HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/21/2021 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 21, 2021 This meeting was conducted virtually, CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of'the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present; Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French, McCaughan, Schromen-Wawrin and Suggs. Members,Absent: Council member Meyer(excused during the Decernber 7 meeting). Staff Present: City Manager West, Attonicy Bloor.,Clerk Marline -Bailey,K.Dubuc,B. Smith,A. Brekkc.,T.hunter, S.Carrizosa,G, King,and E. Bolin. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, PUBLIC COMMENT Jim McIntyre,residing outside the city limits and on behalf of the Port Angeles Business Association,spoke about the Municipal Code Re-Envisioning project-Building Residential Capacity Land Use Code Revisions proposed ordinance on the agenda, John Ralston,city resident,spoke about the Municipal Code Re-Envisioning Project -Building Residential Capacity Land Use Code Revisions proposed ordinance on the agenda. Annie O'Rourke,residing outside the city limits,Director of Development for the Peninsula Housing Authority, spoke about the Municipal Code Re-Envisioning PrqJect -Building Residential Capacity Land Use,Code Revisions, proposed ordinance on the agenda, Erik Marks, residing outside the city limits, spoke about the Municipal Code Re-Envisioning Project-Building Residential Capacity Land Use Code Revisions proposed ordinance on the agenda, LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED O�N THIS OR FurURE AGENDAS Council member Schrornen-Wawrin requested the Mayor consider adding Adol.,Pting CDC Guidance on People Fx1jefiencing Unsheltered Homelessness to the agenda. Hearing consensus,the Mayor added tile item as 1-2. CONSENT AGENDA At the request of Councilmember Schromen-Wawrin, Mayor Dexter pulled Item E-8 frorn the Consent Agenda and moved the item to Other Considerations as item 1-3. Council member McCaughan asked the Mayor to consider adding J-I to the Consent Agenda. After hearing consensus froin the Council, the Mayor added the nern as E-9, It was,moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to approve,the,Consent Agenda to include: I. City Council Minutes of December 7, 20211 Approve 2, Expenditure Report:Fi-om Noveniber 27, 2021 to December 10, 2021 in the aniount ql'$1,424,390 14 lApprove 1 Water System Modeling Support PSA-2019-11 Contract Amendment 3/Aivanl the Ptx?fessional.5e)-vice Agreement Amendment 03 fi�)r the Winer 5ysteni Modeling Support to RH2 E'rigineering, In�c. QI"Bothell, ff,,4,, increase the total contract value by$10,000.00 to a new not-to-e,,�xcved arnouni qI'S94,000.00.- extend tile agreement expiration clone to.Deeenibei-31,2022;and authoh,"ze the it)"Manager to t,,xecute and it)make minor modqix,citions to the agreement its necessa),v 4, BergAndonian Agreement lAuthorize the City Manager to sign the Ber-g Benelits Pr(#i ssionalServices ,Igreeniera in an afriountnot to e.kceeil$43,5bO and the Read Quote,4doption Agreement easel'makenzinor inodi/ications as necessmy PORTANGELF'S CITY (. 01-JNCILMEEITING December21, 2021 5. 2011 Agreen'ient Between City ity cal"fort Angeles&Clallani Transit- Amendment NI /(1) ,Ipprove and etuihorize the Cite Manager to sign Ainendment#1 o"the 2011 ,Igreeinent between the City- ter,'Port AngeLs and Cledlain Transii Svstem andl- (2)makes^minorniodificalions to the Atnendinent, it'needed 6 MAKERS Contract amendment/Appnwe and awh(w-Le the Cit'v Manager to sign the prolfi.,ssional sr evic es agree a pnent mendment "Ith A14KFRS.Architeclut-e and tirban Design in the amotent of'5 24,995 andlo make ininor changes as necessary to complete the tasks as outlined 7 Police Department Interloc al Agreement , City of Sequim and City of"Port Angeles/Authori:e the Cii.lv Mona 't ger it).sign the int.er'loced agreeniew bet vveen the Cit.i,,o 'Port Angeles and the CitY ol'Sequ hn 8, ITEM PULLED FROM THE("ON SENT AG ENDA- Emergency Declaration Water Main Break 9. ITEM MOVED TO CONSENT Francis Street ADA Award Construction Contract/Awetrd a cono-actfin-the Base Bid, Additive Bid 1. can dAdditive Bid 2 to Simmons&sons q/Montesano, FVA fijr that 7R0616 Francis Street ,I DA Improvement llrqject.in the anjount of$321,750.00 including applicable tax-es, and authorize the City Manager to exectue al/documents necessen-v to execute and achninister the c,oniruct, and to make minor nio dificatiun's i/necess4tt-lv The Mayor asked if there was unaninious consent,hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTIONS NOT REOUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 2022 Clean Energy Implementation Plan Director of Public Works& I.Ailities Thomas I funter presented the item to Council and said the presentation would address action itenisand expectations. He introduced Power Resources Manager Gregg King who presented slides on the draft plan and provided information on what the plan means for the City of Port Angeles, adding the plan was set by legislation in 20 19. Manager King spoke about the goals,requirements,and timelines in the plan. Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title,entitled., RESOLU'TION NO. 16-21 A RE,SOLUTION earl"the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington, setting a hearing date for a proposal to approve the 2022 Clean Energy Implementation Plan. It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Carr to: Pass the Resolution as read. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0. The matter was continued to the January 4,2022 meeting. The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6:57 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:02 p,111, ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Municipal Code Re-Envisioning Project—2nd Reading,of the Building Residential Capacity Land Use Code Revisions Ordinance Community and Econornic Development Director Allyson Brekke presented the itern to Council and introduced Bob Bengford and Scott Bonjukian of MAKI-ERS Architecture&Urban Design. Director Brekke said code implementation was in response to a Washington state Department of Commerce grant eff6rt and provided additional funding details. She read the Cit�y's vision statement and spoke about the project, saying the changes will offer the community predictability relative to development.Council discussion l'ollowed, Mayor Dexter conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO.3,688 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Portion,of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to increase residential building capacity within certain zones of the City. Page 2 of 5 PORT ANGELES CIS"YCOUNCIL M EE'T[NG - I)ecerriher 21, 2021 It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to: After amendments were made,the final motion was approved amending the ordinance as identified below;. Clerks note:All references to "G-'# are references to the section and page number in the December 21, 202 1 our it packet, G-34,ordinance Section 5,retain 17.22.020: 17.21020 .. Applicability. A. New development. 1. the provisions ofthis chapter govern all new multifamily,commercial, and other non-residential development within the R.MD, RFID,CBI),CSD,CA,CN,and CO zones, 2. Townhouse Exception, The provisions of this chapter do not apply to townhouses,except for provisions that expressly use the word-townhouse"or"'"townhouses,'"and such provisions are applicable to townhouse:;in the RMD. RHD. CBD,CSD,CA. CSC, and CO ;ones.3. And add section 17.22.025 Applicability to Remodels. 1. Small Remodel, Any construction that is(1)outside the Central Business District and(2) increases the gross floor area ofa building by less than 25%,on a cumulative basis, is exempt from,the requirements ofthis Chapter 17.22. 2. Lmrited Remodel. Ali),construction that increases tile gross floor area of a building by 25%or more(or is located inside the Central Business District) but not more than IOW'4�,on a cumulative basis, is exempt from this Chapter 17.22's requirements(1)related to the existing portion of the building where no exterior changes are proposed,and (2) that would require repositioning the building or reconfiguring the site. 3. Major Remodel, Any construction that increases the gross floor area of a building by more,than 100%,on a cumulative basis,must follow all the requirements of this Chapter 17.22. 4. Cumulative Basis ineans the cumulative increase in building gross floor area is the net increase in gross floor area of a building that is created through construction within a three year long window of time measured from issuance of Certificate o f0cc uparic Y or its equivalent.. 5. In tire event ofany,uncertainty, the Community and lEconomic Development Director makes the final decision whether a protect is a Small Remodel, I-imited Remodel,or Major Remodel, Page,G-12, Section 14.40.045, strike-unrestricted on-street parking directly adjacent to the subject property and oil a street.that Meets Current street design standards"' and replace it with "legal on-street parking within 250 feet of the subject property"' Page G-93, Section 17.21.030(D). Change"one-half'to-onc-third"and in the Follo i wing sentence,"three'* with -two". Page G-108, 17.21105,strike: "No ground floor residential uses except for live/work units oil select storefront designated blocks where the storefront space meets height and depth standards"front theStorefi-ont details section of the table. Page G-148-149, 17,22.230(C)(6)add to the Departures clause after steep slopes,"incons is tent adjacent parcel uses". Page G-154, Sections 17.22.250(B)(2),add to the beginning of the first sentence,"Where practical,"and in tile second sentence befbre option for locating, add the word"practical." Page G-155, Sections 17.22.250(C)(4), after located and configured,add""tcw the extent practical,"and after vehicle vehicular traffic, add"on a public right ofway." Page G-178, Section 17.22.350(C), add after untreated black walls the phrase"located within 100 feet of,and" Page G-38, Section 16.09.070, after will be issued shall be stalled, add",or secured as provided in PANIC 16.08.110." Page G-1 99, Section l 7,94,140, strike"Fences taller than six feet in height require a building permit.'*and replace the last sentence, with"Barbed wire or electric fencing is only allowed above six feet from the ground oil fences that are solid or chain link,"" Page 3, of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY (20UNCH, MEETING - December 21, 2021 Page G-49, Section 170.02 5­D­ (1) in the definition ot'dwelling unit add to the end of the first sentence"or park inodels,as defined in the American National Standards Institute A] 19.5 standard for park trailers.-and add to the final Sentence after house trailer the phrase"that does not meet ANSI-Al 195' Page 6-25. Section 16,04.050(C)strike-'six copies o'; same page,Section 1 6.04.060(Q strike­utink­ and strike "on eight and one-halfby 11. inch or larger paper,"; Page G-32. Section 16,04,160(B) strike-and six paper copies­, Page G-36, Section 16.09.020(E)(1) strike"in ink"and strike"on at least eight and one-half inch by I I-inch or larger paper.".and G-26. Section 16.04,070(,A)(1)(a),,strike the last sentence and replace with-Theapplicaln must record a document that requires the property owner to maintain the streets to the required standards." Council discussion continued on the Municipal Code Re-Envisioning Project .-Building Residential Capacity Land Use Code Revisions Ordinance. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to: Extend the meeting until the end of the agenda., including excusing McCaughan at 11:00 pail. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0. The Mayor moved to the second public contnient period. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT Erik Marks,residing outside the city, spoke about the Municipal Code Re-Envisioning Project -Building Residential Capacity Land, Use Code Revisions proposed ordinance on the agenda. Council discussion continued on the Municipal Code Re-Envisioning Project -Building Residential Capacity Land Use Code Revisions Ordinance. After a roll call vote,the motion carried 6-0. Clerks,note'° While the Mayor did not read the motion as written above, the amendments to the original motion are reflected in the final motion captured above,, RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan Resolution and Adoption Director Hunter spoke about the matter and addressed the 60-year replacement outlined in the plan and about process, feasibility,and preauthorization the plan represents, C'ity Engineer Jonathan Boehrne provided additional clarification and spoke about the schedule relative to the removal ofthe AAA barriers. May°or Dexter read the resolution by title,entitled, RESOLUTION NO�. 17-21 A RESOLUTION ofthe City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,approving the ADA "rransition Plan. It was moved by French and seconded by McCaughan to: Pass the resolution as read adopting the ADA Transition Plan as presented in the Council packet. 'The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0. 8. ITEM PULLED FROM CONSENT-Emergency Declaration --Water Main Break Director Hunter spoke about the memo staff shared with Council prior to the meeting and provided intormation relative to the matter that was not available at the tame the packet was created, Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title,entitled, RESOIXTION NO., 1 -21 Page 4 of 5 PORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING— December 21, 2021 A RESOLU'rl()Nofthe City Council of the Cityof Port Angeles,'Washington. affirming and ratifying the Declaration of Emergency issued by the City Manager on December 13„ 20-11 It was moved by Schramm-Wawrin and seconded by French to: Pass the resolution fin-emergency repair of the water main and allow the City Manager to make minor modifications to the contract if necessary. 'File Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. Council member McCaughan left the ineeting at I 1-00 p.m. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 2. Adopting CDC Guidance on People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness Council member Schromen-Wawrin provided background on the directive which would allow 24/7 access,to public hathrooms, Council discussion followed. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr tan: Effective December 23, 202 1,by 4pm,city staffnium follow,as binding policy, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's*'Interim Guidance oil People F"xperiencing Unsheltered Homelessness." After a roll call vote,the motion carried 5-0. CONTRACT'S AND PURCIJASING 3. Washington State Department of Transportation Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant for the,City Signal Controller Upgrades Project ''ouncil moved directly to the motion, It was moved by French and seconded by Suggs to: Accept the Washington State Department of Transportation Highway Safety linprovement Program grant in the amount ol'$1,562,500.00 and authorize the City Manager to execute all documents necessary including the Local Agency,Agreement,Project Prospectus,and make minor modifications as necessary, The Mayor asked if there was unanimous,consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 5-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council member Suggs spoke about a Gallarn County Marine Resources Committee meeting and a Healthy Youth conference. Council member Schromen-Wa%kTin spoke about public restroont information outreach and Council assignment appointments, De-putt'Mayor Carr shared infortnation firorn a Ciallarri County Board of Health meeting. Mayor Dexter provided a grant update for Peninsula Behavior Health and Serenity House. No other reports were given, INFORMATION Manager West spoke about the passing of former Mayor Gary Braun and about his time as a Port Angeles City Council member. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 11-47 p.m. 4Kae"l')'Zext'er'L, M` ayor KaTi Mart inez-B ailey,City ilierk Page 5 of 5