HomeMy WebLinkAbout4400 C St WPS - Electrical �... _ Jf" i1 rF - w�:T ) �"''_'rpm"3- ' ` _ w4 1''�W - 4 � ELES ', 3frI 17-4735 Application Number 20-60040882 Date 8/07/20 Aviation-pin number 648938 Rt�FfT STATE SALES Party Addreps _ . 4400 CST WPS Qjj�/ eXCISe tax fOrrt, ; PBS .PAR: L DER: R6-30-00-0-0-0000-0000, E Appliciiiona type tescr ption CTRICAL o�rr.Y to the`City of Port Angeles Subdiviiiion biame (Lora don,Code 0502) property* IIse Property Boning '., _ PUBLIC BUfWI1 G$`& PARKS Application valuation 0 ___ _ Application desc Generator 104d,baank Owner' Contractor CITY .QF PORT ANG$ S LEGACY TSLEGSFIUBIICATIONS INC PO BOR"1150 PO SU 300 PORT ANGELES WA'993420217 BMUMY WA-98322 (253)..85$-0214 . ------------ - _ Permit ELRCTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit Fee 164.00 Plan Check Fee .00 4 Issue Date 8,/07/20 Valuation . :. 0, Expiration Fate 2/03/21 Qty Unit Charge, Pez - Extension 1.00 164.b000 ECH EL COMM 401-f00 TWOOi.V/FDR 164.00 " ------- --------- -_ _. --- -- _.. _ Fee summary Cha*gei4 ,,. Paid Crecuted Due ------------- - - , Permit Fee Total,, 164.06 .00 .00" Plan'Check`Total 00 - .00 00 >04 Grand Total 114.00 164.00 s00 <00 INSPEMON'I`YI'E .DAI' CULTS: IlVSI'I:C3'OR DM SER' CE ROUGH-IN FINAL , COMMENTS: n Paw WILL Emu SIX(6)Mow**�"�`VM BCTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: w. i i j I MQLT1 LY 1 MER!Q ELECTRICAL P n S`1 321 E.54h Sty Pad Angehm,WA 9SM2 � 3b0.417,47351 ar :Cityrof0a.u9( AXL' Pm,ject Addr�: Fairmount P/S South th C St._Portk iwkWA98362 proilactLoad bank t generator for Annual MaklWwwoe 0 Fa inly ReekkwyW 0 Corms rdW t 1 PWk Bukft Square loowW +wane. q&5.��.�o i"�i.}A��y 1150 �}L+yd'Sh?i Ya PartWAq���y{���a �* eIt eis drqM Sox Le 4 LEfiAC ILL > t�4aarre� T ong Addrew: PQ Ekzc 3W%gft WA Evtr dw DaW. Eanad: PtKm.26 '4 Serm*F-eder 200 strap. $132.00 S SerwtcaF er 20- Amp. #'SQ t3ll Serv*cet'Fseder 401 Amp. SM.00 $ SeMceiF,:tef*ier 501-10 Arn.p. UN.00 $ 3srricetFsecer over l 100 Amp. $410.00 Brarch c:�rcuit'Nt Service Feeder $00 $ _ _- 3ircc YdF Fewer $7*.M _ - _ Each Addificrai&wc h Circuit $5.00 S Branch Circuits 1,-4 Woo $ Tamp-Sarr seder 20Q Amp. SI V-00 i Temp.Sesv tFeeder 201-400 ram. $121-00 i Tom.aerretFQes:er 45 i a Arrg. S584•.r�t $ - ,emp.Sere=catF 301-10'00 AMPS $r$ Portal to Poem i srly Sign i Cuilimi Lig0ting Signal Cirouitr iscaited Energy-Malt-Family $8 ou 31grat Circud i ed EnergyiF•trst ISW st-CorrtmrrrCW $IIB.w _ $ -Renewable E'9c.E 'SWIA SYstem or less $4t3 nwrmostat;'vote;35`or earn add o i) S55.Ot3 .3 S I6•.00 TaTAi. asdefmed Oy RCW.l 3.28 261'0}OWWWM %NO YOM SMOr thus 01811ftel Parrvais d (2)Owrerfs required to hire:an aiaclnCat cortfactcr f abme saved propertya for saw,rw*or six months of fast inspection. After reading the above nt,f: ce*that f am fhe OXWW of the abOM rta MMd property or a 1 i am T ang'dam ewcb=W kwadeffor or alteration•`a o4vv#anm*Ah I*aWebicat laws.M..E.C.,RCN.Chahar M25,WAC.Cesar 2M- 7he City of Port i Cade,end!,sty 14.05.3fi0 a, 815120 Rich Henry Data Print (0 ()wfuer W Sedlical Ccrtuactor f rL trasx) Sectrical Persnft Applications may oe subm*e d to city l-,atl or apern%tstc cityofpa.us or faxed to 360.417,471 tj ►gpl3Mati,on.Number 20-060004e5- Date 8/07/20 �s+ Wlift, pin number 950465 REPORT STATE SALES Ti' Prop arty Address" - . c �1106 P ST CSIi your :�@ fax AR 9901 AMACEL NUM19ER: R6-30-00-0-0-0000=0000=Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY O ey'-Of Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning . . . . . UNXNOWN Application valuation 0 Application desc Generator``load Bank Owner Contractor n -- -------- ---- ----- ------ ------_�------ - CITY OF PORT-ANGELBS LEGACY TE3+8COM MUNICATIONS INC PO BOX 1150 PO BOX 340 PORT ANGELES , WA-:903620217 SWUAk YEA 96322 (253) 855-0214 ----------- ----- ----- - permit . . B RICAL ALTER COM UCIAL Additional desc , Permit Fee 02.00 Plax Check Fee. .00 Issue Date 8/07/20 Valuation 0 Expiration,Date 2/03/21 oty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 102.0000 ECH EL--COMM! 0-200 TEMP SRV' /-FDR, i 102.00'. -- -- --Fee summary -- -Charged Paid" Credited --&a= - ----------------- --- ------ - r Permit Fee Total 3.UB:00 101.00 .00 .00 Plan Check-Total :00 =.00 .00 00 Grand Total 10,,00 102 00 00 00 IIdSPECTION TYPE BATE: RFSiJ�.TS: INSPECTOR: DMII SERVICE ROUGH-Ili COMMENTS:. PEMIT WILL EXPIRE SiX(6)MdMrtIS FROM LASg'll+§PEE` ON Signattift Of avvn�r.c��:E1�c C0ut tOtX Date: t .. �..r � e. ,� i I - 'e I i i "` ���:� � _- �� _ . ., MULTI-FAMILY / CC}MMERCIAL SECT KM , 1T A PPLICAMON PUWk Wo 4W UVifim Deputana N 321 E,Stb Stcvck Pat A ,WA M62 4 360.417.47351 wwwcityoAwugI a u: project Ate: PS#14 1100 P St Port Argele3, WA 9M pry pip : Load bank 1 gerorak c fbr Armual Maims i 0 Mu#W Rettfder" B C4Mmu drA J ktdu*W t PW*c ftd*q S*nm Name. Q1y of Port i gi EmeA ors MaikV Address; PO Sox 11SO from AMW*w,WA p 360-S65r,'i8et} 3 Name-. Legacy T License: LEGACTL821LL Madirig Address: PO Box 3W Sudw,WA 98322 E,trpiradw Dtrbr Emaff: rt_ram tccyp~.=n Phone:2634160.0214 Sen**Feeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $160.t10 $ Ser,poWFeeder 401-dM Amp. $225.00 $ SerAce/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $28B.00 3 SenficeiFeeder(aver 1000 Amp.. $410.00 $ Branch Circuit Wt Service Feeder $5.00 S Branch Circuit WIC Service Feeder $74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $6.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $86.00 $ Tamp.Sem4cetFeeder 20O Amp. WZ 00 Z_ $ 1Q00 temp. 3&vicelFaeder 211-4A0 Amp. $121.80 $ Temp.Se-tvKx+Feeder 401-600 Amp. $184.00 $ Temp.Serticei7eeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal fa°orfal Houdy $96.00 $ Sign Outftne Lighting $88.90 S Signal Circuit/L;mited Energy-Murd-Fan* f 88.30 i Signal-muivUni ted Energys(First iSCO of-Co mnerciel $96.00 $ (Nola;SEW for each addthar►al MO sf) Rarewadle Sec.Energy:SKVA System or teas '"hermaetai;Mote*S5 for Bach additiore!) M.00 $ S TOTAL Owner as derined by RCW.IS.28-MI:(1)Owner wM occupy 1%st ucams for twro years Aw this a lectical permit Is*rafted.(2)Owner is required co titre an ekK rtce!conVWW 4f arbove said property is for sale,rerrt or lease.Permit expires after six Mon tsa of East h+epectIm. AfCsr reeding!fie a XPM staterrsent,!hereby cw*that f an the mew of the above ranted property or a loensed siectrk,ei cw&aclor.I am ma WN fie electrical'instaWort or alteration in owtvdance,*h the eiectrteai taws,N.E.C.,RCW.Ch apW 1",WAC.Chapter 296- 468,The City I port Arigeies MunirxW rod*and tltglty Specdcations aid PAMC 14.05.050 regaidng Eksdrical p. . 8/5/20 Rich Hen Date Print Nakitse ([l Owner R Electrical Contractor I Admkristratar) Eleciricat ?armit Apof;caaons^nay be submitted to City FW or spem, ts@Cityofpat.us or axed to 360.417,471 fj RMU 735 ion Opmber 20-00006890 Date 8/07j20 : lJyo tiort pin number 453010 R1O RT STATE SALES TAX Address 321E 5TH ST ony ur$XCISo tax form ►S;�ES 3R PARCEI. NC>al88A- 06-30-00-0-1-7050-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY 10 the'City of PodAnge1DS. subdivision Same Pr operty We ��.+QG#1dC#!1 Ct3Ef@ 0 2) . . . . Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS_* PARRS Application valuation 0 Application desc ------------------------------------------------ Generator L�tacT`Bares Owner Contractor -- CITY OF PORT ANGELES LEGACY TELECONKUNICATIONS INC PO BOX 1150 PO BOX 360 PORT RNGELE5 WA 983620217 BURLEY WA 98322 (253) H88-0214 - `. ELECTRICAL ALTER-COMMERCIAL -- - --Permit . - Additional desc . Permit Fee 223.00 Plan Check lace .00 Issue Date 8/07J20 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 2f03j21 Qty unit Charge Per - Extension 1,00 102.0000 BCH ` EL- COMM 0-200-TEW` SRV PVR 102.00 l A0 121.1 0060 ECIg, EL- COMM 261-@00'T'A"P &RV 1aDR 121.00 -- _ Fee summary. Charged Paid Credited Due- Permit Fee Total - 213:00` 213.00 - .00. .00, Plan Check Total 00 .00 100 .00 Grand Total 223.00 223.00 .00 .00 :INSPEC' `ON`TYPE DATE: RESULTS: 1NSpECrO& WCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL COMMENTS: _ pokrr WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)*ONT'14S FROM LAST INSPWMN SignaWre`of owner or Electrical Contractor X „ _ Date: ��; ;, ,� s ;L _. i MULTIFAMILY/ CO�MME_RCIAL F [ ti IT APPL IQAT QN mUWifm D%=Ummt 321 E-5th Sheet,PortAegetes,WA 98362 360.417.47351 www eityofpa-ns j efecuicalpeamit yofpa.us 86 Project Address: Police Station 321 E 5th St Poit Angeles,WA 98362 Project Description: Load bank 2 generators for Annual Maintenance ❑ WAI-Famil1y ResideMfai El Canmerciai 1 UxbjWW/Pubic BWdfig Square footeige: i Name: City of Port Angeles EmaB: Mailing Address:PO Sox 1150 Port Angeles,WA 9=2-0217 36D 666-3860 Name: Legacv TafecorrinvlinicaGoins Lir9e: LEGACTL821 LL Mailing Address: PO Box 360 Burley,WA 9W22 ExpilaSo t Data: Email: rhenri@le Pawerccs n Phone:253- 8-0214 Rom l AQam QuaAk Tull Nor x UM Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $132-00 $ 3erric elFeeder 201-400 Amp_ $160.00 $ Ser ikWFeeder 401-6W Amp. $225.00 $ SarrcelFaeder 5-01-1000 Amp. UK00 S Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder $5.00 i 3ca ct Circuit WIC cow,;,- - eda $74 00 i Each Additional Branch Circuit i5.00 $ Branch^Circuits 1-4 $86.00 $ Temp.SenacelFeeder 200 Amp. $102.00 Tend.Serrice/Faeder 201-400 Amp. $121.00 L_ $ 121.04 Temp.SeriicelFeeder 401-500 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp.Serrice/Fseder301-1000Amp. i185,00 $ . Portal to Portal Niourfy $96.9t3 $ Sigr/Outline Ughting $88.00 $ Signal CircuitRamited Energy-t+Rultt-Famdy $88.00 S Signal CircuiVUmited Energy/Fwst 15M at-Commercial $96.0Q (Note:$5.00 far each additiortai 15M�#, Renewable Elec.Energy:5iC/A Sysbert5 or lass $113A0 $ Thermostat{Note:$5-or each additional} $56-00 3 $223.00 TOTAL Owner as dafined by RCW.19.28261_(1)Owner wig occupy the shirt ire for two years attar this electrical permitts Rnwized.(Z)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sate,rent or:ease.Permit expires aitsr six months of tact inspection. After,eading the above statement;t hereby cer*that i am the owner of the above named property or a licensed siectric;w contractor l am making the eiectricai ins aliafion or of erallon at eompiiance with the electrical laws.NZC.,2CW.Chapter 19.28,WAG. r 296- 468,T'te City of PortAngefes Municipal;ode,and UNty and PX%AC 14.05.W0 regarding Electrigd Permit,Applicatims. 8i5i20 Rich Henry_ —�` Sre(0Ow ContratorJAdinfstg Prn Name ator) lectrical Permit Applications may be submitted to CGty Hall or epermits@cityafpa.us or faxed to 360.417.47111