HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 02/01/2022 C'ITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles,, Washington February 1, 2022 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Dexter called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at,5:30 p.m. Members Prew-nv May(-,or Dexter, Deputy May(v Meyer, Council members Carr, French, McCaughan, Schrornen- Wawrin and Suggs. Members Absent'. None Staff Presenr: City Manager West, Attorney Bloor,A. Fountain,T, Hunter and Clerk Martinez-Bailey. EXECUFIVE SESSION Based on information front City Attorney William Bloor, Mayor Dexter announced the need for an executive session. City Attorney Bloor stated the executive session would be held under RCW 4134),11 0(l)(i) to discuss potential litigation ixith legal counsel. Council moved to a separate virtual meeting room for approximately 28 minutes. "rhe executive session convened at 5:3 1 p,in. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the Special Meeting at 600 p.m. CALL TO ORDER-REGULNR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 600 p.m. ROLL, GkLL Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Meyer,Council members Carr, French, McCaughan,Schromen- Wawrin anti Suggs. Members,absent: None Staff Presenc City Manager West, Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bruley,C. Delikat,K. Dubuc, B. Smith, E. Bolin,T. Hunter,and S. Carrizosa. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CERE,NIONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS L Scooter Chapman Proclamation The Mayor read a proclarriation in recognition of' Scooter Chapman. The Proclamation included information about his background as a KONP Radio broadcaster and sportscaster for 70 years and as advocate for the local youth. OTHER CON TIDE TIt DNS 1. Representative Derek Kilmer Representative Kilmer spoke about significant investments in infrastructure, transit, and improvernents to internet access. Fle also spoke to the importance of businesses, housing, schools and health care, Representative Kilmer offered Council the opportunity to ask questions and spent time answering each question. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was received. PORTANG F"'LE'S CH Y COUNCII MUTING — February 1, 2022 The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6-55 p-m. The meeting reconvened at 7J)0 P.M OTHER CONSIDERATIONS CONTINUED 2. Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship North Peninsula Prograin Director and Business Advisor Rick Dickinson began the presentation arid explained (lie work that they do to assist entrepreneurs. Attending alongside Mr. Dickinson was Executive Director Mike Skiriner. Western Regional Manager for the Washington Small Business J)eNrelopnlent Centers Steve Burke,Certified Business Advisor Kristina [-lines, and Business Resiliency Specialist Micall Janet. Manager Burke spoke abOUt funding, and flow it gets dispersed to those in need, Advisor [lities spoke about the comnections between Center for Inclusive [Entrepreneurship and Washington State"s Sinall Business Development Center and spoke about an increase in clients seeking assistance with their business, LATE [TEMS TO BE PLACED ONTHIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS City Manager Nathan West added Stq)port of the Count.y CUP Reconnnendalion to Dettv the Pro P Solid, Waste Trairsfi'r Slalion to the agenda as item 1-3 under Other Considerations. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to approve(lie Consent Agenda to include: I. City Council Minutes of December 21, 2021 /Approve 2, Expenditure Report: F'rom Januar,V 8, 2022 u,)Janum�y 21, 2022 in the amount of S1,992,202,43/Approve 3. Ranney Well Generator Replacement W'1'022O -Final Acceptance/,4ccept the Ranne'v TVell Generator Rtqdacement, Pro 4,,,t No. [VT0220 as coenpleie, authorize sutf Ve f'ro proce(,d�vith projet"t closeout, and release the retainage upon re(edit i.,)f'all required clearanct v 4. Facility Use Agreement - Feiro Marine Life Center/ Approve and authorize the ChY dVanager to sign as 5-'vear Facifliv Use Agreement with the f7eiro Marine Li/e Center and make minor niodfic� ations to the agreement, IleCeSSCUT The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC ]HEARINGS 1. City of Port Angeles Intent to Join House America Community and Economic Development Interim Director Flunia Bolin spoke about the agenda itent and provided inforniation and background on the matter, She spoke about how the housing and rehousing goals align with the City's Strategic Plan, Interim Director Bolin added additional information on flow the goals would also align with the new Housing Coordinator position. Mayor Dexter read the resolution by title,entitled„ RESOLUTION NO.04-22 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,approving the House America Program. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to: Pass the resolution as read. 'rhe Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 7-0. 2. American Rescue Plan Act Funding Approval and Subrecipient Agreement with Shore Metro Park District City Manager Nathan West presented the agenda item and spoke about a lasting impact frorn the pandernic being the ability of families in Port Angeles to obtain and afford childcare. He said staff recommend Council. Support using AAA funding for childcare, e6orts that would promote safe and affordable options for families through the Shore Metro Park District, Page 2 oF4 PORT ANGELES ("ITYCOUNCIL, MEEI IN6— February 1, 2022 Mayor Dexter read the resin lution by title,entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 05-22 A R[SOLUI 10N of the City Council ofthe('iLy of Pon Angeles.Washington.approving Banding frain the American Rescue Plan Act (AI PA) for reimbursement to the City for pandemic related expenses incurred in responding to C()V1 D. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to: Pass the Resolution apprf,.)ving funding for the Shore Metro,Park District in the amount of$98,700 and approve and aulltorize the City Manager to sign the ARPA Subrecipiern Agreement and complete final negotiations on Attachment D with Shore Metro Park District and to make minor modifications to the agreement as necessary. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the,motion carried 7-0. OTHER C ONSIDE RNrIONS CONTINUED Manager West provided infonnation,on the late agenda Kenn and spoke about the impacts to the community, Manager West spoke about the upcoming public hearing and provided his recommendation. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs,to- Regarding the permit application for a CUP that would allow construction of a new solid waste transfer station in, Carlsborg, the City support the Clallani County DC`D's recommendation that the permit application be denied, mid that the City Manager is hereby authorized to file on for and behalf'of the City all such pleadings, statements of position, appeals, declarations,or other documents necessary to oppose the CUP application and its related elements and components. The Mayor asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 7-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council member Carr provided a North Olympic Development Council update. COLVICil member French stated he will provide updates at the next meeting,since he will have a full report to share at that time. Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about COVID,Climate Resiliency Multi-Criteria Analysis Approach document,and short-term vacation rentals, Council member Suggs spoke about a Peninsula Behavioral Health meeting,a MRSC meeting,clean up on Ed Hook, and the growing green crab infestation, Council member McCaughan provided an update on a Shore Aquatic Center meeting and some staffing challenges the organization is facing, spoke about the fire at Castaways, and his upeomingy,retirement. Deputy Mayor Meyer shared updates on a Clallani"'Fransit System meeting and provided information relative to his first Chamber Board meeting. Mayor Dexter spoke about Utility Advisory Committee discussions regarding utilities and spoke about the "Association of Washington Cities City Action Days conference. No other reports were given. INFORMATION Manager West spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and the Association of Washington Cities City Action Days event. SECOND PUBLIC CONINIENT Gayle Brauner,city resident,spoke about her safety concerns at the Safeway store,located at I l0lEast 311 Street. Page 3 of 4 PORT ANGFLFS CITY COLNCIL, MFF,r'IN(..i — February 1, 2022 EXECUTIVE SESSION The Mayor stated there was a need for executive session. Attorney Bk.wr announced the Executive Session would be held under authority of R(I'W 42, 3,0. 11 Olt I)( i) to discuss potential Litigation with legal counsel with nu action to follow. Attorney Bloor stated Council would meet for approximately 20 minutes'. At 8:44 pmi- the ouncil moved to the virtual Executive,Session meeting room, The executive session was adjourned at 9:(W ADJOURNN'IENI' Mayor Dexter adjOLII-ned the meeting at 9-00 p,jn, Kate Dexter, Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey,C'ity Clerk, Page 4 of 4