HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.686 Original Contract OCT/l0/2007/WED 12:56 AM DEX SILVERDALE FAX No, 360 698 3199 P. 002 5. LP 8l.p I ~~I ~III nlll~1111 ~II 2 & & S on: MEDIA Dex Media Customer Authorization And Summary Form - httD:/Iwww.DexOnline.com Rg;! 1 of 1 ~: Ut~ +=fe,'ic~ IMalKst Main 1 slsphone Number: Customer JD #: 360-417-4500 114717392 BUl;Ine99 l'lame; Port Angeles City Of Aaaress: 321 E 5th ST City; State: . Zip: Port Angeles WA 98362 Directory Advertising Consultant: DAC Signature: Elvir Ajanovic Directory Advertising Product PORT ANGELES.AWA pages " Issue Date '2/2007 One Time Charge Monthly Billing $292.10 Internet Produr;ts (on DexOnline.com) Search Area Contract Start Date /Contract End Date One Time Charge Monthly BUling I ACKNOWLeDGE THAT I HAVE RECEIVED A COpy OF AND READ THE DEX MEDIA, INC. ("DEX") TERMS OF AGREEMENT (THE "DE)( TERMS"). I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE DEX TERMS AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE DEX TERMS ARE INCORPORATED INTO THIS ORDER AND APPLYiO: (I) ALL ADVERTISING AND CUSTOMER LISTINGS CONTAINED IN ANY DEX PRINT DIRECTORY OR INTERNET DIRECTORY DESCRIBED IN THIS ORDER AND (II) ANY DEX SERVICE, INCLUDING THE DEX WEB CLlCKS1lr1 SERVICE, DESCRIBED IN THIS ORDER. This authorization Incorporates the Advertising and/or Service items ordered by me on the U$ociated Dex Media AdvertIsing Order. You understand and agree that (A) any initial delivery item for Print Advel11slng described on this Authorization and Summary Form Order applies to the initial distribution of the specified Print Directory only In accordancg with Dex's business practlces and (B) the total charge for such initi ellvery Print Advertising item will be billed equally over a fixed consecutive twelve (12) month period. Authorized Customer Signature ~ G t..~^-' A. c v 1'~ Print Authorized Signature .k Vin.~1lJ1'l- ?../~c.., ~ Lv..,AltJ CUotomerTitle ~ Vf'7 V)"" E:r >- 101 '2..} 07 Signature Date w~ ~b~ ~. aJ.~i5,o ~ l. ~ hu.tk ~ ~ e<-+ ~~ ~ow 6'fB-JICf'f -/-b ~~(M r-en.~\. -rha..(a-; e,,~ If{ B3ge 1 of 1 IIII ]111 jl~ III1 ~1~,lllllllll~IIJm I 11111101/1_1111 ~JmJII '1,~lllnl ~IJ ~llglll~1 pi ~111111~~IIIIIJ~UJ~IJ~ III ~ WIrJ!Jtml I.1= ~ lO/0912f1J7 ~? lob OCT/l0/2007/WED 12:56 AM DEX SILVERDALE FAX No. 360 698 3199 P. 003 TERMS OF AGREEMeNT "You'or 'your" refers to you the advertISer, yo~r SUCC8saors snd assigns ancl"we." 'us; "our" or "Publisher" refers to Dex Media, Ino.. publlsh~r otthe DeltGl)YellowPag8ll. These terms and conditlons ami your advertiSing order ('Order") are' the entire agreement tlEltwe911 yOu and us ("Agreement') with re:lpecl to the Ads and SeMCIIS. 1. Order. These IeImS and eond/don$ COV1lr the foIowtng produc:Is and services IIsllld on yaurOrcler: (1) adWl1iSina and rlStinaB t1Prlnt. as \WI at mint din.ctorv atlveltSlna and DSMas that an! renllca1eq Q1 CD-ROM. the internet. or in 11\ eouivalent classified dlrectOlV (eoIlactivelv "Ada" \, 'and /2) olher procM:Il; 11m seMces. irlclUdina Without IimiIation I~, oroduc:ts IIncI selVicea /coIlectivelv "services"}. Any directory in which 811 Ad lIppeal'$ls I'GfeMld to Bl!I e PublicBtIon. 2. NOIiCelHow To Contact U:J, All notices. Indudlng cancellafion notices to us, must b9 inwritino and mailed by U.S. man or overnight carrier to: Dex Media, Inc.. P.O. Box 3900, Peorla, IL 61614. For questions or ooncems abQut this Order. please conlllct us at the tOlI-tr09 number for our Cllijtomer eare Cenler on your bDI or at 1-B00.422-1234. S. OanceIIadOlVAutomatic Renewal. To csncel .M Ad other man Iislirllls;. your notice mLIBt ~e IrJ wrltlno and received bv us at leaetthlrtv (30) daVll betore the Ba!ea clo86 date 01 the PubllcaUon Ilsled on the Onler. To cancelli Service. vour naltce must be In wtilina and rllceived bv us 8\ least thirtv (301 dew before the start dais 01 the Service listed on your Order We may aUTomallcally renew your Ads and Services listed on lhis Ortler for Succe351ve Terms unl9$& you notily 1.1& In wI11lng al,least thirty {SO} days before: (1) the sales ClOse date of the next Issue of the Publlcallon for AI;Is or (2) the annM/tsary 01 the sUin date of your ServICes. The sales close <late for eaCll Publication and !he elan date of your Servioe are avenallle from your sales repre&e1\lative or by calling our Cuslomsr Care Center. The oost of any renewed Ad Or SElfVice will be our 'lhen-curnmt standard publisl1ed rate, (unl8S$ we agree in writing to a different rate at that time); We CIlnnot canClll any listings in print, CD-ROM, Internet or equivalent claaslfled directories. 4. ARBITRATION. ANY ,ClAIM, CONTROVERSY OR DISPUTE lNAT ARISES UNDER OR ~ELATES TO ANY NJ OR SERVICe. INCLUDING OMISSIONS, AD PLACEMENT CONCERNS, ACCIDENTAL INCLUSiONs OF PHONE NUMB~ OR ANY OTHER ISSUES ARISING ONDER THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT (OTHER THAN CLAIMS WE MAY HAVE TO CO~ AMOUNTS You OWE US) SHALL BE RESOLVED BY BINDING ARBITRAllON IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FEDERAL ARBIlRAllON ACT, 9 U.S.c. 1-15 AN!) SHAU BE CONDUCTED UNDER THE COMMERCIAL RULES OF TtUi! AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOClAllON. THE ARBITRATION SHALL OCCUR 'IN THE STATE IN WHICH SUCH AD OR ~VICE 18 PROVIDED UNLESS WE BllUTUALL.Y AGREE TO ANOTHER LOCAllON. THE ARBITRATOR SHAll API'I.Y THE SUBSTANTIVE LAW Or NORTH CAROUNA AND SHALL lIMfT ANY REMEDIES TO THOSE PROVIDED IN THIS AGRliEMENT, INCLUDING SECTION Ij 'J1TLI:D "LlMlTATlON OF'LIABILITY: ANY PARTY WHO SUCCESSFULLY IilNFORCES THIS PROVISION IN COURT IS ENTITLED TO RECOVER ATTORNEY'SFEES AND COSTS SPI:NTTO DO 50. 6. UMITAllON OF LIABIUTV. YOU AGRee 'To REVIEW THE ADS OR $ERVICf!S AND OTHER CONTENT IMMEDIA"~L Y AFTER THEIR PUBl.lCATlON AND TO NOTIFY US IN WAITING Of" ANY ERRORS NO LATER THAN SIXTY DAYS 'AFTER HiE ERROR IS FIRST PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED. IF YOU FAIL TO PO SO, YOU WILL BE DEEMED TO HAve WAIVED ANY CLAIMS YOU MAY HAVE. YOU ALSO UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT ERRORS MAY OCCUR IN THE PROVISION OF AN AD OR SERVICE. ONCE' A PRINT PUBLICATION IS PUBU$HED, IT IS PROHI6fT1VEL Y EXPENSIVE TO CORRECT AN ERROR IN THAT ISSUE OF THE PUBLICATION. YOU EXPAESSLYWAIVE ANY RIGHT TO SUCH RE-PUBLlCATION. THE PRICE YOU ARE PAYING FOR THE ADS OR SERVIces ASSUMES THE ENFORCEABILITY OF THIS LIMITATION OF UABILITY PROVISION AND REru=C'rS A REASONABLE AI.I..OCATION Of' RISK BETWEEN Us. IF AN ERROR OCCURS THAT SUeSTAN'TIALLY DIMINISHES THE VALUE OF AN AD OR SERVICE, YOU AGREE THAT THE ERROR ONLY AFFECTS THE VALUE OF THE INDIVIDI:JAL .AD OR SERVICE IN WHICH THE ERROR OCCURRED AND IN NO WAY AFFECTS YOUR PAYMENT OBLIGATION FOR, ANY OTHER ADS OR SERVICES (EVEN IF THE PRICE FOR THAT AD OR SERVlCE IS "BUNDLED' OR COMBINED WITH OTHER PRODUCTS). YOU AGREE THAT WE SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY ADS OR SERVICES PAOVIDED 10 YOU AT NO COST OR rOR ANY ERRORS CAUSED BY YOUR TELEPHONE, INTERNET, OTHER SE;AVICE PROVIDERS OR THIRD PARTIES. FOR SERVICES, YOU AGREE THAT YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY IS FOR US TO CORRECT THE ERROR PROMPTLY AFTER RECEIVING YOUR WRITTEN NOllCE. FOR PRINT ADS YOU Al3REE THAT YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY F"OR ANY ERROR SHAll. Nor EXCEED tHE FOLLOWING DISCOUNT ON THE' PRICE FOR tHAT INDIVIDUAL AD: ~ MAX DISCOUNT Ad Let! Out 01 PubrlC8lion 100% Businesa'Number Incorrect up to 100% (prorated based on how many numbers ara In the Aa) Business Name Omitted up to 50"0, ' BusinllSS Name Incorrect up to 25'Yo Address Incorrect up to 25% Placement'P05ltlon of prInt ad up to 25% WITHOUT LIMITING THE ABOVE. THE TOTAL AGGREGATE UABILITY FOR US AND ANY THIRD PARrY FOR ERRORS IN THE ADS OR SERVICES. NEGLIGENCE OR O'THER BREACHES OF THIS AGREEMEN'I' ARE LIMITED TO. AND SHAll. IN NO EVENT EXCal!p, THE AMOUNT YOU AGREED TO PAY FOR THE AD OR SEAVlCE GIVING RISE 1Q THE LIABILITY. WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR SPECIAL DAMAGES. INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION. CONSEaUENTIAL DAMAOES, EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR DAMAGES FOFt HARM TO BUSINESS OR LOST REVENUES, PROFITS ,OR GOODWlLL, WHETHER THE CLAIM IS BASED 0lIl NEGLIGENCE, BREACH OF CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STRICT UABILITY, A STATUTE, TORT OR ANY OiHER THEORY OF RECOVERY, evEN IF YOU OR WE; KNEW SUCH DAMAGES COULD AESUI.T. THIS LIMITATION SHALL APPLY, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENllAL PURPOSE UNDER OUR CONTRACT. WE ARE ALSO NOT LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAOES ARISING FROM ACTS OF GOD OR EVENTS OUTSIDE OF OUR REASONABLE CONTROL. . Il. ~k:e PI'OVider&. You agr8llthllt we may use !hll'll parties to provide the Ads and ServiceS listed on the Order ("SeNlee PrO\llders"). In 6lIch caBe. the Service Providers are thlrd.party beneficiaries 01 these lerma and condltlons (Includlng, without Omltatlon, Sections 5, 14 and 19) and they or we may enforce them agalnst 'you In tnelr namQ or ours. Additional lVrme and condlllons IllltWeen you ana the l>e1\'lCe Provfder are not enfOlQftble by you against us but Shall control your relationship with the Service Provider \0 the' extent lll9y cOnlliot With thll8e terma. We do not guarantee the ,Identity at the Service Providers we will use to IuIlJU your ;Il,ds and SelVlces. Your Order lor Ads and Services Is subject to technical limItations; ana availability. We dO not warranl that 1I1est Ada' and Services will be 'availabla, unlrltlllTllPte<l, or error.free. We will f.9gieler, own and maintain any URL, Web alte or domain that we ptOvide. II you requeet'ue to use your e~tlng domalo. you agree to lranbtllr m&nllgemem 01 the domain 10 a registrar or hosting service we designBta. 7. Paym4lntTllm1Il., We may requll9 adVElnce payment In full pnor to providing any Ads ot Services listed on the Order, and you aUlhorite IIl!I 10 review your oredlt history. Payment. inclUding lalle:!;. is, due upon r'eceipl of the bill. Payments received more than thirty (30) day& altar the billing date will Incur intere&! charges at the lossllr or 1_5~. per month or the maxlmum legal rate. This InterHt Charge is calculated ,from the blRlng date. We may apply paymenlli frern you, or monies owed to you, toward amounts owed under this Agreement or any other agreement you haveWllh LIS. 8. No Umltlng EndaISlllllllnt&. You agree not to Include any umillng endolll8ment on a ch8Cl< or other form of payment. We may caSl'l a check containing 1\ IImltfng endorsement Without affectIng, your obligations or our rights. 9. Rernedlea. If you or ycur affiliates fBiJ to meet any obligation under 1I1ill Agreement or any other agreement with ue, tanto make a payment when due or make any reprss8nlBtion' or warranty that Is or DeCOm9G untrue, we may, without notice: Q) Del;lare the remaining balance owed under !hill Order immediately due and payable; (0) SlOp pUblishing the Ada or providing Services: (m) Rllttoactively revoke any dlSCOunls under this Order' or any other agreement With uS; Qv) Recover our coals in pursuing the remedies proVided In this; Order, inClutWng collection agency and IItto/lleys' tees: and (v) PUr&Ue any other aVElIJable legal or equitable nlIIl9dlslJ_ 10. Content am Publloallon. We r9Gerve the &ols right 10 determine Ihe design. content, size, geographiC COYllRlge and appearance of our Publications and olher Services and how, where, how many and When they are publishe(l, provided, l'9ibBllBd and diaplayed. 'We may mOdlTy or reject Ada or Servfoes or any portiOn of their oontent at any time and for any ra8llOrJ (even If previOUSly approved). If rejected, we will. as our sole obllgatlon. refund any advance paymenlB for that Ad or Service. You agree that we may, at our discrelion and at 1'10 extra cost to you. also pub6Bh or display your AdS. SlltViC9s or InIOrl!lllllon about your bUSiness in , other Publications, promotiOnal materials ,and other Intemet media. 11. T..". Subjecl to automatic renawal as detlned In Sed'iOn 3. the initial !ann 01 I\n Ad under this Order COvers one issue of an annual PUbncaUOn or two issues of a ,emlannualPUIllication. For Services, the Inlllal term Is one year from When we provide the Service, or Be otherwise agreed to on the Order. Charges Sn! IICII pl'lWilt9d: I you ClUlC@I In ~ Of ServIce or \\8 8uauend 11\ Ad or Servlee b' a br'*h ~ lrI obdaalOn, YOU m1J8t !IIII DBV a- !till Ad or service untillhe end II the Isrm. We ITlllY extel1ll or reduce by up to six months the lss1Je pMIOd of a PubliCllllon. II the Issue perlod of a PLtJlicalion ie eJltended, oharges for 1I1e Ads will contlnue through the eld~ed period. II !he Issue pelloc:J Is reduced. chargBB will atop at the end of the r8ducad period. 12. Ad and ServlCt!l Placemant Except ftt QU8rll1\fUd Dhlcemont ,SIlrVIcI!S. \\8 cb rIClI: GUarantee lllO PI;lclllflllnlfllOlllllon tlsnv Ad. &!!lVloe or ll1Il9I' oontenl en ~nv DBa. headino llI' Web aiw and WiR nol provide BfIY adju81ll1ents on Claims relatlng to pl~oement lor ads In Internet <llreclOrills o'r Servioes. We reserve the right to determine In our sole discretion the placementlposlllon at any Ad or other content aCCOrding to our then-current placement policy. Thll p~r;:I1ment(posltlon of an Revised July 2007 OCT/10/2007/WED 12:57 AM DEX SILVERDALE " ,~,.: FAX.No.360 6983199 P.004 'Ad or ollter content mllY be altered bY Service Provldel'8, third-i)Brty search engines or trle structure or operation of the intemet.,. Af'IY p~cement adjustment in Section 5 applieS only to Ada In prim .directories. Our ac<::eptaroe of an OrQ\lr for any Ilmite<l Inventory products 13uoh 118 covers. tabs, Illes and banners Is subject to,availability of that product 13. SI1arch engine Senlice. II you ordered a search engine SeTVice ('Clicks Service') we will bill you In equal monthly Inslallments dut1ng the Tenn, except as olherwlse provided in the Orde.. We will continue to fulfill your Clicks Service ror the contracted numDer 01 clicks, Call!;, search or other, !ICllons (an . Action") Or unlll your budget is eltMusted. We do not guarantee thli':ilJerititY 01 lhe eearch englne(e) or OIMr vendors we wlU ue8 10 lulflll your Clicks Service. We anefl1llt to provide the' total number 01 Acllons evenly throughout the Term; however, there Is no guarantee that we will do eo. 11 you dlsablEl your Web slte or otherwise impair our aDlhty 10 complete the Actions, you still owe us lor the enllre Term. 14. Watranties. You represent and Wllrrant lt1at you have (a) authonzed the person signing Ihls Order to Sign it on your behllll: (b) lt1e right to use llnd lioer'lSEI all .conlent sppearlng In your Ads or ServlC9& ~ncluding, without limItation, all text, drswfngs, photoe. alollQllll, milnes, trade names, ccpyrlghtll, lTademarke, deslgns, domain Jlamee Bnd links); (c) all profassional IIc6nses, degrees or specialties appeal1ng In your ~ or SelVlcee Ilnd that the Ads or services Comply With the regulaticns lor your bUSlnesslprofl/sslon; (d) met llll govemmental I~nsing reql,lirsmllnts for the business advertisCld and trial your Ads or Services comply WIth all applicable laWS, orders, codes and regulaliOl16. 'including but not limited to laws goveming inteme! advemSlng~ (e) not made any ~ee or misleading Claims In the Ads or Services; (f) no! requested Ads or SelVl~ for any unlawful purpose or business; (ll) not violated any legal or contractual obligation by publishing tile, Ads or Serviess; ,and (h) that you WRl De SOlelY responsible for any transactions Inltlated through any Web aile to whiOh your SelVice IInK$ (inCluding any apPtlCallle taxes, fees or shlppfno and handling charges). You will notify us invnediatelv in wrltina if am of the above become, lnaccu rate. 15. DISCLAIMERS. YOU ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBIUTY F:OR YOUR use OF THE INTERNET AND AGREE TO ACCESS TI-l~ SAME AT YOUR OWN RISK. WE MAKE NO REiPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES AND DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES OF ME:RCHANTABlUTY. FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 11TlE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. WITH RESPECT TO TMe INTERNET, AND THE SERVICES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SOFTWARE PROVIDED BY 'OR THROUGH us: 16., AclIIertIslng Content ~ InteUf!CtuBt Property RlgIlls. AU tan9\l:lIQ and In'angltlle worn, 01 any kind (including, without limitation~ text, graphICS, anwoll<, mape, photographs, layouts, fonls. recordlngs, source code; object code and other content, in whatevBl' 10rm or mMIa) developed or pro<:urecl by ue in c:onnection wlth any Ads or Sirvio" will be our sole ana eXClUSIVe propeny, except for. ~) your "CUstomer Content,' which means content you provide to us and (II) "Third-Party Content. which means content we Iloen,e from II thirdPEI!\Y. You 9rl\flt LIll II perpBlual, royally-free, eub-licenl:a1:lle, non-exctuslve right and license to use, copy, record, modify, dieplllY, publish and distnbule (In any 101m or media) your Customer Content In connection with the Ads, Services and promotional matenals. Use 01 Thlrd'Pany Content f, 5Ublect to all terms and conditions imposad by the provider of such content You lire solely respon:llble for all CUstomer Content and will proouce and deliver all Customer content In accol'danca With our thsn-current guldellnee, procetluree, il/ld technical requirem!lnm, whioh we may change from lime to time. If you fall to comply, we may cancel or suspend your Ads or Services. BecQuse 01 the massIve volume 01 Internet da,a, .we expressly 'disclaim any obligaUon to monltor Web sIte content WE WILL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY CUSTOMER CONTENT OR THIRD-PARTY CONTENT INCLUDED IN ANY ADS OR SERVICES OR FOR YOUR ACTIONS OR THOSE OF ANY TI-lIRD PARTY RELATED TO THE ADS OR SERVICES. You are solely rltSpooslble [Q register and protecl any cOp'/flghtll or o\h~r IntelleClUal property ('lll\ts you have in your. Customer 'COntent. II we prepare an Ad or Service, you acknowledge lI1at the Ad or S!lrvioe ia nOt a work lOr hire and that we (a) are the lluttlor of the Ad or Service: (b) retain \/tIe 10 lIB copyright and any refated moral rights; and (e) have no employment rellltlonshlp with you. You grant Ut;l penni9Bion [Q colleot inlonnation relatCld 10 the usage andlor eftect/veneee of ,any Service we provida to yov; inolu\ling without limitation call counts. search engine clicks, Web slle vlsllS, and emall counts ('Usage Information'). We own all Usage Information. and we may uSE! the Usage Informatton forresearoh and prcmotionel PUrpoaElS. 17. Aoceplllble Use Policy for Services I Copyright Complaints. A. You agree not 10 use lt1e Services to, lIend mass ullliolicitad e-mail 'orspam to third panles or 10 e~ in any illegal, tOrtiOU6. diSruptl'Ie or abUsiVe activity. 'Wo encourage you to report violations by o'hera 01 this Section to uS at: R.H. Donnelley, legal Department. '001 Winstead Drive. Cary. North Carotina 27513. including In any such report t~ name of the offending domain (lor example. ltyZ.com) aM thQ type ot alluSEI (lor example, spam, lIIegal acta, hal'BSBment, etc.). B. To repon an alleged copyright violation. you may send a notice that complies with ~he terms end conditions 01 the Digital Milennlum Copyright Act ("DMCA") to: DMCA Notices Anent/on: R.H. Donnelley~pyrightComplianoeAttomey. 1001 Winstead Ot1ve. Cary. North Carolina 27513. For more Information about the DMCA please vlsll htlp:l/copyrlghtgov. If. we leaM of a VIolation we may. In our eela di&cI9IiOn. taKe any of me followlng actions: (i) iseue a waming; (10 suspend or terminate the ServiCes: (Ill) Impose additional feae or ctlarges; (iV) rllMOve the offending content: Or (v) taKe any other action we deem rae&onable and allowea by law. We re:lerve the right to cooperat& WIth any ttllrd-party Inveet/gallons of Qlleggd illegal or Improper activity related to \he Sllrvioes. We Specltlc:ally reserve the t1ght to revise or 'reject \lilY Cuslomor Contenl' at any time for any I'1lIIIson am may monitor any communtcations using networ~ facUlties. This Includell efforts to prevenl the Introduction 01 \'iruses or other hostile oode or to 9IlsurQ co~lIanoe wittl taws and our guIdelines, procedures and technical requirements. 18. pmofa. We do not guarantee that 'We will pltlVide you advance copy sheels or proofa 01 your Adti or ServICes. However. If they are providad in URlO for modfficatlons. you mu,t notify us in wfiling immediately of "any changes/errors. Otherwise. we wDl PUbliSh me Ad or Service as ehown and no adjustment will be made, Note that oolors. photos, typEl1aoo or graphics may appear differently in the Actual PUblication or Service. ' 19. INDEMIIlI...CATlON. YOU AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD US AND ANY THIRD PARTY HARMLESS PAOM ANY LIABilITY OR COSTS. INCLUDING. WITHOUT LIMITATION. COUNSEL FEES AIIID EXPENSES, RESULT1NG FROM (A) ANY BREACH OF YOUR REPRESl:JtrA'fIONS; WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS: (8) ANY ACT, OMISSION OR FAULT OF YOU OR YOUR EMPLOYEES. AGENTS OR CONTRACTORS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ADS OR SeRVICES; (C) ANY CLAIM THAT THE: ClJS'TOME:R CONTENT OR OTHER INFORMATION PROVIDES BY YOU VIOLATES ANY APPUCABLe LAW (INCLUDING, WITHOUT L1MITAilON. FALSE ADVI;;RT1SING OR DEFAMATION) OR INFRINGES UPON A PATENT, COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARK, TRADE SECRET OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OR PROPRIETARY RIGHT or ANY THfRD PARTY; (0) YOUR COLLECTION OR USE OF ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED THRouaH YOUR ADS OR SERVICES; (E) ANY VIRUSES OR OTHER SIMILARLY HARMFUl. CODE CONTAINED IN CUSTOMER CONTENT OR OTHERWlSE INCLUOf:D BY YOU IN CONNEGTION WITH THE AO OR SERVICE OR (F) A~ VIOLA110N OF THIS AGREEMENT. 20. Sevenlbility. It any ,proVIsIon 01 this Order Is found to be invalid. vague or unenloll:eable, \he validity and enforceabIlity 01 tile rellll\lning provision; Shall not be llffected. Any vague or ambigllous language shall not be PI'e8\1mptiv81y coostrued agaInst either of us end shall 'be construed to be consistent with the primary purpose of It1Is Order as expreesed in its remaining terms. 21. A&6lgnmllllt. You may not assign any of your rlghl& or obligations WithoUt our prior written consent; provided, hOwever. that BUch consent shall not b9 required in connection with the sale 01 all your asselS or "shares of Capital lIIock Or other ownel6hlp lntareats (eo long as you proVide wl1tten' notloe 01 such sale to us). In Ihe event of any asstgnment allowed by the, pracedlng sentence: (Q this Agreement Shalf be Dlndlng upon your lIIWIgr1ee and (ii) bOlh you and your assignee 5hllll be jointly and severally H8l:>1e for the llmely performance of your obllgatlons (oole55 we exprell5ly consent in WI'itlng to release you from such Obligations). We shall have t~ t1ght, In the exercise of our sole discretIOn. [Q assign our MghtS and obligallons under this Agreement. Z2. I;ntIre Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement belWel;ln you and us and ~per.sede:l llR prtor Illlreements, wl\&ther elq)ress or implied, wrlIten . or oral, with respect to the Ads and SeTVice!l. Thia Agreement may not be 'llmerx;led nor may any obngatiOns De waJ\t9a. except In wrltlng signed by you and us. 011' sales represef1lldlvp are not authorizlld to amanCllhlS AgrMmtIIt. You warranl lhat you are not relYing on any or./ or written repreaentations or promises not included in this Agreement. f:xcept a, "provided in Sectioaa S, 6, 14, llRd 19 alloy$, nothing in this' Agreament 611311 be construed to create any rights, obligations or interestB for any third party. This Ag,eamonl aoes not create a pannet'Shlp. lalnt venture or a similar relationship bstween you and us and nllllh8r you nor we shan have the power to obUgate the other In any other manner other than \\!hal Is provided in this Agreement.. SectloM 4. li. 6, 7. 14. 1$, 1!l 8IlII 22 and any olhar p1QvIslm lrunded by iI9 conIent 1MI IiWVlve tIIInninllllon 01' canceIlllllon Ii tiI Ag~ent . 23. .GoV8tlIing Law. II the above arbltratlOn provlaion Is lor' any reason unenforceable., you agree that thl$ Agreement' and lis terms and oonditions shall be governed by the lawa of the State 'of North Caro~na withOUt r&ference 10 1M laws relallng to confllCls of laws. 24. MiscallallllOUl;. YOU actmowledge and agree ,hat WE! and our afllliates, llub-lloen!l!es and business partners may, In accordance with applloable law, share Inlorrnatlon provlded by ycu or contact you Oncluding by. but not limited to. facsimile or electronic mah communIcation) regarding any' Publieslio~, Ada or SarvlCllll we may,olfar. You agree tl1at telephone conwl'8atlons between you and us may be monitored and ~rded. 25. ~ Acceptance. lfavell~b1e, you may accept this Order by 'electronic signature In accordance wlth our approved fonnal Your compliance WIth acceptanoe procedures epeclfled on our Web lIita shall be deemed a signature pursuant to the !:lllctronlc SIgnature. In Global and National Commatee Act. RevISed .July ZOf11