HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-04 LTAC Agenda Packet
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321 East Fifth Street
November 4, 2021
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee desires to allow the opportunity for public comment. However, the
business of the Committee must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At its most restrictive, Public
Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes.
1. Discussion/Action Item: Review and Award Funding to Non-Event Lodging Tax
Fund Application Proposals
Review 2022 Non-Event lodging tax application proposals and Lodging Tax Advisory
Committee scoring. Provide a recommendation to City Council for the 2022 lodging tax
September 30, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.
Meeting was held virtually
Committee Chair French called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.
Voting Members Present: Mike French, Christine Loewe, Donya Alward (joined at 3:06 p.m.), Sydney Rubin and Marsha
Non-Voting Members: Peter Stolinsky and Lisa Hilt.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey, Allyson Brekke, and Melody Schneider
Clerk’s note: Due to technical difficulties, staff asked for verbal confirmation from all they could hear
and be heard.
It was moved by Massey and seconded by Loewe to:
Approve the minutes with the correction noted by Hilt, changing “September 9, 2021” to “September 30,2021”.
The Chair asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 4-0.
No public comment was received.
1. Review and Recommend Annual 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Budget Fund
The Committee reviewed the 2022 Lodging Tax Fund proposed budget based on LTAC Policy and Guidelines.
Committee discussion followed.
It was moved by Stolinsky and seconded by Massey to:
Approve Capital at 20% in an amount of $105,200;
Master Plan prorates at 5% in an amount of $35,100
Marketing at 25% in the amount of $161,300;
Events at 12% in the amount of $84,200; and
For a total 2022 projected Revenues at $701,400, with $666,400 revenues available less 5% Capital Reserves.
The Chair asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 4-0.
2. Discussion/Action Item: 2022 Regular Meeting Scheduling
The Committee considered dates for upcoming Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meetings for 2021 and considered the
2022 calendar included in the packet. Committee discussion followed.
By consensus, the Committee agreed to meet November 4, 2021 from 3-5:00 p.m. to consider non-events and November 18,
2021 from 3-5:00 p.m. to consider events.
In addition, the Committee discussed meeting dates for 2022 and agreed by consensus to meet:
March 17, 2022
June 16, 2022
September 15, 2022
October 27, 2022
November 3, 2022
Chair French adjourned the meeting at time 4:26 p.m.
__________________________ ___________________________
Mike French, Chair Kari Martinez-Bailey, Clerk
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.1
Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $
Please review the LTAC Vision, Goals and Priori7es for Lodging Tax Funding Programs to assist
answering your applica7on ques7onnaire. Click here for more general informa7on about the Lodging
Tax Program.
If you have any ques7ons regarding this applica7on process or the grant opportunity itself, please
contact Ben Braudrick at 360-417-4804, or email ced@cityofpa.us.
All applica7ons must be sent to ced@cityofpa.us by 5:00 pm, Friday, October 29, 2021.
Organiza7on/Agency Name: Port Angeles Waterfront Center
Federal Tax ID Number: 81-3062077
Facility Name or Opera7on (if applicable): Field Arts & Events Hall
Contact Name and Title: Steve Raider-Ginsburg, Execu7ve Director
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 71 City: Port Angeles State: WA Zip: 98362
Phone: 360.477.4679 Email Address: steve@fieldhallevents.org
Check all service categories that apply to this applica2on:
☐ Opera2on of a Tourism Promo2on/Des2na2on Marke2ng Agency
☒ Opera2on of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by a non-profit organiza2on
☐ Opera2on and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality
Check which one of the following applies to your agency:
☐ Non-Profit (A"ach copy of current non-profit corporate registra5on with Washington Secretary of State)
☐ Public Agency
Complete Applica.on Includes (check all that apply):
⌧ Applica2on Ques2onnaire
⌧ Itemized budget for your non-event related opera2on or capital facility (income and expenses)
⌧ Descrip2on of, and a budget showing, how you intend to use the amount requested from the City of Port
⌧ A copy of your agency’s current registra2on with the Washington Secretary of State.
☐ (Op2onal) Brochures or other informa2on about your facility or items showing recent tourism promo2on
efforts – Limited to 8 pages
2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application
This application is for non-event related proposals only.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.2
City of Port Angeles Tourism Promotion Application Page 2
Applica’on Ques’onnaire
General Ques.ons
1.Describe your tourism-related opera.on/facility.
The Port Angeles Waterfront Center’s Field Arts and Events Hall (Field Hall) officially broke ground November
12, 2019. The result of several extraordinary and historically large private gi_s, the new center is designed to
be a “home for arts and events that brings people together and strengthens our community”.
When complete, Field Hall will consist of a two-2er 500-seat state-of-the-art auditorium and a fully equipped
400-seat conference and event space overlooking Port Angeles harbor. The building will also include a 1000 sq.
_. art gallery, box office, lobby concession area, professional-grade catering kitchen, and ground-floor coffee
shop with direct door access to the Olympic Discovery Trail. The remainder of the campus, commonly referred
to as the Oak Street Property, is to be home to the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe as the site of a new Cultural
Center and a separate partnership between the Na2onal Marine Sanctuary Founda2on, Feiro Marine Life
Center and Olympic Coast Na2onal Marine Sanctuary as space for its new Marine Discovery Center.
The combined vision of all three organiza2ons is to build a single unified campus that becomes the core of arts,
science, and culture on the Olympic Peninsula. Private investment for all three projects is expected to exceed
$75 million. Field Hall plans to open its doors to the public in the summer of 2022. Comple2on of the two
remaining buildings is an2cipated in 2025. Over 60,000 individual campus visits are predicted by 2022.
2.If you have received Lodging Tax Funds in prior years, are you doing anything significant or differently this
year? If this is your first-.me reques.ng funding, what is your reason for the request?
Previously, Field Hall successfully employed $38,500 in 2020 City of PA LTAC funding to create a Venue
Marke2ng Strategy and corresponding Venue Marke2ng Plan designed to help us iden2fy, market to, and
secure sales from decision makers tasked with finding the type of mee2ng and conference space Field Hall will
provide. Carefully co-marketed with local lodging and related business interests, such bookings will lead
directly to a substan2al increase in year-around hotel, restaurant, shop, and tour ac2vity.
Last year, Field Hall was awarded $40,000 in 2021 LTAX funding to engage a well-established regional state-of-
the-art performance and conference venue to exchange, transfer, and/or co-develop the requisite intellectual
property, plans, policies, and management systems needed to establish and perfect building and programming
opera2ons prior to the facility’s comple2on and subsequent opening.
This year, Field Hall seeks $37,500 in 2022 LTAX funding to purchase a mobile sound system, enabling outdoor
fesCvals and events to have access to high quality audio experiences for tourist events. This system will be
sized to be able to handle audience sizes from 50 - 3000 people. Field Hall will physically open in 2023,
however programming will begin in outdoor spaces in 2022 and the need for audio equipment will begin then.
Field Hall will also make this equipment available to any interested group which needs this equipment to make
a successful event.
Field Hall has been in talks with Juan de Fuca FoundaCon, High School Hall of Fame and others all of whom
requested audio support for their events. We believe that our talent and technology will be a great boon to our
City to become the go to support for all of our FesCvals, Concerts and other outdoor events. If any of these
enCCes need top professional talent and equipment vendors are contracted from beyond Jefferson County,
meaning they carry a large expense. Field Hall aims to lower expense and upgrade quality.
When Field Hall is able to save money and increase quality for aQracCons, such as Crabfest and others, more
budget becomes available to improve other aspects of these events, which results in increased tourist
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City of Port Angeles Tourism Promotion Application Page 3
3.Are you applying for Lodging Tax funds from another jurisdic.on?
Yes ☒ No☐If yes, list the other jurisdic.on(s) and amount(s) requested.
We will be seeking $27,000 from Clallam County to enable Field Hall to purchase portable staging, which
compliments and strengthens the efficacy of this grant proposal.
4.Describe you target tourist audience (loca.on, demographics, etc.)
While census data has informed our projec2ons about demand poten2al among area residents, visitors
to the area are also a priority market. As the gateway to Olympic Na2onal Park and direct ferry access to
Victoria B.C., Port Angeles welcomes well over 3 million tourists annually.
Past studies have shown that this visita2on peaks in the summer months but even in January and February
monthly tourist visita2on has exceeded the popula2on of the en2re local market area. Unfortunately, most
tourists "pass through" Port Angeles on the way to other aprac2ons. The city's limited hotel capacity, a lack of
arts and events programming oriented to visitors, and the loca2on of the Na2onal Park Visitor Center outside
the downtown business core limits opportuni2es to serve this huge flow of visitors.
These visitors are generally wealthier and more highly educated than average (66.2% hold a bachelor's degree
or higher, and 28.2% earn more than $75k annually). According to recent surveys, visitors to the Olympic
Peninsula are most interested in outdoor recrea2on, the Na2onal Park, family visits, and road trips, with only
4% repor2ng apending an arts and culture venue on their trip. However, when asked what would make them
more likely to visit the area, tourists reported interest in Fes2vals and Events (29%) and in Art & Culture (17%).
Given the large number of visitors to the area, even a small percentage of this market would have a huge
impact on Field Hall apendance and related lodging, restaurants, and shops nearby.
We expect a performing arts and events audience of 11,600 people in Year 1 of opera2on. This number is
based upon a survey of current programming ac2vity in the area and interest in the facility as expressed by
local performing arts groups. Using economic impact modeling provided by Americans for the Arts, we
an2cipate Year 1 opera2ng expenses to total $980,500 (total performing arts related expenses minus capital
reserve). Combined with $346,100 in an2cipated audience expenditures, total related economic ac2vity is
projected to equal $1,326,600, 40 FTE’s in direct and indirect jobs, $790,940 in increased household income,
$42,155 in local government revenue, and $70,375 in state government revenue.
We expect the performing arts and events audience to increase to 19,325 by Year 3 of opera2on. We an2cipate
total Year 3 opera2ng expenses to total $1,180,500 (total performing arts related expenses minus capital
reserve). Combined with $576,589 in an2cipated audience expenditures, total related economic ac2vity is
projected to equal $1,757,089, 52 FTE’s in direct and indirect jobs, $1,021,580 in increased household income,
$57,360 in local government revenue, and $94,250 in state government revenue.
By working with local stakeholders, crea2ng effec2ve programming, using available resources, and leveraging
an idyllic waterfront loca2on, we believe Field Hall can drama2cally increase the region’s “s2ckiness” and
encourage visitors to spend more 2me and (naturally) addi2onal resources in the area before depar2ng for
Currently 4 hotels, 3 fine dining restaurants, 17 casual dining restaurants, and 2 fast food restaurants are within
walking distance of our project site. Addi2onal patronage generated before or a_er performances will result in
a poten2al need for increased hours of service, more employees, and higher wages.
Also note that the public announcement of our new performing arts and community conference center was
highly instrumental in the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe’s decision to enter into nego2a2ons with the City of Port
Angeles to purchase city land and construct a new $25-million hotel and restaurant one city block from our
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.4
City of Port Angeles Tourism Promotion Application Page 4
facility and directly across the street from the Coho Ferry terminal. Interac2on between Field Hall and the Tribe
through their hotel opera2ons and the ac2vi2es associated with their cultural center located on our site offers
addi2onal economic impetus to the surrounding neighborhood.
5.Describe how your opera.on/facility lends support to a diverse range of sustainable tourism ac.vi.es,
which will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return oWen.
The ques2on is not “How many more travelers can we apract to Clallam County?”. The ques2on is “How can
we encourage those who do come to eat, shop, and/or stay overnight?” Field Hall offers an answer: By
providing state-of-the-art conference and event facili2es on a spectacular downtown waterfront loca2on unlike
any other on the North Olympic Peninsula.
Up to now, Clallam County has been rou2nely overlooked by many professional event planners or those that
book mee2ng space for their organiza2ons because of the limited size and availability of local rental space,
inadequate kitchen facili2es, or absence of fully equipped breakout spaces.
Field Hall is a direct response to each of these requirements. Together with its local partners, Field Hall will
market its services as a des2na2on venue for mul2-day conferences, fes2vals, and performances that will both
apract and “keep” visitors in the area. By doing so, Field Hall ac2vi2es promise to increase opportuni2es for
county hotels, restaurants, and shops to increase staff, extend hours, and expand inventory.
6.Describe the prior success of your opera.on/facility in aYrac.ng tourists. How do you define success?
Field Hall will open its doors 18 months from now. As noted, the facility must begin collec2ng sufficient
bookings now to prevent any possible shorwall in Year 1 or 2. Much of that book of business is predicated upon
our success in aprac2ng the apen2on and answering the needs of decision makers within the event planning
industry. That success will ul2mately be defined first, by the number of out-of-town conference apendees and
arts patrons we are able to serve and second, by the degree to which those same visitors indicate a willingness
to return to Clallam County and/or enthusias2cally recommend the area and our facility to their friends,
families, and colleagues.
In regards to the portable audio system, our success will be noted by audience feedback and subsequently
audience growth. Field Hall will work to develop and retain audio technicians who will live in the PA area,
having access to this talent is another marker of success. Lastly, the number of 2mes the audio system is used
will demonstrate success, the more the system is requested and run, the more we have become successful.
LTAX Goals and Priori.es for Lodging Tax Funding Programs
7.Does your opera.on/facility promote tourism that highlights Port Angeles assets – its natural beauty,
geology, outdoor ac.vi.es, anthropology, community events, lifelong learning opportuni.es, history,
culture, and the arts? ⌧ Yes ☐ No If yes, please describe.
Seated directly on Port Angeles Harbor and Olympic Discovery Trail, Field Arts & Events Hall will provide a truly
iconic waterfront amenity that will not only help ins2ll a sense of place, civic pride, and community iden2ty,
but offer a safe and invi2ng gathering space where residents and visitors alike can watch, listen, and otherwise
immerse themselves in quality programming and special events.
For the outdoor events that are supported by the mobile audio system, these events will be embedded in
geographic beauty. Places such as Pebble Beach, downtown piers, Civic Field and others will combine sexng,
arts, educa2onal ac2vi2es and more.
8.Does your opera.on/facility support efforts to improve informa.on on exis.ng City of Port Angeles
tourist aYrac.ons and facili.es?
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City of Port Angeles Tourism Promotion Application Page 5
⌧ Yes ☐ No If yes, please describe.
Once complete, Field Hall an2cipates offering a visitor concierge service during normal business hours from
within the building’s main lobby throughout the peak tourist season. This service will be dedicated to offering
precise and accurate informa2on to visitors to the area including maps (digital and printed), reserva2on
assistance, and tour routes tailored to the specific needs and desires of individual guests.
9.Describe how your request will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in
the City of Port Angeles.
Large-scale outdoor venues (and indoor as this audio system can also be constructed indoors) will apract
tourist in any season when there is a significant reason to gather. Field Hall will be able to support large-scale
visions and execute the technical support with trained staff. Increasing the capabili2es of arts and culture to
rival anywhere in the country will assure con2nued growth to our tourism industry in PA.
Outdoor events are synonymous with access to food and cra_ vendors. Unique, fun and entertaining events
that can be professionally supported with well trained staff will ensure producers of these events will be
supported to amplify their reach, therefore increasing the number of overnight stays.
10.Describe how your request will create partnerships and synergies with exis1ng City of Port Angeles
organiza1ons to develop and promote a;rac 1ons and events for visitors.
With Field Hall providing technical/audio support services, with higher quality and for less expense than what
is currently available, this will give back >me and money for organiza>ons to redeploy assets towards greater
promo>on of events to aAract visitors.
It is foreseeable that the use of Field Hall audio services by mul>ple groups will bring synergy and alignment to
the array of current event producers in the City. Field Hall will be a local vendor and thereby communica>ng to
mul>ple organiza>ons and sharing knowledge. As of now, the technicians and equipment that is rented comes
and goes without any local connec>on or synergy.
Budget and RCW related Ques.ons
11.What is the overall budget for your opera.on/facility? What percent of the budget are you reques.ng
from Port Angeles Lodging Tax Fund? What percentage of your budget is related to tourism and
marke.ng ac.vi.es? (may reference aYached budget).
Field Hall has an opera>onal budget of $484,553 (FY21). Field Hall has a construc>on budget of $14M(FY22).
The percentage of the opera>onal budget is: 7.73%
The percentage if we combine opera>onal plus construc>on is: 0.25%
For FY22 we an2cipate adding budget lines that are associated with programs, which will include adver2sing
and branding of events to apract tourists to PA and Field hall, which we es2mate at $100,000.
12.What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or
recommended? How is Lodging Tax funding essen.al to the success of your proposal?
If funding is reduced, the quality of equipment will be reduced. As the life expectancy for this equipment is
approximately 10 years and it would be a shame to have the quality diminished for such a long period of 2me.
This proposal includes equipment that is standard or beper, however we held back from the “top line” items to
apain what we think is a reasonable budget.
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City of Port Angeles Tourism Promotion Application Page 6
13.How does this proposal demonstrate use of Lodging Tax Funds in accordance with RCW 67.28.1816?
Please be specific and cite code directly.
By suppor2ng the opera2ons of tourism-related facili2es owned or operated by nonprofit organiza2ons
described under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) and 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(6) of the internal revenue code of 1986, as
Signature and Cer.fica.on:
I am an authorized agent of the organiza7on/agency applying for funding. I have read the applica7on
instruc7ons and understand that:
•I am proposing a tourism-related service for 2022. If awarded, my organiza7on intends to enter into a
Municipal Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the dura7on of the contract
naming the City as addi7onal insured and in an amount determined by the City; and file for a permit
to use City property, if applicable.
•The City of Port Angeles will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organiza7on/agency
and only aeer the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for
Reimbursement form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submifed to the City, including
copies of invoices and payment documenta7on.
•My agency will be required to submit a report documen7ng economic impact results in a format
determined by the City.
As a condi7on of this applica7on for funding if any funding is provided by the City of Port Angeles using
lodging tax funds, I agree to provide all wrifen reports required by the City in accordance with the
repor7ng deadlines established by the City.
This signature is also acknowledgment of reading and understanding, in its en7rety, the applica7on and
its cover lefer, and your responsibili7es as a grant applicant and recipient.
Please save this applica.on as a PDF document and sign digitally in Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Learn More
Steve Raider-Ginsburg October 29, 2021
Print Name of Applicant Signature Date
To be eligible for considera 7on, your complete proposal must be received by the deadline. The Commifee will
review proposals in a public mee7ng and determine funding recipients and levels of funding.
Submit one digital copy of the proposal coversheet, completed ques2onnaire, and any apachment in ONE pdf
document to: ced@cityofpa.us
•If you have any ques3ons on how to submit, please contact the above email.
•You must complete and sign the applica3on
The proposal and all documents filed with the City are considered public records. The City may choose to
post on its website copies of the proposals and aYached documents.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.7
City of Port Angeles LTAC Funding Opportunity Port Angeles Waterfront Center
Field Hall Event Equipment October 29, 2022
Budget Jus*fica*on
1. Annual Aggregate Funding Request
2. Budget Jus3fica3on Narra3ve
Year City of PA LTAC Funds Requested Non-LTAC funds requested Total:
Year 1 $37,500.00 $0.00 $37,500.00
Classifica*on / Explana*on
1.Administra3on and Legal Expenses
There are no administraEve costs associated with this project $ 0
Total Administra@ve and Legal Expenses $ 0
2.Land, Structures, Right-of-ways, Appraisals, etc..
There are no land, right-of-ways, appraisals, etc. costs associated with this
$ 0
Total Land, Right-Of-Ways, Appraisals, Etc. Costs $ 0
3.Reloca3on Expenses and Payments
There are no administraEve costs associated with this project $ 0
Total Reloca@on Expenses and Payments $ 0
4.Architectural and Engineering Fees
There are no architectural and engineering fees associated with this project:
Total Architectural and Engineering Fees $ 0
5.Other Architectural and Engineering Fees
There are no other architectural or engineering fees associated with this
$ 0
Total Other Architectural and Engineering Fees $ 0
6.Project Inspec3on Fees
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.8
City of Port Angeles LTAC Funding Opportunity Port Angeles Waterfront Center
Field Hall Event Equipment October 29, 2022
There are no project inspecEon fees associated with this project $ 0
Total Project Inspec@on Fees $ 0
7.Site Work
There are no site work costs associated with this project $ 0
Total Site Work Costs $ 0
8.Demoli3on and Removal
There are no demoliEon and removal costs associated with this project $ 0
Total Demoli@on and Removal $ 0
There are no construcEon costs associated with this project
Total Construc@on Costs $ 0
Sound Mixing Board Microphone Array Cables and Cords
Generator Mic Stands Speaker Array
Total Equipment Costs $37,500.00
There are no Miscellanesus costs associated with this project
Total Miscellaneous Costs $ 0
12.Subtotal (sum of lines 1 – 11)
There are no conEngencies associated with this project $0
Total Con@ngencies $0
14.Subtotal $37,500.00
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.9
City of Port Angeles LTAC Funding Opportunity Port Angeles Waterfront Center
Field Hall Event Equipment October 29, 2022
15.Project (Program) Income
Rental cost for audio system $ 6,000
Total Project (Program) Income $ 6,000
16.Total Project Costs (subtract #15 from #14)$31,500.00
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.10
Port Angeles Waterfront Center
Budget Vs. Actual
FY 2021
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Estimated
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Advertising & Marketing Actual Exp 2,931 287 1,844 224 302 308 263 224 224 0 0 0 6,608
Budget 2,931 287 1,844 224 302 308 263 274 274 274 274 274 7,530
Status √√√√√√√√√√√√√
Difference 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -50 -50 -274 -274 -274 -922
Spending %100%100%100%100%100%100%100%82%82%0%0%0%88%
Insurance Actual Exp 357 357 357 357 507 507 507 507 507 0 0 0 3,959
Budget 357 357 357 357 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 5,479
Status √√√√√√√√√√√√√
Difference 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -507 -507 -507 -1,520
Spending %100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%0%0%0%72%
Office Expenses Actual Exp 1,136 673 652 1,150 1,438 781 3,175 2,103 2,449 0 0 0 13,557
Budget 1,137 673 652 1,150 1,438 781 3,175 2,115 1,388 1,309 1,309 1,309 16,437
Status √√√√√√√√X √√√√
Difference -1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -12 1,061 -1,309 -1,309 -1,309 -2,880
Spending %100%100%100%100%100%100%100%99%176%0%0%0%82%
Occupancy Expense Actual Exp 2,662 2,624 5,903 3,925 3,450 3,342 3,403 3,336 3,345 0 0 0 31,989
Budget 2,662 2,624 5,903 3,925 3,450 3,342 3,403 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 43,309
Status √√√√√√√√√√√√√
Difference 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -264 -255 -3,600 -3,600 -3,600 -11,319
Spending %100%100%100%100%100%100%100%93%93%0%0%0%74%
Professional Services Actual Exp 21,204 34,776 28,375 4,151 9,416 23,593 10,476 9,484 2,674 0 0 0 144,149
Budget 21,204 34,776 28,375 4,151 9,416 23,593 10,476 9,500 500 17,667 2,000 500 162,158
Status √√√√√√√√X √√√√
Difference 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -16 2,174 -17,667 -2,000 -500 -18,009
Spending %100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%535%0%0%0%89%
Travel Actual Exp 0 0 0 0 815 531 432 733 373 0 0 0 2,884
Budget 0 0 0 0 815 531 432 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,777
Status √√√√√√√√√√√√√
Difference 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -267 -627 -1,000 -1,000 -1,000 -3,894
Spending %0%0%0%0%100%100%100%73%37%0%0%0%43%
Payroll Actual Exp 12,455 12,189 20,807 12,608 12,486 12,464 15,505 22,907 24,980 0 0 0 146,401
Budget 12,455 12,189 20,807 12,608 12,486 12,464 15,510 25,484 25,484 26,256 30,551 36,569 242,863
Status √√√√√√√√√√√√√
Difference 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 -2,577 -504 -26,256 -30,551 -36,569 -96,463
Spending %100%100%100%100%100%100%100%90%98%0%0%0%60%
Actual Expense Total Actual Exp 40,744 50,906 57,938 22,414 28,415 41,524 33,760 39,293 34,552 0 0 0 349,547
Budget Total Budget 40,745 50,906 57,938 22,415 28,415 41,525 33,766 42,480 32,753 50,613 39,241 43,759 484,553
Status √√√√√√√√X √√√√
Difference -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -5 -3,186 1,799 -50,613 -39,241 -43,759 -135,006
Spending %100%100%100%100%100%100%100%92%105%0%0%0%72%
Note: Under budget is a negative number, in green. Over budget is a positive number, in red.at 75% of the year
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.11
Annual Report
Business Name:
UBI Number:
604 011 408
Business Type:
Business Status:
Principal Office Street Address:
Principal Office Mailing Address:
Expiration Date:
Formation/Registration Date:
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Amount Received: $10.00
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.12
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1. Does your company own real property (including leasehold interests) in Washington?
2. Has there been a transfer of stock, other financial interest change, or an option agreement exercised during the last 12 months that
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You must contact the Washington State Department of Revenue to report a Controlling Interest Transfer IF:
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LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.13
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LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.14
Dear Lodging Tax Advisory Committee,
Please accept this application from The Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club (HRVVSC) for the 2022
City of Port Angeles Lodging Tax Fund.
The HRVVSC requests consideration for a grant of $20,000 to support the operation of our winter
tourism producing non profit organization. We plan to use the funds to offset our considerable payroll
expenses for lift operators and mountain operation center personnel involved with direct customer
service and ticket sales.
With an updated COVID plan and activities that are safe and lend toward social distancing we are
poised for another successful winter season . We have a redesigned website and expanded
advertising through our continued partnership with lndyPass.
Thanks for your and the committee's time in reviewing this application . We appreciate all efforts to
improve the quality of life in Port Angeles. Please let me know if you have any follow up questions .
Sincerr ~QL
Jerry /
Jerome R. Oakes, MD, Board Member, HRWSC
Cell: 360-477-6077
Email: jromdwa@gmail.com
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.15
ot ,0111 '4.-.,
ct~ .. ~ 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application
~~. This application Is for non-event related proposals only.
L.. M y
Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $ l--.~ .... ,000 ______ __,
Please review the LTAC Vision, Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs to assist
answering your application questionnaire. Click here for more general information about the Lodging
Jax Program.
If you have any questions regarding this application process or the grant opportunity itself, please
contact Ben Braudrick at 360-417-4804, or email ced@cityofpa.us.
All applications llUlS be sent to ced@cityofpa.us by 5:00 pm, Friday, October 29, 2021.
Organization/Agency Name: Hurricane Rjdge Winter Sports Club (HRWSCl
Federal Tax ID Number: 91-0861698
Facility Name or Operation (if applicable): Hurricane Rjdge Skj/Snowboard/Tubjng Area
Contact Name and Title: Jerry Oakes Board Member, HR\NSC
Mailing Address· PO Box 3049 _ City:,port Angeles State.:..WA.Zip· 98362
Phone: 848-667-7669 Email Address: jromdwa@gmajl.com
Check all service categories that apply to this application:
□ Operation of a Tourism Promotion/Destination Marketing Agency
X Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by a non-profit organization
□ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality
Check which one of the following applies to your agency:
X Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit a,rporate registration with Washington Secretary of State/
D Public Agency
Complete Application Includes (check all that apply):
X Application Questionnaire
X Itemized budget for your non-event related operation or capital facility (income and expenses)
X Description of, and a budget showing, how you intend to use the amount requested from the City of Port
X A copy of your agency's current registration with the Washington Secretary of State.
X (Optional) Brochures or other information about your facility or items showing recent tourism promotion
efforts -Limited to 8 pages
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.16
Application Questionnaire
General Questions
1. Describe your tourism-related operation/facility.
The Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club (HRVVSC) is a non-profit volunteer-run
organization in the State of Washington that promotes winter recreation at Hurricane
Ridge. We maintain and operate the ski and snowboard lifts and tubing hill under
special use permit from Olympic National Park (ONP).
The HRWSC focus is on youth winter sports education and recreation and we provide
safe and affordable family recreation on the Olympic Peninsula. Our operation includes
an active ski/ snowboard school and ski/snowboard team . We also operate the only
tubing hill at The Ridge for adults and teens. This is a very popular addition to our
operation, and we provide all needed equipment for participation. The tubing run
broadens our appeal to the general population even if you haven't yet teamed to ski or
The Hurricane Ridge Ski and Snowboard Area is a fantastic small winter sports
recreation area with excellent terrain, great service and a warm community feel, all
attributes that tourists pursue.
2. If you have received Lodging Tax Funds In prior years, are you doing anything significant or differently this
year? If this is your first-time requesting funding, what is your reason for the request?
With a grant from the Olympic Peninsula Visitors Bureau we are redesigning our website
this year. Many visitors to Hurricane Ridge in the winter visit our website and some think
our website is the official web page for ONP winter operations at Hurricane Ridge. Our
newly designed website will be ready to promote Port Angeles winter tourism, restaurants
and lodging.
This year we have upgraded and maintained much of our equipment that makes our
operation run. Our mountain manager, John Fox, has done extensive rebuild/repairs on
two snow cats, one of which you may have seen in the Black Ball parking lot this summer.
This served as great advertising for our on hill operation. In addition, we will string a new
cable for the POMA lift before the season. This is a major project and expense for a
volunteer led organization.
We will be updating our COVID plan for ONP in an effort to continue to provide good
service and safety to our clients. This year's plan will include enforcing the federal
government COVID vaccine mandate that applies to all contractors with the National Park
system. This will be a challenge with the current limitations in work force numbers.
Also, the Club will be selling a tubing punch card this year so those interested in tubing
can come anytime they want to enjoy our tubing experience. We think this will encourage
return visits and customer satisfaction
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.17
3. Are you applying for Lodging Tax funds from another jurisdiction?
Yes a No X If yes, list the other jurlsdlctlon(s) and amount(s) requested.
4. Describe your target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.)
The HRVVSC target tourist audience are winter sports enthusiasts and families from Vancouver Island and the Kitsap Peninsula . The popularity of hometown or local ski and snowboard areas has greatly increased in recent years as bigger resorts become more expensive and more crowded and less personal. We continue to focus our services toward
children and families providing a ski and snowboard school and free participation for 4th
and 5th graders thanks to support from the Hurricane Ridge \/\linter Sports Education Foundation (501-C-3).
5. Describe how your operation/facility lends support to a diverse range of sustainable tourism activities, which will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often.
Our operation adds to winter recreational opportunities in Port Angeles. The tubing at our winter operation is very popular especially during the early season and winter break. This along with the Skiing and Snowboarding options at Hurricane Ridge likely increase length of stays in our area during the crucial winter tourism season . In conjunction with ONP and Hurricane Ridge access in general and the \/\linter Ice Village, Port Angeles is an ideal small town winter playground.
6. Describe the prior success of your operation/facility in attracting tourists. How do you define success? Answer:
The 2020/2021 Season was another success for HR\J\JSC with 2,645 skier/snowboard tickets sold and 2,179 tubing tickets for a total of 4,824. This followed our 2019/2020
season total users totalling 4,076.
We get lots of personal feedback from visitors and ski school participants at our Mountain Operation Center or ticket trailer on the hill. Tubing has also been very popular with tourists and expands our appeal to a much wider demographic and is especially popular during the early season and winter break. Small ski/ snowboard areas continue to increase in popularity. This past year showed increased visitation to HR\J\JSC from outside our area and that was reflected in our visitation numbers.
The Indy Pass has increased our exposure greatly outside a 50 mile radius. We continue to benefit from the Indy Pass advertising and it's increasing popularity. Just as an example we had 45 individuals visit Hurricane Ridge Ski/Snowboard area during the winter of 2020/21. Many of these individuals brought friends or family. All but 4 of those individuals had zip codes listed outside the desired 50 mile radius. The average age of
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.18
' ' 1
those visitors was 30.5 years old. HRWSC received a total revenue from Indy Pass of
$4856.06 which is a new high.
HRWSC just received an update from Doug Fish the founder of the Indy Pass,
"We crushed it! After our first price increase, Indy Pass sales are at 105% of last
year's revenue and 77% of last year's pass volume. VVith six months to go.Our
average adult pass sale price has increased by $50 over last year and should rise
another $10-20 as our price tiers kick in and pass assurance discounts from 20-21
go away. Our goal of increasing yield is looking verrrry good!Despite a 40%
across-the-board price increase skiers and riders have loudly declared that the Indy
Pass is still the best deal on the planet We have a handful of new resorts in the
pipeline, an incredible new film release from TGR, an expanded lodging page, a
massive fall marketing campaign, Indy merchandise, and much more. Stay tuned
as the Indy Revolution heats up! Thanks for your support! Stay stoked!"
Here is our landing spot on the Indy Pass website . This gets national and
international exposure .
https://WNW .indyskjpass.com/resort/hurricane-ridge-ski-and-snowboard-area/
Here is and excerpt from this Travel and Leisure article :
https://www.travelandlejsure .com/trip-ideas/skijnq-trips/best-ski-passes?utm source=e
mailshare&utm medium=email&utm campaign=email-share-article&utm content=2021
Travel and Leisure
"The Indy Pass is the new kid on the block. Launched in 2019, the pass works similarly to
the Mountain Collective, bringing together a list of stellar mountain destinations that
passholders can ski for two days each season.
The pass offers access to 80 ski resorts, including Eaglecrest in Alaska, Snow Valley and
Mount Shasta in California, Hoodoo in Oregon, and Hurricane Ridge in Washington. It
also includes access to mountains along the East Coast, Rockies, Mid-Atlantic, Canada,
and even in Japan. The pass costs $299 and holders can score third-day tickets at 25%
off ticket window pricing. See all options and all mountains under the pass here."
Here is another article from fall 2020:
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.19
LTAX Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs
7. Does your operation/facility promote tourism that highlights Port Angeles assets -Its natural bea&q
geology, outdoor activities, anthropology, community events, lifelong learning opportunities, history: culture, and the arts? X Yes a No If yes, please describe.
HRWSC perfectly fits into this category. Port Angeles may not have the largest hometown ski area but it may have the most beautiful setting for any ski area in the country. We introduce many tourists to the best that Port Angeles has to offer in winter outdoor
recreation. Our daytime weekend operation dovetails nicely with evening dining , arts and events promotion during the winter season.
8. Does your operation/facility support efforts to improve Information on existing City of Port Angeles tourist attractions and facilities?
X Yes a No If yes, please describe.
Through our strong social media presence on lnstagram and Facebook along with our new and improved website we plan to continue to inform our visitors about the City of Port Angeles and all it's attractions and facilities .
9. Describe how your request will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Port Angeles.
The Indy Pass has been a great source of advertising for Port Angeles winter recreation. We plan to increase promotions and our website and social media for local lodging, restaurants and businesses whenever we can. In addition, our modified Winterfest
celebration and outdoor gear swap will be put on in conjunction with parking lot use donated by Black Ball and with support from many local businesses and restaurants
housed at The Wharf and many others.
10. Describe how your request will create partnerships and synergies with existing City of Port Angeles
organizations to develop and promote attractions and events for visitors.
Winter tourism in Port Angeles is set to take off with the return of the Winter Ice Village, activities at the Fine Arts Center and eventual opening of the waterfront Center. Weekend daytime activities at ONP and Hurricane Ridge are greatly enhanced by the Tubing,
Skiing, and Snowboarding activities offered by HRWSC.
Budget and RCW related Questions
11. What Is the overall budget for your operation/facility? What percent of the budget are you requesting from Port Angeles Lodging Tax Fund? What percentage of your budget Is related to tourism and marketing
activities? (may reference attached budget).
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.20
Our overall operations budget is approximately $150,000 per year. 10% of our budget is
marketing. Our biggest expenses are for staffing, fuel and insurance. In 2020 our payroll
expenses totalled $115,862. We rely heavily on fundraising locally with November's
VVinterfest our biggest fundraiser (due to COVID this event is significantly modified for
2021). As previously mentioned, we continue to work with Indy Pass which partners us
with 80 other independent ski areas across the US and Japan. Indy Pass markets
nationally and internationally, www.indyskipass.com.
12. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently If full funding for your request is not available or
recommended? How is Lodging Tax funding essential to the success of your proposal?
If the direct operational support for fuel costs and lift operator salaries request was not
granted, we would need to depend more heavily on local fl.indraising or limit our
operations or possibly delay maintenance of equipment. Our operation rarely has shown a
margin over our 63 years .and our survival is completely dependent on a small group of
hardworking volunteers and local fundraising. 'Mien the snow is there, and the road is
open, the lifts need to be spinning for our volunteer-led organization to survive and to
continue to attract winter tourists to Port Angeles. There is no guarantee that our
operation will continue without ongoing local support. Thank You!
13. How does this proposal demonstrate use of Lodging Tax Funds In accordance with RCW 67,28,1816? Please
be specific and cite code directly.
This HRVVSC proposal demonstrates the use of Lodging Tax Funds in accordance with
RCW 67 .28.1816 specifically under section ( 1 )( d) the money will support the operations of
tourism-related facilities owned or operated by a nonprofit organization. This proposal also
complies with (2)(a) as estimates of how any moneys received will result in increases in
travel (i) away from their place of residence and staying overnight in paid
accommodations; (ii) to a place fifty miles or more one way from their place of residence.
The proposal will be reviewed per the RCW by the lodging tax advisory committee (b)(ii)
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.21
Signature and Certification:
I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I hav~,'read the application
instructions and understand that:
• 1 am proposing a tourism-related service for 2022. If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a
Municipal Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract
naming the City as additional insured and in an amount determined by the City; and file for a permit
to use City property, if applicable.
• The City of Port Angeles will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency
and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for
Reimbursement form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including
copies of invoices and payment documentation.
• My agency will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format
determined by the City.
As a condition of this application for funding if any funding is provided by the City of Port Angeles using
lodging tax funds, I agree to provide all written reports required by the City in accordance with the
reporting deadlines established by the City.
This signature is also acknowledgment of reading and understanding, in its entirety, the application and
its cover letter, and your responsibilities as a grant applicant and recipient.
Please save thfs applfcation as a PDF document and sfgn dfgftally fn Adobe Reader or Acrobat Learn More Here.
Name of Applicant: Jerome 8, Oakes, MD Signature:~ .12 ~ate:10asn1
To be eligible for consideration, your complete proposal must be received by the deadline. The Committee will
review proposals in a public meeting and determine funding recipients and levels of funding.
Submit one digital copy of the proposal cover sheet, completed questionnaire, and any attachment in ONE pdf
document to: ced@dtyofpa.us
• If you have any questions on how to submit, please contact the above email.
• You must complete and sign the application
The proposal and all documents flied with the City are considered publfc records. The City may choose to
post on its website copies of the proposals and attached documents.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.22
Accrual Basis
Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club
Profit & Loss
January through December 2020
Ordinary lncometExpense
Pub Crawl
EF Contributions
Indy Pass Holden Pay outs
Tube 1 Hour
Prepun::hased Utt TlcMts
Group Lessons
88181<1 LESSONS -3 Week
Walk In Group Lesson
Total Group Lessons
1 ,000.00
0 .00
4 ,646.26
32,144.1 2
2 ,062.47
0 .00
0 .00
2 ,207.59
21 ,314.89
4 ,700.50
3 ,601.10
Page1 LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.23
Accrual Basis
Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club
Profit & Loss
January through December 2020
1 Person private lesson
2 People Prtvate Lesson
3 People Prtvlle Lesson
Private Lesson Addltlonal Hour
Ski School Ult Tickets
T Shirt & Cap Sales
Total Income
Cost of Goods Sold
T Shirt Sales Expense
Total COGS
Gross Pront
Bank Service Charges
Merchant Service Fees
Total Bank Service Charges
Cah OVerfShort
COmputer software up-grade customer Trmsportlllon
Depreciation Expense
Dues and SUbscrtptlons
Equipment RepalrslMalnt•ance
Fund Raising Expenses
Fund Raising Expenses -Other
Total Fund Raising Expenses
Jan -Dec20
181 ,978.54
3 ,747.2!3
4,481 .00
-2!3 .00
Page2 LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.24
Accrual Basis
Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club
Profit & Loss
January through December 2020
Jan -Dec20
Uablllty lnsurMce
Total lnsurMce
Licenses and Pennlts
Moc Repairs
Mountain Operations
<>mce Supplles & Postage
Payroll Expenses
Payroll taxes
Prtntlng and Reproduction
Professional Fees
Total Professional Fees
Sales Tax Expense
Total Sales Tax Expense
Ski School Expense
Industrial Supplies
Utt Ticket Expense
Total Supplies
Web Hosting
Total Expense
Net Ordinary Income
42,824 .14
0 .00
971 .19
. 500.00
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.25
Accrual Basis
Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club
Profit & Loss
other lncome#Expense
Other Income
Other Income
January through December 2020
Total Other Income
Other Expense
Federal Income Tax
Total Other Expense
Net Other Income
Net Income
Jan -0ec20
no .oo
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.26
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~ -~ ~~ BUSINESS LICENSE i·1 r i n S i:\fl {,, r:f
~!: \\ ,,1-1,,(.10!-Issue Date: Sep 17, 2021 .i . ?i iJ Nonprofit Corporation . Unffled Business ID #: 800026975 t;
:;: : Business ID#: 001 :,51 .,•,,.
fi1 Location: 0001 I '.i !1 ~~~~E RIDGE WINTER SPORTS CLUB Expires: Sep 30, 2022 V!
;L 424 E 1ST ST _-_;
.1 t:f
~{' ;/,{ i~~ DUTIES OF MINORS: t':1 •~ i · Ages 16-17: Help ski & snowboard school Instructors with students and their gear.*MINOR MAY NOT WORK AT !.{
i: Ages 14-15: Help ski & snowboard school instructors with students and their gear.*MINOR MAY NOT WORK AT :·:: t J HEIGHTS GREATER THAN 10 FT OFF THE GROUND OR FLOOR LEVEL.* f t: ' 1·•
t;i LICENSING RESTRICTIONS: ~;1 _,_, :J w; It is the business's responsibility to comply with minor work permit requirements. See WAC 296-125-030 and WAC J-i'f
··,1 296-125-033 for Non-AgricLiHural and WAC 296-131-125 for Agrlcuttural guidelines and restricted activities. 1 ,1 tj l ·;t
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UBI: 600026975 001 0001
424 E 1ST ST
PORT ANGELES WA 98362-3355
&lA~E OF WA !'.HlNG,ON
Expires: Sep 30, 2022
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.27
Winter Season Facts
Winter season: Mid-December thru end of March
Hours: Saturdays & Sundays, 1 0am to 4pm & SO IJl~Oli
Average annual snowfall: 400 inches •
Lowest base elevation: 4,800 fee! _....ll,. ~ •
Highest elevation: 5 ,500 feet ..,,.,~
Longest vertical drop: 700 feet ...._
Rope tows: 2
PomaUft: 1
Tubing: Yes
Trails: 10
PO ,...__, Rice St. ,. ~ -'R dge Pkwy.--, H,m ,ca~e <'
Directions: From Seattle, take Hwy 104 and the Hood Canal
Bridge to the Olympic Peninsula, then Hwy 101 to Port
Angeles. Tum south onto Race Street, watch for the sign, then
a slight right onto Hurricane Ridge Parkway. The National Park
charges an entrance fee of $30 per vehicle or you can
purchase a yearly pass for $55. Weather dependent, the road
usually opens to uphill traffic at 9am and closes to uphill traffic
at 4pm. Parking is limited, especially on powder days so it is
best to arrive at the gate by 8am.
Olympic N a t iona l Park· Po rt Angeles, WA
HurricaneRidge.com • (848) 667-7669
f -@
Olympic N ational Park• Po rt A ngeles, WA
Hurr icaneRidge.com • (848) 667-7669
f -@
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.28
Hurricane Ridge Shi and Snowboard Area is located in
the Olympic National Park, 17 miles south of Port 'Angeles,
Washington. Rising a mile high, Hurricane Ridge offers wir]t er
recreation and activities and features winter vi stas un
anywhere In the Pacific Northwest. We are a small, fflrjj
oriented ski area, offering a quality winter sports
without the high cost or congestion of most ski 8l'88tt.i
Ridge boasts some groomed areas, but for the acc:ompl
skier or snowboarder the steeps, bowls and glades
worth the effort it takes to get there! \_ .
Snow School
The Ridge has offered a Ski School for over 50 years. Our
classes and instructors follow the PSIA and AASI ideals,
insuring professionalism in all aspects of the school. We offer
Multi-week lessons, Drop-in Group lessons, and Private
lessons. Please visit HurrlcaneRldge.com for more info.
Equipment Rentals
Just about everything you need for alpine, Nordic, and snow-
shoeing is available for rent at the Hurricane Ridge Mountain
View Cafe & Gift Shop, located in the HLnicane Ridge Visitor
Center. For snowboard rentals see North by Northwest in Port
4th• 5th Graders Ride Free Program
Fourth and frfth graders receive FREE lift tickets for the winter
season. Just bring proof of enrollment in fourth or fifth grade
to the Mountain Operations Center ticket window along with a
completed application to receive a free ticket. Home schoolers
\ '"
Hurricane Ridge Sid Team
The Ski Team program provides participants the opportunity
to develop strong racing skills through training both on and off
the hill and through directed free skiing. This fun and enjoyable
program creates strong racers and excellent skiers who love
the sport. The Team hosts a race each season and the team
travels to compete in races at other areas.
Uft Ticket Prices
Bunny S20
Intermediate $36
Poma • All Lifts S50
Tubing (60 min) S14
Individual Pass S325
Family Pass S600
Additional Family Member S50
Butch's Corporate Pass S1,000
Indy Pass S199
Partner Resort 1111th Printed material provided by
bring roof of age. It's just that easy. ' \, . '°" '
Oly mpic N.:itionzil P.:irk · Port Angeles. WA · (848) 667-7669 • HurricaneRidge.com f w@
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.29
Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $ 10,000
Please review the LTAC Vision, Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs to assist answering
your application questionnaire. Click here for more general information about the Lodging Tax Program.
If you have any questions regarding this application process or the grant opportunity itself, please
contact Ben Braudrick at 360-417-4804, or email ced@cityofpa.us.
All applications must be sent to ced@cityofpa.us by 5:00 pm, Friday, October 29, 2021.
Organization/Agency Name:Juan De Fuca Foundation for the Arts
Federal Tax ID Number:91-1588987
Facility Name or Operation (if applicable):
Contact Name and Title:Kyle LeMaire, Executive Director
Mailing Address:101 W. Front St. City:Port Angeles State:WA Zip:98362
Phone:360-457-5411 Email Address:kylelemaire@jffa.org
Check all service categories that apply to this application:
☒ Operation of a Tourism Promotion/Destination Marketing Agency
☐ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by a non-profit organization
☐ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality
Check which one of the following applies to your agency:
☒ Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State)
☐ Public Agency
Complete Application Includes (check all that apply):
☐ Application Questionnaire
☐ Itemized budget for your non-event related operation or capital facility (income and expenses)
☐ Description of, and a budget showing, how you intend to use the amount requested from the City of Port
☐ A copy of your agency’s current registration with the Washington Secretary of State.
☐ (Optional) Brochures or other information about your facility or items showing recent tourism promotion
efforts – Limited to 8 pages
2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application
This application is for non-event related proposals only.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.30
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 2
Application Questionnaire
General Questions
1. Describe your tourism-related operation/facility.
The Juan de Fuca Foundation for the Arts has been providing entertainment and education to Port Angeles and
the North Olympic Peninsula sine 1993. We have a wide range of programs from Season Concerts, free summer
Concerts on the Pier, free Educational Programing and our annual event Juan de Fuca Festival. We have an
annual audience size estimated at 25,000 which brings in artists and tourist from Canada, Seattle and the entire
North Olympic Peninsula. We strive to be offer high caliber entertainment while keep these arts programs
accessible for everyone. JFFA considers itself to be a community focused and minded organization that
continually offers a wide range of opportunities for local organizations, businesses and individuals to participate
in our programming.
2. If you have received Lodging Tax Funds in prior years, are you doing anything significant or differently this year?
If this is your first-time requesting funding, what is your reason for the request?
Answer: We have received event funding in previous years; however, this is the first time we are applying for
non-event. This upcoming year we are growing our artist caliber and will be offering new programing such as
the Panto, Art Walks, and Literary QR Code Walking Experience. We are looking to capture audiences from
Canada and a far to drive business here in Port Angeles.
3. Are you applying for Lodging Tax funds from another jurisdiction?
Yes☐ No☒ If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested.
4. Describe you target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.)
Answer: The Juan de Fuca Foundation for the Arts hopes to serve both residents as well as attract substantial
crowds from Canada and the surrounding areas of the north Olympic Peninsula. Our target age for our concerts
is 30-70, while our educational programs are family oriented attracting audience from the ages of 5-60 years old.
It is our belief that JFFA can easily become a true destination with a refreshed marketing plan.
5. Describe how your operation/facility lends support to a diverse range of sustainable tourism activities, which
will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often.
Answer: JFFA offers 10-12 Season Concerts throughout the year, 10 Concerts on the Pier, The Juan de Fuca
Festival over 4 days with more than 50 performances, each of these are associated with a workshop or
education outreach. Many of our event coincide with other signature in events in the city such as Crab Fest.
6. Describe the prior success of your operation/facility in attracting tourists. How do you define success?
Answer: Much of our success in attracting visitors has come from small marketing efforts with the Washington
State Ferries and print ads in the Seattle area. We define that success by audience members who attend our
events who are outside of Clallam County.
LTAX Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs
7. Does your operation/facility promote tourism that highlights Port Angeles assets – its natural beauty, geology,
outdoor activities, anthropology, community events, lifelong learning opportunities, history, culture, and the
arts? ☐Yes ☐ No If yes, please describe.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.31
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 3
Answer: We are an art organization promoting a wide range of arts disciplines and artists here in Port Angeles.
Our workshops and education opportunities connect tourist and residents to local artists, many of who use our
natural beauty and geology in their work.
8. Does your operation/facility support efforts to improve information on existing City of Port Angeles tourist
attractions and facilities?
☐Yes ☐ No If yes, please describe.
Answer: As a staple here in Port Angeles, JFFA has been an existing attraction for 28 years. It is important to
foster new ideas and programs, but we must also support those that already exists to continue and grow.
Through our community connections (Social Media, Email Campaigns, Printed Materials) we are able to help
promote and market for other non-profits organizations and community events.
9. Describe how your request will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City
of Port Angeles.
Answer: We would like to contract a marketing director to create a plan for using radio, social media, and print
materials to promote experiences for visitors who come to Port Angeles. These experiences include dinner and a
show, art and nature, art walks, and a QR code experience. These offerings are intended to promote overnight
stays and business.
10. Describe how your request will create partnerships and synergies with existing City of Port Angeles
organizations to develop and promote attractions and events for visitors.
Answer: We are currently working on partnerships with commence to help promote PA. We are also partnering
with local artists to create panto, art walks, and a QR Code experience which will be connected to local
downtown business.
Budget and RCW related Questions
11. What is the overall budget for your operation/facility? What percent of the budget are you requesting from
Port Angeles Lodging Tax Fund? What percentage of your budget is related to tourism and marketing activities?
(may reference attached budget).
Answer: 2022 expenditure budget is $228,640. We are requesting 4.3%. Total related to marketing and
tourism is 6.5%
12. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or
recommended? How is Lodging Tax funding essential to the success of your proposal?
Answer: We still have plans to continue creating these offerings, however without the marketing budget that the
tax could provide it would limit our reach to gain an audience. Without the audience it will limit our ability to
create high caliber work that can keep individuals returning. We would have to modify the programs and turn
our focus to residents with limited reach outside of Port Angeles.
13. How does this proposal demonstrate use of Lodging Tax Funds in accordance with RCW 67.28.1816? Please be
specific and cite code directly.
Answer: 1a and 1b: Arts entertainment programing which includes concerts, workshops, festivals and education
to be marketed towards an international audience.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.32
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 4
Signature and Certification:
I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I have read the application
instructions and understand that:
• I am proposing a tourism-related service for 2022. If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a
Municipal Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract
naming the City as additional insured and in an amount determined by the City; and file for a permit to
use City property, if applicable.
• The City of Port Angeles will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency
and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for
Reimbursement form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including
copies of invoices and payment documentation.
• My agency will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format
determined by the City.
As a condition of this application for funding if any funding is provided by the City of Port Angeles using
lodging tax funds, I agree to provide all written reports required by the City in accordance with the reporting
deadlines established by the City.
This signature is also acknowledgment of reading and understanding, in its entirety, the application and its
cover letter, and your responsibilities as a grant applicant and recipient.
Please save this application as a PDF document and sign digitally in Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Learn More Here.
Print Name of Applicant Signature Date
To be eligible for consideration, your complete proposal must be received by the deadline. The Committee will
review proposals in a public meeting and determine funding recipients and levels of funding.
Submit one digital copy of the proposal coversheet, completed questionnaire, and any attachment in ONE pdf
document to: ced@cityofpa.us
• If you have any questions on how to submit, please contact the above email.
• You must complete and sign the application
The proposal and all documents filed with the City are considered public records. The City may choose to post
on its website copies of the proposals and attached documents.
Kyle LeMaire 10/29/21
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.33
Juan de Fuca Foundation of the Arts
Proposed Budget 2022- 2022
January - December 2022
Concerts On The Pier Sponsor ($ 10,000.00)
Beirgarten ($ 2,000.00)
Creative Arts Camp ($ 4,000.00)
Donor Appeal
Membership ($ 25,000.00)
Sponsorships ($ 25,000.00)
Total Donor Appeal ($ 50,000.00)
FEST Concessions ($ 7,000.00)
FEST Merchandise ($ 3,000.00)
FEST Paint & Sip ($ 7,000.00)
FEST School Bussing ($- )
FEST Street Fair Fees ($ 10,000.00)
FEST Tickets ($ 25,000.00)
Total Festival ($ 52,000.00)
Festival Artist Fund ($- )
#clallamgives ($- )
Market Art Donations ($ 5,000.00)
Winter Fundraiser
Dessert Dash ($ 1,000.00)
Raffle ($ 1,000.00)
Silent Auction ($ 2,000.00)
Tickets ($ 4,000.00)
Total Winter Fundraiser ($ 8,000.00)
Total Fundraisers ($ 13,000.00)
Grants ($ 30,000.00)
Interest Income ($ 50.00)
Credit Card Rewards ($ 100.00)
Total Interest Income ($ 150.00)
JFFA Shop ($ 1,000.00)
Sale of Ads in Programs ($ 10,000.00)
Season Concert Subscribers ($ 15,000.00)
Season Events/Concerts
Concessions ($ 2,000.00)
Raffle ($ 1,500.00)
Ticket ($ 40,000.00)
Total Season Events/Concerts ($ 43,500.00)
Total Revenue ($ 237,650.00)
Gross Profit ($237,650.00)
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.34
Advertising ($ 15,000.00)
Bank Services Fees ($ 100.00)
Board Development ($ 500.00)
Computer & Technology ($ 1,000.00)
Software ($ 800.00)
Total Computer & Technology ($ 1,800.00)
Concert on The Pier
PIER Accomodations ($ 300.00)
PIER Artist Fee ($ 7,000.00)
Total Concert on The Pier ($ 7,300.00)
Lodging ($ 1,000.00)
Travel ($ 500.00)
Total Conferences ($ 1,500.00)
Creative Arts Camp Expense ($ 4,000.00)
Credit Card Fees ($ 6,000.00)
Collected ($ (2,000.00)
Total Credit Card Fees ($ 4,000.00)
Donor Appeal Expenses
Membership Support
Total Donor Appeal Expenses ($ 2,500.00)
Dues and Licenses ($ 1,400.00)
Equipment ($ 750.00)
Festival Expenses
FEST Accommodations ($ 3,000.00)
FEST Artist Fee ($ 25,000.00)
FEST Concession ($ 1,000.00)
FEST Contract Labor ($ 2,500.00)
FEST Crew/Tech ($ 8,000.00)
FEST Decor/Equipment ($ 1,800.00)
FEST Equipment Rental ($ 4,000.00)
FEST Hospitality ($ 500.00)
FEST Merchandise Cost ($ 2,000.00)
FEST Paint & Sip ($ 3,000.00)
FEST Permits & Fees ($ 800.00)
FEST School Bussing ($- )
FEST Venue ($ 4,500.00)
FEST Wristbands ($- )
Total Festival Expenses ($ 56,100.00)
Fundraiser Expense ($- )
Board of Directors Insurance ($ 850.00)
Liability Insurance ($ 1,550.00)
Total Insurance ($ 2,400.00)
Live Streaming ($- )
Tips ($- )
Total Live Streaming ($- )
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.35
Market Art ($ 3,000.00)
Payroll Expenses ($ 70,000.00)
Total Payroll Expenses ($ 70,000.00)
Postage and Delivery ($ 240.00)
Professional Fees ($ 5,000.00)
Reconciliation Discrepancies
Retail ($ 500.00)
Store Supplies ($ 100.00)
Total Retail ($ 600.00)
Seasonal Concert Expenses
SC Accommodations ($ 3,000.00)
SC Artist Fee ($ 30,000.00)
SC Banner ($ 2,000.00)
SC Concessions ($ 250.00)
SC Hospitality ($ 1,000.00)
SC Lighting ($ 1,500.00)
SC Posters ($ 400.00)
SC Programs ($ 250.00)
SC Raffle ($ 300.00)
SC Sound ($ 4,800.00)
SC Ticketing ($ 700.00)
SC Venue ($ 4,000.00)
Total Seasonal Concert Expenses ($ 48,200.00)
Storage Rental ($- )
Supplies ($ 500.00)
Telephone ($ 1,750.00)
Travel & Entertainment ($ 600.00)
Winter Fundraiser Expense ($ 1,400.00)
Total Expenditures ($228,640.00)
Net Operating Revenue
Net Revenue ($9,010.00)
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LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.42
2022 Juan de Fuca Foundation Marketing/Tourism Budget
With these funds we plan on expanding our marketing efforts to include Victoria B.C
and the Seattle area. We will contract a marketing director to assist in targeted social
media ads, radio, and print materials to increase traffic and tourism using arts
programming here in Port Angeles, Wa.
Contract Marketing Director ($ 3,500.00)
Out of Area Ads- Beyond 50 m.
Ads include radio and print.($ 3,000.00)
Washington Ferries ($ 1,500.00)
Targeted SM Campaign ($ 2,000.00)
Total Marketing Expense ($ 10,000.00)
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.43
Business Name:
UBI Number:
601 455 288
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Business Status:
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Expiration Date:
Formation/Registration Date:
Period of Duration:
Inactive Date:
Nature of Business:
Secretary of State
State of Washington
Date Filed: 02/17/2021
Effective Date: 02/17/2021
UBI #: 601 455 288
Registered Agent
Name Street Address Mailing Address
98362-2606, UNITED STATES
98362-2606, UNITED STATES
This document is a public record. For more information visit www.sos.wa.gov/corps Work Order #: 2021021700111911 - 1
Received Date: 02/17/2021
Amount Received: $10.00
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.44
Street Address:
101 W FRONT ST STE 101, PORT ANGELES, WA, 98362-2606, USA
Mailing Address:
101 W FRONT ST STE 101, PORT ANGELES, WA, 98362-2606, USA
Effective Date:
1. Does your entity own real property such as land or buildings (including leasehold interests) in Washington?
2. As of January 1, 2019, has there been a transfer of stock, other financial interest change, or an option agreement exercised that
resulted in a transfer of at least 16⅔ percent interest in the entity?
a. If “yes”, has the transfer of stock, other financial interest change, or an option agreement exercised resulted in a transfer of
controlling interest (50 percent or greater)?
3. As of January 1, 2019, has an option agreement been executed allowing for the future purchase or acquisition of the entity?
You must report a Controlling Interest Transfer Return IF: you answered "yes" to questions 1 AND 2a.
Failure to report a Controlling Interest Transfer is subject to penalty provisions of RCW 82.45.220.
For more information on Controlling Interest, visit www.dor.wa.gov/REET.
101 W FRONT ST STE 101, PORT ANGELES, WA, 98362-2606, USA
Title Type Entity Name First Name Last Name
This document is a public record. For more information visit www.sos.wa.gov/corps Work Order #: 2021021700111911 - 1
Received Date: 02/17/2021
Amount Received: $10.00
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.45
By checking this box, I hereby opt into receiving all notifications from the Secretary of State for this entity via email only. I
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This document is hereby executed under penalty of law and is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
This document is a public record. For more information visit www.sos.wa.gov/corps Work Order #: 2021021700111911 - 1
Received Date: 02/17/2021
Amount Received: $10.00
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.46
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LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.48
Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $30,000
Please review the LTAC Vision, Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs to assist answering
your application questionnaire.Click here for more general information about the Lodging Tax Program.
If you have any questions regarding this application process or the grant opportunity itself, please
contact Ben Braudrick at 360-417-4804,or email ced@cityofpa.us.
All applications must be sent to ced@cityofpa.us by 5:00 pm,Friday, October 29, 2021.
Organization/Agency Name:Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission (OPTC)
Federal Tax ID Number:91-1355604
Facility Name or Operation (if applicable):OPTC Annual Regional Destination Marketing
Contact Name and Title:Marsha Massey, Executive Director-OPVB; Administrator-OPTC
Mailing Address:P.O. Box 670 City:Port Angeles State: WA Zip:98362
Phone:360.452.8552 Email Address:Director@olympicpeninsula.org
Check all service categories that apply to this application:
☒Operation of a Tourism Promotion/Destination Marketing Agency
☐Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by a non-profit organization
☐Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality
Check which one of the following applies to your agency:
☒Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit corpora te reg istra tion with Wa shing ton Secretary of Sta te)
☐Public Agency
Complete Application Includes (check all that apply):
☒Application Questionnaire
☒Itemized budget for your non-event related operation or capital facility (income and expenses)
☒Description of,and a budget showing,how you intend to use the amount requested from the City of Port
☒A copy of your agency’s current registration with the Washington Secretary of State.
☒(Optional) Brochures or other information about your facility or items showing recent tourism promotion
efforts –Limited to 8 pages
2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application
This application is for non-event related proposals only.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.49
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 2
Application Questionnaire
General Questions
1. Describe your tourism-related operation/facility.
Answer: The Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission (OPTC) is a cooperative marketing partnership among
area cities, counties, and marketing entities that, together, have been collaborating for over 15 years to
market the regional destination of the Olympic Peninsula to out-of-area visitors. Our focus is entirely on
people who will travel more than 50 miles to the destination, with primary emphasis on those who will stay
overnight in the destination. Normal target market areas include the “I-5 corridor”, from Bellingham to
Portland, with emphasis on Metro Seattle; Metro Portland; Victoria, BC, and Vancouver Island; key feeder
markets such as Oregon, California, Arizona, and Texas; and, in cooperation with Visit Seattle and the Port of
Seattle, key inbound international markets, primarily UK, Germany, France, and growing Asian markets. For
2022, as we continue to work together to rebuild our tourism industry, our focus will be closer to home:
primarily the I-5 corridor, Washington, Oregon, and California regional travel, and, once the US / Canadian
border fully reopens, Vancouver Island. We will expand for more national outreach as is stage appropriate.
OPTC is a good example of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. Working cooperatively, the
Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission (OPTC) partners share in the planning and implementation of annual
marketing activities to inspire and inform travelers from outside the area to visit the Olympic Peninsula.
Further details follow below.
2. If you have received Lodging Tax Funds in prior years, are you doing anything significant or differently this year?
If this is your first-time requesting funding, what is your reason for the request?
Answer: 2022 continues our post-pandemic travel industry rebuilding efforts. We continue to focus on non-
peak seasonal travel generation and remain nimble to ever- changing dynamics (such as border status).
Regional destination marketing only happens through the collaborative efforts of the OPTC partners. It is vital
to maintain the core destination marketing functions, including: the destination website, the travel planner
production and fulfillment, the educational familiarization tour program, and the co-operative marketing
efforts. While these don’t change, we constantly look for ways to be more targeted in those efforts.
Depending on final partner funding levels, some of the goals for 2022 include:
• Content development for destination website, including additional video
• Continue to facilitate co-op advertising in WA State Visitors Guide, Scenic Byways Guide and, if
available, the MV Coho Magazine as well as potential for co-op advertising in shoulder season
campaign ads
• Production and distribution of official 2022-2023 Olympic Peninsula Travel Planner (both print and
digital), in response to visitor inquiries, as well bulk distribution to on- and off-Peninsula visitor
centers, Seattle area hotels, SeaTac International Airport and on the WA State Ferry system
• Plan and execute familiarization tours for media, tour operators and travel influencers, to educate
them on the destination and gain media coverage or (travel) product development.
• Increase public relations outreach.
• Develop marketing campaigns focused on spring and fall travel, to attract visitors in the shoulder
seasons to the Olympic Peninsula. Marketing elements include print and digital advertising, social
media, PR, and contests.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.50
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 3
3. Are you applying for Lodging Tax funds from another jurisdiction?
Yes☒ No☐ If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested.
Answer: OPTC represents multiple funding partners across the Olympic Peninsula. Majority of funding
comes from partner LTACs (including Sequim, Port Townsend, Forks, Clallam Bay/Sekiu as well as Clallam,
Jefferson, Mason, and Grays Harbor counties). 2022 requested partner funding is as follows (Please note this
budget is still draft, as most partner contributions for 2022 have not yet been finalized.):
Clallam Bay / Sekiu: $2,500 (pending)
Forks Chamber of Commerce: $12,000 (pending)
Grays Harbor Tourism $10,000 (pending)
Jefferson Co. TCC $32,000 (pending)
Lake Quinault Innkeepers TBD (pending)
Neah Bay / Makah N/A
Olympic Pen. Visitor Bureau $55,000
Port Angeles, City of $30,000 (proposed)
Port Townsend, City of $18,000 (pending)
Sequim, City of $16,000
Mason County $7,000 (pending)
4. Describe you target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.)
(a) Greater Puget Sound area (I-5 corridor): Bellingham to Portland, emphasis Metro Seattle and South Puget
Sound, and Metro Portland
(b) Other Washington and Oregon markets
(c) British Columbia / Vancouver Island – Victoria BC (once the US / Canadian border fully reopens)
(d) Key feeder markets, including Oregon, California, Arizona, Texas, Florida, New York
(e) Targeted international markets, in conjunction with Visit Seattle and Port of Seattle initiatives. For 2022,
post-pandemic focus is primarily the U.K. and German- speaking markets, anticipated to return first.
Based on research, our four primary target audiences are: outdoor adventure seekers, foodies, family
travelers and romantics.
5. Describe how your operation/facility lends support to a diverse range of sustainable tourism activities, which
will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often.
Sustainability: OPTC actively supports and regularly communicates (website, social media, enews) the
principals of “Recreate Responsibly” (recreateresponsibly.org). OPTC regularly shares messaging from Olympic
National Park and Olympic National Forest regarding best practices and safety on public lands.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.51
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 4
Lengthening stays and return visits:
The beauty of regional destination marketing is that it connects the various assets and communities of the
Olympic Peninsula, Including Port Angeles, demonstrating the rich diversity and vast geography, thus helping
the visitor understand the necessity of a multi-day visit. On our website are numerous suggestions for how to
“Drive the Loop”, including multi-day sample itineraries. Our media and travel trade familiarization tours are
nearly always multiple day programs, so that they will communicate in their resulting articles and tour
products that this is a multiple day destination. We promote return visits by marketing the Olympic Peninsula
as a four-season destination.
6. Describe the prior success of your operation/facility in attracting tourists. How do you define success?
Answer: Statewide visitor spending and visitor impacts data (broken out at the county level) is now provided
by the Washington Tourism Alliance, with research conducted by Tourism Economics and Longwoods
International. The most recent information available is for 2020; summary for Clallam and Jefferson counties
is as follows:
A. VISITOR SPENDING: Clallam County: $153.6M; Jefferson County: $98.6M
a. Jefferson Co. $8.9M
C. TOURISM EMPLOYMENT / EARNINGS IMPACTS (Direct and Indirect): Clallam Co. 2,149 Jobs /
$71.9M Earnings; Jefferson Co. 1,362 Jobs / $43.5M Earnings.
2020 reflects pandemic related closures and reductions in travel. 2020 was a roller- coaster year. The first few
months started strong. In March, Covid-19 pandemic hit, and travel came to an abrupt halt. All area tourism
related businesses saw a precipitous drop in customers as the world went into quarantine. Projections for
2020 were grim, estimating that year-end revenues could be off 50-70%, depending on the business.
However, as Summer came and people became eager to cautiously venture out, they sought nearby
destinations with an outdoor focus. The Olympic Peninsula truly became Puget Sound’s backyard playground
and business began to pick up. Clallam County was adversely impacted by the loss of Black Ball Ferry service
and the Canadian market. Our marketing efforts turned strongly to the greater Puget Sound Area, and
ultimately back to the I-5 corridor, to back-fill lost business.
OPTC developed a strong Fall 2020 Marketing Campaign, followed by an even stronger Spring 2021 campaign,
targeting the drive markets in WA and OR. We have strong metrics showing the effectiveness of these
campaigns, including demonstrated increases in consumer engagement, increased website traffic, and
significant increases in lodging and lodging tax revenues. Recap report can be made available.
Summary of 2021 performance indicators (YTD September 2021, unless otherwise noted):
D. Lodging Tax Funds Generated:
City of Port Angeles: $651,184 (+125% YTD vs 2020; +28.3% YTD vs 2019)
Unincorporated Clallam County: $1,021,048 (+119.7% YTD vs 2020; +58.5% YTD vs 2019)
E. Website Metrics (Sample):
Website Visits: 231,616 (+70.4% YTD vs 2020)
49% Mobile / 48% Desktop / 3% Tablet
Page Views: 510,234 (+72.8% YTD vs 2020)
Average Time on Site: 1:49 YTD
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.52
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 5
F. Travel Planner Fulfillment:
Direct to Consumer: 9,015 (-2% YTD vs 2020)
Bulk Distribution: 38,125
G. Olympic National Park Visitations: YTD June 2021: 686,822(+22.7% YTD vs 2020)
LTAX Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs
7. Does your operation/facility promote tourism that highlights Port Angeles assets – its natural beauty, geology,
outdoor activities, anthropology, community events, lifelong learning opportunities, history, culture, and the
arts? Yes☒ No☐ If yes, please describe.
Answer: As a regional destination marketing organization, the OPTC engages in a broad spectrum of
marketing initiatives, including:
• Production and distribution of the Olympic Peninsula Travel Planner with content for all
municipalities (including Port Angeles), plus Olympic National Park and Forest, with events calendar
and complete lodging listings for all partners. For 2022, we expect to produce and distribute 110,000
Planners. A recent third- party study on the effectiveness of destination visitor guides showed that our
Travel Planner helped drive incremental trips, extended stays, and incremental visitor spending (study
findings available on request).
• Management of the destination website (www.OlympicPeninsula.org) including ongoing content
development, outdoor activities, events listings and lodging listings, to inspire travel to the Olympic
Peninsula, including Port Angeles.
• Regular destination promotion via social media engagement, including natural beauty, outdoor
activities, events, culture, and arts.
• Create co-operative advertising in important annual visitor guides, such as the Washington State
Visitors Guide, the Scenic Byways Guide and Map, the MV Coho Magazine. OPTC “buys down the rate”
for participating individual co-op ads, by taking out a full-page ad, and shares that cost savings with
co-op partners.
• Development of annual destination marketing campaigns, targeted to attracting off-season spring
and autumn travel, to attract key target market visitors from greater Puget Sound, metro Portland and
across Washington State to the Olympic Peninsula. This includes co-op advertising opportunities for
OPTC partners, such as metro area bus ads and television. We have lighted signage at the SeaTac
airport as well. Anticipating the full reopening the U.S./Canada border, we are working on a campaign
to target travelers from Vancouver Island.
• As domestic and international travel begins to return, we will plan and develop appropriate
familiarization tours for media and travel professionals, including international, and social media
influencers. We will also explore possibilities of virtual fam tours in 2022.
• Produce and distribute monthly destination communication through e-newsletters to over 50,000
consumers, plus area concierge and travel industry associates. These include partner highlights, such
as festivals, events, arts, outdoor activities, and reasons for the reader to plan a visit.
• As a part of our Fall 2021 Marketing Campaign, we just launched a contest called “TheMostNW”,
encouraging visitors to share photos and stories of their favorite places to visit on the Peninsula. The
contest is generating requests for travel brochures and new opt-in subscribers to the newsletter.
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City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 6
8. Do your operation/facility support efforts to improve information on existing City of Port Angeles tourist
attractions and facilities?
Yes☒ No☐ If yes, please describe.
Answer: As an OPTC partner, The City of Port Angeles’ tourist attractions and facilities are well represented in
OPTC’s various marketing activities including on OlympicPeninsula.org website, in the annual travel planner
(print and digital), in familiarization tours, in co-op advertising, etc. We make every effort to get regular
updates on hours of operation and special events to include on all our social media and to share with travelers
that call and email.
9. Describe how your request will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City
of Port Angeles.
Answer: As the regional destination marketing organization, the OPTC works collaboratively with the 4
counties and key Peninsula cities (Port Angeles, Sequim, Forks, Clallam Bay/Sekiu and Port Townsend), plus
the participants of Jefferson County Tourism Coordinating Council, to communicate a sense of place and
inspire / attract visitors to choose the Olympic Peninsula over other destinations, such as the Oregon Coast or
the San Juan Islands, or Eastern WA. Once the potential visitor expresses interest in the overall destination,
they are able – through the website and the travel planner, or direct travel counseling – to learn more about
the specific locations (such as Port Angeles) and their offerings (lodging, dining, activities) that might attract
them to visit. The website and the Olympic Peninsula Travel Planner feature specific destination and event
information for each funding partner, including Port Angeles. The Travel Planner also includes a detailed
lodging guide for each partner, including Port Angeles. We crosslink from our website to the partners’ tourism
websites (including VisitPortAngeles.com) as well as to all partner lodging establishments so that the potential
visitor can easily make a deeper dive to the specifics they are looking for.
In early 2021, we added a lodging booking widget to the website, which links to most lodging establishments
on the Olympic Peninsula, including Port Angeles, offering real-time availability, rate comparisons and direct
links for bookings, to offer a more inclusive consumer experience, at no additional costs or commissions to the
represented lodging.
From June 1- October 17,2021, we delivered 617 referrals for lodging within Port Angeles city limits, and
1,548 total referrals for lodging in and around the Port Angeles area.
10. Describe how your request will create partnerships and synergies with existing City of Port Angeles
organizations to develop and promote attractions and events for visitors.
Answer: This funding request supports The City of Port Angeles’ partnership in OPTC and representation in
OPTC’s marketing activities such as the destination website, the website’s lodging booking widget, the print
and digital travel planner, the event calendar, promotion of events and attractions through the monthly e-
news to 50K subscribers, etc. It also provides opportunity and access to other co-op marketing opportunities
which can expand Port Angeles’ reach at reduced costs.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.54
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 7
Budget and RCW related Questions
11. What is the overall budget for your operation/facility? What percent of the budget are you requesting from
Port Angeles Lodging Tax Fund? What percentage of your budget is related to tourism and marketing activities?
(Reference attached budget).
Answer: Per above, the 2022 OPTC budget, including all partner funding, is still being finalized. Preliminary
budgeted total partner income: $182,500. Percent of preliminary partner funding requested from Port
Angeles LTAC is about 16.4%, dependent on final funding levels. This is a comparable ratio as has been
contributed to the 2021 budget.
Additionally, OPTC takes in some income through co-op visitor fulfillment programs (about $12,000) and
various co-op advertising opportunities. With all of that, including the proposed 2022 partner income, as well
as some anticipated carry-forward funds, the total operating revenue for 2022 is anticipated to be $317,700.
Total expenses are currently outlined at $334,625, with 83.4% going to marketing support/activities, and
16.6% to operations/ administrative. Draft 2022 budget is included with this application.
12. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or
recommended? How is Lodging Tax funding essential to the success of your proposal?
Answer: OPTC is an excellent example of where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Working
together, OPTC can magnify any single partner’s marketing reach. Only funding partners are represented in
the Olympic Peninsula Travel Planner, and on the OlympicPeninsula.org website. Reduced funding would
significantly impact pandemic recovery plans, shoulder season marketing campaigns, annual co-op ads,
possible familiarization tour outreach. All funding partners contribute lodging tax-generated funds to the
collaborative efforts, making lodging tax funds the primary basis for the entire OPTC budget.
13. How does this proposal demonstrate use of Lodging Tax Funds in accordance with RCW 67.28.1816? Please be
specific and cite code directly.
Answer: RCW 67.28.1816 (1)(a): “Lodging tax revenues under this chapter may be used directly by any
municipality or indirectly through a convention and visitors bureau or destination marketing organization for:
Tourism marketing”
Destination marketing for tourism purposes is at the very heart of the outlined uses for lodging tax funds per
the RCW. That is the primary work of the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission, and the basis for this
proposal. It is what we do.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.55
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 8
Signature and Certification:
I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I have read the application
instructions and understand that:
I am proposing a tourism-related service for 2022. If awarded, my organization intends to enter a Municipal
Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as
additional insured and, in an amount,determined by the City; and file for a permit to use City property, if
The City of Port Angeles will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency and only
after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for Reimbursement
form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including copies of invoices and
payment documentation.
My agency will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by
the City of Port Angeles.
As a condition of this application for funding if any funding is provided by the City of Port Angeles using lodging
tax funds, I agree to provide all written reports required by the City in accordance with the reporting deadlines
established by the City.
This signature is also acknowledgment of reading and understanding, in its entirety, the application and its
cover letter, and your responsibilities as a grant applicant and recipient.
Please save this application as a PDF document and sign digitally in Adobe Reader or Acrobat.Learn More Here.
Marsha Massey, Exec. Director October 29, 2021
Print Name of Applicant Signature Date
To be eligible for consideration, your complete proposal must be received by the deadline. The Committee will
review proposals in a public meeting and determine funding recipients and levels of funding.
Submit one digital copy of the proposal coversheet, completed questionnaire, and any attachment in ONE pdf
document to: ced@cityofpa.us
•If you have any questions on how to submit, please contact the above email.
•You must complete and sign the application
The proposal and all documents filed with the City are considered public records.The City may choose to post
on its website copies of the proposals and attached documents.
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Examples of OPTC
Integration and Support for
Port Angeles:
The City of Port Angeles and surrounding area
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.63
2021 Olympic Peninsula Trave Planner –Community Pages
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2021 Olympic Peninsula Travel Planner –Lodging & VIC Info
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.65
Website: Port Angeles & Lake Crescent
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.66
Website: Port Angeles & Lake Crescent
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.67
Website –BookDirect
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.68
Social Media
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Spring / Fall Marketing Campaigns
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2022 Port Angeles Lodging Tax
Volunteer Field Turf Project
Sponsor: Port Angeles Baseball
Eric Flodstrom 360-461-2191
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.72
City of Port Angeles Tourism Promotion Application Page 2
Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $ 100,000
Please review the LTAC Vision, Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs to assist answering
your application questionnaire. Click here for more general information about the Lodging Tax Program .
If you have any questions regarding this application process or the grant opportunity itself, please
contact Ben Braudrick at 360-417-4804, or email ced@cityofpa.us.
All applications must be sent to ced@cityofpa.us by 5:00 pm, Friday, October 29, 2021.
Organization/Agency Name: Port Angeles Wilder Baseball Club
Federal Tax ID Number: 91-1661642
Facility Name or Operation (if applicable): Volunteer Field Turf Project
Contact Name and Title: Eric Flodstrom Wilder Baseball
Mailing Address: PO Box 99 City: Port Angeles State: WA Zip: 98362
Phone: 360-461-2191 Email Address: eric@pugetsoundtransfer.com
Check all service categories that apply to this application:
☐ Operation of a Tourism Promotion/Destination Marketing Agency
☐ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by a non-profit organization
☒ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality
Check which one of the following applies to your agency:
☒ Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State)
☐ Public Agency
Complete Application Includes (check all that apply):
☒ Application Questionnaire
☒ Itemized budget for your non-event related operation or capital facility (income and expenses)
☒ Description of, and a budget showing, how you intend to use the amount requested from the City of Port
☒ A copy of your agency’s current registration with the Washington Secretary of State.
☐ (Optional) Brochures or other information about your facility or items showing recent tourism promotion
efforts – Limited to 8 pages
2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application
This application is for non-event related proposals only.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.73
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 3
Application Questionnaire
General Questions
1. Describe your tourism-related operation/facility.
Answer: Our partnership with the City of Port Angeles, Wilder Baseball Club, North Olympic Baseball &
Softball, PA Youth Baseball, and Olympic Junior Babe Ruth, has put together a project that will focus
on changing the natural turf grass to all-weather synthetic playing surface at Volunteer Field in Port
Angeles. This will allow for the bases to be moved to accommodate both baseball and softball and
will allow more games and tournaments to be scheduled year around.
2. If you have received Lodging Tax Funds in prior years, are you doing anything significant or differently this year? If
this is your first-time requesting funding, what is your reason for the request?
Answer: The City of Port Angeles, along with the assistance of the Wilder Baseball Club, has received a
grant from the State of Washington Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Youth Athletic
Facilities grant in the amount of $350,000. We have also received a pledge from a donor in the
amount of $200,000 for the match of the grant. However, we would still like to raise an additional
$250,000 in cash/in-kind donations to offset some of the pledge amount.
3. Are you applying for Lodging Tax funds from another jurisdiction?
Yes☒ No☐ If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested.
Answer: Clallam County Lodging Tax $100,000
4. Describe you target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.)
Answer: Our target tourist audience is baseball and softball player’s ages 13-19 years old, parents,
and families throughout Western Washington and Western Canada, as well as High School Division
2A and 3A schools in Western Washington. Volunteer Field has all the amenities to be a great host
field. The all-weather surface will help draw teams and encourage local volunteers to put on more
tournaments. Port Angeles High School would be able to host early non-league games with other 2A
power house teams instead of traveling to their home fields with turf.
5. Describe how your operation/facility lends support to a diverse range of sustainable tourism activities, which will
encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often.
Answer: With everyone being bombarded with marketing these days it is difficult to get the message
across about why someone should visit Port Angeles. Parents and extended families will follow ball
players to where ever they are playing. We can get them here for an overnight or weekend stay and
let them experience the area. Between and after games, parents can experience the Olympic National
Park, the Port Angeles downtown, local restaurants and shops. This taste will help get them back to
experience the rest of what we have to offer here.
6. Describe the prior success of your operation/facility in attracting tourists. How do you define success?
Answer: Port Angeles is known for its successful baseball and softball tournaments, which bring heads
to beds in the community. The Wilder Firecracker Tournament, for example, is an annual success,
bringing in teams from all over the northwest and British Columbia. Currently, spring and fall baseball
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.74
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 4
seasons experience rainouts all too often. An all-weather field will eliminate this issue, while helping
all age divisions bring more teams and tournaments to Port Angeles.
Success for us will be: completing the all-weather surface by October 2022, and having kids being
able to play more games and tournaments here at home in Port Angeles. More games will mean
more travelers to Port Angeles spending nights in our community and meeting the Lodging Tax Fund’s
LTAX Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs
7. Does your operation/facility promote tourism that highlights Port Angeles assets – its natural beauty, geology,
outdoor activities, anthropology, community events, lifelong learning opportunities, history, culture, and the arts?
☒ Yes ☐ No If yes, please describe.
Answer: When you see pictures or our games and tournaments you can’t help but notice the
mountains in the background. The mountains and the condition of our fields sell themselves, however
in each page advertising our tournaments you can find a list of other attractions.
8. Does your operation/facility support efforts to improve information on existing City of Port Angeles tourist
attractions and facilities?
☒ Yes ☐ No If yes, please describe.
Answer: We promote City of Port Angeles tourist attractions and facilities by showcasing our great
fields. Partnerships are often made marketing various other attractions in town like the Lefties, Laurel
Lanes, the Discovery Trail, Swains, etc.
9. Describe how your request will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City
of Port Angeles.
Answer: We are very lucky to have great baseball and softball fields in Port Angeles. Because of the
success of our girls’ softball and boy’s baseball programs, we know we can draw teams here to play if
we know the games will be played. Restaurants, lodging, and tourist businesses will all benefit as
visiting families are looking for good places to eat and fun things to do to occupy their kids while in
town. There is plenty of time between and after games to visit local shops, grab a bite to eat, or rest
up at the hotel. An all-weather field will allow us to push these tournaments and games to the
beginning and end of the seasons, something we cannot currently risk with a grass field. This will
increase the number of tourists visiting Port Angeles.
10. Describe how your request will create partnerships and synergies with existing City of Port Angeles
organizations to develop and promote attractions and events for visitors .
Answer: The Dick Brown tournament in August is a great example of how the field turf will create
synergy. The field turf doesn’t require near the time to setup the diamond between games. The
tournament director at the City of PA could now offer a 13 and 14 year old division at the same time.
Staffing and City budgeting are not getting any easier. Taking an infield preparation out of the
equation pre-season and during the season before games, allows the manpower and resources to be
allocated elsewhere in the city.
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City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 5
Budget and RCW related Questions
11. What is the overall budget for your operation/facility? What percent of the budget are you requesting from Port
Angeles Lodging Tax Fund? What percentage of your budget is related to tourism and marketing activities? (may
reference attached budget).
Answer: The overall funding required is $600,000. We are looking for $100,000 from the Port Angeles
Lodging Tax fund, 16.6% of the total project. The budget for the project has been attached.
Our entire budget is for the removal of the old grass and installation of the new surface around the
infield, infield collars, and the bullpens. It is a huge expense for one infield. Getting more than half of
the funding from outside of our community is the only thing that makes it realizable. We can’t miss
out on this opportunity.
12. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or
recommended? How is Lodging Tax funding essential to the success of your proposal?
Answer: We are counting on $50,000-$100,000 in in-kind donations of labor and equipment, which
leaves us with $150,000-$200,000 in cash to raise as match. Raising matching funds during the
COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging. The Lodging Tax funding is essential to our success, giving
us the much-needed momentum we need to make this dream a reality. We need to take advantage
of leveraging local dollars together with the state RCO dollars to make a park that will help the future
of our economy. The RCO has found favor with our project. If we don’t receive Lodging Tax Funds, we
will lose the RCO grant opportunity, and the project viability.
13. How does this proposal demonstrate use of Lodging Tax Funds in accordance with RCW 67.28.1816? Please be
specific and cite code directly.
Answer: RCW 67.28.1816 section (1) Lodging tax revenues under this chapter may be used, directly by any
municipality or indirectly through a convention and visitors bureau or destination marketing organization for:
(c) Supporting the operations and capital expenditures of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by a
municipality. Our project is a capital expenditure on a tourism related facility, that is owned by the city of Port
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.76
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 6
Signature and Certification:
I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I have read the application
instructions and understand that:
I am proposing a tourism-related service for 2022. If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a
Municipal Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract
naming the City as additional insured and in an amount determined by the City; and file for a permit to
use City property, if applicable.
The City of Port Angeles will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency
and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for
Reimbursement form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including
copies of invoices and payment documentation.
My agency will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format
determined by the City.
As a condition of this application for funding if any funding is provided by the City of Port Angeles using
lodging tax funds, I agree to provide all written reports required by the City in accordance with the reporting
deadlines established by the City.
This signature is also acknowledgment of reading and understanding, in its entirety, the application and its
cover letter, and your responsibilities as a grant applicant and recipient.
Please save this application as a PDF document and sign digitally in Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Learn More Here.
Eric Flodstrom 10/20/21
Print Name of Applicant Signature Date
To be eligible for consideration, your complete proposal must be received by the deadline. The Committee will
review proposals in a public meeting and determine funding recipients and levels of funding.
Submit one digital copy of the proposal coversheet, completed questionnaire, and any attachment in ONE pdf
document to: ced@cityofpa.us
If you have any questions on how to submit, please contact the above email.
You must complete and sign the application
The proposal and all documents filed with the City are considered public records. The City may choose to post on
its website copies of the proposals and attached documents.
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.77
City of Port Angeles 2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 7
Port Angeles Baseball
Volunteer Field Turf project
3/1/20 to 10/1/22
Revenue Project
Clallam County Lodging Tax 100,000 projected
Business contributions 30,000 projected
Port Angeles Lodging Tax 100,000 projected
Independent donations 10,000 committed
WA Youth Athletic Fields Grant 350,000 committed
Total $590,000
In-kind contributions $20,000
Total Revenue $610,000
Expenses Project
Astroturf Turf 192,952
Turf Game Mound 9 inserts 4,336
Batters/ Catchers box 7 sets 4,336
Excavation 331,107
Collector Drain 18,558
lateral Drain 20,769
Catch Basins 9,560
Turf Company Admin 23,848
Total Expenses $605,466
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.78
Business Name:
UBI Number:
601 548 568
Business Type:
Business Status:
Principal Office Street Address:
Principal Office Mailing Address:
Expiration Date:
Formation/Registration Date:
Period of Duration:
Inactive Date:
Nature of Business:
Secretary of State
State of Washington
Date Filed: 05/26/2021
Effective Date: 05/26/2021
UBI #: 601 548 568
Registered Agent
Name Street Address Mailing Address
432 E 8TH ST, PORT ANGELES, WA, 98362-
PO BOX 2013, PORT ANGELES, WA, 98362-
This document is a public record. For more information visit www.sos.wa.gov/corps Work Order #: 2021052600324862 - 1
Received Date: 05/26/2021
Amount Received: $10.00
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.79
Street Address:
432 E 8TH ST, PORT ANGELES, WA, 98362, USA
Mailing Address:
432 E 8TH ST, PORT ANGELES, WA, 98362, USA
Effective Date:
1. Does your entity own real property such as land or buildings (including leasehold interests) in Washington?
2. As of January 1, 2019, has there been a transfer of stock, other financial interest change, or an option agreement exercised that
resulted in a transfer of at least 16⅔ percent interest in the entity?
a. If “yes”, has the transfer of stock, other financial interest change, or an option agreement exercised resulted in a transfer of
controlling interest (50 percent or greater)?
3. As of January 1, 2019, has an option agreement been executed allowing for the future purchase or acquisition of the entity?
You must report a Controlling Interest Transfer Return IF: you answered "yes" to questions 1 AND 2a.
Failure to report a Controlling Interest Transfer is subject to penalty provisions of RCW 82.45.220.
For more information on Controlling Interest, visit www.dor.wa.gov/REET.
Title Type Entity Name First Name Last Name
This document is a public record. For more information visit www.sos.wa.gov/corps Work Order #: 2021052600324862 - 1
Received Date: 05/26/2021
Amount Received: $10.00
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.80
432 E 8TH ST, PORT ANGELES, WA, 98362-6220, USA
By checking this box, I hereby opt into receiving all notifications from the Secretary of State for this entity via email only. I
acknowledge that I will no longer receive paper notifications.
Person Type:
First Name:
Last Name:
This document is hereby executed under penalty of law and is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
This document is a public record. For more information visit www.sos.wa.gov/corps Work Order #: 2021052600324862 - 1
Received Date: 05/26/2021
Amount Received: $10.00
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.81
GEAR (-)
HELMETS $35.00 X 18 $630.00
HATS $20.00 X 25 $500.00
BASEBALLS $3000.00
SHIRTS $30 X 25 $750.00
SHORTS $30 X 25 $750.00
BAGS $80 X 18 $1440.00
TOTAL $10070.00
ENTRY $800.00
ENTRY $700.00
FEE $325.00
FEE $700.00
FEE $85.00
TOTAL $6160.00
LODGING $5054.00
FOOD $2640.00
SVCC GAS $300.00
STATE GAS $700.00
TOTAL $27574.00
SPONSORSHIP $32,300.00
PLAYER FEE $600.00 $10,800.00
TOTAL INCOME (+) $53,100.00
TOTAL EXPENSE (-) $43,804.00
+9,296.00 DII- i- tRENCE
A TOTAL EXPENSE (-) $14,440.00
TOTAL EXPENSE (-) $72,684.00
TOTAL INCOME SR/JR/A (+) $72,900.00
(+) $216.00 DIFFERENCE
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.82
TOTAL EXPENSE (-) $14 440 00
DIFFZRENIcE:',:11 (7) $4,540.00.
PLAYER FEE $550.00 (+)
$9, • 900 00
GEAR (-)
HELMETS $35.00 X 18 $630.00
HATS $20.00 X 25 $500.00
SHIRTS $30 X 25 $750.00
SHORTS $30 X 25 $750.00
TOTAL $3630.00
FEE $325.00
FEE $700.00
FEE $85.00
TOTAL $441000
LODGING $1000.00
LODGING $1500.00
LODGING $600.00
LODGING $600.00
STATE FOOD $500.00
FOOD $300.00
FOOD $300.00
GAS $300.00
GAS $300.00
GAS $300.00
GAS $300.00
TOTAL $6400.00
LTAC Agenda Packet 2021-11-04 Pg.83
TOTAL INCOME $9,900.00
$1440.00 TOTAL EXPENSc(7)
DIFFERENCE '(-) $4,540.00
PLAYER FEE $550.00 (+)
GEAR (-)
HELMETS $35.00 X 18 $630.00
HATS $20.00 X 25 $500.00
SHIRTS $30 X 25 $750.00
SHORTS $30 X 25 $750.00
TOTAL $3630.00
FEE $325.00
FEE $700.00
FEE $85.00
TOTAL $4410.00
LODGING $1000.00
LODGING $1500.00
LODGING $600.00
LODGING $600.00
STATE FOOD $500.00
FOOD $300.00
FOOD $300.00
GAS $300.00
GAS $300.00
GAS $300.00
GAS $300.00
TOTAL $6400.00
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Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $ $45,000
Please review the LTAC Vision, Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs to assist answering
your application questionnaire. Click here for more general information about the Lodging Tax Program.
If you have any questions regarding this application process or the grant opportunity itself, please
contact Ben Braudrick at 360-417-4804, or email ced@cityofpa.us.
All applications must be sent to ced@cityofpa.us by 5:00 pm, Friday, October 29, 2021.
Organization/Agency Name: City of Port Angeles
Federal Tax ID Number: 91-6001266
Facility Name or Operation (if applicable): Youth Basketball Tournaments
Contact Name and Title: Tim Tucker
Mailing Address: 321 East 5th Street City: Port Angeles State: WA Zip: 98362
Phone: 360-417-4557 Email Address: ttucker@cityofpa.us
Check all service categories that apply to this application:
☐ Operation of a Tourism Promotion/Destination Marketing Agency
☒ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by a non-profit organization
☒ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality
Check which one of the following applies to your agency:
☐ Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State)
☒ Public Agency
Complete Application Includes (check all that apply):
x Application Questionnaire
☐ Itemized budget for your non-event related operation or capital facility (income and expenses)
☐ Description of, and a budget showing, how you intend to use the amount requested from the City of Port
☐ A copy of your agency’s current registration with the Washington Secretary of State.
☐ (Optional) Brochures or other information about your facility or items showing recent tourism promotion
efforts – Limited to 8 pages
2022 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application
This application is for non-event related proposals only.
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Application Questionnaire
General Questions
1. Describe your tourism-related operation/facility.
Answer: BACKGOUND: For decades the City of Port Angeles has been requesting $60,000 to run five to seven
basketball tournaments in the winter months. Obviously this has not happened the last two years due to the
pandemic. Funding for these tournaments came out of the operation portion of the Lodging Tax fund to help
fund a full-time person in the City to bring in youth basketball tournaments and deal with adult sports
programming. However, the City of Port Angeles is moving in a different direction and the City no longer has the
Sports Coordinator position.
Over the last five years the City’s Parks & Recreation Department has shifted their mission when it comes to the
Recreation side of the house. We have become more of a facilitator of recreation in the community and have
been moving away from the programming side. This has been a very successful move and we have been able
to assist more youth and non-profit entities by doing so. This is actually a trend that is starting in the Parks &
Recreation industry but we were ahead of the curve. In fact, we have a standard that no youth is charged to
play on our athletic facilities. This is something we are proud of and it would be a challenge to find another
community that gives their youth this opportunity. One thing we want the LTAC committee to know is that we
are not just getting rid of programming but handing them off to entities that can provide a higher level of
service than we can and use us to help facilitate their improved programs. For example, Peninsula College has
taken over the Adult Soccer, Basketball and Volleyball Programs in the community. This allows the community
members to use their new gym floor and their year around synthetic field for soccer. This also allows the
students and student athletes to help run these programs and help referee.
The City also works directly with all the youth sports leagues and provides the scheduling of the fields and gyms
throughout the City and School District. This will not change. For example, we host many youth baseball
tournaments and the youth organizations come to the City and we facilitate the tournaments with them by
reserving the fields and making sure the fields are prepped. This is something we are looking for the youth
basketball tournaments moving forward because, one, the City does not have the capacity to do so, and two, it
would be consistent on how we handle all the other youth leagues and non-profits we work with. It would also
relieve the capital side of the Lodging Tax Fund for other maintenance type projects as well as give the
basketball leagues and opportunity to help raise funds when they travel to other tournaments throughout the
Moving forward, the City doesn’t want to jeopardize the possibility of not having tournaments in 2022 un til we
have a non-profit step up and assist with this structure. Although the City has been working with both the girls
and boys AAU leagues for months to make this happen, nothing concrete has transpired. That is why the City
is requesting $45,000 for a one time ask of operational lodging tax funds to be set aside to help a non-profit step
up and run these programs with the City’s assistance in 2022. If this doesn’t transpire, the $45,000 will go
back into the Lodging Tax Fund.
2. If you have received Lodging Tax Funds in prior years, are you doing anything significant or differently this year?
If this is your first-time requesting funding, what is your reason for the request?
Answer: Yes, the City has received Lodging Tax Funds. However the City is moving in a different direction to
have a non-profit take over this event and then ask for funds out of the “Event” portion of the Lodging Tax Fund
and not the Operating Funds.
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3. Are you applying for Lodging Tax funds from another jurisdiction?
Yes☐ No☒ If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested.
4. Describe you target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.)
Answer: The target audience would be youth teams from the I-5 corridor, Kitsap, Canada, and throughout the
rest of Clallam County.
5. Describe how your operation/facility lends support to a diverse range of sustainable tourism activities, which
will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often.
Answer: The great things about these tournaments is that many of them are focused on three -day weekends.
This gives families the opportunity to visit area an extra day when they are not playing hoops. Because the
partnership between the City, Peninsula College, LEKT Tribe, and the City, we have the ability schedule the use of
multiple facilities with little travel between gyms. This is one of the reasons why these tournaments are so
popular to teams.
6. Describe the prior success of your operation/facility in attracting tourists. How do you define success?
Answer: In the past, the City of Port Angeles defined success by the amount of tourism dollars it brings
into the community. For example, from 2012 to 2018, the City has received $248,000 in Lodging Tax
funds. The total participants of paid lodging room nights from these events have totaled 49,656
nights bringing an economic impact of $6,206,948 dollars into the community. This is an average of
$1,034,491 per tournament season. We are confident if another non -profit or agency takes these
tournaments over, this number will increase. The reason we say that is because the City did not have
the resources to put on large tournaments for each event. We only focused on a few tournaments
that brought in a large number of teams. Having another entity run these tournaments and, likely
know the youth basketball industry better, will have the opportunity to in bring more teams to every
tournament. It is very possible that someone could bring in 70 to 80 teams per tournament, which is
what the City did maybe once a year.
LTAX Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs
7. Does your operation/facility promote tourism that highlights Port Angeles assets – its natural beauty, geology,
outdoor activities, anthropology, community events, lifelong learning opportunities, history, culture, and the
arts? ☐X ☐ No If yes, please describe.
Answer: Yes, the Vern Burton Community Center has been promoting tourism since its existence in 1991.
Our focus has always been on providing state wide know facilities that tourists love to visit and play on.
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8. Does your operation/facility support efforts to improve information on existing City of Port Angeles tourist
attractions and facilities?
X☐Yes ☐ No If yes, please describe.
Answer: Yes. Normally these events have sponsorships from businesses in the community, as well as provide
tourist related flyers as well.
9. Describe how your request will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City
of Port Angeles.
Answer: As mentioned in question #6, these tournaments provide over 1 million dollars back into the
community during the offseason months. This provides a huge boost to our local hotels, the downtown
businesses, and restaurants in the Port Angeles Community.
10. Describe how your request will create partnerships and synergies with existing City of Port Angeles
organizations to develop and promote attractions and events for visitors.
Answer: As mentioned previously, hosting tournaments is about partnerships throughout the community.
However, during tournaments it can be very difficult for teams to get out and see other attractions outside of
restaurants and hotels purchases.
Budget and RCW related Questions
11. What is the overall budget for your operation/facility? What percent of the budget are you requesting from
Port Angeles Lodging Tax Fund? What percentage of your budget is related to tourism and marketing activities?
(may reference attached budget).
Answer: Moving forward, this would be 100% of the budget we are asking for with hopes that the City could
partner with a non-profit and then hand off the tournament duties to them. Very little of this funding will go to
marketing activities. Port Angeles is known for these tournaments, we just need someone that can grow these
tournaments because they truly market themselves.
12. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or
recommended? How is Lodging Tax funding essential to the success of your proposal?
Answer: If Lodging Tax does not fund this request, the City will not be able to support the possibility of a non-
profit taking these tournaments on. Even if funded, these tournaments still may not happen and funding will
go back to the LTAX fund.
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13. How does this proposal demonstrate use of Lodging Tax Funds in accordance with RCW 67.28.1816? Please be
specific and cite code directly.
Answer: (b) The marketing and operations of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists
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Signature and Certification:
I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I have read the application
instructions and understand that:
• I am proposing a tourism-related service for 2022. If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a
Municipal Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract
naming the City as additional insured and in an amount determined by the City; and file for a permit to
use City property, if applicable.
• The City of Port Angeles will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency
and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for
Reimbursement form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including
copies of invoices and payment documentation.
• My agency will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format
determined by the City.
As a condition of this application for funding if any funding is provided by the City of Port Angeles using
lodging tax funds, I agree to provide all written reports required by the City in accordance with the reporting
deadlines established by the City.
This signature is also acknowledgment of reading and understanding, in its entirety, the application and its
cover letter, and your responsibilities as a grant applicant and recipient.
Please save this application as a PDF document and sign digitally in Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Learn More Here.
Print Name of Applicant Signature Date
To be eligible for consideration, your complete proposal must be received by the deadline. The Committee will
review proposals in a public meeting and determine funding recipients and levels of funding.
Submit one digital copy of the proposal coversheet, completed questionnaire, and any attachment in ONE pdf
document to: ced@cityofpa.us
• If you have any questions on how to submit, please contact the above email.
• You must complete and sign the application
The proposal and all documents filed with the City are considered public records. The City may choose to post
on its website copies of the proposals and attached documents.
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