025.21 $507,732.25 3.62% 2018 $18,643.30 $30,612.54 $22,886.34 $24,066.14 $36,654.61 $47,586.77 $71,125.43 $94,107.25 $144,298.29 $142,047.88 $93,364.80 $43,459.70 $768,853.05 $489,980.67 9.68% 2017 $21,593.26 $26,565.78 $19,321.88 $24,119.06 $30,060.44 $41,111.18 $59,074.38 $89,816.42 $135,072.98 $137,473.32 $97,199.10 $50,434.30 $731,842.10 $446,735.38 -0.46% 2016 $22,540.80 $24,679.86 $40,770.18 $21,386.50 $34,065.92 $41,124.80 $58,782.14 $81,170.00 $124,299.26 $124,232.32 $93,031.74 $39,689.48 $705,773.00 $448,819.46 21.09% 2015 $16,653.42 $19,918.77 $14,892.19 $20,395.22 $25,115.84 $40,632.02 $52,646.16 $71,411.98 $108,977.36 $111,495.74 $75,321.88 $39,369.22 $596,829.80 $370,642.96 15.00% 2014 $19,230.84 $17,842.26 $16,970.75 $17,177.66 $25,267.30 $27,223.00 $42,532.48 $57,037.06 $99,010.60 $113,034.82 $68,014.86 $33,528.92 $536,870.55 $322,291.95 2.32% 2013 $20,170.80 $20,108.22 $12,775.48 $19,145.46 $26,910.30 $28,972.08 $42,924.74 $54,446.00 $89,538.10 $95,736.06 $63,027.30 $27,719.22 $501,473.76 $314,991.18 Sequim January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD MTD % Change 2020 $14,435.53 $16,706.72 $17,118.28 $15,188.08 $4,791.47 $15,904.01 $16,176.22 $24,528.28 $58,171.52 $183,020.11 $183,020.11 -29.61% 2019 $15,982.29 $14,533.37 $13,513.48 $13,753.99 $24,683.51 $25,005.68 $38,439.35 $45,097.27 $68,994.24 $63,544.40 $42,190.78 $34,093.55 $399,831.91 $260,003.18 4.85% 2018 $14,979.30 $14,306.04 $14,275.72 $16,544.24 $19,538.77 $25,626.37 $35,058.87 $41,486.18 $66,161.67 $83,245.17 $20,197.47 $26,663.96 $378,083.76 $247,977.16 10.60% 2017 $15,121.34 $14,273.08 $11,956.78 $14,553.62 $18,402.28 $23,241.58 $30,288.04 $37,489.36 $58,883.36 $59,745.86 $42,810.06 $22,808.58 $349,573.94 $224,209.44 11.97% 2016 $12,320.30 $11,062.18 $10,295.50 $13,785.16 $14,694.88 $20,566.52 $26,855.20 $36,098.82 $54,558.06 $54,962.02 $37,840.56 $19,486.14 $312,525.34 $200,236.62 10.58% 2015 $12,223.02 $8,997.22 $9,977.34 $12,747.28 $15,260.98 $18,731.34 $24,306.76 $30,020.78 $48,815.56 $48,365.04 $30,543.20 $18,946.94 $278,935.46 $181,080.28 20.37% 2014 $10,659.60 $7,762.24 $8,007.00 $9,270.66 $12,616.24 $14,969.88 $21,398.42 $23,294.38 $42,455.40 $45,955.44 $26,739.06 $15,725.32 $238,853.64 $150,433.82 1.89% 2013 $11,090.74 $8,671.75 $8,295.21 $11,525.14 $12,771.74 $13,547.48 $20,338.24 $22,042.68 $39,367.38 $38,729.80 $27,097.18 $15,295.86 $228,773.20 $147,650.36 Forks January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD MTD % Change 2020 $9,609.28 $7,984.88 $8,996.30 $8,947.36 $8,756.91 $648.59 $7,845.14 $17,587.44 $33,530.16 $103,906.06 $103,906.06 -36.69% 2019 $8,841.54 $6,178.36 $8,335.22 $11,118.42 $11,925.56 $16,154.91 $26,893.64 $33,349.29 $41,329.82 $42,993.27 $30,125.36 $16,484.04 $253,729.43 $164,126.76 17.36% 2018 $7,914.92 $7,290.66 $6,511.72 $9,384.98 $13,887.94 $11,590.67 $19,384.22 $26,460.48 $37,428.29 $31,991.26 $26,305.63 $13,359.95 $211,510.72 $139,853.88 13.92% 2017 $6,965.82 $6,271.14 $8,455.22 $7,215.28 $10,891.28 $11,614.02 $18,080.80 $23,388.14 $29,879.18 $30,043.92 $27,283.60 $12,806.26 $192,894.66 $122,760.88 16.41% 2016 $6,575.86 $4,898.52 $5,706.10 $8,351.92 $10,945.72 $10,646.16 $13,559.28 $20,214.66 $24,558.54 $30,176.72 $16,871.16 $17,082.96 $169,587.60 $105,456.76 15.68% 2015 $6,534.86 $5,148.50 $5,559.40 $6,994.62 $8,381.54 $9,081.26 $10,161.34 $15,510.16 $23,789.04 $29,235.40 $20,273.02 $10,446.24 $151,115.38 $91,160.72 5.10% 2014 $4,963.18 $6,876.88 $4,767.52 $6,791.86 $8,104.04 $8,075.02 $10,632.56 $13,505.82 $23,021.02 $24,611.16 $16,927.24 $8,337.28 $136,613.58 $86,737.90 0.21% 2013 $5,499.38 $7,714.16 $4,533.08 $6,500.22 $8,969.22 $6,416.14 $10,245.70 $14,207.34 $22,469.04 $23,215.88 $15,754.90 $7,729.62 $133,254.68 $86,554.28 Jeff. Co January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD MTD % Change 2020 $31,208.52 $33,263.68 $28,921.38 $28,566.17 $11,196.91 $533.76 $22,715.37 $41,591.37 $75,131.03 $273,128.19 $273,128.19 -32.18% 2019 $28,817.97 $40,024.49 $24,277.10 $21,724.70 $40,545.40 $42,349.77 $47,889.57 $69,624.83 $87,495.61 $59,893.26 $64,163.76 $41,780.75 $568,587.21 $402,749.44 11.28% 2018 $22,594.98 $45,060.38 $18,799.70 $23,064.24 $40,396.57 $35,892.03 $43,754.88 $64,217.70 $68,130.01 $64,462.13 $62,351.70 $45,163.84 $533,888.16 $361,910.49 7.35% 2017 $19,177.76 $52,819.70 $16,661.22 $20,633.70 $37,946.58 $31,161.52 $38,074.08 $64,460.32 $56,181.88 $58,058.42 $68,607.38 $32,423.26 $496,205.82 $337,116.76 11.02% 2016 $18,366.50 $50,911.43 $14,393.60 $18,348.78 $29,298.50 $29,333.88 $33,479.14 $56,188.52 $53,334.68 $59,800.36 $57,837.62 $25,904.24 $447,197.25 $303,655.03 20.36% 2015 $17,011.22 $36,086.78 $14,242.40 $14,983.04 $23,824.36 $25,021.90 $27,653.98 $48,796.64 $44,665.06 $49,122.12 $49,494.00 $25,149.24 $376,050.74 $252,285.38 19.48% 2014 $13,530.84 $30,316.36 $12,683.40 $12,399.06 $19,122.32 $18,759.16 $24,510.86 $37,504.38 $42,318.96 $43,628.44 $46,845.70 $33,825.30 $335,444.78 $211,145.34 6.42% 2013 $8,780.82 $38,212.94 $11,203.46 $11,365.22 $17,962.48 $16,439.20 $21,478.08 $33,105.60 $39,854.24 $41,705.60 $39,127.80 $15,476.88 $294,712.32 $198,402.04 Port T.January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD MTD % Change 2020 $32,168.38 $29,943.18 $25,007.02 $18,176.86 $12,145.41 $4,877.35 $10,074.67 $32,855.52 $40,203.86 $205,452.25 $205,452.25 -44.50% 2019 $31,064.06 $25,832.94 $26,895.65 $21,384.31 $34,548.20 $40,498.09 $47,394.37 $60,561.56 $82,013.38 $89,017.30 $61,722.25 $43,381.46 $564,313.57 $370,192.56 6.47% 2018 $28,204.18 $27,142.20 $21,658.80 $28,774.07 $31,927.59 $35,658.03 $43,446.89 $55,747.64 $75,133.29 $79,021.22 $65,074.84 $42,396.64 $534,185.39 $347,692.69 3.89% 2017 $29,274.20 $26,849.56 $18,613.82 $23,770.60 $30,209.64 $35,699.90 $40,149.94 $54,029.42 $76,065.76 $72,230.96 $61,921.74 $39,687.46 $508,503.00 $334,662.84 5.54% 2016 $21,856.56 $26,262.20 $22,215.10 $21,765.76 $33,626.90 $35,431.84 $41,061.44 $52,450.84 $62,436.86 $64,688.96 $62,230.28 $30,911.64 $474,938.38 $317,107.50 6.96% 2015 $21,452.72 $20,000.48 $16,992.86 $34,899.20 $26,768.04 $27,612.58 $33,825.32 $48,143.06 $66,770.66 $62,099.52 $50,745.46 $34,548.38 $443,858.28 $296,464.92 30.51% 2014 $18,038.90 $20,248.36 $14,390.74 $16,016.08 $21,515.20 $22,217.46 $23,867.80 $29,349.46 $61,522.60 $56,190.04 $49,312.56 $29,491.08 $362,160.28 $227,166.60 -4.13% 2013 $18,381.52 $18,058.82 $14,376.70 $15,367.80 $23,994.98 $19,417.10 $28,428.76 $44,789.95 $54,148.30 $54,589.32 $51,506.48 $23,621.22 $366,680.95 $236,963.93 GHC January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD MTD % Change 2020 $107,691.21 $111,676.01 $98,994.00 $100,371.96 $40,635.18 $21,656.17 $152,778.09 $206,945.35 $334,312.32 $1,175,060.29 $1,175,060.29 -14.83% 2019 $102,909.29 $114,433.41 $96,832.56 $87,023.39 $126,354.51 $156,435.02 $153,527.59 $220,231.99 $321,894.62 $352,375.57 $203,314.40 $113,788.10 $2,049,120.45 $1,379,642.38 14.09% 2018 $82,274.94 $110,148.38 $86,566.46 $79,859.81 $109,534.12 $137,838.11 $128,984.49 $197,123.24 $276,957.80 $310,206.72 $202,243.41 $82,665.22 $1,804,402.70 $1,209,287.35 7.54% 2017 $83,177.67 $112,472.81 $79,383.47 $79,146.08 $93,415.31 $137,343.53 $120,308.75 $171,347.46 $247,909.84 $283,083.61 $209,366.60 $108,503.98 $1,725,459.11 $1,124,504.92 5.95% 2016 $72,700.99 $109,146.10 $79,971.70 $73,975.67 $90,262.30 $116,530.92 $109,066.15 $170,159.26 $239,502.23 $251,072.05 $190,312.09 $93,602.80 $1,596,302.26 $1,061,315.32 9.81% 2015 $64,545.53 $96,898.34 $83,517.49 $74,567.64 $91,975.21 $100,509.64 $100,660.36 $142,865.53 $210,962.91 $236,114.42 $164,002.30 $84,702.37 $1,451,321.74 $966,502.65 23.95% 2014 $52,828.60 $86,510.79 $61,584.62 $55,177.41 $69,184.77 $85,905.48 $83,277.94 $114,259.17 $170,992.67 $200,494.61 $144,525.17 $73,842.07 $1,198,583.30 $779,721.45 6.56% 2013 $50,150.29 $69,437.41 $56,763.76 $47,502.41 $61,451.58 $101,640.41 $66,491.58 $129,025.36 $149,226.76 $170,194.08 $118,612.48 $61,767.97 $1,082,264.09 $731,689.56 September 2020 Room Tax Report* *Winter snowstorm January 13, 2020 - January 18, 2020 *Business and travel restrictions due to Covid-19 outbreak March - May 2020 Figures are acquired from the Dept. of Revenue (www.dor.wa.gov) and are two months behind. Figures are the total of both "State Shared Hotel/Motel" and "Additional Local Hotel/Motel" taxes combined. Percentage is the amount changed from one year (month to date) to the next (month to date). Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor, and Mason County figures refer to all lodgings within county borders excluding the major towns already listed. Clallam County figures experienced lower than predicted growth due to three specific lodgings that changed ownership in 2015. Attachment A LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 M. Co January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD MTD % Change 2020 $31,314.22 $32,150.44 $30,791.06 $31,993.26 $12,187.26 $4,516.34 $30,770.14 $61,326.82 $82,275.33 $317,324.87 $317,324.87 -19.08% 2019 $30,095.47 $46,595.52 $24,616.02 $24,443.49 $36,924.43 $38,702.51 $47,304.43 $61,277.03 $82,197.42 $83,452.47 $50,981.86 $35,411.70 $562,002.35 $392,156.32 25.62% 2018 $19,030.90 $50,294.72 $16,998.28 $18,402.06 $29,843.96 $29,951.42 $35,749.74 $50,591.09 $61,325.21 $64,961.27 $68,876.48 $29,646.15 $475,671.28 $312,187.38 15.87% 2017 $15,420.46 $47,592.24 $15,385.16 $19,868.54 $22,837.26 $24,647.22 $27,315.00 $41,386.28 $54,988.44 $53,916.36 $46,572.74 $21,414.84 $391,344.54 $269,440.60 3.21% 2016 $24,818.36 $46,063.39 $13,115.38 $16,701.38 $22,100.68 $22,095.28 $25,022.74 $42,973.50 $48,172.94 $49,750.48 $41,043.10 $21,242.46 $373,099.69 $261,063.65 15.74% 2015 $13,126.58 $43,614.66 $14,206.64 $11,992.52 $25,323.62 $17,448.70 $21,007.98 $39,511.70 $39,319.62 $48,552.72 $41,499.56 $20,160.36 $335,764.66 $225,552.02 10.28% 2014 $13,825.60 $38,558.08 $11,829.48 $10,738.64 $16,608.54 $16,498.68 $19,479.94 $36,813.32 $40,167.80 $46,290.50 $37,869.76 $6,744.82 $295,425.16 $204,520.08 12.19% 2013 $12,145.98 $28,611.29 $9,726.18 $12,336.14 $15,470.96 $13,954.10 $20,490.12 $31,059.88 $38,506.32 $44,433.88 $37,028.16 $15,930.64 $279,693.65 $182,300.97 Shelton January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD MTD % Change 2020 $3,579.84 $2,937.72 $2,817.24 NA $1,877.78 $3,115.18 $3,446.58 $4,007.32 $4,361.12 $26,142.78 $26,142.78 -27.35% 2019 $3,549.69 $3,176.13 $3,680.30 $3,468.74 $2,158.72 $5,113.21 $4,313.81 $4,940.31 $5,584.00 $5,682.24 $5,100.66 $4,091.58 $50,859.39 $35,984.91 20.50% 2018 $2,446.48 $2,526.80 $2,095.86 $2,430.56 $3,971.49 $3,401.39 $3,807.18 $4,156.45 $5,025.72 $6,109.92 $4,660.20 $3,866.84 $44,498.89 $29,861.93 -17.65% 2017 $3,597.32 $3,699.68 NA $3,560.56 $4,727.04 $4,085.90 $4,707.54 $4,934.98 $6,950.62 $5,984.72 $4,890.66 $3,007.16 $50,146.18 $36,263.64 12.55% 2016 $3,454.04 $4,555.12 $2,804.10 $3,003.04 $3,834.14 $4,474.58 NA $4,677.66 $5,417.56 $5,117.98 $5,824.88 $4,195.54 $47,358.64 $32,220.24 6.07% 2015 $2,745.02 $3,321.68 $2,660.12 $2,784.52 $2,628.02 $2,917.88 $3,915.84 $4,684.30 $4,719.40 $5,285.28 NA $3,775.94 $39,438.00 $30,376.78 14.15% 2014 $2,439.70 $2,417.54 $1,786.76 $2,218.60 $2,543.08 $2,513.64 $3,622.98 $3,657.90 $5,410.22 $5,411.08 $4,426.26 $3,638.78 $40,086.54 $26,610.42 -2.53% 2013 $2,418.98 $3,287.62 $2,087.28 $2,183.64 $2,685.88 $3,086.30 $3,248.16 $3,768.98 $4,533.28 $5,066.10 $4,360.18 $3,196.26 $39,922.66 $27,300.12 Figures are acquired from the Dept. of Revenue (www.dor.wa.gov) and are two months behind. Figures are the total of both "State Shared Hotel/Motel" and "Additional Local Hotel/Motel" taxes combined. Percentage is the amount changed from one year (month to date) to the next (month to date). Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor, and Mason County figures refer to all lodgings within county borders excluding the major towns already listed. Clallam County figures experienced lower than predicted growth due to three specific lodgings that changed ownership in 2015. Attachment A LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Tourism MarketingOperation - Tourism PromotionOperation - Tourism Related FacilityOperation of Facility - City OwnedEvent/sOlympic Peninsula Tourism Commission X X X 28,000.00$ Olympic Culinary Loop X 2,000.00$ Port Angeles Arts Council X 3,000.00$ Port Angeles Fine Arts Center X X X X X 10,000.00$ Dream Playground Foundation X X 50,000.00$ Feiro Marine Life Center X X 10,000.00$ Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club X X 30,000.00$ Port Angeles Waterfront Center X X 100,000.00$ Erikson Park Pump Track X X 50,000.00$ Lincoln Park BMX Association X X 5,600.00$ The Dungeness Crab and Seafood Festival X X 15,000.00$ Heroes Inc X X 10,000.00$ Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts X X 15,000.00$ Peninsula Adventure Sports X X 7,500.00$ Port Angeles Marathon Assocation X X 10,000.00$ Extereme Sports Park LLC Ndub Productions Olympic Culinary Loop Parks & Recreation Department Port Angeles Downtown Association Stormking Crossfit Summertide Solstace Festival of the Arts The Big Squatch LLC The Story People of Clallam County 346,100.00$ 100% 109,600.00$ 32% 144,000.00$ 42% 36,000.00$ 10% 57,500.00$ 17% Initial Intended 2021 Request Reponse 2021 LTAX Fund Notice of Intent To Apply Reponses Type of Funding Organization Awarded Funding in 2020 Intent of Apply Received Request Collaborative Destination Marketing Campaigns Marketing new tours: $3000 Sculpture Park improvements: $4000 Operating support: $3000 Reconstuction of Playground (requested $100,000 in 2020, received $50,000) Marketing, Advertising, Staff time to support Guests Partner with Blackball to provide mass transit to Hurricane Ridge Research of other conference venues to develop better construction operations Request contingent on RCO Grant Approval Cost of track surfacing additive for seasonal and annual longevity in wet season Funding of Event Marketing and Operations Capital Operations Marketing Events Sponsorship may be lower due to contining pandemic Notes Spoke with Bob Stokes. Did not fulfill 2020 work. No request for reimbursement made. Tech and Live Stream in Local Hotel Partners 4 Events Fully Operating on lower caps, 2 other events in planning phase 2 Events Fully Operating on lower caps Peninsula-wide promotion, creation and printing of a culinary-focused map Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 City of Port Angeles 2021 LTAX Notice of Intent to Apply Form Page 1 BBackground: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission͘WůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚƚŚĞĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĨŽƌŵƚŽĞŶƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬĂƚďďƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬΛĐŝƚLJŽĨƉĂ͘ƵƐ͘ Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ܆ Tourism Promotion/Marketing ܆ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ܆ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ܆ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ܆ Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or expended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding for? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your business? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Dream Playground Foundation 50000 ✔ ✔ ✔ Reconstruction of the Port Angeles Dream Playground at Erickson Playfields in Port Angeles We were awarded 2020 funds, but the community volunteer-build model we are operating under would have been impossible under COVID safety guidelines, so we have delayed our projected build until June 2021. Yes. Full funding, and possibly a bit more than budgeted due to inflation in material costs, will be necessary. Our projected budget is $520,000. The rebuild may be delayed much longer, and no playground facility, which is heavily used by families visiting the National Park and Port Angeles, will not be available. Demolition is scheduled for winter 2020 or early spring 2021, and this is highly likely to occur due to accelerating aging and other factors. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 City of Port Angeles 2021 LTAX Notice of Intent to Apply Form Page 1 BBackground: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission͘WůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚƚŚĞĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĨŽƌŵƚŽĞŶƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬĂƚďďƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬΛĐŝƚLJŽĨƉĂ͘ƵƐ͘ Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ܆ Tourism Promotion/Marketing ܆ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ܆ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ܆ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ܆ Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or expended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding for? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your business? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Dungeness Crab & Seafood Festival 15,000 ✔ Marketing the Festival. We need to reach out to our audience, especially the out of area tourists. We have used our 2020 funds. Assuming the world is ok, we will be back. The Crab Festival is a very expensive event, it primary revenue comes from crab dinners, food and beverages, so we are basically a restaurant with a low margin and always dealing with the prices of fresh seafood. And the Festival itself has free admission. We anticipate that sponsorships may be lower and we do not know what COVID limitations there might be, so LTAC funding is essential to filling up the lodging as we do every year. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 City of Port Angeles 2021 LTAX Notice of Intent to Apply Form Page 1 BBackground: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission͘WůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚƚŚĞĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĨŽƌŵƚŽĞŶƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬĂƚďďƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬΛĐŝƚLJŽĨƉĂ͘ƵƐ͘ Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ܆ Tourism Promotion/Marketing ܆ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ܆ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ܆ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ܆ Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or expended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding for? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your business? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Feiro Marine life Center 10,000 ✔ Marketing and advertising, Staff time to support guest experiences We were not able to be reimbursed for Staff/Volunteer Training and Open Houses for Regional Hotel Staff, due to COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings. Our full operations are dependent on when restrictions on gatherings are reduced or eliminated. We currently are open by appointment three days a week. Our goal is to open to walk-in business at least five days a week by Memorial Day, 2021. In order to accomplish this, we would need funding support for marketing and advertising, and for Guest Services staff to be open to guests. The current COVID-19 guidance impedes our ability to raise sufficient funds through earned revenue to fund our required expenses. Without funds to offset our operating costs, we will not be able to be open to the public in a manner that supports positive tourism experiences on the Peninsula. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 City of Port Angeles 2021 LTAX Notice of Intent to Apply Form Page 1 BBackground: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission͘WůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚƚŚĞĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĨŽƌŵƚŽĞŶƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬĂƚďďƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬΛĐŝƚLJŽĨƉĂ͘ƵƐ͘ Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ܆ Tourism Promotion/Marketing ܆ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ܆ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ܆ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ܆ Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or expended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding for? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your business? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Field Arts & Events Hall 100,000.00 ✔ Field Hall plans intends to engage a well-established regional state-of-the-art performance and conference venue to exchange, transfer, or co-develop the requisite intellectual property, plans, policies,and management systems needed to establish and perfect building and programming operations well prior to completion. 2020 funds will be fully expended and submitted for full reimbursement within the current period of performance. The Field Hall organization is and has been operating while the building is under construction. The work for which 2021 LTAC funds are being requested (to purchase the exchange, transfer, or co-development of necessary IP, plans, policies, and systems) would take place and be completed in 2021. Developing such systems from scratch is costly, time-consuming, and prone to trial and error, especially given the technical nature of the building, a new staff, and the immediate volume of program activity anticipated. A cooperative services agreement with a regional partner used to help us establish operations, maintenance, programming, marketing, ticketing, and management systems is a very valuable and cost-effective alternative. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 DRAFT 2021 Port Angeles Rams Annual Budget Summary Projected Expenses Name Expenses Operating Business (Office and Personnel)5,065$ Operating Event (Non-ROW and Utility)8,875$ ROW and Utility Requirements n/a Event SWAG 5,260$ Marketing 10,000$ Local Marketing $6,000 Beyond 50 miles Marketing $2,000 Website Marketing $2,000 Legal Expenses 1,500$ Insurance 1,605$ Charitable Contributions 600$ Total 32,905$ Request total:10,000$ Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12        # &. !%#9:%% )'$ #* %%$!%% $&$$%9797 &%$ #%&##%&%!#% $ #9798/ ##% %%#$$$$%&##%%9798  #$% #% &#$#%- !#% $-'%%% %%$% #"&$%  % %%% !!* #9798 )&/$($$$%% %%%*$%%%# &#$%&##% % !# #%$(#$$$%$ $%/ #% $. $ &%% ( # !%*$&%*/* &# #+% $ #%  !#% -%*- #'%% %$%!!# !#%$%  (/%&%$#"&#%  &* &#$&$$ ͘WůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚƚŚĞĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĨŽƌŵƚŽĞŶƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬĂƚďďƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬΛĐŝƚLJŽĨƉĂ͘ƵƐ͘ #+% 0* . %% 0"&$%.6 *!  #+% 3$#'% #$%%!!*% %$!!% 4. ܆  &#$ #  % 0 #% ܆ !#%   &#$ #  % * ܆ !#%   &#$1%%* ( # !#% # 1!# % #+%  ܆ !#% 0 #!% $%$  &#$1%%* (*&!%* ܆ '% #  #&$% $2 $$$&%$! $$ %(* &# #+% #"&$%& #, * &(#(#9797&$-(#* &% #&#$&*, %-!$$%%(*(%($ % !&#$ #)!%%($&%$ %#%/ #* &!  !#%&*9798, %-(%( &* &#"&$%& #, &$ %'-(%#% $"&$ #* &#&$$$,               Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club 30,000 ✔ We will again be requesting funding for winter weekend shuttle service to Hurricane Ridge in partnership with Black Ball. Approximate cost for expanded services $15,000 pending formal bid from Black Ball ($12,950 costs last year). For operation assistance of the Hurricane Ridge Ski and Snowboard we will request $15,000. Yes, we were reimbursed fully for our 2020, $27,950 with $12,950 for the Shuttle and $15,000 for HRWSC operations Yes, we have a COVID Plan approved by the Clallam County Health Dept. and the National Park Service and plan to operate for the winter season, 2020-2021. We are seeing increased interest in Indy Pass sales and specifically interest in Hurricane Ridge visits. With decreased indoor winter activity options, we anticipate increased interest in tubing, skiing and snowboarding. The Shuttle project with Black Ball is dependent on LTAX money and we won't operate the Shuttle without funding. For HRWSC, we depend on local support to operate our winter tourism activity. In addition to losing out on two weeks of operations last spring our typical fundraising activities have been limited due to COVID. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 City of Port Angeles 2021 LTAX Notice of Intent to Apply Form Page 1 Background: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission. Please submit the completed form to Ben Braudrick at bbraudrick@cityofpa.us. Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ☐Tourism Promotion/Marketing ☐Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ☐Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ☐Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ☐Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or e xpended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding f or? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your bus iness? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Juan de Fuca Foundation for the Arts 15,000 JFFA will be requesting funding for the 2021 Juan de Fuca Festival to be held over Memorial Day weekend, May 28-31, 2021. Funds would be used to cover tech and production costs to livestream our event and partner with local hotel & restaurant partners (Red Lion, 7 Cedars, etc), making the livestream available to their guests and patrons. Shuttle service will also be provided to and from the festival for guests. Yes, JFFA was able to be fully reimbursed for our 2020 funding. Of the $13,000 almost $6,000 was spent on festival expenses (although the festival ended up being cancelled) and the rest was reassigned to website redesign and rebranding. We are still waiting for our final reimbursement to arrive, but the report has been submitted and receipt confirmed. JFFA is in the early planning stages of 2021 Juan de Fuca Festival and will be requesting funds for this event. As stated above, the event will take place over Memorial Day weekend (May 28-31, 2021) and will likely be a hybrid event, offering both virtual in in-person access. Of course, this is dependent on what phase of reopening both Washington State and Clallam County are in at that time. Regardless, the festival will happen in some capacity. If funding is not available, JFFA will likely have to alter our event in some way. This could mean shortening the duration, decreasing the number of artists we present, and/or fundraising in other ways to make up for the loss. The organization itself, Juan de Fuca Foundation for the Arts, will continue to pursure ways to fund this festival as it is our committment to the community to offer this event. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 2021 Juan de Fuca Festival Budget DRAFT- 10.05.2020 REVENUE Concessions 7,000.00$ Merchandise 4,500.00$ Workshops 3,500.00$ Street Fair Fees 8,000.00$ Ticket Sales 25,000.00$ Sponsorships 30,000.00$ Grants 20,000.00$ Total Revenue 98,000.00$ EXPENSE Artist Fee 30,000.00$ Artist Accomodations 1,000.00$ Concession 1,500.00$ Contract Labor Volunteer Coordinator 1,000.00$ Street Fair Coordinator 2,000.00$ Security (Street Fair)500.00$ Garbage 300.00$ Community Tent Coordinator 200.00$ Total Contract Labor 4,000.00$ Marketing Social Media Campaign 2,000.00$ Local Ads 2,000.00$ Out of Area Ads- Beyond 50 m.4,000.00$ Crew/Tech 7,000.00$ Décor/Equipment 1,500.00$ Backline Rental 1,500.00$ Hospitality (Food for Artists)1,500.00$ Merchandise 2,750.00$ Workshop Artist Fees 2,250.00$ Venue (ROW, Permits, Venue Rental)5,000.00$ Wristbands 200.00$ Total Expense 112,350.00$ Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 City of Port Angeles 2021 LTAX Notice of Intent to Apply Form Page 1 BBackground: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission͘WůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚƚŚĞĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĨŽƌŵƚŽĞŶƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬĂƚďďƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬΛĐŝƚLJŽĨƉĂ͘ƵƐ͘ Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ܆ Tourism Promotion/Marketing ܆ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ܆ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ܆ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ܆ Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or expended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding for? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your business? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Lincoln Park BMX Association 5,600.00 ✔ This year with being shut down in the summer, we started looking at ways to make the surface last longer. We bought some acrylic copolymer (glue) to add the the surface. It looks like it will allow us to run on the track surface later into the year now and with the lights, daylight is not an issue. Cost of the glue is $5,610.00. We were awarded 2020 funds, and had our project done before COVID shut everything down. We are currently running with COVID protocals, so yes we will be running in 2021. As for our larger races, I feel we can do them with the protocals we have in place, but will be determined by the County and City. If funding isnt available, we would either not run longer into the wet season or find another alternate funding source. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12         !"#"# $ % % & ! !"#"##'()*+#,(##- TOTAL Income Bike Tubes 16.03 Donations 19,560.56 Grant Reimbursements 69,967.07 Merchandise 0.00 Bike Sales 245.00 Track Apparel 80.43 TTotal Merchandise 3325.43 PayPal Sales 5.50 Practice Fees 4,708.66 Pump Track Fund Income 1,000.00 Snack Shack 1,039.52 TTotal Income $$96,622.77 GROSS PROFIT $$96,622.77 Expenses Accounting Fees 630.00 Advertising & Marketing 1,239.48 Bank Charges & Fees 3.31 Charitable Contributions 1,000.00 COVID-19 Expenses 2,657.72 Insurance 1,295.00 Job Supplies 2,103.05 Mailing and Shipping Expenses 10.44 Meals & Entertainment 72.43 Office Supplies & Software 1,409.29 PayPal Fees 0.46 Pump Track Costs 3,000.00 Rent & Lease 1,085.00 Repairs & Maintenance 1,013.11 Shed Bikes 5,473.98 Snack Shack Supplies 1,128.69 Track Redesign 61,359.97 Trophies 3,430.50 Uncategorized Expense 180.16 USA BMX Payment 55.00 BMX USA Practice Fees 829.00 USABMX Registration Payment 530.00 TTotal USA BMX Payment 11,414.00 TTotal Expenses $$88,506.59 NET OPERATING INCOME $$8,116.18 Other Income Interest Income 10.38 TTotal Other Income $$10.38 NET OTHER INCOME $$10.38 NET INCOME $$8,126.56 Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 City of Port Angeles 2021 LTAX Notice of Intent to Apply Form Page 1 BBackground: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission͘WůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚƚŚĞĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĨŽƌŵƚŽĞŶƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬĂƚďďƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬΛĐŝƚLJŽĨƉĂ͘ƵƐ͘ Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ܆ Tourism Promotion/Marketing ܆ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ܆ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ܆ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ܆ Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or expended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding for? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your business? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Olympic Culinary Loop 2,000 ✔ Continued promotion of the entire Olympic Peninsula as a delicious destination for culinary tourism. Printed lure map is distributed year-round through Certified Folder, website, digitally downloaded full-map and monthly "Fresh Sheet" eNews reach over 10,000 hungry "taste tourists" each month. N/A Yes Reduced ability to collaboratively market Port Angeles as a delicious destination located around the Olympic Culinary Loop. This reduces earned media from regional campaigns such as Eat Local First Olympic Peninsula, and Northwest Travel & Life "Food Traveler", as well as local campaigns associated with annual Lavender Experience (July) and Dungeness Crab & Seafood Festival (October) Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 City of Port Angeles 2021 LTAX Notice of Intent to Apply Form Page 1 BBackground: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission͘WůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚƚŚĞĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĨŽƌŵƚŽĞŶƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬĂƚďďƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬΛĐŝƚLJŽĨƉĂ͘ƵƐ͘ Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ܆ Tourism Promotion/Marketing ܆ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ܆ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ܆ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ܆ Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or expended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding for? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your business? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commissio 28,000 ✔ ✔ The Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission (OPTC) is requesting Port Angeles LTAC funds for continued collaborative marketing of the Olympic Peninsula destination to key target audiences, with the goal of growing visitation and overnight stays to the Olympic Peninsula, including Port Angeles. Marketing efforts include co-op advertising, management of OlympicPeninsula.org, and production and distribution of the OP Travel Planner. OPTC was awarded $28,000 from the Port Angeles LTAC for 2020 for joint marketing efforts, including advertising, brochures, consumer fulfillment, maintaining destination website, destination communications and social media, etc. Funds are paid monthly on a reimbursement basis and will be fully expended by year end. The OPTC expects to operate fully in 2021, focusing marketing efforts on COVID-19 recovery and rebuilding desire and demand for the Olympic Peninsula destination. Destination marketing plans include spring and fall marketing campaigns, co-op ad programs, destination website management, consumer fulfillment, etc. The City of Port Angeles is a key funding partner of OPTC. Any reduction in annual funding will reduce OPTC's overall abilities to market the Olympic Peninsula as a preferred travel destination to state, regional, national and international travelers. It could jeopardize potential joint marketing opportunities for City of Port Angeles. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 10/2/20202:36 PM OPTC 2021 BUDGET - DRAFT - Version 2 PRELIMINARY - FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 AB C D L M N P Q R OPTC 2021 BUDGET Preliminary Draft 2 *For Discussion Only* Updated: V2-10.2.20 AAPPROVED ADJUSTED DRAFT Budget 2020 Rev: 7/1/2020 % of 2020 BBUDGET 2021 % of 2021 2021 Notes INCOME Earned revenues Bank Interest Tourism Summit 22,000.00$ Initial thots on Summit? TP Inserts 18,000.00$ 14,000.00$ 12,000.00 Visitor Center Mailing 2,300.00$ 1,900.00$ 2,000.00 42,300.00$ 15,900.00$ 14,000.00 Partner Income "Assumes status quo" Clallam Bay/Sekiu Chamber 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 11.4%0.0%future status unknown Forks Chamber of Commerce 11,000.00$ 11,000.00$ 66.1% 11,000.00 66.2% Grays Harbor Tourism 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 55.6% 15,000.00 88.5% include LQ Innkeepers? Jefferson County TCC 30,000.00$ 30,000.00$ 116.7% 30,000.00 116.9% Lake Quinault InnKeepers 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 22.8%0.0% combine with GH Tourism? Neah Bay / Makah Tribe 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 22.8% 5,000.00 22.8% uncertain Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureau 50,000.00$ 51,000.00$ 227.9% 50,000.00 228.2% Port Angeles, City of (LTAC)28,000.00$ 28,000.00$ 115.6% 28,000.00 115.8% Port Townsend (JeffCo Chamber)18,000.00$ 18,000.00$ 110.0% 18,000.00 110.2% Sequim, City of (LTAC)15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ 88.4% 15,000.00 88.5% requested in annual budget Mason County (LTAC)5,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 22.8% 5,000.00 22.8% 179,500.00$ 179,500.00$ 177,000.00 Other Income CoOps Victoria 3,500.00$ 5,000.00 OPVB - assumes border opens GeoTour Instagram Campaign Print CoOps Coho Magazine 5,000.00$ 3,900.00$ 2020 mag to distribute in '21 I5 - Fall / Spring 40,000.00$ 40,000.00$ 40,000.00 OPVB/TCC @ $15K ea (tent)+coop Other CoOp 8,000.00$ 8,000.00$ Multiple co-op partners Scenic ByWay 5,200.00$ 5,200.00$ 5,200.00 Multiple co-op partners Video & Content CoOp WA State Visitor Guide 10,500.00$ 10,500.00$ 10,500.00 Multiple co-op partners 72,200.00$ 67,600.00$ 60,700.00 Total Income 294,000.00$ 263,000.00$ 251,700.00 Carry Forward Projects Branding Wesite Redesign Undesignated 30,000.00$ 30,000.00 Carry forward from 2020-EST TOTAL AVAILABLE 324,000.00$ 263,000.00$ 281,700.00 Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 10/2/20202:36 PM OPTC 2021 BUDGET - DRAFT - Version 2 PRELIMINARY - FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 1 AB C D L M N P Q R OPTC 2021 BUDGET 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 EXPENSES % Expenses Administrative 990 Tax Return 300.00$ 300.00$ 300.00 Administration 31,950.00$ 31,950.00$ 31,950.00 Annual Report 500.00$ 500.00$ 500.00 Contract Work 1,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 7,000.00 spring campaign Conference Calls 200.00$ 200.00$ Toll Free on demand, as needed Meetings 1,200.00$ 500.00$ 500.00 Volunteer Recognition 500.00$ Total 35,650.00$ 38,450.00$ 111.0% 40,250.00 114.3% CoOp Campaigns CohoMagazine 66,750.00$ 6,750.00$ 2020 Mag to be distributed in 2021 I5 Corridor-Fall 30,000.00$ 30,000.00$ 32,500.00 includes co-op bus ads or similar I5 Corridor-Spring 20,000.00$ 10,500.00$ 32,500.00 anticipate bounceback campg Other CoOp / Print 33,000.00$ 3,000.00$$ Scenic ByWay Guide 11,500.00$ 11,500.00$ 11,500.00 assumes 4 co-op partners Victoria CoOp 7,000.00$ 10,000.00 Assumes border opening WA State Visitor Guide 114,250.00$ 14,250.00$$ 14,600.00 inc design. Holding '20 pricing 92,500.00$ 76,000.00$ 228.6% 101,100.00 336.0% Industry Participation Tourism Victoria-Membership 650.00$ 650.00$ 650.00 Visit Seattle Membership WTA Membership 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 2,500.00 19 transisiton year/'20 annual $2500 3,150.00$ 3,150.00$ 11.0% 3,150.00 11.1% Other Marketing Other Trade Shows 900.00$ Any in 2021?? Covid Recovery Campaign 15,000.00$ see above / spring campaign Digital Marketing 5,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 12,000.00 1K per month baseline + camp Fam Tours / International Mktg 6,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 3,000.00 tbd Fam Tours / Media 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 2,000.00 anticipate uptick in focus GeoTour 4,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 1,500.00 Licence renews 1/22 ($2500) Go Washington 1,200.00$ 1,200.00$ 1,200.00 Bills in fall International Mktg Opportunities 7,000.00$ 2,500.00$ 5,000.00 VS Intl Planner + Visit USA Parks ONP Seasonal Training 100.00$ 100.00 Lead Generating Advertising Travel 50 & Beyond 5,500.00$ 1,328.00$ ceased operation 4/20 Travel Guides Free 8,000.00$ 9,240.00$ 8,000.00 Travelinformation Included in Travel Guides Free RV Park Brochure 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00 Carry forward from 2020? Social Media 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 5,000.00 Dig'l Mktg Campg w/PoS Travel Plus Words Conference 1,200.00$ cut 1-14-19. 2020?? Video and Content Creation 10,000.00$ 7,500.00$ 3,000.00 56,900.00$ 61,768.00$ 117.6% 42,800.00 115.2% Media & Public Relations PR / Media Contractor 7,000.00$ 7,000.00$ 7,000.00 Need to ID replacement Constant Contact Service 3,100.00$ 3,500.00$ 3,500.00 Constant Contact Updates 300.00$ 300.00$ 300.00 Photo Purchase 750.00$ 750.00$ 750.00 Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 10/2/20202:36 PM OPTC 2021 BUDGET - DRAFT - Version 2 PRELIMINARY - FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 1 AB C D L M N P Q R OPTC 2021 BUDGET 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 11,150.00$ 11,550.00$ 33.4% 11,550.00 44.1% Opportunity Funds 11,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 0.3% 1,000.00 0.4% Tourism Summit INTIAL THOUGHTS?? A/V 900.00$ Conference Calls 200.00$ Décor & Gifts 500.00$ Design/Printing 1,600.00$ Miscellaneous 300.00$ Processing Fees 300.00$ Project Coordination 1,500.00$ Speakers 1,500.00$ Venue/Catering 17,000.00$ Other 1,200.00$ 2,500.00 placeholder 25,000.00$ 77.7% 2,500.00 00.9% Travel Planner Design 2,700.00$ 2,700.00$ 500.00 assumes slight updates Distribution - Certified 7,500.00$ 7,500.00$ 4,500.00 (OPTC has credit of $2376) Distribution/Victoria Airport 850.00$ 850.00$ 850.00 Distribution Center Admin 12,000.00$ 12,000.00$ 12,000.00 based on full year Digital Magazine Version 400.00 potential / Journalgraphics Editing 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ Envelopes 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 1,000.00 Metered for bulk. Will reorder end of 2020 Freight 750.00$ 750.00$ 500.00 Mail Supplies 500.00$ 500.00$ 500.00 Postage 17,000.00$ 17,000.00$ 17,000.00 anticipate increase Production 29,500.00$ 29,500.00$ 17,500.00 assumes 60K run, + use tax Project Coordination 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 1,000.00 assumes not a full re-do Storage 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00 renews in Feb / annual pre pay disct 77,300.00$ 77,300.00$ 223.9% 56,750.00 220.2% Web Sites Hosting / Maintenance 6,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 6,000.00 Support/Maintenance contract Updates / Special Projects 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 10,000.00 est. See project sheet Booking Engine 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 6,000.00 2020 project / 2021 ann. Lic fee 21,000.00$ 21,000.00$ 66.5% 22,000.00 77.8% TOTAL EXPENSES 323,650.00$ 290,218.00$ 281,100.00 NET INCOME Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Background: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission. Please submit the completed form to Ben Braudrick at bbraudrick@cityofpa.us. Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ☐Tourism Promotion/Marketing ☐Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ☐Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ☐Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ☐Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or expended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding for? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your business? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Peninsula Adventure Sports 7,500 4 OAT Run, GOAT Run, Frosty Moss Relay, and Big Hurt. This is the amount I was awarded for 2020 and would anticipate the same need for 2021. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE the amount that the city normally assists us with for the police and traffic control support for Big Hurt that we normally get, as I do not know the value of that assistance. I have so far only been reimbursed for Frosty Moss Relay $2,000. I just submitted for OAT Run, GOAT Run, and Big Hurt. I anticipate to be reimbursed $1,000 for OAT Run, $1,000 for GOAT Run, and I do not know yet for Big Hurt. If reimbursed for what I submitted, I would be returning approximately $1,000 to the fund. I hope to fully operate in 2021. If full size events are not possible, I plan to try to adjust my events to have smaller numbers with wave starts to space participants apart, and modifications of the finish line. My obstacle for 2020 was that WA DNR was requiring Phase 3 to have an event (at all). I am hoping that we will be in Phase 3 or that DNR will recognize that other jurisdictions have been allowing modified events. I will not be able to operate. Contributing to my stating this is that many of my local business sponsors are struggling financially and will likely not be able to sponsor the events. So it would be a double hit. Without grant funding and sponsorships, the cost of an entry fee to a race would be so high that nobody would sign up for the events. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Big Hurt 2021 draft budget: OAT Run 2021 draft budget: GOAT Run 2021 draft budget: Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 City of Port Angeles 2021 LTAX Notice of Intent to Apply Form Page 1 BBackground: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission͘WůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚƚŚĞĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĨŽƌŵƚŽĞŶƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬĂƚďďƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬΛĐŝƚLJŽĨƉĂ͘ƵƐ͘ Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ܆ Tourism Promotion/Marketing ܆ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ܆ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ܆ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ܆ Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or expended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding for? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your business? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Port Angeles Fine Arts Center 10,000 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 1. Marketing to launch and promote to tourists, the new offerings of our professionally guided tours of Webster's Woods Sculpture Park (scheduled to take place all year long). 2. Sculpture Park improvements ex. landscaping of park and the repair, removal & re-installment of art pieces 3. Minimal operational support to run City owned & tourist related facility & park. We expect to use all 2020 funds. We modified our events from being a one weekend to a seasonal (3 months long) event in order to space out the crowds, but also to generate ongoing engagement. We also developed virtual aspects to both events. Capital Project: Electrical boxes & trail lighting project will also be complete. It is our plan to continue to operate fully. We are moving away from big events and instead, focusing on offering smaller and individualized unique opportunities for tourists to engage safely with 5 acre sculpture park. Our virtual programming will also continue to develop. We already operate on a very small budget. If we can't get the funding, we simply will not be able to develop and operate arts and culture attractions to our tourists. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 City of Port Angeles 2021 LTAX Notice of Intent to Apply Form Page 1 BBackground: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission͘WůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚƚŚĞĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĨŽƌŵƚŽĞŶƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬĂƚďďƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬΛĐŝƚLJŽĨƉĂ͘ƵƐ͘ Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ܆ Tourism Promotion/Marketing ܆ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ܆ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ܆ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ܆ Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or expended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding for? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your business? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Port Angeles Marathon Association 10,000.00 ✔ Port Angeles Marathon Association will be requesting funds for 2 of our 2021 events, The Elwha Bridge Run in February and the North Olympic Discovery Marathon in June. Due to COVID-19 many of our expenses have increased (Insurance, supplies, etc.) and in addition we will have several new expenses to meet all of the new COVID-19 requirements. Yes. We are in the process of being fully reimbursed for 2020. Yes. We will be fully operating in 2021. However, due to current and anticipated COVID-19 restrictions we might have to have a significantly lower cap on participations for the North Olympic Discovery Marathon. We should be full capacity for the Elwha Bridge Run in February. We will have to significantly increase the cost of entry fees for the event. We will have fewer participants at a higher cost to help make ends meet. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12  !+:+39+  !+:+39+  386=++7  '6'8 .43386=++7   '6'8 .43!+1'=++7   '1,'6'8 .43386=++7    386=++7     386=++7   /*7'6'8 .43386=++7   /7)49387   386=!+,93*7  #48'1 386=++7    "5437467./5  :+38"543746 #48'1 :+38"543746   #48'1 "5437467./5    6'387   +6).'3*/7+   '77'-+   '78'/33+6   "./55/3-))4938  #48'1 !+:+39+   #48'1!+:+39+   6477 64,/8   <5+3*/896+7  *:+68/7/3-  "4)/'1+*/'   31/3++*/'  %/*+4-6'5.+6   31/3+*:+68/7/3-  '/1./25   &+(7/8+ #48'1 31/3++*/'    6'3*/3-68 4-4+7/-3   !# 6'3*/3-  #48'1 6'3*/3-68 4-4+7/-3     6/38+*/'   6/38*:+68/7/3-  '33+67'3*"/-37               Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 #48'1  6/38+*/'     :+38<54++7   :+38"./687   9 11  !+1'="./687      "./687    1;.'6/*-+9,,7     /*7"./687     %41938++6"./687   "9551/+7'8+6/'17  #48'1 :+38"./687    #48'1 *:+68/7/3-   "9551/+7  '6'8 .43"9551/+7  &'8+6"8'8/43"9551/+7   4967+"9551/+7    /3/7.+644*  "9551/+7'8+6/'17   ++6'6*+3   #48'1 '6'8 .43"9551/+7    6 495"9551/+7  /*7'6'8 .43"9551/+7  #48'1 6495"9551/+7    ,,/)+"9551/+7    478'-+   ;'6*7+*'17  ;'6*7   +*'17  #48'1 ;'6*7+*'17   %41938++6"9551/+7  #48'1"9551/+7   +3+6'15+6'8/3-<5+3*/896+7  '30.'6-+7   *9)'8/43    #6':+1    +'1738+68'/32+38   ')/1/8/+7   .43+   38+63+8   /3/"846'-+!+38'1   #48'1 ')/1/8/+7   9+7"9(7)6/58/437    +62/8'3*%+39+++7   #48'1+3+6'15+6'8/3-<5+3*/896+7     '=6411   '=64 11&'-+7   2514=+6&"8'8+   '=64 11#'<2514=+6  +*+6'1#'<+7  Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12   #48'1  '=64 11#'<2514=+6    #48'1  '=6411    #'<+7 '/*  #'<+7 #48'1#'<+7 '/*   8.+6/7)+11'3+497"+6:/)+478  97+7  ".9881+977+7  #48'1 97+7   +-'1 64,+77/43'1++7  ))4938/3-  #48'1 +-'1 64,+77/43'1++7      .484-6'5.+6    468 488/+!+38'1   #/2/3-  !')+'=987/*+"+6:/)+7  #48'18.+6/7)+11'3+497"+6:/)+478    .'6/8'(1+4386/(98/437  43'8/437846-'3/>'8/437   /*7").41'67./5  #48'1.'6/8'(1+4386/(98/437    $3'551/+*'7./11 '=2+38<5+3*/896+ #48'1<5+3*/896+7     +85+6'8/3-!+:+39+    8.+6!+:+39+  38+6+78'63+*  #48'18.+6!+:+39+    +88.+6!+:+39+    +8!+:+39+    Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 City of Port Angeles 2021 LTAX Notice of Intent to Apply Form Page 1 BBackground: On September 24th the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a special meeting to discuss the 2020 budget shortfall and current budget predictions for 2021. In order to better assess the current climate and 2021 forecast for tourism marketing, operations, and event management the Committee has decided to request a notice of intent to apply for 2021 Lodging Tax Funding. This will assist the Committee and City staff in better understanding current allocation priorities and where assistance is needed most. Directions: Please fill out the below form completely and succinctly. If your organization has more than one operation, facility, or event mention this in the appropriate section below. A detailed budget is required to be included in your submission͘WůĞĂƐĞƐƵďŵŝƚƚŚĞĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĨŽƌŵƚŽĞŶƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬĂƚďďƌĂƵĚƌŝĐŬΛĐŝƚLJŽĨƉĂ͘ƵƐ͘ Organization/Agency Name: Potential Need/Request: $ Type of Organization (Check all service categories that apply to this application): ܆ Tourism Promotion/Marketing ܆ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency ܆ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated or non-profit organization ܆ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality ܆ Event Maker Long Form Questions – Please be as succinct as possible What will your organization be requesting funding for? If you were awarded 2020 funds, were you able to be reimbursed fully? If not, please state why and what was not purchased or expended that was included in the signed contract. Are you planning on operating fully in 2021? If not, what would you be requesting funding for? If funding is not available, what are the consequences for your business? 2021 Lodging Tax Fund Notice of Intent to Apply Due by Friday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm Lincoln Park BMX Association 50,000.00 ✔ We have been working together with NW Cup, Top Left Trails Co-op and the City of Port Angeles to build a paved pump track. We applied for a RCO grant with the State and will find out the status of the grant and ranking in Early November. If award the grant, we will be seeking LTAX funds as well. These funds would be for a new City Facility located at Erickson Field. Budget for project included. We were award 2020 funds and had our project completed prior to COVID Shutdown for the BMX facility work. The pump track would always function- unless the city shuts it down due to covid. It will be open to the public during park hours. The BMX track is now open following Covid protocols and plan to for 2021. If funding was not available or limited- we could build the two loops separately in phases. See attached drawing. Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Erickson Pump Track Main Pump Track Budget Amount Design & Construction Costs 420,262.00$ Aritifical Turf (Add on- $175000) Adaptive Track- ADA usable Design & Construction Costs 200,709.00$ Artifical Turf (Add on- $140000) Project Total-620,971.00$ Artifical Turf Add on $315,000 RCO Grant (Applied for)(350,000.00)$ LTAX Grant (50,000.00)$ Remaining 220,971.00$ (Fund raising, Private donations) Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Drawing No.Drawn By:Scale:Project No.Approved By:601 MCKINLEY - JOPLIN, MISSOURI 64801PRELIMINARY PLANCITY OF PORT ANGELESNTotal areaSlopesSafety lineDrainage holePump TrackPlatformsAccess pathLegend:Connections3PECIdžCATIONTotal area31188 sg ftAsphalt surface14533 sg ftGreen area:19775 sg ftLength Pump Track:651 ftLength Kids Track:295 ftLength safety line (total)768 ftNumber of drainage holes7Number of sewers1Meters of drainage pipes:60 ft #LIENTCopyright Reserved - This plan and design are, and at all times, remain the exclusive property of VELOSOLUTIONSand may not be used or reproduced without written consent Tech.$RAWERTrack$ESIGNCity of Port AngelesPump TrackAmedeo GadottiClaudio CaluoriCity of Port AngelesVersion 30310Feet203022.92030.60728.50835.685 21.92430.816 35.68528 .50830.81630.607 22 .92018.21470.312 5.841 8.342 2.47110 .458 10.4588.3422.4715.84170.31259.55559.55534.099 45.09335.24028.02541.01024.09434.170 53.262 PUMP TRACKADAPTIVE TRACKACCESSPLATFORMPLATFORMACCESSACCESSBOWL22.92030.60728.50835.685 21.92430.816 35.68528.50830.81630.607 22.92018.21470.312 5.841 8.342 2.47110.458 10.4588.3422.4715.84170.31259.55559.55534.099 45.09335.24028.02541.01024.09434.170 53.262 PUMP TRACKADAPTIVE TRACKACCESSPLATFORM PLATF OR M ACCES SACCESSBOWL Attachment B LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 Date: November 12, 2020 To: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee From: Ben Braudrick, Associate Planner Subject: Proposed 2021 LTAC Meeting Calendar and LTAX Fund 2021/22 RFP Application Periods Background / Analysis: The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) reviews proposals for all Lodging Tax (LTAX) Fund expenditures. In past years, different methodologies have been used to provide more predictability for event and non-event related proposers in the coming year, as well as reduce the workload of the LTAC budget decisions by separating the decision-making into two meetings (divided up between the two based on proposal type). 2020 has been a year of uncertainty for many reasons, including LTAX income and governor proclamations related to the COVID-19 pandemic limiting travel, gathering size, and business operations. Due to this, Staff proposes to create a regular, fixed meeting date schedule and splitting the FY2021 review process in two application periods. The decision for the latter is based on the uncertainty of 2021 tourism because of the pandemic and several years of suggestions that the process be changed by local event makers. Due to a constrained time period, the January – June proposal period will begin in early December, and the LTAC decision for the first half of the year is proposed on January 21. The second RFP period will be in May, with the Committee’s decision proposed at a special June meeting that will also act as a summer quarter meeting as well. Staff recommends regular quarterly meeting should commence on the third Thursday of any given month and that meets should occur at least quarterly, with the exception of June due to the need for proposal decisions to be made prior to the second half of the year. Staff is also proposing all quarterly update meetings be combined with any business or recommendations the Committee is scheduled for in order to remain efficient with staff’s time. The initial review of the budget and recommendation to the City Council for all non-event related expenditures, including capital facility and marketing and operation of businesses related to increasing overnight stays within Port Angeles is scheduled for September. Review of proposal is scheduled over two separate meetings and will be split by proposal type in order to provide adequate time for discussion and review. The following tentative dates would complete the Lodging Tax Committee 2021 schedule: General Date LTAC Meeting Non-Event Step Event Step December 7th-January 8th RFP Issuance RFP Issuance January 21st Winter Meeting LTAC Consideration LTAC Consideration April 15th Spring Meeting May 3rd-28h RFP Issuance RFP Issuance June 17th Summer Meeting LTAC Consideration LTAC Consideration September 16th 2022 Budget Meeting LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 General Date LTAC Meeting Non-Event Step Event Step October 5th CC Budget Consideration September 20th-October 15th RFP Issuance RFP Issuance November 4th Fall Meeting 1 LTAC Consideration November 18th Fall Meeting 2 LTAC Consideration December 7th CC Consideration (if needed) Attached: Proposed 2021 LTAC Calendar LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 13  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 21 22 23 24 25 26 27  24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 28 29 30 31  31 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5  4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19  18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26  25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30  30 31  S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4  4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18  18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25  25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30  S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25  24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31  31  LTAC MEETING CITY COUNCIL TENTATIVE RFP OPEN LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE SCHEDULE 2021 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER APRIL MAY JUNE JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH RFP Opens 12/7 LTAC Agenda Packet - 2020-11-12