HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-21 RESOLUTION No , 15—d 1 A RESOLUTION ofthe City Council ofthe City of Port Angeles, Washington, affirming and ratifying the Declaration of Emergency issued by the City Manager on December 13, 202L WHEREAS, a Declaration of F'mergency was issued by the City Manager on December 13, 2021, a complete copy of which is attached; and WHERFIAS, the Council has reviewed the facts and circumstances that prompted the Declaration of Emergency; and WHERI�aAS, the Council hereby finds that the 1'iacts recited in the Declaration are true and correct, NOW, THERF'FORE, BF' IT Rll,'�ISOLVED by tile City Council ofthe City of Port Angeles: f . 1. The Council finds and declares that the water main leak on the 20-inch concrete cylinder water transmission main west of Ennis Creek near Lindberg Rd and Maddock Road, constituted an emergency in the City of Port Angeles; and 2. The City r Council affirms, and ratifies (1) the Declaration of Emergency issued by the City Manager on December 13,202,1, and(2)all actions,authorized by that Declaration. PASSEID b,y the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the .d.P�day of'December, 2021. ATTEST: Kara Martinez-Ba i ley, City AP,P �VEDASTOFOKN4- ........... William E, Btoor, City AttomeV— CUIN OF PORI' ANGELES DECLARA'VION O� ENIERGENCV Nathan West, the City %Manager of"the City of Port Angeles, finds that the following facts, exist: 1. On Saturday, December 4. 2021, City Crews discovered a water rnam leak on the, 20- inch concrete cylinder water tr-ansinission main west of Ennis Creek near Lindberg Rd and Maddock, Rciad, At this location the water rnain is approximately, below grade, City crews shut down the w%ater main and began repair work on December 10. 202 1, in ct)njunction with a hinited PUblic Works, contract with 2 Grade Excavation of Port Angeles,, WA. When the contractor performed preliminary excavation Arork, it was discovered that the waterline failure wws sigjnficantly, larger than anticipated. 'That disc e.wwxe a, combined with oor soil conditions, made connnued work unsafe, and the contractor was unable to successfully repair the water line, 2. 'I"'he failed segment of rnain is a critical component of the City's water distribution system. "I his main was, installed in the 1960s and serves as the primary, water source f6t the Clallam County PUD RoUnd 'irree Reservoir, In addition to PUDi water customers who receive water frorn Round 'rree Reservoir, 37 City customers %%ho rely solely on the 20-itich water Triain as their prinlary source ofivater lost their, water services as of'8:00 am cin Declem,ber 10, 2021. Repairingthis inain is critical to water clul, ity arid public health for the following reasons, First, lack of access to water for an extended period of time creates a public health erner�g-ncy and puts proper sanitation at nsk. Second, because the hole is now open it is dangerous, to residents in vicinity, '17hird, the surn)unding soil is water-sensitive and the hole and stockpiles are ill danger of collapsing with continued rain. Fourth, reenergizing the water main without fixing the leak could lead to contarnination of the waterline. bacteria in the water supply as well as trench collapse, It is imperative the repair is implemented irntnedialtely. ,3. "the, water nrain failure location poses a siglifficant bamcT to City personnel Who need to make repairs, Curre-ritly, the City, lacks the proper equiparent to shore-up the excavated area and lacks the equipment necesisary to inake repairs to the water main,. Repair work will require tire use of heavy equipment, such as excavators, and the servicies of a contractor who is sk,illed in such repair, 4. Due to the severity of' the, main break, its location, its impact on the City*s water supply, and the neexl fi-,kr immediale repair, an ennergency is present ",hick may necessitate utilization of eniergency powers granted, pursuant to RCW 3533,08 1 and RCW 38,51070(2). Now, therefore, by the authority granted to me under State law and by the it Council, I hereby declare that an erncTgency exists in Port Angeles due to a water main break—wid that the City is authorized to do the fifflowing- 1 , Enter into contracts and incur obligatilons necessary to cA)rnbat such emergency !situation to protect the health and satiety of persons and the pres-c nation ofproperty;, and 1 Each City, Depaninien't is authorized to exercise the powers vested under this resolution in light of the emergency situation without regard teen finile-consurning procedures and fonrealities prescribed by law(excepting mandatory constitutional requirements), DA"FED this 13'm' day of Deccmb(n-2�02 1. ........... Nathan West, City Manager