14.40.010 -Purpose,
The e of this chap ter is to assure adeq uate provisions for oub lic access are made in the
devel ofnew land us e and in the chane e of use of an existin e buildine . Off-street parkins
is only one of the provlslons that needs to be consi dered to avoid sienifi cant adverse imDacts on
surrounding private properti es and public infrastructure. This parkins ordinance encouraqes
transDortation demand manaqern ent to achieve low imp act development as an alternative to off-
street mlni um parkins reouirem for each commercial.industrial. and oublic and institutional
land use. The Citv recosnizes that each business can hav e a varietv of transDorta tion stratesies.
facilities. and servi ces instead of satis&ins access solelv bv single occupant vehicles (SOV). Many
businesses are unique and. there fore, can best determine the minimum parkins requrrements
needed to serve their own needs. In res idential zones. off-street oarkins ls for each
dwellins unit to allow reduction i n nonarterial street width standards This ng ordinance
encouraqes reducti on in the impacts of increasing imoervi ous surfaces on the costs for each
development and on the environment from stormw ater drainage . Reducins Dollution from runoff
and ernissions serve communitv interests and should be balanced asainst reoui rements for more
street and parking lot improvements. The Citv expects new developments to find less costly ways
to meet transD ortation needs and does not want to reouire unn impervious surfaces
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
portions of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to increase residential
building capacity within certain zones of the City.
Section l. Ordinance No. 1558 as amended and Chapter 14.40 Off-Street parking of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code is amended by repealing the existing Chapter and
replacing it as follows:
Chapter 14.40 - Off-Street Parkine
14.40.020 - Definitions.
A. The followine terms shall have the desisnated meanings for the purposes of this Chapter.
unless the context indicates otherwise:
l. Electric vehicle. Any vehicle that operates, either partially or exclusively, on electrical
enersv from the Enid. or an offiboard source. that is stored on-board for motive pumose.
14.40.030 - Parking space require ments-Generallv.
For all land uses there shall be established and maintained Dermanent off-street oarkins soaces-
either on the zonin s lot of the use. or. if the affected DroDertv owners and the Director of
Communitv and Economic Devel ooment agree through the execution of an approDriate aqreement
"Electric vehicle" includes: (1) a battery electric vehicle: (2) a plue-in hvbrid electric
vehicle: (3) a neishborhood electric vehicle: and (4) a medium-soeed electric vehicle.
2. Electric vehicle parkine soace. Any parkins space marked exclusively for oarkinq ofan
electric vehicle and installed with electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)'
3. Electric vehicle supplv equipment (EVSE). The hardware installed specifically for the
ourpose of transferrins eners.v between the premises wirine and an electric vehicle. The
hardware includes conductors. electric vehicle connectors. attachment plues. and all other
fiftines. devices. power outlets. or apparatus.
4. "standard-car parkine space,'means 144.5 square feet of parkine lot area. eiPht feet six
inches bv 17 feet minimum in size. havine adequate access to a public strerct. No part of
anv street risht-of-way shall be considered Dart of any standard-car parkinq space.
5. 'rl-oadine sDacer! means a sDace located adiacent to a building. and liu'qe enoueh in at'ea so
that anv tnrck or other vehicle loadine or unloadine at such buildins will not project into a
street risht-of-wav.
6. ',Parking lot activity't means a non-oennanent activitv occurine in a Dal'kins lot. usinq
sDaces otherwise allocated for parkins for purposes other than parkins bY clientele of the
orimarv use of the prooertv.
7. nshalln means the statement is mandatory and ministerial. and the action so stated is
required to be done without discretion bv decision-makers'
8. nshoulaltr means the statement ousht to be done. but the action so statedl is not reouired to
be done bv decision-makers who may use discretion where exceptions are warranted.
9. "Transportation demand manaqement assessmentu means an analvsis of Dublic access to a
specific site for land use activities permitted under the Pott futseles Municipal Code and a
Citv approved olan (includine multi-modal services. public infrastructure imorovements.
and parkinq) that is sufficient to mitisate siqnificant adverse impacts on surroundine
private properties and public transportation facilities. consistent with the Cityrs
Comprehensive Plan and Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. The assessment mav
be done by the applicant or by an expert transportation professional when the apolicant
prefers or when determined to be necessarv bv the Community Development Director.
B. All other terms used in this chapter shall have the meanins qiven to them by Ordinance 1709.
as now enacted. or hereafter arnended. unless the context indicates otherwise.
and easement in a form acceptable to the Citv Attomey and if aopropriate identification sienase is
orovided. within 200 feet of the property boundaries (excludins oublic streets and allevs) of the
zonins lot. The required number of parkine spaces shall be determined as follows:
A. Ouantitv. The number of required spaces shall be determined reference to the number of
reouired oarkins soaces per Table 14.40-l . When the number of o arking sDaces is based on
floor area- the calculation shall use net floor area as defined bv the adopted buildine code and
as hereafter amended.
B. Reduced oarkins reouirements, The num of parkins spaces reouired bv Table 14.40-1
may be reduced with the parkins reduction tools in PAMC 14.40.045 and other modifications
in PAMC 14.40.080-110.
C- Altern ative methods. IfTable 14.40-l is not used to determine the umber of reo uired oarkinsn
sDaces. one of the followinq altemate methods of determinine the required parkins for a
cular devel ent shall
l. Determine the num ber of oarkine soaces reouired bv a transDorta tion demand assessment
that received bv the Director of Communitv and Economic Develooment oer
on 14.40.050 or
2- Preoare on demand ent assessment that meets the aooroval of the
Director of Communitv and Economic Devel oDment Der section 14.40.050: or
3. Obtain Director of Communifu and Economic Developm ent apDroval ofa parking variance
per section 14.40.130.
D. Parkin lot landscaoinp. The area shall como ly with landscaoins reo uirements for
parkins lots in with PAMC 17.22.440.
E.Fractions. Anvtime the reo uired oarkins cal culations result in a fraction ofa n s soace-
the number of reouired oarki ng spaces shall be rounded down to the nearest whol e parking
For shell permis where
the specific use is unknown and for
multi-tenant ercial sDaces.
the followinp blended minimum
parkinq requiements apolv
One oarkins suace for each 300 square feet of floor area
Automobile service and repai
Three parkine spaces olus one for each mechanical bav
Automobile sales dealershios Two Der employee
Gas stations with convenience
Oue oarking soac e for each emoloyee with a minim um of six parking
slaces. Drive aisles must accommodate two cars per pumD
Commercisl Activities
Banks. professional and business
One parkins space for each 400 souare feet of floor area
SheU euildins & MuttiTe
Bow alleys
One parking for each 600 square of floor area
Nisht clubs and lounses
Skatine rinks and other
commercial recrcational Dlaces
Music. dance.art- and other
Eieht parking spaces for each classroom
Food Service Activities
Food/srocerv stores
Restaurants. tavems. and anv other
establishments for the sale and
consumotion of food. alcoholic
Food and establishments
that do -site sea
Barber- beautv shoDs. tannine
salons. phvsical theraov, and
similar services
Child care centers Two ns soaces olus one unloadins soace for tho se centers I 2
for of 12 children
Medical Services
Medical and dental offices
One soace oer each two staffmembers at the larsest shift. plus one sDace
for every ten beds
Research. dental. x-mv laboratories
Residential and Lodsins Uses
Sinqle-household dwellines
Small lot sinele-household
One per unit
Conase housinq 1.5 per ulit
To*nhouses One Der unit
Dunlexes One per unil
I oarkins soace oer everv dwellinp unit with one bedroom or less
I .5 oarkins space oer everv unit with two bedrooms
1.75 Darkins sDaces ner everv dwellins units with three or more hedrooms
2.5 oarkinq soaces (minimum) to four oarkine soaces (maximum) for each
Fumiture/appliance stores and
One partine soace for each 50 souare feet of floor area
One parking soace for each 350 square feet o
one oarkins soace for each 200 souare feet of floor area
One oarkins soace for each three seats
One oarkins snace for each 300 square feet o[Ilaa! area
One parkine space for each 200 square feet of floor area ofthe buildine
One oarkine space for each emoloyee and three Der drive-uo window
One oarkine soace for each 250 souare feet of floor area with a midmum
of four oarking spaces
C)ne oarkins soace oer washine machine
One oarkins soace for each 300 square feet of floor area with a midmum
of [sulpa*!!-c,!p4s9s
One oarkine soace for each 200 souare feet of floor area
Multifamilv dwe lline units (three
or more dwellins units)
0.5 parkins soaces oer everv dwelling unit with one bedroom or less
0.75 parkine soace oer everv dwellins unit with two bedrooms
I oarking soaces oer eyery dwelling units wirh three or more bedrooms
Roomine and lodsine uses
Nursine and convalescent homes.
assisted livins facilities, adult
family homes
One oarking soace for everv three beds
Public and Institutioml Uses
Libmries for each 400 feet of
Junior colleees and technical
Elementarv schools
Middle schools
Senior hieh schools
One space for everv educator. Dlus one soace for every 5 students. Dlus
one sDace for everv two ve employees
One parking space for each classroom
Tkee oarkins for each classroom
Ten parkins soaces for each classroom
Six parkins spaces for each classroom
Social clubs. lodees. fraternal
orqanizations w/o lxed seatinq
Areas of without fxed
Churches areas
and other such o ofassemblv
with fxed seatine
Senior centers One pa*lns space for ev 3
Manufacturing uses One parkinq space for each 1.000 scr uare feet of floor area plus one soacc
Trucking and transportation
Miqirlum of ten spaces
arehouses buildinss One oarkins soace for each two loyees with a minimum of five
Darkinq sDaces
PubUc atrd Ouasi-Pub
Parks and o laysrounds As determined bv the Director of Commuaity and Economic
Public and private eolfcourses
Swimminq oools Ten parkine soaces for gach 1,000 square feet ofoool surface area
Utrsp€cilied Uses
Ifa use is not otherwise specificallv mentioned in this tion. the requirsments for off-street Darkine facilities
shall be the same as the reouirements for the most simi use listed herein as determined by the Director ofthe
Department of Communi8 DeveloDment. A transportation demand manasement assessment mav be necessarv
(see PAMC 14.40.050).
Mixed Uses
Muttifamilv dwellinq unis.
affordable (oer Chaoter 17.46
One parking soace for each guest room
One oarkinq space for each 300 feet of floor area
One parkine soace for each 50 souare feet of floor area of the buildine
One space for every 100 square feet of assembly area
One parking soace for each three lxed seats
Four spaces for everv qreen on oremises. plus one sDace for everv three
te€ boxes at drivine ranqc ifpresent
In the case ofa mixture ofuses on one lot or in one buildins. the total reoufuements for off-street oarkinq
facilities shall be the sum ofthe requirements for the various uses comouted separatelv
CooD€rative atrd Shared Parkinq Proyisions
Electric vehicle Parkine
See P
14.40.035 - Pavment of o ar kins and business im rovement area assessments for co molianceD
of parking requirements.
The owner of anv DroDertv or business that is located within I 000 feet of the bo of a Ci tv
annro ved kinq husine ssland en t area (PR IA established hv Chanter 3.72 PAMC)
may satisfo the oarkins reouirements imDosed bv this chapter bv enterins into an arreernent that
satisfies the conditions ofthis section and it approved by the Direct or of Communitv and Economic
Deve The arreement shall reouire the owner o f any or business to make
Dayments to the City in the amount calculated and on the terms pro vided in Chapter 3.72 PAMC
Such Davments shall b e deDosited into the PBIA fund and shall be used as provided in Chaoter
3.72 PAMC. The Director of Communitv and Economic Devel ooment is hereby authorized to
prepare d aDprove agre ements to rmp lement the terms of this section.
14.40.040 - Pa rkins soace reouirements for uses in a Citv aooroved Darking and business
improvement area.
For any land uses located in a Citv ar:nroved Parkine and B usiness lmorovement (PBIA).
there shall be established and maintained nermanent off-street parkinq spaces,either on the zoninq
lot of the use or within I .200 feet of the DroDertv boundaries (includine oub lic sfieets and alleys)
of the zonin s lot. The Citv enco the formation o f PBIAs throuehout the Citv.A buffer of
l.200 feet shall be required between all PBIAs to Drevent overl ns authorities and to allow
PBIA lots outside a PBIA's boundari es similar to an individual land use.
14.40.045 - Par kins reduction tools.
If the followin s criteria are satisfi then th e oarkins reouirements of Table 14.40- I mavbe
reduced accordinslv.
A. Non-s e occuDant vehicles.Parkins reouirements ma e reduced in direct ratio forb each
perce4!4gqpoint of access pro vided bv non-sinele occupant vehicle.
B. Transit. P requirements may be reduced b v 50 oercent ifa bus stoo or other mass translt
facility is located wi thin 2,500 feet ofthe oroiect site.
C. Coooerative oarkin p.P arkins reo ulremen ts mav be reduced in direct ratio for each Dercentase
point of parking pro vided bv coooerative oarkins aseement Der section 14.40.070.
D. LID facilities. Parkin s reouirements mav be reduced bv 25 Dercent to
E. On-street parking.
allow for incomoration
of LID facilities into the parking lot desiqn.
Parkinq facilities ma.v be cooperativelv used bv different land uses when the times ofthe uses are not
simultaneous. Parkins facilities mav be shared when the times are not simultatreous thrcueh a parkins aqrecment
with the oroperty owagrs and when the parkine is located no further than 500 feet from the oropertv reouirins the
oarkine. See PAMC 14.40.070.
I . Applicability. This option is available for all uses in residential and commercial zones.
2. Credit. Everv 22 linear feet of esal on-street Darkins within 250 feet ofthe subiect orooertv
can be counted toward the total reouired oarkins
3. Accessible spaces. On-street parkinq may not be used to meet minimum requirernents for
accessible parkins under the Americans with Disabilities A ct of 1990, the current ADA
Standards for Accessib le Desi . and the adooted buildins code.
F. Structured parking bonus.
l. Applicability. This option is available for multifamil y development and non-residential
develooment in residential and commercial zones.
Amount. E arki ace ln or multisto above-
ma count as u to1
soaces reouired bv thi
for the ses of calS minimum
s chapter. The Director mav reouire a ation demand
manasement assessm ent to determine the amount of the bonus see PAMC 14.40.050).(
14.40.046 - Electric vehicle oarkinp space requirements.
A. This section applies to all off-street parkins facilities in residential and commercial zones.
exceDt for RTP. Refer to locally adopted buildine and electrical codes for detailed construction
B. All chargins eouipment and services required bv this section shall supoort a minimum of Level
2 chareine standards as provided bv the Societv of Automotive Ensineers (40 amps and 240
volts residential or 208 volts commercial).
C. EV parking spaces shall be provided at the minimum rates shown in ELECTRIC VEHICLE
PARKING REOUIREMENT TABLE " 14.40-2". Note that these minimums mav exceed those
rroired by WAC 5l-50-0427.
l. An EV parkine space is one that has electric vehicle supplv equipment (EVSE) of any level
of sophistication installed at the time of certificate ofoccupancv. Networked EVSE has an
internet connection and may have a customer interfac€ for payment. limited hours of
operation. and other functions.
2. An EV-caoable parkins soace is one that can suooort EVSE in the future and is supported
with electrical panel capacity and space to suoport minimum charging standards. a
dedicated branch circuit for the parkine soace. internet-connection caoacitv and snace (if
required), and the installation of raceways (undersround of surface-mounted). The EV-
capable space requirement applies to new development only. Prior to EVSE installation,
non-electric vehicles may park in EV-caoable spaces.
3. Percentase-based rates apply to the total number ofvehicle parkine soaces actually olanned
or built (not the minimum number of spaces required elsewhere in this chapter). The rates
also apply to new parking spaces that are created when an existine parkine area (as of the
adootion date ofthis section) is expanded by 50 percent or more.
4. Mixed-use developments shall meet the applicable residential and non-residential EV
parking space requirernents consistent with the oroDortion of each use.
EVSE mav be in the form
of 240-volt nower outlets.
Networked EVSE is not
I oer unitNoneS inele-household.
cottaqe. and townhouse
I Der two unrlsNoneDuplex
of 240-volt power outlets.
Networked EVSE is not
EVSE may in the form3070 ofspacesNoneMultifamily with l0 or
more dwellins units
encouraged but not
I 0o4 of spaces
2 spaces minimum
NoneNon-residential use with
3.000 eross square feet
floor atea or more
(includine hotels)
Networked EVSE isI 0olo of spaces
4 spaces minimum
NoneParkine faciliw (orimarv
5. Sisns for EV Darkins sDaces shall be consistent with RCW 46.08.185 . EVSE shall not
incl electronic chanseable coDy slgn (see other sim standards in Chapter 14.36
a transporta tion demand assessment. which anal vzes the off-street needs
B. The assessment is a document that nrovides srrfficient information to ine the narkins
reouirements for a SDCCI fi c use. The estimate be based on scientificallv data
for the da transit servi
between existin s residential and commercial areas. existins neiehborhood and land use
context. proposed or active cooperative parkinq ageements. academic studies. similar uses in
the citv or ble cities. or other sources acceDted bv the Director. As bv this
chaDter. the m av be reouired for adiustine minimum q tative reouirernents.
14.40.050 - Transportation demand management assessment.
A. As pafi of atrv land use review and/or buildins pemit application with the City of Port Anseles'
of the new develooment or the expansion ofuse in the existine buildins. may be conducted
and shall require the approval of the Director of Communitv and Economic Development.
determinins times of peak parkine demand. and determinine imoacts to on-street parkins in
the vicinity of the subject development site. All transportation demand manaeement
assessments shall be prepared by either a professional enqineer with expertise in tramc and
parkine analyses or an equally qualified individual authorized by the Director.
Mi.nimum Number of
EV Prrkirs Sp8ces
Minimum Number of
Ev4rprble Ptrkins
Spreg Notc
arkins sDace reo uirement modifi cation-N ew uses in new structures,14.40.080 - P
For any new use in a new buildin s or structure. the reo uired number of parkine spaces shall be
determined bv the requirements of sections 14.40.030 thoush 14.40.070.
14.40.060 - Mixed uses.
In the case ofa mixture ofuses on one zonine lot or in one buildine. the total requirements for off-
street parkine facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses comouted
separately. Off-street parkins facilities for one use shall not be considered as orovidine required
parkine facilities of any other use. except as may be provided in section 14.40.070 of this chapter.
14.40.070 - Cooperative parkins asreements.
A. Parkine facilities may be cooperativelv used bv different land uses when the times ofthe peak
use of such oarkins soaces by each use are not simultaneous. For example. a movie theatsr
whose peak use time is 7:00pm shares a parkine lot with an office buildine whose peak use
time is 3:00pm. The oeak use time mav be orovided by the Institute of Transportation
Eneineers or determined by a transoortation demand manaeement assessment per PAMC
B. Cooperative parkins associated with multi-tenant retail and commercial facilities will be
considered to be a cooperative parking facilitv. Lease agreements will satis8/ the requirement
for a sufficient leeal document.
C. A cooperative oarkine aqreement sirned bv all parties who share the oarking facilities and
approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development shall be required that
binds the parkine facilities and the parties until the arreement is dissolved bv all parties and
approved bv the Director of Communitv and Economic Development.
D. If any requirernents for coooerative parkine are violated. the affected oropertv owners must
provide a remedy satisfactorv to the Director or provide the full amount of required off-street
oarking for each use. in accordance with the reouirernents ofthis chapter. unless a satisfactory
alternative remedy is approved by the Director.
14.40.090 - Parkins soace reouirement modification-New uses in existi[e structures,
A chanse ofuse in a buildine or structure that exists as of April 25. 20M. that does not chanee the
buildins code occupancy classification of the existins buildine or structure mav occur without
provision of additional off-street oarkine spaces unless the floor area of the buildins or structure
is increased.
14.40.100 - Parkins space reouirement modification-Expansion of existing uses in existing
For an expansion in the use of an existine buildine or structure which enlarges the floor area.
additional parkine spaces need not be established- if the followins rEuirements are met:
A. The use and structure or buildins. prior to its enlareement or increase in floor area. is in
conformance with the parkine space requirements of this chapter:
B. No orevious modifications of parkine space requirements authorized by this section have been
C. The number of parkine spaces reauired by the floor area of the addition. toqether with those
required by the floor area of the existine buildine. will not exceed 115 oercent of the spaces
required for the expansion of the use or buildine. Ifthe number ofspaces reouired exce€ds I l5
oercent. the required spaces in excess of 115 percent shall be established and maintained.
14.40.110 - Parking soace modification reouirements-Existing uses in existing structures.
Existine uses occupyins existine structures or buildines as of the effective date of the ordinance
codified in this chaoter may continue until there is an expansion ofuse.
14.40.120 - Improvement of oarkins soaces.
A. Any parkine spaces provided to comply with the terms of this chapter. other than for sinsle-
farnilv detached residences. shall be improved in accordance with the followine requirements:
1. They shall meet the requirements of the clearine. eradine, filline and drainaee rezulations
set forth in Chapter 15.28 PAMC.
2. Thev shall be qmded and paved with a hard-suface pavement of pemeable Davement with
a structurally adequate base. Portland cernent concrete. asphaltic concrete with a
structur.ally adequate base, or other hard-surface Davement acceptable to the Director of
Public Works and Utilities. Pervious concrete shall be the preferred surface. if feasible. A11
pat'kins spaces shall be clearly and permanently striped in conformance with Public Works
parkins lot desisr standards. \ry'heel stops shall be installed where necessary to Drevent
encroachment uoon oublic riqhts-of-wav and adiacent trees. landscaped areas. or low
impact development facilities. The Director of Public Works and Utilities mav allow for
atr exceDtion to hard-surfac€ Davement for develoDments in the Industrial HeavY Zone.
Drovided that advase imDacts to stomlwater drainaqe. surroundinq DroDetties. and public
infrastnrcture are mitieated to the extent the Director deerns reasonablv necessarv and
3. They shall be accessible. at all times. from street. allev or driveway intended to serve such
off-street parkins.
4. Improvernents of parkine spaces shall meet the Americans with Disabilities Act standards.
B. The CiW may Eant permission for temporary occupancy ofa buildins or structure even thoueh
the parkins soaces reouired by subsection A. of this section have not been fully completed.
orovided that an improvernent bond acceotable as to form and amount by the Citv Eneineer
and the City Attomev is oosted in the arnount of the estimated value of the construction of the
parkine facilities. Before srantine such temporary occuoancy. the Director of Public Works
and Utilities must determine that construction ofthe parkinq facilities prior to occupancy of
the buildine would not represent sound construction oractice, due to weather mnditions,
availabilitv of materials and/or difficult site conditions. and the acceptance of such bond is
therefore appropriate. Imorovernent bonds may be acceDted for a period not to exceed 12
14.40.140 - B uildins Dermits.
Before the pran ofa buildins or occ t for anv new buildins oruDancv or for anv
enlarqernent or change of use in any existins buildins or structure.where the Droposed use is
subiect to the rec uirernents of this chaDter. the aoolicant for such buildins oermit shall comolv
with the reou irements of this chaoter. Comoliance shall consist of either of the followine
A. Proofofthe exi ofthe off-street Darkins soaces reouired bv this chapter. includine a site
plan showins such off-street oarkins. which has been s ubmitted to and aoproved bv the
Communitv Develooment Director and Citv Engineer. The site plan shall be prepared at a
reasonable scale. showine DroDertv I tnes dimensions of the orooertv. size and arransement of
all parking sDaces, the means of ingess and egress to such parkine spaces and interior
circulation within the parkine area- the extent ofany chanqe required in existins site conditions
to orovide reouired oarkins. and such other in rmation as may be necessary to Dermit review
and of or
B. Proof that the aoolicant is subiect to assessment in a Ci ty approved Darking and business
kin within P1mt area BIA that
months. Durine the period before final completion of the improvsments. the parkine facilities
provided shall at least be eraded and sraveled and be maintained in a sood condition.
C. Uses requiring six or fewer soaces may occupy a building or zoninq lot for up to 12 months
before compliance with subsection A.2 of this section. provided the parkine facilities shall at
least be eraded and graveled and be maintained in a eood condition. At the end ofthe l2-month
period. the parkine facilities must be in compliance with subsection A.2 of this section, or a
bond must have been provided and acceoted in accordance with subsection B of this section.
14.40.130 - Parking space reouirements-Variances.
A. A variance from the oarkine space requirements of this chaoter. as specifically provided by
sections 14.40.030 throueh 14.40.070. mav be sranted on written request to the Director of
Communitv and Economic Develooment. The Director may impose such conditions upon the
variance as it deerns necessary to complv with the puqrose of this chapter and to mitieate the
effects of increased imoervious surfaces. No variance shall be eranted by the Director unless
the Director finds that:
l The variance is not detrimental to surroundine properties:
2. The parkine provided is sufficient to meet the oarkine needed bv the uses(s):
3. The variance will not create increased coneestion or traffic hazards alone adjacent streets
and alleys: and
4. The variance is consistent with the intent of this chaoter. the zone in which the site is
located. and the comorehensive olan.
B. The determination of the Director may be aopealed to the Hearins Examiner per section
14.40.150 - Use of parkine spaces.
Subsequent to the issuance of a bui ldine permit. the number and locati on of parkin s soaces used
to satis& the of this chapter shall not be chaneed. nor shall the use of the buildin qor
structure for which the Dermit is issued be without compliance with the req uirements of
this chaDter. P soaces used bv a land use to satis thefv reouirements of the aDter shall onlv
be used for the ns of vehicles of customers and other users of the buildins and the land use
authorized by the buildin s Dermit. except for parking pro vided under sections 14.40.040 and
14,40.160 - Parkine lot activitv strndards.
All parkine lot activities shall complv with the followins standards:
A. No such activity shall occur in parkins spaces directly in front of entmnces or windows of a
B. Such activities shall not occupy more than ten percent of the total number of spaces in the
parkine lot.
C. Such activities shall not block entrances and exits to the parking lot or fire exit doors of anv
D. Such activities shall not occur in parking lots containine fewer than 20 spaces.
E. All such activities shall comply with all other applicable City ordinances and State statutes.
F. Each par.kine lot activity shall only be for a period not to exceed 30 consecutive davs for orivate
businesses and 60 consecutive days for private non-orofit and charitable oreanizations within
a one calendar vear oeriod.
G. The location and activi8 shall not endaneer the public health. morals. safetv and welfare.
14.40.170 - Revocation of permit-Appeals.
A. An occupancy permit issued pursuant to the teflns ofthis chapter shall be revocable by the City
Manager. or his desimee. for violation of any of the provisions of this chaoter. Notice of the
revocation of such permit shall be siven in writinq. by ordinary mail. directed to the address
of the oermit holder as shown on the oermit application.
B. Upon revocation. the permit holder shall have a risht of aooeal to the Hearins Examiner per
section 2.18.065. The holder shall. within ten days of the notice of revocation. qive notice to
the City Clerk. in writinq. the permit holder's intention to appeal the revocation to the Hearinq
Examiner. The Clerk shall place the pemit holder's aopeal on the aeenda of the next rezularly
scheduled Hearins Examiner meetine. and forthwith inform the permit holder. in writins. the
date. time and location of the meetins.
C. The Hearine Examiner shall hold a public hearine. at which the permit holder mav present
testimony as to his comnliance with the terms of this chapter.
D. The Hearine Examiner shall make written findines of fact. as to the basis of any decision which
it makes. The Hearine Exarniner ma), sustain the revocation of the perrnit. reinstate the permit
with conditions, reinstate the permit after a time certain. or immediatelv reinstate the permit.
14.40.180 - Decision s of the Director of Department of Communitv and Economic
Developmen t-Appeals.
A. Anv asrieved bv the decis ion of the Director o f Communi tv and Economic
DeveIonmen t mav aooeal the decision to Hearins Examiner oer on 2.18.065
B. Anoeal s shall be submitted to the tv Clerk in writins within 14 davs followine the date ofC
the Director's decision.
C. The H eann Examiner shall conduct an record hearins on the aooea I of the Director of
Comm unl tv and Economic DeveloDmentr s decision. The Hearins Exam iner's decision shall be
final unless aooealed to Clal lam County Superi or Court in accordance with PAMC 18.02.130.
14.40.1 - Violation.
Anv oerson-firm. or comoration-in charse of oremises whi ch violate anv of the oro visions of this
chaoter-shall be deemed zuiltv of a seoarate offense for each and everv dav or on thereof
durine which an y violation of any ol the provi sions of this chapter is committed.continued, or
itted. Each su shall be unl le a maxlm vil fine of 500
Section 2. ordinance No. 2312 as amended and chapter l5.M is amended by adding a
new Section 15.M.105 to Chapter 4 as follows:
15.04.105 - C atesorical exemDtio ns for residen tial mixed use and residential infill
A. When located within the zones identified in subsection (B).the followine exemDt levels are
established for new on under RC w 43.21C.229:
I develoomen t above the flexible thresho lds adopted by referen ce in PAMCl. Resi
2. Mixed-use ent.
B. Infill develooment exernotions shall aoolv in the fo ng zones:
l. Residential, Low Densit y (R7)
2. Residential Low Densitv (R9)
3. Residential. Medium Densi ty (RMD)
4 Residential Hish Densitv (RHD)
5. Commerci . Office (CO)
Commercial N
7. Commercial-S ho opine District (CSD)
8. Commercial, Arterial (CA)
9. Central Business District (CBD)
C. The infill exernptions in this subsection do not aDDl
y to the followine:
1. The ect is undertaken wholl oartlv on lands covered bv ater as defined in WACor
197-11-75 6.
2. When a rezone i s reouired.
3. The pro iect requires a license sovernlng emr ssions to the air or discharges to water.
4. The pro iect is propo sed within an environmentally sensitivc r!ga.
D. Findinss: The SEP A resoonsible official shall determine the infill ex emptlo n aDDlies when
the aDD licant has satisfactorily demonstrated:
1. All uirements in subsection (A) thoush (C) are met.
2. T"he sal is located in the aoolicable zones in subsection (B)where the Citv has
identified that current densitv and intensi tv ofuse in the area is roushly equal to or lower
than called for in the goals and oolicies of Port Angel es Comorehensive Plan. The
proposal is consistent with P ort Anseles Com ve Plan and not exceed the net
densitv or intensi tv ofuse called for in the soals and nolicies ofthe P Anseles
Comprehens ive Plan.
3. The oosal comolies with the aoolicable mitisatins desien standards ofCha er 17 .21
or Chaoter 17 .22 P LIN{C.
4. Specific im Dacts are adequatel v addressed by the devel ooment regula or other
aoplicable reouirements of the Port Angeles Com orehensive Plan or other lo cal. state, or
federal rul es or laws.
Section 3. Ordinance No. 2222 as amenddand Chapter 16.02 is amended by repealing
the existing Chapter and replacing it in its entirety as follows:
CHAPTER 16.02 - Definitions
16.02.0 20 - Definitions and rules.
A. Words used in the Dresent tense shall include the futurei words used in the sinsular shall
include the plural . and the plural shall include the sinzular.
B. The word "shall" is mandatorv and not di screti o narv.
C. The word "ma IS Derrnlsslve.
D. The word "1 ot" shall include the words "oi " and "oarcel": the word "buildin s" includes all
other structures of everv kind reeardless of ilaritv to buildinss: and the p "used for"
shall include the nhrases "arransed for." "desi
"occuDied for."
ed for." "intended for." "maintained for-" and
16.02.010 - General.
The definitions in this chapter aoply to all chapters and sections of Title 16. PAMC.
E. In the construction ofthese subdivision regulations , the rules and definitions contained in this
section shall be observed and applied. except when the context clearl y indicates otherwise.
l Access street. A street with the main function of nrovidins to adiacent prooerties
or for local traflic.
2. Bindine site improvement plan or BSIP. "Bind ins site improvement plan" or "BSIP"
means an intesrated si te plan submitted to the Citv oursuant to this chapter for approval
of all planned buildin gs, public and private infrastructure.and other improvements and
amenities to be develooed as a commercial or industrial center.
3. Block. A srouo of lots. tracts or parcel s within well-defined and fixed boundaries.
4. Block. townsite. A block of450 or 500 feet by 3 00 feet dimension or a minimum of 3.1
acres as created the orisinal olattinp ofthe Townsite of Port Anseles
5 Bo line ad ustment. A .ti vision of land made for e of alteration hw
adiustine boundary lines. between Dlanned or unplatted lots or both.which does not
create any additional lot. tract. oarcel. site.or division, nor create any lot. tract. parcel.
site. or divisi which contains insuffici t area and dimension to meet minimum
requlrements for width and area for a b ldins site and mav be lished in
nonconformi ns situations when the de of nonconformitv is not increased
6. Citv. The Ci ty of Port Angeles.
7. Collector arterial street. A street which pro vides for movernent within the smaller areas
which are o defi nable neishborhoods and mav be bound bv hisher class (minor or
principal) art erials. Collector arterials serve vetv little "throush c" but serve a hieh
portion oflocal Eaffic requirins direct access to abu ttine land uses.
8. Commercial or industrial center. "Comm ercial cen ter" or "industrial center" means a
develoom ent complex of mixed co al and/or industrial busin es that share
facilities and are orsanized bv some form of common manasement. A and office
park. an industrial o ark. a comorate camous. and a shoooins cen are tvoical examoles
of commercial or industrial centers
9. Commission. See "Pl anning Commission."
10. Communi and Economic DeveloDmen t DeDartment or Departmen t. "Community and
Economi c Deve ent DeDartment" or "DeDartm ent" means the Communitv and
Economic Develooment DeDartment of the Ciw.
I l. Comorehensive Pl an. The Comprehensive Plan adooted bv the Council in comoliance
with the Gro wth Manasement Act of 1990 and which indicat es the general locations
recommended fut rqsidential. commercial, and industrial land uses or zones and for
streets. Darks. public buildines.and other DUblic improvements. The Comprehensive Plan
includes all its Appendices and individual com prehensive service and facility plans such
12. Council. Port Angeles City Council.
an and the Comprehensiveas the CaDital Facilities Plan. the Comprehensive Water Pl
Parks Plan
13. Crosswalk-wav. A risht-of-wav dedicated to public use. ten feet or more in width. which
cuts across a block to facilitate pedestrian access to adjacent streets and properties.
14. Cul-de-sac (court or dead end street). A short street havins one end open to traffic and
beine perrnanently terminated by a vehicle tum-around.
15. Dedication. The deliberate appropriation ofland by an owner for public uses. reservinq to
the owner no other rishts than such as are compatible with the full exercise and
enjoyment of the public uses to which the orooerty has been devoted. The intention to
dedicate shall be evidenced by the owner by the oresentrnent for filine ofa final short plat
or final subdivision plat showine the dedication thereon, and acceptance of the dedication
by the City shall be evidenced by the approval ofsuch final short plat or final subdivision
16. Desired urban desim ofthe Citv. The land use pattern and street systern as described bv
the Comprehensive Plan land use map and policies. the zonine mao and rezulations. the
subdivision rezulations. and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines'
17. Dwellinq. cottaqe housins. A small single-household dwellinP that is clustered with other
similar units sharins a common open soace.
18. Dwellins. townhouse. A dwelling unit that shares one or more corrunon or abuttinq walls
with one or more dwelling units and has exterior access. A townhouse does not share
common floorVceilinss with other dwelline units.
19. Easernent. A erant by the orooertv owner ofthe use ofa strio of land by the public. a
comoration. or Dersons for specific purDoses.
20. Final short plat. The final drawing ofthe short subdivision. containine all the elements
and requfuernents set forth in this chapter.
21. Final subdivision plat. The final drawine of the subdivision and dedication prepared for
filins for record with the county Auditor and containine all elements and rEuirements
set forth in this chapter.
22. Hearine Examiner. The CiW establishes a Hearine Examiner system oer PAMC 2.18.010'
23. Intesated site. "Intesrated site" means one or more parcels of land operated as a sinsle
develooment site for the oumoses of shared facilities and common managernent.
24. Lot. A piece. parcel. olot. tract or area ofland in common ownership created bv
subdivision or its leeal equivalent for sale. lease or rent. A lot has the characteristics of
beins able to be occuoied or capable ofbeing occuoied by one or more principal
buildines, and the accessorv buildines or uses customarilv incidental to them. and
includine the open spaces required under this chaoter. and havine its orincipal lot
frontaqe on a street.
25. Lot area. The total area within the lot lines ofa lot. excludine any primarv access
easernents or panhandles.
26. Lot frontaee. The lenqth ofthe front lot line measured at the street risht-of-way line.
Alleys are not considered risht-of-way providine a lot frontaee.
27. Lot. irrezular. A lot that has an irrezular shape. such as narrow necks. points. lees and
28. Lot line. A line of record boundine a lot that divides one lot from another lot or from a
public or private street or anv other public risht-of-way or public soace.
29. Lot. panhandle. (also known as flae). A lot generallv in the shape ofa flas where access
is typically provided bv a narrow. private rieht-of-way or drivewav also known as the
"panhandle. "
30. Lot tvpes.
i. Comer lot. A lot at a junction of. and frontins on. two or more intersectins streets.
formine an interior anele of less than I 35 deqrees.
ii. Interior lot. A lot other than a comer or throush lot.
iii. Double frontase or throuqh lot. A lot havins frontaee on two parallel. or
approximatelv parallel. streets. Both lot lines abuttine streets shall be deemed front lot
lines. Lots with rear allev frontaee shall not be considered through lots.
iv. Reverse frontaee lot. A double frontaee or through lot that is not accessible from one
ofthe parallel or nonintersectins streets on which it fronts.
31. Lot. zonins. A sinele tract of land located within a sinsle block. which at the time of
filine for a building permit. is desimated by its owner or developer as a tract to be used.
developed. or built upon as a unit. under single ownership or control. A zonine lot may or
may not coincide with a lot of record.
32. Lot line. front. In the case ofan interior lot. a line separatine the lot from a street right-of-
way. and in the case ofa double frontaee or throush lot. a line separatine the lot from a
street rieht-of-way liom which a drive access may be oermitted and located by the Citv.
In the case of a comer lot, a oroperty owner may desiqnate either line seDarating the lot
from street rishts-of-way as the primary front lot line. therefore creatins a subsequent
fiont lot line. For a lot with an irrezular shaoe. narrow neck. ooint and panhandle. the
front lot line is the shortest lot line adjoinine the panhandle portion ofthe lot. excluding
the unbuildable portion of the pole.
33. Lot line. rear. That boundary ofa lot which is most distant from and is most nearlv
oarallel to the front lot line.
34. Lot line, side. Any boundarv ofa lot which is not a front nor a rear lot line.
35. Lot line. zero. A concept utilized to permit a structure or wall ofa buildine to be located
on a prooerty line.
36. Minor arterial street. A street which orovides for movernent within the laree sub-parts
prescribed bv orincipal arterials. Minor arterials may also serve "throush traffic" but
orovide much more direct service to abuttine land uses than orincipal arterials.
37. Owner. A person. firm. association. oartnership. private corporation. oublic or quasi-
oublic corporation. or any combination thereof.
38. Planned Residential Development (PRD . A olanned residential development is a site
soecific develooment which has been aooroved bv the Ci tv Council under the orovisions
of Chapter 17.19 ofthe Port Ansel es Municioal Code. It mav include a subdivision of
land in which residential lots are desiened in clusters of individual lots with oark and
oDen sDace areas between clusters and in which lots mav be below the minimum lot
widths and lot areas required bv theZontneeade.
39. Plannine Commission. "Planniq q Commission" means the Plannins Commission of the
City. as desimated in Chapter 2.36 of this Code.
40. Preliminarv short olat. "Prelimi narv short olat" means an aooroximate drawins of a short
subdivision showins the seneral lavout of streets and allevs. lots blocks and other
elernents of the subdivision
41. Preliminarv subdivision plat. An appro ximate drawins of a prooosed subdivision
showine the eeneral layout of streets and al levs. lots. blocks. and other elements of the
subdivision consistent with the req uirernents of er 16.08.
42. Principal arterial street. A street which provides for mo vement across and between large
sub-oarts of an urban re s1 on and serve oredominan tlv "throueh trios" with mlnlmum
direct service to abuttine land uses.
43. Short subdivision. "Short subdivision" m eans the division or redivision of land into nine
or less lots. tracts - Darce . sites or divisions for the oumose of sale. lease orls transfer of
44. Sketch. A drawin s showins proposed lot-lavout. buildins line setbacks and orooosed
locations and width of street s. width and area ofeach lot . sanitary and storm drainage.
45. Street. A ri t-of-wav. dedicated to oublic use . which orovides vehicular and oedestrian
access to ad acent ES
46. Street system imDrovements. The accuisition ofri sht-of-wav and/or easem ents. desisn.
inspection. grading, pavin e. installation of curbs, gutters,sidewalks. street liehtins. traffic
control devi and other similar im in accordance with Ci tv tandardsS
47. Subdivider-devel .A D erson who undertakes the subdividine or the resubdividine ofa
ot-tract or narcel of land into two or lots or other divisions of land for the Dumo SEmore
immediate or future, of transfet of ownershi p or development,includine all chanses in
street or lot lines.
48. Subdivision. The division or redi vlslon o f land into ten or more I tracts narcels-srtes
or division for the oumose of sal le ase-or transfer ofownershio.
49. Unit lot subdivision. A subdivision ofland within a parent oarcel that creates individual
sellable lots for townhouse and coftase housins develooment.
Section 4. Ordinance No. 2222 x amerdd and Chapter 16.04 is amended by repealing
the existing Chapter and replacing it as follows:
CHAPTER 16.04 - Short Plat Subdivision Regulations
16.04.010 - Purpose and intent.
The oumose of this chaoter is to orov ide uniform resulations for the subdivision and re-
subdivision of land into nine or less Darcels. so as to Dromote the publi c health, safety and
general welfare. It is further the pumose of this chapter to imo lernent the reguirernents of the
Growth Manasement A ct of 1990 throueh the soals. policies.and obiectives ofthe
Comorehensive P lan of the Citv. to comolv with the reouirements of the Zonine Code and Urban
Servi ces Ordinance of the Citv. to ensure order erowth consistent with the desi red urban desigr
of the Ci tv-to romote effective and enersv -efficient use ofland. to orev ent over-crowdinq ofn
land, to provide for adeouate lisht and air. to mote safe and convenient travel and lessen
conqestlon on streets and hishwavs. to oro vide for proper inpress and egress.to ensure adequate
ion for stormwater rn,naoFrYient transit tabl e wqrer crrnnl les
sanltary w astes, Darks and recreation areas, playgrounds.schools and school gro unds, sidewalks
and safe walkin g conditions on school routes.and other public requirernents.to require uniform
16.04.020 - Authoritv.
er is adooted nursuan t to the authoritv sranted to the Citv bv the Revised Code ofThis chaot
Washin n Dursuant to R cw 58. r 7.060.
16.04.045 - Parcels traversed bv oublic ways.
roads. hishwavs.alleys. and other pub lic ways. which traverse a parcel of landPublic s
under one ownership. will be considered to have divided that land into non-co ntizuous pieces
without further need for complvins with short subdivision requirements.
16.04.050 - A tion forms.
A. An aoolication for of a preliminarv short nlat shal I be submitted to the Communitv
and Economic Devel ent DeDartment on a form fumished bv that DeDartment and shall
be accom anied b th li hort lat.
B. The aoo lication form shall contain. at minimum:
l. The nam e-address and te enho n en um of the aoD
3. A statement ofthe underlvrns zonlns:
licant and the nronertv own
2.A leoal descri nti on of the Drooertv to be subdivided
monumentine ofland subdivisions and conveyancine by accurate legal description. and to
Drevent the creation of,public nuisances.
16.04.030 - Reserved.
16.04.040 - Aoolicabilitv.
A final short plat. aop.oued in accordance *ith the provisions ofthis chapter and filed with the
Countv Auditor. is required for all short subdivisions within the City. and no lot. tract. or parcel
within any short subdivision shall be sold. leased. transferred. redivided. altered. or vacated.
without compliance with the terms of this chapter.
4. The proposed methods of servine the individual lots in the short suMivision with watsr.
sewer. streets and othfi public utilities:
5. The purpose of the short suMivision: and
6. If reouested by the Department. the name address and telephone number ofthe owner(s)
of all adjacent unolatted parcels.
C. The application forrn shall be accompanied by the preliminary short olat. the application fee
and, ifapolicable. a SEPA checklist.
D. The short subdivision aoolication fee shall be as established bv ordinance and set forth in
chaoter 3.70 PAMC. No such fee shall be refundable after acceptance of an apolication by
the D€partment.
16.04.060 - Preliminarv short plat-{ontents.
The preliminary short plat shall be a neat drawine. to a scale ofnot less than one inch to 100 feet.
. and shall provide the followine information:
A. The date. scale. and North arrow:
B. The boundaries ofthe entire parcel beine subdivided. includine all contiquous unplatted
propertyownedty,lhe-subdi ;
C. A lesal description ofthe orooerw beine subdivided:
D. Identification. dimensions. and area ofall prooosed lotsl
E. The name and location of existins and proposed public ri8fits-of-wav:
F. The location of existinq and proposed easernents:
G. The required buildine setbacks on each orooosed lot:
H. The location of existins buildinss and major sfiuctures and their distances from Dropertv
I. The location ofexistinq natural features. such as stleams. rivers. wetlands. shorelines.
drainaqe wavs. ravines and steep slooes:
J. The location and size of existine utilities. includine water. sewer. storm drains. and fire
16.04.070 - Preliminarv short plat-Desisn standards.
All oreliminarv short plats shall mnform to the following desien standards:
A. Risht-of-wav access.
l. Each lot shall abut on a dedicated- imoroved and maintained Citv street that mnnects
directly to an existins imoroved street and that meets current street improvement
standards as set forth in the Comorehensive Pla[ the Urban Services Ordinance. and the
Urban Services Standards and Guidelines oromulgated consistent with and pursuant to
PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130. with the followine exceptions:
a. Streets may be established interior to sites within the Industrial Heaw (lH) zone
without dedication as a public street. ln all other respects. such streets must be
developed and maintained to meet current street imorovernent standards. The applicant
must record a document that requires the property owner to maintain the streets to the
required standards
b. An exceDtion from the rieht-of-wav access requirements in this section shall be
allowed for a sin sl residential or commercial lot wi thin a orooosed short nlat-
provided that the followi ns conditions are met
i. The sinsle lot con tains an existins habitable dwellins that abuts and is accessible
bv emergen cy vehicles over an existins 20-foot-wide all-weather that does
not meet Ci and
ii. Either of the fol lowing conditions are met:
A all other lots in the short subdivision shall meet the risht-of-way access()
standards of this section: or
(B)all lots abut an improved Drivate street that is othenvise built to City access
standards but mav not be a dedi cated street.
2. Sidewalks and other nlannins features that assure safe walkins conditions for students
who walk to and from school I be orovided to RCW 58.17.060 and RCW
58. I 7.1 10.
B. Lot desisn
l. The minimum area shall be eo ual to or great er than that required by the Zonins Code as
now enacted or hereafter amended.
2. The minimum depth shall be the total d istance between the required front and rear yard
set lus 15 feetS
3 The minimum lot width is the horizontal distance een side lot lines me at the
front setback I ine. provided the averase horizontal distance between si de lot lines must
also meet or exceed the minimum lot width reouired. and shall be as uired by the
Zonine Code as now enacted or hereafter amended.
4. The front lot line shall be the bo undary ofa lot that abuts a street. On a le lot, the
fiont I ot line and setbacks shall be determin durins the short subdivi sion process. or. if
not determined durins short subdivision review , shall be determined bv the Community
and Economic opment Director.
5. Irreqular lots may be Dermitted if the orieinal parc el has insufficient frontaee width to
provide each new lot with the minimum lot width as reo uired by Title l7 for the
underlying zone.
6. Panhandle or flaq lots shall meet the followi nq criteria:
a. The narrow oorti on ofthe oanhandle or flas lot shall have a minimum width of 20
feet and shall serve no more than one lot
b. The reouired lot area width and den th shall not include any portion of a panhandle
c. Dead-end access streets and/or driveways in excess of 150 feet in lensth shall be
amlnlmumwith a tum-around that
t eter without
or a minimum 9O-foot diameter (with parkine)asohaltic concrete or permeable
pavement street or an altemative aporoved by the Citv consistent with the Urban
Services Ordin ance. the Port Aneeles U rban Services Standards and Guidclilgc
Manual. and the Intemational Fire Code. exc ent that an all-weather surfacevel
section mav be annro ved for tum-arounds that are anticioated to be temoorarv due to
the future extension ofthe roadwav.
C. Natural features. The lots and lot arranaement shall be such that no foreseeable di fficulties
will be created,due to toDosraDhv and other natural conditions. for the securins ofbuildins
ts to build on all lots i liance with nl Code and Environmentall
Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinances. as now enacted or hereafter amended,and all other
aoolicable lations.
D. Larse lots. Where DroDerty is subdivided i nto lots that are of sufficient size to be
resubdivided . the lots and streets shall be arranged so as to permit later resubdivision in
conformance with the Z Code. as now or hereafter amended. the Subdivision
Rezulati Ordinance. as now enacted or amended. and chaDter.
E. Short subdivisio ns shall also comolv with the follow ins standard s and policies of PAMC
16.08.060. If there is a con flict. the Director determines whi ch pro visions applv.
l. Block standards in subs on (D)
2. Public standards in s (F)
3. Easement standards in sub section (G).
4. Block standards in sub (K).
r6.04.080 - P reliminarv short olat-Routins and s taff recommen dations.
A. Upon rec eipt of an aoplication and prelimi nary short plat satisfuine the requirernents of
sections 16.04.050 . 16.040.060 and 16.04 .070 ofthis . the Comm unl tY Economic
Development DeDartment shall distribute the oreliminarv short plat to the followins
l. City Public Works and Utilities Departmentt
2. Ci Fire
3. Clallam Co untv Health Department if a septic tank and drain field is to be allowed;
4. Any o aoorooriate deoartment or asencv.
B. Each ent or asencv shall review the nreliminarv short olat and return wntten
recommendations for aporoval or disaoproval of the preliminary short olat. and. if
aDDroDnate.conditions for aooroval. to the Communi tv and Economic
Development Dep artment within 20 calendar days
16.04.100 - Preliminary short plat-Aporoval-{onditions.
A. Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the application, the Communitv and Economic
Devel o DM ent D lrector shall determine if aoorooria te Dro visions for the public health. safetv
and general welfare of the comm uniW have been made.shall determine if any public
nuisance would be created. and shall further determine if the public use and interest will be
served by approving the preliminarv short plat. based upon comoliance with sections
16.04.010. 16.04.050 and 16.04.090 ofthis chapter.
B. Base{ uoon that determi nati on-the Community and Economic Development Director shall
aDDrove. aDDrove with conditions. or disaoorove the
preliminary short Dlat: or mav return the
16.04.090 - Preliminary short plat-Requirements for aporovat.
Prior to actins on the preliminary short plat. the Communitv and Economic Development
Director shall review the apolication for preliminarv short plat approval. the preliminarv short
plat. and any information received pursuant to sections 16.04.050 throueh 16.04.080. to
determine the comoliance of the preliminary short plat with the following reouirsments:
A. Necessary drainase ways: storm drains: and/or stormwater flow control. treatment. and LID
BMPs/facilities must be adequate to serve the short subdivision as set forth in the
Comprehensive Plan, the Port Anseles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual.
and Urban Services Ordinance develooment standards. LID approaches and facilities shall be
incorporated where feasible to minimize stormwater runoff and impervious surface
coveraees. and to maximize retention ofnative veqetation.
B. The provision of streets and riehts-of-wav must be adequate to serve the short subdivision
and comolv with sections 16.04.070 and 16.04.140 of this chaoter and as set forth in the
Comprehensive Plan. Urban Services Ordinance. and the Urban Services Standards and
Guidelines promuleated consistent with and pursuant to pAMC 18.08.040 and 18.0g.130.
C. Water suoplv and fire orotection facilities must be adequate to serve the short subdivision
and comply with section 16.04.140 ofthis chaoter and as set forth in the Comprehensive
Plan Urban Services Ordinance. and the Urban Services Standards and Cuidelines
promuleated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.M0 and 18.08.130.
D' Sanitary sewer facilities must be adequate to serve the short subdivision and complv with
section 16.04.140 of this chapter. and as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, Urban Services
Ordi.rance. and the Urban Se*ices Standards and Guidelines oromuleated consistent with
and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.M0 and 18.08.130. or a septic tank systern must have been
approved by the Clallam County Department of Health.
E. The short subdivision lot arraneement must comply with the policies of the Comprehensive
Plan and further the attainment of the soals. policies and objectives of the Comorehensive
F. The proposed short subdivision must be compatible with existins and planned development
of the surrounding area.
G. The oroposed lots must comply with the requirements of Ordinance 1709. as now enacted or
hereafter amended. and section 16.04.070 of this chaoter.
preliminary short olat to the applicant for modification. if sisnificant revisions of the
preliminary short olat are reouired.
c. The decision of the communitv and Economic Development Director shall be in writine.
directed to the applicant and/or prooerty owner. at the address shown in the application. and
shall set forth findines of fact supportine the decision.
16.04.110 - Preliminarv short plat-Aoproval-Effect.
Approval. or approval with conditions. ofa preliminarv short plat shall authorize an applicant
and/or property owner to proceed with the or%raration of the final short plat'
16.04.120 - Apoeals.
A. Any person aeerieved by the decision of the Community and Economic Development
Director under section 16.04. 1 00 mav appeal the decision to the Citv Council.
B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Communitv and Economic Development Depaltment in
writine within 14 davs followins the date of mailing the decision to the applicant'
c. The city council shall conduct an open record public hearinss on the aopeal. and may
uphold. reverse. or modiff the decision and shall set forth written findines offact.
D. The time period for considerins administrative appeals shall not exceed 90 davs for atr oDen
record apDeal: provided. however, that Dafties to the appeal may ag'ee to extend the time
oeriod. The Council's decision shall be final unless appealed to Clallam CounW Superior
Court in accordance with PAMC 18.02.130.
16.04.130 - Final short olat-Filine time limit.
A. Within five vearc of the communih/ and Economic Development Directorrs approval of a
preliminary short plat. the applicant and/or propertv owner shall submit a final short plat to
the Community and Economic Development Depaltment which is in compliance with the
aoproved preliminary short plat.
B. Failure to submit a prooosed final short plat within the five vears shall terminate the
oreliminary short olat approval.
16.04,140 - Final short olat-Improvements-Required.
The followine minimum improvements shall be made or installed for each lot created bv the
short subdivision. before final short plat aporoval:
A. Watermains and othsr appurtenances necessary to provide adeouate potable water suDDlY and
fire protection as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. the Urban Services Ordinance and the
Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promuleated consistent with and pursuant to
PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130.
B. Sanitary sewer or approved septic tank and drain field site.
C. Power. telephone. and all other necessary utilities.
D. Aoprooriate dedications or easements ifrequired.
E. Minimum street imDrovement cross-section standard as set forth in the Comorehensive Plan.
the Urban Services Ordinance-and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines:
I . Improvernents to local access streets:
a. ln the RS-9 and R$-!l Zones, local access streets that front or will provide access
talo llhe lealest fully improved City street to newlv created lots shall be improved to
a minimum of 2O-foot wide permeable pavement (pervious concrete or porous asphalt
[preferred]) or asphaltic concrete street with no on-street parking, drainage swales
(ditches) as needed- and one four-foot wide pervious concrete (prefened) or cement
concrete sidewalk (eieht-foot wide path when an adopted bicycle route) for pedestrian
traffic. which Dath shall be seoarated from the street by a ditch. All dead-end City
streets in excess of 150 feet in lensth shall be permeable pavement (pervious concrete
ellerous asphalt [preferredl) or asphaltic confiete paved and provided with a tum-
around consistent with the Urban Services Ordinance. the Port Anseles Urban
Services Standards and Guidelines Manual. and the Intemational* Fire Code.
*"Uniform Fire Code"updated to "lntemational Fire Code"
h In the RS-7 Zon s streets that front ll de access from
nearest fullv improved Ci ty sFeet to newlv created lots shall be improved to a
minimum of 0-foot wide oermeable oa (oervious concrete or rous asphalt
lpreferredl or asohaltic concrete street with one three-foot w e shoulder. and one
five-foot wide shoulder for oedestrian traffic. All dead-end Ci tv streets in excess of
150 feet in leneth shall be permeable pavernent (pervious concrete or rous asphalt
lpreferredl or asphal c concrete and provided with a tum-around consistent with the
Urban Services Ordinance . the Port Anseles Urban Services Standards and
Guidel ines Manual. and the Intern ational* Fire Code.
*"Uniform Fire Code" uodated to "Intemational F ire Code"
2. Imorovemen ts to arterial streets:
a. In the RS-9 afrd RS-l I Zones, arterial streets that front or wil I provide access to the
lots or oarcels beins developed shall be improved to the minimum of 20-foot wide
permeable pavernent (oervious concrete or Dorous asphalt [preferred] or asphaltic
concrete street with no on-street oarkins. drainase swales (ditches ) as needed. and
one four-foot wide oervi ous concrete (oreferred)or cement concrete sidewalk or other
acceotable hard surface (eieht-foot wide surface when on an ed bicvcle route)
for pedestrian traffi c, which path shall be separated from the street by a ditch.
b. In the RS-7 Zone, arterial streets that front or will provide access to the lots or Darcels
beine developed shall be imoroved to the minimum City arterial street imnrovernent
3. EXCEPTION: The Public Works and Utilities Deoartment shall reouire the minimum
standard to be increased to match ttre immediately adioining City street when the
D lats when the City finds that there will be an
immediately adioinine City street is more fully develooed than the minimum standard.
This exceotion shall not aoolv to short
K. Sidewalks and other plannine feaLuraclhal assure safe walkine conditions for students who
economic and physical hardshio in relocatine public utilities and there will be no increase
in the number oflots within a subject short plat.
F. Drainase ditches. culverts. and/or stormwater treatment and flow control BMPVfacilities
shall be provided to address existine and anticipated stormwater runoff occurrins on the site
and/or within the Citv rishs-of-way and easements as set forth in the Urban Services
Ordinance and Clearine and Gradine Ordinance development standards.
G. The subdivider shall orovide a street profile acceptable to the Public Works and Utilities
Departrnent for the local access streets ifthe final street srade has not been oreviously
established or accepted bv the CiB.
H. The subdivider shall execute an Local Imorovernent District consent and non-protest
agreement or other arreement acceDtable to the City for street and utilities improvements on
the local access streets whenever required improvernents are less than the Citv's full
development standards. as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. the Urban Services
Ordinance. and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines oromuleated consistent with
and nursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130.
I. The subdivider shall pncvide all other public improvanents as may be required and set forth
in the Comprehensive Plan. the Urban Services Ordinance. and the Urban Services Standal'ds
and Guidelines oromuleated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08'040 and
J. When commercially zoned propetty is beins short platted without atry increase in the number
of lots. the minimum improvements required bv this section mav be made or installed after
short plat aoproval without the necessitv ofbeine bonded. provided that the final short plat
shall be conditioned to provide that such improvements shall be made or installed as Dart of
the buildine permit orocess. that vertical construction of the buildine shall not beqn unless or
until the International* Fire Code's fire hydrant requirement has been met. and that the
property or develooment shall not be occupied until such imorovements have been
completed. provided further that said construction shall be noted on the final plat.
only walk to and from school shall be orovided pursuant to RCW 58.17'060 and RCW
16.04.150 - Plat occuoancv.
If the develooer ofa plat elects to assipn savines or provide other securiV or trust approved by
the CiW and thereby assure that the installation of the required improvements for final plat
aoproval will be comoleted to the satisfaction and approval of the Citv Eneineer. buildine
permits for the construction ofhouses within the plat will be issued to the developer subiect to
the followine conditions:
A. The final olat must have received all required approvals and be recorded with the County
B. The following notation shall be placed on the final plat: "No occupancy of any dwelling units
shall be allowed until all street and utili tv vements have been completed and aooroved
by the City Ensineer".
16.04.160 - Final short Dlet-{ontents.
A. Upon completion of ohysical improvernents as required by section 16.04. 140. or acceDtance
ofa bond under section 16.04.150. a final short plat may be submitted for approval.
B. The final short olat shall be an l8-inch bv 24-four inch oermanent reoroducible mvlar. and
shall be at a scale ofnot less than 100 feet to one inch. The final short olat and six paoer
coDt es shall be ed bv a reDort containins accurat uare-ee and dimensionseSO
ofeach lot and block and the coordinates of each monument. a title reoort. and shall include a
warrantv that all assessments in favor of the City have been paid. The final short plat and
survey shall be based on the Washington Coordinate Systern. North Zone. as adopted bv the
Ciw. and shall show the followine:
l. A minimum of two permanent plat control monuments to which all dimensions. bearings.
azimuths and similar data on the olat are referred:
2. Permanent monuments at all mmers.
3. Subdivision boundary lines. risht-of-way lines. easements. lot lines with accurate
dimensions. bearinss or azimuths. radii. central anqles. and lensths ofall curves:
4. Name and riehlof-wav width of each street. Any street not dedicated to the public must
be so marked on the face of the olat:
5 . Locations. dimensions. and purpose of all easernents:
6. The reouired buildine setbacks on each oroposed lot:
7. Required buildine setbacks and the location of anv existine buildines and/or maior
structures shall be shown on each prooosed lot as well as their distances fiom oroperty
8. Identi fication of each lot:
9. Purpose for which sites are dedicated to the oublic:
10. Location and descriotion ofall monuments:
I 1. The leeal description of the oroposed lots:
12. The title under which the subdivision is to be recorded. true north and errid north arrows.
scale. and lesend:
13. Leeal description ofthe land to be platted:
14. Certification by resistered land surveyor as to the accuracy ofplat and survev:
15. Certificate by owner(s) dedicatine roads. riqhts-of-wav. easements. and any sites for
public pumoses:
16. Certification of aooroval bv:
a. The Community and Economic Develooment Director:
16.04.170 - Final short Dlat for revlew,
A. Upon recei ot of a final short olat. the Communiw and Economic Developmen t DeDartment
shall circulate the final short plat to the followins deDartments:
orks an1. Public W d Utilities D enartm ent
2. Fire Deoartment.
B. If the fi nal short olat comolies wi th the reo uirements o f this chapter and the aooroved
prel iminarv short plat, the deoartment head shall si enifu aporoval bv sienine on the face of
the final short
C. In the event the final short plat fails to comolv with sp ecific standards or conditions of
pre Dlat aDDroval. the ent shall so noti fr the Community and Economic
Developm ent Director in writins.
16.04.f80 - Fitral short olat-Final aoprov al procedure.
A. Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the ed final short plat,the Community and
Economic Development Director shall:
1. Review the final short nlat for com liance with nreliminarv n lat conditions
2. Review the comments and recommendations of all aooro deoartments: and
3. Ascertain fiom the Public Works and Utiliti es Department that the reouired physical
imorovements, in ance with section 16.04.140.have been installed or financial
security has been Dro vided therefor
B. If the Communitv and Economic Develo oment Director is satisfied that all of the above have
been met. then he shall aoprove the final short plat by affixing his sipnature to the face
C. If one or more of these requirements for apDroval is not met,he shall notifu the applicant
and,/or property owner in writins of the reasons for withholding approval of the fina1$ort
b. The Public Works and Utilities Director: and
c. The Fire Chief.
17. House addresses shall be provided bv the Citv and must be clearly shown on the short
plat at the time of approval pursuant to RCW 58.17.280:
18. Certification bv the Countv Treasurer that al1 State and Countv taxes levied aeainst the
land to be subdivided have been paid in full:
19. Certification of filing by Countv Auditor:
20. If imorovements are to be bonded rather than actually installed prior to final olat
aooroval, the plan shall show a notation as follows: "No occupancv of dwellins units will
be allowed until all roadwav and utilitv improvernents have been completed and
aooroved by the Citv Eneineer."
16.04.190 - Final short plat-Filine and recorda tion.
The aoolicant and./or perty owner and/or survevor shall file the final short plat with the
Clallam Co Auditor's Offi ce within ten calendar days of the date o f the Community and
Economic Develooment Di rector's aDproval. The final short o lat shall not be deerned approved
bv the Citv until recorded. A coov of the recorded documen t shall be submitted to the
Comm un1 tv and Economic Devel ent D enartm ent within ten calendar davs of filinonm g
Ord.3122 I /2 002 Ord.2222 t9 8ltUt9 2
Section 5. Ordinance No. 1631 as amended and Chapter 16, Section 16.08.010 is
amended by repealing the existing Section and replacing it as follows:
D. Appeal from the Communitv and Economic Develooment Directofs decision shall be made
in accordance with section 16.04.120.
16.04.200 - Re-subdivision bv short olat orohibited.
Short olats may not be further divided in any manner within a period of five years without the
filine ofa final plat. except that when the short plat contains fewer than nine parcels. nothine
shall prevent the owner who filed the short olat from filine an alteration within the five-vear
period to create up to a total ofnine lots within the orisinal short olat boundaries.
16.04.210 - Iniunctive action to enforce chapter.
Whenever any parcel ofland within the City is dirrided into nine or less lots. tracts or parcels of
land. and anv oerson. firm. or corporation or any aqent ofthem sells or transfers. or offers or
advertises for sale or transfer. any such lol tract. or parcel. without havins a final plat ofsuch
short suMivision filed for record in accordance with the terms of this chapter. the City Attomev
shall commence an action to restrain and enjoin further sale or transfer ofsuch lots. tracts. or
parcels. or offers for sale or transfer for such lots. tracts. or parcels. and to compel complete
compliance with all provisions of this chapter. The cost ofsuch action shall be taxed asainst the
person. firm. comoration. or aeent selling or transferrine the property.
I 6.04.220 - Violation-Penaltv.
Anv person. firm. corDoration. or association. or any asent of any person. firm. comoration or
association who violates any provision of this chapter relatins to the sale. offer to sell. lease or
transfer ofanv lot. tract. or parcel ofland in a short subdivision shall be zuilty ofa misdemeanor.
and each such sale. offer for sale. lease. or transfer of each separate lot. tract. or parcel ofland in
violation ofanv provision of this chapter shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. Each
such offense mav be penalized by a fine ofup to 5500.00 or 90 davs injail.
16.08.010 - Purpose and intent.
A. Puroose. Land subdivision is the first step in the orocess of communitY development. Once
land has been cut un into streets- lots. and blocks and has been nubliclv record ed.th e
ifficult. It is therefore in interest ofthe btion of defects is costl
developer. and future Drooertv owners that subdivisi ons be desisned and devel ooed in
accordance with sound rules and orooer minimum standards
The oumose of this cha Dter is to provide uniform regulations for the subdivision and
resubdivision ofl and into ten or more oarcels. so as to Dromote the oublic th. safetv and
seneral welfare. It is further the se of this chaDter to imolernent the reoui ents of the
Growth Mana sement Act of 1990 throueh the soals. oolicies. and o biectives of the
Compreh ve Plan of the CitY. to com olv with the reouirernen ts of the Z Code and
Urban Services Ordi nance ofthe Ci tv-to ensure orderlv wth consro sistent with the desired
urban of the Ciw. to promote effective and -efficient use o f land. to orevent
over-crowdin e ofland. to orovide for adeouate lisht and air. to Dromote safe and convenient
travel and I essen conqestion on and hishwavs. to orovide for oroper sress and
esress. to ensure adeouate orovision for oDen sDaces.nas wavs. transite . ootable
water suoplies sanl tarv wastes. oarks and recreatlon areas lavsrounds. schools and school.D
go sidewalks and safe walking conditions on schoo I routes, and other public
requirern ents. to reouire uniform monumen s of land subdivisions and convev anct ns bv
CHAPTER 16,09 - Unit Lot Subdivisions
accurate lesal descriotion. and to prevent the creation ofpublic nuisances'
B. Intent. It is tlte intent ofthese requlations to provide the minimum controls required to
ensure that all platting and subdivision ofland in the City of Port Anqeles shall be in the Dublic
interest and shall meet minimum standards ofpublic health and public safety.
Section 6. Ordinance No. 2222 as amended and adding a new Chapter 16.09 as follows:
16.09.010 - Puroose.
This chapter is established to provide an alternative to the traditional method ofland division for
creatine sellable lots for townhouse and cottase housine developments. The unit lot subdiYision
process provides opportunities for fee simole ownership ofland as an alternative to
condominium ownership. Unit lot subdivisions allow development on individual unit lots to
avoid complyine with tvpical dimensional standards as lone as the parent lot conforms to all
such development standards.
16.09.020 - Aoplication.
The followine items are required. in quantities specified bv the Community and Economic
Development Department. for a complete unit lot subdivision (ULS) apolication. unless waived
by the Communitv and Economic Develooment Director as not beins applicable:
A. Complete ULS application form with reouired fee.
B. Complete State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist and fee. unless exempt under the
orovisions of PAMC 15.04.105.
onsite stormw er manasement best ent Dractices
l. Locati on of sensitive areas and sensitive area buffers (as wel lassl of 20 percent
or $eater and drainage or other watercourses) on the site.
F. A list ofowners ofadiacent printed or twed on one inch by 2 5/8 -inch mailing
labels and the names ofan y adiacent subdivisions.
G. Lesal descriotions of all tracts contained wlthin the boundaries ofthe plat.
H. A des cn oti on of the method of common manasern ent of shared facilities.
16.09 .0 30 - Review orocedures.
A. Prior to submittal of a ULS aDDlication for considerati on, the aoplican t is encouraged to meet
with reoresentati ves of the Community and Economic Develoom t Department. Public
Works and Utililies ent. Fire Deoartm ent.and Parks artment. The Citv
reDresentatives and the applicant may discuss the general goal s and obiectives of the
sibiliti character ofthe si ental
constraints, and standards ofdevelooment. The focus ofthe meeti ne shall be seneral in
nature and none ofthe discussions shall be temreted as a commitment by the City or the
C. Complete applications for other required land use approvals. ifapplicable.
D. A vicinitv map showine location of site.
E. A drawine prepared to the followins standards:
1. The drawine shall be to a scale ofnot less than one inch to 100 feet.
2. The drawins shall provide the followine information:
a. The date. scale. and north directional arrow.
b. The boundaries of the entire parcel beine plafted. includine all contiguous propertv
owned bv the subdivider.
c. A leeal description ofthe propertv beins divided,
d. Identification. dimensions. and area of all proposed lots. Any existins interior lots to
be eliminated shall be shown bv a dashed line and so noted.
e. The name and location ofexistine and proposed public rights-of-way.
f. The location ofexistine and proposed easements.
s. The required buildine setbacks on each proposed lot.
h. The location of existine and new buildings including distances from propertv and/or
leasehold lines. driveways. and parkins calculations.
i. The locations and dimensions of sidewalks. roadwavs. and driveways.
i. The location ofexistine natural features.such as streams. rivers. wetlands.shorelines.
stormwater manaqement. ravines and steep slopes.
k. The location and size of utilities. includine but not limited to water. sewer.
stormwater. and fire hydrants existine and prooosed. This includes the location of
16.09 .040 - Standards and criteria.
Prior to a val of a ULS, the followine standards and criteria shall be met:
A. Comoliance with prior vals. S tes oned or orooosed to be develooed with cottasesI
and townhouses oer the standards in Chaoter 17.21 P AMC mav be subdi vided into individ ual
unit lots as orovided herein. The devel oDment as a whole must conform to the reaulations
aoolicable to the site and and to aooli olans that emnted aooroval throush
pro visions of this code
B. Devel ooment on individual unit lots i S not reouired to con form with all dimensional
standards that tvoicallv aopl v to individual lots as lon g as the parent lot conforms to all such
dimensional standards.
C. Sub seouent Dlattins actions . additions, or modifi cations to the structure(s) may not create or
lncrease anv nonconformitv of the Darent lot.
D. Access easements,ioint use and main tenance agreemen ts. and co venants. conditions and
restrictions (CC&Rs) identi fuine the rishts and responsibilities o forooertv owners and/or the
homeowners' association must be executed for use and main tenance of common garage,
cess areas utilities;stormwater treafinent and/or
detention facilitiesl corrnon oDen sDace: exterior buil dins facades and roofs: and other
16.09.050 - Preliminary approval,
B. Review of proposals under five acres in size shall be done administrativelv by the
Communitv and Economic Development Department. Review of proposals exceedine five
acres in size shall be done bv the Hearine Examiner followine a public hearine.
C. Public notice shall be orovided pursuant to the standards of PAMC 1 8.02.050-.060.
D. An envirorunental detemination shall be rendered by tlhe SEPA Responsible Official prior to
final action on the preliminarv ULS application.
similar featwes. must be recorded with the Clallam Countv Auditor.
E. Within the parent lot. required parkinq for a dwellins unit mav be provided on a different
unit lot than the lot with the dwelline unit. as lone as the riqfit to use the oarkins is
formalized by an easernent recorded with the Clallam Countv Auditor.
F. Notes must be placed on the face ofthe plat or short plat as recorded with the Clallam
County Auditor to acknowledse the following:
a. Approval ofthe desien ofthe unit on each ofthe lots was qranted by the review ofthe
development. as a whole. on the parent lot oer the standards of Chaoter 17.21 PAMC.
b. Development. redevelopment. or rehabilitation of structures on each unit lot is subiect to
review and aoproval ofplans that are consistent with the desim of the surroundins
structures on the parent lot as approved bv the Communitv and Economic Development
Department throush subject file number as stated in subsection (a) above.
A. The Communitv and E conomic Developm ent Director shall approve, approve with
conditions. or denv the ULS within the time requirements of Chaoter 18.02 PAMC. Said
preliminarv decision shall be in writins and shall set forth findines of fact suooortins the
B. Preliminarv aooroval or aDDroval with conditions shal I authorize the applicant to proceed
with oreoaration of the final ULS.
16.09.060 - Final approval.
A. Prior to final aooroval. a suryev shall be oerformed by a licensed surveyor who shall submit a
mvlar to the Communi and Economic Development Deoartment for recordation. The mylar
shall be oreoared to le survev standards and shal I contain the information reouired in
the preliminarv drawi ng. The Mylar shall also contain the reouired o fficial recordins block
and signatures ofthe Comm unity and Economic Development Director, Public Works and
Utilities Director. Fire Chief. and the owner. For those aoo lications that require
review bv the P lannine Commission. oro vision will be made for the sienature of the Chair of
the Plannins Commission. The survev and an shall be consistent with the conditions of
preliminary approval.
B. Once the Community and Economic Devel oDment DeDartment determines the survey, plan,
and anv other do cum9nts for recording are consistent with the preliminary aDDro val, it will be
reviewed bv the approoriate Citv and siened bv the aoorooriat e Ciw officials.
C. After beine certified for fil ine bv the Citv.the ULS survey shal I be filed bv the applicant
with the Clallam Countv Auditor's Office. The applicant shall oav all costs associated with
the filins. The ULS is not considered final until a copv of the recorded doc ent is retumed
to the Citv o f Port Anseles Communitv and Economic Development ent for record
keepinq pumoses.
D. Upon final aDDroval bv the Citv.all developments shall conform to the ULS unless an
amendm ent ved bv the Citv.
16.09.070 - Installation of imorovements.
Prior to the issuance of a buildins permit for construction within a ULS. all improvements
required to adequately service that portion of the ULS for which the buildine permit will be
issued shall be installed or secured as provided in PAMC 16.08.110. Approval for improvements
and finalization of specific unit lots shall be done administratively.
16.09.080 - Time limitations.
If no specific ULS has been approved within five years ofthe date of preliminary aooroval.
preliminary approval will exoire. The apolicant may obtain an extension of the ULS not to
exceed two years by filine a written request with the Community and Economic Development
Department prior to the exoiration ofthe five-year period.
16.09.090 - Revisions.
Section 7. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17, Section 17.OI.O2O is amended
by repealing 17.01.020 in its entirety and replacing it as follows:
17.01.020 Pu of zones.
The zones in this Zonins Code are established for the followi ng Dumo S ES
A. RS-7 This is a low densi tv residential zone 1n to create and Dreserv e urban
sinsle-famil v residential nei ehborhoods consistin s of predom inantlv sinele-familv homes on
townsite-s Uses which are ble with and ctionall related
sinsle-famil v residential environment mav also be located in this zo ne.Because ofland use
impacts ated with nonresid ential uses. few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone
and then onlv conditionallv. This zone orovides the basic urban land use oattern for the Ci tv's
sinele-famil y residential nei shborhoods. followin e a standard rectan sular street srid sYStem
of60-foot ri shts-of-wav for local access streets and 300-foot bv 450 or 500-foot blo cks with
5O-foot by 14O-foot lots and usuall v located in areas that are I arsely develop ed and closer to
the center of the City.
B. RS-9Zone. Thi s is a low densi tv residential zone intended to create and Dreserve urban
sinele-famil v residential nei shborhoods co nsistins of inantl v sinsle-famil v homes on
lareer than standard town site-size lots. Uses that are compatible with and functionally related
to a sinsle-famil v residential environment may be located in this zone. Because ofland use
impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few nonresi dential uses are allowed in this zone
and then only conditionall v. This zone provides for a vari ety in the urban land use pattern for
the City's s inele-family residential nei ehborhoods, followin g a curvilinear street svstem of
non{hrough oublic and orivate streets with irre zularly shaoed lots. minimum 75-foot front
lot lines. and 60-foot rishts-of-wav for collector arterial streets in larse lar b locks
and usuallv located in outl vins areas with larse tmcts of vacant buildable land.
C. RS-I1 Zone. This is a low density residenti I zone intended to create and suburban
sized sinele-lv residential nei shborhoods consistins o f oredominantl v sinsl e-famil
homes on larger than standard sized townsite-sized lots. while main densities at or
more than four dwell units acre.Uses that are comoatible with and functionallv relatedDer
to a sinsle-familv residential environment mav be located in this zone, Because ofl and use
impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone
and then onlv conditionall v. This zone orovides for a variety in the an land use Dattem for
the Citv's sinsle-famil residential nei shborhoods. followins a curvilinear street svstem of
non-through p
ublic and orivate streets with irrezularly shaped lots, minimum D:foalNtanl!
Alteration ofan approved and recorded ULS shall be accomolished per the orocedures of PAMC
may combine a num ber ofland use decisions such as conditional use p ermits, rezones, and
lot lines. and 60-foot riehts-of-way for collector arterial streets in laree rectanzular blocks
and usually located in outlvins areas with larse tracts ofvacant buildable land.
D. RTP Zone. This is a medium densitv residential zone intended for mobile home occupancies.
and the area is reearded as essentially residential in character. Few nonresidential uses are
allowed in this zone and then only conditionally. because ofland use impacts associated with
nonresidential uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattem for the City's small
lot. sinele-familv. mobile home parks. followine an irrezular urban land use pattem of
private access roads and minimum 3.500 square foot lots.
E. RMD Zone. This is a medium density residential zone. which allows a mix of single-farnilv.
duplexes and apartments at a densitv ereater than sinqle-familv neighborhoods but less than
the RHD Zone. The permitted uses in the RMD Zone are also intended to be more restrictive
than the RHD Zone. Commercial uses are not considered to be compatible. Few
nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally. because ofland use
impacts associated with nonresidential uses. This zone provides for variery in the urban land
use pattem for the City's lower densiW multi-familv residential neishborhoods (at twice the
densitv ofthe Citv's basic sinele-family residential neishborhoods) with direct access on an
u.t".iul st.e"t. -d re*ins ^ u harr.itional *" b"t*een lo* denrity .esidentiul us"s -dcommerciaVindustrial uses.
F. RHD Zone. This is a high densiw residential zone for multlfarnilv structures. Compatible
uses maY be allowed on conditional use permits. but the zone is still resarded as a residential
area- where cornmercial entemrises are not generallv felt to be compatible. Few
nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then onlv conditionally, because ofland use
i*pu"t. associatd *ith no*".identiul uses. Thivone o.ouides th" b^ic urb- l-d ur"
paftem for the Citv's hieher density multi-familv residential neishborhoods (at seven times
the densitv of the Citv's basic sinele-family residential neiqhborhoods). followine a standard
rectanzular street erid system of60-foot riehts-of-way for local access streets and 300-foot
bv 450 or 500-foot blocks and usuallv located in areas that are largely developed and closer
to the center of the City.
G. PRD orrerlay Zone. This overlav zone is to o.ovide altemative zonine rezulations *hich
Dermit and encourage desisn flexibility. conservation and protection ofnatural critical areas.
and innovation in residential developments to those rezulations found in the underlyins zone.
It is intended that a Plarured Residential Development will result in a residential envirorunent
ofhigtrer ouality than traditional lot-by-lot development by use of a desim orocess which
includes within the site desim all the components ofa residential neishborhood. such as
open space. circulation. buildine types. and natural features. in a manner consonant with the
oublic health. safetv. and welfare. It is also intended that a Planned Residential Development
subdivisions into a sinele proiect review process to encouraee timelv public hearines and
decisions and to orovide for more open space and transitional housine densities than is
required or mav be permitted between single-family and multi-familv zones. The
consolidation of permit reviews does not exempt apolicant(s) from meetins the resulations
and submi the fees and aoplications normally required for the underlvine oermit
. Few nonresidential are allowed in zone and onl
conditionall y. because of land use im oacts associated with nonresidential USES.This overlay
zone orovides for the oDDortunity to create self-co ntai ned residential neishborhoods with a
undi resl ential n hoo . Businesses in this zone be located
desisned to encoura se both oedestrian and vehicular access and to be compatible with
adiacent residential neishborhoods. Co mmercial uses that are I arselv devoid of impacts
detrimental to multi -family residential uses allowed. This zone provides for a varietv 1n
the urban land use oattern for small commercial di stricts ns individual residential
neieh ds with direct on an arterial street and desi standards comDatib le with
residential deve looment.
J. CSD Zone. This is a commercial zone that is slishtlv less restri ctive than the CN zone. This
zone provides the basic urban land use oattern for laree lo t. commercial uses serving much of
the Citv with direct access on an arterial street. Bu S1 nesses in this zone occur on sites of
varylng s izes and should be located on arterial streets of s u fficient size and desim standards
to sreater automobile and truck traffic. C ommercial uses that are lareelv
devoid of anv impacts detrim ental to the environment are allowed.
K. CA Zone. This is a comm ercial zone intended to create and preserv e areas for business
servine the entire Ci tv and needine an arterial location because o f the nature ofthe business
or intensiw of tmmc eenerated bv the business. Commercial uses that are lareelv devoid of
any im detrim ental to the environment are allow ed. This zone provides the basic urban
land use for automobile oriented.uses with direct access on a orincioal
arterial street and sar standards for sreater automobile and truck traffic
L. CBD Zone. This is a commercial zone intended to strensthen and preserve the area
commonly known as the downtown for ma ior retail. service.financial. and other commercial
operations that serve the entire community,the reeional market. and tourists. This zone has
standards to imDrove estri an access and amenities and to rncrease lic eniovment of the
shoreline. Commercial uses that are lareelv devoid of any impacts detrimental to the
varietv ofhousine choices without followine a standard system ofpublic stre€ts and lot
desieor and with allowances for mixed use. residential and commercial developments not
usually oermitted in residential zones.
H. CO Zone. This is a commercial zone intended for those business. office. administmtive. or
orofessional uses which do not involve the retail sale of eoods. but rather provide a service to
clients. the provision of which does not qeate hieh traffic volumes. involve extended hours
of operation. or contain impacts that would be detrimental to adjacent residential areas.
Commercial uses that are larsely devoid ofany impacts detrimental to sinele-hous€hold
residential uses are allowed. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattem for small lot.
transitional uses between residential neishborhoods and commercial districts with direct
access on an arterial street and desigr standards compatible with residential develoDment.
L CN Zone. This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserue al'eas for businesses
which are of the ty,pe providins the soods and services for the day-to-day needs ofthe
man ufac s uses. which have s ficant nuisan ce shall not be Iocated in this zone.
J. lP Zone. This is an industrial zone intended to create and Dreserve areas for office.
commercial and industrial uses devoid of exterior nuisances in a o lanned, campusJike
settins. Permitted uses are devoi d of exterior nuisance factors.such as noise. glare. air and
wa DO llution. and fire and hazards on adiacent non-industrial DroDertv and do notterS
eane ceDtional dem and on blic facilities.These tyoes of office. co mmercial and
industrial uses twicallv involve the need for a larse camousJike si te with amenities suitable
for mixed use develooments and bufferins measures to reduc e the im of larse scale
on ad . While industrial commercial uses that of an
impacts detrimen tal to the environment are allowed.vehicle service stations with petroleum
products and entertainment busin esses with adult-only activities are also permitted uses. and
of maintenance and with hazardo als are also conditionallr
tted uses. Thi es for vari ln urban land use for mix
industrial and commercial uses with direct access on an arterial street, desim standards for
hieh densitv. Dedestrian ori ented. mixed uses located adi acent to maior transDortation
faci lities desi standards for comoati ble mixed industrial and comm ercial develooment. and
suDDort for Drivate oarkins and business improvements.
K. IL Zone. This is an industrial zone intended to create and Dres erve areas for industrial uses
which are larselv devoi d ofexterior nuisances in close Droximitv to aimorts and hiehwavs.
Permitted uses are larselv devoid of exterior nuisance factors. such as noise. slare. air and
water DO lluti on-and fire and safetv hazards on adiacent non-industrial orooertv. and do not
have an exceptional dernand on public facilities. These tw es ofindustrial uses trpically
involve the manu facture of finished Dro ducts fiom ore-fabricated materials. oroduct
who lesal 1ns.and material stofase. Bu
fferins measures to reduce the imoact of industrial uses
environment are allowed. This zone orovides the basic urban land use pattem for hish
density. pedestrian oriented. commercial uses located in the center ofthe Citv with direct
access to mass transit services. design standards for compatible commsrcial development.
and supoort for public parkine and business improvements.
H. CR Zone. This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve areas for large land
intensive commercial uses that provide retail services to a reeional market. These types of
commercial uses provide a multiplicity ofeoods and services in a single location and
therefore rEuire larse areas for the buildins and parkine. Such uses do not follow the basic
land use oattern of the of the traditional townsite and are not typicallv pedestrian oriented.
This zone offers vehicular access fiom maior transportation corridors.
I. IM Zone. This is an industrial zone intended to preserve industrial areas in the harbor for
marine indust ial uses, which are characterized as water-dependent or water related. B""uure
there is a very limited arnount of shorelands adiacent to the Port Aneeles Harbor. a zone that
allows for mixed uses that do not adversely impact each other can maximize ootential water-
dependent.water related. and water enioyment uses ofthe harbor without excludine either
industrial or nonindustrial uses beine intermixed. Certain commercial. residential. public. and
other mixed uses mav be aooropriately located in this zone. and therefore heaw industrial
on nearbY dential uses mav be reouired. While ind al and commercial that are
larselv id of anv imoacts ental to the en vlro nment are allowed, vehicle service
stations with oetroleum products and entertainment businesses with adult-onlv activities are
also permitted uses. and a varietv of maintenance and rep air shoos with hazardous materials
are also conditionall v oermitted uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for
lieht ind uses with direct access on an arterial desipn standards for truck
traffic,and buffers for nonindustrial uses.
L. IH This is the least restrictive industrial zone intended to be the area in which hea
industry could develoo causins the I east imoact on other I and uses. Sienifi t adverse
imnacts can be exnect ed fiom ified industrial uses that involve hazardo materials
noise, air and water oollution. shift work around the cl ock. entertainm ent businesses with
adult-only activiti es. and outside storage vards and manufacturine acti vities. This zone
provides the basic urban land us e pattern for heaw industrial uses with direct access mal0r
trans on facilities. desi tandards for truck traffic. and buffers forS
nonindustrial uses unless deerned cal
M. PBP Zone. This is a zoni ne desiqnation for publicly-owned Droperty,or DroDerfu less suitable
for devel ooment bv reason of its toooerao - seolosv. or some unusual condition or
siruation.Much of the land so desienated mav best be left as "en belts". Ex for low
density private residential uses. oermitted uses are mostlv public utiliti es and laree civic
facilities. This zone orovides the basic urban land use oattem for lic facilities. o sDace-
and environmentall v sensitive areas where oublic interests are directlv invol and with
allowances for verv low density private resi dential use,subiect to environmental impact
N. FL Zone. This is a zonins desi tion for orivatelv-owned DroDertv nota for future
conversion to urban develooment. Much of the land so desi snated mav best be used for
commercial timber production. This zone orovides the basic nonurban land use oattern for
natural resource uses. subiect to environmental imDact mitisation if converted to urban
o Home occuoation permit. The oumose of this chapter is to ensure that an occuDation or
business undertaken within a dwell ine unit located i n a residential use district is incidental
and subordinate to the nrimarv use and is b le with the residential ofthe
neishborhood. This special use permit orovides allowances for iness activities taking
place within a residential use.
P. Bed and breakfast DEITNl t The oumose of this chaDter is to ensure that a bed and breakfast is
comoatible with its surroundi ne orooerties. and when Iocated in a residential neishborhood.
to Dreserve the residential character of the neishborhood and the undine residences.
This soecial use provides orocedures and regulations for business activities takine place
within a residential use.
O. Adult entertai nment use.The oumose of this chaoter is to ensure t adult entertainment
businesses are atel located and ooerated within the Ci of Port Anse es- are
w. and are conducive to thecompatible with uses allowed within the Ci
lic heal th.SAfetv
17.08.01 0 _ t,A.tt
A. Acces sorv use. The subordina te and incidental use of land or buildinss on a lot. A use is to be
considered acces sory when it occuo ies less than 50 p ercent of a buildins's or lot's total square
B. Accessory dwelline unit (ADU). A habi table unit added to. created withi n,ord from
a nnmary nsl e-ho useho d residential dwellin s that es basic reo ur rem en ts for livlns-
cookin sanitation as o tl the Intemational sidential Buildi
Code. An ADU is distinzuishable from a dup lex in that, unlike a duplex.it is clearly
incidental to a detached orimarv sinple-ho usehold dwellins both in use and An
ADU mav also be referred to as an accessorv residential uni AR in this title.(
. Adult famil hom A elli ofa on or ns who are care
board to more than one but not more than six adults who are not related bv bloodroom. and
or mamas e to the oerson or oersons orovidin the services and who are licensed by the State
of Washineton pursuant to Chapter 70. 128 RCW and Chapter 388.76 WAC (Adult Familv
Home regulations).
D. Affordable housins. Residential housins available for sale or rent that reo uires a monthlv
housins cost. incl udine util ities other than telephone. ofno more than 30 percent ofthe
income of an elisible household. An el ieible househo ld is one with a total household income
no preater than 80 t of the Clallam Countv median income as reoorted bv the
Washineton State Offi ce of Financi al Managernent.
E. Allev. A oubl ic rieht-of-wav which orovides seryice access to abuttine DroDertv.
F. Amendment. A chanse in lansuaee of the zonine text which is an official part ofthese
Zoning Rezulations.
G. Animal care. Any commercial facili ty where house oets are paroom ed, trained, boarded
(includins oet dav care). orovided medical (such as veterinarv clinics and animal
and welfare. This chapter provides procedures and rezulations for specific adult-only
business activities.
R. Retail stand permit. The oumose ofthis chapter is to ensure that retail stands are
appropriately located in the commercial and public areas. are comoatible with the uses
allowed in such areas. and are conducive to the public health. safety. and welfare. and to
oromote the diversitv ofretail stand activity. This special use provides procedures and
rezulations for business activities takine place outside a buildine or on oublic property.
S. Junk yard conditional use. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that junk yards are
aporopriately located, are compatible with uses allowed within the City. and are
conducive to the public health. safety and welfare. This chaoter provides for junk yards
to be permitted throush the conditional use oermit process.
Section 8. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.010 is
repealed in its entirety aad replaced as follows:
itals or sheltered for . The use do include kennels.use ls maril
indoors and mav include limited, ancil larv outdoor sDace . Retail sales mav be incidental.
H. Animal husbandrv. commercial. The care and rai sing of animals. oarticularlv farm animals.
for agricultural or o ther commercial DUmOSeS. pro vided that this shall not include non-
commercial animal husbandrv. Drivate horse stables. uo to three do ss and cats which are not
house pets.or house pets.
I. Animal hus bandrv. non-commercial. The c are and rai ns of animals for non-comm ercial
ded that this all not include non-commercl stables kenne
uD to three does and cats which are not house pets. or house pets
J. Antenna. Anv oole. oanel. rod. refl ection disc includi s satellite earth stati antenna as
defined bv 47 CFR Sections 1.4000 and 25.104. or similar devi ce used for the transmission
and/or receotion ofradio fieq sienals.
K. Antenna suDDort structure Anv buildine or stru cture other than a tower which can be used
for location of tel ecommunications facilities
L. Appli cant. Any person that aoplies for aoproval from the City.
M. Aoolication.The bv whi ch the owner ofa oarcel of land wi thin the City su bmits a
reouest to develoo- co build - modifo. erect or use such of land. "A lication"
includes all written documentation verbal statement S.and ons- in whatever
or forum. made bv an aoolicant to the Ci tv concerning such a reouest.
N. Arti rlation. The slvln emnhasiof s to archit elernents ike windows balconiesechrral(1
entries, etc.) that create a comDlemen tarv Dattem or dividine laree buildinss into
smaller identi fiable oieces
o Articulation interval. The measure of articulation, the distance b efore architectural elements
P. Artisanmanufacturinq. Production of soods bv the use of hand tools or sm all-scale. lieht
mechanical eouioment occurrins solel v within an enclosed bui ldins where such nroduction
requires no outdoor oDerations or se. and where the on- ooerations. and storage
of materials related to production occuDY no more than one buildin qonalot . Tvoical uses
have nesligible ne sative imDact on surroundin s DroDerties and may include uses such as. but
not limited to. woodw orkins and cabinet shop s. ceraunic studios. iewelry manufacturinq and
similar o f arfs and crafts makers uction of alcoho land food nfoces sl nqsnaces- nrod
.)Assisted livi facili .An e or other institution vides ho basi ces
and assumes eral resoons bilitv for the and well -beins ofthe residents for(seven or
more residents) and mav also orovide domicil iarv care consistent with Chap ter 142. laws of
2004 in Chaoter 18.20.020 RCW.
R. Attainable housi ns. Residential housins available for sale or rent that reouires a monthl
housing cost, includi ne utilities other than teleohone. ofno more than 30 percent of the net
income of an elisible household. For Dumoses of the orecedins sentence an eli oible
household is one with a total net household
than 120 percent of theincome no greater
elallam County median income as reDorted by the Washinston State Office of Financial
M ent.
S- Automotive service and reDair. Any land or facili ty used for the reDair and maintenance of
automobiles. motorcycl es. trucks. trailers.or similar vehicles includins but not limited to
feader, muffler, or upholstery work, oil chan ge and lubrication, tire service and sales. The
use may include incidental retail sales of automobile parts and accessories. The term
excludes dismantling or salvage.
Section 9. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.015 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
17.08.015 - "8."
A. Bed and breakfast. A single-family residence which rem alns owner-occuD ied at all times and
provides lodsine for and travelers for a period ofup to 30 days. and where food
service is tvoi cally limited to breakfast which mav be served to overnieh ts onlv. Bedt
and break fasts are o utriph ttedtnerrnt uses in all residential hi medium densi ZONESsh and tv
but are a conditional use in residenti als insl e-familv zones.
B. Bioretention facilitv is an ensl neered facilitv that store s and treats stormwater oassins it
throush a soeci fied soil orofile. and either retains or detains the treated stormwater for flow
C. Blank wall. The pround floor wall or porti on ofa $ound floor wall that does not include a
transDarent window o r door. See PAMC 17.22.350 for blank wall treatment standards.
D. Breezeway. A roofed open-sided Dassaqeway connectinq two buildines.
accessory. One which is subordinate and detached from a orincioa I buildins. whichE. Buildine.
is located on same zonins lot as the o rincipal buildine.
F. Buildine. princioal. The primarv buildine on a lot. the buildins which houses the primary use
ofthe land and the structures on a zoning lot.
G. Buildins-al. A buildine arransed. desisned- used.or intended to be used for
H. Buildins en
residential occuoancv bv one or more families or lodsers.
velope. The three-dimensional area on a lot enclosed by the minimum setbacks
and the maxim um buildins heisht within which an allowed bu ildi s or structure mav be
I. Buildine frontase. The "facade" or street-facing elevation ofa buildins. For buildinss not
adi acent to a street it refers to the buildine elevation(s) that features the orimarv entrance to
the uses within the buildine. Dependine on the context the term is used in. it may also refer to
the uses within the buildins . For ex AIND e-a "storefront" is a tvoe ofbuildine fiontase
J. Buildins line. Front. side and rear buil ding lines are the lines on each zoning lot that
delineate the area within which
on oforincipal buildines is confined
K. Business p s lot and/or structures. A commercl al off-street oarkine lot or structure used
exclusively for oarkins and/or stora ofvehicl es.
Section 10. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.020 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
17.08.020 - *c."
A. Camort. An acces sorv buildins or an portion of the main bui ldins desiqned and
used Drimarilv the shelter or storase of les. It is not an enclosed s and it does
not contain a door which would allow vehicles to pass into the structure: it is open on twQ!!
more sides.
B. Car wash. An automotive service facili tv with self-led car washine ul nm ent or
where self-service washin e is done by the customer.
C. Casino. An establishment for the pumose of oroviding unrestricted sambline opportuni tv as
rezulated bv the Washineton State Gambline Commission.Acti vities reeulated under casinos
do not include mini -casinos. enhanced card rooms. oublic card rooms. social card rooms. oull
tabs, punch cards. fund raisinq events soonsored by nonprofit orsanizations. bi , state run
lotterY gam es. turkeY shoots. raffles. sDorts pools. or other amusement garnes
D. Child care means an establishment for srouo care of nonresi dent children licen sed bv the
Washinston State Deoartment of Children . Youth. and Famil Dav care establishm ents are
subclassifi ed as follows:
l. chil care pro vider means a child care provider who rezular lv orovides earlv childhood
education, earl v leamins services . and develoomentallv aoorooriate care. pro tection. and
suDervlslon of children that is qned to Dromote sitive srowth and educ ational
exDeriences for children outside the child's home. The Dro vider cares for not more than
twelve children in the provider's horlejn lhe living quarters for periods o f less than 24
hours a day. The term is not intended to include babv-sittins services of a casual. non-
recumng na or in the chil d's own home.Likewise- the term is not intended to include
cooperative reci orocated child care by a uo of oarents or legal zuardians in their
respective homes.
2. Child care facili tv means an asencv (i.e. facilitv or business) that resularl v Dro vl des earlv
childhood education and early leaming services for a eroup of 13 or more children for
periods ofless than twent v-four hours. The center is not located in a pn vate residence
unless the portion ofthe residens€ wherq lhe children have access is used exclusively for
the children durins the hours the center is in operation or is separate from the useable
livinq quarters.
E. Commercial vehicle. Is a licensed (accordins to tonnase),motorized vehicle desipned for
transDortation of commodities, merchandisq oroduce. freieht. animals. or passenqers, and
operated in conjunction with a business. occuoation. or home occuoation. This term shall
include. but is not limited to. automobiles. trucks. tractor/trailers. and vans.
F. Commission. The appointed Plannine Commission.
conditions to make such use consistent and comoatible with other exls ti or permissible
uses in the same zone.
K. Con formins buildins or structure. A buil that com D lies with all sections f these Zoninsdinso
Resulati ons or anv arnendment thereto s size. heisht. area.location on the lot. for
the zone in which such building or structure is located.
L. Conformine lot. A lot that contains the reouired width. depth and so uare footage as specified
n the zone in which the lot is situated.
M. Conforminp use. A use that is listed as a permitted. accessorv or co nditional use in the zone
in which the use is situated.
N. Conference center. A facilitv used for conferences and seminars. or other communitv events
that ma include accommodations for sl food
eatinq, recreation. entertainment. resource facili ties. meetins rooms. fitness and health
G. Common usable onen space. Area within a planned overlav development which is accessible
and usable to all occupants of the development and the City. which is:
l. Land which is unoccupied bv nonrecreational buildings. parkins areas. or traffic
circulation roads: or
2. Land which is dedicated to recreational buildines. structures or facilities: or
3. Land which is dedicated to an open space purpose ofthe olanned overlay development
such as preservation of natural feafures.
To be considered common usable open soace for recreational ourposes, the open space must
be usable for specific or multi-pumose activities. be located on senerallv level land. be
reeularly shaped and contain a minimum of 1.000 souare feet.
H. Community center. A buildine or portion ofa buildine used for not-for-profit cultural.
educational. recreational. relisious or social activities that is open to the oublic or a
desisnated part ofthe public. usually owned and ooerated by a oublic or nonprofit Eroup or
aeency. Examples of community centers are schools. places of worship (church. mosque.
synaqoque. temDles. etc.). Bovs and Girls Clubs, and similar uses. Communitv center does
not include fratemities. lodees or similar uses.
I. Conditional use permit (CUP). A limited permission to locate a particular use at a specific
location. where limited permission is required in order to rerie* the controls stipulated by
these rezulations on a case-by-case basis and to such degree as to assure that the particular
use shall not proue detrimental to surroundine properties. shall not be in conflict with the
city's comprehensive Plan. and shall not be contrary to the public interest. The citv has
some conditional uses that mav be processed as an Administrative CUP, where the Director
of Communitv and Economic Develooment is the approval authority. All other conditional
uses are considered a cUP. where the citv Hearine Examiner is the approval authority.
J. Conditional use. A use permitted in a zone when authorized bv the approoriate approval
authoriqr but which requires a special deeree of review and may be subiect to certain
facilities. retail and personal services primarily for the conference center zuests.
O. Consum er soods service. A use invol vins the renair. cleanine. or rental o f
consumer and household soods. Examples include but are not limited to laundromats, dry
cleanins. shoe reoair. clothine rental. appliance and electronics reDalr, pn nt and photo shops,
siprr shoos. musical instrument reoair. iewe and watch reoair. and tool and eouioment
These uses ma incl retail sales. P.A horizontal
al f a wall build etc
O. Counci l. The City Council.
R. Club or lodee. private. A non -orofit association of person s who are bona fide mernbers
payins annual dues, which o wns. hires. or leas es a buildins or o n thereof. the use of s uch
premlses beins restricted to mernbers and their suests.
Section 11. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.025 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
17.08.025 - "D."
A. Density. The ratio of the number of dw ellins units per area of land, e.s.. 7,000 square foot
lots would allow for a maximum densi N of 6.22 dwelline units Der acre.
B.D ofCommuni and Economic D (DCED ) means Citv of Port Anpeles
Communi ty and Economic Development DeDartment.
C. Departure. A orovision allo for aoolicants to proDose altemati ve means of compliance
with a specific standard on a volun tarv basis. provided theY meet the purpose of the standard
See PAMC 17.22.040 for information on artures.
D. Detached buildins. See the definition for "Buildine. access ory".
E. DeveloDment.Anv activity which would alter the elevation of the land,remove or destroy
cause structures of any kind to be installed, erected, or rernoved. divide the land
into two or more Darcel s, or any use or extension of the use of the land.
F. District. A oortion ofa olannin area which is definedp bv the orimarv uses located in that
portion of the plannin g area.
G. Dormitorv. A residence hall providins sl eeoine rooms. with or without eating facilities
H. Duplex. A buildins containine two dwell units. See duolex standards in Chaoter 17.21
I. Dwelling or dwelli ns unit. A buildins or portion thereof with o n90 r more rooms which are
arranged, designed or used for occuDancy as seDarate livins ouarters for the exclusive use of
a sinsle household and is constructed in accord ance with the Intemational Buil dins Code or
Intemational Residential Code or park models as defined in the American National Standards
Institute A1 19.5 for oark trailers. Permanentlv installed kitchen. sleeDins. and
sanitary facilities must alwavs be orovided within the dwelline unit. A dwellins or dwellins
unit does not include a house trailer that does not meet ANSI-A119.5 nor does it include
hotels,motels or lodsins houses.
Section 12. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.020 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
17.08.02 0 - "E."
A.Em housins:Defined bv RCW 36 .70A.030
B. Emergency shelter: Defi ned by RCW 36.70A.030.
C. Ensineer means a pro fessional civil enqineer, licensed bv and in eood standins in the State of
D. Enl . An increase in the size of an existins structure or use. includins hysical size
ofthe . buildine., and other imorovements.
E. Environmentall y sensitive area.An area which includes anv of the followine critical areas
wet streams or stream corri uentl flooded lo call
hazardous are (erosion. landslide. or sei c hazard areas). sisnifican t fish and wildlife
habitat areas-and locallv unioue natural features (ravines. marine bl ufls or beaches and
associated coastal drift Drocesses).
F. Erected. Construction of anv buildins or or the structural alteration of a buildine or
structure-the result of which would be to se the exterior walls or roo f or to increase the
floor area of the interior ofthe buildi or structure.
G. Establishment. business or so mmercial. A place of business on an operation. the
ownershio and manasement of which are sep arate and distinct from those ofany other Dlace
H. Exist
ofbusiness located o the same zonins lot.
ins (nre-exi S ti s). A use. lot. or buildins that existed
Citv's Zonins Resulations, or prior to January 4, l97l .
at the time of the oassase of the
J. Dwellins. cottaee housine. A small sinele-household dwelline that is clustered with other
similar units sharine a common open soace. See cottaee housins standards in Chapter 17.21
K. D*ellins. multifamily. A buildins o. a portion the.eof containine three o. more dwelli.re
units. The term also includes any dwelline unit within a mixed-use buildine.
L. Dwelline. sinde-household. A buildine containine one dwelline unit.
M. Dwelline. small lot sinele-household. A buildine containine one dwelline unit on a lot less
than 5.000 souare feet in area. See small lot single-household standards in Chapter 17.21
N. D*elling. townhouse. A dwelline unit that shares one or more cornmon or abuttine *alls
with one or more dwelling units and has exterior access. A townhouse does not share
common floors/ceilinss with other dwelline units. see townhouse standards in chapter I 7.21
Section 13. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.035 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
17.08.035 - r'F."
A. Facade.The entire street wall face o f a buildine ex from the erade of the buildins to
the top of the DaraDet or eaves and the entire width ofthe buildins elevation.
B. Farmin s. commercial. The ol antinp and cultivatine of croos for aericultur al or other
co DurDoses, provided that this shall not include pri vate sardeninq or seenhouse
structures to sinsle-famil welline
C. Fence. A structure that is built. constructed.or comoosed of ioined toeether of material
ite manner in w hich the orime Dumose ls to te and divide.ri on.rn som9
enclos arcel or of land. Fenc be cons tnrcted of wood-masonrv-n narcels es mae-or screen a
omamental metal- or other such materials. For the oumose of this ordinance. olant materi als
are not considered a fence
D. Floor area eross (GFA). The floor area within the inside oerimeter ofthe exterior walls of
the build ins under consideratio n- exclusive ofvsn t shafts and court s. without deducti on for
corridors.aYs. ramDs. closets . the thickness of nterior walls. column s. or other
features. The fl oor area of a buil on thereo no t Dro vided with urroundinslnqornortlS
exterior walls shall be the usable area under the horizontal oroiection ofthe roof or floor
E. Floor area- net (NFA). The actual occuoied floor area- not includi ng uno ccuoied acces sorv
,ueas such as corridors. stairw ram os. toilet ro mec hanical rooms. and closets
F. Food and beverase establishment. A use that DreDares and sells od and/or drink for on- or
off-prernises consumDtion. Examples incl but are not limited to. bars,cktail lounges,
caf6s. cafeteri as. restaurants. take-out lunch stands. and tavems.
G. Fuel station. A retai I use primaril v involvins automo bile fuels and specialized structures for
selline fuel and fuel storase tanks. often und. These establi mav orovide
incidental retail sales of food and other convenience iterns.
H. Fuel yard or bulk plant. That oortion of a DroDerty where flammable or combustible
liquids are received bv tank vessel or tank vehicle and are stored or blended in bulk for
the oumose of distri butins such liouids bv tank ves sel- tank vehicle.le tank or
container for subsequent resale and not to the consumins public.
Section 14. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.M0 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
17.08.040 - "G."
A. Garase. A deck. buildine or Darkinq structure. or oart thereof. used or intended to be used for
the parking and storage ofvehicles.
.08.04s - "H."
A. Hard surface. An impervious surface. a permeable oavernent.or a vegetated roof.
B. Heisht.
l. Definition. The total distance in feet fiom averaqe gound elevation at Derimeter walls as
determined bv the final erade noted on the buildins o lan aDoro ved bv the Citv to the
hiehest ooint of the structure. The final srade must not exceed the pre-alteration erade as
it existed prior to excavation. For the pumos es of this title. a sade is estab lished only
when the Citv Buildins Inspector verifies the prade.
2. Exceotions . The heieht restrictions in this ti tle shall not ADI)to sDlres. monuments-
chimnevs. antennas. water tow ers. elevator towers.mechanical equipment, and other
similar rooftop aDpurtenances usuallv reouired to be placed above the roof level and./or
not intended for human occuoancv or habitable soace: orovi ded that mechanical
eouioment rooms and screeni ng are set back at least ten feet fiom the edse of the roofand
do not exceed the maximum buildins hei t by more than ten feet. Other architectural
appurtenances such as omamental cuoo!as, parapets, and spires, not exceeding the
maximum buildine heisht bv more than ten feet nor exceedinq ten feet in diameter, are
also exemDt from heisht requirements
C. Ho usehold One nerson o r two or more ersons li vlnq to sether asasl nsle-non nro
housekeeDinq unit. A household mav also be referred to as "famil
y" in this title.
rl t.
B. Garaqe. private residential. A buildine or structure that is accessory to a sinqle-household
dwelline or duplex dwelline. enclosed on not less than three sides and with a roof. and
desisned or used only for the parkine and storaee ofvehicles. orimarily only those vehicles
beloneine to the occupants ofthe dwellins.
C. Garage. oublic. A structure or portion thereof. other than a orivate customer and ernployee
garase or private residential sarage. used primarilv for the parkins and storase ofvehicles
and available to the eeneral oublic.
D. Garase, repair. A buildins or structure other than a private residential sarase. used for the
care, repair, or storage of automobiles and not the same as a service station as defined within
these rezulations.
E. Group livine. A buildine. portion ofa buildins or a complex of buildines under unified
control and manaeement which contains facilities for livine. sleepine. sanitation. eatine atrd
cookins for occupancy for residential uses: and which does not otherwise meet the definition
of another residential use defined in this chapter and does not include anv type of eroup
livine facilitv that is licensed by the State of washinston. Eatins and cookins areas may be
shared in whole or oart.
Section 15. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.045 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
Section 16. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.050 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
17.08.050 - "I."
of stormwater. Vegeta ted roofs and minimal excavation foundations, subiect to conformance
D. Home occupation is an occupation or business activitv which results in a product or service.
is conducted in whole or in part in the dwelline unit. and is clearlv incidental and subordinate
to the residential use ofthe propertv.
E. Hosoital. An institution specializine in qiving clinical. temporarv. and emereency services of
a medical or sureical nature to hrunan patients and licensed by Washinston State law'
F. Hospital. mental (includine treatment of alcoholics). An institution licensed by Washinston
State aeencies under provisions oflaw to offer facilities. care. and treatment for cases of
mental and nervous disorders and alcoholics.
G. Hospice. A facility for the terminally ill.
H. Hostel. A residential structu'e or commercial buildins where u'ansient accommodations for
30 davs or less (daily or weekly) for the traveline public are provided and for which the
accommodations contain no more than one shared kitchen facility and do not have individual
sleenine rooms. Hostels are differentiated by housins type and/or owner occuoancv as
1. Owner occupied sinele-family residential hostels are allowed in the same zones as bed
and breakfasts.
2. Non-owner occuDied conunercial structut'e hostels are allowed by the satne Drocess and
in the same zones as hotels and motels.
I. Hotel. A facility offerine transient lodsinq accommodations for 30 davs or less to the seneral
oublic and that may include additional facilities and services. such as restaurants, meetinq
rooms. personal services. etc.
J. House oets. Domestic animals such as dogs, cats. fish. birds, rodents. and reptiles. not
includine inherently daneerous species of animals. which sle€p and are primarilv housed in a
dwelline unit toeether with their owners.
A. Impervious surface. A non-vegetated surface area that either plevents or retards the entry of
water into the soil mantle as under natural conditions orior to develooment. A non-vegetated
surface area that causes water to run offthe surface in greater ouantities or at an increased
rate offlow from the flow oresent under natural conditions prior to development. Common
impervious surfaces include. but are not limited to. roof toos. walkways. patios, drivewavs.
oarkine lots or stormwater areas. concrete or asohalt paving. gravel roads. packed earthen
materials. and oiled. macadam or other surfaces that similarly impede the natural infiltration
with applicable Department of Ecolosy BMPs. are not included in the total imoervious area.
B. Lrdoor recreation. A use that provides recrea tion-oriented activities indoors.includins but not
limited to arcades, arenas, bowling allevs.dance halls. eyms.marital arts studios. skatins
rinks. and ine Dools.
C. Indoor theater. A movie theater. stase theater . auditorium.and similar uses. The term
includes facilities or venues with entertainm ent services such as visual and./or performing
arts. theatrical orod uctions, bands. orchestras. and other m cal entertainment.
D. Infill Overlay Zorc (lOZl. A site-specific devel opment that has been aoo roved by the Citv
under the orovisions of Chapter 17.45 of the Port Aneel es Municipal Code.
E. Intemal w y. Anv pedestrian oath or Dedeskian walkwav internal to a development.
This includes sidewalks al onq Dnvate streets.
17.08.070 - "M."
A. Manu factured home. F built. sinsle-familv structures that meet National
factured Hom struction and Standards Act 42 U.5401 co
known as the (U.S. Department o f Housing and Urban Development)Code, and that
also meets the follo winq req uirernents:
1. Con sists of two or more firl enclosed oarallel sections each ofnot less than 12 feet wide
by 36 feet lon
2. Bears an a issued by the aopropriate federal asencv indicatins liance with the
construction standards of the U.S. DeDartm ent of Housing and Urban Develooment
D as amended ved the S f Washi
3. Is placed on an on-prade Dermanent fo undation or on footinss and oi ers or on blocks in
accordance with HUD's soecifica tions for the sDecific home and has skirtine installed so
that no more than one foot ofthe skirtins is visib le above srade:
4. Has all transnorl a ces remo ved:
5 Is served bv undersround electri cal oower: and
6. Was orieinallv constructed with and Drior to occupancv has a composition or wood shake
or shinsle.coated metal. or similar ro ofofnot less than 3:12 Ditch.
B. Marina. A system of piers. buoys, or floats that provide a centralized s te for extended
moorase for mo re than four vessels for a oeriod of48 hours or longer. For resulatorv
acht club facilities and rt e areas would also be review
marinas. Boat launch facilities and the sales ofs upplies and services for small commercial
cl the marina is considered a multi-
uch amenities areand/or pleasure craft users may be associated with marinas. Where s
Section 17. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.070 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
section 18. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.075 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
C. Massaee. The method. art or science of treatine the human body for hveienic. remedial or
relaxational pumoses by rubbine. strokine. kneadine. tappine. rollins or manipulatine the
human body of another with the hands. or bv any other aeency or instrumentalitv.
D. Massase oarlor. Anv oremises where massaqes are siven or furnished for. or in expectation
ofany fee. comoensation or monetarv consideration. except:
I . Facilities adiunct to athletic clubs. medical facilities. hotels. motels or beauty salonsl and
2. Enterorises licensed bv the state and ooerating as aoproved home occupations.
E. Medicaydental buildinq. A buildins or s'oup ofbuildinqs designed for the use ofphysicians
and dentists and others ensased professionallv in such healine arts for humans as are
recoenized bv the laws of the State of Washinqton.
F. Mixed use strucfure. A sinqle structure or buildinq containinq two or more comDlementarv.
physicallv and firnctionally intes'ated. or mutuallv-supportine uses (such as housing. offices.
manufacturins. retail, public service. or entertainment).
G. Mobile home. See the definition for "Trailer. house".
H. Modulation. The steppins forward or backwards a oortion of the facade as a means to
articulate or add visual interest to the facade.
I. Motel. See definition for "Hotel".
J. Motor freisht terminal. A buildine or area in which freicht brouqht bv motor truck is
assembled and/or stored for routinq intrastate and interstate shiDment bv motor truck.
17.08.075 - "N.',
A. Neiehborhood. An area located within a district where people live. which is defined by the
orimary type and/or density of the residential units located in that particular area of the
B. Nonconformins buildine or structure. Any buildins or structure that does not conform with
the lot area. vard. heishl or lot coverase restrictions in these Zonine Rezulations. either at
the effective date ofthese reeulations or as the result of subsequent amendments to these
C. Nonconformine lot. A leeally established lot. the area. dimensions or location of which met
the applicable zonine code reouirements in effect at the time the lot was created. but which
fails by reason of such adoption. revision or amendment of these Zonine Rezulations. to
conform to the present requirernents ofthe zone in which it is located.
D. Nonconformins use. Any use ofland. buildine or structure which does not complv with all of
these Zonins Regulations or ofanv amendment hereto eovemins use for the zoning district
in which such use is situated.
Section 19. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.080 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
blic landsca such as those alon evards and around lic buildi
Section 20. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.085 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
E. Noxious matter. Material capable of causine injury to living organisms by chemical reaction.
or is caoable ofcausine detrimental effects uoon the physical or economic well-beine of
F. Nursine home. Any home or residential facility licensed per 18.51 RCW that operates or
maintains facilities providins convalescent or chronic care for a period in excess of24
consecutive hours for three or more patients not related by blood or marriase to the operator.
who by reason ofillness or infirmity. are unable to prooerlv care for themselves. Nothine in
this definition shall be construed to include any "assisted livine faciliw".
17.08.080 - "o."
A. off-street parkine space. An area other than a public or private streel allev. hiqhway or
trafficway. and used onlv for the storaee of vehicles. Refer to Chapter 14.40 pAMC for off-
street parkinq standards.
B. Open space. Natural areas of unioue or maior physical features such as shorelines. bluffs.
beaches. laeoons. waterwavs. ravines. streams. rivers. lakes. wetlands. wildlife habitats. and
other environmentallv sensitive areas deerned ofsipnificant importance to the community bv
the citv: landscaped areas such as parks. olayfields, eolfcourses. outdoor stadiums. and
improved outdoor areas such as piers. olaygrounds, plazas. promenades or trails. tennis
courts. viewooints. and other outdoor spaces ooen to the public.
C. Owner. Any person with fee title or a lone-term leasehold to anv oarcel of land within the
City. who desires to develop. or construct. build. modit, erect. or use such parcel ofland.
17.08.085 - "P."
A. People with functional disabilities. People with functional disabilities means: (1) a person
who. because ofa recomized chronic physical or mental condition or disease. is functionally
disabled to the extent of: (a) needing care. supervision or monitorine to perform activities of
daily livine or instrumental activities ofdailv livins. or (b) needins supports to ameliorate or
compensate for the effects of the functional disabilities so as to lead as independent a life as
oossible. or (c) havine a phvsical or mental imoairment which substantiallv limits one or
more ofsuch person's maior life activities, or (d) havine a record ofsuch impairment: or (2)
beinq resarded as havine such an impairment. but such term does not include current. illegal
use of. or active addiction to a controlled substance.
B.P suDDortive housin s: Defined bv RCW 36.70A.030
C. Permea Davement Dervrous Dorous asDhalt.oermeable oavers or forms of
Dervtous or oorous oavine material . lntended to allow of water through Davement
section. It often includes an aseresate base that orovides structural s and acts as a
stormwater reservorr.
D. Person.oerson- firm. oartnershio. as on. comoratlon. comD . or other lesal
entitY. private or oublic. whether for pro fit or not for profit
E. Personal care services. Uses involved in orovidins nonmedical bodv and health services to
the seneral ublio C INC udins.but not limiied to-salons barbers tann 1n s-m th eranv
tailors. and tattoo oarlors These uses mav nclude accessorv retail sales.
F. Planned Industrial Develo oment (PID). A PID is a site sDeci fic develooment which has been
aooroved bv the Citv Council under the orovisions ofChaDter 17.31 of the P Anseles
Municipal Code.
G. Plannine area. A large seosraohical area of the City, which is defi ned by ohvsical
characteristics and boundaries.
H. PRD. Planned Resid ential Develooment.
I. Principal use. The use o fland or buildinss on a lot as distinsuished from a
subordinate or accessory use. A use is considered orincioal when it o ccuoies 50 or
more of a build ins's total souare footaae.
J. Priv e educational . Uses providin for-orofit and non -orofit educational seruces
Examoles include but are not limited to tes tina cent ers. business schoo ls. trade and
Section 21. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.090 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
17.08.090 - "R."
vocational schools. laneuage atrd exam tutorinq, music insEuction. dance studios. and afts
and craft studios. The term does not include sovernment facilities.
K. Professional. business. and media offices. Omces used as a place of business conducted bY
persons enqased in professions including but not limited to accountins. finance. law, real
estate. desim. ensineerins. photoqraphv. software development. research. counseling.
ioumalism. and business administration. The term includes banks/credit unions and audio
and video recordine and broadcastine.
A. Reclassification. A chanee in zonine boundaries upon the zonine map which is an official
part ofthese Zonine Regulations.
B . Reconstruction. The act of constructine again.
C. Recreation facility or area. A facilitv or area for resreation purposes. such as a swimmine
pool. park. tennis court. playqround or other similar use.
D. "Recreatio nal camps". A commercial facility established for t emDorarv occ by people
usrns tents.tional vehicles. travel trai lers. and similar lodsinss. Imoro vernents such as
roads, toilets. sho utility connections. and other amenities may be provided.
E. Recreational Durpose. An express intent ofa sp ace desipn and development to service a
oarticular healthful or aesthetic activitv.
F. Repair.minor. Irnprovements to correct deficienc ies resultine from normal wear and tear or
rmprovem ents not reouirinq a buildine permit.
G. Residence. A buildine or structure . or Dortlon thereof. which is desimed for and used to
provide a olace of abode for hum an beings. The term "resi dence" includes the term
"residen tial" as referrins to the tvDe-or intended ofa np-buildi
H.Restoration. The act ofo back or brinsins back into a former or sinal state.u
L Retail sales. Any use involvi ng the sale.lease, or rental ofnew or used products.tncluding
but not limi ted to aooliances. art s upolies. baked eoods-bicvcles. books. buil supolies.
cameras.and floor co . crafts. clothins-outers. convenience soods. drv
electronic ui fabric flow en su fts or novelti
hard hom vemen ld medical su li
souvenlrs.Dortins soods. statio . tobacco. used or secondhand soods. veh icle parts and
farm soui plant and landscape desiqn materials.buildine materials.and heatins fuels
Section 22. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.095 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
music, musical instruments. office suoplies. packase shipoinq. pets, pet supplies.
pharmaceuticals. photo finishine. picture frames. olants. orinted materials. produce. seafood.
accessories. videos and related products. The use may include incidental exterior sales
activities that do not meet the definition of"retails sales. heavy."
J. Retail sales. heary. "Retail sales. heaw" means retail uses *ith exterior sales and/or storagg
areas qreater than 15.000 eross square feet or occupyinq a Ereater area than the use,s
orincipal buildins. Examoles include. but are not limited to. uses selline a!.ricultural supplies.
K. Retail stand. A small.moveable cart that is operated from a fixed location and is desiened
and sized to be readily moved under the control ofone person but not under its own power.
L. Rieht-of-wav. Land acouired or dedicated for purposes of a street. hishway. sidewalk. alley.
avenue. other structure used for oedestrian or vehicular traffic. or easernent or any
combination of such uses for which the City has reeulatory authoritv.
M. Roof. A structure coverine any portion of a buildine or structure. includine the projections
beyond the walls or supoorts.
N. Roofline. The hishest edse of the roof or the top of a parapet. whichever establishes the top
line ofthe structure when viewed in a horizontal plane.
A. Self-service storase. An establishment containing separate storase sDaces that are leased or
rented as individual units
B. Setback. The reouired minimum distance from anv lot line and that establishes the buildins
envelope withi n which any structure or buil mav be erected or olaced.
l. Set front - a space that ex tends the fulI width of the lot. between the lot line
and the distance desienated in the Ci tv's Zonins lation S.
2. Set rear - a space that extends the fuIl width of the lot. the rear lot line and the
distance desisnated in the Ci tv's Zonins R lations.
3. Set back. side - a sDace that extends from the front setback line to the rear back line,
between the side lot I ine and to the closest buildine on the s ame lot,or to a distance
desi in the Ci T.onins R esu ationsS
c.s center. A qroup of comm ercial establishments p lanned, constructed,and managed
as a total enti tv. with customer and em ployee oarkins provided on-si te, Dro vision for eoods
deliv separa ted fiom custom er access. aesthetic considerations and protection fiom the
elernen and land scaDln and s1 snage with an annro ved D honoinstnCClan
l. A communitv shoooins center features a iunior deDartment store contarns
machine. or m ise. and includins disola S urfaces and suDDortins thereof.
entertainment conducted. sold. or offered elsewh ere than uoon the prernises on which such
centers are further defined by size and their customer base::
approximately 150.000 square feet of s'oss leasable area and has a site area often to 25
acres. Its clientele draw is approximatelv a ten-minute drive from the center'
2. A neiehborhood shoppins center senerally offem qoods necessary to meet daily needs.
occuDies up to ten aqes. has up to 100.000 square feet of rn'oss leasable area- and draws
its clientele from a five-minute drivins radius from the center'
D. Short term rental. Lodgine or zuest rooms used. rented or occuOied for zuest sleeping
purposes for a period of time 30 davs or less. and that contain kitchen facilities for food
preDaiation. includinq. but not limited to. refriqeraton. stoves and ovens. This definition
includes dwelline units used. rented or hired out for vacation homels or short-term rentals that
allow zuests to stay for 30 days or less. Dwellinq units used. rented or hired out for lonser
than 30 davs are considered lons-term rentals and not extended stay lodsine.
E. Sisr. Any letters. fisures. desim symbol. trademark. or device intended to attract attention to
anv activity. service. place. subiect. person. firm. corDoration. public Derformance. article.
F. Sien. advertisins. A sim which directs attention to a business. commoditv. service or
sien is located or to which it is affixed.
G. Sim. area. The area ofa sien shall be the sum of each display surface includine both sides of
a double-faced sim. as determined by circumscribine the exterior limits on the mass of each
display erected on one siqn structure with a circle. triangle, or quadrangle connecting all
extreme Doints. Where a siqn is comDosed of two or more individual letters mounted directlv
on a wall. the total display surface. includins its background. shall be considered one sisn for
Dumoses of calculatins sien area. The structure suDDortins a sisn is not included in
determinins the area ofthe sien. unless the structure is desiprred in a way to form an intesral
part of the display.
H. Sisnificant tree. A tree at least six inches in diameter at a Do int five feet above the sound.
Site cov . The amount of im ona incl
drivewavs. sidewalks. Datios. and other im pervious surfaces.
J. Smart srowth. A mix of land uses that include the followine:
l. Tak e advan tape of comoact buildins desian:
2. Creale a ran*e of housins opportunities and choices
3. Create w alkah eish borhoods
4 F oster distinctive a ttracti ve comm unities with a s SCNSEs fo n
5. Preserve oDen sDace. natural beauty and critical envi areasl
6. Strensthen and direct develoDment towards existins communities:
7. Pro vide a varietv of transoorta on choices:
8. Make development decisions predictabl e, fair and co st effective:
9. Encouraqe communitv and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions.
K. Story. The space between the floor and the ceilins above said floor. Outside the CBD zone. a
basement shall be consi dered a story when more than half of the basement heisht is above the
finished lot . A half-story shall be considered when the so ace between a floor and
ceilings above said floor has at least one interio r side wall that is five feet or less in heieht.
L. Street . A vehicular wav that affords a ary means ofaccess to a DroDertv.
M. Streetscaoe The space between buil on either side of a street. The elernents that
contribute to the o ualitv and character of streetscaDe are build lns facades and awninss.
sidewalks. pavins materi als, siens. liehtins. trees and landscaoins.and street fumiture and
N. Street risht-of-w line. The boundarv line between a street and abutting oropertv. This mava
or mav not match a s front lot line
O. Structure. Anything constructed in the ground, or anything erected which requires location on
the ground or water, or is attached to something having location on or in the ground and is
over 30 inches in height above the ground level, but not including fences or walls used as
fences six feet or less in height.
P. Structural alteration. Any change, other than incidental repairs, which would prolong the life
ofthe supporting members ofa building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams, or girders.
Q. Subordinate. Less important than and secondary to a primary object, usually in these Zoning
Regulations referring to an accessory use.
Section 23. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.100 is
repealed in is entirety and replaced as follows:
17.08.100 - "T.'l
A. Telecomm facilities or wireless telecomm unl cations facilities. Anv antennas.
cables, wires. lines . wave suides. and anv other eouioment or facilities asso ciated with the
transmission or receDtion of communiQaliQ4q which a person seeks to locate or has installed
upon or near a tower or antenna suDDort structure.
B. Throueh lot. S ee "Lot. throush".
C. Tower or wireless telecomm unl cations tower. A self-su rtins lattice. zuved.or monoDole
structure constructed from erade which supports tel ecomm unications facilities. The term
"tower" shall not include amateur radio ooerators' eoui Dment. as licensed b the FCC
D. Townsite block. A block of450 or 500 feet bv 300 feet dimens lon or a minimum of 3.1 acres
as created bv the orieinal p of the townsite o f Port Aneeles.
E. Trail. A pedestrian facili w which is desimated for travel and recreation pumoses and which
may include s idewalks. Dortions of roadways, natural surfaced walkwavs. and structures such
as bridges.
F. Trailer, house (automobile trai . mobile home, recreati onal vehicle. vacati on trailer). A
vehicle without motor power desi sned to be drawn bv a motor vehicle and to be used for
human habitati on. a motor vehicle desimed to be used fo r human habitation, and a
man home which does not meet City Buildine Code or state and federal
man s standards.
G. Trailer trailer court-mobile home re creational vehicle oark.k Drernlses on
which are parked one or more vehicles desiened, intended.or used for livins
DUTDOSeS. Or anv prernises used or d out for the oumose of suoolvins to the li c a sDace
for one or more such vehicles . whether such vehicles stand on wheel s or rieid suoDorts.
H. Transit center. Anv centralized stnrcture. statio n- or transit faciliw that is lv used. as
Dart of a transit svstem, for the se of loadine. unlo adins. or transferrins D SSENSCTS
from one mode of transportation to another. This use does not include singular street-side bus
J. Transitional housing: Defined by RCW 84.36.043.
J. Trellis. A lattice work structure designed to support plant growth. Trellises that demarcate an
entryway to a yard, are detached from any other structure, other than a permitted fence, on
the site, have a minimum sidewalk span offour feet, depth of two feet and a height of eight
feet, is exernpt from the requironent for a building permit and is not considered a stmcture.
Section 24. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Cha
repealed in its entkety and replaced as follows:
pter 17.08, Section 17.08.110 is
17.08.110 - "V."
A. Variance. Permission for an adiustment or relaxation to the literal requirernents of the Citv's
Zonins Rezulations for a particular propertv or structue and/or building on a particular
B. Veeetated roofs (also known as ecoroofs and sreen roofs) consist of thin lavers of ensineered
soil and vesetation cons tructed on top of conventional flat or sloped rools
C. Vehicle rental. The sales or rental ofoassenser vehicles. lisht and medium trucks , and other
consumer motor vehicles such as motorcycles and mooeds.
D. Vertical buildine modulation. A steppine back or proiectins forward vertical walls ofa
buildin g face wl th tns fi ed intervals of buildin width and denth as a means of breakieclt!ng
up the aoparent bulk ofa structure's continuous exterior walls.
Section 25. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.08, Section 17.08.115 is
repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
17.08.1l _ rrlv.''
Section 26.Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.10. is repealed in its entirety
and replaced as follows:
Chapter 17.10 - R7. Residential. Low Densitv
17.10.010 - Purpose.
This is a low densi residential zone intended to create and Dreserve urban residentialtv
nei hoods consi stl s of a mix of sinele-household homes. duo lexes and accessory dwelline
unit homes on historic townsite-size lots. Uses which are comDatible with and functionallv
related to a sinsle-household residential environment may also be located in this zone. Because
of land use impacts associated with nonresidential use s, lew nonresidential uses are allowed in
this zone and then only conditionally. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for the
A. Weather protection. A permanent horizontal structure above oedestrian areas such as
sidewalks and buildine entries that protects pedestrians from inclement weather.
B. Wireless communication facilities (WCFs). An unstaffed facility for the transmission and./or
receDtion of wireless telecommunications services. includinq supDort structures. antennas.
accessory equipment. and appurtsnances. used to transmit. receive. distribute, provide. or
offer personal wireless communication services. WCFs include but are not limited to
antennas. plies. towers. cables. wires conduits. ducts. pedestals. vaults. buildinss. and
electronic and switching equioment.
C. Work/live studio. An arraneement of space that combines a livine area and workins area
where the living area is subordinate and accessory in size and use to the work soace.
17.10.030 -rv uses.
A. Accessory dwelline units
B. Garas es and camorts.
C. Greenho uses. eazebos. storage and similar structures.
D. Swimmins ls and cabanas
E. Other USES determined bv the Director of Communitv and Economic Development
to be compatib le with the intent of this chapter.
17.10.040 - Conditional uses.
Conditional uses must comolv with the devel opment standards in subsecti on 17.94.065.
A. Art salleries and museums.
B. Assisted livine facilitv.
D. Child care facilitv.
E. Communicationstransmissionbui ldinss and e.s--radio tower.
F. Community centers.
G. Home occuDations.
H. Libraries.
I. Nursine and valescent homes.
J. Public housine authoritv offices and maintenance structures located on oublic housine
authoritv housing sites.
CiW's lower density residential neiehborhoods. followins a standard rectanzular street lrid
svstem of60-foot rishts-of-wav for local access streets and 300-foot by 450 or 500-foot blocks
with 35-50-foot by 140-foot lots and usuallv located in areas that are lareely developed and
closer to the center ofthe City or commercial corridors.
17.10.020 - Permitted uses.
A. Adult family home.
B. .Sinsle-household dwellines.
C. Small lot sinqle-household dwelline (lots less than 5.000 souaxe feet). This use is onlv
oermifted on allev-loaded lots.
D. Exernpted home occuoations.
E. Child care orovider.
F. Group livine.
G. Duolexes.
H. Coftaqe housine.
Table 17.10.050-l
R7 zone area and dimensional uirements.
Type Limit
Reference and Additional
Densitv. m axtmum
Maximum bui
30 feet 35 feet where all roof forms above 30
feet have a minimum 3:12 roofpitch
Maxi mum slte
Minimum fiont
I 5 feet
Garage entrance
L. Public utility structures.
M. Radio and television stations. orovided that antenna is on-site.
N. Residential care facilities.
O. Other uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.10.050 - Area. dimensional and densitv requirements.
A. The following area and dimensional reouirernents aoolv to all R7 zones:
Minimum lot area 5,000 square feet
3.500 square feet on allev-
loaded lots
PAMC 17.94.020
PAMC 17.94.030
PAMC 17.94.175
Minimum lot
35 feet
25 feet on allev-loaded lots
Density. minimum
In locations where stormwater runoff
from structures. paved drivewavs.
sidewalks. patios. and other surfaces
is manaeed on-site. per the
requirements of the Port Aneeles
Urban Services Standards and
Guidelines Manual Chaoter 5. the
project is exemot from site coverage
calculations (see PAMC 17.94.135 for
more information).
PAMC 17.94.075
PAMC 17.94.080
PAMC 17.94.12020 feet
Minimum rear
20 feet
Reference and Additional
5 feet
Minimum side
setback (street)
5 feetMinimum side
setback all
Minimum rear
structures in the
rear one-third of
setback for
the lot
Minimum side
structures in the
rear one-third of
setback for
the lot
structure is within the
envelope required ofa
structure in the zone that the
however. that additional minimum
uired when the property
similar feature as sDecified in Title l5
A 25o/o heisht bonus is available ifthe
setbacks to ensure a safe buildins site
may be req
contains a bluff,ravine. stream, or
located. Provi
Not to exceed the Dnmary
structure buildi ns heisht
Maximum buildine
hei eht
Maximum buil
Table 17.10.050-l
R7 zone area and dimensional requirements'
Minimum side
13 feet
Detached Accessory Structure Requirements
l0 feet 0 feet from lot lines abuttine an alley.
exceot 5 feet where a earage or
carport entrance faces the allev. For
small lot desien standards. see PAMC
3 feet 0 feet from lot lines abuttine an allev.
except 5 feet where a qarase or
camort entrance faces the alley.
Not to exceed the primary
structure buildine footprint
17.10.060 - Off-street parkins.
Parkine shall be provided as re{uired by Chaoter 14.40 ofthe Port Aneeles Municioal Code.
17.10.080 - Desip standards.
See the following code sections for applicable desigt standards:
1. Detached small lot single-household dwellings: PAMC 17.21.010.
2. Accessory dwelling units: PAMC 17.21.020.
3. Cottage housing: PAMC 17.21.030.
4. Duplexes: PAMC 17.21.040.
Chapter 17.11 - R9 . Residential.Low Densitv
l7.l1.0f 0 - PurDose.
This is a low densitv residential zone i ntended to create and preserve urban residential
neishborhoods consistins of oredominan tl e-household homes on than historic
townsite-size lots. Us es that are comDati ble with and functionallv related to a sinsle-household
residential environment may be located in this zone. Because of land use imoacts associated with
nonresiden al uses,few nonresidential uses are all owed in this zone and then only mnditionally
This zone oro vides for variety in the urban I and use oattern for the Citv'lower density
residential nei s with minimum 50-foot front lot li nes and 60-foot ripfits-of-way for
collector arteri streets in larse rectansular blocks and usually located on the perimeter of the
develoo ed town center and orisinallv olatted neishborhoods.
t7.t 20 - Permitted uses.
A. Adult familv home.
B. Sinsle-ho usehold dwellinss
C. Exernoted home occupations.
D. .Child gare provider.
E. Group livine
F. Duplexes.
17.10.070 - Siens.
One sipm per lot is permitted. This sipn shall be one square foot in area. unliehted, and displayine
only the name of the occupant (or as otherwise specified in 17.94.065): provided that official
traffic signs, street signs, and identification and waming signs for public utility buildings and
structures are exempt from these restrictions.
Section 27. ordinance No. 1709 as amended and chapter 17.11. is repealed in its entirety
and replaced as follows:
17.11.030 - Accessory uses.
A. Accessory dwellins units
B. Garag es and camorts
C. Non-commercial geenhouses.sazebos. storaqe sheds . and similar accessory structures
D. Swimmins poo ls and cabanas.
E. Other acces sorv uses determined bv the Director of C ommuni8 and Economiq Development
to be compatible with the intenl o:ftld!chapter
Rq zone area end dimensiotral reouiremetrts.
Table 17 .r r.050-l
Limitltleasurement TvDe
7.000 square feetMinimumlot area
50 feetMinimum lot width./frontase
nlaDensity, maxi!um!q!
30 feet
other surfaces is manaeed on-site. per the
requirements the Port Aneeles Urban Services
Standards and Guidelines Manual Chapter 5. the
emDt fiom site coverage calculations
In locations where stonnwater runoff from
structufes. Daved driveways. s
(se€ PAMC 17.94.135 for more information)
pro,ect !s9!
oatios. and
17.11.M0 - Conditional uses.
Conditional uses must complv with the development standards in 17'94.065 PAMC.
A. Art ealleries and museums.
B. Assisted livine facility.
C. Bed and breakfasts.
D. Communications transmission buildings and structures: e.s.. radio tower.
E. Communitycenters.
F. Child care facility.
G. Nursine and convalescent homes.
H. Public parks and resreation facilities.
I. Public utility structures.
J. Radio and television stations, provided that antenna is on-site.
K. Other uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.11.050 - Area. dimensional and densitv requirements.
A. The followine area and dimensional requirements apply to all R9 zones:
Reference a[d4dd!!!9Ea!!tqj
PAMC 17.94.020
PAMC r7.94.030
PAMC 17.94.175
Dcasiry,lsiulouls ns!
Maximum buildine heieht
Maximum site coveraqe 60%
Table 17.11.050-I
R9 zone area and dimensional reouirements.
llleasurement TyDe Reference and Additional Prorisions
Minimum front setback 20 feet PAMC 17.94.075
PAMC 17.94.080
PAMC 17.94,120
20 feet
Minimum rear setback 25 feet
Minimum side setback
Minimum side setback (alleY)7 feet
Detsched Accessory Structure Reo uiremetrts
3 feet
Maxim um buildine heisht 25%.he le if the
struchrre is within the buildins envel requted of
a orincioal ln lhe zone that the DroDerty is
located. Provided. however. that additi onal
mlnlmum se to ensure a safe buildins site mav
be required when the DroDertv contains a bluff.
ravtne- s or similar feature as ified in Title
15 PAMC.
Not to ex ceed the
Dnmary strucfure
buildins footprint
One sipn oer lot is Dermitted. This si en shall be one souare foot in area. unlishted,displayins
only the name of the occu Dant (or as otherwise sD ecified in 17.94.065 PAMC): Drovided that
olficial traffic siEs, street sims. and identification and warnin s siqns for Dublic utility buildinss
and structures are exemDt fiom these restrictions
Garase entrance setback
7 feet
Minimum side setback (street)13 feet
Minimum rear setback for
accessorv strucfirres in the rear
one-third of the lot
l0 feet 0 feet from lot lines abuttinq an allev. except 5 feet
where a qarage or carport entrance faces the allev.
Minimum side setback for
accessory structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
0 feet from lot lines abuttins an alley. except 5 feet
where a garase or carpon entrance faces the allev.
Not to exceed the
Drimarv structure
buildine heieht
Maximum buildinq footprint
l7.l1.060 - Off-street parkine.
Parkine shall be provided as reouired bv Chapter 14.40 of the Port Aneeles Municipal Code.
l7.t 1.070 - Sisns.
17.11.080 - Desien strtrdards.
See the followine mde sections for applicable desien standards:
l. Accessory dwelline units: PAMC 17.21 .020.
2. Cottaee housine: PAMC 17.21 .030.
3. Duplexes: PAMC 17.21.040.
Section 28. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.12. is repealed in its entirety
and replaced as follows:
Chapter 17.12 - Rl1 . Residential.Low Density
17.12.010 - Puroose.
This is a low densitv residential zone i ntended to create and oreserve single-household
residen al neiehbor s conslstlng of predominantly larser than standard sized townsite-sized
lots, wh ile maintaining densities at or more than four prim arv dwellins units oer acre. Uses that
e with and lv related to a nsle-household residential environment maSIare
be located in this zone. Because of land use im D acts associated with nonresidential uses. few
nonresidential uses are al'lowed in this zone and then onl v conditionall v. This zone pro vides for
varietv in the urban I use Dattem for the Citv's lower densitv residential nei
follo s a curvilinear street svstem ofnon throush lic and orivate streets with arl
shaped lo ts. minimum 75-foot front lot li nes. and 60-foot ri ghts-o f-wav for collector arterial
streets in lar s rectanzular blocks and usuall ocated in outlvi ns areas.
l7 .12.020 - Permitted uses.
A. Adult fami lv home.
B. Sinele-ld dwellinss.
C.E oted home ons.
D. Child care provider.
E. Grouo livins.
F. Cottase housing.
17.12.030 - Accesso rv uses.
A. Accessory dwelling units.
B. Garages and camorts.
C. Greenhouses . sazebos. storaee sheds and similar acces S tructures
D. Swimming poo ls and cabanas.
E. Other acces sory uses determined b v the Director of Communitv and Economic oDment
to be compati ble with the intent of this chaDter
17.12.040 - Conditional uses.
Conditional uses. Conditional uses must comply with the minimum standards in PAMC
A. Art galleries and museums.
B. Assisted livine facility.
C. Bed and breakfasts.
D. Communications transmission buildings and structures: e.e.. radio tower.
Rl I zooe area and dimensional reouirements-
Table 17 .12.050-1
9.000 sf
65 feet
Density.maximum net nla
Maximum bu ildine heieht 30 feet
20 feet
ce setbackGarase en 20 feer
![j4imum rear setback 25 feet
7 feet
13 feet
Minimum side setback (alley)
where a entrance faces the allev.or
feet from lot lines
E. Communitv centers.
F. Child care facilities and ore-schools.
G. Duplexes.
H. Hospices.
I. Nursins and convalesc€nt homes.
J. Public parks and recreation facilities.
K. Public utility structures.
L. Radio and television stations. provided that antenna is on-site.
M. Residential care facilities.
N. Other uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
I7.12.050 - Area. dimensional. and densitv requirements.
A. The following area and dimensional requirements apoly to all Rl I zones:
ll€asurement TyDe Limit Reference snd Additional Provisions
Minimum lot area PAMC 17.94.020
PAMC 17.94.030
PAMC 17.94.175
M inimum lot width/frontaee
Density. minimum net
Maximum site coverage In locations where stormwater runoff from
struchrres. paved driveways. sidewalks. Datios. and
other surfaces is manased on-site. Der the
reouirements of the Port Angeles Urban Services
Standards and Guidelines Manual Chaoter 5. the
nroiect is exemot from site coveraqe calculations
(see PAMC 17.94.135 for more information).
Minimum front setback PAMC 17.94.075
PAMC 17.94.080
PAMC 17.94.120
Minimum side setback
Minimum sids setback (street)
7 feet
Dqlrched Accessory Structure Requirements
Minimum rear setback for
accessorv structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
10 feet
Ileasurement T\ De Limit
3 feet 0 feet from lot lines abuttins an allev- exceDt 5 feet
where a earaqe or carDon entrance faces the allev.
Maximum buildine heieht Not to exceed llhg
Drimarv structure
buildine heieht
A 25% height bonus is available ifthe detached
structure is the buildine reouired of
a orincioal structure in the zone that the orooertv is
located. Provided. however. that additional
minimum setbacks to ensure a safe buildine site
mav be required wh€n the propertv contains a bluff.
ravine. stream. or similar feature as soecified in
Maximum building tDnnt Not to the
Dnmary structure
buildine footprint
Section 29. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and C hapter I 7. 14. is repealed in its entirety
and replaced as follows:
Table 17.12.050-l
Rl l zone area and dimensional reouiremetrts.
Minimum side setback for
accessorY structures in the rear
one-third of the lE!
Title l5 PAI\4C.
17,12.060 - Ofr-street oarkine.
Parkinq shall be provided as required bv Chapter 14.40 of the Port Anseles MuniciDal Code.
17.12.070 - Sims.
One sigr per lot is pernitted. 'Ihis sigll shall be one square foot in area unliqhted. and disDlavine
onlv the name of the occupant (or as othelwise sDecified in 17.94.065): provided that official
traffic siqrs. street sisrs, and identification and wamine sims for public utility buildinss and
structures are exempt from these restrictions.
17.12.080 - Desim standards.
See the followine code sections for aoplicable desiqn standards:
1 . Accessorv dwelline units: PAMC 17.21 .020.
2. Cottaee housine: PAMC 17.21.030.
3. Duolexes: PAMC 17.21.040.
Chapter 17.14 - RMD - Residential. Medium Densitv
17.14.010 - Puroose.
This is a medium density residential zone that allows a mix of multiunit dwelline types at a
density sreater than sinele-household neishborhoods but less than the hisher densities of the
RHD Zone. The permitted uses in the RMD Zone are also intended to be more restrictive than
the RHD Zone. Commercial uses are not considered to be compatible. Few nonresidential uses
are allowed in this zone and then onlv conditionally. because of land use impacts associated with
nonresidential uses. This zone provides for varietv in the urban land use pattem for the City's
lower density multifamil), residential neiqhborhoods with direct access on an arterial street.
usually located in outlvine areas with laree tracts of vacant buildable land. and servine as a
transitional use between low densitv residential uses and commerciaVindustrial uses.
17.14.020 - Permitted uses.
A. Accessory dwelline units.
B. Adult family homes.
C. Bed and breakfasts.
D. Child care facilitu.
E. Child care provider.
F. Short term rental.
G. Group livine.
H. Single-household dwellines existine as of (INSERT ADOpTION DATE OF THIS
I. Multifamilv dwellines (buildines with six units or less).
J. Townhouses (six attached units or less).
K. Duplexes.
L. Cottase housine.
17.14.030 - Accessorv uses.
A. Garages and carports.
B. Greenhouses. eazebos. storaee sheds. and similar accessory structures.
C. Exemoted home occupations.
D. Swimmine pools and cabanas.
E. Private television satellite reception dishes.
F. Community recreation rooms and laundrv rooms.
C. Playexoundequipment.
H. Manaeels office.
I. Other accessorv uses determined by the Director of Communitv and Economic
Development to be comoatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.14.040 - Conditional uses.
Conditional uses must comolv with the minimum standards in PAMC 17.94.065.
A. Art ealleries. museums and aquariums.
B. Assisted livine facilitv.
C. Communi$ centers
RnID zo[e area alld dime[siolal reouirements.
Table l7 r4.050-l
LimitMeasur€ment TvDe
3.500 sfMinimum lot area
4 uniLdacreDensitv. minimum
3 5 feetMarimum builtlbg
for more information).
'7 50/dMaximum sitg
15 feet
Garage entrance
15 feet
Minimum side
5 feet
PAMC 17.94.075
PAMC 17_94.120
PAMC I 7.94.080
Minimum side
setback (allev)
5 feet
Detached Accessorv Structure Requirements
0 feet from lot lines abuttins allev- exceDt 5 feet where a
Minimum rear
setback for accessery
D. Hospices.
E. Home occuoations.
F. Libraries.
G. Nursins and convalescent homes.
H. Public oarks and recreation facilities.
L Residential care facilities.
J. Utiliff buildines and structures.
K. Other uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.14.050 - Area. dimensional. and densitv reouirements.
A. The followinq area and dimensional requirements applv to all RMD zones:
PAMC 17.94.020
PAMC 17.94.030
PAMC 17.94.175
40 feet where all roof forms above 35 feet have a minimum
3: t2 roof oitch
In locatiotrs where stormwater runoff from structures.
drivewavs. sidewalks. oatios. and olher surfaces is manased on-
site. per the requirements of the Port Anseles Urban Services
Standards and Guidelines Manual Chapter 5. the oroiect is
exempt from site coveraee calculations (see PAMC 17.94.135
Minimum front
20 feet
Minimum rear
5 feet
Minimum side
srlb4ak {s@co
5 feet
Table 17.14.050-1
RMD zone area and onal reouirem€nts,
Nleasurement T\Te Reference and Additional Prorisions
0 feet from lot lines abuttine an alley. exceDt 5 feet where a
garage or carDort entrance faces the allev.
Not to exceed the
pnmary structure
buildine heisht
A 25% heisht bonus is available if the detac hed strucnrre is
within the buildins enveloDe uired of a princioal structure in
the zone that lhe orooerty is located.
Section 30. Ordinance No. 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.15. is repealed in its entirety
and replaced as follows:
structures in the rear
one-third of the lot
Minimum side
setback for accessory
structures io the rear
one-third of the lot
5 feet
Maximum buildine
Maximum buildine
Not to exceed the
primary structure
buildine footprint
17.14.060 - Off-street parkine.
Parkine shall be provided as required by chaote. 14.40 ofthe Port Aneeles Municioal code.
17.14.070 - Siss.
A. Permitted uses. Sipns not lareer than ten souare feet. lishted, but not flashine or intermittent.
One per building.
B. Conditional uses. Size and tvpe as soecified in 17.94.065 PAMC.17.14.0E0 - Desien
See the followins code sections for applicable desim standards:
1. Accessorv dwelline units: PAMC 17.21.020.
2. Cottaee housine: PAMC I 7.21 .030.
3. Duplexes: PAMC 17.21.M0.
4. Townhomes: PAMC 17.21 .050.
5. Multifamily and commercial design standards: Chapter 17.22 PAMC.
Chapter 17.15 - RIID - Residential Hieh Densitv
17.15.010 - Puroose.
This is a high densitv residential zone for multi-family dwelline structures. Some nonresidential
uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally. because ofpotential land use impacts
associated with nonresidential uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use oattem for the
Ciw's hieher density multi-family residential neigfiborhoods and are usuallv located in areas that
to the center and in close to
transportation routes.
17.15.020 - Permitted uses.
A. Accessory dwellins units.
Adult famil
C. Bed and breakfasts.
D. Child care
E. Child care facilitv.
F. Short term
G. Group livine.
H. Multifamil v dwellinss.
I. Sinele-househol d dwellines exis tine as of (INSERT ADO PTION DATE OF THIS
L. Cottase housins.
17.15.030 - Accessorv uses.
A. Exempted home occupations.
B. Garages and camorts.
C. Greenhouses. eazebos. storaee sheds. and similar accessory stmctures.
D. Swimminq pools and cabanas.
E. Private television satellite reception dishes.
F. Community recreation rooms and laundry rooms.
G. Playsroundequioment.
H. Manaeer's office.
L Other accessorv uses determined bv the Director of Community and Economic
Development to be compatible with the intent of this chaoter.
17.15.040 - Conditional uses.
Conditional uses must comolv with the minimum standards in PAMC 17.94.065.
A. Art ealleries. museums and aquariums.
B. Assisted livine facilities.
C. Community center.
D. Funeral homes and mortuaries.
E. Hospices.
F. Home occupations.
Section 32.
Section 31.Chapter 17.16. is repealed in its entirety.
Ordinance No. 2 I 09 as amended and Chapter I 7.20. is repealed in its entirety
and replaced as follows:
Chaoter 17.20 -Commercial Zones
17.20.010 - ChaDter purDose.
The p e of this chapter is to
lish the uses eenerallv tted in each zone which are compatible with the or,roose ofA. Estab
B. Promo
the zone and other uses allowed within the zone.
forms of developm ent that reinforce and/or enhance the desired character of Port
Ansel es business districts.
C. Promote compatibilitv between devel opments
D. Minimize environmental imDacts ofdevelooment.
G. Libraries.
H. Nwsine and convalescent homes.
I. Public parts and recreation facilities.
J. Residential care facilities.
K. Utilitv buildings and structures.
L. Other uses compatible with the intent of this chapter.
17.20.020 - Permitted uses.
A. Use Catesories.
l. In order to reeulate uses. cateeories ofuses have been established. Use cateeories provide
a systernatic basis for assimine land uses to aoorooriate cateeories with other similar
uses. Use catesories classi& land uses and activities based on common frmctional.
product, or phvsical characteristics.
2. Characteristics include the tJme and amount ofactivitv. the hours of operation. the tvpe of
customers or residents. how eoods or services are sold or delivered. likely impact on
surroundine properties. and site conditions.
3. Where a use cateeorv contains a list of included uses. the list is to be considered example
uses. and not all-inclusive. The Director has the resoonsibility for catesorizins all uses.
B. Princioal Uses. Allowed principal uses in commercial zones are listed in Table 17.20.020.
Principal uses are srouped into cateeories ofuses.
C. Accessory Uses. Accessorv uses are permitted in mnjunction with a permitted orincipal use
as determined by the Community and Economic Development Director to be compatible with
the intent of this chapter.
D. Temoorarv Uses. TemDorarv uses are allowed as established in PAMC 17.96.050.
E. Shoreline Master Pro sram within 200 feet of ordinarv hish water. Dermitted or conditional
uses must with the Shoreline Master Pro sram- as adooted and amended bv the Citv.
F. Key to the use table.
1 . Permitted Use (P). Where the letter "P'' annears in the use tables. the ect use ts
those that
but or other
TitIC 14 PAMC.
2. Conditional Use (C). Where the letter "C " apDears in the use tab les, the ect use is
ect to the use reuew c 17.94.
3. Use Not P ermitted ( ). Where no svmbol aooears in the use tables. the s use ls
orohibited in that zone.
4. Speci al Use Limitations (X). For uses containing a subscriot rxr. refer to the code
reference in the risht column next to the 1X\All le sovem
a use whether or not thev are cross -referenced.
5. Unclassified U ses. Where a use ls not classified in the use tables sections
f a use most in scale and level . Where
Director finds that there is no such similar the Director must make a on ln
writinq on whether the use be oermitted.v oermitted. or orohibited.
based on the followine
a. The oumose of the aoolicable zone.
b. The ofuses that are desipnated in Table 1'7 .20.020 as oermitted.tional
and prohibi ted within the appli le zone.
The scale
use and to uses ln
d. The twe. and oattern of vehicular traffrc for the use.
e. The ex outdoor uses and activities associated with the use.
and ue associated wi
Dwellins Udts
Single-household dwelline
Table 17.20.020
Principal uses oermitted in commercial zones
CA CSD CN CO Condition/ReferencePrincipal Use CBD
Existins sinele-household
date of this ordinance)
dwellins (as o fthe adoption
Accessorv dwellins unit I P P P PANTC 17.21.020
Coftaqe housins E-G)P rxr E-G)P rxr Only on lots that do not front
on Mixed block frontases (see
PAMC 17.21.030
PAM c 17.22.110\.
Duplex E-G)E-Gr L Gl P PAMC 17.21.040
rxt Only on lots that do not fiont
PAMC 17.22.110).
on Mixed block
Townhouse P P P Lrx)Maximum 6 attached
PAMC 17.21.050
Multifamily P P I I P
Suoportive Housing
Permanent supoortive
C C P E C Must be desisned as one ofthe
dwelline unit types permitted in
the zone.
Transitional housins P P B e C
the zone.
as one of the
Dermitted inunit
Must be desi
Emergency housinq P P e e s
shelter P P C C C
Group Living
I P P E P Must be desimed as one of the
dwelline unit tvpes permitted in
the zone.
Nursinq home P P P
Table 17.20.020
Princioal uses permitted in commercial zones
Principal Use CBD CA CSD CN CO Condition/Reference
Chapter 17.22 PAMC
Adult familv home
Assisted livine facility
Child Care
PPPPBChild care faciliw
B CPPLibraries. communitv
centers. museums.
P EBBPPublic parks and recreation
C s sPutility buildinss and
P txt
floor. a hish volume
s entance on a street
When located on the sround
oriented use adioinins the
bui ls
feet. except for breweries and
rxr M sq uareum 3.500 sross
P rxr I PArtisan manufacturing
Imoound vards
P s C
e PAMC 17.94.040Salvase and recycline
Self-service storase
Table 17.20.020
Princioal uses permitted in commercial zones
Princioal Use CBD CA CSD CN CO Condition/Reference
Child care provider
Conference centers
Fire stations
PAMC r7.94.040
Cold storase lockers
Hospital P
Medical offrces and
media offices
fessional busi P E P B P
Overnieht Lodgine
Hotels. motels, and hostels I P C e s
lndoor recreation P P
Indoor theater P P
Recreational camp!
Retail and Restaurants
P P P P e
Food and beverage
B P,v'P-G)P dewalk cafes, see Street
Use Ordinance No.2229 as
amended by 2350
itional when an all
that Drovides customer access
abuts residentiallv zoned
F S1or
r II
Table 17.20.020
Principal uses permitted in commercial zones
Principal Use CBD CA CSD CN CO Condition/Reference
Chernical dependency
keatment and detoxifi cation
Private educational servi ces
Bed and breakfasts
Short-term rental
Art eallery
sBoat sales
Aoolies to individual business
net floorRetail sales
P EP<10.000 feet NFA
10.000-49,square feet
rxr CUP not required for
buildine additions
l0% of
of uo to
net floor area.
P C rx,50.000-100.000 square
feet NFA
P>100,square feet NFA
tional when over
100.000 souare feet
PAMC 17.94.040
rxr Condi
net floor
P-G)Retail sales. heaw
P P PPEAnimal care
B P l B
CPCCFuneral homes and
P P EBL1x1Personalservlces
Transoortation Services
Ptx)rxr Auto body and paint shoos
and auto ensine reDair shops
are conditi onal.
Automotive service and
CPeCar wash
Ferry. seaplane, and
helicopter facilities
Table 17.20.020
Principal uses permitted in commercial zones
Principal Use CBD CA CSD CN CO Condition/Reference
Vehicle sales
PAMC t7.20.030(A)
Consumer qoods services
rxr Massaqe Darlors. saunas and
steam baths are conditional
Fuel station
E B C rxt rxr Must be accessory to a
convenience or g'ocery store
Transit center E P P
Parkins lots
a principal use)
garages (as Ilx)P P P E
garagesrxr Structured
Vehicle rental B
P rxr rxr Boat seryice facilities are a
conditional use
17.20 .030 - Suoolemental use
A. Animal care.
l.No of refuse or dead is allowed.
house AMC on theI
see the keeoins orovisions of tle 7 PAMC.
3. The on of the buildins structure in which are keDt or must be
mechanically ventilated and soundproofed.
4. Prior to tation must be nro vided bv a oualifiedof a buildins oermit-
acousti cal consultant. for bv the Director. veri that the exoected noise to be
emanatinp from the use comoli es with the standards forth in WAC I for a
Class B DroDertv and a Class A ving orooertv.
5. Outdoor area standards.
a. All exercise areas and runs be fenced for the safe of
b. A minimum of 15 feet wide Tvoe A landscaoins must be established alons anv
to exercise or w abuts a
c. No animal mav be outdoors between the hours of I 1:00 o.m.6:00 a.m. exceDt for
bodil functions
17.20.040 -Dimensional standards.
Table 17.20.020
Principal uses oermitted in commercial zones
Principal Use CBD CA CSD CN CO Condition/Reference
Lot Dimensions
mlnlmum area
See P use
uate to provide
C 17.21.050 for
uired setbacks
All newl lots musta1&S{x)5.000Minimum lot area
(square feet)
AMC 17.21.050 for townhouse
See P504050Minimum lot
width ( feet)
75 ut80 rxr 80 rxr 80 rxrMaximum site
Buildine Heieht
40 4555Maximum
buildine heieht.
PAMC 17.20.070Maximum
buildine heieht.
Does not aDDlv to civic or o
retail structures less
than 2,000 square feet, or existins
st 4,
Setbacks (feet)
Tatrle 17.20.040
Commercial zone dimensional standards.
Standard CBD CA CSD CN CO Condition/Reference
, v' Where stormwater runoff from
structures. drivewavs. sidewalks.
patios. and other surfaces is
managed on-site per the
requirernents of the Port Angeles
Urban Services Standards and
Guidelines Manual Chapter 5. the
oroject is exernpt from the site
coveraee limit (see PAMC
17.94.135 for more information).
75 45
buildine heisht
Front setback.
0 0 0 a 15
Front setback.
garaqe or carport
0 a a a 20
Side street 0 a 0 a 5
Interior side
0- 15
0- 15
0- 15
rzr Townhouses are exernpt from side
t. However. townhouse
must meet aoolicable side
standards for adjacent lots outside
of the development.
a residential
intemal to a
rvr 15' when abu
Rear setback.
mlnlmum (x)
0-15 0-15
(x) (Y)
l5 l5
(x) Loading structutes must be
(n 15' when abutting an alley or
residential zone
See PAMC 17.22 .2 l0 for side and
ack options andbset
15' from an y alley
rear vard
Minimum rear
oG)otx)0111 q Lxl 5 l5' from any alley or adiacent
residential zone
Table 17.20.040
Commercial zone dimensional standards.
Standard CBD CA CSD CN CO Condition/Reference
See Chaoter 17.22 PAMC. Article II
Block Frontase Standards. for other
front setback requirements.
PAMC 17.94.120
Applies only to private residential
garages and carports
See PAMC 17.22.210 for side and
r"- y-d ."tba"k optioro .-d
rxr l0' when abuttins a residential
Detached Accessorv Structure Requirements
5 rx)
residential zone
l5' from anv allev or adiacentAs)S-G)Srx)oGlMinimum side
setback for
structures in the
rear one-third of
the lot
Not to exceed the primary structure
building height
building height
Not to exceed the primary structure
building footprint
building footprint
17.20.060 -standards.
A. Sisrs. Si must comolv with ChaDter 14 .3 6P AMC.
B. Off-street oarkins. See ChaDter 14.40 PAMC.
C. Desisn s . Commercial and multi v develoDment must comD v with Chapter
t't.22 P AMC.
D. Landscapins. See PAMC 17 .22, Article V Landscaoine Standards.
Table 17.20.040
Commercial zone dimensional standards.
Standard CBD CA CSD CN CO Condition/Reference
17.20.050 - Measurements and exceotions.
See Chaoter 17.94 PAMC for the followine provisions:
A, Minimum lot area reduction and exceptions.
B. Exception to minimum side vard setback.
C. Permitted intrusions into required yards.
D. Lot coveraqe exernptions.
E. Exceptions to heieht requirement.
F. Other deviations. exceptions. variances. and adjustments'
17.20.070 - Buildins heisht bonus standards
A. Purpose, To offer flexibilitv to allowable heisht in s[atesic zones in exchanee for affordable
forms ofhousing or a preater diversiV ofunit sizes.
B. Aoplicabilitv.
l The provisions of this section are optional.
2. The bonus incentive provisions of this chapter apply to zones with heieht bonuses
established in PAMC 17.20.040.
C. Bonus ootions.meetinq one of the followine incenti ves standards oualifu for
the maximum heisht with bon as set forth in Table 17 .20.040
l. Particioation in the 12-year affordable option of the Prooertv T Exernptions for Multi-
Familv Housins oro (Chaoter 17.46 PAMO.
2. At least 25 of the total dwellins units contain 600 so feet or less of qross
floor area-
3. At least ten Dercent ofthe total dwell ne units contain three or more bedrooms.
D. Recordins. Prior to buildins oermit issuance. a buildins heisht apneement in a form
the Director and Ci A m rded with the Clallam Coun
Auditor'S o ffice as a covenant runnine with the land bindinp on the aoolicant. DroDertvand
owner. asslgns.heirs, and successors.
Section 33. Ordinance No.2797 as amended and Chapter 17 .21 . is repealed in its entirety
and replaced as follows:
Chaoter 17.21 - Residential InIiIl Desim Standards
17.21.010 - Small lot sinele.household.
A. Aoolicability. The statrdards herein applv to all sinele household dwellines on a lots l"rt
than 5.000 souare feet in area created after December 2l . 2021 .
B. Purpose:
1 To provide ooportunities for creative. diverse. and hiqh-quality infill development that is
compatible with existine neishborhoods.
2. To promote housins affordability and lreater choice by encouraeine smaller and more
diverse home sizes in accordance with the Port Aneeles Comprehensive plan.
3. To support more efficient use of urban residential land.
4. To orovide usable open space for residents.
5. To de-emphasize earaees and driveways as maior visual elements along the street.
6. To promote architectural varietv that adds visual interest to the street and neiqhborhood.
Alley access and
parldng ln the rear
Minimum usable
one new tree
open space equal
to I0% of lot area
Front porch or
covered entry
minimum 3'x 3'
C. Drivewav access and sarase standards.
l. All saraees and on -sl te oarkine must be accessible from the allev (see PAMC 14.40.045
for parkinq reduction tools).
prevent cars from protruding
ividual or units all drivew must be desi
into allevs. Such drivewavs must be either less than
five feet lone or loneer than 20 feet,
measured along the centerline of the driveway
Figure 17.21.010(8)
Small lot single-household examples'
4Fltf .1.G
II _1_t _
D. Entrv stan dards.
l. For new dwellines. the facade facine the street must be desisn ed as the front of the
dwelline with a ori marv building entrance and a covered p edestrian entry, such as a
covered porch or recessed entry, with minimum weather orotection ofthree feet by three
2. Clear and obvious estrian access between the sidewalk the buildins entrv is reouired
for new dwellinss.
Small lot entrv configuration examnles.
Fieure 17.21 .010(D)
E. Minimum useable ooen space standards.
I ' Everv lot must provide a useable open space equivalent to at least ten percent of the lot
area at the side or rear of the dwelline. *ith a minimum dimension of 15 feet on all sides
of the useable open soace. For example. a 3.500 souare feet lot would require a
contizuous open space ofat least 350 square feet. porches and patios may be used to
fulfill this requirement provided they are part of an open space that meets the minimum
dimension re{ uirement.
2. If the rear edee of the usable open space is within five feet of an alley. any fence betweel
the rear edse and the alley must be limited to four feet in heisht exceot where the oortion
of the fence between four and six feet in heigtrt is at least 50 oercent transparent.
3. Driveways do not count in the calculations for usable open space.
4. LID stormwater BMPS. like rain gardens. mav be intesrated in up to 25 percent of the
minimum required usable open space area.
5. Additions must not create or increase any nonconformity with this standard.
Fieure 17.21,010(E)
Small lot ooen space examples.
4,900 SF Lot
490 5F Open Space Requir€d
3,500 SF Lot
350 SF Open Space Required
St!! l
820 SF
Open Sp.ce
Ooen sDace in the rear of a small lot
inteqratins a l0'xl0'DOr ch and a wal
to an all -facin s detached sarase.
Open space sUITO unded bv this fence is both
too narrow and awkwardly located to be
625 SF Usable
Op€n Space Y'.liiit,
Acceptable Examole
Unacceptable Example
F. Tree standards. Trees must be inteprated into new small lot sinele-household developments
at the time ofoccuDancv at the rate one tre€ per lot.
I . Trees mav be either coniferous or deciduous.
2. Required trees must not be located in public riqht-of-way (see Chapter 1 1.13 PAMC for
street tree standards).
3. See PAMC 17.22. Article V Landscapine Standards. for related landscapine plans.
installation. and maintenance standards.
17.21.020 - Accessorv dwellins unit (ADU),
A. Purpose. The pumose ofan accessory dwellins unit is to:
l. Add affordable units to existins housine and make housine units available to peoole who
misht otherwise have difficulty findins homes within the citv.
2. Promote the development ofadditional housine options in residential neishborhoods that
are approoriate for people at a variety ofstages of their lives,
3. Provide homeowners with a means ofobtainine. throuqh tenants in either the accessorv
dwelline unit or the orincipal residence. rental income. companionship, or securitv.
4. Protect neishborhood stability. propertv values. and the character of the neiqhborhood.
B. Standards. An ADU. in any zone. must complv with the followine development standards:
l. Confizuration. An ADU may be located either within. attached to. or detached from a
primarv structure housine a primary sinele-household dwelling.
2. Density. Only one ADU may be created in coniunction with each sinele-household
dwellins. The ADU must be located on the same zonine lot as the sinsle-household
3. Minimum lot size. An ADU must not be established on any parcel smaller than 3.500
square feet.
4. Maximum unit size. The ADU must not exceed 50 oercent ofthe gross floor area ofthe
primary sinele-household dwelling. not including a detached earaee and/or a detached
accessorv buildine. or 600 souare feet. whichever is larger. The unit may not be more
than one-bedroom.
5. Setbacks. heieht. and site coveraee. ADUs must complv with the site coveraee. heisht.
and setback requirernents of the zone.
6. Scale and ,.isual subordination. The ADU must be visually subordinate to the orimury
unit. If the ADU is located within an existine residence. there can only be one main
entrance located on the primarv street-facine facade of the sinsle-family residential
structure. unless the residence contained additional entrances before the ADU was
proposed. Detached ADU's and entrances that do not have access from the eround. such
as an entrance from a balconv or deck. are exernpt from this standard.
7. Parkins. The off-street parkins reouirements set forth in Chapter 14.40 must be provided
and maintained for the orimary dwelline. No additional parkine is required for an ADU.
8. Addressine. A separate address must be created for the ADU.Fizure 17.20.010(A)
Detached accessorry dwelling unit examples.
17.21.030 - Cottaee housine.
A. Aoplicabilitv. The standards herein aoplv to all cottaee housins developments.
B. Puroose:
1. Provide opportunities for creative. diverse and hiph-qualitv infill development that is
compatible with existine neiehborhoods.
2. Promote housins affordability and ereater choice by encouragine smaller and more
diverse home sizes in accordance with the Port Anseles Comprehensive Plan.
3. Suoport compatibilitv with existine neishborhoods bv promotine hish-qualitv desim.
4. Support more efficient use of urban residential land.
5. Enhance the character ofthe residential neiehborhood.
6. Provide usable open space for residents.
1,200 SF max. f,oor ara
7 Supoort protection of environmentally sensitive area amenities
Fieure 17.21.030(B)(l)
Cottage housing example with kev standards.
400 SF / unit with l5'>min- dimensions
Pri\i'ate open space
Private internal access road with
parking (open and enclosed)
placed to t}re side of comages
Cottages with porches facing
common open sPace
Connected internal
pathway system
6' min. separation
between cottages
Shared community
sve minimum lot
they comply th density and desien standards herein.
D. Densitv standard. Due to the relative size of cottase units. each maY be
counted as one- third a dwellins unit for the oumose of culatins densitv. For examole. a
of six valent dwell unl
E. Minimum and maximum number of cottases.
l. Cottaee e develooments must contain a minimum of three cottases
2. Three to 12 cottase structures mav make cluster. There is no limita the number of
clusters orovided all other standards are met.
3. In the R7 . RMD. and RHD zones.attached duolex cottases are allowed.
4. Accessorv dwell lnp unl ts are not Dermitted in cottase housins devel exceDt as
in subsection
F. Setbacks and standards.
1. The minimum setbacks set forth in Chaoters 17.10 throueh 17.20 PAMC aoolv to the
development side and rear DroDertv lines of the
and extemal
entire cottase
Fieure 17.21.030(BX2)
Cottaqe housing site plan example.
\/<i "
2. lndividual buildines must be seoarated from each by at least six feet.
Pemitted oroiections into required side setbacks in the zonins chapters (Chapters I 7.10
throueh 17.20 PAMC ) apply.
3. Cottases must be setback at least five feet from anv intemal walkway. Permitted
oroiections into reouired front setbacks also aoolv.
4. Cottaees must be setback at least ten feet from any shared access drives that provide
access to four or more cottaqes. For access lanes servins less than four cottases. at least
five feet of seoaration is required between access lanes and cottages. Permitted
proiections into required front setbacks also apply for setbacks to shared access drives
see PAMC 17.94.12
G. Buildins h t standards.
l. Co ttases have a maximum buildins hei sh t of 25 feet. All oarts of the roof above l8 feet
must be Ditched with ami nimum roof slope of 6:12.
2. The heisht of accessory structures in cottase housins devel is limited as
nrescribed in the underlvins zone.
H. Cottase size standards. Co must contain no m than 1.200 souare lross floor
area- no t includine attached garages.
I. Entrv and oorch standards.
1 . Clear and obvious access between the sidewalk and the buil dine entrv is
required for new d wellings.
2 Porches. Coftase facades faci s the commo n onen or common internal walkwav
must fea a roofed porch at I 70 souare feet in size with a minimum dimension of
seven feet on any side. The reo uired oorch does not count as Drivate oDen for the
or dimension
provide a seDarate
s of su L Co a street must
entrv facine the street which is covered with minimum weather
J. Facade
protection of three feet by three feet.
transDarencv standa . Transoarent window s and/or doors are reo uired on at least
eieht oercent of facades featurine the primarv entrance and facing streets and common open
spaces. For comer lots,this standard is onlv aoo lied to the buildine elevation containine the
pEIIrary entrance.
K. Common ooen s pace standards.
l Minim um size. Common ooen soace must be at least 400 souare feet Der cottase.
2. Minimum dimensions. Common oDen sDace m ust h ave no dimension less than 15 feet.
Areas used to meet Drivate oDen sDace reo uirements Isee subsection (L)lowl mav not
be double-counted as common oDen sDace.
3. Elernents.oDen sDace mav include a lawn- courtv ard olaza- sarden. or other
shared central ooen soace and may not include parkine areas. Common oDen sDace must
be useable and mav not i
ffers. includine steeonclude critical areas or critical area bu
slooes. LID stormwater B MPs. like rain s-m av bei nteprated in uo to 25 oercent of
the minimum required usable open sDace area.
4. Orientation. Common oDen sDace must have cotta ges abuttina on at least two si des. At
least 50 ofthe cottases in each ho usins cluster must abut common oDen
space. Cotta abuttins the common ooen soace must be oriented around and have the
Drimary entrance face the common oDen sDace
5. Access. Co ttases must be within 100 feet wal kins dis tance of the common oDen sDace
and feature a direct oed ES trian connection to the common oDen sDace
L. Shared communitv buildines stendards.
A shared communiw buildine mav be inte srated into the common oDen sDace areaI
required in subsection (J) above ut must not be incl in the minimum comm on oDen
sDace area culations
2. Non-residential use. A shared communi buildins mav include uses such as notbut
limited to multi -numo enlertalnm ent on center kitchen.li hrarvsnace recreatiASE
storage sDace. workshoD, or simil ar amenities that Dromo te shared use and a sense of
communitv. Co mmercial uses other than child care are orohibited.
3. Residen tial use. A shared communiw buildi ns mav contain one attached
dwelline unit (see PAMC 17.21.020).
4. Heisht. Shared communl tv buildinss ha ve a maximum bui ldins heisht of 25 feet. A11
parts ofthe roof abo vel 8 feet must be ched with a mini mum roof sloDe of 6'.12.
5. Size.Shared communi tv buildinss have a maximum sround fl oor footorint of 1.200
square feet.
6 standards for the hei sht and size ex ons identified in subsections 4-5)(
above. shared comm unitv buildin ss are subiect to the acc es structure s tandards in the
zontng nters (17.10 thro 17.2U.
M. Private open sDace standards.
1. Minimum size. The minimum private oDen sDace adiacent to each cottase must be at least
200 sq feet with no dimens ion less than ten feet.
2. Access.The orivate ooen soace must have direct access from the cottase vi a a door or
3. Location. The orivate open space is encouraqed to be I ocated between the and the
common sDace.
4. Private ooen space must be useable and may not include critical areas or critical area
buffers. incl s steeD sl ODES
N. Access and parking standards,
1. Drivewav and access reouirernents are in PAM c 17.22.240.
s standards are set forth in Chap2. Off-street Darkin
ter 14.40 PAMC.
located between the and cottases nor between cottases and common oDen sDace.
4. Parkins and access lanes must be screened from adiacent residen uses bv landscaoins
or architectural screens. For parkins areas and access abutti ne residential uses. at least
five feet ofTyoe-A. B. or C Landsca (see Chapter 17 .22 PAMC. Article V
Landscaoins S ) must be orovided between the oarkine area and the abuttins
residential use
5. Parkine is enco uraged to be consolidated under cover. Uncovered parkine must be
located in clusters ofnot more than five ad oi-ning spaces (except where adiacent to an
allev). Drivewav in front oforivate sarases are exemDt from this provision
6 G arases with a footorint of uD to 3 00 SO uare feet may be attached to ind ividual cottases
provided all other s tandards herein are met. Such sarases do not count toward the size
limit of cottases Such garages must not be located adiacent to the common open sDaces.
O. Landscapin g standards. Cottases in the RMD and RH D zones must meet the frontage
reouirements of PAMC 17.22.435.
P. Tree stan ards. Trees must be intesrated into cottase develoom ents at the time of
occuD an cv at the rate one tree Der unlt
l. Trees may be either coniferous or deci duous.
trees must not be I ted in oublic risht-o f-wav (see Chaoter I 1 .13 PAMC for2. Reo
tree standards
See PAMC 17.2 Article V
installation. and maintenance standards.
tandards for rela lans
3. Parkine areas must be located to the side or rear ofcottaee clusters. Parkine must not be
17.21.040 - Duplex.
A. Apolicabilitv. The standards herein applv to all duplex development within the CiW unless
otherwise noted herein.
B. Puroose:
I . To provide oooortunities for creative. diverse. and hish-qualitv infill develooment that is
comoatible with existine neiqhborhoods.
2. To promote housine affordabili8 and ereater choice by encouraqine smaller and more
diverse home sizes in accordance with the Port Anseles Comprehensive plan.
3. To support more efficient use of urban residential land.
4. To provide usable open soace for residents.
5. To de-ernphasize garases and driveways as major visual elements alone the street.
6. To promote architectural varietv that adds visual interest to the street and neishborhood.
C. Drivewav access and qarage standards.
I . Where duplexes are on lots served by alleys. all new garaees and on-site parking must be
accessible from the allev.
Sinele-ld to duolex con versions and duolex els and additions mav not
lncrease any non -conformitv with the standards herein.
4. No more than 50 percent of anv enound floor facade ma v be occupied by a and
detached eara ees and all must not protrude bevond the front bui ldins facade.
This limit v be increased to a maximum of 65 t orovided at least three of the
follo desien details are utilized:
a. A decorative trellis over at least the entire wi dth of the earase door(s)
b.A w or windows ol above the garase on a second story or attic wgll
c. A balcon y that extends o ut over the driveway
d. Utili zins all sinsle-vehicle sarase doors as an altemative to wider gara sedo ors
suitable for two-car ges.
e. Windows in the sarase door.
ve details on the sarase door. S tandard souares on a garage door will notf.
qualifo as a decorative detail I Fizure 17.21 .04 Y4)6)1.
Sinele-household to duolex conversi ons and duolex s and additions mav not
2. When no allevs are oresent or alley access is not feasible due to extreme topoqraohy' the
followine standards aooly:
a, Side- and rear-facinq oarkins areas and garages are encourased.
b. When located on a comer lot. both streets must be utilized for vehicle access. Ifone
street is classified as a collector or arterial. onlv the side street must be utilized for
vehicle access. Drivewavs must be located as far from the street comer as feasible.
3. Street-facine drivewavs for duolexes are limit€d to:
a. One 20-feet wide (maximum) &iveway: or
b. Two l2-feet wide (maximum) driveways provided the driveways are soaced at least
20 feet apart.
increase any non-conformitv with the standards herein'
Shared drivewql no
more than 20 feet wide
Garage doors may
occuPy no more
than 50% of the
ground level facade
:S wider than
of two drivewavs each less 12 feet wide.
Fieure 17.21.040(CX4)(a)
Acceptable and unacceotable examoles of duplex drivewav/garage configurations.
If-l .d rrl [_L
Left: Standard squares on a sarase door that do not oualifu as a decorative detail.Risht
Hardware and Dattem on a detail.ualifu as a decorativedoor that do
fieure 17.21.040 (CX4Xb)
D. Entrv standards.
l. For new duplex developments. the facade facins the street must be desisred as the front
ofthe dwelline with a primary buildine entrance and a covered pedestrian entry. such a
covered porch or recessed entry. with minimum weather protection of three feet by three
2. Clear and obvious pedestrian access between the sidewalk and the buildine entry is
required for new dwellinss.
E. Minimum useable oDen sprce stendards. The provisions herein are onlv required for new
duplexes and not reouired for sinsle household to duplex conversions and remodels to
existing duolexes.
l. All new duplex developments must provide usable open space with a collective size
eoual to ten oercent of the lot area- with a minimum dimension of 15 feet on all sides. For
examole. an 8.000 square feet lot would require at least 800 square feet ofusable open
space. Usable open soace may be a sinqle larse space or separate spaces.
2. Where the usable open space is located within a front yard setback. the open soace must
be defined with a fence. hedee. or wall between 18 and 36 inches tall (meetine the
standards of PAMC 17.94.140 and the siqht obstruction heisht limits of the Port Angeles
Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual when near an intersection). See Fiqure
17.21.040(D) for an example.
3. If the rear edee of the usable open space is within five feet of an allev. any fence between
the rear edse and the alley must be limited to four feet in heigfit. except where the portion
of the fence between four and six feet in heieht is at least 50 percent transoarent.
Cm0t6rs Leble op.n rp..e
. Rieht: Useableinto the front vard ofa duolexminimum useable ooen snaceLeft: Intesra
E. Tree stand ards. Trees must be intesra into new duplex at the time of
an at the rate d lex unit tw
trees are not required for sinele household to duplex conversions.
ex buildi The
1 Trees mav be either coniferous deciduous.
2. Required trees must not be located in pub lic rieht-of-wav (see Chaoter 11.13 PAMC for
street tree standards).
See PAMC 17.
installation. and maintenance standards.
17.21.050 - Townhouse.
A. Annlicabilitv
S for
. The standards herein aonlv to al I townhouse developments.
B. Purpose:
l. To orovide oooortunities for creative, diverse, and hieh-quality
compatible with existine nei shborhoods.
infill development that is
4. Unenclosed decks. porches. oatios. and entries may be used as a oart of the usable ooen
space, provided they are a part of a space that meets the standards herein.
5. LID stormwater BMPs, like rain eardens. mav be intesrated in up to 25 oerc€nt of the
minimum required usable ooen space area.
6. Driveways do not count in the calculations for usable open space.
7. Additions must not create or increase anv nonconformity with this standard.
Fieure 17.21.040(E)
Examole of integratinq a duolex's minimum usable open space.
open soace in the side yard of a duplex.
2. To promote housine affordabiliw and greater choice by encouagine smaller and more
diverse home sizes in accordance with the Port Aneeles Comprehensive Plan.
3. To suDDort more efficient use of urban dential land
4. To provide usable soace for residents.
5. To sarases and dri AS maior visual elements s the street.
6. To reduce the apoarent bulk and scale oflarge buildines.
T archi visual interest
C. Dimensional standards for townhouses are modified from the zone-based standards
elsewhere in this title. as listed in Table 17.21 .050.
D. Drivewav access and glrage standards.
I . Where townhouses are on lots served by alleys. all saraees and on-site parkine must be
accessible from the alley.
')Where no allev 1S nresent or al lev access is not feasible drre to extreme hv
ADDlies to the entire townhouse not individual units
and lots
Lot size
No minimumLot width
Interior side setback
Applies to the entire townhouse develooment. not individual units
and lots
All other setbacks
Site coveraqe ADDlies to the entire townhouse not individual units
and lots
townhouse buildinss with two units must comDlv with the d uolex drivewav of
PAMC 17.21.040(8).
3 Where no allev IS nresent or llev access is not feasible dlre to extrerne sranhv
townhouse es with three or more ts must use one of the s methods:
a. Method A.a shared access drive to sarases in the rear meetins the followine
i. Shared drivewavs have a maximum width of 20 feet and must meet tumins radii
and other standards of the city-adooted International Fire Code.
ii. Minimum buil seDaration alone intemal drive must be 24 feet.
Proiections into this minimum buildins seDaration standard oermitted for each
buildine consistent with the interior side
setback oroiections referenced in PAMC
Table 17.21.050(C)
Townhouse dimensional standards.
0 feet between individual townhouse units
17 .94.120. The oumose is to orovide adequate vehicularlumine radius, allow for
landscaoins elemen tS on at least one and orovide adeouate lisht and air on
both sides of the dwelline units and vehicle areas, which often function as usable
ooen sD ace residents.
b. Method B. Provide individual saraees and dri veways access from a local street
meetins the foll owing standards:
i. Individual sarases and drivewavs are wider than 12 feet and drivewavs have a
minimum lensth of 20 feet.
ii. The driveway is no more than 50!€[cerrl[ of the width of the townhouse unit (for
example, a 12 feet wide driveway requires a minimum 24 feet wide townhouse
E En trv standards.
l. The facade facins the street must be desisned as the front of the dwellins with a nrimarv
buildine entrance and a covered pedestrian entrv. such as a covered porch or recessed
entry. with minim um weather protection of three feet by three feet.
2. Clear and obvious pedestrian access between the sidewalk and the townhouse entrv is
3. For townhouses pedestrian access is orovided from an ley or private internal
vehicular access buil ss must emDhasize individual oedestrian
garaees bv usine both of the followine measures:
entrances over Drivate
Fisure 17.21.050(D)
Townhouse develoDment examoles using rear vehicular access.
T -1 tr -..l
Fieure 17.21.050(E)
Acceotable and unacceptable examples of townhouse entrv conlisurations from allevs
or orivate internal vehicular access.
The left example features a I andscaoed area and a
imase. the balconies and lands caped areas de-ern ohasize the earag e. In the risht imaee. the
lack of land scaoine near the entries would not be allowed (where this is the nrimarv
pedestrian entrv to the unit)
. In the middletrellis to hiehlisht the en
a. Enhance entries with a trellis. small porch. or other architectural features that orovide
cover for a oerson enterine the unit and a transitional soace between outside and
inside the dwellins.
b. Provide a olanted area in front of each pedestrian entry of at least 20 souare feet in
area. with no dimension less than four feet.
Altemative desims will be considered. provided they meet the puroose of the standards.
F. Minimum useable ooen space standards. Townhouse dwelline units must provide open
space at least equal to ten oercent of the gross floor area. The required open space may be
orovided by one or more of the followins:
I . Private s'ound level open soace that is directly adiacent and accessible to dwellins units.
Such space must have minimum dimensions ofat least 10 feet on all sides. Street
setbacks may be used to meet this standard. provided they are defined with a fence
(meetins standards of PAMC 17.94.140
2. Balconies. roof decks. or porches.
3. Shared open space that meets the desien requirements of PAMC 17.22.220. provided
such space is visible and directlv accessible to townhouse dwelline units'
4. LID stormwater BMPs. like rain sardens. may be intesrated in up to 25 percent of the
minimum required usable ooen space area.
lndividual private open spaces for one unit that exceed the open soace standards may not be
used to help meet the ooen space standards for other dwelling units. Shared open soaces that
meet the standards ofsubsection (EX3) ofthis section. however. may be used to supplement
G. Buildins articulation. Townhouse buildinss must meet the facade culation standards for
und level oDen sDace and balconies. Risht: Townhouse
DN sroLeftvatewithTownhouses
multifamil buildi as P 7 .32
Section 34.Ordinance No. 2797 as amended and Chapter 17 .22. is repealed in its entirety
and replaced as follows:
private open spaces meetine subsections (E)(l) and (EX2) ofthis section to help dwelline
units meet the usable open space standards herein.
Fisure 17.21.050(F)
Townhouse oDen sDace location and examples.
Illustratins optional locations for intesratine usable ooen space. includine front yard (left).
rooftop deck (center). and balcony (risht).
t-I :I 71
Article I - Purpose and A pplicabilitr
Chapter 17.22 - Commercial and Multifamilv Desisn Standards
17.22.010 - Puroose,
The purpose of these commercial and multifamily desim standards is to imolernent the soals and
policies ofthe Port Aneeles Comprehensive Plan and the objectives ofeach zone as provided in
this title. The pu{pose ofthis chapter is to:
A. Promote a diverse mix of retail. housine. office. and civic land uses and a eenuine sense of
place in Port Anseles.
B. Encourage develooment that is pedestrian-oriented and human-scale in an aesthetically
attractive, energ.v efficient. easily accessible. and economicallv healthy environment.
C. Include diverse retail and service uses. hisher densitv residential housins. a network of
oedestrian-oriented streets, and a hieh de€ree of connectiviW for all modes oftravel.
D. Enhance Port Aneeles' visual character.
I 7.22.020 - Applicabilitv.
A. New development.
l The provisions of this chapter sovem all new multifamilv. commercial. and other non-
residential development within the RMD. RHD. CBD. CSD. CA. CN. and CO zones.
2. Townhouse Exceotion. The orovisions ofthis chapter do not apolv to townhouses.
exceot for orovisions that expressly use the word "townhouse" or "townhouses-" and
such provisions are applicable to townhouses in the RMD. RHD. CBD. CSD, CA. CN.
and CO zones. 3.
B. Relationship to other codes, Where provisions of this chapter conflict with provisions in
any other section of the Port Anseles Municioal Code (PAMC). this chapter prevails unless
otherwise noted.
17.22.025 - Applicabilitv to remodels.
1. Small Remodel. Any construction that is (1) outside the Central Business District and (2)
increases the qross floor area ofa buildine by less than 2570. on a cumulative basis. is
exempt from the requirements of this Chapter 17.22.
2. Limited Rernodel. Anv construction that increases the pross floor area of a buildine bv
25%o or more (or is located inside the Central Business District) but not more than 1007o.
on a cumulative basis. is exempt {iom this Chapter 17.22's requirements (1) related to the
existine oortion ofthe building where no exterior changes are oroDosed. and (2) that
would require repositionins the buildine or reconfisurine the site.
3. Mai or Remodel. An construction that increases the pross floor area of a buildi ns b
more than 100%, on a cumulative basis. must follow all the requirements of this Chaoter
4. Cumulative Basis means the cumulative increase in buildi nq goss floor area is the net
increase in gross floor area ofa buildins that is created through construction within a
three year lons window of time measured from issuance of Certificate of OccuDancy or
its equivalent.
5. In the event of any uncertainty, the Communi ty and Economic Development Director
makes the final decision whether a oroiect is a Small Rernodel . Limited Reraodel, or
Maior Remodel.
17.22.030 - How the provisions of this chaDter a re applied,
The provisions ofthi S ter are additional to the underl nu zofllng standards (oermitt ed use S.
setbacks - huil di hei shts-etc.Mo secti ons within this cha nter herein e the followis)s t incl ns
A. Pumo se statements. which are ov erarch ins obiectives.
B. Guidelines use word s srrch as "should" or "i s/are recommended " or "en couraqed"
sienifoins vol tary measures
C. Standards use words such as''must"and "is/are required," siqnifuine mandatory actions
1. Some standards are easilv ouantifiable. whil e others orovide a level ofd iscretion to the
applicant in how they are complied with. In the latter case. the applicant must
demonstrate to the Director. in writins. ho w the choices made for the de velopment meets
the numos e of the standard.
2.D eoartures mav be allo wed for sDec ific standards in this Chanter 17.22 PAMC. Thev
allow altemative desi provided the Community and Economic Development Director
determines the resulti ng design and overall development meets the "pumose" of the
standards and other applicable criteria.See PAMC 17.22.040 for related procedures
associated with departures
7.22.040 - Deoartures.I
A. Pumose. A number of soecific departure ities to the desiex standards contained in
this chaoter are Dro vided. Deoarture oooortunities are sisn aled bv the caoitalized word
DEPARTURE or the svmbol. The oumose is to Dro vide aDD licants with the ootion of
proDosing altemative design treatments. when they can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Director that it is equal to or better than the standard , Drovided such departures meet the
"Dumo se" of the cular standard. and anv additional rel departure criteria.
B. Reouests for deoartures are voluntary. This pro vision allows the flexibility for applicants to
Dropose altemative designs on a voluntary basis.
C. Applicabilitv. Deoarture oooortunities are available onl
y where noted for specific standards.
D. Procedures. Permit that include departure requests are administratively
and the aooroval decision is made bv the Director.
E. Aoproval teria. Proiect aDDlicants must v demonstrate to the how the
proposed meets the oumose(s) of the standard. and other departure
criteria that applies to the soecific standard.
F. Documentation. The Director must document the reasons for approving all departures within
by the city.
17.22.100 - Purpose.
li records for the
A. To desi sn sites and orient inss with an on comoatible devel and
creating a comfortable walking environment.
B. To de standards that reco sm7_e the need for a f oedestrian-ori blocko
DetailsBlock Frontase Tvpe
Special transparencv. weather
Drotection. and entrv reouirernents.
Minimum commercial
to the street.
No new
soace heisht and
Groundlevel narkins olaced to the side
or rear ofbuildinss.
Landscapine to soften facades ofnon-
Minimum facade transparencv
storefronts and
reo uirernents per use and setback.
oarkins areas.
Storefront or Frontases
Article II - Block Frontase Standards
Table 17.22.105
Summarv of block frontase standards.
t0 allowed
caDe Frontases
Storefiont or to soften facades ofnon-
Minimum facade transo arency
reouirernents per use and setback.
s lot locationN
ine standards).
o restrictions on
(exceDt for lands
17.22.110 - Block frontase ation maos an d tions.
A. Aoolica tion of map and block frontage tions.
ew multifamilv and non-residential develoomen t within the CBD. CSD.CA. CN. and1.N
CO zones in P ort Anseles are subiect to the block frontase standards in sections PAMC
I 7.100- l 7 0 based on the block frontase snation of the street.as illustrated in the
fisure s in this section.
2. For multifamilv and non-residential development in the RHD and RMD zones. the
standards for landscaped block frontases apply.
1 Civic blic nt frnrn the block tendardchrrilrlinocand hotels are exem S
provided the buildine and site design meet the followine obiectives:
a Enliven the edestrian environment alons the adiacent sidewalks.D
b. Incomorate a t and invitine entrv visible fiom the street. If the site has
multiol street frontases. the entrv must be visible at least one street.
g. The site and building desim stand out from the surro undins context as a distinct
landmark and Drovides visual interest &om all observable scales.
4 These block frontase standards do not anolv to townhouses.
B. Mao uodates. The block frontase desisnation mao will be uodated ordinance by the City
Council as necessary to reflect new streets and other adiustments.
C. Undesipnated streets. Ifa street is not desi as Storefront. Mixed. or Landscaped block
17.22.1 50 for aoolicable standards.
frontase. See section PAMCfrontage then it is automatically classified as a "Basic" block
Table 17.22.105
Summary of block frontage standards.
Ground-level parkine placed to the side
or rear of buildines.
Landscapine to soften facades and
buffer parkinq areas.
Minimum facade transparency
requirernents per use and setback.
q,!r - ooo or . rx
llo<t frnrt t 3l-trdqr
NorE Basic
\ x,sr'v,u,r,.y/ ssr.! corn .r
Fieure 17.22.1l0(B)
Block frontage desisnation map I - Downtown.
I Landrap.d
Fisure 17.22.110(C)
Block frontage desisnation map 2 - Litrcoln Street and 8th Street area'
alo<k F'6t a. D..tn ddE
I t'lired
I L.nd...pcd
Fieure 17.22,1l0(D)
Block frontage desimation map 3 - FirsUFront couplet area.
Uod. Froit aG OdFdorE
Noltt B.rk
\ xilrtv'riuirq
/ *r*t c,o'It,as
Fieure 17.22.110(E)
Block frontase desitnation map 4 - C Street area.
Table 17.22.115
Exolanation of transoarencv standards.
Transparencv Zones bv Building and Frontage TyDe
The transparenc y zone ls
between 30 inches and 8 feet
above grade
Residential buildines and
residential portions of
mixed-use buildinss
All vertical surfaces of the
facade are used in the
0ther Transparency Provisions
Unacceptable: Window si
covenng transD arency zone
17.22.115 - About the transparencv standards.
All block frontaee desiqnations contain distinct minimum facade transparency standards. The
purposes ofthese standards are to help maintain visibiliw for public safelv. create welcomine
pedestrian-oriented streets. and facilitate a viable and attractive business environment. Table
17.22.1l5 below includes details in how transparency standards are measured.
.' )'
The transparency zone is on
the sound floor between 30
inches and l0 feet above
sidewalk enade
Ground floor non-
residential and non-
Windows must be
Ground level window area
for storefionts and other
non-residential uses that is
mirrored. refl ectively,
darklv tinted. covered.
frosted. or perforated in any
manner that obscures
visibility into the buildine
must not count as
transDarent window area.
See also PAMC
Exception: Window sims
may be counted as
Unacceptable: Frosted slass
obscuring view into
Display windows
windows may be
ents orovided thev
and allow chanseable
. Tack-on displav
cases as in the right
window area.
used for up to 50 percent of
non-residential transDarencv
are at least 3 0 inches deep
do not oualifu as transDarent
Structured parkine facilities
Where structured
windows mav be
transDarencY requirements.
the facade,anv oDenlngs
used to helD comolv with
a portion offacilities
Trble 17.22.115
Exolanation of transoarencv standards.
transDarent window area
provided the areas eenerallv
around the sim me
Acceptable: Intesated
displav windows.
Unacceptable: Tack-on
display cases.
Parking earaee with
17.22.120 - Storefront block frontase standards.
A, Puroose. S block liontaees are located in the most vibrant and active shoooins and
dinine areas within Port Anseles. Blocks desisnated as Storefront block frontaees include
continuous storelionts olaced alons the sidewalk edse with small scale shoos and manv
business entries.
I t0-t5'
\ reather protection:
At least 70% of
hcade between
30" and l0'
Facing street
At least 6' minimum depth
along 75% of facade
I 3' minimum
floor to ceilint
Tatrle 17.22.120(A)
Storefront block frontages vision and kev standards.
The ! symbo 20(C) belowties in PAMC 17.22.refers to DEPARTURE
Additional Provisions and
Ground Level
Aoolies to the area within the
mlmmum deoth
13'minimumFloor to ceiline heiqht
the space.
Aoplies to the entire ofGround level
space depth
required sidewalk.
space is orovided between
the sidewalk and the
allowed for a wider
sidewalk or where a oublic
atss must be
ofthethe back
s mav be
Buildins placement
Examples of buildine
Primary buildine entrances
uses may face either street
corner buildinss.
entrances for sround-level
must face the street. For
comer.or the
Facade transDarencv
canopies are prohib'ited.
or awning over a
permanent architectural
public sidewalk should be a
Any canopy
OI lastic orWeather Drotection over the
at least 75% ofthe
's facade. and it
must be a minimum of 6'
deep (drio lines must be at
sidewalk is
B. Standards. All development on sites with a Storefront block fiontaee desi$ation must
comply with the standards in Table 17.22.120(8) below.
Table 17.22.120(B)
Storefront block frontage standards.
40' minimum -
.r rlt ,.. I"'I
Building entrances
At least 70% of the
transoarency zone. -
See PAMC 17.22. I 15 for
additional clarifi cation on
transparency standards.
Weather Drotection
Element Standards Examples
least that far from the face
ofthe buildine). --
Additional standards:
have l0' to 15'ofvertical
interfere with existing
street trees, utility
beyond the edge of the
Weather nro tection must
street sisns , or extend
must not
The buildine's archi tectural
details should not be
to the shape of the faqade's
architectural elements.
under-canopv signs and
li ghtinq are encouraeed.
awninqs or
Transoarent canopies and
should relate
Parking location
or structured) parkinq
adiacent to the street is
prohibited. including
Darking lot and qaraee
New soundl evel (surface
entries and driveways.
below. above.and/or behind
ma be laced
Minimum desim ootions:
curb edqe and the
storefront, includine 8'
width and trees are
integrated in grates.
minimum Dlanter striD.
between the
8'minimum sidewalk and 6'
Table 17.22.120(B\
Storefront block frontage standards.
The - svmbol referc to DEPARTURE opportunities in PAMC 17.22. I 20(C) below.
l'- .
Sidewalk width
DEPARTURE oDDortuni ties in PAMC 17.22.12The C) below.refers to
Additional Provisions and
C. DEP Deoartures from storefront block frontase in Table
17.22.1 ) that feature the be considered oer P A:|,lC 17.22.040.nrovidedtrsvmbol will
the alternative oroDosal meets the oumose of the standards and the fol criteria:
l. Retail denth. Reduced on uo to 25 of the aoolicable bl frontase
licant sfull the
alternative desipn and confisuration ofthe soace is viable for a varietv of permi tted retail
2. Facade transnarencv. Facade mav be reduced to a minimum of oercent if
the facade desim between pround-level windows provides visual interest to the
an and mi tes ofblank
3.W Drotectlon
a. Weather on elernents mav be uced in lensth to no less 50 percent
alons bui 's facade and to no less four feet in deoth. orovided the orooosed
desisn is onal to architectural features ofthe buildins and ldins desisn
elements that minimum
this meet the Dumose of the standards
b. Smaller are oermitted if thev are tn tesrated into a larser articulation
desien. such as associated with structural columns.v. structural
columns are ed to be attached with hieher or lower weather Drotection
elements that helo orovide continuous coverase for oedestrians.
4. Parking Location. Structured saraqe entries may be located on storefront strect!-iflherqti!
an acceptable tradeo ffin terms of the amount and quality of s torefront area that is
intesated with the devel oDment.
desi sn features toThe alternative must include
Table 17.22.120(8\
Storefront block frontage standards.
Wider sidewalks may be
required for certain streets
bv the Port Angeles Urban
Services Standards and
Guidelines Manual. -
Setbacks and utilitv
easements must also be
considered and mav result
in a larser minimum
sidewalk width.
17.22.130 - Landscaped block frontage standards.
A. Purnos e.block frontases landscaoed street setbacks.clear pedestrian
connections between the buildine and the sidewalk. and minimize surface
the fiontages.
Weather protection
u-an+ananay zon€:
25% for nonresidential us€s
l5% Ior residential uses
At leas( one buildint
entry shall be visibl€
from $e s,dewalk
lvcrther prlte<tion:
At least 3 minimum deprh
over all primary entries
successfully mitisate the visual imoact of additional parkine areas alone desi€nated
storefront streets. See also PAMC 17.22.240.
5. Sidewalk Width. Alternative designs may be considered where topoqraphical challenges
or approved city streetscape plans with different sidewalk standards exist. Altemative
desipns must be able to accommodate safe and comfortable pedestrian traftic and outdoor
seatins and dininq areas.
Fieure 17.22.130(A)
Landscaped block frontages vision examoles and kev standards.
Entry I
the streetE
E;s e-
tra n spa re n cy
B.S . All develooment on sites with a bl ock frontase desi must
comolv wi the standards in Tab 17.22.130(B) below.The standards herein aDDlv to
all m y and nonresidential development in the RMD and RHD zones.
TURE oooortunities in PThe !C) below.AMC t7.22.13bol refers to DEPAR
Additional Provisions and
Ground Level
Land use
Additional standards:
20' maximum setback.
Covered entries and porches
are allowed to proiect up to
Additional setbacks
required where future
ri eht-of-wav need and/or
identified in citv plans.
l0'minimum setbacks are
6' into this reouired
may be
tions have been
encouraqed. See related
standards in PAMC
Primarv orivate entrances
level resi al units are
street for
Building entrances
C 17.22.115 forSee P
on onadditional
Facade transDarencv
transparency for buildings
with gound level
nonresidential uses. -
Must have at least l5olo
transparency for buildines
Must have at I east 25Yo
with eround residential
3' deep must be provided
Weather on at leastWeather protection
Tabte 17.22.130(B)
Landscaped block frontase standards.
Anv use permitted by this
Buildins placement
At least one public or shared
buildine entry must be
visible from the sidewalk
and feature direct phvsical
access from the sidewalk.
Element Standards
Additional Provisions and
over individual business and
residential entries. Weather
protection for shared
entrances must be at least 5'
Parking location Parkine must be located
the side, under. or rear of
buildines. For multi-buildine
50% of the lot fiontase can
pa&ine and driveways.
See PAMC 17.22.240 for
and vehicle
access standards.
develooments , no more than
be occuoied by off-street
Parkine lots developed
t to the street must
areas must
per PAMCbe
Buildine set
y with
A five-foot sidewalk
five-foot landscape strip is
required within the riehrof-
wav adiacent to the front
proDerty line as well as
adioinine arterial corridors.
accompanied by a minimum
Table 17.22.130(B)
LandscaDed block frontage standards.
The - svmbol refers to DEPARTURE opportunities in PAMC 17.22. 1 30(C) below.
Sidewalk width
C. DEPARTURE criteria.DeDartures from the above standards that the ! svmbol will
be considered per P AMC 17.22.040. provided the alternati ve proposal meets the oumose of
the standards, olus the followine criteria:
l. Facade . Facade transDarencv reduced to a minimum of 12.5 Dercentmavbe
if the facade desim between ground level windows provides visual interest ta lhQ
pedestrian and miti sates the imoacts blank walls.
2. Parkine location. For multi-buildine devel additional l0% ofthe lot fiontasean
mav be occuoied bv off-s treet Darkina and drivewavs. orovi desisn treatments
(beyond um standards)are included that successfull v mitisate the visual imDact of
parkinq areas on the s
Mixed block frontases vision examDles and kev standards.
Fisure 17.22.140(A)
r, t: - .
The s vm bol refers to DEPARTURE unities in PAMC 17.22.140(C) below
Mixed block frontase standards.
Table I 7.22.140(8\
Element Standards
Buildinss olaced u
sidewalk edge must meet
orefront block frontase
standards in PAMC
the sidewalk must meet the
ed block frontaqe
standards in PAMC
Additional setbacks may be
uired where future ri
qf-way need and/or
p to the
Buildines not placed up to
lands caD
See PAMC 17.22.170 for
special design provisions
AS sociated with sround level
residential uses adiacent to a
17.22.140 - Mixed block frontaee standards.
A. Purpose. The Mixed block fiontase desienation serves areas that accommodate a mixture of
ground floor uses and allows a diversity ofdevelopment frontages for the pumose of
contributinq to the visual character of the street and enhancinq the pedestrian environment.
- ii
B. Standards. All develooment on sites containine a Mixed block fiontaee have the option to
complY with either the Storefront or Landscaped block frontase provisions as set forth in
PAMC 17.22.120 and .130. with the modifications in Table 17.22.140(8) below.
Additional Provisions and
Buildins olacement
The svmbol refers to DEPARTU RE onoortunities in PAMC l7 .22.140(C) below.
Additional Provisions and
acouisitions have been
identified in ciw plans.
transparency standards.
See PAMC I 7.22.115 for
additional cl fication on
Anv storefront buildines on
these block frontaqes must
meet the storefiont block
frontage transparency
Additional transparency
zone standards:
407o minimum for
floor within 10' of
sidewalk. ,
257o minimum for other
buildines desimed with
nonresidential uses on the
ground floor. -
20% minimum for
residential buildines/fl oors.
nonresl uses on the
desiprned with
Facade transoarencv
Parkins must be located to
For multi-buildine
developments, no more than
50% of the lot frontaee can
See PAMC 17.22.240 for
access standards.
Parkine lots develooed
adjacent to the sEeet must
mmplv with landscaoine
provisions of PAMC
the side or rear ofbuildines.
be occupied bv off-street
and dri
and vehicle
Parkins location
Table 17.22.140(B)
Mixed block frontase standards.
C. Deoarture Crite DeDartures from the above standards that the ' svmbol will be
considered oer PAMC 17.22.040. provided the altemative DroDosal the oumose of the
. Facade transoarencv mav be reduced to the followins minimums if
the facade desisn nro vides visual interest to the oedestrian and sates the imoacts of
blank walls:
a. 20o% minimum for buildinss desiened with nonresidential uses on the pround floor
within 10 feet of a sidewalk.
b. 25% minimum for other bui ldines desiered with nonresidential uses on the ground
c. 20oh minimum for dential buildines/fl oors.
2. Parkins location. For multi-buildins developments. an addi tional l0% ofthe lot frontase
mav be occupied bv off-street parkine and drivewavs. orovided desisn treatments
(bevond m um standards) are included that successfullv mitisate the visual imoact of
Darking areas on the streetscaDe.
to DEPARTURE oooortunities in PAMC 17.22.150(D) below.The svmbol refers
Element Standards
Buildins placement
Bdlding entrances
17.22.150 - Basic block frontase (streets with no desimated block frontase).
A. Puroose. Basic block frontaees offer seater flexibilitv in sitins off-street parkine areas.
while orovidine visual interest at all observable scales and meet the desim obiectives of the
B. Applicabilitv. All block frontases in applicable zones that are not desimated in the map in
PAMC 17.22. I 10 are subject to the standards of this section.
C. Standards. Basic block frontases must complv with the standards in Table 17.22.150(C)
below. DEPARTURES will be considered oursuant to PAMC 17.22.040.
Table 17.22.150(C)
Basic block frontase standards.
Buildines placed up to the sidewalk edee must meet
storefront block frontaee standards in PAMC 17.22. 130.
Buildines not placed up to the sidewalk must feature a l0'
minimum street setback except where greater setbacks are
required by the zone.
Buildine entrances facine the street are encouraeed. At a
minimum. at least one buildine entrv visible and directly
accessible from the street is required. .-
Where buildines are setback from the street. pedestrian
connections from the sidewalk are required.
The - symbo 50(D) belowties in PAMC 17.22.1refers to DEPARTURE
desiened with non-residential uses on
For storefronts. at least 607o
Other the
Facade transDarencY
Weather protection
Parking location
A 5' sidewalk accomoanied by a minimum 5' landscaoe
strip is -of-wav adiacentuired within the the front
arterial corridors.I as adi
D.Criteria.from the above standards that feature the I will be
considered ner PAMC 17.22.040.the altemative oronosal meets the of the
standards and the followins criteria:
1. Buildins entrances. Alternative desisns be considered orovided the route
from the sidewalk to the entry is clear.
2. Facade - Facade transoarencv mav be reduced to the fo s minimums if
the facade sn nrovides visual interest to the nedestrian and mitieates the imoacts of
blank walls:
a. For storefronts. at least 307o.
b. Other buildines desimed with non-residential uses on the eround floor within l0 feet
of a sidewalk. at least 1 5 o/o.
c. For residen tial buildinss. alleast 7 .s%o.
17.22.160 - Hieh visibilitv street corner standards.
A. Descriotion/DurDose.The hieh visibiliw street comer requi aDDlv to those sites
desipnated on the block frontaqe maDs in PAMC l'7.22.110. The pumose is to accentuate
street comers with hi
visibiliw to the oublic.
Table 17.22.150(C)
Basic block frontaee standards.
sround floor within l0' of sidewalk. at least 30%. -
For residential buildinss. at least 15%.
At least 3' deep over primarv business and residential
There are no parkine lot location restrictions. exceDt for
landscaped buffer requirements set forth in PAMC
Buildins setback areas must be landscaoed per PAMC
Parkine lots developed adjacent to the street must comolv
with landscapine orovisions of PAMC I 7.22'040.
Sidewalk width
B. Desienation criteria. Hi eh visibilitv street comers mav be designa ted on the block frontase
maps ln:
l. Special hi eh visibilitv intersections in Port Angeles
2. Intersections with a hieh level of current and/or envi sioned pedestri an actrvlty
C. Standards. Sites located on hish visibility street ers must meet
I . Buildi no s must be located within 20 feet of the street comer
2. At least one ofthe followine special features must be included:
4. le omer plaza
b. Croooed buildi ng comer with a soeci al entry feature.
c. Decorative use ofbuildi ng materials at the comer.
d. Distinctive facade articulation.
e. Sculptural architectural elernent.
f. Other decorative elernents that meet the purDo se of the standards.
High visibilitv street corner examples,
Fisure 17.22.160
,l I
I I1n
t I
itl tl
@ \i ;
;,H ryr
i ='I
a "'t-a.li'
area with a trellis and neishborhood sateway siqn.
Buildine A includes a comer tower and croooed
comer. B uildins E
buildine comers wi tha C uses a
uildine B featurein materials. B
ernents. Buildineand decorative elin materials
at thematerial colorD uses a changecanoDY.
a decorative. Imase Fa olaza althe
Fieure 17.22.160
High visibilitv street corner examples.
17.22.170 - Ground floor residential frontage standards.
A. Purpose. The purpose of these standards is to :
I . Enhance the orivacy and security of residents livine on the sround floor.
2. Provide an effective visual and phvsical transition between the public realm and the
orivate realm.
3. Enhance the relationship between the buildine and the street throueh hiStl-quality
landscaoe and architectural desim.
B. Aoplicabilitv, A1l developments with sround-floor residential uses adjacent to oublic stre€ts
must comply with the frontaee standards in this section.
C. Strndards. Desisn featments must be intesrated to enhance the character ofthe Dublic and
serni-public realm while resoecting the privacy of adiacent residential units. Desien criteria
applicable to sound-floor residential frontaees are as follows:
1. Direct access. All units abuttine public sidewalks are encouraged to have individual
ground-floor entries directlv accessible to the sidewalk.
2. Unit setback and elevation. Provide privacv for people livine in the adjacent dwelline
units and ensure the applicable street environment is comfortable throuqh all of the
followinq measures:
a. Provide a 5 feet minimum setback from public sidewalks. unless a seater setback is
required per apolicable block frontaee standards.
minimum 5' se(back
b. Where the facade is within ten feet of a street. the level of units must
be raised three to five above the level of correspondins .On
sloped sites. the minimum and maximum heishts must be calculated usine the
averaee ground elevation at perimeter walls as determined by the final €rade noted on
the buildine plan.
3. Enhance the orivacv ofresidents and an effective transition between the oublic
F acade setback
Front facade:
oDen space
a public< 10' from sidewalk
walkway or
street): or
< 5' from an
lic street' above the erade ofthe3-5
Front facade:
10-15' from sidewalk (alons a public
street): or
walkw5-10' fiom an i av or onen
ofthe public street2.5"-5' above the
and private realm by intesratine all ofthe following measures:
Fieure 17.22.170(CX2Xa)
Minimum setback tretween a ground floor residence and public sidewalk.
Fieure 17.22.170(CX2Xb)
Elevate the ground level of adiacent
residential units
a. Provide a hvsical "thresho ld " feature-such ars a hedoe retainins wall rockerv stair-
sate. milins.a combination of such elernen ts on Drivate DroDertv that defines and
bridees the arv between Dublic rieht ofw av and the orivate en - oorch- vard.
or Datio. Thresholds mav screen-but not comoletelv block. views to and from the
serni-public realm areas.
b. Provide an outdoor sDace at least four feet-deeD and six feet wide (24 souare feet
li tr
minimum area) in the front set back. such as a Dorch, Datio.deck. or stooo. Where
feasible. this sDace must be at the same level as the interior of the unit. -
Overhead buildin s nroiections mav cantilever over the outdoor spac ebyupto50
percent the minimum ground level setback to pub lic and private realm areas.
c. Provide a covered area. Dorch or orotected entry sDace . or other architectural weather
Drotection at least three feet that orovides cover for a person ent en ns the unit
and a transitio nal snace between o and inside the dwe llinutside g.
d. Landscaoins olanters (in-gound or cons tructed and raised must be intesated into)
transitional areas between the dwelline unit and the adiacent nublic and semi -oublic
realm (see the fi below for exam es). f- II
e DEPARTURES may be for the desiprr criteria in subsection (3) above
featurins the svTn bol - orovided the desien enhances the orivacv of adi t units
and provides an effective and attractive transi tion between the pub lic and private
4. See section P AMC 17.22.330 for w indow desisar standards.
Fieure 17.22.170(CX3Xa)
Examoles of ground-level residential frontages.
The above imases show sro undJevel residential fronta es with setbacks of a ximately
l0' (left im aee) and 5' (risht image) alonq different steet frontases for the same comer
aDartment buildine. These und level units all have thei 1 own private unit access fiom the
sidewalk and are elevated above the sidewalk to enhance the privacv to the units. The
landscapin elements, brick po sts. sDlit-faced concrete block stoop walls. and black metal
railinss h elo to nrovide an attract ive and effective transition between the o ublic and private
J Il.J
?'r-' .-t= il
Good examoles: Imase A includes a s toop desien with bri ck terraced p lanters and low
wrousht iron fences.B and C include desipns with sidewalk level ol and
: Desoite the raised und level. the setback desisn in Imase D nsufficientBad examples tsr
to meet the intent of the standards. In I mase E. the u level buil dins cantilever doesn't
meet the standards and creates a cold "cave stoo p" like form. The laree areas of unscreened
17.22.r80 - Wh ere orooerties front onto mu ItiDle streets.
Where a oroo fron ts onto more than one street and each street has a different fron tage
desisration. each buildi ns fron tase must comDl with the standard S for the block fron eutas DOn
which it fronts,with the followine clarifications:
A. Conflicts. Where a conflict exists between fiontas standards. the Director wille ADI)rh e
3. Landscaped
oreference:standards ofa block front ase Dursuant to the followins order of
l. Storefront.
2. Mixed.
Fieure 17.22.170(CX3Xb)
Additional examples of ground-level residential frontages.
> ''!_
9-,IY ,I
concrete terrace olanters.
concrete walls in both examples are undesirable.
4. Basic.
Subsections (B-E) below clarifu how the order of orefsrence works for oa icular frontaee
B. Buildine Location. For comer sites with Landscaoed block frontaee on one street and
Storefront or Mixed on another. a Storefront frontage may wrao around the comer (on the
Landscaped block frontage side) for up to a halfblock width or no more than 120 feet
(whichever is more).
C. Entrances. For comer sites, entrances on both streets are encourased. but onlv one entrance
is required. For comer sites with frontaee on a Storefront block frontaee on one side. an
entrance must be placed on the Storefront block frontaee side. For comer sites with a mix of
desimations that do not include a Storefront block frontaee. the entry must be placed on the
side listed first in the order ofpreference identified above. An extrance at the buildins comer
and facins an intersection must be permitted under any of the above scenarios.
DEPARTURES may be considered. provided the location and desim of the entr.y and block
frontaee treatrnents are compatible with the character of the area and enhance the character of
the street.
D. Transoarencv. For corner sites. at least one block frontage must meet the aoplicable
transparency standards (based on the order ofpreference above). For the second block
frontaqe, the Director mav approve a reduction in the minimum amount oftransparency by
50 percent. For street corners with the same desisnations on both frontaees. buildines must
ernoloy the full transparency on the dominant frontage (based on the frontaee width or
established neiehborhood pattem).
E. Prrking. Surlace parkins (includins sound floor parkins in a structure) adiacent to a street
comer is not allowed. excqrt:
1. On comer lots with Basic frontases on both streets.
2. On comers with other combination of block frontaees. except those with a Storefront
desienation. via a DEPARTURE and subiect to the apolicable departure criteria.
storefront aan wrap
around corner up to
hef block or 12d
(whidreEr is more)
Faaade mects
Landscap.d block
fronta8c itandards
Storefront doesn't
(8ro<x fRoNrac€)
17.22,210 - Side and rear-vard setbscks.
A. Purpose.
l. To oromote the onal and visual comoatibilitv between develooments
To the of residents on
B. Side and rear standards. Table 17 .22.210(8) below sets minimum side and
specr fi c setback requirements:
visions below clari turear-yard setbacks in all zones between zero and 15 feet. The
Fieure 17.22.180
Examples of where oroperties front onto multiple streets.
t f-
Article III - Site Plannine Standards
17.22.200 - Purpose,
A. To oromote thouehtful pedestrian-oriented layout ofbuildines. parkine areas. and circulation.
service. and on-site amenitv elements.
B. To promote compatibilitv between developments and uses.
C. To enhance the circulation. access. and service areas ofdevelopments.
Context Min. Setback
zonine district in Table 17.20.040:
and CA zones.
bv aoolicable
buildinss located on and
B permitted inut
side or rear
Such firewalls are limited in heieht to 25' in the CSD
Two ooti ons for 0' setbacks when al
adiacent to an allev w
-less firewalls alons(2\ W
DroDerty lines for
Mixed blockwith S
applicable zonins district: or
below for lieht and air
vacy alons the side and rear
When required per subsection (C)
oropertv lines.access and ori
All other contexts (other than the two situations qoted
Table 17.22.210(B)
Minimum side- and rear-vard setbacks,
c. Light and air access and ori"acv along the side and rear oropertv lines. Buildirss u.
Dortions thereof containine multifamilv dwelline units whose only windows face the interior
side or rear propertv line must be set back from the applicable property line at least 15 feet.
DEPARTURES will be considered where it is determined that the proposed desip:n will not
create a compatibility problern based on the unique site context.
Fieure 17.22.210(C)
Liqht/air access and privacv standards for multifamilv residential buildinqs alons
interior side and rear propertv lines.
wlrJor: hdq the frut
o. r... prcp6ry fine
wido*. A.ha dE *Ent
or rlrr prcp.n, lin.
Corner l'it *idt rvindoE
fro'n8 $e hont or rc.r
soaces include common outdoor recreation areas. shared roof deck s- orivate erotmd level oDen
17.22.220 - Residentisl amenitv soace.
Residential amenity space refers to spaces that are intesated into residential or mixed-use
developments primarily enjoyed by on-site residents for recreational and social uses. Amenitv
spaces. private balconies. shared indoor recreation areas. and children's olav areas.
A. Purpose.
I . To create usable amenity soace that is suitable for leisure or recreational activities for
2. To create ameniW space that contributes to the residential setting.
B. Applicabilitv. Residential amenitv space meetine the standards of this section is reouired for
all new:
l Multifamilvdevelopment.
2. Mixed-use development with residential dwellines.
3. Senior housing and other aee-restricted facilities.
C. Amount required. Apnlicable developments are reouired to orovide residential amenity
space eoual to a minimum of:
I . 100 square feet oer dwelline unit for studio and one-bedroom dwellines.
2. 150 square feet per dwelline unit for dwellines with two or more bedrooms.
D. Children's plav areas. Develooments with more than 75 units are required to integate
children's olav areas as set forth in PAMC 17.22.220(FX6).
E. Larse m ulti-D hase developments under sinsle ownershio.phase of develooment
must meet the minimum residential amenitv space requirements herein. Developments have
the option to intesrate a sumlus of usable on-site oDen sDace in earlv phases and aoplv the
surplus space towards meetine the requirements for sub sequent Dhases. provided all
F. Residenti
appliqable resulations are met.
al amenitv soace desiqn standards. The followins tandards apolv to new
develooments choosins to incomorate the soecific amenitv sDace tvDes listed below.
I . Common outdoor recreation areas. Such s Daces are internal to a development and
accessible to all tenants ofa development. and are not reouired to be accessible to the
lic. Exam les include but ited to include I co
decks. entrance olazas . sardens with walkwavs. children's olav areas. swimming pools.
and water features. Accessible areas with native v egetation and areas used for storm
waler retention. infil tion. or other multioumose recreati onal and/or sreen sDaces that
meet the desisn cn herein mav oualifo as com mon outdoor recreation area.
Common outdoor recreation areas t meet the followins desi standards:
a-The areas must be accessib le to all residents ofthe d lopment
b. The minimum area is 500 square feet The sp ace must leature dimensions necessary
to orovide ctional leisure or recreati o activitv (unless otherwi se noted herein)
Sta lrwa and service elements located within or on the ed e ofthe space are nots
included in the recreation area calculations.
c. Shared porches may qualifu as reclreation area" provided they are at least eieht feet in
deoth and 96 SO uare feet in area.
d. Required setback and vehicular circulation areas do not count as common outdoor
recreation areas-except for buildins entry olazas located in front setbacks
e. Th e area must be located in accessible areas that are visible from units within the
f. The area m ust feature Daths. walkable lawns. landscaoine.seatins. lishtins. olav
strucfures. sDorts courts . or other oedestrian amenities to make the area more
functional and eniovabl e for a range ofusers.
s. The area must be seoarated from Eound Ievel windows. streets. vehicular circulation
areas. service areas. and oarkins I ots with landscaDine. fencins. and/or other
acceptable treatments that enhance safetv and privacv for both the recreation areas
and dwelling units.
h. Natural. artifi cl al- and stormwater DO nds mav be included in the shared ooen soace. A
maximum of50 percent ofthe oond surface are a. as measured when the pond is at its
maximum desisned deDth. mav be co towards the minimum requirernents of
subsection (C) of thi SS ectron . Ponds must be intesated with trails and other features
listed above to qualifu as shared open sDace
i. Anv children's plav areas inteerated a! qL p44 of a coqmon outdoor recreation area
must meet the standards of subsection (6) below.
DEPARTURES wi ll be considered for the standards above orovided th ev meet the
pumose of the standards and fill a recreatio nal need for the residents ofthe devel oDment.
The use and pn of the soace must be inte with the surroundine si te and buildine
features in a manner that is comDlementarY to the developm ent and any adiacent
fenced offleash do
2. Shared roofdecks. Such sDaces are a type of orivate internal common area localed an lthq
too of buildines or intermedi ate I evels (e.s. uooer floor buildine facade steo-back areas)
ples of amenities include.and are available to all residents. Exam but are not limited to,
Fieure 17.22.220(FX1)
Common outdoor recreation area examoles.
I r H t-[l
t:t F
Image A includes a combination of open lawn area for infonnal recreation plus walkways and
decorative landscape areas to enhance the settine for residents. Image B is a courtvard with
includes walkwavs. seatins areas. landscaped beds. and semi-private sDaces for adjacent
s'ound level units. Imaqe C includes a covered eatherins space with outdoor sills adiacent to
a landscaoed commons with a central walkway. Imase D includes a common qreen area and
i- r,,
c S Dace mus t int e landsca Dlns elements that enhance the character of the soaceesrat
and encourage its use
d. Space must incorporate features that Drovide for the safety of residents. such as
enclosures. railinss. and apDroDriate liehtins levels
F ieur e 17 .22.220 (F)(2\
Shared roof deck examples.
cookine and dining areas. seatins areas. gardenins areas. water features. children's play
areas. and pet play areas. Shared rooftop decks must meet the followine desim standards:
a. Must be available to all residents.
b. Space must feature hard-surfacinq and provide amenities that encourage use. such as
seatine. outdoor Erills. and weather protection elements.
3. Private ground level open soace. This space is adiacent and directly accessible to the
subject unit. Examples include yards. stoops. and porches. Private eround level open
space must meet the followins desisn standards:
a. Such open spaces must be enclosed bv a fence and/or hedee at least 18 inches in
heieht to qualifu, but no hiqher than 42 inches when adiacent to a street. common
outdoor resreation area- or public space (see the sight obstruction heieht limits of the
Port Anseles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual when near an
intersection). Taller privacy screens between units are acceptable.
b. Private porches that face a street or a common outdoor recreation area may oualifo as
amenity space. provided thev are at least 50 square feet in area with no dimension
less than six feet.
c. Ground level orivate open space in excess ofminimum requirements in subsection (b)
above must not be used in the calculations for determinine the minimum useable open
soace requirernents for other units in the development [per PAMC 17.22.220(C)1.
Fieure 17.22.220(n(3)
Private ground level oDen sDace examples.
4. Private balconies. This spac! !! adiacent and directl y accessib le to the subiect unit
Private balconies mus t meet the followins desim standards:
Private balconies should be at least oartiallv recessed into the buildi ng facade. whena
orovided. and inte erat€d into the buildin s desisn to orovide orotection from the
b. Balconies must be at least 36 souare feet in area with no dimension less than six feet
to quali&as amemtY sDace.
c. Individual balconies I than the minimum size reo uirernents in thearoe(nrecedinp
subsection (b must not be)used in the calculatio ns for deteminine the minimum
useable open soace reouirements for other units in the develop ment lper PAMC
Fieure 17.22.220(n(4)
Private balconv examples
i ,t'
1l !!
5. Shared indoor recreation areas. Examples include, but are not limited to, multi-purpose
entertainment space, fitness center, movie theater, kitchen, library, workshop, conference
room, or similar amenities that promote shared use and a sense of community. Shared
indoor recreation areas must meet the following design standards:
a. The space must be accessible to all residents of the development.
b. The minimum area is 250 square feet. The space must feature dimensions necessary
to provide functional leisure or recreational activity (unless otherwise noted herein).
c. The space must be located in a visible are4 such as near an entrance, lobby, elevator
bank, or high traffic corridors.
d. The space must be designed specifically to serve interior recreational functions and
not merely be leftover unrentable space used to meet the open space requirernent.
Such space must include amenities and design elements that will encourage use by
6. Children's olay areas. Anv children's plav areas inteerated as a part ofa shared
residential amenity space must meet all the followine desisn standards (in addition to the
design standards listed above):
a. The minimum area is 400 square feet.
b. Measures necessarv to orotect children's safetv from vehicular tralfic must be
included. such as low fencine or landscapins to provide a physical barrier around the
c. Shade and rest areas for supervision must be provided by usine deciduous
landscapine. architectural elements (includine but not limited to pergolas or shelters).
or other means.
d. Natural. creative plav elements should be provided. such as eround slides from one
level to another, tricycle tracks. swines hung from arbors or trees. paths that meander
Fisure 17.22.220(FX5)
Sbared indoor recreation area examDles.
a t\,,I-t*
and are ofvarvine materials and widths . water that can be mani pul outdoor
rooms made from landscape or rocks. and berms and hills.
e. Plav areas must be desi ened for a vari etv of ases. activities,and motor skills.
f. Play areas must be located in areas that are hiehlv visible to residents.
to transit stoos- throush oarkins to adiacent oro es connections throand ushout
17.22.230 - Internal pedestrian access and desien.
A, Puroose.
1. To improve the pedestrian and bicycline snvironment by makine it easief. safer. and
more comfortable to walk or ride amone residences. to businesses, to the street sidewalk.
the city.
2. To enhance access to on- and off-site open space areas and pedestrian/bicvcle paths.
B. Access to sidewalk. All buildines must feanre oedestrian connections to a sidewalk oer
applicable block frontaee standards in PAMC 17.22.100-170. Se€ subsection (D) below for
walkway desim standards.
Fieure 17.22.220(n(6)
Children's plav area examole.
rry I
, '6it
, i[it
Fieure 17.22.230(B)
Examples of direct pedestrian access to buildings from the street.
C. Internal circulation.
l. For sites with multiple buildines:
a. Intemal walkways connectine businesses and residential entries on the same
development site must be provided. Routes that minimize walkine distances must be
utilized to the extent practical.
DEPARTURES will be considered where an indirect route would enhance the desim
and./or use of a common usable open soace. See subsection (D) below for walkway
design standards.
b. Pedestrian connections must be made at intervals no ereater than 250 feet.
Fully conirect d
Op€n Spece
,ocal points
Vehlcle &
connoclions to
Padcatrian connoclion
to lnters€ction
Fieure 17.22.230(CXl)
Example site plan with internal and external pedestrian connections.
2. Sites with residential units. Direct p€destrian access must be orovided between all Eround
level unit entries and a public street or to a clearly marked walkwav network or open
space that has direct access to a public street. Residential developments must orovide a
pedestrian circulation network that connects all main entrances on the site to other areas
of the site. such as:
a. Parking areas.
b. Recreational areas.
c. Common outdoor areas.
d. Anv pedestrian amenities.
For townhouses or other residential units frontine the street. the sidewalk mav be used to
meet this standard.
F igw e 17.22.230(C)(2Xb)
Examples of attractive pedestrian connection through a residential development.
3. Crosswalks. Crosswalks are required when a walkway crosses an on-site oaved area
accessible to vehicles.
a. Aooearance. All cro sswalks must contain contrastins material (such as concrete)
and/or oatterns (such as stam oed asohalt). excludins oainted surfaces.
b. Raised crosswalks (speed tables). On sites larqer than one acr e, all crosswalks near
maior buildins entrances. oarkins saras e entries, vehicular entries to the site. and
other high-traffic areas must be verticallv raised to sidewalk level. The Durpose of
raised crosswalks is to provide a continuous walki
ng or rolling surface, increase the
Fieure 17.22.230(CX2Xa)
Direct walkwavs between the street and dwelling units are required.
I hl*htr ts
The entries of the examole on the left connect directly to a public sidewalk while the entries
in the rieht example connect to a common path that extends to the sidewalk.
1 i-r
,r. .-i tr']
I r
2oo' MAXrMUr.r I i
Note the location of the oarkins lot walkway in the uooer rieht example (connectins shops in
one build to the main entry of a gro cerv store).
visibility ofpedestrians. and slow the speed of vehicular traffic. This reouirernent
does not apply to crosswalks crossine public roadways.
4. Pedestrian walkways throuqh parkine lots. Developments with 50 or more parkins spaces
must include speciallv marked or paved walkwavs through parkine areas. At least one
walkway must be provided for everv four rows ofoarkins. or at a maximum spacing of
200 feet. The walkways must provide a safe connection to the buildine entrance and meet
the walkwav desipn standards in subsection (D) of this section. See examples below.
5. Connections to adjacent properties (includine oarks and trails). Except when adiacent
prooerties have less than five dwelline units. intemal walkways that connect to adiacent
1 L<
Note in both examples that the concrete walkway extends into the vehicular area to orovide a
hiehly visible and safe crosswalk.
'E:*+* '145''H*:. 'C\-'q
DroDerties must be Drovided.Public sidewalks in the rieht-of-wav ust not count towards
this requirement.
DEPARTURES will be considered where it is determin ed that intemal connections are
not necessary or oractical due to lot deDths. steeD sloDes.inconsistent adiacent parcel
uses. or other contex tual challenses.
Barriers that limit future are hibited. Gates limi
and residents are on below for walkw
D. Walkwav desisn.
I . All internal walkw ays must have a minimum six feet-wide unobstructed walkins surface.
exceDt where wider walkwa ys are prescribed elsewhere in this chapter or where the
aoolicable us es and context dictate wi walkways.
2 Where an intemal walkway is adi acent to pemendicular or ansled wheel stops
are required to prevent encroachment of parked vehicles over the walkw lieu of
wheel stoos.an extra two feet of walkw ay width must be oro . See PAMC
17.22.240(8\for other situations in w wheel stons or curbins be required.
In walkwa m ted from at least three feet fn'landsr:enino
except where the ad iacent build inq facade meets the storefront block standards
per PAMC I 7.22.120.
DEPA S will be considered where other landscaoins and/or facade desipn
ents to de
limited to. scul
are les incl but are
ptural. mosaic.bas-relief artwork. or other decorative treatments that meet
the oumose. Fi 17 .22.230(D't(! below one example
Wteel stops
Fieure 17.22.230(DX3)
Standards for internal walkwavs adiacent to buildings.
1 7
Fieure 17.22.230(DX3)
Standards for internal walkwavs adiacent to buildinqs
Example of a su ccessful t.siderr'alk narkins lot and storefron
Fieure 17.22.230(DX2)
Intemal walkways adiacent to buildine walls that do not meet storefront facade standards
must provide at least three feet of landscaoing to enhance the chamcter of the walkwav. The
reviewine authoritv will consider altemative treatments. such as decorative walls (riqht
4. Where walkways are between a parkine lot and a multi-tenant commercial or mixed-use
buildinq which is 100 fe€t or more lons. walkwavs must feature a l2-foot wide sidewalk
with the followine features:
a. Eieht feet minimum unobstructed width'
b. Trees placed at an averase of 50 feet on-center and placed in prates or in plantins
strips as set forth in subsection (c) below.
DEPARTURE: Breaks in the tree coverase will be considered near buildine entries to
enhance visibility.
c. Planting strips mav be used between anv vehicle access or oarking area and the
walkway: orovided. that the trees required above are included. the walkway meets the
applicable width standards herein. and the combined walkway and olantine strip is at
least 12 feet wide.
d. See also PAMC 17.22.240(F) for apolicable internal roadwav desiqn standards.
rc,il ii;
T t
17.22.240 - Vehicular circulation and oarking.
The standards herein suoplement the orovisions ofthe Port Aneeles Urban Services Standards
and Guidelines Manual. Where there is a co.rflict. the orouisions herein aooly. except that the
CiW Eneineer mav override this requirement and apply the Public Works standard for a driveway
if the Public Works Director finds that a failure to applv the Public Works standards will result in
a threat to public safety.
A. Puroose.
1 ' To cteut" u safe.
"onreoient, -d effi"i"nt nett"o.k for ,r"hi"le circulation and p*kine.
2. To enhance the visual character ofinterior access roads.
3. To minimize conflicts with pedestrian circulation and activity.
B. Drivewavs. fhivewavs must meet the standards of the Citv of Port Anseles Urban Services
Standards and Guidelines Manual. including. but not limited to. standards for intersectio,
spacins. distance from crosswalks. and width.
C. P".kirg "rt." lo""tioo. P*kine lot -d n*kine e*ue" ent i". .ort p.oride u"hi"r.la.
access in the followins order ofpreference:
1. Allevs.
2. Basic block frontaee streets.
3. Landscaped block frontaee streets.
4. Mixed block frontaqe streets.
See related standards for parkine and drivewav location under Chapter 17.22 PAMC. Article
II Block Frontaee Standards.
D. Garage and service area entries and pedestrian safetv,
1 . Parkins garage entries and service area entries must be well-inteerated into the desim of
the buildins and must not dominate the streetscape. They should be desigred and sited to
complement. not subordinate. the pedestrian entry.
2' where vehicles enter and exit a parkinq garase or service area across a sidewalk or
intemal walkwav. direct visibility betrreen oedestrians and motorists must be orouided.
Treatments must include setback entries. cropped wall comers. wall openings. or other
treatments to enhance safety and visibility. Treatments should also include pavernent
markings or chanees in pavement materials. Mirrors and electronic visual/audio w4gglgg
alone are not acceotable methods of visibility.
3. Parkins earaee entries are encouraeed to have flat driveways behind the sidewalk for the
leneth ofat least one vehicle in order to enhance visibiliV between pedestrians and
motorists exitine the saraee. Steeplv sloping drivewavs immediatelv adiacent to a
sidewalk or intemal walkway require rreater application of visibilitv treatments described
in (DX2) above.
4. Garage entrv doors and gates. ifprovided. must be at least 50 oercent transparent between
the bottom and top of the door or qate in order to enhance the safety ofsarase users.
E. Drive.throughs.
Drive-facilities are to permi uses. This drive-throueh lanes and
servlce for restauran ts. banks. oharmaci and other USES.
1 . Where oermitted.
a. CA.CSD. CO, and zones. Permi orovided the of this are
Dri biled
terminals and facilities.
2. Block
a.P areas. For the of comolvine with the Landscaoed or block
frontaqe standards in PAMC 17.22.1 30- 140, drive-throueh lanes are considered a
parkinq area and are as oart of the area alonq the frontase.
ExceDtion: In the CA zone. drive-through lanes are not considered a oarking area.
b. Facades ust comolv with reo uirernents for the e block
frontase in PAM c 17.22.130-140.
3. Screenins. Drive-throu eh lanes. incl waitins and holdins lanes. must be buffered
fiom the and internal walkways by ofthe desipn ootions set forth in Table
t'7 .22.240 (E\(2\ below :
Fieure 17.22.240(D)
Acceptable parking garage entrv/exit examples.
Left: This commercial/loadine enbry has cropped comers that are also utilized for store
windows. Risht: This residential eamee has a setback and crooped comers on both sides that
Gg L-:IJt__
Table 17.22.240(E)(3\
Drive-lane screenins stan and oDtions.
Drive-throueh example.
Fisure 17 ,22 .240(EX5)
Fagade must meet
applicable block frontage
ttansparenc, standards
Landscaping bufers
must comply with
Tabte 17.22.250(EX2)
E a!
When adiacent to a street When adiacent to an internal walkway
l0' wide plantine strip with Tvpe B or C
landscapine per PAMC 17.22.425
5' wide plantins strio with Type B or C
landscapine per PAMC 17.22.425.
5' wide plantins strio with Type B or C
landscapins per PAMC 17.22.425
qombined with a wall at least 3' hieh
constructed ofbrick. stone. or siding
materials that matches the principal walls
of the buildins.
A wall at least 3'hieh constructed of brick.
stone or sidinq materials that matches the
principal walls ofthe buildine.
4. Pedestrian access. Drive-through lanes must not orevent pedestrian access between a
public sidewalk and on-site buildinqs. Desimated walkwavs must not be located within
required stackine soace. See Fiqure 17.22.240(EX4) for an example.
5. Noise. Noise from drive-through speakers m,rst not be audible from adiacent residential
properties. See also Chapter I 5.16 PAMC for noise control standards.
i L
street and bu
connection between
17.22.250 - Service areas and mechanical eouioment.
A. Puroose.
1. To minimize adverse visual. odor. fumes. and noise imoacts of mechanical eouipment.
utility cabinets and other service areas at ground and roof levels.
2. To provide adequate. durable. well-maintained. and accessible service and equipment
3. To protect residential uses and adjacent properties from impacts due to location and
utilization of service areas.
B. Location of eround-level serice areas and mechanical equipmenL Ground-level buildine
service areas and mechanical eouipment includes loadins docks. trash collection and
compactors. dumOster areas. storaee tanks. electrical Oanels. HVAC equiOment. and other
utility eouipment. If atry such elements are outside the buildinq envelope at s'ound level. the
followine location standards applv:
l. Service areas must be located for convenient service access while avoidins negative
visual. auditory. olfactorv, or OhVsical impacts on the streetscape environment and
adiacent residentiallv zoned prooerties.
2. Where practical. service areas must not be visible from the sidewalk and adiacent
oroperties. Where the Director finds that the only option practical for locatinq a service
area is an area visible fiom a public risht-of-way. residenUcustomer parkinq areL intemal
walkwav or pedestrian area- or from an adjacent prooerw. the service area must be
screened with the sfiuctual iuld landscaDing screenins measures Drovided in subsection
(C) below.
3. Service areas for multiple users or tenants must be coJocated or consolidated to the
extent practical.
4. Senrice areas must be sited for alley access ifavailable. Service elemerts accessible from
an alley are exernpt from the screenine requirements of this section.
5. Trash collection areas must include roofs or overhead weather protection and must meet
required stormwater standards. Drainaee must be desimed to meet applicable NPDES
6. Exterior loadine areas for commercial uses must not be located within 20 feet ofa
residentially zoned orooerty.
DEPARTURE: Exterior commercial loadine areas are exempt from this standard if the
reviewine authority finds such a restriction does not allow feasible development and
altemative desisr measures can successfullv mitisate pgtential neeative impacts. For
examole. areas and drives may be required to be separated from the residential lot bv a
masonrv wall at least eieht feet hish.
7. Other provisions of this section notwithstanding. service areas used by residents must be
located to avoid entrapment areas and other conditions where personal securitv is
ootentially a problern. Pedestrian-scaled liehtine or other measures may be needed to
enhance securitv.
8. Noise-oroduclng mechanical eouioment-such as fans. heat oumos-etc.must be located
and/or shielded to minimize sounds and reduce impacts to adi acent dwelling units.
9. Dumpster storaee areas must be orovided for all development. located on site and not in
the oublic risht-of-wav. and sized to accommodate the minimum dumoster sizes (as
provided by the Port Aneeles ensineerine standards).
C. Screenins of ground-level service areas and mechanical equipment. Where screenins of
eround level service areas is required [see subsection (2Xb) of this sectionl. the followine
l. Structural enclosures must be constructed of masonry. healy-sause metal. heavy timber.
or other decay-resistant material that is also used with the architecture ofthe main
buildins. Altemative materials other than those used for the main buildine are permitted
if the finishes are similar in color and texture. or ifthe proposed enclosure materials are
more durable than those for the main structure. The walls must be sufficient to provide
full screenins from the affected roadway. pedestrian areas. or adjacent use. but must be
no greater than seven feet tall. The enclosure mav use overlaDDinq walls as a screenins
method. See Fieure 17.22.250(C) below.
2. Gates must be made of heaw-eause. sieht-obscurine material. Chain link or chain link
with slats is not an acceDtable material for enclosures or gates.
3. Where the interior of a service enclosures is yisible from surrounding streets. walkways.
or residential units. an opaque or serni-ooaoue horizontal cover or screen must be used to
mitisate unsightly views. The horizontal screen/cover should be intesrated into the
enclosure desien (in terms of materials and/or desim).
4. Trash collection ooints must be located and configured to the extent practical so that the
enclosure gate swinq does not obstruct pedestrian or vehicle vehicular traffic on a Dublic
risht ofwav. or does not rEuire that a hauline truck project into any public risht-of-way.
Screening elements must allow for efficient service deliverv and removal ooerations.
5. The service area must be oaved.
6. The sides and rear of service enclosures must be screened with Type B landscapine at
least five feet wide in locations visible from the street. parkins lots. and walkwavs to
soften views of the screenine element and add visual interest. Plants must be arranged
with a minimum of 50 percent coveraqe at time of installation and be able to srow to
fully screen or shield the equipment within three years.
DEPARTURES will be considered. provided the enclosure and landscapins treatment
meet the purpose of the standards and add visual interest to site users.
Fieure 17.22.250(C)
AcceDtable trash screening enclosures.
All examples use durable and attractiv e enclosures with trees and shrubs to soften views of
the enclosures from the side. Im C and D use a trellis and weather Drotection structure on
too - a desirable feature particularl v where the top o f the enclosures are visible from
surroundins buildin ss. streets. and walkwa vs (due to topoqraphy or buildine heiehts).
Drocess to determine the best approach in meetin g these standards. If such elernents are
JZ:q 3>
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---L -U rI
lrtr Lr.-r
D. Utilitv meters. electrical conduit and other service utilitv apparatus. These elernents
must be located and/or desimed to minimize their visibility to the public. Project desisners
are strongly encourased to coordinate with aoplicable service oroviders early in the desiqn
mounted in a location visible from the street. internal walkwav. common outdoor recreation
area- or shared auto courtvards. they must be screened with vegetation and/or inteerated into
the buildine's architecture.
Fieure 17.22.250fl))
Utility meter location and screening - good and bad examples.
E ,,r
Place utility meters in less visible locations. Imaees A and C are successfullv tucked away in
a less visible location and./or screened bv veeetation. Images B and D are poorly executed
and would not be permitted in such visible locations. Such meters must be coordinated and
better intesrated with the architecture of the building.
E. Roof-mounted mechanical eouipment.
1. All rooftop mechanical eouipment. includine air conditioners. heaters. vents. and similar
equipment must be fully screened from public view at the street level and from rooftoo
residential amenitv soaces. Screenine must be located so as not to interfere with operation
of the equipment.
ExceDtion: Roof-mounted wind turbines. solar energy and ohotovoltaic systems. and
rainwater reuse systems do not require screenine.
2. For rooftop equipment. all screenins devices must be well intesrated into the
architectural desien throuqh such elements as parapet walls. false roofs. roof wells.
clerestories. or eouioment rooms. Screenine walls or unit-mounted screeninq is allowed
but less desirable. Wood must not be used for screens or enclosures. Louvered desipns
e if consistent with
2 Ttra ctraAnind mo must be of *^1-i-l .-^"i;-^ hinih'l maintenance
as hieh as the eouipment beine screened.
4. Noise producine merhanical equioment, such as fans. heat pumps. etc.. must be located
and/or shielded to sounds and reduce imDacts to ad t dwellins units.
effectivelv. The rieht imaees shows effective location and screenine. includine side walls
and a trellis to screen views from taller surroundinq buildines.
The left ill and screenedeouiDment can beshows how rooftoo
17.22.260 - Site liehtins.
1. To ensure that I ns contributes to the character of the and does not disturb
adjacent develooments and residences.
2. Protect asainst lisht oollution. thereby reclaimins the ability to view the nieht skv and
helpins to Dreserve oualitv of life and scenic value of this le visual resource
throuehout the resion and natural ooen soaces.
3. Help protect and enhance human health and wellness and wildlife habitation and
mieration bv minimizine lisht oollution and its imnact on all forms of life.
4. Promote liehtine and systems to conserve enerqy,denendence on
fossil fuels. and limit sas emlsslons.
5 Ensure that suffi ded where needed to nromote safetv and
cient li shtins can be
and to allow for reasonable I
Fieure 17.22,250(E)
Examples of how to screen roof-mounted mechanical equipment.
6. Provide attractive li ghting that suDDorts and enhances the urban environment, emphasizes
architectural elements and encourase oedestrian acti and ins bevond davlishtvltv
hours- esoeci all durine the lone niehts ofPacific N orthwest winters.
B. Aoolicabilitv. Al I outdoor liehtins must comolv with the orovi sions herein. unless otherwise
exemoted. This incl but is not limited to. new liehtins. reDlacement lishtine. additions
and alterations. or an other lishtine whether attached to buil di n ooles. structures. the
earth. or any other location.
l. The followins of liehtine are exemDt from the orovi sions of this section:
a. Liehtine solel y for sims.
b. Underwater liehtins.
c. Ternoorarv and seasonal cord-and-olus le lishtine.
truction or em li
e. Outdoor rope and strine liqhts for outdoor seati ng and arcas
C. General standards.
1. All luminaires must be fullv shiel ded and must not emit lisht i nto the u er hernisphere
aro und the luminaire or onto adi acent es and structures-either throush exterior
full cut-off sh ields or throueh oDtics within fixture. Suooort and moun systems for
luminaires m ust not allow oost-installation adiustments that could defeat compliance of
S uirement.
2. Citv-aoorov ed standardized fixtures must used for sidewalk lishtins lo cated within the
risht-of-wav or blicly accessible easern ents on Drivate DroDertv.
3. On-site lish ting elements throueho ut and sunoundins the site shpuld be complernentary,
includine intemal w av lishtins. accent and oarkins lot li ns. and lishtine of
adiacent develooments and the oub lic rieht-of-wav.
4. Exceot AS vided in this section.outdoor liehtine is encourased to follow the intensity.
technoloev- and other recommendations of the Interna tional Dark Sky Association and
the Illuminatine Enein Society of North America.
Figure 17.22.260(C)
Appropriate exterior light shielding.
D. Heisht.
Freestandine lishtine fixtures in parking lots must not exceed 20 feet ilt heieht. Lishtine
fixtures on the too level of oarkine ear ages must not exceed 12 feet in heieht
2. Pedestrian scale liehtine must not exceed 16 feet in heisht.
3. Buildins-mounted exterior li shtins must not be placed at anv ooint treater than 20 feet
above the adiacent prade. exceDt the heieht limit is 14 feet when within 100 feet of a
residential zone. This standard does not apply to fullv recessed liehts. such as when
mounted on the underside of a sas station fuelin g cano ov or a buildine ro ofoverhans.
4. Buildin s-mounted exterior li ns for roof decks is ermitted orovided the luminairestiD
are located at least 10 feet horizontal lv from the edpe of the roof.
Fieure 17.22.260(D)
Examples of site lighting.
Prohlblted Prohibited Acceptable Best
h {
E. Parkins lot lishtine. Liqhtine in parkins lots must be appropriate to create adequate
visibility at nieht and evenlv distributed to increase security. Lishtine must be located so that
trees within the oarkins lot do not obscure the ooeration of the lisht fixture.
F. Liehtins color (The correlated color ternperature of outdoor liehtins must
be 3.500 Kelvin maxim um or lower (refer to American National Standard Institutes
publication C78.377 for zuidance on LED liehtins). Exceotions may be made for
architectural fl oodlishtins. accent or outlining.
G. Exterior lishtins controls.
1 . Automated control svsterns. such as enerrry management systems. ohotoelectric switches.
motion and astronomic timer switches. must be used to the hours of
-"C "/.'"""" ,":/
.*d o"o s"
I v
I z,
oDeratron reo ulrem and the technical and enersv req ui rernents ofthe
aoolicable W State Enersv Code.
2. Exceptions:
a. Epress lishtins as bv the Buildins Code.
b. Liehtine reouired for accessibilitv.
c.L ishtins reouired hv statrlte or ordinance tolaw onerate all nisht
A A manual override or ao^lr awil ,l^^- i. -ll^-,-,1 -^^--,ll-..of automatic
e Seasonal holidav lis and eventg liphtins-
H. Prohibited liehtine.
l. Dvnamic liehtine.
2. Luminaires exceeding 500,000 peak candelas and/or 5 00,000 lumens.
3. Laser lishtins.
4. Any lishtins of undeveloped environmentallv sensitive areas.
5. Anv lishtins that mav be confused wi th sisuls. ernergencv sisnals. or traffic
6. Mercurv. low oressure sodium. or other
distort the perception of actual colors.
sources in Dublic areas that can impede or
Fieure 17.22.260(F)
Kelvin temperature chart
17 -22.300 - PurDose.
This section provides standards for the desi sn of buildin es consistent with the goals and oolicies
ofthe Com sive Plan. See the individual "oumose" statements under each section.
17.22.310 - Building character.
A. Puroose
1. To promote build ines with an architectural character that refl ects the Port Angeles
aesthetic is based on human -scaled desiear detail durable hish-oualitv materials.
sustainable desisn measures. and s uniouelv to the si te's context.
2. To ernphasize that hi eh-quali tv desien is most criti to Port Anseles' hi -visibilitv
sites and corridors.
3. To avoid seneric. comorate architectural desisr that de srades the character and identitv
of Port Anseles.
B. Coroorate architecture Architecture that is defined oredominatelv comorate
identity features and is difficult to adaot to other uses is prohibited For examDle, some
franchise convenience uses have very specific archi tectural features (such as a distinq[ive
roofline desipn that functions as a sten) that reinforce their identi ty. As tenants chanee in
these tvDes ofbuil dinps- these comorate identi tv features can nesativelv im the character
ofthe area and identi tv of new tenants. These features can also be v ex enslveD to
reconfisure and to new USES.
17.22.320 - Buildine massins and articulation.
A. Purpose.This section contains standards that affect the massins of buildin throueh facade
desim articul tion. facade width.and roofline desien. The pumose of this section is:
1. To ernploy architectural elements (like windows. balconies. entnes . etc.) that create a
lernen or dividi e buildi into smaller identi
2. To integrate s al arti culated/modulated features on laree build ines to break uo the
mas slns and add visual interest
B. Exemptions. The followine buildines are exemDt from the req uirements this section:
1. All buildinss with less than 60 horizontal feet of facade.
C. Facade articulation, Facade articulation to create a human-scaled oattern is reouired for
buildine facades and other buildinq elevations facing parks, containins primarv buildine
7. Blinking. flashine- intermittent. and/or movine liqhts unless specificallv allowed
elsewhere in the Port Aneeles Municipal Code.
8. Liehtins permanentlv attached to trees.
Article IV - Buildins Desim Standards
entrances. and adiacent to lower intensitv zones. Articulation features are listed in subsection
For non-residential buildinss and non-residential portions of mixed-use buildings, at least
three articulation features must be employed at intervals no greater than 40 feet in the CBD,
CN CO and CSD zones and 50 feet in the CA zone
Townhouse buildines. multifamilv buildinss. and residential portions of mixed-use buildines
facade s in all ADI)licable zones must emD lo at least three articulation features at intervals
relate to the location/size ofindividual units within the buil or no more than ev
50 feet
D. Articulation features to meet the standards of (C) above include:
l. Use of window Dattems and./or entries that reinforce an articulation pattem.
2 Use of awn lnps or similar weather Drotection features (no la licable to residential
3. Use of vertical piers/columns.
4. Chanse in roofline with a difference in heisht.slo eor oitch.direction. or shaoe (such asD
towers or dormers).
5. Chanse in buildins material or sidine stvle
6. Other desi un t ues that effectively reinforce a of small storelionts
comDatible with the buil ding's surroundins context (not aoolicable to residential
For non-storefront bui s elevations. the followins additional features may be used to meet
facade articulation standards :
7. Vertical elements such as a trellis with plants. sreen wall. or art element
vertical buildine modulation of at least l2 inches 1n if tied to a chanse in8. Provi di ns
roofline subsection 4 of this section or a di ma S1 S or
color. On resid ential buildi nss balconies be used to oualifu for this ootion if thev are
recessed or Droiected from the facade bv at least 18 inches. Juliet balconies or other
balconies that appear to be tacked on to the facade will not qualifu for this option unless
thev emolov hish oualitv materials and e ffectively meet the pumose of the standards.
9 Other desisn echnio ues that effectivel break uo the massins of structures and add visualt
DEPARTURE: Other articulati on features m av be aporoved. provided thev meet the oumose
ofthe standards and the desi sn criteria set forth in subsection (D) ofthis section
Fieure 17.22.320(DXl)
Non-residential articulation examples.
\a I l
The left image uses window pattems. weather orotection elements. and roofline modulation.
The photo example to the risht also includes window oattems and weather protection along
with a chanee in masonry texture and color to articulate the facade. The lower example
illustrates how a multitenant retail buildine can successfullv be articulated (windows.
weather protection. vertical buildins modulation. and roofline chanees).
L r
Fieure 17.22.320(DX2)
Residential articulation examples.
I l.
articulation intenrJ | [
articulation interval tt Maximum
articulation intervalF
J v t)y
!r!rlilil!ttllllilr ll,
I IIImm mtII
mtilil il
lrr ulll !r !t !rttIl
Below Imase A uses a combination of vertical buildine modulation, window pattems.
material changes. and roofline modulation. Imaee B is unacceptable.
i[ fi'li lr uI
I l.t
ltril uF
Height difference
Modulation depth
Roofline oualifies as an feature when com with vertical
buildine modulation techniques.
The left illustrates a oitched roof e and the risht buildins illustrates a flat
E. Departure criteria associated with standards. Proposals must meet the
pumose of the standards. The following cri a will be considered in s whether
tha nrnrnccd qrfi culation treatrnent meets the
l . The tlme and ofthe orooosed articulation treatment and how effective it is in
meetins the Dumose siven the buildins's context
2. The aoplicable block frontaee desisnation. Basic block frontages warrant more flexibilitv
than block frontages desi as mixed or landscaoed.
3 The size and width of the Smaller
lareer buildines.
hrrildinss warrant sreater flexibili tv than
Fieure 17.22.320(DX3)
Acceptable examples of roofline modulation.
n flf
4. The oualitv of faeade materials in concert with doors, windows.and other facade features
and their ability to add visual interest to the street from a pedestrian scale and more
distant observable scales.
17,22.330 - Buildine details.
A. Purpose. This section contains standards that affect the human experience of architecture at
the sound level and the quality of windows. The purpose ofthis section is:
I . To encourase the incomoration of desim details and small-scale elements into buildine
facades that are attractive at a oedestrian scale.
2. To integrate window desisn that adds depth. richness. and visual interest to the facade.
3. To create clear and welcoming buildine entries.
B. Applicabilitv. This section applies onlv in the CBD zone.
C. Facade details - nonresidential and mixed-use buildinss. The qround floor of commercial
and mixed-use buildines must be enhanced with appropriate details.
l This standard aoplies to buildine facades and buildine elevations facine parks and
containine primary buildine entrances.
2. All new buildines must ernoloy at least one detail elernent from each ofthe three
cateeories in subsection (D) for each facade articulation interval (see PAMC 17.22.330).
3. All additions associated with Level II and III improvernents (see PAMC 17.22.030) must
emolov at least one detail elernent from each of the three categories in subsection (D) for
each facade articulation interval (see PAMC 17.22.330).
For example. a buildine with 120 feet of street frontase with a facade articulated at 40 feet
intervals will need to meet the standards for each ofthe three facade segrnents below.
D. Facade detail catesories,
1 Window and./or entrv heatrnent:
a. Display windows divided into a prrid of multiole panes.
b. Transom windows.
c. Roll-upwindows/doors.
d. Other distinctive window treatment that meets the pumose of the standards.
e. Recessed entry.
f. Decorative door.
g. Other decorative or specially desimed entry treatment that meets the pumose of the
Examples of decorative or speciall v desiened windows and entries. A - openable slarcfran!
window. B : transom windows. C : ooenable window with decorative details. D :
2. Buil dinp elernen t facade attachment-or ACA d etaied
a. Custom-desi pmed weather orotection elernent such as a steel canoDy,cloth awnins. or
retractable avrnj4g.
b. Decorative buildins-mounted lieht fixtures.
c. Bav windows, trellises.towers. and similar elernents.
d. Decorative. custom hansins sisn(s) (ootion onlv available for buildins remodels).
Other details or elernents that meet the Dumose of these standards.
Fieure 17.22.330(DXl)
Examoles of decorative or speciallv designed windows and entries.
II 4
l-aID I
t I
decorative window shades. E : decorative door. F = recessed entrv.
Fieure 17.22.330(DX2)
Examples of decorative or speciallv desiqned windows and entries.
3. Decorati ve material and artistic elements:
a-Decorative building materials/use of buildine materials. Examples include , but are not
limited to. decora tive use ofbrick, tile. or stonework.
b. Artwork on buildine. such as a mural or bas-reli ef sculpture.
c. Decorative kick-o late-Dl laster base oanel. or other similar feature
d. Hand-crafted material. such as special wroueht iron or carved wood.
e. Other details that meet the pumose of the standards
DEPARTURES will be considered. provided the facade (at the overall scale and at the
individual articulation scale) meets the oumose of the standards above
eq DI -'r
lt ,5
.lrI i:
Ig;tt a
decorati ve bulkhead. F - decorative materials and design.
Fieure 17.22330(DX3)
Examoles of decorative surface materials.
I a
)I1( )()t )t ,l:,
,,L,i a
L.-I n #I
Examples ofdecorative surface materials. A = decorative brick/desien. B = decorative tile-
work and column pattern. C = decorative medallion. D : decorative mosaic tile work. E :
E. Window design standards.
l. All windows (except storefront displav windows) must ernploy desisns that add deDth
and richness to the facade. At least one ofthe followine features must be included to
meet this reo uirernent:
(a) Recess windows at least 1.5 inches from the facade.
(b) Inco{porate window trim (at least three inches wide) around windows.
(c) Incomorate other desisn treatments that add depth. richness. and visual interest to the
DEPATURES from the window standards above will be considered. provided the design
meets the pumose of the standards.
Fisure 17.22.330(E)
The window sln Im a e A is recessed bv at least 1.5'' fiom e. Imaqes B and C
2. Standards for special ty elass and treatments
a. Ground floor windows on all buildines mav not use slass that is hi shly reflective,
mirrored-darkl -tinted frosted or otherwise treated to obscure visibilitv
into the buildine.
b. Exceotion: Frosted slass is allo wed for und floor residential units located within
I 5 feet of a sidewal k see PAMC 17 .22.170 for related standards). The treatment(
must not cover more than 50 percent of any window
(ii) On other floors. hiehlv reflective and mirrored slass must not be used on more
than ten percent ofa buildins facade or other buil dine elevations facins parks and
containing primary buildine entrances
Cornice/roofline de stsn for flat roofs. Nonresidential and mixed-use buildinss emolovins aF.
y provides an identifiable "top" toflat roof must emolov a distinctive roofline that effectivel
feature trim at least 3" wide. Images D and E feature a reveaVrecess ofless than 1.5". but the
contrastins frames and mullions effectively add a sense of depth and richness to the facade.
The treatment in Imaee F does not effectively add a sense of depth and richness to the
''-i=.-.-. , :.<
the buildins. includin p one of the followins lFiq/ure 17 .22.33 F) below illustrates
1. A traditional comi ce line or a contemDorary interpretation o f a traditional comice line.
Such rooflines must be proportio nal to the size and scale of the building.
2. Understated comice lines are oermitted deoendins on the materi als and desim of the base
and middle elements in reinforcine the base/middl e/too confisuration.
Rooftop solar units are oermitted. orovided the placement and desien of units visible
from the surroundine streetscaoe are carefullv inteerated into the overall desipn conceot
of the buildine.
DEPARTURE: Alternative roofl ine desims mav be acceptable, provided the buildine
desien. collectivel y. meets the pumose of the standards.For examp le. additional
articulation treatments and/or detailins mav hel D the buil dins meet the arture cn teria
resular storefront entrances on the buildins and must be scaled pro o nal to the buildine.
G. Articulated buildine entries. The orimary buildins entrance for an office buildins. hotel.
multifamily buildine (when provided), public or community-based facility or other multi-
storv commercial buildine must be desimed as a clearlv defined and demarcated standout
architectural feature of the buildine. Such entrances must be easilv distinguishable from
See Figure 1 7.22.330(C) below for eood examples.
Fieure 17.22.330(F)
Examples of buildinss emplovinq conlident and distinctive rooflines.
I r
- [_\r:,r
i,\,L t l:
Fieure 17.22.330(G)
Building entrv examples.
17.2 2.340 -B U materials.
A ose.
l. To encourage the use of durable , hieh quality, and urban buildine materials that minimize
maintenance cost and provide visual interes t from all observable vantase Doints.
2. To oromote the us e of a distinctive mix of materials that hel DS to articulate facades and
lends a sense ofd eDth and richness to the buildinss
3. To olace the hishest priority on the first floor in the qualitv and detailine of materials at
the pedestrian scale.
B. Oualitv buildine materials,
1. Applicants must use hish quality durable materials. This is most im portant for the base of
bui dinss. narti cularl for commercial and mixed-use buildinss where the facade is sited
close to sidewalks.
2. Prohibited exterior building materials:
a. Fiberglass.
b. Vinv I and D lastic sid lns
c. Pl od
d. T-lll sidine.
3. The use of sustainably harvested. salvaged. recycled. or reused Droducts is encourased
wherever possible.
Acceotable concrete use and desisn.
Fieure 17.22.340(C)
C. Special conditions and limitations for concrete block (also known as concrete masonrv
unit or CMU). Concrete block mav be used as a claddins material if it is incorporated w.ith
other permitted materials and,/or incomorates a combination of textures and/or colors to add
visual interest. For example. combinine split or rock-facade units with smooth blocks can
create distinctive pattems. The fizure below illustrates acceptable concrete block us€,/desisns.
J t,
-1 !
I-...-IIII mP rra ffr
aEI-:-J I
Buildine A uses altematine rows of concrete block and brick as an effective and contrastins
accent material for its podium structure. Buildins B uses CMU as the primary claddine
material for the eround level. Note the use of split-facade CMU's above each of the awninss
and couoled with the use of smooth-facade CMU's on the vertical columns (which ernolov
black accent tiles for added interest).
D. Special conditions and limitations for metal sidine. Metal sidine mav be used as a
secondarv claddine material (no more than 35 percent of the cladding for the facade and no
more than 50 percent for other buildines elevations) if it is incomorated with other permitted
materials and complies with the followine standards:
I . Metal siding must not extend lower than two feet above qrade. Masonry. concrete. or
other durable material must be incorporated between the metal sidine and the Eround
2. Metal sidine must be factorv finished with a matte. noffeflective surface.
3. Metal sidine must feature visible comer moldins and trim
4. Use ofat least two colors ofmetal sidins on the facade is encouraeed but not reouired.
E. Special conditions and limitati ons for the use of exterio r insulation and finish svstem
(EIFS). Such material/fi ni shes may be used as a decorative accent claddins material if
lncomor ated with other Dermitted material s and com D liant with the followins
I . EIFS must not extend lower than eieht feet above erade. Concret e. masonry. or other
durable material must be used for eround level wall surfaces to D rovide a durable surface
where damase is most likel v
2. EIFS is allowed as a secondarv claddins material
3. EIFS must feature a smooth or sand finish only.
4. EIFS must be trimmed in wood, masonry , or other material and must be sheltered from
weather bv roofover gs or other methods
DEPARTURES will be considered provided, the material's inte$ation and overall facade
composition meets the ourpose of the standards
DEPARTURES will be considered. provided the material's inte€ration and overall facade
composition meets the pumose of the standards.
Fieure 17.22.340(D)
Acceptable metal siding examoles.
5 l.
l. I.aii is d
I it --]r-
The buildines in lmase A and B inteprate a ranee of metal sidine with masonry and other
EIFS on the
interest to the
block on the rround level andthe use ofbrick and decorative concrete
add depth andvisible on the secondfloor. The window
Risht imaee: EIFS is used for ve the firstall buildins elevations abo
F. Special conditions and limitations for cementitious wall board oanelins/siding. Such
material may be used. provided it meets the followine orovisions:
I . No more than 30 of the facade's cladding and 40 percent of other buildins
elevations cl mav be one texture and color of cement board.
2. Cernent board panelin e/sidine mav not be used on the gro und floor of nonresidential or
mixed-use ldinss where ad acent to a S1 dewalk or other internal w alkwav
3. Where cernent bo oanelins/sidine is used. the desisn must a mix of colors
and/or textures that are arti culated consistent with windows.and modulated
h.,il,{;n^ ",,.f.^-"and are balanced with f-^.la zlarailc rLo+add visual i-+--.+ &^- rlra
pround level and adjacent buildines.
DEPARTURES will considered. orovided the material's and overall facade
comDosition meets the of the standards.
Fieure l7.22.340(E)
Acceptable and unacceDtable EIFS examDles.
rt I
t.I 1
L t-
Fieure 17.22.340(F)
Acceptable and unacceptable cementitious wall board examples.
tu ru
> 15 feet
I :.al
The buildine on the left uses cement board in different textures and colors to help articulate
the facade. The white color replicates the board and batten style in the left image and ereen
color in the right imaee effectively replicates horizontal wood sidine. The wall board panels
coverins a large area in a sinqle color as in risht imase would not meet the pumose of the
17.22.350 - Blank wall treatment.
A. Purpose.
1. To avoid untreated blank walls.
2. To retain and enhance the character ofPort Angeles' streetscapes.
B. Blank wall definition. A sound floor wall (includine buildine facades and retainine walls)
is considered a blank wall if it does not include a transparent window or door. it is over ten
feet in heisht. and it has a horizontal lenqth Ereater than:
I . 15 feet (when the wall is located less than five feet from the front lot line).
2. 20 feet (when the wall is located five to ten feet from the front lot line).
3. 25 feet (when the wall is located more than ten feet from the front lot line).
Fieure 17.22.350(B)
Blank wall definition within five feet of a front lot [ine.
C. Blank wall treatmen t oDtions. Untreated blank walls located within 100 feet of. and visible
from a street. public space. sround-level residential amenitv space. or intemal walkway are
to lank walls include the foll of treatments
m the of the standards
l. Display windows at least 16 inches of depth to allow for changeab le displays. Tack on
rticnlqv nqces dn not I as a blank wall
2. Landscaoe o bed at leas t five feet wide or a raised nlanter bed at least two feet
hieh and three feet wide in front of the wall with olantine materials that are sufficient to
or screen at least 60 of l's surface within three
3. Installine a vertical trel lis or "sreen wall" in front of the wall with cl vrnes orp olant
materials. The method must be sufficient to obscure or screen at least 60 percent of the
wall surface within three vears. This option reouires an irrieation and maintenance plan
sufficient to maintain heal thy olants for the life of the buildine.
4. Installine a non -commercial mural or other errnanen t art feafure. such as m etal work orD
mosarcs,subiect to final approval bv the Director.
5. Buildins detailin s that adds visual in at a pedestrian scale such as belt coutses o,f
masonry, decorative tile work. or accent liehtins. Such detailine must use a variety of
surfaces;nous desims will not meet the pumose of the standards.
Fisure 17.22.350(C)
Blank wall treatment examples.
t|eE----l Et-E
I l I I
Fisure 17.22.350(C)
Blank wall treatment examples.
) lr ,-ti tr
Imaee A uses an artistic mural: Imaee B uses a landscaoe planting bed: Imaee c uses a trellis
with a vine plant: Imaee D uses an elevated plantine bed and a trellis.
Article V - Landscapins Standards
17.22.400 - Puroose.
Landscapins is necessary to provide a well-balanced. aesthetically pleasins environment for the
residents. business. and visitors ofPort Anqeles. Specifically. these reouirements are intended to
accomplish the followinq:
A. Maintain and enhance property values.
B. Enhance the character and appearance of each neiehborhood and the community.
C. Promote tree retention and the protection of existinq native vegetation.
D. lmplernent tree and landscaping plans and proqrams adopted bv the Citv.
E. Provide adeouate buffers between differins land uses.
F. Define. break up. and screen parkine areas to reduce potentiallv nesative imoacts on adjacent
G. Improve the air quality and provide wildlife habitat.
H. Reduce erosion and stormwater runoff.
17.22.410 - Aoplicability.
Applicabiliw. Sections 17.22.400-.460 apolv to all new commercial and multifarnilv
develooment and where new landscapine or tre€s required by other sections of this Title. This
chapter does not aoolv to reouired street trees (see Chapter I I .13 PAMC for street tree
17.22,415 - Landscape plans.
A. A landscaoe olan is required for all new commercial and multifamily development containins
landscapine. including landscapine within the adiacent riqht-of-wav.
B. Landscape plans must be completed by a Washineton State licensed landscape architect or
Washineton certified professional horticulturalist (CPH) for multifamily and nonresidential
developments with a development site area of 10.000 eross square feet or more.
C. Landscape olans must show the followine elements:
I. Boundaries and dimensions ofthe site.
2. t ocation of existine and proposed streets. curbs. utilig lines, and sidewalks.
3 . Location of buildines and structures. oarkine lots. drivewavs. loadine areas. outdoor
mechanical eouipment. siens. refuse enclosures. overhead utilities. water meter location.
rrassv swales. oarkins lot liehtins. and any plants or trees that are to remain on site.
4. The location and desim of landscaoe areas to be preserved and olanted. and plant list to
include the location. number. size. and tvpe ofplant material by botanical and common
5. North arrow and scale.
6. Irrieation svstern if a permanent or temporary systern is proposed.
7. Plantine details.
8. Name. address. and phone number of the person preDarins the plan.
9. Landscaping calculations in compliance with this chapter.
10. A maintenance plan for any infiltration-based stormwater best manaeement oractices
(BMPs) built as part of the landscaping desipn. includine the soecifications and
maintenance procedures of anv soil amendments.
D. No buildine pgrmits will be issued until a landscape plan is reviewed and aooroved. No
certificate ofoccupancy (CO) will be issued until improvernents are installed per the
aooroved landscape plan. A suitable zuarantee mav be provided ifinstallation is not possible
or advisable due to seasonal constraints.
17.22.420 - Plant material and installation standards.
A. Native and naturalized olant species. New landscapine materials must include soecies
native to the region or hardy. waterwise. and noninvasive species appropriate in the climatic
conditions ofthe region (decorative annuals are an exception). Generally acceptable olant
materials must be those identified as hardy in Zone 8b as described in the United States
Deoartment of Aericulture's Plant Hardiness Zone Map. The selection of plant species
should include consideration ofsoil type and depth. the amount ofmaintenance required.
S ex to sun and win the sl and con urs f ili with
existing native vegetation preserved on the site, water conservation where needed, soil
infiltration fand the im of land on vlsl ili ite ses of
public safety and surveillance.
B. Tree standards.
!. The followine terms are used to denote tree heights within this Chapter:
a. Larse tree: capable ofsowine 35 feet high or sreater under normal growing
b. Medium tree: caoab le of srowlns over 15 feet hish and less than 35 feet hieh under
qormal growing conditions.
c. Small tree: capable of srowinq uD to 15 feet hieh under normal qrowinq conditions.
2. Unless otherwise noted. required trees must meet the followine standards at the time of
a. Deciduous trees (other than street trees) must be fullv branched, have a minimum
cal Der ofone and one-half inches (as measured six inches abo ve the root ball). and a
ml nimum h sh t ofsix feet at the time of lantiD ng-
b. Deciduous trees within oarkins areas must be a minimum caliper ofone inch (as
measured six inches above the root ball)and a minimum heisht of ten at the time
c. Coniferous trees must be fully branched and a mlnlmum of six feet in heieht,
measured from the tre etoo to the ground-at the time of lantiD ng.
C. Shru b standard. Shrubs. exceot for sasses. must be a mini mum of one-gallon
ize at the time of lantin
D. Groundcover standards and guidelines.
Groundcovers rnust be planted and spaced to result in total co verase ofthe reouired
landscaoe area within three vears. or as recommended bv a Washinston State licensed
landscaoe arch itect or Washinston certified orofessional horticulturalist. and must meet
the followins requlrements:
a. Four-inch ts at inches on center.
b. One-eallon or seater sized containers at 24 inches on center.
2. A bed of flowers mav be used in n lace of sroundcover olants. A reduction in the
minimum container size may be Dermitted if certified by a Washineton State licensed
landscape architect or W ashington certified professional ho(iculturalist that the reduction
must not diminish the intended effect or the likelihood the plants will survive
3 Grass is accenlah le as srorrnd cover rn dscaoed areas-but generall notlan nreferred for
water conservation and maintenance Dumoses (lawn areas desiened as Dlav arean are an
4. Groundcover areas must contain at least two inches of composted organic material at
finished sade.
E. Tree and plant diversitv.
l. If there are more than eisht reouired trees. no more than 40 oercent ofthem mav be of
one species.
2. If there are more than 24 reouired trees. no more than 20 percent ofthern mav be ofone
3. Ifthere are more than 24 reouired shrubs, no more than 75 oercent of them may be ofone
F. Soil ausmentation atrd mulchins.
1. Existing soils must be auemented with a two inch layer of fullv composted orsanic
material tilled a minimum of six inches deep prior to initial olantine.
2. Landscape areas must be covered with at least two inches of mulch to minimize
evaooration. Mulch must consist of oreanic materials such as bark chips and wood
grindines or yard waste. sawdust. and/or manure that is fullv composted' Washed rock
can also be used as a mulch.
G. Landscaoeinstallation standards.
1. All required landscapins must be in-Pround. exceDt when in raised planters. Plant
materials must be installsd to current nursery industrY standards.
2. Plant materials must be properlv suooorted to ensure survival. Support devices such as
zuv wires or stakes must not interfere with vehicular or pedestrian movement. Where
suDDort is necessary. stakes. zuv wires or other measures must be removed as soon as the
plant can support itself.
3. Existine trees and olant materials to be retained must be protected durins construction.
such as by use of temoorary chain-link or other sturdy fence placed at the dripline of trees
to be retained. Gradins. topsoil storaqe, construction material storaqe. vehicles and
equipment must not be allowed within the dripline of trees to be retained.
4. tnstallation of landscapins materials must take into consideration access to utility vaults.
oedestals. and other public and private utilitv facilities.
5. Tree/Shrub Heieht and Location. The landscape plan should plan for the mature size of
trees and major shrubs to avoid interference with windows. decks or liehtine.
6. Trees must be protected bv fencins until thev are mature enoush to withstand tvpical
wildlife activity.
17.22,425 - Landscapine tvpes.
Below are the plantine and design requiremeflts for specific landscapine tqres. These
landscaoine types apply when required bv this chapter.
A. Tvpe A Landscaoine.
1. Pumose. Type A landscaoins functions as a full screen and visual barrier. This
landscapine is tvpically found between residential and nonresidential areas for screenine
unwanted views.
2. Screenl ns R eo utrement.The selected olant materials and con fi tion must be able to
screen 70 oercent of the unwanted views within five vears ofplantine and screen
substantiallv all o f the unwanted views within six vears folan tins. This reouiremento
must account for the size and characteristics of materials planted. their tyoical erowth
rate. and size at maturity.
3. Planting Requirements. Type A landsca ping 4ust consist of the following:
a. Tree tvoe. Predominatelv co niferous (more than 50 oercent).
b. Tree size. A variety of tree sizes may be used . provided at least 70 Dercent are
medium or larse lsee P AMC 17.22.42 o(Bxl)l . Trees must be Dlanted at the
followins soacins standards ("on center" refers to the distance from other trees ofany
i. Large trees must be soaced between 20 and 25 feet on center.
ii. Medium trees must be spaced betw een 15 and 20 feet on center.
iii.Small trees must be spaced between ten and l5 feet on center
c. Shrubs. Predominatelv coniferous provid ed at the rate ofone shrub per 20 square feet
of landscape strip.
Groundcover. Planted at a density to cover the req uired area within tkee years.
e. Species diversi tv. Trees and shrubs must comDly with PAMC 17.22.420(El.
DEPARTURES that vary from the plantine requrrements of this subsection (AX3) will be
considered vided the orooosal meets the screenins reo uirement of subsection (A)(2 )
of this section
Trees ar I per 150-300sf of
landscaped area (depending on
size) and arranted in a manner ro
obstruct views into the propeEy
Trees min.6 feer ull
at dme of planting
Shrubs at I per 25sf of landscaped area
Fieure 17.22.425(Ll
Tvpe A landscaping standards.
B.T B Landsca
1. Pumose.Twe B landscaping is a "filtered screen " that functions as a visual separator.
This e is wDicallv fo und between differine twes of resi dential development
and used for unwanted views from the pedestrian envirorlg!!.
2. Screenine Req The selected olant materials and must meet the
pumose of the standards within five years of nlantins. This rec uirernent account for
the size and characteri stics of materials olanted. their tvpical prowth rate. and size at
3. Plantins Requirements. Tvoe B landscapine must minimally consist of
a. Tree type.At least 50 Dercent and at least 30 coniferous.t
b. Tree size. A vari ety of tree sizes may be used, provided at least 70 Dercent are
medium or I arse (see PAMC 17.22 400(BX1)). Trees must be planted at the
followine standards ("on center" refers to the di stance from other ofanv
i. Larse trees must be soaced between 20 and 2 5 feet on center.
ii. Medium trees must be soaced between 15 and 20 on center.
l1 q mall trees must be between 5 feet on cen
c. Shrubs . Provided at the rate ofone shrub oer 20 feet of land strip and
spaced no more than eisht feet on center.
d. Groundcover.Planted at a densitY to cover the buffer within three vears.
e. Speci diversitv: Trees shrubs must com D v with PAMC 17.22.4 20(E).
DEPARTURES that varv from the nl anti np reouirements of this subsection (B )(J wl ll be)
sal meets urrem f
of this section.
Ac least 30% of trees
shall be evergreen
At least 50% of trees
shall be deciduous
Fisure 17.22.425(Bl
Tvoe B landscapinq standards.
Trees at I per l5G300sf of
landscaped area (depending on size)
C. Tvpe C Landscaoine.
l. Pumose. Type C landscapine is a "see-throush screen" that functions as a partial visual
separator to soften the appearance ofoarking areas and building elevations. This
landscaping is tvoically found along lot frontaees or between multifamily developments.
2. Screeni.rq Reouirement. The selected Dlant materials and co.rfizuration must meet the
Dumose of the standfids within five l',ears of Dlanting.This requirement must account for
the size and characteristics ofmaterials planted. their tvpical srowth rate. and size at
3. Plantins Requirements. Type C landscaoine must minimallv consist of:
a. Tree species. At least 70 percent deciduous,
b. Tree type. A variety oftree sizes may be used. provided at least 70 percent are
medium or large (see PAMC 17.22.420(BXl )). Trees must be olanted at the
followine spacing standards ("on center" refers to the distance from other trees ofany
i. Large trees must be spaced between 20 and 25 feet on center.
ii. Medium trees must be spaced between 15 and 20 feet on center.
iii.Small trees must be spaced between ten and 15 feet on center.
c. Shrubs. Provided at the rate ofone shrub per 20 souare feet oflandscape strip and
spaced no more than eigfit feet on center.
d. Groundcover. Planted at a density to cover the buffer within three years.
e. Species diversitv. Trees and shrubs must mmolv with PAMC 17.22.420(E).
f.Maintain trees and shrubs to maximize oedestrian itv (senerallv
between three and eieht feet above srade).
DEP that varv from the olantins ts of this subsection (C)(3) will be
meets the of
of this section.
Shrubs at I per 25sf of landscaped area
Canopy-type trees at I per
I 50'300sf of landscaped
area (depending on size)
Vy'hen used for parking lot landscaping,
maintain trees and shrubs to maximize
pedestrian visibiliq/ (generally open
between 3 and 8 feet above grade)
Fiqure 17.22.425(C)
Tvpe C landscaping standards.
D. Tvoe D Landscaoing.
1. Tvpe D landscaoine refers to all other landscaped areas that do not qualiff as TvDe A. B.
C. E. or F landscapins. While native and low-maintenance trees and shrubs are
encourased in these areas. lawn areas may be used for recreational or design purposes.
These areas mav also include flower beds and perennial beds.
2. Twe D landscaoine may include anv combination of plant materials. provided they
comply with the olant materials standards in PAMC 17.22.420.
E. Tvpe E Landscaoinq-Low Hedse, A low hedee is intended to function as an attractive
visual divider of space rather than a visual buffer betweel uses and properties. To oualiff as
a hedee landscaoing type. the plantine must be at least 30 inches wide and 30 inches tall. The
hedee includes plant materials that typicallv sow no taller than five feet at mahritv or are
maintained between 30 inches and 48 inches tall (see the siptrt obstruction heiqht limits ofthe
Port Anqeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual when near an intersection).
F.Tvn e F Landsca Garden.
l. A rain sarden is a planted deoressi on that collects. absorbs.and filters rainwater runoff
from i ous areas. Thev are sized to accomm odate temDorarv oondins and are not
meant to be permanent ponds.They can also function as an attractive visual divider of
space. Twical rain sarden elemen ts include:
a. Garden is located and desisr ed to caoture imoervi ous area runofl
b. Six- to 12-inch pondins deoth.
c. Two- to three-inch mulch laver
d. Gradual side sl (tvoicallv 2: I )
e. Overflow desim elernents with measures to prevent erosion.
f. Generous plantin of a variety of small trees. shrubs. sro undcovers. and grasses.
Select plants suitable for the planting zones within the sarden and around the
Refer to
the current Rain Garden Handbook for Western W ashin n for further suidance
on rain garden location , design, plantinq, construction.and maintenance. The current
Stormwater Management Manual for Westem Was hineton (SWMMWW) mav have
altered reo uirements for engineered rain gardens that are reo uired for on-site stormwater
2. The apolicabilitv ofrain sardens in site desim will be determined by proiect size and
flow control exernptions based uDon minimum requirement No. 5 of the Westem
w Phase II munici al
Fieure 17,22.425(E)
Low hedge examples.
-'=l--l 4
6- 12" ponding dcpth
\hrie!, of small tr€ea, ihrubs,
ground covrrr, and grasscs
Rain garden located
to crPture imPerviorrs
anaa runoff OYrrf,ow deiign
elements wirh
crosion protection
17.22 buffer standards.
A. Req buffer . Landscaoe between uses mav be cal led for in
Table 17.22.430 below or el sewhere in this title.The followins aDDIY to Table
1. The preservation of existing mature trees and vesetation mav be preferab new plant
materials in the reouired buffer areas.The Director reouire anv of the fol lowins to
the survival of existins mature trees and
Aa.the f
b. Require wider buffers to ensure the survi val of existine trees and
vesetation. This must be accomDanied by use of a buffer averasinq in which
the buffer may be reduced in other locations to achi eve. on average,the minimum
buffer wid reouired in Table 17.22.430 or elsewhere in this title.
c. Other suoolernental olantins conditions.
2. The A. B. C. D. E. and F refer the landscaoe tvoes descri bed in PAMC
17.22.425.more than one buffer is referenced in a cell. one of the subiect
ls "a11" means
3. The term :' refers to the requirement of a six-foot-hieh sipht fence. Such
must of PAMC 7 .1
4. The numbers refer to the minimum required width of the req uired landscaoins buffer.
5. Where suoerscript numbers are included in a cell. see the s note matchins
the number the table.
6. The screenins elements must extend the entire orooertv line between the
tes ex where
or similar o
Fieure 17.22.425(F)
Rain garden example.
Riin Sarden roil mix
Exirting rcil
2-3" mulch hyer
Gradual side slop€.
(trically 2: I max.)
7- Where the use is across the street from an existine abuttins use or zone. onlv the buffer
tlr:e listed for the a street is required.
8. DEPARTURES. Alternati ve buffer treatments mav be aDproved per PAMC 17.22.040 for
anv of the buffer tvoes reouired below they meet the pumose of this chapter.
Existinq feature. zone. or use
Use Street
RS7. RS9.
and RSll
RMD and
RHD zones
CO and
P. parks
& trails
Multifamily Fence plus
Fence or
All-5' or
Fence or
or Dath2
Fence or
residential usea
Low intensitv non-Fence plus
Fence or
Fence plus
Fence plus
Hish intensitv non-
residential use6
Fence plus
Fence plus
See Chapter
Article III
A-10'Fence plus
plusF Fence or
Table 17.22.430
Required buffer tvpes.
Moderate intensity
non-residential uses
Outdoor storase
1. tvVhere the abutting use meets the definition of multifamily. the developine use is subject
to the landscaoe buffer Orpe under the multifamilv use column.
2. A oaved or eravel walkwav seoaratine the properties/uses. Landscaoine planters at least
three feet wide separatine the walkwav from buildines (or other effective visual
transitions between the walkway and buildine as determined by the Director) are required.
3. For developing uses adiacent to parks and trails. the Director may adiust requirements to
ernphasize buffer types that enhance visibility between the developins use or focus more
on visual screenins. dependine on the context ofthe park or trail and tvpe ofdevelopine
4. "Low-intensitv nonresidential use" is a small-scale commercial use or develooment. This
includes uses and./or developments with less than 25.000 souare feet ofsross floor area
and mntainine no outdoor storaee along a site edse requirine a landscape buffer in this
Existing feafure. zone. or use
P. parks
& trails
R.}ID and
RIID zones
CO and
RS7. RS9.
and RSll
square feet of pross floor area or use.are classified as an
B. Su buffer
l. For reo for service areas and mechanical for
nonresidential and multifamilv see PAMC 17 .22.250
3. The hei ph tof anv screen material reouired bv this char:ter in the vicinitv of a ooint of
ingress and eeress mav not exceed 30 inches in hei w1 thin the clear-vlsl on trianele
MC 17.94.090
buildinss are exernot fiom this standard.uctions in landscapins allowed for
Table 17.22.430
Required buffer tvpes,
5. "Moderate-intensiW nonresidential use" includes uses and/or developments that are
moderate in scale and intensity. This includes uses and/or developments that do not
qualifu as a low-intensitv nonresidential use (either thev are too large or have some
outdoor storage areas along the site edqe requirinq a landscaDe buffer in this section) or a
hieh-intensitv nonresidential use (not laree enoush or do not meet the use oualifications).
6. '.Hish-intensitv noru.esidential use" includes uses andi/or developments with over 120.000
17.22.435 - Block frontase landscaoine.
A. Nonresidential and multifamily developments must include landscaoine between the
sidewalk and buildins or parkinq areas in conformance with this chapter. Such landscapinq
must include one or more of the landscapine tvpes set forth in PAMC 17.22.425. Storefront
walkways. stoops, porches. oatios. pedestrian-oriented space. utility elernents. and permitted
vehicular access and sipnaqe elernents.
B. Where buildinss are set back at least 15 feet from a street oroperfv line, trees must be planted
at a minimum averaee of30 feet aoart in such olantine areas. with groundcover or shrubs
used liberally.
DEPARTURES mav be considered. provided alternative treatments meet the purposes of this
C. Trees utilized in these plantine areas must minimize conflict with undereround and overhead
utilities. Trees must be from the aporoved list of recommended plant materials or an
approved equivalent.
17.22,440 - Parkine lot landscaoine.
A. Purpose. The puqlose of parkine lot landscape development is to soften the visual effect
created by large expanses ofbarren asphalt.
B. Required area. Plantinq areas in new oarkins areas with ten or more spaces or in upsraded
or improved parkine areas with ten or more spaces must constitute at least five percent ofthe
parkins area. The unused space resultins from the desim ofparking space arraneements or
accessory structures which is over 24 souare feet must be landscaped. Vesetation within LID
facilities may be used to meet landscaoine requirements.
C. Minimum width and lensth. Plantins areas must have a minimum averaee width of 7.5 feet
(measured inside the curb) and must be the same lensth as the parkine stall or column.
D. Plantins tr?e. Tq)e C landscapine must be used in reouired plantine areas. Rain eardens. or
other vesetated LID BMPs. mav be inteprated into olantine strips. orovided they intesrate the
same number of trees as for Type C landscapine.
E. Distribution. Landscaped areas must be distributed throuqhout the parkine lot and must have
no more than eieht consecutive parkins soaces. Islands with veeetation within LID facilities
may be used to meet landscaping requirernents and may exceed maximum eiqht consecutive
F. Parking lot oerimeters.
1 . For parkins lots adjacent to public streets. Type C landscapins must be used at least 7.5
feet deeo. except where a ereater buffer width is required oer the standards in subsections
(A-B) of this section.
LandscapingType C
3 min. height
Wall built ol masonry,
concrete, or other
permanent material
Mixture of low level landscaping
in a raised planter. Small trees
may be included provided they
are maintained to allow
eyeJevel visibility between the
sdewalk and the parking area.
l'min. heitht
Raised planter built of
masonry, concrete, or
min. widrh
DEPARTURES to this standard will be considered oursuant to PAMC 17.22.040. provided
thev meet the pumose of the standards noted above. Examples of acceptable departures mav
include decorative low walls with landscaping. decorative elevated planters. landscapins with
a trellis. a shared-access drive. or a shared pathway. See Fizure 17.22.430(F) for
examples.Fisure 17,22.430(F)
Examoles of alternative parking lot landscaping buffers.
other permanent material
2. For parkine lots alone intemal lot lines. Tvpe A. B. or C landscapine must be used at
least 7.5 feet deep. except where a ereater buffer width is required per the standards in
subsections (A-B) of this section. Where recorded cooperative oarkine apreements are in
place between adjacent properties. sites are exemot from the subject parkinq lot
landscaoine buffer (see PAMC 14.40.070).
DEPARTURES to this standard and reductions in depth by up to 50 percent will be
considered pursuant to PAMC 17.22.040. provided they meet the pumose of the
standards noted above.
17.22.445 - Other landscapine standards.
A. Existins site veqetation. General. Aoolicants are encowased to retain existinq native
veqetation. includine indieenous shrubs. herbaceous plants. and si€nificant trees on the
subject property.
B. Special fire deoartment standards.
1 . Landscapine in the vicinity of any fire hvdrant. Fire Departrnent sprinkler connection or
standpipe connection should not prevent such equipment from beine immediately
discemible nor deter or hinder the Fire Department from eainine irnmediate access to the
eouipment. This section includes the zuidelines for landscapine around the equipment.
with final aoproval from the Citv Fire Marshal.
2. Fire Hvdrants.
a. Fire hydrants must be free from obstruction on all sides by a minimum clearance of
three feet.
b. Fire hvdrants along streets. drivewavs. parkine lots. fire access routes (fire lanes). or
at intersections must be visible for at least 100 feet in all directions along such streets.
drivewavs. access routes or intersections. No plants or shrubs with a heieht ofover l8
inches and no tree with branches or foliase below five feet must be allowed in this
sisht visibilitv area.
3. Sprinkler and Standoipe Connections.
a. Fire Departrnent connections for sorinklers and standpipes must be free from
obstructions on all sides bv a minimum clearance ofthree feet.
b. When a Fire Departmatt connection is over 25 feet from a street. drivewav. parkine
lot. or fire access route. a clear oath must be maintained with minimum width of three
feet between the Fire Department connection and the street. driveway. parkine lot or
fire access route.
17.22.450 - Maintenance.
A. Prooertv owners and their aeents. heirs. or assisns are responsible for maintaining all
required landscapins and screenins areas in a healthy. sowine condition.
B. All landscapine and screenins areas must be maintained reasonablv free of weeds and trash.
treated for pests/diseases in accordance with the approved landscape plan. and maintained so
as to prevent mulch. straw. dirt. or other materials from washing onto streets. sidewalks. and
adioinine properties.
C. Any dead. unhealthy. or missing veeetation. or vegetation disfizured by severe or excessive
pruninq, unusual weather occurrence or natural catastroohe. or other natural occurrence such
17.22.460 - Performance assurance/bonding.
If landscaoins Drovements cannot be installed Drior to a formal certificate of occuDancv. a
cash deoosit. letter of credit or other assurance le to the Citv eoual to 150 oercent of the
estimated installation costs is required. Such deoosit must be accomoanied bv a letter which
stioulates comoletion of all I andscaoe imorovernents within six months o f the certificate of
as damaee by wild or domestic animals. must be replaced with equivalent veeetation that
conforms to the approved landscaped plan and the standards of this chapter.
D. Any engineered soil arnendments must be maintained and reDlaced as needed to continue the
orisinal function of stormwater best manasement practices.
17.22.455 - Irrieation strnderds.
The purpose of this standard is to ensure that plants will survive the critical establishment oeriod
when they are most vulnerable due to lack of watering.
All required landscaped areas must complv with at least one of the followine:
A. A permanent built-in irrisation system with an automatic controller that serves the orooosed
landscape area- to be installed and operational before the City sants an occupancv oermit or
final inspection for the development.
B. A ternporarv irrigation system that services the proposed landscape area. orovided the
aDDlicant can successfi lv demonstrate that the proposed temporary irriqation system will
orovide sufficient water to ensure that the olant materials to be planted will survive
installation and. once established. \Mill survive without waterinq other than nanu'al rainfall.
C. A permanent or temporary irriqation system will not serve the proDosed landscaDe area-
I . The Director finds the landscape area otherwise fulfills the reouirernents of this section.
2. The applicant submits all of the followins with the site plan aoolication:
a. A staternent from a Washinston State licensed landscape architect or Washinqton
certified professional horticulturalist (CPH) certifuins that the materials to be Dlanted
will survive without waterine other than natural rainfall.
b. A plan for monitoring the survival of required veeetation for at least one year and for
detection and replacement ofreouired vesetation that does not survive with like-kind
material or other material aporoved bv the Citv.
c. A staternent from the apolicant aelreeine to install an irrieation system if the
reviewine authority finds one is needed to ensure survival of required vegetation.
based on the results of the monitorine plan.
occuoancv or date offinal aoproval. whichever is later. Ifthese conditions are not met. the City
may use the deposit to install the landscapins.
Section 35.Chapter 17.24. is repealed in its entirety.
Section 36. Ordinance I 709 as amended and Chapter 17.94. is repealed in its entirety and
replaced as follows:
Chapter 17.94 - General Provisions, Conditions and Exceptions
t7 94.02 0 - Lot area not to be reduced. exceotions.
A. De minimis variance: Adiustment to the lot area of no more than five percent of the
minimum lot size established bv the underlying zone.
17.94.050 - Vacated streets.
Vacated streets. allev s, places and cul-de-sacs must assume the zone classifications ofthe
DroDertv that adioined such street. alley, place or cul-de-sac ori or to vacation. Where zone
classification differs from one side to the other the bo undary line must be at the former center
line of such vacated street. allev. olace or cul-de-sac
17.94.060 - Yard rco uirements for orooertv abuttins half-streets or streets desienated bv
an ollicial control.
A. A buildins or s m ust not be erected on a lot that abuts a street havins onlv a Dortion
of its reouired wi dth dedicated and where no part ofsuch dedication would normally revert to
sar d lot if the street were vacated. unless the vards orovi ded and maintained in connection
with such buildins or structure have a width or depth of that Dorti on of the lot needed to
complete the road width plus the width or depth of theyards required on the lot by these
B. This section li ll
Where an official control ed ursuant to law includes lans for wi o existi
streets. the connectins of existins streets. or the establishment
ofnew streets, the placement
17.94.010 - Foresoins resulations subiect to this chapter,
The foreqoins rezulations pertaining to the several zones must be subject to the seneral
provisions. conditions. and exceotions contained in this chapter.
17.94.040 - Yards to be enclosed within a solid fence,
A. Every wrecking. salvaee. junk. used lumber yards, eouioment and material storaee yards
must be completely enclosed within a buildins or within a continuous solid fence no less than
six feet in heieht or to a ereater heisht ifsuch height is needed to screen completely all the
operations of such yards.
B. Salvaee and buildine material establishments must contain all items for display or sale within
a structure or behind a sieht-obscurine fence not less than six feet in heieht. No part of any
required front, side or rear yard setbacks must be used for the sale or disolay ofany said
of buildines and the maintenance of vards, where required by these rezulations. must relate to
the future street boundaries as determined by said official control.
17.94.065 - Develooment standards for conditional uses in residential zonins.
Art Galleries and
Bed and breakfasts
in R-7. R-9. and
R-l I
Child care
Churches or other
places of worship
radiolTV stations
and towers
l0 sq. ft.
unlit or
Two 5 sq.
ft. siprrs
5 sq. ft.
l0 sq. ft.
1 1 1111
1 I11
7.000 so.
24 sq. ft. of
035 ft.35 ft.35 ft.100 ft.3s ft.25.000
sq. ft.
Yard Reouirements
Uses Lot Area Lot
widrh Front Interior Corner
Side Side Rear
Lot Sims Per
Coverase Site
Public utility
9.000 sq.
Yracre 100 ft.35 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft.35 ft.
l0 sq. ft.
20 sq. ft.
20 so. ft.
5 acres +
Elem entary l acre
schools per_sL 40 ft. 40 ft.
ft.40 40 ft. 40 fr, 25% 100 sq. ft.
17.94.075 - Exception to vard requirement.
When the side lot line of a lot in any zone ad oins the side lot line of a lot in a more restrictive
zone-the ad oinins side vard for such lot must not be less than the m inimum side yard required
homes. assisted
livine facilities
1 acre 200 ft. 30 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. *
Public parks and
7sft. 2sft. 8ft. zsft. 10ft. 1
Public and private schools:
Middle. Jr. and Sr.
hieh schools
10 sq. ft.
10 acres
+ I acre
psr_ga. 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft. 40ft. 25% 100 sq. ft.
* See apolicable zone for minimum standards.
in the more restrictive zone.
17.94.080 - Yard and unobstructed space resulations.
Except as provided in this chapter. every required yard and unobstructed space must be open and
unobstructed from the eround to the skv. No yard or unobstructed space orovided around any
buildine for the purpose of complyine with the provisions of these Rezulations must be
considered as providing a yard or unobstructed space on an adjoinine lot or oarcel whereon a
buildine is to be erected.
trianzular area must extend 20 feet alons both improvements, m from their point of
B. Street and alley intersections. At any intersection of street and alley riehts-of-way. two sides
ofsaid trian area must extend ten feet al ons bo th rishts-of-wav. measured fiom their
point ofintersection.
C. Street and drivewa y intersections. At any intersection ofa street. curb or sidewalk and a
driveway, the si des ofeach reouired area must extend ten feet al ons the street
ri sht-of-wav line and 20 feet alons the edee of the drivewav. measured fro m the ooint of
intersection of each si de ofthe drivewav and the s treet rieht-of-wav line. l7 .94.100 -
Width. location and number of curb-cuts for drivewavs oer lot must b e as soecified i-n the C iw of
Port Anseles Urban Servi ces Stand ards and Guidelines Manual.
17 .94.110 - Parkin g sDace tions.
A1l space used for the sale. di splav. or parkinq of anY merchand ise or vehicles must be confined
to the pro lines. No soace for the sale. disolav. or o of anv merchandise or vehicles
must be tted in the rishrof-wa f anv oublic street. unl ess a rieht-of-wav Dermlt lso
first obtained. Di scretronarv s reouired under the Zoni ns Code mav be condi tioned to
reoul re the necess ary screenln g-li shtinp-entrances and exits for off-s treet narkins-
17.94.120 -intrusions into uired vards.
The followine intrusions mav Drotect rnto anv reouired vards:
A. Fireplace structures not wider than eisht feet measured in the general direction of the wall of
which it is alart.
B. Exterior resi dential elevators not ereater than three feet in deoth nor wider than eieht feet
measured in the seneral direction ofthe wall ofwhi ch it is a oart.
C. Unenclosed, uncovered or covered oorches,terraces. or landines. when not extendine above
the first floor ofthe buildin s. mav extend not more than six feet into the front vard setback,
eisht feet into rear vard setback and three feet into the side vard setback.Ooen rail rns or
qrillwork in con formance with the Intemational Buildine Code may be construqtelqQund
an such terrace or
D. Plantins boxes or masonrv olanters not exceeding 30 inches in heisht mav extend a
maximum three feet into any required front yard.
E. Porches. decks. olatforms. walks. drivewavs. etc.. not more than 30 inches
F. Plazas and common outdoor recreation areas.
abov srade.
17.94.090 - Vision clearance.
All comer and revsrse corner lots must maintain a triangular area within which no tree. fence.
shrub. wall or other physical obstruction must be permitted hieher than 30 inches above the
established gade for vision safetv purposes. Said trianzular area must be measured as follows:
A. Street intersections. At anv intersection oftwo streets. curbs or sidewalks. two sides ofsaid
G. Eaves with a maximum overhane of 30 inches.
H. Detached accessory buildinss within the rear one-third ofa lot are permitted not closer than
three feet to side nor ten feet to rear DroDertv lines or alleys.
17.94.135 - Storm water site coverase exemptions.
Systems that are not hard surfaces and allow the infiltration of stormwater into the erlying
soils. such as bioretention facili ti es-are exemDt fiom the maxtmum slte coveras uirements of
an zone.
All aoolican ts seekins exemo tions under this section are required to particip ate in a Dre-
application review meeti ne with Citv staff. A professional engi neer licensed in the State of
Washinsto n ls req uired to oerform infi ltration assessment sites which add 5.square feet
or more ofnew or replaced hard surface area.
17.94.140 - Walls and fen ces.
In all residential zones a wall or fen cemust be no taller than four feet within the {ion buildine
setback provided that a heisht ofsix feet is p ermitted within the fiont setback if the too
two feet is constructed ofm aterial that is at least 5 Dercen t ooen work. The fence heieht mav be0
a maximum six feet between the front setback line and mid-point of the lot.The fence height
mav be a max imum of eisht feet fiom the mid-ooint of a lot to the rear oro line. orovided
that the to D two feet is constructed ofa material that is at least 25 oerc ent onen (Note: lattice is
25 oercent ooen ). All vision clearance reo uirernents per section 17.94.090 (driveways, street and
alley comers) must be maintained. The fini shed side (side without the support) of a fence must
face the neish DroDertv or if on a comer lot must face the street. Fence oo st suDDorts mav
contain a decorative cap that does not exceed six inches above the maxlmum fence height
A maximum fence h el t of six feet is oermitted in commercial zones. Barbed wire or electric
fencins is onl allowed above six feet from the und on fences that are solid or chain linksro
17.94.130 - Lot coveraee exemptions.
The following must be exempt from the maximum lot coverage requirements of any zone:
A. Sidewalks. drivewavs. and uncovered off-sEeet parkins spaces.
B. The first 30 inches ofeaves.
C. Uncovered swimmins pools and hot tubs.
D. Uncovered. unenclosed decks and platforms not more than 30 inches above srade.
E. Svstems that allow the infiltration of stormwater into the underlyins soils. such as permeable
pavernent and bioretention facilities. are not counted aeainst lot coveraqe calculations.
F. A professional ensineer licensed in the State of Washington is reouired to perform
infilt ation assessment for sites *hich add 5.000 square feet or more ofne* or replaced hard
surface area.
Top Z O5e6 Op€n)
A. In resi al and commercial . the storaee of anoliances vehicles in
front or side vards must be orohibited : nrovided. however that car dealershios boat sales.
lumber s nrrrsrries and car rental serylces m ust be exemnt {iom this rirement
B. ln no must the storase of an v articles or vehicles be Dermitted to extend into public
l7.94.lSS - Use of residentid stre€ts.
Subiect to other resulation ofthe use of streets under this Code. no owner or o ccuoant of
land a oublic street.which land or street i s in a residential zone or is the bo ofa
residential zone. may use such for the habitual overnisht oarkine or storase of
commercial motor vehicles or trailers.Excepted from this prohi bition is the oarkins on the street
of one commerci allv used vehicle that is dri ven to and from the work olace bv the owner or
occupan t of the dwelline unit.
17.94.150 - Storage of merchandise or vehicles in vards and rishts-of-wav.
17.94.175 - Exceptions to area reouirements.
For the DurDose ofencourasins the construction of off-street parkinq under or within a building
rather than in rear. side. or front vards. the followine exceDtions to minimum lot areas must be
For each ten-foot by 20-foot area to be permanently reserved and used for a parkine space under
or within a buildine. a lot area credit of300 square feet must be permitted. Said lot area credit
can be deducted fiom the required minimum lot area. or can be used to increase a oroportional
number of permitted dwelline units in motels and multi-familv structures.
17.94.1E0 - Minor deviations.
A. A minor deviation from front. side. and rear vard setbacks. lot coveraee. and height
requirements established in this title may be eranted by the Director of Community and
Economic Development in accordance with the provisions of this section.
t7 .94.185 - Non-zoned annexation areas.
Any area not zoned bv the Ci ty prior to annexati on must automatically upon annexation be
slassified and subiect to the provisions, restrictions , and requirernents of the zone most consistent
with the Citv's comorehensiv e plan as determined bv the Citv
17.94.190 - E Dtions. variances and adi ustments to stormwater development minimum
A. Exceotions/vari ances (exceotions) to the stormwater develo nm ent minimum reouirements
may be santed bv the Director of Community and Economic Development followins leeal
public notice of an aDplication for an ex on or variance, leeal public notice of the
Director's decision on the apDlication. and written fi ndings of fact that documents the
Director's determ ination to srant an exceDtion
The Director may grant an exception to stormwater develo pment minimum reouirements if such
aoolication imooses a and unexpected economic hardshio.To determine whether the
aoolication imoos es a severe and unexpected economi c hardshi D on the oroiect aoolicant. the
aoolican t must vide written documentation cor siderins the followins
l. The current (ore-ect) use of the site: and
2. How the ADD lication of the minimum reouirement(restricts the osed use of the siteS)
comDared to the restriction s that existed prior to the adootion of the minimum
requirements: and
3. The possible remai nitg uses ofthe site if the exception w ere not granted: and
4. The uses of the site that woul been allowed orior to the adootion of the minimumd
Lequirements; and
B. A minor deviation may be eranted if all of the followine findines are made:
1 The santine of the minor deviation is consistent with the pumose of the zone in which
the propergr is located and the project is otherwise consistent with the reouirernents of
said zone.
2. Because of special circumstance. the strict application of the zonins ordinance results in
an undue hardship upon the aoplicant.
3. The minor deviation will not be materiallv detrimental to the public welfare or injurious
to propertv or improvernents in the vicinity and zone in which the subiect prooertv is
4. The minor deviation is not ereater than ten percent of the requirement beine deviated
C. Anv applications that are not santed a minor deviation by the Director of Community and
Economic Develooment oursuant to this section must obtain a variance through the Ciw's
normal variance orocedure as set forth in Chaoter 2.52 PAMC.
5. A compari son of the estimated amount and percentase ofvalue loss as a result ofthe
minimum req uirernents versus the estimated amount and perc entase ofvalue loss as a
Section 37 - Corrections. TheCity Clerk and the codifiers ofthis ordinance
are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not
limited to, the conedion ofthe scrivener'Vclerical errors, referenceg ordinance nurnbering"
sation/subsection nwnbers and any references thereto.
Section 38 - Severabilitv. If any provisiom ofthis Ordinance, or its application to
any person G cirqrn$mces, ae held irwali4 tre rernainder ofthe Orrdinance' o 4plicdim of
theprovisions ofthe Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 39 - Efrective Date. This Ordinance being an o<ercise of a power specifically
delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall
take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof
consisting of the title.
PASSED by *re City Conrcil oflhe City ofPort Angeles d a regulr meeting
of said Cormcil held ur tlre _ day of Decernber, 2021 .
result ofrequirernents that existed prior to adoption of the minimum reouirernents: and
6. The feasibility for the owner to alter the oroiect to apply the minimum requirements.
B. The Director must consider and document with findines of fact the applicant's request. In
addition the Director must determine and document the exceotion meets the followine
criteria: the exception will not increase risk to the oublic health and welfare. nor be iniurious
to other properties in the vicinity and/or downstrearn. and to the quality of waters of the state:
and the exceotion is the least possible exception that could be pnanted to complv with the
intent of the stormwater development minimum reouirements.
C. Adjustments to the minimum requirernents mav be emnted by the Director provided that a
written findins of fact is orepared. that addresses the followine:
l. The adiustment provides substantially equivalent environmental orotection.
2. Based on sound ensineerine practices. the objectives of safety. function. enviroffnental
orotection and facility maintenance, are met.
Kate De<ter, Mayor
E. Bloor, City Attomey
By Summary