HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/05/2021 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 5, 2021 This rneelin,g was heldvirmally CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Port Angeles(.Jtv Council to order at 5:00 p.rn, N/Iembers Present: Mayor Dexter,Council Members French, Meyer, McCaughan, Schromen-Wawrin and Suggs, Members Absent: Deputy Mayor Carr, Staft'Presenc City Manager West. Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey, EXECUTIVE SESSION A closed session,under authority of RC'W 42.30,140(4), to discuss collective bargaining with ail employee organization and a closed Executive Session under RC W 42.30.1 10(l)(i) to discuss potential litigation with lega l. a counsel, Council moved to a separate virtual meeting room for Executive Session l'orapproximately 59 minutes, he Executive Session converted at 5:00 p.im ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:59 pzi. CALL TO 0RQER-RE(XLAR MEET ING Mayor Dexter called the regula.r meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.ni, ROLL CALL Members Present; Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members French, Meyer. McCaughan, Schrornen- WaWrin and Suggs. Members Absent- Deputy Mayor Carr. Stall'Present: City Manager West.Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey.C'. Delikat, K. Dubuc, 13. Smith,. A.Brekke,T. Hurter, S. Carrizosa.and A. Fountain. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT' No public corninent was received. CONSENT AGENDA Council member McCaughan asked the Mayor to consider moving I-I and Council inember Meyer asked the Mayor to consider moving J-1,hoth to the consent Agenda.Hearing no objection, the Mayor inoved the itenis to the Consent Agenda as items E-9 and E-10, It was moved by McCaughan and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to approve the Consent Agenda tee include: 1. City Council Minutes of'September 21,2021 lApprove 2, Expenditure Repory F-roni�September 22, 2021 amiSeprember 24, 2()21 in the ramie uni of$1,728,375.46 Approve, 3. Facility Use Agreement with Red Cross 1"Al7prove ran dauthorizze the 0tv Manager to sign the facdil'v Uw Agreement with the Red Crossfi)r the use of the Sentor Cer Commut'v C enter and the Vern Burtoll Communit.v("enter"fin-disamer refitfaciii1ties, PORT ANGEL ES CITY COUNCIL MEL-TING -October 5, 2021 4, Beach NOUrishnient Final Acceptance/.4ccepi the Landtill Beach Nourishment Project CON 2021-28 as COMIdetC, prf)(,ced with project closema, undrelease the retainage burned iipon receipt of allrequiredclearances, 5 Laurel Street Substation Switch Gear Replacement 1,4cc,ept the Laurel Street Subsitition Stvitchgear Electrical Upgrade 2019 Contract (CON-2019-32,!io cony,)lete and atithori--estaff to pr(,a(eed with pr(y(.�ct closorna and release c)fthe retainage ht�md upon ret:vijw of required clearances 6, Police Department Equipment Purchase/,-Iuthorize the purchaw qf$30,652,82 fi-onl ProForre Law less lethal equipment (the hole nvraps�vsw)n)that cdhnt�v officc,rs to sa/ely restrain armed to non-compliant persons inlo custod'v it,hile ineeting the requirem f eats ol-11? 1054 and HB 1310, 7. Golf Course Pavement Repair Final Acceptance,/Accil- )t the Got,f Course Road Paving Proiect("ON 2021-16 its complere, and auihori-x staffto pros-ced with prc).ieci closeout, and release,the retabiage hond ut)on receilw of required clearances. 8, 2021 Power Line Tree Trimming, Contract Award/ 41;ymwe an asnendment to the contract l,vith Joaquin'v 7),ve Expert Coonpapt.Y, Inc, 16r the Cit.v"s 2021 Tree Trimming Contract CON-202)-07, to increase the contracl aniount b'u,$41,400.00jor a neu,tota a l niotint not tar exCired'S166,400,00, inchuling taxes, and outhorize the , Cit v aVdnager to execute all doellanents neetled to impitment and athninister the contract e"ind to make ininor rIlodifications to the contracl, af'necessar";,,, 9, ITEM MOVED FROM 1-1 Utility Advisory Committee At Large Member Appointment 1,4ppoint Mr. Robert Kal'_/as.-to fill the Citizen-111-Large position on the L1fi1ii,v,4dvis(.)r.y Coinntittee tar fill the open Citizen-.fit-Lange posi,tion n4th a terin ending februaq 2'8, 2025. 1(Y ITEM MO. V ED FROM J-I Renewal ot'Enterprise Agreement for Microsoft Licensing and Subscriptions Approve and authorize the 0tv Alawager to, �i n th(:.�three-vear Microsoft Fnt(,,i,pii,se,,Igi-eenie,iit and approve C 9 pak'Ment to the State contracted reseller, SHIfin-the Cit"ys 2'022, 2023and 2024 Microsoft Ltiterprise licensing andsubscripi ions in the amount of,S 185,983,12 per YYear, including taxers,for a three-vear total cost of $557,94936 and to make nPinor modoications as needed. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. CEREMONIAL MAYrERS, PR0CLAMA'F10,NS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS L Indigenous Peoples" Day Mayor Dexter read a proclamation celebrating the second Monday of October as Indigenous Peoples' Day and invited I-ower Elwha Klallarn 'Tribe Chairwoman Frances Charles to speak. Chairwoman Charles thanked tile City Council for the recognition and spoke about positive changes taking place in the community relative to indigenous people, OTHER CONSIDERAI I IONS 1. Serenity House Board City Manager Nathan West introduced the agenda item and noted background information had been provided in the Council memo along with an outline of the various boards the Council sits on in addition to their roles as City Council members. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to: Add Serenity Flouse Board of Directors to the City Council Committee, Board or Commission Assignments and appoint Counciftnernber Suggs to the assignment, with an alternative member to be detennined in January. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to: 'Table the motion until the first meeting in December. The Mavor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 6-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Stormwater, Electric and Solid Waste Rates Finance Director Sarma Carrizosa presented the proposed ordinances and reminded COLUICil they WCrC before them f(,,)r a second reading along with a continuation of the public hearing. Site noted there hadn't been any changes since the first reading. Director Carrizosa reminded Council there were no changes to the rates or services, in the solid waste utility, Council diWLISSi011 followed. %%WOO Page 2 of 4 PORTANGELES ciT,N,,C0LTNC1L NIEFI"ING ---O:ctober 5, 2021 The Mayor continued the public hearing at 6:44 p.na.,hearing no public corninent,the Mayor clo+ sed the public hearing. Mallor Dexter conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title.entitled. ORDINANCE NO.3679 AN ORDINANCE of the City off'ort Angeles.Washington antending sections of Chapter 13.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to electric utility rates. ORDINANCE NO. 3680 AN ORDINAN( E of the City of Port Angeles,Washington arnending sections of Chapter 13.63 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to stormwater-utility arid regulations. It was inoved by French and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: Adopt the ordinances as read After a roll call vote,the rnotion carried 5-1 with Meyer opposed. The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6:58 p,nn.The meeting reconvened at 7:00 fi.ni� CITY COUNCIL REPOR'I'S Council member French spoke about ]its attendance at recent Lodging Tax Advisory Conunittee and Chamber of Comitterce niectings, Council ntember Schromen-Wawrin spoke about ]its attendance at the City's Audit Exit Conference. a resiliency planning meeting.,Orca Recovery Day free Planting event through the(I lallain Conservation District,the Washington 1 Low-Incoming Housing Alliance conterence,and a Washington State fran"',it Association conference, Council nierriber Suggs spoke about her attendance at the Clallarn Council Solid Waste Advisory Cornmitwe meeting. Council nieniber McCaughan spoke about his attendance at the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and Peninsula Area Public Access meetings. Council niernber Meyer said he is looking forward to the UPC(linifIg virtual Washington State Transit Association corderence along with Council niernber Schrornen-Wawrin. Mayor Dexter spoke about Peninsula College students returning to classes and spoke about attending meetings With Govemor laslev and riternbers of corrallUnity organizations who gathered to discuss Clallarn Courity Covid response. No c),ther reports were given, INt"ORMATION Manager West !spoke about the, work done by, Composite Recycling fechnology Center during his recent Nrisit, an upom-ning Planning Commission public hearing on MAKERS code work., and reminded Council ofthe upcoming budget work, session. Manager West stated there was a need for an executive session meeting. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was received. EXECUTIVE SESSION Attorney Bloor announced the Executive Session would be field under authority of RCW 41 30. 110(1)( i) to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel Writh it(,) action to follow. Attorney Bloor stated Council would meet fear approximately 15 minutes. At 7:18 p,rn- the Council Moved to the virtual Executive Session meeting room, The executive session was aqjourned 7:38. Page 3 of 4 ............. .............--- ........ ....... I ................. ............... . .............. ............. ........... [FOR TANGLITES CITY COUNCIL MEETING - October 5,, 2021 ADJOURNMENT Tire Mayor retUrned to the upen session ineeting and a4iourned the meeting at 7:40 p.rn, ............................................................ ........................... Kate De;,ter. Mayor Kari Martine?-Bailey.City Page 4 of 4