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126 E 10th ST - Building (2)
EL.E PERMIT } 36� 735 Application 13umber 19-00000698 Date 5/15/19 Application pin number R&ORT f STAMSALES Property Address . . . . . . I26 E 10TH ST (M tt/ BXgS# f X fb1711' ASSESSOR PARS NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-3-2812-0000 i,� Application type.description ELECTRICAL ONLY 14 fw of PCB ." Subdivision Name (L ftn Cdd6 050.21, Property Use, . . . . . . Property Zoning . . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation 0 --- -----^--=----=^----------- ------------- - -- --- - --- Appliyati0n desc Rewire House. RX-per"i 17-364 Owner Contractor. ---------------- - MIRE AND KIMBERLY LANE OWNER 126 8'10TH ST PORT ANGELES" WA 983627808 (360, 775-707$ ------------ .-.-- Permit . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . Permit Fee 200.00 Plan Chec* Fee .00 Issue Pate 5/15/19` Valuation 0 Expiration Date -11/11/19 Qty Unit Charge Pet - Extension 29.00 5.0000 BCH EL-ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT 145.00 1.06 63.0000 BCH EL-R- BRANCH CIR WO/- .SER FEED 63.00 ----------------------^^------------ - Fee summary , Charged Paid Credited' Due - ---- ---- - Permit Fee T©tal 208.00 208.00 " .00 .00 P1an Check Total .00 .00 00 .00 Grand Total 208:00 208.00 .00 .00 I INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL CONMEN`i'S; LE $RMtt W##i.' E"fltESIIIE(!)MONTHS FROM LAST HISPACTif '# Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: ,�. �!� I i �� i i � � 1 - 2 SINGLE-FAMILY CD T, 3 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION NY cF��,RU Public Xkbrk-s and Utilities Department Jy -t, Port Ant-eks, VVA 08362)21 E', 5th Strec 360,41-7,4735 wwwcityot�a.us 1 clectric.tiperniits:(icitvot'lll.tis Project Address: z Project Description: e L'J: r- 0 (1- Fri:"l A c ;J 'R Single-Family Residential 11 Duplex ARU Building Square footage: OWNER INFORMATION Name I- �- L V- LP Email: _M,Y-,, 0-f P ✓mv-, 'i i Mailing Address: F J X 2ri ho5r- LV A 3 U1 Phone: .................................... =7 ELECTRICAL CONTRACT10:10 11101:410T, Name: License: Mailing Address: Expiration Date: Email: Phone: -77777- PROJECT DETAILS item Unit MW= Mill oly bW(Quantity x Unit Charge) ServicelFeeder 200 Amp. $120.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $146.00 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $205.00 $ Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $262-00 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $373.00 $ Branch Circuit W1 Service Feeder $5.00 00 Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $63.00$5.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $$ Branch Circuits 1-4 $75.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $93.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $11 0.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder,401-600 Amp. $149.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $168.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly - - $900 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy-1&2'DU. $64.00 $ Manufactured Home Connection $120-00 $ Renewable Elec.Energy:5KVA System or less $102.00 $ Thermostat(Note:$5 for each additional) $ R TOTAL Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261 (1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C.,RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAC.Chapter 296- 46B,The,City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.057 50 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Date Print Name Signature(10 Own W F1 Electrical Contractor/Administrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or electrical permits@cityofpa.us or faxed to 360.417.4711] PER11 rr My-of CT"A.NGr LES <A Aoucattion N Aber 19-0000OS79 Date 6/10/19 —�- Aiation pin number 381b80T$` i�TE SALES TAX y Address . . . . 734 W 12TH ST' ft PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-Ot3-0-3-7335-0000- l�/? @Xq5@ tax fOfl�7 Application type -description ELECTRICAL 'ONLY t6 1h9' vf P01t A ' Subdivision Name . . . Property Use (L ocatfdn'Cod@ 0. 1) Property'Zoning RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . 0 - - ------- --------------------------------------- Application dear Service and circuits for remodel Owner Contractor -----------'------ ------ _--_- _---.------ RELSI DEBORD OWNER PO BOX 1143 PORT ANGELES WA 99362 ---------------------- Permit .. . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . Permit Fee 271.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue`Date 6/10/19 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 12/01/19 4ty Unit Charge Per . Extension 25,00 S.0000 BCH BL-BRANCH CIRCOIT W/FSEUSE12S.Ot} 1.00 146.0000 BCH EL-201-400 SRV FEEDER. 146.00 ----- ------ --------- Fee summary Charged Paid-. Credited Due - -- ---------- -------- Permit Fee Total, 271.00 27100 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 ,00- .00 Grand Total 271,00 271.00 .00 .00 TNSPEcnON TYPE DATE: RT3,SMTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL PEmrr WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MO Kt}Ivt WT MP N Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: ' EL 1 2SF ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION �y� -� � Pn�|i� pnJUtilities '' y� �10 -- � --- --'- —~r~^~^ ~ ^"w 321 6. 5dhStreet, Port Angeles, WA90]d2 360.417.4735 | www.cibo fpa.ux | doctrioo|perrnds@cityofpa.uo Project Address: , -7 3 or�T ��i Single-Family Residential El Duplex/ARU Building Square footage: OWNER INFORMATION Name: O"T�� K8mi|ingAddreoo: 75el Phone:. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name: License: Mailing Address: Expiration Date: Email: Phone: PROJECT DETAILS ME Unit haEge Quanthe-' Total(Quantity x Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 4O1-6OOAmp. $205.00 __----' $_________ Service/Feeder OO1-1VOOAmp. %202.00 *_________ Service/Feeder over 1OOOAmp. $373.00 $ Branch Circuit W/Service Feeder $5M $_-1 Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $68.00 $__________ Each Additional Branch Circuit $&VV $__________ Branch Circuits 14 $75.00 --___-' $_--___--__ Temp.Service/Feeder 2OOAmp, $93.00 $__________ Temp. Service/Feeder 2O14O0Amp. *110.00 $_________ Temp.Service/Feeder 4O1-OOOAmp. $149.00 $__--__-__. Temp.Service/Feeder 8O1-1000Amp. $168.00 $______-__ Portal*n Portal Hourly $Q&UO $______--__ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy'1&2DU. o64.00 $__-___-__ Manufactured Home Connection *120.08 $__--__---_ Renewable Elec. Energy:5KVA System orless $102.00 *__--__--__ Thermostat(Nota:$5 for each additional) $56,00 $__--__--__ First 13OU Square Feet $120.00 $_______-_ Each Additional 5O0 square feet" s40.00 $ Each Outbuilding/Detached Garage $74.00 $__-__---__ Each Swimming Pool/Hot Tub o110.08 $ TOTAL $_�������� Owner as defined by RCW 19.28.261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2)Owner is required m hire an electrical contractor if above said property ia for sale, rent or lease, Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, | hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C.,RCW Chapter 19.28,WAC.Chophmr290- 46B The City ofPort Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility 8pucificoti ndFAMC14U505nregendingE| ctrico|PennitApplications. cs Date �rint Name �,,5ignature([,Z Owner F] Electrical Contractor/Administrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or epermits@cityofpa.us or faxed to 360.417.4711] �13.Carion Number . 19-OOOOD545 Date 4/17/19 Appication pin number 9167.95 [ i83i �...r.1 A rty Address . . . . . . 402 MARINE DR /j` lf�rs�� PARCBL°NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-0-3503-0000- �"" Appiication type description ELECTRICAL ONLY t"ft ofubdivinion Name (I b0 _ Property Use Property Zoning . . . . COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Application valuation . 0 Application desc Cashier ----- - - - ----- - ---- --- - ------- ---- --- ------------------ --- owner Contractor 3. C. COLUMBIA CORP. MASCOTT SQUIPMm CO INC 402 MARINE DR 435 NE HANCOCK $T PORT-"AISLES WA :98363 PORTLAND OR .97212 (206) 245-'0237 (503) 282-2587 ' -Permit ELECTFgIOAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc 1-4 CIRCUITS Permit Fee 86.00 Plan Check Fee" . .00 Issue Date 4/17/19 valuatioli 0 Expiration Date. 10/14/19 4ty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 86.00 --------------.---------.------ -. --.----------- - - -- ------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited- Due,° ----------- ---- ------ Permit, Fee Total 86.00 $6.00 00 .00 Plan Check Total ' -00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total, 86..90 86.00 00. .00 NO FWAL $ �NONMFWM Ste"t 1601io' Eleww t;onftcw X D�bDa Apr 1319 03:16a Bob Jack 15096746777 P.1 MULTI-FAMILY I COMMERCIAL CD ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Public Works and Utilities Departrii.ent IRc-C'C-1 i V,ED ... 1 F- 5th Street., P-irt Ang.-Ics. WA 98362 7, 36 1 0.417.4735 1, vv\vtv.citvofpa.us ' electi-ic;-tl�)ermits�f-t-=C-1-LVC>fjpa.us Project Address: � 02- 410=Rl'ue Nbc AU Project Description: W-� k-041 Ajew a'o64 t-,-b Multi-Family Residential 4-4Commercial/Industrial I Public Building Square footage: Zie 0-b OWNER INF O. OR M AT N Name: Email: Mailing Address: MAIR-i At IX f 43 Phone: M2!1 &Q 7 5q G I�LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFCkMAtIbN�' Name: �C-Zib P Z�-'I P-I '13 License* :5�- -Aj 'r Mailing Address: . —! 1-44,,,4-ev e-P 8kt�fwg,a Expiration Date: V-a,n Email: Taxle- QW ALL-,le r.E4=eIr— •Cn Wk !77AI 7- Phone- :QJC7 lo677 3!q-c? -ET PROJECTD -AILS item UnIt Charge Quantity IgftI(Quantity x Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $132-00 $ Service/Feeder 20I-400 Amp_ $160.00 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $22600 $ ServicefFeeder 601-1000Amp- $288.00 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. S410.00 $ Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder $6.00 $ Branch Circuit WO Service Feeder $74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $5.00 $- Branch Circuits 1-4 $86.00 $ --b Temp. Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp, Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $121D0 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp. ServiceiFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $96.00 $ Sign I Outline Lighting $88.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy-Multi-Family $88.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy/First 1500 sf-Commercial $96.00 $ (Note:$5.00 for each additional 1500 sf) Renewable Elec.Energy:5KVA System or less $113.00 $ Thermostat(Note:$5 for each additional) $56.00 $ $ TOTAL Owner as defined by RCW.1 9.28.281:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above Said property is for sale, rent or lease.Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical N.E-C., RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAC. Chapter 296- ee electrical N.EC,,RCW.�'I 468,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and P C 14. .05D re ing Electrical Permit Applications. tu Date Print Name Signature owner [Wiectricall Contractor I Administrator) 77- [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall orelectricalpermitsgcityofpa.usor faxed to360.417.4711]