HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/21/2021 ter. CITY COUNCIL MLE'I"I G
Port Angeles,les, Washington
September 21, 202 I
j Mavcor Dexter called the special ineefing of the Port Angeles City Council to corder at 5:30 p.m.
Members Present- Maayc r Dexter., lyeputy° Mayor C'aaµa. C"cmaaaacil hteaaoloers Crcraela. M t'zGn 6ran, chr ae's ra-'wk"t grin
and Suggs.
Members Absent: Council member Meyer.
Staff Present: C"iay Manager West.,,Assistant Chris C:o wg ill.Clerk Martinez-B anD v-
Based on input from Assistant City Attorney Christopher C;eowgill, Mayor Dexter announced the,need for as closed
Executive Session to he held under authority of RCW 41 _10,l 100)( it to discuss potential litigation with legal
counsel. Council moved to a separate virtual meeting for Executive Session for approximately 0 minutes. l-Ile
Executive Session convened at 5:3 D p.m.
Mayor Dexter ad,jeourned the Special C'wleeting,at 6:00 p.an.
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to corder at 602 p.na.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, 'Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French, McCaughan. Schrconaen-W'avwrin
and ;Suggs.
MembersAbsent: Council member Meyer.
:Surat"t`Present: City Manager West, assistant Attorney° C;cow«agill„ Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. D7elikat, K. Dubuc, B.
A. D3rekke, T. D-crater, and S. C"arriz osa.
It was moved by chromen-''W4'awrin and seconded by McCaughan lao
E ca.ase Council member Meyer from the:meeting.
Motion carried -0.
Mayor Dexter led,the fledge of Allegiance to the.P"tap.
I. Constitution Week Prociamaation
Mayor Dexter read a proclamation recognizing ' eptearther 17-23, 2021 as C onstitutacon Week and presented the
proclaaraation to:Judi"l eordim,eon hehaalf of the Michael "Fre ert Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
s. °lTaordini spoke about the importance of the recognition and her appreciation for the proclamation,
.lcoe Kunaler,residing outside city hnaits, spoke about a Board of health meeting and mistreatment of Dr. Berr°y
COUNCIL 1NC"l ., MEETING .....September 211. 2021
Judith 1lraadow,city resident. in a recorded message.spoke about Cov%id and stated she disapproves cif the requirement
to show vaccination cards to enter restaurants.
C ounncilanerriber McCaughan asked the Mayor to consider nu.,wing,.l_2 and 1-3 to the Consent (kgenda. hearing no
olajecdon. the Mayor moved the 4eams to the Consent Agenda as items E-6 and E-7.
It was moved by (Tench and seconded by Suggs to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
I. C"ity Council Minutes of September 7, 2021 /Approve
2. Expenditure Report- From August 28. 2021 to September ber 10.021 in the amount aal"$2„ttil7A11 84 Approve
2. N Street C itufall permanent Operation&Maintenance Easement,C:F P iiDR0119 /Determine Parcel
a rid6,ii'Jt°d0Pti32i5 to be surpha w,approve the Permanent Easement, Quit ("laden Deed, and Releave gf'C'dara`raa
documents,ummmnts, and ituthortze the Cit V,M araerlrer 1'0 r^.vecute,thu°.s e doiA maammaants, aajilwrrr e the associated rer ordiaagfim
paYmerat.w, arrd inake rmainor rnodtlieations, as ne c e.vsw° v
4. City of"Port Angeles and Port Angeles School District School Resoaarce C)1licer A reettie nt/Authorizze,.t'iw the
C"itv stAulaager to Sign the SRO agreemerrmt with the Port Angeles School District.
5. E Street Substation Svwritchgear Upgrade 2020 Project/Accept the I-Street Substation Switchgear Electrical
(,,'p raele 2020 Pro p"r°c t dVo. CON-a020-36 as complete arrsel'authorise stgff tca proceed with pro ec•t CIam.aCarrrt crrld
release they reeu nmragcr bo nil capon recetilrt ql ail!required clearances.
6. 4th Street&Chanibers Street'Repair/Award a cons°trarc tion cwntraa,t fi)r the base bid to Aga,ate Aspha h a,?i'°
Poulsbo, IV4,.I'6r the 4th& Chambers Street Repair C°C.IN 2021-3rS in the amount of",S'111,260.25s, including
applicable taxes and authorise the C:"itv�Vfanaagair to wigs call doc°tone nts necessam-ar to(�Vectatex and aaa"raarrais'ter the
construction tion contract/br the:priilerc,t and make ininor rmrcrddication s,as ne uessari:v.
T Bilateral Transfer of Energy Conservation;Funds/Approve they attaacheal�mmtrrtual bilateral trcrmaj• r agreement
matdm A�ffiv,son Countmv PL'D in an amamomarat of'$50„000 00 and authorLe^the C'i'a.v Mana,gt,r ta'r execute the
argreeanent and to make rmairarar to the a, reewtent as needed
'rite Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition„ the motion carried 6-0. �
1'. N Street Ourf all Improvement Project,, Award Construction Contract
Public 'wtr''orks and 'Utilities Director Thomas Hunter spoke about the project and provided information on budget
funding available. He spoke to the two different options Council had before them and stated they were being asked.
to choose one of the two options. Council discussion follo'Wecl.
It was,moved by Suggs and seconded by chromen- i'awwrin to;
Award a construc;ti.on contract for the base;and Additive Bid to Vet Industrial, Inc. of Bremerton,, WA,for the N
Street Outfall Improvement Project,CON 2021-40� in the amount of$416.1101.010,including applicable taxes, and
authorize the City Manager to sign a construction contract for the project and snake minor modifications,as
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing;no opposition, the motion carried 6-0.
Eire Chief Dubuc provided an update on an evaluation by the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau. Ile said the
organization periodically evaluates jurisdictions on behalf ofa consortium of insurance companies and said the results
of the evaluation help to set fire insurance rates for the community. He said the rating stayed at a 4 which is good for
the community as a whole.
I. Closeout of the Community Development Block Grant for the Shore Metro Park District After
School Childcare Program
Community and Economic Development Director Allyson Ilrekke provided background on the agenda item and started.
the public hearing on this matter opened on May 15,20111. She said the purpose of the public bearings was to receive
public input on the grant. Director llrekke stated the project started September 12, 20t8, She provided financial
infaarmation on the project and outlined how the City supported the project. She said the Council must heed a public
hearing on the niatter aas a part of the close out of the grant,
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PORT ANCiELLS CITY COUNCIL ME.F"TIN(; --- Septettiber 21, 2021
1 he Nlayor continued the Public hearing, hearing no public comment.. the Mayor closed the public hearing at 6:36
It was moved by French and seconded by Schromen-Wavorin w
Authorize Community and Economic Development Director Allyson Brekke as the City' s CDBG Responsible
Official to sign closcout documents.
'Fire Mayor returned to this matter noting("'ouncil member Suggs was having technical difficulties during the
vote. The Mayor confirmed Suggs was present and asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no
opposition,the motion carried 6-0.
L StormlArater, Electric and Solid N 'ante Rates
Director CarTizosa provide a PowerPoint presentation and shared the matter came before the In1)tility Advisory
Committee(UAC')and received a favorable recouirnendation. She provided the utility rate review schedules through
201-5 and spoke about the Cost of Service Analysis principles. Director Carrizosa reminded Council that in 20R the
UAC,City Council and staff reviewed and approved Cost of Service Methodologies for each utility with the intern
that these fnethodologies would be used for setting future utility rates. She reminded Council there were no changes
to the rates or services in the solid waste utility so it would not be necessary to consider an ordinance.
Mayor Dexter conducted a lirst reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,,
AN ORDINANCE' of the City of Port Angeles,Washington amending sections of Chapter 1.3 12 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code relating to electric utility rates,
AN ORDINANCE c�)fthe City of Port Angeles, Washington amending sections ofChapter 13,.63 of the fort Angeles
Municipal Code relating to stormwater- utility and regulations.
The Mayor opened the public hearing at 6:30 p.m., Mayor Dexter continued the public hearing to October S.
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7;09 p,Tn. I lie meering reconvened at 7:14 p.nt
1. Resolution for the use ofAmerican Rm-ue Plan Act(ARPA) Funding
City Manager Nathan West presented the proposed resolution that would allocate funds for. Pandernic Expenst
Reirnbursernent, Past Due Utility Bill Relief.,Public Meetings Technology, F'R.P/Software Needs.and funding to
Black Ball F r erry as a specific trade in the travel and tourism industry. He said an additional ARPA funding matter
will be introduced fOr Council consideration at an upcorning October Council meeting relative,to childcare,Manager
West said there, was,air additional authorization included in the inemo for an additional housing sub-contribution to
Habitat for Humanity. He said there ,was a second matter for Council to consider along with the resolution, to
authorize a sub-contribution to Habitat K)r Humanity in the amount of S 100,000.R)r maintaining and retaining
current housing stock,
Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title.entitled.,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of"the City of Port Angeles,Washington, approving funding fi-orn the
American Rescue Plan Act RPA) ft)r reimbursement to the City fior pandemic related expenses incurred in
responding to COVID,past due utility bill relief for businesses and residents, funding for teclitiology for hybrid
public nieetings, replacement of the Enterprise Software Resource Systern,and,pandemic relief to the Black Ball
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It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to:
Pass the resolufion Cor tire use of AR11A fiords for Pandernic Expense Reimbursement, Past Due Utility Bill Relief;
Public Meetings Technology. ERP/Sohware Needs.and Funding to Black Ball Ferry as a specific trade in the travel
and tourism industry.
After the Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition, the,motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Suggs to:
Authorize an additional housing sub-o.nuribution to habitat for Flumanity in the amount of$100,000, from the
previously allocated$1,000.000 for housing, for maintaining and retainingL-
current housing options.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0.
I, Legislative Priorities
Manager West provided background information on the agenda item and pointed Council to a number(A'docurnerns
included with the memo that referenced past and current legislative Priorities.
2. Peninsula Behavioral flealth Rapid Housing Funding
Manager West presented the proposed funding item which would provide additional Financial support for supportive
housing. lie stated Peninsula Behavioral Health did not receiving funding in the first round of applications. He said
they would apply for the second round of funding,and stated Washington State Department of Commerce had
Provided written assurance that upon successful award, the funds froin the second round would be reimbursable. He
said staffrecommend the support which would help the local housing crisis. Staff is recommending funding conie
front the housing rehabilitation fund and if for any reason the grant is not successful the fund would be reimbursed
by Anierican Rescue Plan Act funds.
It was moved by NIcCaughan and seconded by French tw
Approve and authorize air allocation of$400,000 from Housing Fund 172 to Peninsula Behavioral Health and direct
staff to negotiate a three-party agreement between the City ofPort Angeles,Clallam County and Peninsula
Behavioral 11ealth in support of this housing opportunity.
After the Mayor asked if there was unaninious consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0.
,4. American Rescue Plan Act Subrecipient Agreement with Peninsula Rousing Authority
Director Brekke stated the affordable housing project known as, Shane Place is set to be built at the southeast corner
ofWest 8th and Cl Streets in the C'ity of Port Angeles, She said the financial support would assist with the acquisition.
of land. She said the property is currently zoned as Residential Medium Density, saying a residential zoning district
intended to allow a mix of single-household,two houschol&duplexes,multi-household dwellings-at a density greater
than low density zoned neighborhoods. She ,said the project scope at this time is to create a minimurn of 12 new
housing units.Council discussion folloWed.
It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Suggs tart
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the ARPM Subrecipictit Agreement with Peninsula Housing
Authority and to make minor modifications to said agreement as necessary.
After the Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0.
Council member Suggs spoke about a Marine Resource Committee meeting and provided information on educational
outreach efh)rts.
C,ouncil member Schronren-Wawrin addressed the City Council public continents regarding the Board of Health
tneeting earlier that day, recognized a charging station project, named a number of meetings he attended including
meeting the Futurewise's new GreenLinks Coordinator, and spoke of the grand opening of the Dream Playground,
Deputy Mayor Carr spoke about the Board of Health meeting and spoke about a number of meetings that have been
met with protests and shared she believed public comment is a time for the public to share their input.
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P,(.')R'l AN(iEIA--1S CITYCOUNCIL MEETING.-- September 21. 2021
Mayor Dexter spoke about fletonsula(ollege re-openin,g for clas,scs and the grand operting(A-flie Drean't Playg,,round.
She spoke about the work the police Department does and offered condcdences to the Oty of Forks 1'or then-recent
loss of three young community members, in a car accident.
No other reporls were given.
Manager West spoke regarding the report illClUded in the packet, MAKERS and Nladrona Law Group code work,
including a Septentber 28 work session when—Madrona Law Group will provide the Ct)[11111LInity survey results, speak
to work chme on Ow code compliance ordinance and provide next steps fi.)r the code audit proeess,
Joe Kunzler. residing outside city limits. spoke about the personal attacks made againsl Dr. Berry during the public
continent at the Board offfealth meeting that day.
Mayor Dexter ad.jourrted the niecting at U4 p.nt,
Kate Dexter., Nlavcir Kari Nfarfinez-Bailey% ity C.lOta
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