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424 E 12th St - Electrical
:. EMMUCALPERMU C 0F A G SM 317-4733 Application Number . . 19-00000646 Date 5/06/19 Application number 60 9 ��tCA ! rV �lre Property s ' ASSES96OR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-3-8315-0000 Y`^' per, Application,type description ELECTRICAL ONLY t' `of ft Angel". Subdivision Name /i� QW2) Property Use . . 1�' s/ Property Zoning;. RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation 0 Application desc Security system ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor JEAN A HARRENSTEIN PROTECT YOUR HOME 5287 LAKEVIEW DR 3750 PRIORITY WAY SOUTH DRIVE CLEAR LAKE IA 50428 #200 INDINAPOLIS IN 46240 (317) 810-4720 ------------------------------------------------------- -- - Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc Permit Fee . . 64.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 5/66/19 Valuation . . 0 Expiration Date 11/02/19 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 64.0000 ECH EL-SINGLE CIR LIMITED,RES 64.00 ----------------- - Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due --------------- -- --- Permit Fee Total 64.00 .64.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 64.00 64.00 .00 .00 DAM �.'r$: III�.SpBCPOR: M ' + commam. , 4 $ OfOfBtt'� �: -� ; .. �.� r ,,, k �' d�- ,j rowr4,1, CITY OF PORT ANGELES PEMJIT APPLICATION Orr Building Division/Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street—P.O.Box 1150/Port Angeles Washington,98362 Ph-(360)4174735 Fax-(360)4174711 wg 05/03/19 X I&2 9r4e Family Dtoalling -Plan%taNfwlay BaRn*ed PliaweConj,.11 Sadjical Plan%AwlnfanWknSheet jobAdftm. 424 E 12th St BAJrqSWnFbob% 1.540so.ft. Own"M d"M In of a wireless I;w—voitage home securky system OAner Infomidion Contractor Information NYM Joan"Mmilif!n N&M PMWd YOW Ho" V0j1rgAd&M 424EI2;thS4 K%WgAd*= 37S6 Prw"W"6 00 oty. Polt Ar4Wn gar. Wok j 96362 aty. wkwooft am IN _49as- PhCM_jL6�" 2175842S47 Limrw#/E)p. Na LJOM I E-,;L PRO7EYH9340tS ROM LinIl gm _Qy Total U y M J I I o I W d by LW t 0 w" Sw4cwFeadbr 20DATp S 112[100 Sevic&Fesda2014MXrp $14600 SwVc&Ve9dw401-6WAV $2MOO S8*wFQ8jw6o1-1ow*rP_ Moo Sw,AcWRw1woA)r 1000ATp. S 3730D BWEh C10A W SwAw Feaft $ Soo Bad nd _%V=Feadar MOD Each Ad*o*Sod 0roA S SOD 1%ad Ckctft 1.4 $ 7500 Twrp..%w1oWFw*MDArrp $ Soo Twp SOAMW"*2MAM Arr;L S I 10M Tmp.&wk&Feeder 40-M)Ayp $114R00 Twp.SwAc0aacbrOM-1000AM. $IMOD FUMI to Pb(W Wily 3 900 0 $.VW C3mM Unied&wW-i&2 raTily DAeOing S 64.00 KtnAxU%1Hms0.Vr*1w $12OLOO ...... FWxwtJ9 Bectficd&wW-W4A S/Aern or Los $lazoo lhwTo" $ 5M00 NAm$rxODkx wh ad*or4 T-ft Arst 1300S%m Ft $12M Each Adbonel SM Sqjn FL or Porfim d 3 40.0D fth Our x&bV or DdadW Garage S 74.00 Ewh94ffmhV"crH3Ttb $11000 --Total Ower as defined bl FCW 1928.261:(1)Owe WIN compy ft 9AW&for two yearn after the dacMW pernit is finalized(2)Dmw is rMJred to hre an dacbkd owbWor U above sold property Is for age,rat or Meese.P&Trft opfres aft six mwM of M Inspecom Mar rearing ft ebme statement,I harety certify tid I am ft owner of the above nwrW property or a floansed alecUlcd omtWO.I am nVkng the docuical Installason or Maroon In ow#Wm vAh#*electrical JaoA REQ,FOV Ovem 1928,VOC.Chooer 2?64M The Oty d RA kxjalas Mr4d Coda,and Wily SpecIfIcalons and PAVC 14.M050 mg wft SecAtcal ParmIt AWiodom 9"ure of owner,electrical contractor or decifical administrator: 0 Onh Q Char 0 or$*card a Paid 0r*ne _05/03/1'9L'................. 0141=2 Ia .PERMIT z 'CM.AP" '`OR T ANGELES �. Applicatin liifi#aer 19-00000613 Date 4f30/13Po / IrG sALGii`TA�1, Application"Qin number 448D17 Property.Addrass . . 1319 CAMPBELL AVE on (�(//'�X��tax ?I717 ASSN9SOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-14-5-3-0442-0000-' Application,type description : ELECTRICAL ONLY to the c/tyr Of Pcd At o/" Sv�6div`i aion Name (L©csftn Coble 0502) Property Use' Property Zoning . . . . . . RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY Application valuation . 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Application desc Security system Owner Contractor JERRY SAUNDERS PROTECT.YOUR U0148 1319 CAMPBEIL AVE .` 3750 PRIORITY WAY' SOUTH'DRIVE' PORT ANGELES WA 98362 #200 INDI,NAPOLIS IN 46240 . (317) 810=4720 - --- Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDEER'3"IAL Additional desc . Permit Fee , '- 04.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 4/30/19 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/27/19 j 4ty Unit Charge, Per Extension 1.00 64.0000 BCH EL-SINGLE'CIR LIMITED,RES 64.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited, Due Permit Fee Total 64.00 64.00 .00 .00 Plan Check'Total .00 00 00 .00 Grand Total 64'.00 64.00 .00 00 18 I? £ TYPE DATE:- INSPFG P-1 DITCH FINAL Pffawff WILVM sm(6)Mt1KM PRM LAff VWWrW C for X Date. All cp CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION OR Building Division/Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street—P.O.Box 1150/Port Angeles Washington,98362 Ph:(360)417.4735 Fax:(360)417-4711 Qede: 04/26/19 X 1&2 Single Family DNdling 'Plan PeVm May 13e PaqjrEO P m Corrliete ElechA Plan Pevtw lliiarr-don Sheet JobAd'eee: 1319 Campbell Ave amn2S4m1`b0t8W 772 sq.ft. Desolptiondetne Installation of a low vo11Wg,e home security system Owner IntonTellon ODntractor Inforrrration bYr M Jerry Saunders Myra Protect Your Home tVl ong A1dmw 1319 Campbell Ave talalirrg Ad*m 3750 Priority Way S Dr (ty: Port Angeles SM WA Zp: 96362 iW. Indianapolis SUM IN 2%X 46240 Rtra 3604770545 Feu n/a Fhcrle l865023559 Feoc 3175642547 lJmm#/E>Q3. nta L1Cmm#/ PROTEYH934RS hem it c 1 Sit 3sL M Wilioiied bV llrit Chffae) SmicelTeeder 200 MIX $12D.00 $ Se OmFeeder 201.400 An p. $146.00 $ Ser*Weeder 401.600 Arrp $205A0 $ SeMooFeeder 601-1000Arrp. $26M00 $ Service Feeder off 100D Arrp. $TWO $ D71d100A W SWAM Feeder $ SOD Braitidi icut Sevice Feeder "7 MOD ESCh A choral&arch Quail $ SOD 8re1d1 Clraiis 1-4 $ MOD $ Temp.Semoe/Feeder 200Arrp $ MOD _ _ $ Terre.Selomfeeder201-40DAnp $110L0D $ Terri.Servioe/Feeder 401-600fVrp $14110D $ Temp.semoWeeder60i-1000Anp. $16600 $ Portal b Wrtai Hm* $ 9600 .......... $ Sigel C mUV Urrited Enemy-1&2 FeMly Diddling $ 64.00 1 $ 564.00 A4w dadued Hare Connection $120.00 $ PerembeSedrkalEnergy-5WAsystemorLess $10200 Therrmsiet $ 500 _ $ Note$5.0Dfor each addboral T-Stat NEW OONSTR1l M%1 ONLY: First 130D SgAm Ft $12Q00 __......_ $ Eadt Addtianai 50D Sgtere F L or Portion d $ 40.00 $ Each OAxikfnBorDeladedGerage $ 74.00 $ Each Sairrrnirrg Pcd or Hut Tt6 $11{t0D .., $ $ 864.00 Totai Omer as defined by FOV..19.2B.261:(1)DAner WH ooa.py the struckre for No years after Ifis electrical pemit is fir dined(2)Owner Is regl3red to hire an electrical contractor if above seid property is for sale,rent or lease.Permit moires of fen Six months of last Inspectierr. After reading the above statement,I hereby certify IJW I am fhe owner of fhe above named properly or a 9oartsed electrical tcontre ctor.I am making the electrical installation or alteration in corrpilar m with the electical laws,REO.,F ICW..Chapter 1928.V44C Chapter 29&46R The City of Port A pates Mmidpal Code,and Lkofty-peoffications aid PAC 14.05.050 negvding Bect icel F WT!t Applications. Signature of owner,electrical contractor or electrical adrrinistrator: ❑ Gmh [)� Otedc ® C te*Card# rti, 04/26/19 O�ed:.,__�.---.-.___._._ 010Q612