HomeMy WebLinkAbout1338 E 7th St - Electrical 3, ELSE q . q cr �Ls$ Application Number, 20-00000169 Date 2/18/20 ,y� �+"�'w""""'""• Application in number, 79841i f� ,MRr SrA/E SALES .,,...r ' Property Address . . . . . 1338 E 7TH'ST on your at flex tWI►1 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-11-5-5-0510-0000 A Application,type description ELECTRICAL ONLY iV VI fti Angoll an Subdivision Naime . . . . �./ �� Property Use (Lo"91on Code 0802) Property Zoning . _ RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Remodel and panel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- owner Contractor -- - -------- -------------- LAURA A DERB ' JOHNSON SLECTAIC-C�2PAAJY 3281'WCbDCOCR RD 163 MCCARVER RD SEQUIM WA 98382 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 . {206'f: 678-5128 (360) 728-4327 --Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . Permit Fee 170.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 2/18/20 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 8/16/20 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension f 10.00 5.0000 01* EL-BRANCH CIRCUIT W/FEEDER 50.06 1.00 120.0000 ECMi ..Ri.-0-200 SRV FEWER 120 00- { ---------- -------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due -Permit Fee Total 170 00 170.00 .00 .00 Plan.Check Total .00 .00 .00 - .00 Grand Total 170.00 170.00 .00 .00 /07 TWAL z ~ fixmMmmeMWLAW N �1 � � ._.. -:: �_ � _ I j ,: L . �,�x� �:� _ :_ ,: ` . . _�:. ....� . ~ 5 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION � . �� Pn�}iC �D� Utilities CoI ' �« ` ^ ~. ,,. �, ^��yu� u , /9»` 321 E5dl Street, Port Angeles, W898362 ^/ 360.417.4735 1 v/p/w.cityofbouy | electrical perm,itm(?�oitymDpo.ue ' ingle-Family Residential El Duplex ARU Building Square footage: OWNER INFORMATION ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION PROJECT DETAILS Item Unit Chacge Quantity JQtAI(Quantity x Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 2V1-4nOAmp. $14I00 $______-____ Service/Feeder 4O1-G8OAmp. $205.00 $-___---__' Service/Feeder 0O1'1O0OAmp. $26100 o___---___. Service/Feeder over 1OUOAmp. $373.00 $_________ Branch Circuit mV Service Feeder $5.00 ___---- *-___--___ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $63.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $5.00 to $-___5;e)��� Branch Circuits 1-4 $75�00 $'____--___ Temp Service/Feeder 2OVAmp. $83.00 *-__-_--___ Temp.Service/Feeder 201'4DDAmp. $110.00 $-____--___ Temp.Service/Feeder*O1-6U0Amp. $149.00 $-____--__ Temp.Service/Feeder O01'10OOAmp. $168.00 *-___-____. Portal om Portal Hourly $96.00 $-__---_-__ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy-1&2DU. s64.08 s Manufactured Home Connection $120.00 $-___--___. Renewable Elec. Energy:5KVA System orless $102.00 $--___--__- Thennnsta (Nota:$5 for each additional) $56.00 $-__----___ First 13O0 Square Feet $130.08 $--__--__-- Each Additional 500 square feet" *40.00 $ Each Outbuilding/Detached Garage $74.00 *-__--_____ Each Swimming Pool/Hot Tub s110,00 $ TOTAL $-_-1 -70��� Owner oo defined byRCVK1g.28.os1:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit iufinm|ized,(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease.Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E,C.,RCW Chapter 19.28,WAC.Chapter 296- 46B, PAM ElectricalPa �A Applications. [Becthma|PmnnitApp|icaUonomaybemubmittedboCityHaUorepannitu@cihyofpausorhoxed to3G0.417.4711] t7.4735 Applic0ion Number . 20-00000887 Date 8/07/20 Application pin number 151483 REPORT STATE SALES TAX Property Address 1703 B ST Pn�'excise tax form � ASSESSOR PA M WOMER: 06-30-00-0-4-4,550-0000- Pat Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY tO tie,City of AWeleS Subdivision Name fUication Code 0502) Property Use . . . Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL Lion, Application valuation . . 0 - --- -- ---------- ------- ---- Application dead Generator load bask , Owner contractor CITY OF PORT ANGELES LEGACY 724WOWMICATIONSINC PO BOX 1150 PO 0OX.160 PORT ANGELES WA 983620217 BURLY WA 98322- (253) 0SR-0214 --- -- -- --- - LECTRI ' t%IFSSR&A�, - -- --- - -Permit E CAL ALTER C Additional dead Permit Fee_ . . 427.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue bate . . 8/07/20 Valuation r 0 Expiration Date 2/03/21 oty Unit Charge Per • Extension 3.00 102.0400 BCH EL-'COMM 0-200 THMP SRVsj.FDR= 306.00 1.00 12I.0000 ECE RL-.COMM 201-400 TEk�P SRv/FOR 1zl.00 ----------------------- - -_ - Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ' -Permit-Fee Total �427.00 427.00 00, .00 Plan.Check Total .00 .00 .0 .00 Grand Total 427.00 427.00 .00 .00 i INSPECTION E DATE: RESULTS. INSPECTOR TYP DI'TC ROUGH-IN FINAL t4 COMMENTS. PERmrr w[LL ExpatE SIX(S)Momits mom t.AsT W#BcTm Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: �, ... x 1 1 t i MULTI-FAMILY/ CQMMEF IAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Public works and Utilities Department jv 321 E. 5th Sbvet,PortAngeki4 OVA"362 t 360.417,47351 www.dtyogw s I ckvtdcalpaati%@cit}raftt us O projed Address: Corp Yard 1703 S B St Port Angeles,WA 98M p pesepWn: Load bank 4 generator for Annual Mak*nanae 0 Muni Famity ResWenthd El CwvnercW t ktdusWW!Ptd*c &Jdrtg Square faatagw Name. City of Port An EmaR Mtwl"V Address:PO Box 1150 PtxtAVt*WA MM-MV per;380-605-3M j Name: L-Nacy t3aaitro LEGACTL821LL Malfirg,address; PO Box 360 SuRey,WA 98M Expiradim DaW Errtai"t: rhenrYj'+9 YP +,00m Rion:253-M-2214 Mom 1191.OM QMMM phi tom►z Halt am") Senric wFeeder MC Amp. $132.00 S 3er =T;9eder 201-400 Amp. V60.00 S SarvimiFeeeer43t-6W Amp. $225.00 3 S riceiFe-�der 601-10M Amp. 5288 00 S ery mPieder over IWO Amp. S41{1.00 S 3ranco Circuit V Service Feeder MOO S 3ranc h Mrcuit WfO Service Feeder $74.00 $ =acts Additional Branch::vc A $5.00 S 3ran&Kira its 1.4 Sw.00 $ Temp.Ser AcefFeeder 200 Amp. $102.00 ,3 _ $ -00 Temp-SeracetfeFade+r 201400 AM. 5121 M 1 S 121. 0 Temp.ServrcefFeeder 401-6M Amp. $164.00 S Temp,Service/Feeder 301-1 GOO Amp- $186.00 S portai 10?or'.al Hourty S86Af} S Sign=Gi:dlre-tgbtfrg SM-00 $ Signal Cimuitlt.imited E--*%v-Mull-;=amtiy $88-00 S Signa:'ira,;iM.;rvted Energy/Mrst 1500 sf-Cotnrrwsnciel 596.00 $ ;Nate:#5 t20!or each motional 15QQ A Renewraota-Zee.Energy,SKVA System or isss 5113.00 S T`»ermostat;Nola:$S for each aaidWral) woo S s427,00 mTAL Owner as,1e#kted toy`:�CW.19.28.251:(1)Owner wflf occupy the 9*uc ur+e for ttwo years af6er"ills elecilcal parent is f natmd.(211 Jrwrter is raqui'ad to hire an eteetrical SWWActar f above said prcPerty is for saW rant or terse.Permit wares after aw mon#ts of Inc awaoftn. A,-w n ilte abme swomerit,i hereW ter*1W l ara the owwr of doe above"Wood pmpwty or a Waxised eisr*kW oprttrwkir. am nvjwg the akx-,4r al m,-Aeiladon or aiteratdon In aompGanc e wflh its eteelr cd taws,M-F—C.,RCW.ChMPW 19.28,WAC-Che W 296- 468,T!*City of port Angeles MUftiW Code,and t.fmv and PAPAC 14.05.860 legating SecLlead Pwrt*A arm 8/5/2O _ Rich Henry Oate Print Name Sigrtaum(0 Owner J' EkcOk ai Contractor,`Adrni*tatOr) Fiectricat oerrnit ApOicatjCns be submitted to Ctty Fula or apenni� .us or fatted to 36CA17.471',;