HomeMy WebLinkAbout1509 Columbia St - Electrical (2) J ELECTRIGAL�'PERMrr { . CITY OF 0 TANGELES 360 417-4735 Application Number 20-00000880 Date 8/07/20 Application pin number . . 447920 REPORT STATE SALES TAX Property Address 1509 CCILUNIBIA ST 00 ywr @XC/Se tax form ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-7-0100-0000- �±� Application type description ELECTRICAL 0NLY to ft My of Port.AngeleS Subdivision Name fLocedon C6do 0. Z} Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS & PARKS Application valuation . 0 Application desc Generator load bank ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor CITY OF PORT ANGELES LEGACY TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC PO BOX 1150 PO BOX 360 PORT ANGELES WA 983620217 BURLEY WA 98322 (253)' 858-0214 -------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Permit . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit Fee 164.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Late 8/07/20 Valuation . . . 0 Expiration Date 2/03/21 Qty unit charge Per Extension 1.00 164.0000 ECH EL- COMM 401-600 TEMP SRV/FDR 164.00 -----------^ ---- - - - ------ -- - -------- - Pee summary - -- Charged Paid Credited Due --_ _ Permit Fee Total 164.00 164.00 00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 00 00 .00 Grand Total 164.00 164.00 .00 .00 i INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE' ROUGH-IN Z7_ FINAL COMMENTS: PERMFC WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: r MULT!- AMILY l Q0MMERCIAI. m ELECTRICAL PERM[!APPLICA,� 0 � 321 E.St&S Port Aaggeiss,WA 98362 360.417.4735;wwwx*o#m us I eIecWcaIpamiW@cjqm#cus I PraiectAddress: 'ANVTP 1509 E Columbia St Port Angeles,WA 98363 9�° Project 3escriptyor�: Load bank 1 t>erator for Annual Maintenance G MultWamity R"darrtiaf 91 Commercial i Iftast€ial i Put& StddkV Square footage: Nance: CitV 4 Pcut Attcaweies mailing Address: PO Box 1150 Pat Argeles,UUA,98=4217 p}wne:360-566-3WO Naiad. i agacy LEGACTL821LL Malling Address: PO flax 360 8µft,WA 98322 Exo4on paW. Emafi:rt nrY!@W98+tjaMWC0rrt Pftane:253,W"214 ServicelFaeder 200 Amp. $132.00 S ServkxiFeeder 201.400 Amp. $160.00 S Serr mFaeder 401-WO,imp- $225-00 S Ser7icetF-,9. def 601-1000.4E -p. $288.00 $ Senrice/Feecter over 14}M Amp. $410.00 $ Branch'Cir.Euit'Ni Serrice Feder $S.00 S Branch Serrice Feeder $74.00 $ EacIr Additional Branch Circuit $5.30 S Brand?'imu is ` MOO $ Temp.Sarvice/Feeder 200 Amp. 510200 $ t Temp.Service(Feder 201-400 Amp. $121.00 $ :emo.Sei A eiFaeder 401-600 Amp. $164_30 1� S 0_ ,emp.SerticeiFeeder 301-1000 Amp. $185.00 S Partai;c?o&ai'Hourly $96.00 S Sign'Car{?ine Ughtirg MOO $ Sigrat �IrcuittLlrmted Energy-Mufti-Family $81100 S 5igrai+'ir-"twt_imiled Er+ergy/First 1500 sf-cammera w $96.00 S- t te:S5.00 for each additr g 1500 sf) Renrzwabla Fier;;nervy_-5KVA"BVstem or less $113.00 S Thermostat;dote:35 for arch additicnai) moo $ $ ?41 00 MTA►L Owner as defines by RGiN.19.28261: 1�Owner anti occupy the stmcttme or wo years after+lds aieotrcai permit is Rnallzed (2)Owwner Is aequired to i+ire an electricat contractor it above said property far sale,rent or tease.Permit Wires after six marrtfls of last Espedion. Arftr reading the above statement,i hereby fy that:am the owner of the above named property or a licensed etectrfcai oonaacaor.i am making[Re electrical installation or alteration in compiiance with the electrical laws.M.E.C.,i2CW.Chapter 19.20,'WAC.Chapter 296- 46s,?he city of Port Angeles municipal Code,and iXllty Speeittcollians and 44.05.060 regarding Electrical Permit Applk2tlons. 8I5120 Rich Hen Date _ __ Print fora;Q Owner J? Electrical Contractor/Administrator) _-Etectrcai?grrnit Aoplicatlons nay tie submitted to City!tall or epermits@cityofpa.us or#axed to 360.417.47'11 s �llilril i GELES 35 Application Number 20-000 00 8 8 8 Date 8/07/20 Aptil3 titian tsin n erber . : 25I992 t 1+Ti'STATE SALES TAX PropertK'Add eRs : . 1734 W HWY lox - OR,out"excise tax form ''ASSZSSOR PARCEL AkM 06-30-08-3-3-0050-0400- Application.type description ELECTRICAL 'ONLY f0 the City of Port Angeles Subdivision Same - (Location Code 0502) Prppe ty:Use , . . Property zoning . . . , . UNKNOWN Applicationi"_valuation 0 -�__ --------�,-- ------------- --- --------- ------------------- Application desc Generator.load bank Owner Contractor -- -- -- - -- STEPHEN H AND ANY 1, XENNEDY I=ACY TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC 5117 MOUNTAIN TEVU3 CA WAY. PO BOX,,360 PORT ANGELES WA $8362 HURLRY WA 58322 {253) 858=022 -------------=-'-------- --- ------ -- - - Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER `COKMERCIAL Additional desc . Permit Fee i02.00 Plan Check Fee , .00 "Issue Date . . 8/07/20 Valuation 0 Expiration-,Date 2/03/21 Qty Unit Charge "Fer,- Extension 1.00 102.{F000 SCH` EL- Coma 0-200 TBMP SRV ( PDR: 102.00 ------------- -------- -� ----<----,�-_ - Fee summaryChar' Paid Credited Due ----- ----.-_' ---------- --------` Permit Pee Total 10240` 102.00 00` .00 Plan'-Check-Total .00 .00 d0, 00 Grand Total 302,00, 102.00 00 .00 I MSPE (�N TEE DATE. ', SULTS: $sTSPE R. DfTC .. �ER'�ICE ROUGH-IN 1-2 FMA : COI aUN TS: PERMIT'WILL ExPFRE Six(6)MWI1 rk9 FROM LAST WSPwnON Signature of owner or Electric d Cantrector X Date: .�. a MULTI-FAMILY Y/ COMMERCIAL Pic tsc M i 32 t R 5th Sfteat,Part Agdtes,AAA 9SM2 360.417,4735 i ovww,citjrofpa,mr I fpa,,u "3y W Phoy 30( Prated Address New ' t OPS Port Argelm WA Project Descrptilnn: Load bark t generator for Annual Malrltar arme a Multi-Family ReddwVW ® C M e VIW!@trmai/PaW BWWk g$quens bobW Name: CAy of Pod Angaiee E nai:tiaalrrserOpyrrfias Mailing Aikire= PO Etox 1150 Pat Aagdes,WA 9=2-0217 r^pwons: -,8�-3�iliQ � r NaM7 L893CY T t.i aww.LEGACTL821LL Mailing Adduces: PO Box 360 Burley,WA 98322 E)Oradon Daw Emar7 dwf`YGIO�rac.com Phone: 2534WO-0214 fi 111bC I' w x dolt Chang► SenACA/Feeder 200 Amp. V3200 S Servkw'Fsedtrrr 201-400 Amp. $180.00 s SmweFeeder 40,-@00 Amp. =5.00 $ Ser4tefFeeder 301-1000 Amp. moo # Serr+icafFeeder over 1 000 Amp. S 10.00 Branch GlIt W/SeNto Feeder sb.ou $ ., , ;m,ar wlo sffivi, Feeeter rra.aoEach Additional Branch Circcit l .00 t Branch Circuits 1-4 38btl0 # Temp Swiw*Peeder 200 Amp. $1,02.00 Temp.SerocelFesder 201-40C Arnp. $121 AO ; Temp.Ser eelFeeder 401-500 Amp. $18440 # Temp.SerAc wFeeder W1-1000 Amp. $186.00 � Portal to Part)kourty $98-00 Sign t Outline Sighting $8&00 SiWai C;",Mrn rrited Energy-%itti-Fa rnity $am �r Sig*CirautAA-dteedd EneMWwst t500 sf-Conmer iei #96-w $ Renewabie E:ea=nery y:5KVA Systern or Was $113.30 $ Ther=stat?Note:35 for 9&W a ddi ionall $S&w $ t 1 tl3Q _TOTAL, Owner as 3eiined by RCW.t 928.281:(')Owner wM.xxupy the slrucdee for two years aisr this aiecftal pam*is`§wGilaw:M Owfw is regained{o mire an elertrrrsa=Uraow if aoova Said prop"is for aele,rant or lease.Permit empires altar six Avnft of test mspecdan. Afw reading to above stalement,i webY crawtly itwt 1 am the omw of Im above n tned property or a kweed aieclricai contracW i am making t.9 sjectri irsai en or attemdon m oowrrpii mve wAh trw sk 4Wk:d Wm,N.F C..RCW.Chaplet 1928.WAC.Chapter 2W 46S,"he CAy of Port Ames Ywidpal Co(*, and UNt a PAW 14,05.06 iegarding�rtml PmhtAWkaos. 8/5/20 Rich Hen d D Date Pint Name Signature;❑ Owner p Electrical Contracror{A dminisitairr i�t,a{Cl e-f nit A.pt74i tirsrts may 5e submitted w CAy Hag or eperm+ts4gatyufpa.us or faxed to 360.417,471 1 f