HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/19/2021 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
October 19, 2021
Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 pmr.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter. Deputy Mayor Carr. Council Members French. Meyer, McCaughan. Schromen-
Wawrin and Suggs,
Members Absent- None
Stafl'Presenc City Manager West, Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey.
Based on input ftorn Attorney Wilharn Bloor,Mayor Dexter announced the need for an,Executive Session.
Attorney Bloor stated Councif would hold an Executive Session field Under authority of RCW 42.30.11 0(1)(i)to
discuss potential litigation with legal counsel for approximately 1.5 minutes, Council moved to,a separate meeting
room for Executive Session. The Executive Session convened at 5:00 p.m.
Anti Marie Soto of Madr0na Law Group presented a Code Compliance Ordinance,Work Session and shared a
detailed presentation of the proposed Code Enforcement Ordinance. Attorney Bloor reminded Council it was on the
agenda for a public hearing.Council discussion followed.
Mayor Dexter adJourned the Special Meeting at 601 pmi.
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:02 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Mernbers, trench, Meyer, McCaughan, Schronlen-
Waw,rin and Suggs.
Members Absent None
Staff Present: City Manager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey,C, Delikat, K. Dubuc, B. Smith,
A. Brek.ke,T. Hunter,S.Carrizosa, E. Bolin,and B. Braudrick.
Mayor Dexter led the pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Port Angeles P'olice Department Officer Award
Police Chief Brian Smith recognized Officer Tyler Mueller for his service as a member of the Port Angeles Police
Departnient. Chief Smith presented Officer Mueller with two Meritorious Service Medals,a Purple Irlean Medal,
and a Life Saving medal, Chief Smith noted the inedals represented numerous acts of bravery,in the line of duty.
Of Mueller expressed his appreciation for the recognition and emphasized the importance of nicrital health
support for public safety officers.
I'OR"l" ANCs1°ILES CITY COUNCIL. l."TITING --0ctober 19, 2021
2. Arbor Day Proclamation
Mayor Dexter read the Arbor Day Proclamation,recognizing October 19,2021 as Arbor Day in.Port Angeles and she
urged all citizens to protect trees and woodlands.
3, Resilience Month Proclamation
Mayor Dexter read a prcoclaantation recognizing October as Resilience Awareness Month in recognition of the effects
of adverse childhood experiences and the impact agar dese.elopment and long-term health outcomes coat individuals. The
Mayor invited Minnie 'Whalen of the United Way Resilience Preo"ject who thanked Council for the, recognition and;
spoke about the importance of the support. Ms. "ayr'halen suggested ways the community can better assist and support
the resilience of'our contaattanity through various trainings offered by community organisations.
No publics comment was received.
At the request of Council member French, and hearing no objection fmcozat C'cwuarc,ill, Mayor Dexter ntcoved items J-1
and J_2 to the C`consent Agenda as items E-7 and E-8.
It was moved by Suggs and seconded by McCaughan to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes of October y,2021 f<approv
2. Expenditure Report: From September 25, 2021 to October 8,2021 in the amtount of 4,130,074.1.3/Approve
3. Guardrail Replacement McKinley Paper Mill-Bid Rejection _Ct.: N-2t121-37r a ijec t the single bind fin-the
fivaar"grail,&Tlaac aerrnern Alc,KinleV /'tt er•Mill Project, ("O 2021-a 7and have staff re-bicd t e ivor k at a/ca'er
aa"aatee. '
4, Defibrillator Equipment lire Department Purchase/Aruih orizze the C'itr Afaanaager ter sigm as purcherese agreement
in the amount a a/'approximartelY `34,8'91.5 1, including tern, with Medical Corporatreon fi)r than purchase(#a
l oll A Serie^s (`aardia c Montttor/DelibrP/laattor, and u): make rnirxaor naaoadificaations if nea°e:'s'sCzr3i.
3. City of Port Angeles and C"lalla n County CR1"." ' Mermcorandum of Understanding/Autluori.ze the City Manager
to sign the 1's^lentorandurn of Understanding with the.C'lallarm.County.
ti. 202 h-023 Local Solid Waste Financial Assistance Agreement Grant/Acceept the Local Solid Waste Tin ancrarl
Assistance e Iiin dire grant filar- the Moderate Risk flrar.s°te Facility operations, RecYC1hkg o1wratieons and outreach
program and authorize the C°it"y Manager trr execrate all alrrcunients 47 to cal)Prove the grant rraatc"la in an
aarrrrourn not to exceed,y44,3l'7."3.3.
7. I'IT;:M yr1C)VED front 3-1 Peninsula Behavioral Health Rapid Housing Need Subrecipient Agreemaent/Approry
and authorize they C"ity Manager ter sign the Grant and ARP'A 5"i4br�ec,i,pient,4gr~cwerraer>rut with Peninsula Behavioral
Heatlth carrot mark Trainor modifications aations°eas nece'.s°s° r77.
8. ITEM MOVED from J-2 American Rescue flan Act Subrecipient Agreement with Habitat for Humanity of
C°lallam County JAppro vex aanadasauth orize the C"in,Allonager tarsign the ARPA with Habitat
jcrr fliurnauntiv r7hChdlaarn Caocurtr and to rrraakee rnirre;rr mtocditications tcosaid aa, reeme^rat as neceeswatr.y.
The Mayor asked if there was unaamimuous consent,hearing,no opposition,the motion carried 7-1.
1. Municipal Corte Re-Envisioning Project- Enforcement Ordinance
City Manager Nathan West expressed his thanks for the community for participating in the code survey presented by
t" adrona Law Group and stated the City would continue their public outreach eff arts relative to future code work. fie
said the City presented and noticed this ordinance as a public hearing to ensure the City gets ample feedback.
The Mayor conducted a first reading of the ordinance,by title,entitled.,
AN OR.DII"~y`A NC E of the City of Port Angeles amending substantive and procedural code provisions relating to the
for enforcement of anon-criminal violations of the PMAC;,
The Mayor opened the public, hearing at 6 31 p.m. Hearing no public testimony, the, Mayor continued the public
hearing to November 3.
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COUncil discussion followed,
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Schromen-Wavvrin to:
Amend Chapter 2.90.120 Monetary Penalties section C to read; An initial fee of S 100,wi tit a per day fee of$10
every day Lip to$250,then S250 dollars,per day after that.
After a roll call vote the motion failed 3-4 with Carr, Meyer and Schromen-Wawrin in favor.
Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7:06 p.m. The meeting reconvened at T 11 p.m.
2. 2022 Budget Revenue Sources,
Finance Director Sarina C I arrizosa presented the mauer and stated it was the first of's'everal public hearings and
meetings that would address the upcoming budget adoption process. Director Carrizosa stated the State,requires the
City hold a public hearing to gain public input on revenue sources for the next fiscal year(2022) Budget. She
provided a presentation on 2022 Budget Revenue Sources which outlined the upcoming budge(schedule,including
adoption of the final Budget in December.
The Mayor opened the public hearing at 8,:03 p.m. Ilearing no public testimony, the Mayor closed the public
3. Climate Action Plan Green House Gas Inventory
Community Development Manager Enuria Bolin introduced tire agenda item and explained the purpose of the
presentation was to update Council on the City's Climate Action efforts as a part of the 2020-2022 Strategic Plan.
Planning Manager Ben Braudr,ick presented slides identifying inventory findings relative to City of Port Angeles
emissions. Ile provided next steps now the iriventoij,'is complete, which included information on public outreach with
the purpose of sharing information on the process. Mr. Braudrick said the goal is to have a complete Climate Action
Plan by June of 2022,
2. Update on the Use of American Rescue Plan Act Funding
Due to an appearance of conflict due to a family connection to the Boys&Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula,, the
Mayor recused herself from the discussion and vote, turned the nieeting over to Deputy Mayor Carr and left the virtual
meeting at 1t:35 p.rad Manager West provided a funding update
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to:
Authorize an additional ARPA contribution to Boys& Girls Clubs of the,Olympic peninsula in the amount of
S 100,400 for new and expanded services for childcare in Port Angeles and bring back the necessary documents for
City Council approval.
Deputy Mayor Carr asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0 with
Dexter recused,
Deputy Mayor Carr recessed the ineeting for a break at&44 p.m. Mayor Dexter returned to the meeting along with
Council and staff when the meeting reconvened at 849 p.m.
1'. AFSCNIE Local#1619 Collective Bargaining Agreement
Hurnan Resource Manager Abbi F oumain provided background inforniation on the process and said tire AFSCME
Local -ft 1619 group spans all departments and divisions to include Public Works& Utilities,Parks& Recreation,
Cormnunity& Economic Development,Finance,and Information Technology,
It was moved by,French and seconded by Meyer to:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the AFSCME Local-#1619 one-year amendment to the 2019-2020
collective bargaining,agreement including terms as outhired in this memorandum and authorize the City Manager to
make minor modifications to the amendment as necessary.
The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the,motion carried 7-0.
Council member Meyer spoke about the Washington State Transit Association Conference and shared some
P,age 2 of4
Council nicniber McCaughan spoke about a PeninSLIta Area Public Access meeting and ne" Board member Maxwell
Brown. He wished good luck io all candidates in the November 2 election.
Council meniber Suggs spoke about partnerships with local organizations, a State tax group, meeting,ng, and provided
Clallarn County Marine Resources Committee meen ng updates.
Council member Schromen-Wawrin provided information lie gathered from his attendance at the recent Washington
State Transit Association Conference.
AAHICil member French spoke about his attendance at Olympic Peninsula Tourisin Commission and Homelessness
Task Force meoings, lie spoke about a Chamber ofConimerce Executive ineetrng and the draft Elevate PA plan.
Deputy Mayor Carr provided information on the,Board of Health meeting and Covid updates,
Mayor Dexter spoke about the recent US government deciSiOn to reopen the land border to Canada and plans to restart
the MV COHO and stated there were still testing requirements in place that could make travel to Canada challenging
for some travelers. She spoke about an upcoming Secure Medicine Return event at the Clallain County
No other reports were given,
Manager West spoke about the budget work session council opportunity, to have an early took at the budget, and
provided inti.,)rniation on upcoming Elevate PA events.
No public comment was received,
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meetirig at 9:32 p.m.
Kate Dexter, Mayor Karr Martinez-Bailey, City Cler
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