HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/09/2019 JOINT MEETING Port Angeles City Council and the, Port Angeles Utility Advisory Committee Port Angeles, Washington April 9, 20119 CALL TO ORDER.SVECIAL MEETING Councilmember and Chair Kidd called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call for LAC: Deputy Mayor Dexter,Councilmember and Chair Kidd,Councilmember Schromen-Wawrin,Vice Chair Bill Atkinson, Mattias Jarvegren,Rob Feller(arrived,at 3:07),and Paul Collins. Members Absent: Laura Dodd, Roll Call for the City Council: Mayor Bruch; Deputy Mayor Dexter, Council mem her Moran, and Councilmember French. Members Absent: Councilmember Merideth. Staff Present City Manager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey, S,Carrizosa,J. Burke,J. Hart, G, Goodworth,J. Boehme,M, Bodart,G, King,,and MS, French. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Schromen-Wawrin made a motion and Dexter seconded the motion to: Approve the minutes for November 13,201,8, Motion carried 7-0. PUBLIC COMMENT: Matt Jordon, city resident, spoke, about light pollution and what the city, could do to help lessen the impact of light pollution. Vicki Swan,city resident, suggested the city develop a waste water averaging strategy, Joe Sanders,city resident,spoke about waste water averaging strategy. Seeing no additional public comment,Chair Kidd opened the discussion. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. Pump Station 3 Design and Construction Support City Engineer Jonathan Bochme opened the discussion and spoke about the design and construction aspects of the contract and provided background on die existing building.Committee discussion followed, It was moved by Dexter and seconded by Feller to: Provide a favorable recommendation for City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign the 2019 Pump Station 3 Design and Construction Support Professional Service Agreement with Kennedy Jenks Consultants in the not to exceed amount of$215,950 and make minor modifications if necessary, Motion carried 7-0. 2. 2019 NPDES Wastewater Outfall Inspection Engineer Boehnie opened the discussion and spoke about the outfalls and the sediment accumulations. He explained how the inspection would be done, and spoke about the design and construction aspects of the contract. Director James Burke addressed questions,related to costs related to the project. Committee discussion followed, PORT.ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING— prill 9,2019 I't was moved by Atkinson and seconded by Feller to: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize,the City Manager to sign the 2019 NPDES Outfall Inspection Professional Service Agreement with BergerABAM in the not to exceed amount of$50,000 and make minor modifications if necessary. Motion carried 7-0. I Net Energy Metering Policy Power Resource Manager Gregg King provided background on the agenda item,saying the program encourages customer generation. He shared the agreement would allow the City to buy back the power at the same rate that is purchased from Bonneville. He stated the original calculations,were built into the established in Washington State legislation Substitute House Bill 2773:Net Metering for Certain Renewable Energy Systems.Committee discussion followed. Staff recommends the UAC bring back the item to the next meeting with the proposed concepts presented by the Committee. 4. Changes to Ellectric Utility Port Angeles Municipal Code Power Resources Manager Public Works Gregg King opened dis high rate during low rate to encourage to change behavior,move the peak demand times,and it has been in the code this way with zero participants, Committee discussion followed. tt was moved by Sehromen-Wawrin and seconded by,14rvegren to: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to adopt the following updated municipal codes and to make minor modifications as needed: 13.12.020 through 13.11066, 13,12.072,3.70AOO Motion carried 6-1 with Atkinson opposed. S. Wastewater and Stormwater Cost of Service Analysis Presentation, During the 2011,9 rate:setting process the offer was made to present the Cost of Service Analysis(COSA)models to the City Council early in 20,19 so that a greater understanding of the process could be achieved, leading to more informed and involved rate setting. This presentation will review the 2019 Wastewater and Stormwater COSA models. Senior Accountant Glen Goodwo,rth provided an oral presentation on the Wastewater and Stormwater COSA. Mr. Goodworth spoke about traditional rate setting principles and discussed upcoming meetings where both the Council and UAC will have the opportunity to participate in an Electric COSA review presentation. Deputy, Director Jason Hart provided information on fees as they pertain to waste water and spoke about the pre-tre,atmenit program. Committee discussion followed. Next meeting April 23 where the Council and UAC will conduct an Electric COSA review, Next UAC meeting May 14,2019. Next Joint meeting May 2,2019., ADJOURNMENT Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting at 5:03 p.m. .......... ... Kari Martinez-Bailey,City Cl Page 2 of 2